Latent coloring - challenge the dullness and monotony

Hair dyeing at home can turn out to be quite unexpected as a result, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of world-renowned colorists - Sharon Dorram and Kelly Van Gogh. Knowing the basic secrets, you can easily choose the desired shade and look stunning.

Sharon Dorram, who has created amazing and harmonious looks for Julia Roberts, Kate Hudson and Nicole Kidman, advises choosing the tone of the dye depending on the natural hair color. If it belongs to a warm color scheme, like Emma Stone's, then there are practically no restrictions, however, when choosing, you should take into account your color type and skin tone. It is best to consult with your stylist before buying a coloring composition - he will help you choose the optimal shade.

Be realistic - just as Rome was not built overnight, so a dramatic color change can turn into a surprise on the first try, manifesting itself in an unexpected coppery, yellowish hue. It is much better to gradually change the color of the hair, using dye compositions 1-2 shades darker or lighter, as Camilla Belle did.

If you are not sure that a cardinal color change (usually 3 tones are already considered a fairly cardinal color change) will suit you, try on a wig as close as possible to the selected shade of color. This is exactly what Amanda Seyfried does before dyeing her hair - her image is always flawless.

Buy hair dye "with a margin" - the required amount of the dye composition is determined by the length, thickness and thickness of the hair, and it is much better if a little dye remains than in the midst of the process it turns out that you urgently need to run for an additional bottle. If your hair is like Miley Cyrus, you should be guided by 3 standard bottles of hair dye.

Find a formula that works best for you. For example, mousse-shaped hair dyes are more suitable for women with sensitive skin - they are easy to apply to the hair, have a soft texture and do not spread. Curly and artificially curled hair is best dyed with products with a more liquid or gel consistency. Dyes with a creamy texture provide a more reliable and high-quality distribution of the composition over thick or coarse hair.

Avoid using the pool 2 weeks before coloring and 2 weeks after. Chlorine, which is used in a fairly large amount as a disinfectant and cleaner in most modern swimming pools, helps to wash out the coloring pigment, as it opens the hair scales, and fills the hollow areas of the hair with mineral compounds that are immune to the pigment.

Rihanna's colorist Ursula Stephens advises to choose a color slightly lighter than desired for the first dyeing - as practice shows, in reality, the tone turns out to be darker and more saturated than indicated on the package.

The dye composition better adheres to somewhat dirty hair, in addition, natural oils produced by the sebaceous glands minimize the risk of irritation from using hair dye. colorist James Corbett advises not to wash your hair for 1-2 days before dyeing.

Pay attention to the composition of your shampoo and conditioner - they should be free of sulfates, as these compounds tend to dull hair color. It is also advisable to abandon the use of shampoo with silicone additives.

Buy a product to restore the structure of colored hair. Coloring, even if you just go back to your natural color, is stressful for the hair, caused by chemical exposure. At least once a week, pamper your hair with nourishing and revitalizing masks - they will give curls elasticity, silkiness and healthy shine. Celebrity colorist Tracey Cunningham considers Redken brand products to be the best value for money.

The cold season has passed and soon we will take off our hats, which means it’s time to think in what color and image we would like to meet the new warm season. Of course, not everyone can afford radical changes.

There are many reasons for this:

  • fear of trying something new (what if it doesn't work)
  • young age
  • strict dress code at work.

Therefore, it's great that in such a case, hairdressers-stylists have a way out of the situation. This is latent coloration.

What is latent staining?

Latent coloring refers to block types. This means that the strands for coloring stand out large, in blocks and are painted over in the chosen color (most often bright not natural). The choice of the location of these blocks, in the case of latent staining, falls on the occipital and temporal zones. This is necessary so that most of the hair from the upper zone of the crown overlaps the colored strands, hiding them under the mass of hair.



Popular hidden dyeing types

There are not many ways to dye your hair in bright colors, while clearly not betraying their presence. Most popular now:

  • rainbow coloration
  • hidden streak hair coloring
  • hidden color ombre

Rainbow coloring

What is meant by rainbow coloring is already clear from the name. For this staining, the lower occipital zone is selected (parting is performed from ear to ear). (for more vivid color reproduction) and tinted in colors similar to the colors of the rainbow. Today, this staining is experiencing a rebirth. It is not costly, adults also choose it for the summer period.

@ _j.koy_



Hidden streak hair dyeing (one color or several)

Strands on the temporal zones and on the occipital zones can participate in hidden streak hair dyeing. To do this, the mass of hair is divided by a horizontal parting through the entire perimeter, highlighting the crown and parietal zones (they will not be involved in coloring). The remaining hair of the temporal and occipital zone is disassembled into strands (there are many schemes and variations) and dyed in one or more colors. You can also select only one area (at the temple or the back of the head) - you get a bright minimalistic accent. Variable coloring, it all depends on the imagination and skills of the dye.



Hidden color ombre

Everyone is used to thinking that ombre is a transition from natural color to some other. In fact, everything can be much more interesting, including the hidden ombre. Different zones for staining are selected (see above in the options already described). And the principle of the well-known stretching of color from one to another is taken as the basis for coloring. For example, from purple to pink. More than 2 colors can participate in staining. The main thing: a smooth horizontal transition between shades.

@ _j.koy_

The contrast of coloring and the choice of the harmony of the color combination depends on the overall shade of the hair.

For example, I would not advise using flashy acid colors on light brown hair - they are most suitable for brunettes.

For fair-haired girls, gentle shades and halftones will go. This can be seen in the example of the photo gallery below.

Hidden coloring for brunettes

@ jaymz.masters



Hidden coloring for blondes






How to make latent coloring

The diagram below shows one of the possible options for the consecutive hidden staining. I suggest choosing the strands for coloring with triangles. This option will allow you to combine several colors (if you wish), and the strands themselves will "look out" beautifully during the dynamics among the total mass of hair.

Many women want to change their hair color from time to time. The reasons for this can be very different - the thirst for variety, the desire to look better, the appearance of a gentleman, or the beginning of a new stage in life. In order not to regret later that the result of the painting turned out to be unsuccessful, select the color of the paint depending on your appearance color type. For women who are of the warm type (skin of a golden or peach hue, brown, amber or green eyes) stylists are advised to paint in red, honey, chestnut, sunny golden and nut colors. An ashy or light blond shade will absolutely not suit you - they will make you faded and colorless. The cold type (neutral, olive or pinkish skin, black, gray, blue eyes) corresponds to platinum, ash, fair-haired with a silvery sheen, burgundy wine, mahogany, black. Avoid chocolate, it will accentuate wrinkles.

All hair dyes are divided into three main classes, differing from each other in the degree of influence on the hair structure and the long-term effect obtained. Therefore, when you decide on a color, you need to clearly formulate the goal you are striving for.

Dyes of the first type - tinting agents - make the natural hair color more saturated or refresh previously colored hair. They are practically harmless, but wash off rather quickly - after 6-8 shampoos. However, this also has its own plus: you can give free rein to imagination and constantly experiment with color.

The stronger are the paints of the second type - semi-permanent. They contain a minimum amount of hydrogen peroxide, mask the first gray hair, and allow you to softly dye “tone on tone” or slightly darker. The color lasts longer - about 1.5-2 months.

If you have too much gray hair or plan to radically change the natural color of your hair (lighten it or make it much darker), tint the overgrown roots, use a third type of paints - persistent.

It is not necessary to dye the entire head of hair completely - now individual strands of light or bright red shades are in fashion. You can lighten one curl and thereby give your hairstyle originality yourself. However, in order to make high-quality coloring or highlighting, you will have to contact a professional.

Some helpful tips for dyeing your hair.

When choosing a color, the age of a woman plays an important role. It is generally accepted that after 35-40 years, black and red colors visually make a lady look older, but copper shades will give the opportunity to look much younger.

Pay attention to the expiration date of the paint. After its expiration, unpredictable chemical reactions can begin in it, as a result, you not only do not get the expected shade, but also risk ruining your hair.

If possible, ask a friend, mother or husband to evenly apply paint on the back of the head - it is difficult to do this on your own.

Colored hair needs additional care to restore its structure. Indulge them often with nourishing balms and healing masks.

Always follow the instructions strictly. Remember, it is better to underexpose the dye on your hair than to overexpose it. Never add anything to the finished mass. Those who like to put an extra pill of perhydrol may well be left without hair at all!

If, standing in front of the mirror, you catch yourself thinking that you look tired, then the color of your hair is wrong.

Almost every woman dyes her hair , and almost every second does it at home. Everyone wants beautiful and healthy hair. This article describes the little secrets of hair coloring that will be useful to all women. Proper hair care and proper hair coloring can transform any woman into a beauty.

Should I bleach my hair before dyeing? If you want to noticeably lighten your natural hair color in order to turn from a brown-haired woman to a blonde or light red, you must first resort to bleaching before proceeding with the subsequent hair coloring... If you want to noticeably change the color of your dyed hair or highlighted strands, bleaching is necessary to remove the previous color or highlights before starting a new color. Discoloration and re-staining can be done on the same day.

Can I dye my hair while pregnant? Be sure to take a sensitivity test before painting. If you need to dye your hair during pregnancy or lactation, you need to keep in mind that at this time your body is more sensitive to any influences and reacts more sharply to them. If you are in doubt, check with your doctor.

Can I dye my hair after a perm? It is possible, but on one condition. You should wait at least ten days and during this time wash your hair with shampoo at least twice. If you are not going to do a temporary coloring or “color for color”, you can color your hair the next day after washing.

Is it necessary to observe the dye holding time on the hair? Count it from the moment when all the dye is applied to the hair. If you wait less than what is written in the instructions, you will not get the results you expect. You should also not leave the dye on your hair longer than necessary: ​​after the specified time, the coloring pigments no longer work, and the hair becomes much more sensitive.

Can coloration cause hair loss? Hair loss is usually caused by internal disorders in the body (hormonal changes, dietary restrictions, medication, excessive fatigue) and affects the hair follicles located in the scalp and not in contact with the dye. So in case of hair loss, you should first consult a doctor: you probably have some kind of health problems.

Is it possible to lighten the previous one with the help of a new coloring? To lighten the color obtained as a result of dyeing, you must first resort to bleaching to “wash off” the color of your dyed hair, and then apply a new dye.

Can coloring damage my hair? It depends on the quality of the paint. For example, all Garnier paints contain natural ingredients, so they will not harm you. That, of course, cannot be said about cheap paints from dubious manufacturers. Follow the instructions and respect the holding time. However, it is better not to resort to color changes with discoloration too often, as sensitive hair loses its shine and reacts differently to dye. The result may not meet your expectations.

Should I wash my hair just before dyeing my hair? Unwashed hair is more susceptible to dye and is protected by sebum. So you shouldn't wash your hair just before the procedure. But this does not apply to temporary coloring, which is done on clean hair. Also, before dyeing, do not style your hair with varnish, wax, gel, spray - these products can become an obstacle to dyeing.

Is it correct to dye hair evenly over the entire length? Professionals advise dyeing the ends of the hair with a darker shade and the roots with a lighter shade. The ends of your hair are always lighter, and if you dye everything the same way, you can achieve unexpected results - your hair will become too light at the ends. It is also very important to properly dye the regrown hair roots. If you do not want to contact the master, try first on one strand.

Stylist's advice. Light pale skin with a pink or bluish tint harmonizes well with ash blonde, ash brown-haired, plum and mahogany shades. Matte skin is characterized by a yellowish tint that goes well with warm tones: golden blonde, Venetian blonde, light golden brown-haired, brown-haired and copper brown-haired.

Blondes with the lightest skin Those who love red hair should choose from a range of copper shades. If you want to transform from blonde to brunette, check out the purple color palette. If you have red hair, you can easily go blonde - just choose a cool or warm tone. Most of all, brown-haired women are lucky - you experiment as you want. If you are a matte brunette and really want to go blonde, use very light or golden shades. If your skin is prone to redness, opt for an ash scale - it hides the redness of the skin well.