Serving a Beautiful Lady: The Love of a Knight. What to give a real defender of the Fatherland

The sword, the most noble of weapons of war, has carried deep symbolism since ancient times. In various manifestations, it could mean strength and power, truth and wisdom, honor and integrity, and even union and unity. Thus, at all times, the sword served as an excellent gift for a respected person.

In no case should you confuse the gift of a sword with the gift of a knife. Unlike it, the sword carries a completely different internal load, so there is no need for a "ransom", as often a small coin is taken when giving a knife.

So, in this article we will talk about how to make the gift of a sword not an ordinary process, but a small ritual that carries a certain meaning, allowing you to judge the gift not just as a thing, but as an expression of certain feelings.

Presentation of a European sword as a gift

Girdling with a sword as a symbol of the formation of a young man as a warrior dates back to ancient times. A similar ritual, for example, was covered by the historian Tacitus, in the descriptions of the life of the Germanic tribes. Over time, mounted warriors emerged as a separate stratum that retained their traditions. The handing over of the sword finally became a symbol of acceptance into the ranks of noble knights. And since in the Middle Ages chivalry acquired a new form, which included not only military skill, but also a certain culture, the handing over of the sword imposed certain obligations on a person. The knight was supposed to protect the weak, punish injustice, abide by the code of honor and be a model of nobility.

In our time, handing a sword to a man is a symbol of recognition of his dignity, a sign of respect and at the same time the imposition of responsibility for the possession of both the weapon and the trust you have shown. The presentation of the sword can be accompanied by a short speech, in which it is necessary to mention the purpose of the sword in the hands of a knight: to serve and protect.

"The sword is a symbol of respect for its bearer. May it always serve as a symbol of justice and honor that live in the heart of a true knight"

The handing over of the sword was often part of the procedure for bringing an homage (a vassal oath of allegiance) or knighthood, which implied a higher status of the one giving the sword than the one receiving it. If you are giving a sword to an equal, such as a friend, do not kneel or ask them to do so. The blade itself should be passed, holding it horizontally on the palms of both hands. If the sword does not have a scabbard, place a small pillow or a beautiful fabric under it so as not to leave traces of hands on the metal. Do not extend the sword to the recipient with the blade or hilt forward! In the first case, this can symbolize aggression or your dominance over him, in the second, on the contrary, excessive submission and humility.


If the sword is given to the young man as a certain symbol of his growing up, you can resort to a full-fledged ritual of girdling and knighting.

A young man could be knighted by his overlord, bishop, father, another knight, and in some cases his Lady. Knighting was the greatest event that took place in the life of a young man. Preparations for the ceremony began the day before, and the night before the initiation, the future knight spent in prayerful vigil at the altar. In modern times, this part of the ritual can be changed depending on religious beliefs, but nevertheless, a night spent contemplating the responsibility of accepting knighthood is very important.

The initiation ritual itself necessarily included taking an oath. The young man, in full dress, knelt before the initiator and repeated the words of the oath from memory or after him. There was no single text of the oath, but it must have included the basic knightly ideals of honor:

"I swear always and in everything to obey my overlord. To be fearless in the face of the enemy. To be honest and speak only the truth. To protect the weak and do no evil. To honor the honor of the Lady and be faithful to God. From now until death."

Then came the words of the dedicator: "I dedicate<имя>, son<имя отца>, knighted". After which the initiate was dealt a symbolic blowcoleeon the shoulder, back of the head, in some cases a slight slap in the face. If the initiator held a sword in his hands, colee was performed in the form of touching the shoulders of a young man with a blade, flat. After this procedure, the sword was handed over to a new knight, whom the initiator raised from his knees (symbolically making him equal).

Some of the details of the process could vary depending on the era or region, but in general, the above ritual was the basis of knighting.

Features of giving oriental swords

In eastern countries, as well as in western ones, a good sword was considered a great gift for a real man and warrior. However, when presenting your gift to the bearer of the spirit of the samurai, it is worth remembering a few details.

First, the main weapon was the katana, a long samurai sword. Thus, presenting a wakizashi (short sword) or tanto (dagger) to a person who did not yet have a katana could be regarded as a derogatory attitude towards him (they say, he is still too small to be a real warrior). At the same time, the wakizashi, presented to the owner of the katana, together with it formed a daisho, a symbol of samurai dignity and position in society - in this case, such a gift would come in handy.

Another detail concerns the traditional modesty of the Japanese people. Presenting even the most outstanding blade as a gift, do not praise it loudly. Samurai believed that in this way it was possible to arouse the envy of evil spirits, and then the weapon could bring misfortune. The sword was supposed to be presented with a restrained apology for such a modest gift.

Regardless of which sword and to whom you decide to present, remember - this is a deeply symbolic weapon, part of the soul of its future owner. Take care of it, wipe it thoroughly with a soft cloth before handing it over to the future owner, put a sincere feeling of deep respect into the words of dedication. Rest assured, such a gift will never be forgotten.

The cult of the Beautiful Lady originated in southern France, in the county of Provence, and from there spread throughout Western Europe.

In one of the ancient sources one can find the following words: "Knights have diverse virtues: some are good warriors, others are distinguished by hospitality and generosity; some serve the ladies, others shine with costume and weapons; some are brave in knightly enterprises, others are pleasant at court."
As for the Provencal knights, they especially shone with generosity, hospitality, costumes, selflessly served the ladies and felt better at court than on the battlefield.
Provence was rich, enlightened, trade and crafts flourished here, literature developed. And the position of the lady in Provence was also incomparably higher than in any other counties, duchies and kingdoms. She could manage her property herself, she was absolutely equal in all rights with a man.
The cult of the Beautiful Lady originated with a special worship of the Virgin Mary. In her honor fervent prayers were offered, poems were composed. She was called the "meek Lady of heaven", "heavenly queen", her images on the icons began to be clothed in precious clothes, crowned with a crown.
Such worship of the Mother of God, in turn, exalted the earthly woman. Earthly love for her took on an ever more sublime, more spiritual character and was colored with special poetic tones. Surrounding with reverence any "lady of the heart", the knight, in essence, served not her, but some abstract ideal of beauty and purity, which he created in his soul.
According to the established views of that time, the knight should not strive for shared love, the lady of the heart should be inaccessible to him, inaccessible. Such love, it was believed, became the source of all virtue and was part of the knightly commandments. "Rare achieve the highest virtue, courage and good fame," one of the teachings said, "if they were not in love."
The ideal knight now is honest, smart, modest, generous, pious, brave, polite and certainly in love.
Serving the Beautiful Lady became a universal custom; none of the knightly class could evade it. Each, after being knighted, had to choose a lady, noble or ignoble, married or not, and obtain her permission to serve her.
The service consisted in constantly wearing the colors of her coat of arms, fighting in her honor in a war or tournament, glorifying her name and being ready to fulfill her slightest whim.
In this choice, however, the knight was not always guided by true love and affection. Often he only followed the accepted custom or to amuse his vanity, trying to win the favor of some noble lady or famous beauty.
Even family ties did not save the knight from faithful service to the Beautiful Lady; at the same time, curiously, his own wife was almost never chosen as a mistress and an object of adoration.
But it was, as a rule, not easy to achieve the location of a lady who had been beaten. It was necessary to perform a number of feats for the glory of the chosen one, to win resounding victories in tournaments, and only when, in her opinion, there were enough feats, the time came for a special ceremony: the lady accepted the admirer into her knights.
The rite almost exactly repeated the vassal oath to the lord. And the main condition was also fidelity to the chosen one. But the lady made no commitments; only favor and mercy were promised. This spiritual bond between the knight and his Fair Lady was supposed to remain a secret to everyone, but as a rule, it was not hidden at all. Often a knight served a noble lady with the direct consent of her husband.
The rules of worship and service became more and more refined. Provençal poets even marked a number of steps here. On the first stands a timid knight who already carries a secret love in his heart, but does not yet dare to open up to his chosen one. When he decides to confess, he rises to the second step and is called "pleading". If the lady finally allows him to serve herself, the knight becomes "heard", and so on ...
However, the beauties, spoiled by universal veneration, were used to playing with feelings and often turned out to be very capricious. From the knights serving them, they demanded the most incredible feats in their honor. The order to immediately go to the East - to help the crusaders who continue to fight the infidels - was not the most difficult task. No wonder the Provencal poet of the 12th century ridiculed the whims of the Beautiful Ladies with the following words: “I must get the beautiful salamander, then build an ivory house on the sea, then move here from Galilee the mountain on which Adam sat ... One hope remained with me: if the mountain will melt like snow, then she will answer me with love ... "
And much later, already at the end of the 17th century, the image of a capricious beauty of knightly times was painted by Friedrich Schiller in the famous ballad "The Glove", masterfully translated into Russian by V.A. Zhukovsky. Probably not to find a person who would not know her. Remember? In the arena with lions and tigers, the beauty threw a glove and ordered her knight Delorge to bring it back. Without saying a word, the knight descended into the arena, picked up the glove and threw it in the face of the lady with the words: "I do not demand a reward."

The closer the lover's birthday approaches, the more the girls puzzle over what to give him. After all, it is so difficult to choose a present that will bring joy, and not annoyance. Therefore, some gifts should be avoided.

How to avoid mistakes when choosing a gift

In order not to upset your loved one, you should know a few secrets on how to choose a birthday present for a guy:

  1. No need to buy a thing that you will both use. It turns out that you bought a present for yourself, but did not think about your loved one at all.
  2. You need to be careful with decor items. Someone willingly decorates the room with an embroidered picture, while someone irritably removes it away from the eyes.
  3. Forget about banal gifts like ties, cufflinks, cologne. Such gifts are acceptable if the guy himself expresses a desire to receive such a thing.
  4. Don't overdo it with . Every man likes attention and warm feelings, but not everyone will be happy with a bear or a heart-shaped box of chocolates. But an album with joint photos and touching captions will be in place. The main thing is not in a pink cover.

When choosing a gift, it is worth considering these small recommendations, but still remember that everything is individual. And someone can be pleased even with shaving foam and a plush hare.

Choice of gifts according to hobbies

Hobby is the main hobby besides work. Hobbies devote all unoccupied time. Having studied the interests of the guy well, it will be easy to understand what to give your loved one for his birthday:

  1. The bibliophile will be pleased with the books. Explore the guy's library and choose a copy that isn't on the bookshelf yet.
  2. A gamer cannot do without a prefix. This is an expensive gift, and not every lover can afford it. Then discs with video games and clothes with your favorite characters will come to the rescue.
  3. The athlete will be pleased with souvenirs on football, hockey, basketball themes.
  4. A yoga lover - a comfortable mat.
  5. Surprise the collector with a new exhibit (from a baby book to a boat in a bottle).
  6. For a musician, a mug with the text of the song printed on it will be a good surprise.
  7. A fan of tattoos can be taken to a tattoo parlor.
  8. Give a gourmet tea or coffee with unusual flavor combinations. Definitely high quality and from a specialized shop.

Knowing the tastes and interests of the beloved, it will not be difficult to please him. Do not ask directly what he would like to receive. But listen to what he says. Often from the dropped phrases you can understand what the guy is dreaming of.

Gifts with a twist

Any guy will like a non-standard gift. It can be unusual things, jokes with humor and even strange objects. An original birthday present for a guy can be like this:

  1. Karting trip. Speed ​​can be turned into a gift. Enough to go to the karting track.
  2. What man is not a revolutionary at heart? All rebels will love the T-shirt with Che Guevara (as an option, with our Russian Che - Anton Pavlovich).
  3. The ant farm has become a craze for many children. Even if your boyfriend is already old enough, he will be interested in watching the ants build their civilization.
  4. A trip to the pub. Choose the day when the bar will broadcast a sports match or the arrival of a rock band. The guy will not forget this day for a long time.
  5. Calligraphy lesson. Learning something new is useful, fun and interesting. And working together brings people together.
  6. Developing finger toys will be useful for a man who is not involved in active sports, but really wants to. Choose from a fingerskate board or desktop mini punching bag.
  7. Sculpture from spare parts. Non-standard use of device parts in art is an original decision when choosing a present for a name day.
  8. A mosaic from a joint photo will also become a symbolic gift. Putting the pieces of the puzzle together is like building a lasting relationship.

Do not be afraid of original gifts. More often they emphasize your creativity and imagination. A gift, not like everyone else, is sometimes able to bring more emotions than a practical present.

handmade gift

If you did not find the right thing in the store, do-it-yourself birthday gifts for your loved one will help out:

  1. Embroidered portrait. Requires perseverance and design skills to draw up a diagram. You can draw a simple diagram yourself. If you are planning to embroider a portrait with photographic accuracy, order the development of a scheme from a designer.
  2. Armor in the performance of a blacksmith is a very expensive whim. Even one knight's helmet will cost a lot. Leather, yarn and other improvised materials come to the rescue. Knit or sew medieval-style clothing for your knight.
  3. In a long cloak with a hood, you can flaunt at home, imagining yourself as a hero of a fantasy or historical era. Yes, and sewing such a cloak is not at all difficult.
  4. Socks in the gift world are taboo. But this does not mean that you should completely abandon the sock idea. Only it is better to knit socks in interesting colors, for example, with the logo of a sports team. You can also make socks in the form of your favorite animal guy.
  5. Denim backpack with a patch.

In the past, handmade gifts were popular due to scarcity. The store sold the same thing, but I wanted to stand out at least a little. Now fashion has again turned its attention to handiwork, the technician has become even more. So go ahead and invent the most daring and unique gift.

Budget Gifts

If we are not talking about expensive gifts, you can opt for budget options. It is unlikely that a guy will be upset because of an inexpensive little thing. Here's what you can give a guy for his birthday:

When choosing a cheap gift, the main thing is to get to the point. That is, guess with colors, decor and style. If the thing seems too standard, modify it by adding a couple of elements. In extreme cases, if you spoil it, it will not be a pity. You can decorate an item with a pattern, appliqué, sticker, glued details.

Do not buy a birthday present in a hurry. It is better to think several times so as not to disappoint your loved one. Of course, the guy will be happy with a simple thing, but if you demonstrate excellent knowledge of the inner world of your beloved, this will bring indescribable joy and delight.

An annual issue called "What can I give a boy on February 23" alas, it does not have too many solutions: traditional cars, tanks, soldiers and machine guns. What if you get creative? What are the best, original gifts for boys on February 23?

... The choice is not easy. Children are given gifts at the beginning and end of the school year, “for the first tooth” and for christening, with or without reason, simply because they love. There is an unwritten "gift etiquette"; for example, expensive, prestigious toys are purchased for the New Year (there is always a drop of magic and fairy tales in New Year's gifts!); for a birthday they choose “dream gifts”, which the beloved child dreams of for a whole year. As a rule, "birthday gifts" mark the end of one life stage and the beginning of a new one, something like: now you are so big with us, it's time to give a two-wheeled bicycle instead of a three-wheeled one, etc. But what are the best gifts to buy for boys on February 23?

The current opinion that “congratulating a child on February 23 is a stupid idea, since this is an“ adult ”holiday” is fundamentally wrong. Gender-role identification occurs at a younger preschool age, from the age of three the boy stubbornly repeats “I myself”, “I will do it like dad”, “I will be like dad”. Therefore, when raising a future man, he should acquire the “right” toys for men's holidays from early childhood - like dad, but taking into account age. Something entertaining, exciting, something that brings up courage, loyalty, valor, fearlessness, courage and nobility. For instance, toys, construction sets and books dedicated to knights!

Idea number 1. Knight's castles. A real knight cannot do without his own castle

Wonderful, unusual gifts for boys on February 23 - game sets, where you first need to build an old castle, and then protect it from evil dragons and insidious invaders. Such a toy develops logic with motor skills, and allows you to play role-playing games, and educates the spirit of chivalry. What knightly castles can be recommended:

  • Constructor series Knights from "Ausini"

A wonderful construction set that includes cannons, catapults, harpoons with arrows and dragons (what a knight without a personal dragon!). In addition to excellent quality, "Ausini" has another advantage: its parts can be supplemented with any Lego set.

  • Castles and fortress walls from "Lesovichok"

Lesovichok constructors made of natural wood are recognizable, they will never be lost among the plastic multi-colored imported consumer goods. The Lesovichok company is completely Russian, toys are produced from domestic raw materials (natural wood of the highest quality). No varnishes and paints, only perfectly polished surfaces that retain the living warmth of natural material. One of the main tasks of Lesovichok is to recreate the most realistic construction process (the company's motto is "feel like a builder"). Sets "Fortress" No. 1,2,5 allow you to build entire cities behind the fortress walls, create medieval systems of fortifications, and all this - "like the real thing." In a word, the decision to buy gifts for boys on February 23 from Lesovichok will be made by your child with a bang.

  • Sets from "Smart Paper"

If you have never seen magic castles, fortress walls, bridges, knights and other wonders from the Smart Paper company, then you have lost a lot. Information for those who are confused by the word "paper": in fact, the sets do not use paper, but laminated cardboard with volumetric embossing 1.5-2 mm thick of special quality. Fortresses and towers are assembled without scissors and glue using the unique patented UMBUM technology. The assembled model has a solid margin of safety (you can play with it like with a regular toy). The artistic performance of the sets puts them in line with works of art, no more and no less; knights, castles and other UMBUM toys cause admiration and desire to play not only in boys, but also in their dads.

Idea number 2. Knight equipment (knight costumes and weapons)

Blasters or machine guns, of course, are good things, but, nevertheless, they cannot be compared with a knight's shield and sword! Ask any guy between the ages of three and a hundred and three and he'll tell you. Only if you have a shield, sword, armor - you can save the world from evil, the princess from a terrible dragon and protect your mother. Sets of weapons and costumes of knights are, without a doubt, original gifts for boys on February 23rd.

What can you choose:

Sets with weapons and shield;

A set of clothes like a real medieval knight (helmet, chain mail shirt, boots).

Idea number 3. Castle dwellers: wonderful figurines of knights, dragons and princesses

Each knight should have a friend in silver armor and a rival in black, magic castles should be inhabited by kings and queens, squires and beautiful princesses. Treasure chests are always stored in the storerooms of castles, catapults and cannons are located under the fortress walls. Otherwise, for the sake of whom and what to perform feats, with whom and for what to fight?! And the knight must also have a faithful horse in armor, or better, several. Where to find friends for the knight, and the knight himself, as well as a couple of treasure chests?

1. Papo has it all!

This French company has been producing wonderful figurines and accessories for twenty years: high-quality, beautifully painted, proportionate and detailed. Wonderful Papo toys are so good in themselves that the boys (as well as their parents), having received one figurine as a gift, cannot stop: they begin to collect a whole collection. Knights and knightly accessories from Papo are perhaps the best thing you can give a boy on February 23rd.

2. Knights from LEGO - Nexo Knights

The Nexo Knights series from the LEGO Group features five characters, noble and brave knights, graduates of the Knight Academy. Sets are offered to help them: Chaos Catapult, Royal Blaster, Avalanche Destroyer, Crazy Chariot - a total of 14 positions (knights cannot do without weapons and special equipment). A series of Nexo Knights (Nexo Knights) is the latest novelty of 2016 from Lego. An unusual and very interesting series. First, on the official website of the LEGO Group, you can watch an eight-episode cartoon about Nexo Knights; secondly, a special game application for smartphones and tablets has been created, which allows you to scan knight's shields and receive additional bonuses; thirdly, the Nexo Knights series is made in the style of techno-fantasy, combining magic, magic and advanced technologies.

Idea number 4. Creative themed kits: knights can be painted, glued on and even sculpted from polymer clay

Coloring books, games with applications and plasticine are timeless classics that boys love. Fascinating, revealing creative potential, educational and developing sets are hard to overestimate. Such crafts "knight's theme"- very unusual gifts for boys on February 23. Coloring pages and applications - but no flower bunnies! Only knights! Only armor, tournaments, dragons!

Why donate weapons?

We have not been waging internecine wars for a long time, men prove their superiority by intellectual means, while physical struggle remains only for athletes. However, even now, the weapon evokes in the eyes of a man that special expression that is familiar to any woman who has children: this is how boys look at a new computer game, and girls look at an unbearably beautiful, but expensive doll. The reflection of the metal of cold steel, the tight string of a bow and crossbow, the barrels of guns and pistols - these are the images that wake up in the soul of every man - a hunter, protector and invader - the most intimate, deep and instinctive. Every man is a warrior at heart. And even though he never held a sword and shield in his hands, he does not know the smell of gunpowder, but in his soul, in that part of it where memories of childhood fights and chivalrous novels are stored, of accomplished feats and victories won, of treasures found and an unsullied reputation , he remains Richard the Lionheart, or Ivanhoe, or Captain Blood.
Boys are known to love fairy tales just as much as girls. They just have different fairy tales, special ones. Brutal. They do not have too many balls, fairies and lost shoes, there is also a shortage of evil stepmothers, poisoned apples and happy weddings. But in these tales, in the same way, there is evil that must be defeated, justice that must triumph, villains who will certainly get what they deserve, and the main character is the embodiment of nobility, kindness, strength and courage. Let fairy tales be lies. We all know that dragons do not exist, mice lived in the wigs of beautiful ladies, underwear was invented only in the 16th century, and representatives of the medieval aristocracy considered it worthy to wash only twice in their lives - immediately after birth and before funerals. Knowledge of historical realities does not cancel the eternal desire of every person with a noble spirit to realize a dream. A man striving to become a knight is not a dreamer, but a real knight, just living in other realities. Even if he manages not a feud, but a company, fights not with the Saracens, but with officials and competitors - this does not change the essence: everyone can feel like a knight. It's simple and pleasant.

To whom to give?
The tradition of giving weapons not only did not disappear with time, but is also experiencing its second birth. For a long time, it was customary to give weapons to noble nobles, who collected huge private collections and proudly showed them to guests. The more refined the weapon was decorated, the more difficult it was to get this copy, the higher such a gift was valued. It is the same in our time: a richly decorated sword or a stiletto with an elegant handle, a unique work of art, executed in a single copy, will decorate both the office of a business person and a private office. Today, weapons as a gift are especially loved by military officials. In this environment, it is customary to give each other pistols, sabers, daggers and swords. In addition, a beautiful souvenir sword or a stiletto decorated with gold filigree can be presented to a business partner, both a man and a woman. This is regarded as a guarantee of a long and serious business relationship and a wish for success. In most eastern countries, as well as in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kalmykia, giving a knife, stiletto or any other edged weapon means giving strength. In ancient times, the theft of a knife from a house was punished very severely - it meant that the thief encroached on the power of the owner of the house. Weapons are a great gift for those whose ancestors were born in the Caucasus. It is known that edged weapons are part of the Caucasian culture, it is not surprising that they enjoy great love and respect from everyone who is related to this culture. Rasul Gamzatov in the book “My Dagestan” wrote: “A son was born - they put a dagger under the pillow. On the dagger is the inscription: "Father had a hand in which I did not tremble, will you have one?"
There are some limitations for this type of gift. For example, in no case should you give souvenir weapons to the master who manufactures them - for ethical reasons.
In Russia, it was customary to present expensive, commemorative or unique weapons to members of the imperial family. So, a significant share of the treasures of the Armory is made up of tools donated to the kings. At the same time, the Russian tsars were known all over the world as fine connoisseurs and connoisseurs of weapons.
It is difficult to say unequivocally what so attracted high-ranking persons to weapons. Perhaps this is due to the interpretation of weapons as a symbol of power, power and honor. Maybe with the fact that every dagger, sword or other weapon presented in the best weapons museums in the world is a real masterpiece of weapon art. A weapon has always been a gift of honor, it was considered an honor to receive a rare sword or saber made by a famous master as a gift.
Happened during the presentation of such an original gift and funny situations. One of the sheikhs of Saudi Arabia, being on a visit to France, wanted to present the French Prime Minister with a scimitar. With a sharp movement, snatching him from under his belt, the sheikh pretty much frightened the guards of the prime minister, who mistook the actions of the sheikh for an attempt.

What to give?
It is difficult to find a man who would be indifferent to weapons. Therefore, souvenir weapons will be an appropriate gift in almost any situation. The passion for wrestling, for rivalry in men is inherent in the genes - therefore, the hero of the occasion, having received a gift, albeit a souvenir, but still a weapon, will feel like a real hunter in the jungle of modern business.
There are a huge number of types of souvenir weapons. One of the most popular gifts of this kind is cold steel, which has a truly magical appeal, catches the eye of anyone who dares to stop their eyes on a knife, stiletto or dagger. Moreover, modern souvenir weapons are also a real work of art: finished with exquisite decor, adorned with precious stones, such weapons will perfectly decorate any interior. Japanese national weapons look especially impressive: wakizashi, katanas and other Japanese swords bring an element of exoticism and emphasize the originality of their owner's views.
Do not ignore the firearms. It is known that revolvers, pistols or guns are often presented as a gift to both bosses and good friends for an anniversary. Firearms have a shorter, but no less interesting history than cold weapons, they are mentioned in songs and poems, appear in thousands of films, and are one of the main "heroes" of modern, especially romantic and fantastic literature.
Of course, the acquisition of real weapons in our time is problematic and fraught with many complications, and first of all - legislative ones. Therefore, we offer you a way out in the form of souvenir weapons. So you can get both a Japanese katana and a US Civil War-era revolver, without the added weight of legal trouble. Fans of antiquity will find here reconstructions of real-life crossbows, bows and stilettos. Japanologists will not be able to pass by samurai swords. And connoisseurs of the gallant age will stop their eyes on elegant swords and razor-sharp sabers.
Do you want to congratulate your boss on his anniversary, celebrate his next business victory with a friend, or surprise your father-in-law with an unexpected but pleasant gift? It is difficult to come up with a more appropriate gift than a souvenir weapon. What exactly to present? It's a matter of imagination and budget.