Child's ability in natal map. Talents in Natal Map

Consider how to identify children's abilities in the natal map. Most parents hope that their children will show their special talents. In each child, the potential is laid for the development of its strengths.

Regardless of which the talent is laid in the child - talent in the spheres of science, practical activity, art, healing or relationship with people, - to wake up his creative potential, it is necessary to find out what causes the child a pleasure.

How to decipher the ability of a child by natal map

Of course, the development of special qualities of a child does not always help him make a career, however - and this is especially important - any manifestations that give the opportunity to soar freely, open a heart for joy.

Most people are quite difficult to understand what kind of talents are their children, especially if these talents are implicit. Then parents are easiest to send the development of the creative abilities of their child along the way, which they themselves seem most attractive.

At the same time, they often do not even take into account whether the child has a talent in their chosen areas and whether it causes interest. However, it happens that the child has a completely definite circle of creative interests, which manifests itself in the addiction to something.

However, there is no guarantee that the child will not change its current interests, addicted to anything else - sometimes it happens more often than the wind changes its direction!

Creative talents of a child in natal map

Abilities in the natal map. When determining the creative talents of the individual, the first thing looks at the fifth house, the planets located in this house, and a sign on the fifth house custare. Venus, a sign and a house in which it is located, and aspects that it forms, also indicates the ability of a child in the field of art.

Mars indicates how the energy and activity for the manifestation of creative talents are used. Saturn speaks of discipline and ability to make creative efforts. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto reflect the ability to develop the inner awareness required to solve creative tasks.

Abilities in the natal map. Astrological portrait of a child is an excellent leadership, which gives the opportunity to understand his special talents and interests. The use of astrological information helps parents to avoid long-term, and sometimes quite expensive procedures for finding talents from their children.

This will give the opportunity to parents to offer a child several alternative options for the development of its abilities who will not only help him express themselves in creativity, but also increase his psychological stability.

Among other things, I learned the game for piano. Our studio was one of the most respectable in the city, and the program was rather harsh. Our teacher, a woman in sixty, was very demanding. To come to the lesson unprepared meant to receive a reprimand and not be admitted to the lesson, he followed the immediate call to parents.

About lessons on music theory, my classmates passed to each other terrible stories about what happened if someone from the students did not have time to complete their homework.

I really wanted to study the music and learn to play the piano, while most of my classmates had not experienced the slightest desire to study the music - they just had to comply with the will of their parents. I remember one ten-year-old boy who said that I would like to learn to dance in the ballet.

His father, however, showed inconsistency in this matter and said that if he and would allow him to make any movements to the music, then it would be the movements of the fingers! This example shows how easy it is to the parents to limit the natural development of their children, even if they were not going to do it.

How to develop the ability of a child, consistent with his natal card

If we want our children to become solid and strong personalities, their creative self-expression should be free of their strength. We have the opportunity to learn about the various needs of the child with the help of an astrological map. We can understand the main qualities that make up the identity of the child, and help him reveal their creative potential.

Creativity includes the need to tune in to your inner world through imagination and intuition. The child's fantasy should be expressed through his natural abilities (through voice, hands, the whole body or some other ways).

It turned out that most of the people I asked about their talents or the interests in the field of art, believed that they had no such! Creative people usually consider artists, musicians, actors and others who earn themselves with elegant arts.

However, creative abilities can also appear in other forms outside the narrow framework of ideas about creative classes. The key to creative self-expression is to tune in to your imagination, and then express your feelings financially.

Creativity requires the perception of the highest "I" and the refusal of his personal ego in order to join the creative stream. Dance with the muse can be quite exciting and allowing an individual to merge with elements of his own "I", which are truly magical. This carries with me the integrity, balancing the body, mind and spirit.

The child needs energy so that he can show his talents, discipline to acquire the necessary skill, and certain promotions for its successes and achievements. This gives self-confidence and power.

There is no need to wait that the child will become a world-class artist, but it is imperative to give him a sense of contact with his inner essence, which will bring balance in his life.

Understand your purpose oh, how difficult it is.
This is one of the main issues that take into account several factors:
- biological heredity;
- social environment;
- socionic type of man and its temperament (psychological type);
- Financial opportunities for the implementation of abilities;
- Personal needs (satisfaction from work, beloved, public recognition or financial success).

Astrology comes to the rescue! Astrological professional counseling is gradually becoming one of the most sought-after services from astrology. However, it can only be effective until a certain age. After all, in the lives of most people, the moment occurs when the change in the profession becomes fundamentally impossible. Therefore, the age threshold of counseling should be reduced up to childhood to identify the ability of the personality with the aim of their further development.

Diagnosis of professional orientation can be carried out on the basis of the date, time and place of the human birth. The total distribution of the planets of the solar system in the natal horoscope determines the predisposition to one or another activity.
At the same time, the tenth house allows you to determine the "personal bar" - which heights are able to achieve a person whether he can count on success, recognition or take a higher social status than other family members.

The second house will show sources of income, which profession will bring the most tangible material benefit, but since the source of earnings does not always satisfy the need for self-expression, for example, a creative personality, the astrological professional consultation focuses on the search for the favorable realization of individuality, and not sources of enrichment. In general, highly rare horoscopes in which the scope of the implementation of a person, as a person, coincides with the sphere that makes a profit. Therefore, they say "Favorite work is happiness" or "Well, when work brings and pleasure, and money."

Below is a diagram to which even a non-professional astrologer can take advantage of, having a natal map or a birth horoscope. The following questions may be considered in the narrow framework:

Independent work or service?

There are people who are better working alone when the work is strictly not regulated when a person has a task itself and solves them, and there are those who easier to work in a group, a team, requires an incentive from.

Unmistakable single worker criterion - retrograde Mercury, involving a profession with elements of creativity. Also possible payment, depending on the person himself, and not from the whole team. The work "from call to call" to such a person is harmful.

Head or subordinate?

Young people have a certain stereotype, which is better to be the boss than the subordinate. And only with age, an understanding comes that management is a complex process that requires a lot of knowledge and psychological excerpt.

Jupiter in the tenth house gives the heads of the manager, and also facilitates promotion.
Partly lets the brakes on the way to success Retrograde Saturn.
The manager's deposits are available if:
- Mars in the i house;
- Mercury - not burnt and not retrograde;
- Not retrograde Jupiter in II, IV, VI or XI homes.

In general, to show the best abilities of a man-manager can: Sagittarius, Aries, Taurus and Gemini.
The best women leaders are lions, scales, and aquarius.
The sign of Scorpio and Capricorn generates the most competitive employees or rigid fighters in terms of doing business.
Cracks, Virgin and Pisces manage people do not know how (even if they are doing ...)

How to become a guru?

Astrological statistics show that good teachers are obtained from those who have the following signs in Natal map:

Mercury at the I home. Vocation teacher;
- Jupiter in the II house. Profit from teaching activities;
- Jupiter in the XII house. Teacher for a few (guru).
- Moon and Jupiter (finding them in one mark). Social worker, kindergartens and educational institutions, work with complex teenagers, care for orphans, etc.

Treat or not treated?

The presence of such planets in the tenth house at the same time, such as Mars and Neptune opens up great opportunities in the medical sphere, in which, as you know, the vocation is incredibly difficult to achieve.
The following signs give a green color to the medicine scope:

Mars in the i house. Surgeon.
- Saturn in the I home. Dentistry and orthopedics.
- Mars or Neptune in Capricorn or in the scales. Therapist. Pediatrician.
- Uranus in the i house. Electrotherapy, computed tomography, etc.
- Pluto in the I home. Homeopathy and alternative medicine.
- Moon in Scorpio. Andrology, obstetrics and gynecology.

What about talent?

Art requires talents ... Abilities and talents are not the same thing. Triangles serve as talent indicator. The more triangles in the horoscope, the more like a man.
The triangle of talent requires the participation of Venus in combination with two other planets (except Saturn) in such signs as scales, calves, fish or cancer. For example, Venus, Neptune and the Moon in Taurus. If at the same time Mercury is a retrograde, then this is a born artist.
Retrogradity of Mercury for art people is very useful, unlike those who are used to doing more, and not imagine.

In general, the taurus or scales on the sign of the zodiac (the Sun in Libra or Taurus) - gives an understanding of harmony and taste (designers, artists, fashion designers). Gemini, Cancer, Aquarius (Sun in Gemini, Aquarius or Cancer) - signs prevailing among poets and prosaikov.

- Venus in the II house. The ability to earn in the field of art;
- The compound of Mars in the I House with Mercury. Multi-Media specialist, translator, journalist;
- Venus in the fish, as well as the filled scorpion (two or three planets), especially if the night's birthday, gives a musical hearing and voice.
- Venus or Neptune in the II house - answers the affirmative on the question "Is it worth teaching a child to music?"
- Neptune, Moon and Mercury in one sign - visual art;
- aspect of Neptune with Saturn - Dancing, ballet;
- Moon in Lev - artistic abilities;
- Moon in Aries or Scorpio - Direct, Theater, Illusory Sphere, Cinematography, Television.

Business, Economics and Finance

For a more successful career in the economy and business, the following signs are needed:
- the absence of planets in the XII house;
- the absence of the moon in the i house;
- Jupiter in the first house (good luck in business).

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What determines a greater degree of human development: biological heredity or social environment of a child? Recent studies of genetic scientists make it possible to speak not only about biological hereditary predestination, but also on the predetermination of human abilities, and therefore, ultimately, and the vocation it is implementing. The main advantage of astrological diagnostics is the ability to determine the abilities and professional orientation of a person having only information about the time and place of man's birth, i.e. Diagnostics can be carried out immediately after the child's birth.

The main astrological factors In determining temperament and abilities to some kind of activity, the provisions of the planets in zodiacal signs are the distribution of them in the elements, by half-spheres and houses of the horoscope, as well as the position of the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses in the signs of the zodiac.

The distribution of 10 used astrology planets of the solar system allows lead the prevailing type of human temperament. So, predominancethe planets in the element gives a choleric type of temperament, in the elements of the phlegmatic type, the element corresponds to a sanguine type, and aqueous melancholic type. A man with a pronounced element is unlikely to be content with secondary roles and, most likely, will show organizational and leadership abilities, etc.

The separation of the Horoscope on the hemisphere also provides a lot of information necessary in the definition of man's drug management. The predominance of planets in the upper hemisphere of the horoscope will give an extrovert type of personality, and in the bottom hemisphere introverted. The highlighting of the Horoscope Western and Eastern Semiline allows you to evaluate the importance of participation in collective activities and the focus on partnerships. A man with planets filled with an eastern hemisphere self-sufficient and can develop a long time as a thing in itself. In its activities, he is guided by personal opinions and positions. The opposite of him makes up a person with a western hemisphere filled with planets. He focuses in everything on partners and the opinion of others for him is very important because he perceives himself with the eyes of others. Such a person is initially focused on partnership and work in some team.

The system of houses of the horoscope provides the bulk of information about the professional and other qualities of a person. In the narrow framework of the task, I will consider only those houses of birth cards that are directly related to human career guidance and which allow you to determine the most effective area of \u200b\u200bapplication of its potential abilities. In classical astrology, three houses are distinguished, closely related to the professional activities of a person.

The predisposition to some type of professions shows the position 6th house In the zodiac, as well as the quality of the planets in this house of the horoscope. Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a certain category of professions, and when the 6th house hit the zodiac, we can talk about the predisposition of a person to the category of professions of this sign of the zodiac. This house is responsible for everyday, routine work and for professional skills.

Gasy house The horoscope tells us about what heights a person can achieve whether he will be recognized by society. The position of the top of the 10th house in the zodiac, as well as the quality of the planets in this house can provide information on the nature of the activity in which a person will best meet his vocation.

Second house The horoscope shows us the sources of funds received by the person. And since the work, as a rule, is a source of human money income, then this factor of the horoscope indirectly can indicate a person's professional affiliation.

A special role in astrology plays position of planets in homes horoscope. Each planet in astrology is characterized by the quality or principle performed by the functions and roles with which it is associated in life. For example, the qualities of the Sun are the need for self-expression, individual creativity, game. Every creativity requires implementation and, therefore, the function of the Sun is to implement the individuality. The roles that are associated with the Sun is our self, as well as the leader, creative person, artist, etc. Man, at least a little comprehended his self and can express it, is already creative personality. Thus, each planet has its own principle, its functions and roles that remain unchanged. And when some planet falls into the above horoscope houses, we have reason to assume the implementation of the theme of these houses in accordance with the principles of this planet. For example, the sun in the 10th house of the horoscope could potentially mean that a person will achieve recognition in creativity will become a famous public figure, the leader.

The final result of the diagnosis using astrological techniques is consisted of many horoscope factors that need to be synthesized into specific recommendations. The complexity of data formalization techniques is, in my opinion, the main obstacle to the widespread use of them in psychological practice. But, despite difficulty, their use can give amazing results.

Let's try to build a kind of scheme, the fulfillment of the requirements of which will allow the exception method to cut off the least probable options for the professional vocation of a person and get at the end of two, three or even even ten most likely: a person should have a choice, and not our task to limit it. To impose some one option to him, we simply have no right.

Debaming scheme:

1. Creative work or service

2. Talents (eat or not)

3. Head or subordinate

4. Scope of application of abilities (that is, the profession itself)

1. Creative work or service

Under this it is understood as the natural tendency of man either to the work of "single", whether it is an artist or a fitter, a doctor or entrepreneur - when the routine of the day depends on himself, it also chooses the work itself, and incomes come in the form of fees, i.e. One-time payments for the work done, or to work in a group, a team, when the routine of the day is asked in advance, the leader instructs his work, and the income has a salary type, i.e. paid in a certain order.

The most important and unmistakable criterion of this is the situation Mercury Regarding the sun. Mercury ahead of the sun, and even direct, Yes, not a casual - this is a "service", the ability to work in the regulated group, in a certain position, from nine to six. Such a predetermined framework disciplined a person and, as if themselves help the realization of its best qualities.

* Hereinafter, the expression "Mercury (or any other planet) ahead of the sun" means the longitude is more solar; From an astronomical point of view, such a planet dates back to the sun and after him comes. The position of the planet "behind the Sun" means that its absolute longitude is less solar.

Mercury ahead of the sun, but retrograde Requires a profession with an element of creativity: This is the head of the group or a person who comes later, and ends before others, if he managed to perform his work, or regulated work, but a piece of payment.

Mercury ahead of the sun, but - Work in different places, whether simultaneously or over time, or work with a variable contingent (the head is not one, and many groups, each time different).

Mercury behind the Sun. In any form, it means "creative", that is, irregular work and income only in the form of one-time fees. Writer, a private practitioner, tailor, many astrologers who host customers at home also have such a Mercury. Regular work, a selection of nine to six such a person is simply harmful. If he landed to the service, he will sooner or later have to quit it. In women, this is sometimes a sign of a housewife talent, which, in essence, is also a profession.

Thus, a person with Mercury ahead of the sun can be recommended regular service, and a man with Mercury behind the Sun is only a job for fees. The service of such a person "is dangerous, and harmful," because ultimately will bring him only a sore.

2. Talents

Indicator of talents, more precisely the abilities, because talent is work, it is so-called. "Talent triangles" two sextiles and trigon connected together. Than such triangles are more, the richer is a man from nature, the more in more diverse regions he can realize himself. Which areas are shown by the planets located in the vertices of the triangle, partly also at home and signs. More specifically about the combinations of planets and their meaning we will talk later.

Such "triangular" abilities mean, first of all, that a person easily gives skills and knowledge in this area. Even if he does not study them specifically, they accumulate as if by themselves and manifest themselves sooner or later. Such a person, as a rule, has time for his life to try several professions, everywhere seeking enough notable success. If it is an intellectual, it has extensive erudition in many branches of knowledge, if a craft is engaged in a craft - "golden hands", able to fix everything that moves, spins and consists of at least two parts fitted to each other.

The closed trigon (without sextiles) also gives good ability, but rather in some one area. Such a person can also have several professions, but the genuine success is achieved only in one, and even then, most likely, not immediately.

We indicate that intense aspects (connections, quadratures and opposition) may also indicate non-happy abilities, more precisely, one ability, but the main thing is: the ability to bring the case to the end. The card, for example, with one-sole sextyle and many squares and oppositions, as a rule, gives the person an outstanding, which seems only with its own hard labor. A rich set of energy aspects allows a person and from the only sole grain of the talent to grow "the tree of desires".

In such people, a genuine realization of abilities, that is, their public benefits depends on other two factors: the desire to learn and the right choice of the moment (the points "the tendency to study" and "it's time").

3. Head or subordinate

The "boss or subordinate" question does not yet arise from students, but may arise in young people who want to do business or some other things, be it art, military service or racket. The answer to it gives the analysis of the houses of the horoscope, and not one, but at least two systems: from ASS (any) plus from the sun.

Strong I House is good for businessmen and artists: these people give their qualities the opportunity to reveal in full force. They quickly get out forward and become "first" in their business, without even occupying any official posts. If the planets of the I at home have squares with others, it does not change affairs, only the scope of application of abilities may turn out to be other (criminal or semi-criminal activity, dangerous professions Racer, Caskaster, Tiger Tamer).

Strong x home gives positions. Moreover, these posts "come" to a person as it were, due to circumstances, as in the army, the next titles. This person may have a minimum of abilities and the desire to do something itself, but he will become the boss. Quadratures to x home give either a careerist or the head of informal structures of various kinds. If a person is also a good Jupiter (i.e. money, as mentioned above), the high position is provided to him. Thus, already on a natal map, you can say what a career awaits a young man, and thus indirectly determine whether he should be engaged in some kind of business or not.

We now turn to paragraph 4, covering specific signs of interest in one or another activities and the ability to do it.

4. Scope of application of abilities (that is, the profession itself)

It should be considered:

1. The presence of one sign should not be taken into account, because it is multi-rival (Mars Neptune combinations can give a physician, and a musician, and simply intrigued). Any sign of professional inclination can be considered valid only if it is confirmed at least three times.

2. Checking these signs in the natal map is not answered by the question of who a person must certainly become, that is, does not allow to determine whether a person really chose (or chooses) this path; She is only responsible for the question of who he can become, what types of classes for him are most preferable.

What is your business about a man to study

This question partly corresponds to the position of Saturn, especially retrograde.

The position of Saturn, as it were, immediately "involves" one of the axes:

the pronounced axis of the Deva-Fish ("Helpers in Birth")

the pronounced axis of Aries-scales ("artists" or "warriors")

the pronounced axis of Taurus-Scorpio ("Businessmen")

the pronounced axis of cancer-Capricorn ("single", "etc.")

the pronounced axis of Lev-Aquarius ("Testers", "Experimentors")

pronounced axis Gemini-Sagittarius ("Administrators")

This, if you want, the "calling" formula of a person, a generalized description of the character suitable for him. It should be considered not so much that the axis, in one of the signs of which there are sun, ASS, Moon, or Saturn, how much, in the signs of which are stelliums or stellar opposition. A person can be expressed and several axes. It is also clear that finding even the sun alone in the lion or the moon in cancer already makes the axis expressed. In addition, in women, in any case, the axis plays a very large role, in the sign of which the moon is located.


"Hard" medicine (Surgeons):

- Mars at the I home from As, the Sun or from myself (in your house)

- Connection, Square, Trigon Sun-Mars

- Connection, sextile, opposition Mars Neptune

"Soft" Medicine (pharmacists):

- Connection, sextile, Opposition Sun-Neptune

- any of the 5 classic aspects of Moon Neptune

dentist :

- Saturn in the house from as, the sun or from himself;

- Generally, a strong Saturn under expressed "medical" aspects of Mars and / or Neptune in Capricorn or scales, in quadrature to the Sun, at the head of Stellium, gives dentists, both therapists and prosthestists.

electrotherapy, Computer Tomography ETC.:

- Uranium connections and trigons with Mars, Venus, Mercury

alternative medicine:

- Uranium compounds, especially stellar (diagnosts)

- Pluto in the i house from as, the sun or from yourself (in his house)

- Pluto squares (homeopaths, psychics)

- Trigon Pluto (herbalists)

- Pluto compounds, especially stellar (multi-media)

- pronounced scorpion and / or moon in scorpion (multi-media)

Pluto's opposition to Venus or Mars, as well as aspects of Pluto with the Moon give more difficulties than success: such a person often becomes a victim or own fears or other "attacks". Such a person should not be encouraged by occultism.


My statistics show that people having the following signs in the map are good teachers:

- Mercury at the I Home ("Explanatory")

- Connection, sextile, trigon Mercury Saturn ("Researcher")

- Connection, Sextile, Venus Saturn Trigon ("Artist")

- connection, sextile, trigon Mercury-Jupiter ("Guru" tutor, dear man)

However, the genuine "Guru" (Guru, by the way the Indian title of Jupiter), that is, the mentor of God is grace, usually has any aspect between Jupiter and Saturn, while the position of the remaining "pedagogical" planets is not relevant. The better the aspect, the more naturally, the mentor is better, the more students and the like he has, etc. Such aspect could be at the hero of the film "Let's live to Monday" in the brilliant performance of Vyacheslav Tikhonov. If these planets (or aspects, that is, at least one of the planets participating in the aspect) fall into the second house, a person earns teaching. If Jupiter falls into the XII house, "Cassandra syndrome" appears (the Prophet who is not believed), or is a teacher for a few, and even in general for one student.

The combinations of Jupiter with the moon (compound or simply finding in one sign, sextile, trigon) gives so-called "Social Worker", designed to take care of refugees, orphans, pensioners, former prisoners, etc.

Here I will allow myself to attribute those of scientists with the cards of which I had to work:

- a pronounced axis of Aries-scales gives chistyists and japan;

- a pronounced axis of European Taurus

- pronounced axis twins-Sagittarius of Americanists

- pronounced axis of cancer-Capricorn Arabists

- the pronounced axis of the Lev-Aquarius Multi-Media (multilateral)

- a pronounced axis of maid-fish philosophers and religious scientists

Even if the person never studied, say, Japanese, but it works at all at another specialty (doctor, locksmith, etc.), but he has expressed a axis of Aries-scales, he will love Japanese art, prefer Japanese equipment, and one day maybe even go to Japan, etc.


For classes, art is good "triangles of talent" with the participation of Venus, as well as pronounced houses (signs) of Venus, Neptune and Moon Taurus, scales, fish, cancer. Not bad also have at least something in Scorpio. And if a person at the same time is bad Mercury (behind the sun, lush, retrograde, burned), then he is a straight road to artists in the sense of artists, people of art.

In general, any retrogradity for "artists" is even useful: such a person thinks more, although he does less.

Venus in the II house (from ASS, from the Sun or from Himself) makes it possible to earn art. If he has a decent aspect between Jupiter and Venus (sextile, trigon, even the opposition), his work will delight people, he will not be "unrecognized genius", even despite all its drawbacks (increasing, drunkenness, women, cards). Well, and the money will be, of course. If Jupiter and Venus are in combination or quadrature, the shortcomings are strengthened, and the joy of his creativity for other people is reduced.


According to statistics of members of the former Union of Writers of the USSR, most of the poets are represented in three signs: Taurus, twins, cancer.

However, regardless of this, the poet should be able to be beautiful and competently writing (a good Venus or at least a well-pronounced house of Venus (Taurus, Scales), enjoy the imagination (good Neptune or Neptune Fish House), and if possible and the mind (sextil or trigon Venus -Saturn).


A good prosair is usually becoming only in adulthood, that is, not earlier than 30 years. What are the horoscopic background necessary for this? The mind of the prozais must have primarily: a sextile or trigon Venus Saturn, the connection, opposition and even quadrature (it gives the mind of the evil, but chain and the trigger). With a decent venere or a well-pronounced house, Venus (Taurus, Scales) aspects between Venus and Saturn may not be, but Saturn must be good (in the i house).

Journalists and translators

- Must have more active Mars is best in the I home and / or in an aspect with Mercury.

Mars-Mercury compound gives Multi-Media: such a journalist can write about everything, and - translator translate almost anything. And both do their job well.

If Mars behind the Sun, a journalist, risking life, rides the fighting area and can be wounded or even killed. The connection and sextile Mars Neptune or the Sun-Neptune in any order and practically anywhere the card gives a certain specialization: it is a journalist of one topic or publication (often a TV journalist), translator of one profile (often fiction).

Journalist and translator "Without Mars", but with neptune or pronounced fish gives the work "for the mood", that is, an extremely irregular, and optional, that is, the inability to represent the material on time. Although the work is talented.

Composition :

Neptune in the first house, in general Neptune, expressed stronger Venus.

Execution :

- Venus in the i house

- Venus in Fishes, generally filled fish (2-3 planets)

- Sextile Moon-Mars, Moon-Venus Sextile Sun-Neptun, Trigon Mars Neptune give musicality, but insufficient music for active music: it can be a choir, dance, as well as (and most likely) classes in any other type of art.

Filled scorpion, especially its second half (2-3 planets), especially during night birth, also gives musicality, which in itself for active music, although not enough, but combined with aspects specified above also gives a good basis for a musician or A person, one way or another busy in the musical sphere.

Approximately the same can be said about the filled cancer, which, with good Mercury and Mars, can give customers or manufacturers of musical instruments.

In this regard, the question often ask whether to teach a child to music. If there are three or four of these combinations in the baby map, then it is worth learning, and with a good Jupiter, a first-class musician can really get out of it. If there are one or two such aspects, it is possible to teach, but it will be a guitar for your own pleasure, singing under the guitar at parties, and with Venus or Neptune in the II house and some earnings due to this. If there are no such aspects, then you can not learn.

Artists :

- Connection, sextile, trigon Venus Neptune

- Sextile, Trigon Sun-Moon

- squares between these planets give charts rather than painters.

More connections and squares of Venus with the Sun, Moon and Mercury can point to various applied arts needlework, cooking, hairdresser.

Different combinations of Neptune with Moon, Mercury and other planets (mainly compounds) may indicate the work of a person in the "sphere of illusions" of cinematography, television, theater, clothing modeling. Aspects of Neptune with Saturn can give dance (ballet).

When a child begins to learn at school, many parents face a problem that, despite creative potential and curiosity, the baby does not please the results to which parents are configured. Why is this happening? An astrologer can answer this question, building a child's natal map and finding instructions on the ability of the child.

To analyze the abilities of a child in training, we must estimate first of all the situation and aspects of Mercury in the map, since this planet is responsible for intelligent, cognitive and analytical capabilities.

The position of Mercury in the earth's element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) Specifies the ability to think specifically, logical, analytically. Such children show good results in "specific" subjects - natural science, mathematics, geometry, physics. They may not have enough fantasy, the complexity in the expression of their thoughts (especially if Mercury is in Taurus or Capricorn) because of what humanitarian items will suffer, where you need to own the abilities of reasoning. A child with earth Mercury, you have to show from start to the end, as it is performed by this or that task. It is necessary that the material be filed clearly, it is logical, understandable and preferably on specific examples. Abstract information of the earth Mercury perceives badly. It is necessary to help the child learn to think more figuratively: to pay attention to the beauty of nature, consider artwork with him. It would be good to exercise in coming up with comparisons, synonyms, the allegories, to teach it to be revealed to tell the poems. All this will develop his mental abilities.

Mercury in Tales Gives a mind practical, constructive, prone to reflections. He reflects somewhat slowly, but his thoughts are always well thought out. The fact that a child with Taltsov Mercury will understand is to remember for a long time.

Mercury in Vid. Gives an analytical mindset: it is logical, scientific, critical, prudent. The child with the Merkurius will like to learn, experiment, systematize information, express their thoughts accurately and clearly.

Mercury in Capricorn Gives a methodical, solid and conservative mind. Thinking can be slow, but deep. A child with Cozesia Mercury will be responsible approaching training, discontinuous, leaving only the information that is necessary. His presentation of thoughts can be dry, restrained, but always essentially.

If Mercury is in water element (cancer, scorpion, fish) - This provision gives a stunning imagination capable of giving bright and unusual images, excellent intuition and good memory. Such Mercury is focused primarily on its feelings and it gives a big creative potential, the opportunity to look at the usual things with an unusual side. Unfortunately, this quality is not appreciated in our schools, where children are required primarily to fulfill the requirements of the teacher. A child with Mercury in the water (or the predominance of water elements in the horoscope) can be badly fit into the general framework: he is a dreamy, scattered, "thing in itself". In this case, you need to help the baby learn how to concentrate your attention: the eastern martial arts (wushu, karate), care exercises are good for these purposes. It is also necessary to develop the creative gifting of the child, to teach climbing the words, to offer the kid in his free time to write essays on various topics, help him "liberate" the expression of his thoughts. Children with water Mercury feel good music, not indifferent to art.

Mercury in cancer Gives an emotional, impressionable, intuitive mind and good memory. To make a child with a good mercury, something remembered to give him the opportunity to associate information with some sensation or music.

Mercury in Scorpio Gives an insightful, sarcastic, sharp mind. He has a big tendency to investigate, it will be interested in various secrets and riddles. A child with a scorpion Mercury entail questions from psychology, esoteric, life and death.

Mercury in fish Gives a deep, sensitive, intuitive mind. His thinking can be a thin, volatile, susceptible, he has a strongly developed aesthetic taste. His thoughts can be very torn off from the ground, the imagination will be very bright, active, seeking to understand the unexplored. Such a child can be bad for the fact that he seems to live in his world. Help improving school indicators will also help the connection of information with sensations, in addition, Fish Mercury is susceptible to learning in a dream.

If Mercury in Fire Element (Aries, Lion, Sagittarius) - Such a child quickly grasps, remembers the material, he has a conceptual thinking. But often he wants to engage only by those subjects that he soul, and those that do not like - prefers to ignore. He has the gift of the word, his answers are often bright and expressive - due to this, it can easily compensate for the lack of knowledge. Such children have the opportunity to learn well if they can overcome their laziness and unwillingness to engage in uninteresting and routine work. It is necessary to try to interest the child even the most uninteresting item (and here only a small impulse, push), to teach his ambitiousness and hardworking. Since the fire element loves independence - no need to hang over the baby while he does lessons - in this regard freedom will give the best result. However, giving freedom, the parent must unobtrusively control it. Show your sincere interest to learning a child, ask what he learned from today's lesson, suggest it to solve any logical task - be sure to praise for good results. If the baby with fiery mercury, the study will be an interesting process of obtaining unusual knowledge (and not a sad routine) - he will learn to be perfectly.

Mercury in Ovne Gives active and fast mind, inventive abilities, independent judgments. A child with Osfovsky Mercury will actively defend its position than can sometimes set up teachers against themselves. Parents need to teach the child to find a compromise, but do not strive to crush his combat, - he is very useful for him in his future life.

Mercury in Lev. Gives a bright creative mind, great cognitive abilities. A child with Lion Mercury will strive for demonstration, and he needs to create conditions so that he can "shine" by the mind. There is a good tendency to concentration, it can focus his thoughts, send them to the right direction and achieve a good result.

Mercury in Streltsy gives the mind prone to philosophizing, abstract reasoning, to research activities. A child with Streltsov Mercury is trying to understand the general principles, bring out his own patterns. His mind is like to open new horizons for himself, he likes to travel, instruct and teach others.

Mercury in air element (twins, scales, aquarius)give the liveliness of the mind, curiosity, good memory, analytical abilities - all that is needed in training. However, this is joined and the desire to grab everything and immediately, everywhere to have time, not to miss anything interesting - and it can lead to the fact that the child will "dissipate." Parents need to sit down with a child and make a list of priorities: it is better to share all classes into three groups: in the first daily important and obligatory, in the second one that can be done two or three weeks, and in the third, what is being done, If suddenly there is free time. Naturally, school cases should be in the first group. Air Mercury is also very dependent on interest in the subject, moreover, it is interesting for various collective activities. Therefore, the belly is interested in the subject - it is very important for good results in learning. And it needs to be drawn into various Olympics and sections that are echoing with those school subjects to which you bet.

Mercury in Gemini gives the mind fast, versatile, inquisitive, logical. A child with twins Mercury will have a talent for languages, science, art, it will be sociable and humorous.

Mercury in the scales Gives a rational, balanced comparing mind. A child with Vevivsky Mercury will look for causal relationships in everything, he will constantly be all weighing in search of harmony and perfect proportion. He will be enthusiastic literature and art.

Mercury in aquare Gives the original, inventive, scientific mind. His thinking will be impartial, theoretical, and possibly eccentric and radical. A child with Aquarius Mercury will strive for scientific knowledge, public topics will be enthusized, research in the field of space, scientific and technical progress.

What is important and what aspects has Mercury in the Natal Map of the Child.

Aspects of Mercury with Venus They will give a child an innate sense of excellent, he will be interested in art, will strive for the search for beautiful wording for his thoughts. With harmonious aspects with Venus, Mercury will often receive good estimates just like that "beautiful eyes".

Aspects of Mercury with Mars They will testify about the interests of the military theme (especially in boys), such Mercury will pass the story, especially those of its places that tell about battles and hostilities. The mind will be strong, assertive, active.

Aspects of Mercury with Moon will indicate great impressionability, intuitiveness, good memory. Such Mercury is fond of themes associated with life, children, family relationships, cooking.

Aspects of Mercury with the Sun They talk about bright, individualistic, creative thinking. To stimulate such Mercury to good training, you need to touch it with vanity and ambitiousness.

Aspects of Mercury with Jupiter They will be interested in social sciences, political sciences, the basics of law. Such Jupiter will give good ability to formulate concepts, searching for meanings, creating various concepts. The harmonious aspects of Mercury and Jupiter will bring the talent of public speeches, the teaching gift.

Aspects of Mercury with Saturn indicate good health, self-discipline, purposefulness, concentration ability - what is prerequisite For good learning.

Aspects of Mercury with uranium The scientific warehouse of the mind will give, research talent, ability to insight, non-standard and bright formulations. The powerful energy of uranium must be used in a peaceful direction - otherwise he can destroy the psyche. In the sphere of uranium interests: physics, astronomy, space, future, literature, society.

Aspects of Mercury with Neptune Specify the unusual warehouse of the mind: cut off from reality, intuitive, nontrivial. The harmonious aspects of Mercury with Neptune can give a brilliant writer, a musician, a scientist. In the sphere of interests Neptune: other worlds, fantasy, chemistry, music, religion, unknown.

Aspects of Mercury with Pluto They will give a person who will always strive to get to the essence of everything. His mind is so sharp and piercing that no secrets remain untreated. In the sphere of interests of Pluto: Medicine, Psychiatry, criminalistics.

About the author

Eleonora Dan.

Eleanora Dan, astrologer consultant. He studied at the St. Petersburg School of Astrology. I am advice with regard to reading a natal map, relationships, careers, career guidance, life mission. I am a specialist in forecasting. I answer different questions.

What should be paid attention to to see a person leaning towards a particular activity? In fact, in every natal map there is some kind of talent. It you just need to find it. For example, artistic abilities are often found when the sun, ascendant, the top of the horoscope - MC, the moon or Venus are in the signs of the lion, scales, calf. Also to the creative activity of the individual can encourage the fifth house of the horoscope filled with planets. Strong moon, Venus and Neptune always stimulate human self-expression.

Athletes are expressed by Mars. It can accommodate about MC or Ascendant from the first or twelfth house of the horoscope, to be highly aspect or located in the so-called "mine", that is, not to have aspects to other radix planets. The elements of fire and land are suitable for heavy sports. Air and water more show themselves in aesthetic light athletics.

If Mars gives physical endurance, then Venus undoubtedly affects beauty. It enhances the attractiveness in conjunction with the ascendent, the Sun, Moon, MC, or the planet, which controls the ancase, as well as when finding in the first and tenth houses of radix and, of course, in the signs of ownership.

Doctors in the horoscope expressed the element of water, signs of Virgin, Capricorn and Aquarius. The planets Mars, Saturn and. For health, the sixth house of the horoscope is responsible for surgery and serious medical studies in the eighth, for medical facilities twelfth. Psychologists can be fascinated by the fourth home of the radix, Uranus, Pluto and their aspects with luminaires, Mercury and the ascendom. Astrologers, as a rule, have an accented uranium, expressed signs of Aquarius and Scorpio, the strong eleventh and eighth house of the horoscope.

In business, tavern the Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. To engage in serious finances, a pronounced scorpion is needed. These signs must be accentuated. Planets in Aries and Lion are good for initiative and creative impulse. Strong gives organizational abilities. Jupiter in the first and tenth house of the horoscope freely paves the path. Harmonious Mercury helps communication. Strong Mars helps to win. It is worth paying attention to the planets in the tenth, eighth, sixth and second homes. The planet in the first house enhances the ability to manage others.

For writing and communicative activity, a sign must be accentuated. The presence of planets in it or several strengthens the mental activity. In order to succeed in writing, it is necessary to have a strong Mercury. Well, if he controls the first, second or tenth house of a natal card. Finding Mercury in the third, fifth and ninth houses is also a good indicator. In the writing case, self-organization plays a large role and harmonious Saturn is necessary here. Neptune expressed in the horoscope will help creative imagination.