Old New Year: History, traditions and holiday signs. How to celebrate the old new year - rites and fortune telling

The Russians are accustomed to celebrating the New Year twice - 1 and 14 January. But it is not easy because we love holidays. Not even because we love to eat and sing. Some do not think about the ancient customs, and celebrate the old new year in the habit, because they always did that.

At the Romans, the Day of Rev. Melania traditionally completed the year, and St. Vasily's Day began to be new. In the folk imagination, these images turned into a steady pair, it became tied to the real historical figures (Prince Vladimir the Great and his mother of Malushi). And in ritual texts you can find the echoes of legal norms and some details of the life of the X century.

On the night of January 13-14, Russians celebrate the Old New Year - a holiday, incomprehensible for many foreigners. Nobody can really say - what is the old new year different from the traditional, usual new year? Of course, from the side it would seem, it would be only in the discrepancy of dates.

However, we all treat the old New Year as a very independent holiday that can extend the charm of the New Year. And maybe for the first time to feel it, because the situation is different, but in this day the holiday is more relaxed, there is no bustle, so inherent to the holiday on January 1.

There are two reasons for the emergence of a unique new year - a change in the date of commencement of the New Year in Russia and the stubbornness of the Russian Orthodox Church, who did not wish to go to a new style.

Old New Year: Holiday History

In the pagan times, the new year was celebrated in Russia on March 22 - on the day of spring equinox, and it was connected with the agricultural cycle. With the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the Byzantine calendar began to press the old one, and now the new year began on September 1. For a long time, the difference was still preserved, and in some places the new year continued to celebrate in the spring. Only at the end of the 15th century in Russia officially determined the beginning of the new year - September 1.

By the decree of Peter I, in 1699, the new year was postponed to January 1, on the old style, that is, on January 14, a new style. After the revolution in 1918, the Bolsheviks "abolished" another 13 days a year, which constituted the difference between our chores and European.

Thus formed two celebrations of the New Year - in a new and old style.

On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year 2018 is celebrated - an additional festival, which arose as a result of changing the summer.

Old New Year: Holiday Traditions

This day in the old days was called Vasilyeva Day, and was crucial for the whole year. On Vasiliev, the Day of Agriculture was celebrated, which was associated with the future harvest, and committed a rite of observation - hence the name of the festival "oxen" or "Avsen". This rite was different in different regions of the country: for example, in Tula, the children scattered on the house of a spring wheat, while pronounced a prayer about rich yield, and the hostess then collected it and kept her before the time of Seva. Ukrainian rites were characterized by fun, dances and songs.

And there was still a kind of rite - the capacity of Kashi. On New Year's Eve, at 2 o'clock, the eldest of women brought a barn from the barn, and the senior man brought water from the well or river. Take the croup and water until the oven is expanding, it was impossible - they just stood on the table. Then everyone sat down at the table, and the eldest of the women began to stir porridge in a pot, uttering certain ritual words - the cereals were usually buckwheat.

Then everything got up because of the table, and the mistress poured into the oven - with a bow. The finished porridge was taken from the furnace and carefully considered. If the pot was just full, and the porridge - the welded and crumbly, then it was possible to wait for a happy year and a rich harvest - such a porridge eaten. If the porridge got out of the pot, either the pot cracked - it did not promise the owners at home anything good, and then they expected troubled, and porridge threw. This was such a program - either on troubles, or to prosperity, and it is not surprising that it was often realized - after all, it was serious about it.

Interesting rites of walking around the houses to treat pork dishes. On the night of Vasily, the guests certainly needed to feed the pints with pork, boiled or baked swine legs and in general by any dishes that pork enters. The table also necessarily put a pork head. The fact is that Vasily was considered a "caster" - the patron saint of pigs and pork products, and believed that if this night there would be a lot of pork on the table, then these animals would be fruitful in the farm in abundance, and bring good profits to the owners. This sign is much more positive than the rite with porridge, especially for mastic and hardworking owners. Surprisingly sonorous and folding saying: "The pink yes Borovka for Vasilyev in the evening" also contributed to the mood of the owners on economic prosperity and abundance.

But the tradition of sculpting on the old new year, dumplings with surprises appeared not so long ago - no one is not remembered, where and when, however, it is happy to be observed in many areas of Russia. In some cities, they are pushed them in almost every home - with family and friends, and then they arrange a fun feast and eat these dumplings, looking forward to whom the surprise will fall. This comic fortune telling especially for children. Even for work bring dumplings with you to cheer familiar and colleagues; And at local food enterprises, such dumplings often produce - it is under the old new year.

The modern old new year is now celebrating the same as on New Year's Eve. It is believed in the old new year you need to have time to do what it did not work on January 1. For example: to make a desire, after writing it on a napkin, which is burned and thrown into champagne; See concerts and letters that have not had time to see; Send greetings to the old new year relatives and relatives with the repeated wishes of good and health; Put gifts that have previously forgotten under the New Year Christmas tree, after which it can be removed. In the southern regions, a custom is preserved to cook a pig or pork dishes so that the New Year becomes rich in good news. Some villages carry carols, but their true meaning is more often lost.

And yet, not paying attention to the fact that this day, unfortunately, is not even a weekend, the popularity of the old new year is growing. According to the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, the number of people wishing to celebrate the Old New Year has already exceeded 60%. Among those who are going to celebrate the "old" new year are the majority of students and students, workers, entrepreneurs, housewives and in general persons under 40, with secondary special and secondary education, with relatively high incomes.

Fortune telling for old new year

To dinner, as well as on the Christmas Eve, the whole family sits down. It is very important that clothes on this day be carefully wigled and clean. After dinner, it is necessary to go to the neighbors and ask one apologies for a possible guilt to each other to meet the New Year in peace and harmony.

Evening on the eve of the New Year gives a chance to those guys who failed during the Swathanha. It is this evening that you can make a second attempt. True, for this you need to catch the girl at home, and it is very hard, as the girl's Vatagi whished in the village is already going. Shocked girls could only under the windows of houses and then only closer to the end of the generous evening, that is, by midnight.

Great fortune tellivations deserve special attention. What only did not make representatives of a weak half, just to know what a capricious fate prepares them. Try, at least such: Put the scallop under the pillow before bedtime, at the same time saying: "My squeezed mellow, I will make your head! "One who in a dream will scratch the head, he will be narrowed.

If you go to the courtyard at midnight, you can feel how the old year drives the old year. On the first day of the New Year, the most common was, and now remains, cropping rite. It is believed that this rite came to us from the pre-Christian times, because our great-grandparents met the new year not in winter, but in the spring and therefore the rite of cropping is associated with the hopes for a kind crop. Having sown mostly children, with the generous all the one who came to the house first. There were, except single crowns, whole seven groups. In this case, this interesting rite turned into a real performance, where Vasily, Melanka (Malanka), and Gypsy were the main actors.

Old New Year: Signs

Signals on January 13 and 14 carefully referred to the signs, among which the following were especially distinguished:

Weather on Melanka was warm, then summer will be good;

Animes on the trees meant a yield year;

If at night there was a Purga or a blizzard, it was believed that the year would be restless;

To hear in the morning an unusual ringing was news of the possible replenishment. The domestic cattle must necessarily task so that the New Year for them was calm and prolific.

If at least some elements and traditions of celebrating to return to modern reality, you can improve the new year's mood and make the celebration unforgettable.

After a couple of weeks after the meeting of the New Year, a rare historical phenomenon appeared in our country, which appeared in Russia after changing the summer. He got the name "Old New Year". It is under this name, since 1918, he knocks on our house on the night of January 13-14, a re-triumph, which coincides with the ancient church holiday - Day of Vasily the Great. Predaten our ancestors considered Vasilyev a day special, nor not like time when people open from a new, unexpected side, and nature surprises with unusual phenomena. The dual nature of the holiday creates a mystical aura and makes miracles quite natural and expected.

The history of the emergence of the second New Year

In Rus, a decree of Peter I was established to celebrate the onset of the new year on January 1. This tradition appeared in 1700 and was steadily observed until 1918. However, the young Soviet government decided that the New Republic should exist in one summer with an enlightened Europe that has long been already living in the Gregorian calendar. Thus, with the onset of the new 1919 after December 31, it was immediately coming on January 13, and the entire calendar immediately shifted almost two weeks.

However, the highest clergy with such a state of affairs could not accept. After all, when the dates are shifted, the New Year's holiday accounted for the time of the Great Post, when there was an abstinence not only in food, but also in the lifestyle. Said by the Orthodox Church to the present day continues to use Julian Souls, and all believers meet the new year only after the Nativity of Christ (January 7) and the end of the post.

The Soviet people, most of them, not too adhere to religious traditions, gladly perceived a new holiday, but did not refuse from the old celebration. That is how the historical phenomenon of the two-year meeting of the new year appeared. To exclude confusion, the second New Year has become called the old New Year.

In addition, his date came to an ancient Russian holiday dedicated to the Holy Vasily Great and circumcision of the Lord. Wasiliev has long been considered a special moment, which determined the entire subsequent year. After combining the celebration of the New Year, many rites of both holidays naturally merged. In addition to the day of St. Basil, coming on January 14, still allocate eve of New Year's Eve - Vasilyev Evening. In many localities, he has separate traditions and is wearing different names: a generous or rich evening, oxen, malanya.

Rites on Vasiliev Evening

  • One of the most important traditions of the eve of the old New Year was a generously covered festive table. After all, no wonder the eve of the celebration was often called the "rich evening". Our ancestors were confident that the more tasty treats, the greater wealth expects a family in the coming year.
  • With respect to the menu, also there were special requirements. It must be attended by a variety of pork dishes: from chill to baked piglet. After all, St. Vasily was considered a patron of pig breeding. In addition, it was impossible to forget about the preparation of special porridge (aircraft) from the steamed wheat grain - another symbol of abundance. It was abundantly squeezed by lard or meat, and sweetness lovers prepared a dessert version with honey, raisins, sugar or jam.
  • In a generous evening, tried to wear the newest and beautiful clothes. It was believed that the spectacular festive outfit attracts good clothes and will allow all the year to dress up in the richest dress.
  • In many regions of Russia, another name of Vasilyev in the evening - oxen. It appeared thanks to the ceremony of "ozenkanya", very reminiscent of corollasting. Company of Ryazhoy youth went on the village and performed special magnitude songs facing each family member separately. Most often noise (or generous) with good wishes of health and well-being were intended for the owner of the house and adult sons. For them, kids and girls were made to give sweets, baking or a shallow coin.
  • In order to spend the whole year in peace and harmony with neighbors, on the eve of the New Year, it was customary to go to visit each other. It was especially welcomed that the first of the visitors of the threshold of the house was replaced by a young man from a wealthy and large family. Our ancestors believed that such a visitor would bring sufficient and good luck with him.
  • What holiday costs without funny goulas? The youth was going to big companies, crossed the bright bonfires, around which sang and danced. Persons have been made to close the masks depicting a cattle: most often - goats and rams. For acute impressions, scary wolf costumes and Baba Yaga were also welcomed.

Traditions on old new year

If the main admission of a generous evening was an abundant meal and singing "Shchedrian", then on January 14, other rites were added to these joys.

  • The most common ritual was to oversee or cropping. He was held early in the morning, children who went to the outbreaks and scattered out of the mittens, bag or sleeves of any cereals from wheat to buckwheat to add a crop. The hostess tried to catch flying seeds with their apron in order to add it to the first bookmark of the seeder.
  • In many houses, on the old New Year, it was customary to bake from the dough figure of poultry and cattle. Such biscuits were treated for all friends and neighbors, and those in return should have left a small coin. The accumulated amount was later given to the nearest temple for charitable needs.
  • Loved our ancestors to observe the rite of New Year's wash. The first of the family, who on this day will bring water from the well, river or spring, was sure to wash her, so that the whole year did not lose strength and vigor. In addition, it was believed that a copper coin was thrown into the ladle Add Fortress Health, Golden - will help become more beautiful, and silver - cleanse the skin from freckles, warts and moles.
  • Early in the morning for breakfast it was taken to cook ritual Vasilyev porridge, turning ordinary economic concerns into a real rite. The result of cooking was especially important: the magnificent and delicious dish was prompted by the whole family of wealth, but a cracked pot or burnt croup predicted a difficult year and a series of trouble.
  • Another morning ritual was shaking snow from fruit trees. The owner managed his garden and easily tapping on the trunks so that the branches would lose the lush snow caps. This guaranteed a rich harvest of apples, pears, plums and other fruits in the future.
  • Continued to range from Vasiliev. The youth went through the courtyards and performed special songs with the wishes of good and happiness. For a good performance, the hosts gave amateur artists with delicious cakes, pork legs and another snack, which was eaten by a funny company immediately after the parish of the village.

Marriage Signs

The main beliefs on January 14, which from the pagan times was attached great importance, were traditionally connected with the weather predictions and types of harvest. After all, it is this topic that the rural workers were mostly worried about a long time to this day.

  • On the festive night always paid attention to the sky. If it was not tightened with clouds, and in velvet black brightly sparkled the myriad of the stars, then the remainder of the winter promised to be frosty, and the summer is hot. All this was thrown out the peasants an excellent cheerboard.
  • If the heavens started the clouds from the morning, and the blizzard was played out, the festive mood was somewhat tuck. It could only raise it, promising thanks to such weather, the set of nuts with autumn sometimes.
  • The branches of the trees in the morning of January 14 carefully studied the beams and very rejoiced if they noticed sparkling fruit on them. Indeed, in this case, the future of summer promised excellent honeycomb and full Korchagi sweet, fragrant honey.
  • Snowfall in the old new year and now is not too pleased with knowledgeable people. After all, bad weather in the holiday promises the cold and rainy beginning of the summer season, which does not benefit the future harvest and unpleasantly upset the city inhabitants.
  • If the day of the day is clear on Vasiliev, and frost cracks outside the window, then the grains will certainly delight the peasants, but the quiet hunting lovers are upset. This weather predicts that in the summer season mushrooms will not be born in the forest.
  • Even the height of the sun over the horizon was the subject of close attention. If the daylight will rise high, then the year will be rich and happy, but the scarring circle, low in heaven, predicts crumbs and all sorts of misfortune.

Festive bans

Among numerous accepts and believes associated with the old New Year, there are many different prohibitions that our ancestors tried to strictly observe the displeasure of the higher forces.

  • The first ban concerns primarily women. Ladies love to acquire outfits for the holiday, but the fact is that Vasilyev day is customary to meet in new clothes. And she first should be hoping on January 13, and the dress purchased for the new year is no longer suitable. So if you want to attract good luck and wealth, you must have two new clothes.
  • During the festive feast, we definitely drink alcohol, and the culture of its use implies toasts and toasts. If you do not want to scare the fortune, never use the words in the wishes in the negative sense with the "not" particle.
  • Young and unmarried women of misfortune and loneliness in the coming year promises the celebration exclusively in the women's company, which, in general, is completely logical.
  • So that problems from the past have not moved next year, it is categorically forbidden to include marine and river reptiles that move.
  • Never in a generous evening or Vasilyev day cleaning. After all, in this way, you can easily "wash" from home and family all good luck.

Fortune telling

The people believed that fortune telling on the eve of St. Vasily of the Great - the most faithful and certainly always come true.

  • With a piece of bread, a ring and a hook of a girl walked on the future husband. These items folded into a bowl with other small things, and then did not look out of them the first one. If you were lucky to grab the ring - hoped on a writing handsome, the bread suled the rich bride, and the hook warned from the poor or the freak. Any other trifle predicted another year of devices.
  • In order to find out the nature of the future spouse, the girl was left in the room alone, and then let the dog let out. If the animal immediately hurried to the beauty and began to caress, she was to have a happy life with a caring husband. Pet, sniffing gender and not seeking communication warned against an angry person and unfortunate marriage.
  • It was possible to see the narrowed in a dream on the festive night. To do this, the girl was enough to comb hair and hide the comb under the pillow. If the young man, who appeared in the fest, was taken to calculate the beauty of his hair, he was her molded.
  • For modern well-educated girls suitable and another way to learn your future. To do this, it is only to take any book, and then select the page number and string. Their content will be the answer to this or that exciting question.
  • In the villages it is easy to use another way to learn about the future family life. Enough in a generous evening only get to the window of the hut and overhear the conversations of the owners. If they sit at the festive table, then family life will be a solid holiday. The quarrel spouses will predict an angry husband, and drunk inhabitants at home promise the second half with a burden to alcohol.

Tradition to celebrate this holiday goes from the discrepancy of the Julian calendar (or otherwise the "old style" calendar) and the Gregorian calendar is the of which almost the whole world live now. The discrepancy of calendars in the 20-21 centuries is 13 days. The old new year is a rare historical phenomenon, which turned out as a result of changing the summer. Because of this discrepancy of the calendar, we celebrate two "new years" - according to the old and new style.

Folk Signals for the Old New Year

As you know, there exists a calendar of folk and events, which contains unusual days and natural phenomena associated with them. Marked in Him and Holiday History. The old new year is called the national calendar - Vasilyev day. People noticed that if the weather was frosty and low, it was a rude crop. The thaw on this day was perceived as a harbinger of cold and faulty summer. There were other signs. The blizzard was played on the old new year - nuts are frightened.

"Axen, Avsen, you walked around ..."

Vasilyev's day was the holiday of agriculture, in connection with this he met fun: the calendar songs were sang, there were rounds, people were laughed in dance. Traditional rites were used. On the old new year they were observation, scattered in the house of wheat grain. And also prayed that she was gone this summer.

The patron saint is not only agriculture, but also the pig breeding was considered the Holy Martyr Vasily, whose day was honored in the old new year. The story states that the owners were preparing meat dishes, pies, chille from pork. It was believed that it would bring health and happiness to all the home. In addition, it was necessary to be treated with meat guests, so this night people went to each other - and to congratulate, and taste.

What kind of porridge brew, so year and spend

Another interesting tradition has kept the history of the holiday. Old New Year was the Day of Predictions. At night, the elderly family representatives, a man and a woman, prepared a ritual porridge. At first, waited until the furnace is gunned, and then they already poured a barbell with water and put the pot on the night in the oven. By what kind of porridge turned out, they determined what the coming year would be. Whole pot and fragrant and crumbly porridge foreshadowed a happy future and a good harvest. This dish was eaten in the morning. If the cereals turned out to be outside the pot, running through the edge, or the Sudine itself was cracked, the owners were waiting for poverty and the lack of town year. In this case, the ritual porridge did not eat, but immediately missed.

In antiquity, people said: "As a year we will meet - you will spend." It has come down to this day, this statement calls us to cover our rich table with treats and disasters and have fun, inviting wealth, well-being and health to your home.

Prediction on the Old New Year

On a ring

On the old new year, the girls were often guessing on the groom. You can conduct an improvised quiz. Ask a familiar marriage lady Wedding Ring. (Only from hand to hand can not be transferred. This is bad sign. It is believed that if the girl takes her wedding ring from the hands of a married lady, then the fate will only give her a free lover, and the lady is divided. This is not another.) It is better if the owner of the ring will be in your company (you can call mom). The fortune telling is done like this. It is necessary to prepare cups, one on the girl. The lady must arrange them up the bottom on the table. One put a ring. Naturally, everything needs to be done so that no one spiers. Now gadgets must choose a cup of chasing. Not necessarily different. It is quite possible to make one. When all girls decided on, the mystery of the rings opens. The one that was gone to the cup, under which it was, can expect proposals for hand and hearts in the new year. The rest can be glad that there is time to enjoy youth and life without commitment!

How to find out fate with grain help?

You know, in the old days, for example, used the most ordinary things or products used for the coming year. We will use any grains. In the old girl, the girl (and this female way of divination) went to the barn, and each handy of heated wheat. So do, only for simplicity you can use any large grains (you can even coffee).

You should dial the cereals as much as it turns out, so as not to be looked at the floor. Then pour the grains in front of yourself and count. The resulting number follows by adding component parts to the simple digit.

Example: in your handstone turned out to be 274 grains. So do: 2 + 7 + 4 \u003d 13; 1 + 3 \u003d 4.

Consequently, four of you fell. There is only one exception from this rule: if the number 66 appears at some stage of addition, then the account should not be continued. The ritual will not be true. And the rest of the numbers are decrypted as follows:

  1. fulfillment of all wishes, fate in your hands;
  2. be with a pair this year;
  3. a few fans will take care of the girl, it is not necessary to be determined until next year, since the choice will be incorrect;
  4. moving to another house;
  5. the new after spending a dream will light up;
  6. boring year;
  7. wedding;
  8. undivided love;
  9. good changes in fate.

Previously spoke only about marriage. But now the nine is treated wider. She foreshadows what a woman seeks. That is, you can experience hopes for career growth, the implementation of talent, wealth, admission to the university or other, which was planned earlier and leads to serious change in life.

It was still in ancient times when the celebrations took place on the night of January 13-14 for the Julian calendar. They celebrate this date and in our time, arranging joint divination, shints and strides, because this night is considered the most mysterious and mysterious.

Folk Signals for the Old New Year

The result of this holiday was the shift of the calendar for 13 days. Russians with great joy are celebrated, but foreigners cannot understand him and no longer in any country has such a date. Signs under the Old New Year were formed for years and was transmitted from generation to generation. You can believe today today, because most of them carry truly true meaning:

  1. During the feast, the first must cross the threshold of the house man.
  2. The hostess of the house is obliged to cook dinner by including pies into it.
  3. With a dawn shook snow from trees existing in the garden at home.

A long time for the old new year was worn and church importance. On this day, Vasily, Saint Archbishop, who was subsequently ordered great, went to another world. He devoted his whole life to serving God, and a big half of his family was also facing faith. Holy employees recorded weather phenomena that happened on this day and predicted possible cold or thaws:

  1. For a holiday, a pure starry sky - the second half of winter will be cold.
  2. If there is plentiful snowfall - slushful and rainy July.

How to celebrate the Old New Year - Signs

Like any other Russian holiday, a rich table with treats and friends and relatives are invited. The night of January 13-14 is considered the latter, in which there is still a Christmas tree, after 14 it should be removed immediately, because it can attach unclean power into the house. Songs and dances are considered mandatory in this holiday for both and to scare up evil spirits. Signs under the Old New Year are still complied with many families, and are transmitted to the younger generation.

  1. Do not think this night is a trifle and do not be broken - otherwise it will pass the whole year.
  2. Do not pronounce the number "thirteen".
  3. Not to give anyone and nothing in debt, you will be poor all year.
  4. There is a quiet snowfall - the coming year will be memorable.

Meetings for money for the old new year

Everyone dreams of money supply in the coming time. Our ancestors also wanted to become financially secured, and therefore did not miss the opportunity to use signs and beliefs to the old new year. Such a night is considered one of the most magical in the year, and make a desire to fulfill rituals, guess, etc., was considered mandatory, especially at the young age.

  1. Give all debts before the holiday and do not take new ones.
  2. Get rid of the whole bit of dishes.
  3. Dress on new things, if possible, throw out old ones.
  4. Put in your pocket money, the highest advantage.
  5. Do not play gambling.

Signals for trade to the old new year

For superstitious entrepreneurs, the old new year is considered one way to increase its financial level and improve sales. Signs and rituals on the old new year are suggested that the money loves silence. Do not praise with your sales on the holiday, otherwise they may not repeat. If a person wants to sell the house, then on the night of the celebration, they advise three times around the house.

Do not be lazy to work, even on a holiday. Trade loves perseverance and is considered that the seller who goes home later will definitely be in profits. On the night of 13 to 14, be sure to put a large bill of money in your goods, to attract them. As you know, money goes to money. Offer friends to buy something from you, even a minor thing, for a good start year.

Weather Tags for Old New Year

The Russian people have always been very superstitious and follow the traditions of the ancestors with us is considered normal. Signs and rituals under the old new year set up people for a happy future, help thinking positively and confidently, and as everyone knows, thoughts are material. This night is considered magic, because by the old believe in it all witches go and suit Shabashi, and songs and dances in the houses drive them away from people.

Knowing what signs on the old new year were and how our ancestors believed in them, you can see that most of them are true. This is especially true of the weather. Natural phenomena of that night carefully tracked and recorded for years. And not even considering the fact that modern ecology has greatly changed the climate, according to some predictions it is possible to understand what winter will be whether there will be blizzards, rains, cold and much more.

  1. The wind blows from the south, there will be a hot year.
  2. Frost and snow - big harvest.
  3. Highly raised sun - the year will be warm and happy.
  4. Wind from the East, there will be a fruit harvest.

Old New Year - Signals for girls

Young girls on January 13 do not miss a convenient occasion to pay or pay attention to folk signs under the old new year. That's right, because it can predict them future fate. This is especially true of lonely girls, or dreaming of getting married. The magic night can give not only hope, but also suggest in which direction it is worth moving to find your love.

  1. The girl must cook and eat with girlfriends dumplings with a surprise.
  2. Put the ring under the pillow and wait for the one who comes in a dream.
  3. Wear any new thing.

On this day, many are satisfied with mass divination. Signs and customs on the old new year pushing not only girls, but also young men. This joint pastime perfectly helps to relax, have fun and consolidate the celebration of the New Year. The final celebration sets up to the end of the holidays and access to the casual routine.

Signs to the old new year on marriage

The human biofield is divided into many parts and each of them is responsible for a certain part of life. The horoscope for marriage is very closely associated with the New Year holidays and takes into account all the signs for the old New Year for marriage. The experience of ancestors shows that this is an effective and proven option, and following him and the truth is possible, to get married faster.

  1. Do not get out in the apartment on the eve of the holiday.
  2. Prepare for a festive table exclusively.
  3. With last year's failure in love, burn the calendar, in the old new year.

Signs for the old new year for pregnancy

The most pleasant in the life of every girl is motherhood. If a woman dreams next year to see two stripes on the test, then you need to follow some traditions. They do not allow one hundred percent warranty, but will prompt in what direction it is worth turning their attention to a woman who dreams of a child. What signs under the old new year should girls fulfill?

  1. Jump through the fire.
  2. Preparing a rich dinner.
  3. Exactly 12 nights to go out into the street and looking at the sky to ask the kid.

Ecology of life: the tradition of celebrating the old new year in Slavs originated in 1918, when Soviet Russia was forced to go to life in the Gregorian Souls, to eliminate the frightening difference in time between Europe and Russia.

The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year in Slavs originated in 1918, when Soviet Russia was forced to switch to life in the Gregorian Soulustee to eliminate the frightening difference in time between Europe and Russia.

Subsequently, the Julian calendar has abolished, but the Orthodox Church did not obey the order of Soviet power and continued to celebrate the holiday in the old mode, but now January 14th. That is, the old new year is a new year that people continue to celebrate in the old style.

Signs and traditions on Vasiliev Evening

From the night of January 13-14, the people re-celebrated the arrival of the New Year, the eve of which was called Vasilyev in honor of the patron saint of the pilot - Vasily Saint. On this day, a pig was usually killed, from the meat of which countless nursing dishes were preparing, since it was the pig in the ancestors performed a symbol of the fertility of cattle and family well-being. In addition to the above-mentioned name, this day in the people often magnified as a "generous evening" or "oxen".

How was the preparation for the holiday?

In the morning, the hostess treated the entire seven wheat porridge, which generously filled meat or honey. The people went signature: the more tastier the porridge, the better the coming year will be given. But if the dish failed, then the family will pursue failure. Then from lunch and until the evening, a woman baked pancakes, loose dumplings with different fillings and jammed piglets. Men helped them in the housework, and the children went to collect.

The ceremony of "oxenkanya" was accompanied by changing into national costumes and walking from home to home with songs that had to attract luck and prosperity to the village. The owners who have been allowed to the threshold of Collast, necessarily treated children something delicious. By evening, he was covered with a generous table to draw the coming year, and at night the whole family went to visit neighbors to attract peace and grace.

In the morning, on January 14, young people went to the streets and burned fires to burn "Diduh" and jump over the New Year's fire in purification. This night believed: the more stars in the sky, the greater the harvest.

Mandatory dishes on the table for the meeting of the old new year

In order for the festive table to fit the canons of the Old Slavic traditions, it is important for the holiday of the Old New Year to sign on the table by Kutu, which is preparing from buckwheat and barley (today used purified rice) with the addition of a variety of dried fruits, nuts, grapes and honey. The richer filling, the better. The thing is that each product is sacred value: nuts symbolize health, raisins - longevity, grain - the beginning of a new life, honey - good news, poppy - wealth.

By the way, our ancestors treated with special attention to the rites associated with the prediction of fate. The main tradition in each family was eating special dumplings with a surprise. In their stuffing, a variety of items were hidden - from a laurel sheet to a coin. Caught dumpling with cherry? To temptation. With cabbage? To money. The ring spoke about the ambulance wedding, the thread warned about a long road, a button - to the new clothes, pepper and salt - to grief.

Popular fortune telling in old new year

Not only a festive table was engaged in the peasants. All, from Mala to Great, with a special reverence waited for the onset of darkness to take up fortune-law. People believed that in the night of 13 to 14 is magical, it was during this period that dark and bright forces that possess knowledge are descended to earth.

Fortune telling "Put the ear"

If you want to know what year is waiting ahead, then you just need to listen to someone else's conversation. Ask a question about yourself and listen to what people say around: laugh - everything will be fine, crying or swearing - it means that it is not welcome, and if they drink - stay away from the temptations.

Fortune telling "prophetic string"

In the old days, the girls were especially loved to guess on the books. They prepared questions in the mind, and then called the page number and string. The answer and served as a prophecy.

Divination "Green Sprout"

To find out who will marry the first one, the unmarried girls chose themselves on the bulb and put the root into the water. Whoever used to start sprout, she will marry the first to marry.

Divination "Stranger"

To find out the name of the narrowed, the unmarried girl was not rare immediately after midnight ran out of the house to look for the first oncoming male. There was a belief: what name the stranger calls, it will be the future husband.

It will be interesting for you:

Fortune telling "Surprise Bag"

In the house pre-prepared a bag with a variety of small items - pebbles, cereals, handkerchiefs. The crust of bread, ring and hook was hid there. Without looking inside, it was necessary to get the first thing from the bag. If the girl pulled the loaf - to live in richness, the hook is to wait for trouble or severe destiny, and the ring - to a happy marriage.published