Modern wedding trends All about modern weddings

A wedding is a very important moment in the life of a young couple who decide to start a family. In most cases, it is carefully planned and thought out to the smallest detail. Every year a modern wedding acquires its own distinctive features and features, gaining more and more popularity in comparison with other styles of a wedding celebration.

In this article, you can find comprehensive information about what a modern wedding looks like and how to organize it.

Distinctive features of a modern wedding

If earlier any wedding celebration proceeded according to a previously known scenario, today newlyweds strive to ensure that their holiday is unique and unrepeatable.

A modern wedding differs from a traditional feast in the very approach to organizing a holiday, namely:

  • celebration involves creating a special festive atmosphere:
  • comfortable conditions should be created for each guest;
  • a wedding should have its own mood;
  • maximum attention is paid to the design of the wedding, not excluding the smallest details;
  • the wedding scenario bears little resemblance to a traditional wedding;
  • the outfits of the bride and groom have a rather unusual look.

These requirements require careful preparation of the wedding celebration, perhaps even with the involvement of specialists.

Groom and bride outfits

Quite often, newlyweds choose traditional outfits in the form of a white dress for the bride and a classic suit for the groom. To make the image of the newlyweds more unusual and memorable, you can consider the following options:

  1. Clothes of a simple cut from natural fabrics. Such an outfit, which includes a simple dress and a plaid shirt, is appropriate for a boho, rustic or eco style wedding.
  1. Vintage outfits. Lace dress, tweed suit and bow tie will not go unnoticed.

  1. Dress in the style of minimalism. A strict dress made of expensive fabric without unnecessary decorative elements, a suit in black or gray will perfectly fit into this style.
  1. Wedding attire containing decorative elements that match in color with the overall design of the celebration.

But not only the outfits of the newlyweds set the tone for the celebration. It is very important to pay due attention to the very organization of the holiday, given the traditions of a modern wedding.

Who to invite?

Previously, almost all relatives, familiar neighbors and colleagues of the parents of the newlyweds were invited to the wedding. Modern wedding 2018 assumes that next to the young on this holiday are only those people whom they really want to see. And it doesn’t matter if it will be 20 people or 120. Moreover, weddings with a huge number of guests are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Official part

If earlier the painting took place exclusively in the registry office, then modern couples increasingly prefer an outdoor ceremony, especially in the warm season.

And this is not surprising, because this approach allows you to create a special atmosphere, and the environment, for example, a river bank or a clearing in a park, can itself serve as a great decor. And the feast today is organized not only in restaurants, but also in country houses and even palaces.

Toasts and congratulations

Modern wedding congratulations no longer look like a monotonous reading of a poem from a finished postcard. Today's wedding guests recite their own poems, sing songs and even dance.

Congratulations and toasts can be both rhymed and in the form of prose. The main thing is that they do not consist of hackneyed phrases known to the whole world.

Sincerely spoken words sound much better than a verse written by someone about nothing, and you should not forget about it.

How to entertain guests?

The scenario of a modern wedding is impossible without the active participation of guests in all kinds of games and competitions.

To make them interesting and exciting, it is necessary to take into account the age of the invitees and their activity. The entertainment program of a modern wedding begins from the moment when the newlyweds go for a walk for a photo shoot. It can be various quests, lotteries, board games.

It must be taken into account that many traditional wedding contests have already become obsolete. A stolen bride or her shoes, a bottle of vodka drunk at speed, and many other primitive contests have long been of no interest to anyone. In order for the wedding to be modern and creative, you cannot do without an experienced toastmaster who will offer an interesting scenario and be sure to coordinate it with the heroes of the occasion.

Many couples organize a real show for guests with the participation of fakirs, yogis, artists.

A fashionable innovation is to give each guest a symbolic gift that will remind you of the wedding for a long time. It can be photos of the newlyweds in a beautiful frame, designer invitations and other little things.

In any case, a wedding is a holiday for newlyweds, and it is their desire that must be taken into account when organizing a holiday.

Tell us, what, in your opinion, are the main differences between a traditional wedding with guests of different ages and a youth wedding?

Michael Holiday:

The difference will be mainly in the emancipation of the guests and the construction of the program. The fact is that the presence of parents, grandmothers and other relatives obliges young people to periodically compromise on many issues, such as meeting with a loaf, which many couples would like to refuse, or dancing to retro music. If there are no “adults”, then the program will not be divided into generations, which will allow the couple to fill it with only those elements that are suitable for young people.

Anton Pyataykin:

In my opinion, the main difference is that you can make the wedding more dynamic, include more entertainment things, dances, competitions, etc. in it.

Alexey Lisovsky:

With a youth wedding, first of all, it gives a lot of freedom, and this is very interesting for me, as a creative person! There is an opportunity to create and create a unique product, a unique event. In such weddings, the word “I want” takes precedence over the word “must”. The roof of a skyscraper, an uninhabited island, and even a carriage of the Moscow-Vladivostok train can become the venue for the celebration!

: "It is extremely important for me to "become my own" for the newlyweds and guests at the very beginning of the celebration, so that everyone would have fun, cozy and comfortable."

Does your wedding style change due to these differences? What do you primarily focus on when working with a youth audience?


And there are many performances, but the main ones are the content of the program (it is more active) and its presentation. More about submission. Each professional presenter has several innings depending on the event. I'll give you a few of mine. Firstly, Mikhail is businesslike - super intelligent, with a slight dose of humor, he usually appears at conferences and presentations. Second serve: Mikhail is universal - a multi-format option that is suitable for both classic weddings and large corporate events. Third: Mikhail "e-ge-ge" - a person-separation, whose program does not allow to sit still; this Michael appears mainly at graduations, sports and youth events. There is also club Michael...

Anton Pyataykin:

The style of the presenter must definitely change! I always adapt to the youth audience - I use more modern speech, jokes that are understandable only to young people; besides, the dj plays contemporary songs, etc.

Alexey Lisovsky:

B is definitely changing! First of all, it is important for me to understand what kind of young people are at this celebration, because young people are very different, and each guest needs his own approach. If wedding guests prefer to have an active holiday, if they follow global trends and technologies, this is one approach. And if the guys are dreamers who prefer more creativity and are ready to create and create themselves, this is a different approach. In any case, the approach is individual and is determined by the needs of the newlyweds. I'm not asking you to give me an answer, as it should be - I'm asking them to tell them about what they are and what their friends are. And already relying on this, I propose possible formats.

- an excellent leader for those who do not want hackneyed contests, outdated rituals and template scenarios.

How many weddings are arranged by modern newlyweds for their friends, without adult relatives?


Youth weddings are not a frequent occurrence, since in most cases a couple arranges a wedding specifically for relatives, and many simply cannot afford to play two weddings (one for the older generation and one for young people). Nevertheless, such weddings are played, and in a season I hold from ten to fifteen youth weddings.


In my experience, youth weddings are not yet such a frequent occurrence, and even newlyweds invite at least the closest relatives of the adult generation to them. But weddings of this type are becoming more and more popular.


Based on my own experience, I can say with confidence that a youth wedding is rather an exception to the rule. This is an exclusive product that representatives of the wedding industry willingly fight for, because it's interesting!

What advice would you give to newlyweds planning a wedding to which only friends and relatives of the same age are invited?


Most importantly, choose a young presenter who can draw your energy, and also knows the words "selfie", "like" and similar slang. This person will be on the same wavelength with you and will be able to create a friendly atmosphere that will be remembered from the positive side!


I would like to advise you not to forget that you have a wedding, and not just another party. Try to make a smart balance between entertainment and wedding ceremonies (for example, do not exclude the first dance of the newlyweds, the solemn removal of the wedding cake, the throwing of the bride's bouquet). It's a shame if in 5-10 years you will look at the photos and understand that this is a wedding, only by the bride's white dress.


Forget the word "necessary", disconnect from reality and dream! A youth wedding provides a unique opportunity to create something unusual, suitable for you, which means that this day is guaranteed to be remembered by you and your guests with the warmest memories for a lifetime.

I am sure that at a youth wedding there is a place for traditional wedding ceremonies.

Composing scenarios for a modern wedding, newlyweds are increasingly abandoning some traditions, preferring to include more wedding competitions and new entertainment in the holiday program. Sometimes it is quite justified if the wedding is attended mainly by young people who primarily want to have fun. One of such scenarios is offered by our website.

Newlyweds meeting

The host of the wedding, along with parents and guests, meets the newlyweds near the banquet hall. Presenter: “Dear newlyweds! Usually the newlyweds are met by their parents from the registry office, but we decided to meet you with the whole friendly company, since the shared joy only increases. And thanks to all these people, your happiness today will multiply many times over. Take a wedding loaf from the hands of your mothers. Break off a piece and salt well to each other. Let the future life be not salty, not bitter, but only sweet. And today, let it be a little bitter for you! Bitterly!"

In accordance with the scenario of a modern wedding, the newlyweds kiss, then exchange pieces of loaf and feed each other.

Leading: “So we saw which of you will be the best breadwinner in the family. And now let's make way for the most important couple of our holiday. Come into the hall, let only joy meet you there, and let the wedding feast delight your guests. Everyone is invited to the wedding table!”

The newlyweds pass along the living corridor, the guests shower them with rose petals. Everyone takes their places at the table.

wedding feast

Host: Dear newlyweds! Today you entered into a legal marriage. This is the happiest day of your life. Today you have lit a beacon for your love, which will shine for you all your life. On this beautiful day you put on the rings of fidelity, now everything in this life will be new to you, as you begin to live as a single whole.

In the scenarios of a modern wedding, the host usually makes the first toast: “Starting this holiday, I want to wish you eternal love, strong family ties. May your hearts always be wide open for tender and quivering feelings. Dear guests, let's congratulate our young people standing up and say "Bitter" three times, so that the life of the young is sweet as honey.

The guests chant and empty their glasses. Leading: “So that everything at our holiday is legal, we will read out and officially vote with glasses for the act of receiving the newlyweds.”

The act of receiving the bride.

Bride ______ (name of the bride) in the amount of 1 piece was transferred for eternal storage to _____ (name of the groom), who is now her legal spouse. It is completed as follows: body - 1 piece (do not turn over), head - 1 piece (shaggy), eyes - 2 pieces (brown, cunning), ears - 2 pieces (pierced, with earrings), mouth - 1 piece (small, but talkative), hands - 2 pieces (golden and affectionate), legs - 2 pieces (slender).

The scenario of the modern wedding continues with the following text. The “Bride” set is supplied with: a new all-season coat - 1 piece, a dress - 2 pieces (one is put on the bride herself at the time of delivery), a bag without a handle - 1 piece, a cup for tea - 1 piece.

The act of receiving the groom.

The groom ______ (name of the groom) in the amount of 1 piece was transferred for perpetual use to _____ (name of the bride), who is now considered his legal wife. The groom is completed as follows: torso - 1 piece (sports), head - 1 piece (smart), eyes - 2 pieces (faithful), ears - 2 pieces (whole, but can deteriorate from frequent grumbling), nose - 1 piece (Greek ), arms and legs - only 4 pieces (in place).

The set "Groom" is supplied with: a tattered sheepskin coat - 1 piece, a shirt - 1 piece (and that one is on it), a comb - 1 piece (without half of the teeth), boots - 5 pieces (4 from the bottom are right, and 1 is left ).

The host, according to the scenario of a modern wedding, also reads recommendations for use: “Feed, love, pity, protect from the evil eye and other people's wives.”

Host: “As you can see, the newlyweds are not fully staffed. Therefore, you should do their enrichment. Dear guests, let's give the young prepared gifts.

Guests congratulate the newlyweds, express their wishes, put money in a specially decorated jar, and gifts - on the table next to the newlyweds.

Games, contests

For the competitive program, it is necessary to prepare outdoor games and competitions, it is imperative to involve the perpetrators of identity in them. Ideas for them can be found in a special section of the site Svadbagolik.Ru. So that the bride and groom do not get bored, start the entertainment program with them.

Host: “To you, dear newlyweds, walk through life together, help and protect each other in every possible way. Let's check how ready you are for such a serious life test. The bride and groom, according to the conditions of the competition for our scenario of a modern wedding, must dance on the same newspaper. Periodically, it must be folded in half. At some point, the groom will have to take the bride in his arms, since 4 legs on the newspaper will no longer fit.

Host: “Our newlyweds are great at working together. They rightly deserve to be called husband and wife. We give them the relevant documents confirming this right. A diploma, which confirms the legal acquisition of the status of a spouse, is awarded to ____ (groom's name). This diploma, which is awarded to _____ (bride's name), confirms the bride's right to be called her lawful wife from now on.

Host: “The time has come to test the talents of our witnesses. To begin with, I suggest you play Tic-Tac-Toe. Answering the questions that I will ask, the witness should put a zero, and the witness should put a cross.

According to this scenario of a modern wedding, the witnesses go to the playing field of 9 cells. Leading: “Put an end to a carefree life (puts a cross on the groom), zero is left of your carefree days (the witness puts a zero).” Witnesses continue the game, they are supported by guests. The one who lost must stand in the center, surrounded by guests, unwind with his eyes closed and blindly kiss one of the guests. After that, the host announces the game of spin the bottle.

At the end of the wedding evening, the newlyweds come to the place where a large beautiful candle is fixed in advance, they hold small lighted candles in their hands. The host's task is to warn the guests in advance to light their candles at the moment when the newlyweds do it. The scenario of a modern wedding provides for a beautiful wedding ceremony - the lighting of a guiding "star". That is what young people do with the help of small candles. Then the young dance, say goodbye to the guests and leave. The bride throws a bouquet to the unmarried girls in farewell.

Marriage is a bright and memorable event in the life of a family. Every bride dreams of being a princess from an early age. Young people in honor of such an event put on a festive costume. And from just a loved one, the young man turns into a handsome prince who rushed to his beloved on the wings of love. But couples often do not want to celebrate such an event the way their parents did. formed over the centuries, seem to them ridiculous and inappropriate. They have outlived themselves.

Boring ransoms - no! Unbridled fun - yes!

Young people prefer to celebrate the wedding in a different way. They are sickened by redemption with contests a la the 80s. Not to my liking and gatherings at the table with songs to the button accordion. The modern wedding is the solution to the problem. Weddings involve the observance of style and theme. For the overall atmosphere, every little thing is important, up to the dress code of the guests. A wedding happens once in a lifetime, and you want to arrange a holiday not only for the body, but also for the soul.

Starting preparations for the wedding, make up a script. They are doing this:

  • newlyweds themselves;
  • leading;
  • Event Agency;
  • friends;
  • relatives.

The place and time have been determined. What's next?

Before writing a script for a modern wedding, they decide on the concept of the event. It is worth carefully considering the location of the wedding. They may become:

  • a restaurant;
  • Vacation home;
  • yacht;

Depends on the venue and the desire of the young. on a yacht - the scenario of a modern wedding for newlyweds, in whose company there are few representatives of the older generation. You can celebrate a wedding in a restaurant as a social event. Ladies in long dresses and gentlemen in tailcoats will impress even the older generation. And the musical accompaniment of the symphony ensemble will please the ear of the sophisticated public.

Conservatives Go!

Those who pay tribute to traditions would like to arrange a bride price. Alcoholic drinks and souvenirs are used instead of money. Yes, and the ransom scenario is offered modern. Invented competitions are distinguished by non-standard thinking. More precisely, it will be the passage of the quest. It can be organized absolutely on any territory chosen for the celebration. You can do a traditional romantic photo session in the early morning before the wedding.

So that everyone can enjoy the celebration to their fullest, a modern wedding can last two days. On the first day, young people attend a solemn registration at the registry office and go for a photo shoot. This eliminates the need for guests to travel around the city for the newlyweds in search of good photo locations. And on the second day, young people and guests enjoy the fun. The bride can wear the same dress twice or appear in a new outfit every day.

It will help not to divide the wedding into two days. It will take place in the same place where the young people plan to have fun with the guests. Instead of a standard registry office hall, an arch decorated with flowers and waves of fabric, a path of flowers and petals, beautiful live music and friends on both sides of the arch awaits the young. What could be more romantic?

The bride can be led to the altar by her father or godfather. This will also emphasize the transition of the girl to a new family. After that, the young say Everything depends only on the desire of the newlyweds.

Upon completion of the registration, you will not have to stand in traffic jams, getting to the place of the banquet. Guests and young people can start to have fun.

When compiling a script, it is worth considering all the questions regarding:

  • musical arrangement;
  • lighting design;
  • color solution;
  • floristry;
  • costumes for young people and guests;
  • leading.

Timeless classic

Do not forget about the older generation. They do not always share youth trends. When organizing a wedding, it is necessary to take into account their interests. There are rituals that have not changed for a long time:

  1. Ignition of the family hearth. The mothers of the young give them a piece of the warmth of their hearth.
  2. The first dance of the young. This is one of the most beautiful and gentle dances at a wedding.
  3. Dance of the bride with her father. He emphasizes the depth of feelings between them.
  4. Cutting the cake. According to tradition, the young ones sell the first piece. This is an additional contribution of guests to the family budget of the new cell.

Everyone has fun

When preparing a script for a wedding, funny and modern trends can and should be used. Humor has always been the key to success. Therefore, it is worth holding a couple of humorous contests that will not hurt the feelings of the guests. Such competitions will amuse those present and cheer up the young. Obeying modern trends, you can record a humorous video about the wedding. In general, how to bring a touch of humor is up to the young to decide. The main thing is that it pleases them and those around them.

Prize goes to...

Well, what is a wedding without competitions! After all, just sitting at the tables and periodically going out for dance breaks will be boring for guests. Representatives of two families gather at the wedding. For the most part, they are practically unknown. It is competitions that will allow everyone to get to know each other better and make friends.

"Bearded" contests with balls and pencils are not in fashion today. Self-irony and a creative streak have become whales on which modern wedding contests are based. For example, you can offer to congratulate the young in a comic form. The second example of a contest can be the listing of flattering and laudatory epithets addressed to the bride and groom. Whoever names the most wins.

The children's favorite game of forfeits also does not stand aside. When compiling a list of modern contests, do not forget about the favorite contest of all newlyweds: determining the sex of the first-born with the help of sliders and guests' money. This is what witnesses do. Young mothers should also not stay too long at the table. They are invited to swaddle the baby at speed. After all, they may soon become grandmothers, and it will not be superfluous to remember the skills. The competition with a rope will amuse the guests. Having pulled it on at a decent height, guests are invited to pass under it, dancing. Each time it goes down and down. Only the most daring and flexible guests will reach the final.

Songs until the morning

Modern performers delight listeners with various musical compositions. They can be used to decorate musical breaks throughout the celebration. But for the entertainment of guests, many hosts offer to do some kind of karaoke. To do this, melodies of famous hits are taken, and the words are written independently. They also have different wishes. If there is no time to come up with words, you can use ready-made ones and choose to your taste among hundreds of compositions. Such modern alterations for the wedding will appeal to all guests, regardless of age and social status.

Host of the evening

As for the hosts of the wedding celebration, you should not save on them. Even the most thoughtful and well-planned modern wedding can be spoiled by the lack of professionalism of the presenter. A toastmaster with little experience or invited at random can behave incorrectly, which will put the newlyweds and guests in an awkward position.

In order for young people not to worry about their holiday, a modern toastmaster for a wedding is required. In the face of fierce competition, the hosts try to please the guests and the bride and groom as much as possible. They will not allow bearded contests and toasts. Jokes below the belt will not be destiny. In order to avoid other troubles, it is worth stipulating in advance all the awkward moments regarding forbidden topics and preferences in the conduct of the holiday.

Modern presenters, as a rule, collaborate with sound engineers, which will help save time looking for it. Lighting design they can also take over. They can also advise an inexpensive company for decorating the hall.

From what, from what...

Traditions of a modern wedding are presented in a wide range. These include:

  • outside registration;
  • engagement;
  • bachelorette party and bachelor party;
  • exchange of wedding rings;
  • showering the young with sweets, petals, rice, millet, etc.;
  • dance of the young;
  • throwing a bouquet and a garter;
  • launching pigeons;
  • a wedding cake;
  • gifts for parents.

The list of traditions is wide. It includes the main components of any wedding. They can be supplemented by others or modified in accordance with the wishes of the bride and groom. But for the most part, they persist. Almost no couple can deny themselves the pleasure of having fun before the wedding at stag and hen parties. And not to give gifts to people who gave life, on such a day is just a crime. It has also become a good tradition to determine the next in line for family happiness.

Congratulations to the young

As for the guests, they also want to be as original as possible. To do this, they come up with all sorts of ways to surprise the newlyweds and their guests. Reading a congratulation from a postcard and giving a present is considered trivial. It is much more interesting to congratulate the young with a song of your own composition or to perform an original dance. It would be useful to compose and show a sketch from a large and friendly family. Such congratulations will be imprinted in the memory of young people and guests for a long time. Pop stars can congratulate young people. Such modern congratulations on the wedding will make an indelible impression. This will allow you to show your talents and your originality.

A successful modern wedding involves many nuances. Their observance is obligatory for all invited and newlyweds. It is necessary to choose a professional presenter and carefully develop a script, invite relatives and friends to your celebration, come up with modern wedding contests. Then you can put on a beautiful outfit and enjoy what you have done. The main thing is to love and be loved, and the organization of the holiday can be entrusted to professionals. May you live happily ever after!

Let's start with theory.

For a wedding to be successful, it must meet three conditions:
1. We need a wedding!
2. The wedding must be modern.
3. A wedding should have a common task or concept, or a "draught" (in theatrical terms). In general, it should be stylish (not to be confused with the color scheme (!), I'm talking about the atmosphere of the day.)

If at least one condition is not met, then, in principle, the wedding will take place, but it will not leave a semantic mark on your destiny, as a step from which your own life began, but it will be just a beautiful event, but don’t worry - 70% of weddings in Russia are a set of incomprehensible cult actions that are performed only because "it's like that for everyone."

Thinking young people mainly ask questions "why?", therefore, for them there is also a proposal for organizing "MODERN WEDDINGS", which I organize.

And now - "sustainable directions of development" of modern weddings, that is - "trends":

  1. The wedding is done for yourself.
  2. The wedding is planned to be MAXIMUM comfortable.
  3. There are no witnesses. There is no bride price. The groom does not go after the bride - we are planning a meeting in a beautiful place.
  4. going to the registry office is an administrative procedure, often taking place a couple of days before the official action. In real life - an exit ceremony of the solemn presentation of a marriage certificate (in the right place, at the right time)
  5. We ride in one - the very best ... car together. Photos and videos are driven by a separate vehicle.
  6. While skiing, we usually visit 3 atmospheric places (Which ones? The photographer and cameraman will tell you or come to me))).
  7. We will definitely rehearse the outdoor ceremony!

By " mass feeding of guests ":

  1. An evening banquet can be replaced with an extended buffet or wedding dinner immediately after the exit registration of marriage.
  2. The format of the wedding banquet / buffet / lunch is a family presentation party (not to be confused with script creative!)
  3. Brides are not stolen. Accordingly, suitors, shoes, certificates, glasses, etc. ... too.
  4. If guests eat, they eat; if they dance, they dance; if you danced and ate - entertain!
  5. The iconic dressing up of guests in masquerade costumes went out of fashion 10 years ago.
  6. The bride and groom do not tell fortunes about children, do not distribute duties, do not hammer nails, do not swaddle dolls, do not look for themselves from photographs, etc. That is, they don’t make a show from the personal life of the newlyweds.
  7. They don’t sell cakes and bottles, they don’t lead round dances, they don’t arrange corridors, they don’t put scarves on brides’ heads (the “meeting with a loaf” is also leaving the mass actions)
  8. The first dance is danced gradually, as if by chance, in an ordinary slow dance.
  9. The walls of the halls and the tables of the guests are not decorated - the emphasis is only on the table of the young.
  10. Slideshows from childhood and their own love stories are not shown to guests. Usually on the LCD monitors of the restaurant there is a photo chronicle of the life of the wedding guests, interspersed with photos of the young (so as not to lose the atmosphere)
  11. They do not shout "bitterly", they listen to toasts while sitting, they kiss while sitting (but beautifully).
  12. The second dress (cocktail) is changed before serving the cake, continuing their party in a new role; it is at this time that a staged dance with the groom is possible!
  13. They don't sing karaoke at all.
  14. The host does not interfere with the guests to relax, and also speaks competently, putting the right emphasis on cakes, shoes, bows, etc. He does not use attractive expressions such as: "and so ...", "well ...", "attention ...", "You know...", etc.
  15. Toasts are spoken ONLY by those guests who WANT!!!
  16. Lighting the hearth, cake, answering word, dancing with dad, throwing a bouquet, removing a garter - not required!
  17. They don’t dance Lezginka, they don’t guess other people’s brides by their legs / arms / lips))
  18. The show program should be justified by the theme of the party, if it's just a dance for the sake of dancing, then it's not needed!

This is a bright specificity - so that it is clear where to go. In personal consultations, we will determine the individual creative of your wedding. But remember the main thing - no matter what you do on your holiday, you must answer the following questions for yourself for each action:

"What am I doing? Why am I doing this? Who am I doing this for?"

If there are answers, then do it)) - if at least one question is a failure, exclude it from the script. A wedding is a "background", then you will continue to live with this "background". And if you came up with something (or they suggested it to you), but it’s not 100% successful (it’s possible that it won’t work out: it will rain, gasoline will run out, we will break the table, we will be late for the plane ...) don’t do it - let it wedding day EVERYTHING will succeed)).

With respect and love!

Host of weddings - YEVGENY YAKUPOV (Creative Studio "Starry Night")

For specific examples of our modern entertainment programs in the "classic wedding" variation, see the photo gallery