"Do you like horror movies?": How I live with multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis: a disease that made me take care of myself

For patients with multiple sclerosis, water aerobics, tai chi, yoga are useful. It is helpful to keep a diary of feelings, love yourself, and be honest. Neurologist, member of the American Academy of Neurology Vitaly Akimov - about what actually affects the development of multiple sclerosis and what makes you feel better.

REFERENCE.Multiple sclerosis is a disorder of the nervous system. In multiple sclerosis, the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is destroyed, which is "responsible" for the transmission of impulses. As a result, often - numbness of the arms, legs, face, poor digestion, reproductive system, internal organs. It is an incurable and progressive disease. It most often affects young people (between the ages of 20 and 40), and its exact causes have not yet been established. There are cases when a harmless infection gave an impetus, and for several months a person who did not have any health problems got into a wheelchair.

Vitaly Akimov

Doctor, can we start right away with some practical advice for patients with multiple sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is a disease with a very diverse symptomatology; certain problems in different patients manifest themselves to varying degrees or do not appear at all. Therefore, the recommendations for each case will be very different. A person may have pronounced disorders of movement, gait, coordination, vision, speech, intelligence, pelvic functions, and so on. Such a patient certainly needs rehabilitation, psychological and social support. Or maybe not, then his life will hardly differ from the life of any other person.

It is often difficult to live on if you know that the disease can develop and that one day you may end up in a wheelchair.

The course of the disease is difficult to predict. It can be aggressive, or it can be quite benign with rare attacks and reversible symptoms. Fortunately, in recent years, medicine has made significant advances in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. We have a number of drugs that are much more effective than before in controlling the course and significantly reducing the progression of the disease. But the very fact of waiting for new symptoms can really badly affect the course of the disease.

The very fact of expecting new symptoms can badly affect the course of the disease.

It is likely that this will lead to changes in the psyche that can disable a person more than the disease itself. Therefore, you need to try to be objective about your condition, assess the real significance of your symptoms, and take the necessary measures to treat them. And as a doctor who monitors a large number of patients with multiple sclerosis, I can say for sure that a positive attitude in most cases has a positive effect on the course of the disease.

- Yes, but I will repeat again: withit is false to be cheerful when you know that treatment for a chronic illness will become an integral part of your life ...

We all know that events can occur in our life that do not depend on us, and this applies not only to multiple sclerosis. We can be upset by certain events in our life. Yes, we may not like everything. Yes, in life we \u200b\u200bsometimes have to change the direction of movement, start all over again, make certain efforts. Do not give in to melancholy, be stronger than the disease. Be assertive, not aggressive. Even before the detection of the disease, you were able to cope with the difficulties and obstacles in life that fate presents in one way or another.

- How can the patient himself fight the disease?

Firstly, to be observed by a specialist, follow the necessary recommendations and know that everything is under control in the medical part. Secondly, to keep yourself in good physical shape, to maintain the maximum possible physical activity, to do therapeutic exercises. Only a truly prepared body will be able to cope with stress.

Thirdly, you need to actively use the internal resource. Dedicate a separate time to inner comfort, regulation of breathing, engage in relaxation techniques, meditation. From time to time, switch your thoughts to the state of your body, mentally scan the internal organs and systems, identify those zones that are spasmodic or tense, try to relax these parts of your body.

Love yourself - enjoy your favorite activities. Finally, get involved in community events, socialize. Communication with other people brings not only positive emotions, but also helps, in some cases,« chill out». In addition, once you learn to cope with difficulties, you can help those people who are still at the beginning of this path.

Should people with multiple sclerosis eat any diet?

There is no specialized diet. And every person needs a healthy balanced diet.

How to come to terms with the fact that multiple sclerosis can affect your personality?

Multiple sclerosis should not change you, much less your attitude towards life. You are the same person, the only thing that sets you apart from others is, perhaps, the hardest test on your life path. Although, believe me, millions of people live with much more serious problems. And they are fighting, do not give up.

How can you help your healthcare provider help yourself?

If you want to help yourself, keep a diary and describe your symptoms in detail. This will help the doctor improve treatment and rehabilitation. After all, he is at the same time with you - you are doing a common cause. Do not hide anything from your doctor: if you are depressed, if you do not enjoy intimacy, or if you are aggressive towards your partner, tell your doctor about it.

Talk to your doctor about organizing and adapting your home environment, and if necessary, counseling relatives and caregivers. Try to plan what kind of work you can do and what you can't. If necessary, negotiate possible changes with your superiors.

Finally, choose the sport that you enjoy. Swimming, water aerobics, tai chi, yoga and other areas are suitable for patients with multiple sclerosis. Learn more about the disease, because when a person is warned, he is armed. Take care of yourself. Ask as many questions as possible to specialists.

Have there been any patients in your practice who managed to psychologically overcome the disease?

One famous patient used to say:« Probably, I will not be able to win the war, but you can see what fortresses I can definitely conquer». This is the correct approach. Although the disease can somehow affect various aspects of our life, life does not end there, the main values \u200b\u200bin life do not change from this. Multiple sclerosis does not change family values, the love of loved ones, their attention and the ability to communicate, it cannot forbid us to dream, forbid to try to fulfill the dreams of people close to us.

You need to live a full life, love, have children, travel, do what you want. Often a person with a chronic illness understands the values \u200b\u200bof life better than a healthy person, and therefore he can be happier than a healthy person. Everything is in the hands of the person himself. And they cannot be omitted.

Interview: Yana Ivashkevich



Yuri Tynyanov, Russian writer

Olga Bobrovnikova, Russian pianist

Irina Yasina, Russian journalist, economist, writer

Jacqueline Mary du Pré, English cellist

Natalia Voronitsyna, Russian photographer and volunteer

Multiple sclerosis is a disease little known to a wide range of people. However, this disease is quite common and can lead to complete immobility. In the world, more than 2 million people are ill with multiple sclerosis, and no one is immune from its development.

Irina Pigasova spoke about her life story with multiple sclerosis and about ways to cure the disease.

How it all began

- The first attack of multiple sclerosis occurred in me almost 10 years ago, shortly before my 40th birthday - the age at which, as the heroine of the famous film said, everything is just beginning.

At that moment, the word multiple sclerosis meant absolutely nothing to me.

But my mother, having learned about the alleged diagnosis, got scared in earnest and kept repeating that it was very scary and that it was urgently necessary to get somewhere the drug Betaferon, the annual course of which (and you need to take it for life) costs about 15 thousand dollars and that only one can help ...

About six months later, already having an officially confirmed diagnosis, I bought a used laptop, and with it I got access to the endless sea of \u200b\u200binformation contained on the Internet.

I began to study the topic - I read articles, went to forums. I found out that multiple sclerosis is an incurable autoimmune disease in which the immune system malfunctions: immune cells begin to attack not "enemies", but native myelin (a substance that is a protective sheath, which, like an electrical conductor, is covered with electrical tape, nerve fibers) the brain and spinal cord, destroying it.

Thus, the passage of nerve impulses is hampered or completely interrupted, due to which various disorders arise - from slight changes in sensitivity to complete paralysis.
The lost functions partially recover over time, but the degree of recovery is poorly predicted and depends on many factors.
Exacerbations of the disease are relieved by high doses of hormones. Drugs that alter the course of multiple sclerosis, interferons b and glatiromeracetate (Copaxone), can reduce the frequency and severity of these exacerbations.

I think many people know about the side effects of hormone therapy. Interferons, on the other hand, have many extremely unpleasant side effects, including fever, chills, fever, muscle pain, affect the immune system, suppressing it, and it happens that against the background of "killed" immunity, people develop cancer.

In addition, the frequency of relapses with the use of both interferons and copaxone decreases by only 30-35% on average, and if the drug is not suitable for the patient (and drugs are prescribed in Russia on the basis of “what is in stock” and preliminary analyzes before no one does the appointment to the patient), then the patient's condition may even worsen.

Finding Truth and Trying to Compromise

- Having received a disability in the same year, I nevertheless joined the queue for Copaxone. I waited a long time, but even after the aggravation (in fairness, I must say, rather light), which happened to me three years after my debut, I was denied Copaxon for some unknown reason.
By that time, planned visits to a neurologist had turned into purely formal events, just for show: a "gentleman's set" of preventive drugs (nootropics, antioxidants, vascular, vitamins) is known to every patient, and in order to conduct their course 2-3 times a year, absolutely you don't have to go to the hospital.
Left alone with the disease, I read a lot, thought, trying to find the cause, because I was sure that there was a reason - but not in the malfunctions of the body, but in the errors of the soul.
Why I got sick, I then guessed. Much later, in one of the books on psychosomatics, I read that multiple sclerosis “… arises in response to deep, hidden sadness and a sense of meaninglessness. Long-term ... overstrain in order to achieve something very valuable destroys the meaning of life. "

These words confirmed my guesses: indeed, for many years I was striving for a certain goal, which in the end turned out to be unattainable, and in this striving I stopped noticing what lay under my feet, I forgot how to just live, enjoy the sunrise, spring, summer rain ...

However, having found out the root cause, for some reason I did not dig deeper into the depths - maybe I was scared, or maybe I decided that it was enough to understand the reason. At the same time, I continued to be interested in the healing stories and the methods that the patients themselves and those who helped them have resorted to on the way to recovery.

On this path, someone pays special attention to breathing and relaxation, someone gives priority to the spine, someone puts nutrition at the forefront. Some combine different directions, demonstrating a comprehensive approach. The options here are very different, but in all cases we are also talking about the importance of solving psychological problems, changing the attitude. After all, if you do not change consciousness, then sooner or later everything will return to normal - without healing the soul there can be no physical health. I understood it then with my mind, but did not accept it with my heart. I decided that if I just follow the rules, then everything will be fine, but I was cruelly mistaken.

A Sound of Thunder

- Another six years have passed. There were no exacerbations during this time, and I felt generally good. At some point, I just relaxed, arrogantly deciding that it will always be this way.
Life went on as usual, and it seemed to me that it was moving in the right direction. Meanwhile, a serious shock occurred in my life - my beloved dog Trofim died, and negativity began to accumulate in my soul, which could not cope with this loss.

My internal problems were not solved, my relations with loved ones were rapidly deteriorating, and my soul, losing the ability to see goodness and light, became callous and seemed to be dying.
That night in May I woke up with a strange pain in my side. Getting out of bed and taking a few steps, I felt that my legs were being taken away from me. I instantly understood what was happening, and just as quickly I understood why: the causal relationship was so obvious that I was scared.

Over the course of a day, I turned from a healthy person into an immobile invalid - my torso was paralyzed below the waist, so I could not just sit down or roll over on my side, but even move a toe. At the same time, an incredible clarity arose in my consciousness, as if a sunbeam pierced the darkness. From that moment the countdown of my new life began.

A light in the end of a tunnel

- I spent a month in a hospital bed in absolute solitude, looking at the cracks in the ceiling and thinking about what happened. The chaos that reigned in my head until quite recently was replaced by silence in which I was finally able to hear the answers to the questions that tormented me.

The head of the department of the hospital in which I was lying, called the exacerbation that covered me not just strong, but the strongest. However, this was understandable. But it was also clear that if at that moment multiple sclerosis had not attacked me with all its might, I would have gotten a stroke or some serious injury.

I thanked the disease for waking me up from a terrible dream

I never once had the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it was for me, why it was with me - I knew perfectly well why, and why, and even why. I am convinced that we ourselves are attracting diseases into our lives by wrong thoughts and actions - through them life tells us that the time has come to change.

If we wander in the wrong direction, then we get a hard blow from fate, but at the same time we are given a chance to understand our mistakes and rise.

Further, it seems to me, it is very important to ask yourself the question: why do I want to recover at all, why do I need to be healthy? It should be understood that healing should not be an end in itself, that it is only a stepping stone on the way to opening new horizons, to comprehending oneself and knowing the world around.

It is also worth asking yourself: why do I live in general, what is the meaning of my existence, what do I want - to take everything from life or to give selflessly? If you find the answers to all these questions and start moving in the right direction, then who knows, perhaps life will improve by itself and diseases will recede ...

I'll start over again for the hundredth time ...

- Exactly a year has passed since that night. Now I start life from scratch, with a clean white slate, letting go of anger, resentment and fears, forgiving the world for its imperfection, reopening my heart for goodness and light.
The path to oneself goes into infinity, and I am only at the very beginning of this path. I am learning to walk again, learning to understand, forgive and love those who are walking alongside.
Wrote down


The appearance of foci from destroyed cells of the myelin sheath of the nerve fiber is accompanied by symptoms of disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system. How to live with multiple sclerosis and whether it is possible to cope with the disease - these questions are most often asked by people who have learned from a doctor about their diagnosis. Treatment tactics and prognosis directly depend on the severity of the lesion, the age of the person and the availability of qualified medical care.

General understanding of pathology

Experts do not have a single point of view on why it appears. The studies they carried out made it possible to establish that the pathology is based on a failure in the immune system. Instead of fighting internal and external aggressors, such as infections, protective cells begin to destroy the myelin sheath of the nerve fiber.

The result will be a failure in the conduction of an impulse from the brain to organs at the periphery. At first, a person only periodically feels a tingling sensation in the feet, fingers, or numbness in them. However, as the disease progresses, the symptoms become more and more, the patient's condition worsens.

Medicine does not give an unambiguous answer how many years they live with multiple sclerosis. Many factors will have an impact - from the timing of the development of sclerosis to the patient's social status, his desire for recovery and the timeliness of treatment begun.

On average, life expectancy is 8-10 years less, since medical research in the field of effective drugs can significantly slow down the course of pathological processes in the nervous system.

Causes and provoking factors

Doctors have yet to determine the true cause of multiple sclerosis in humans. To date, only the role of immune mechanisms in the demyelinating process is obvious - the white matter of the brain structures is more susceptible to damage.

Prerequisites for triggering an autoimmune malfunction:

  • age factor - young people up to 25-30 years old are affected, less often signs of a nervous disorder are detected after 50-55 years;
  • heredity - if there have already been cases of multiple sclerosis in the family, then the risk that the pathology will manifest itself in subsequent generations is high;
  • suffered acute severe psycho-emotional shocks or chronic stressful situations;
  • infectious lesions of the brain structures, which proceeded with complications - encephalitis;
  • deficiency in the body of vitamin D;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions - if a person lives in a metropolis for a long time, then the risk of MS occurrence is higher.

According to statistics, both men and women suffer from multiple sclerosis. However, the fairer sex has a more fragile structure of the nervous system, so their incidence is higher. As a rule, in order for the pathology to form, the influence of several provoking factors is required at once.


With multiple sclerosis, lifetimes will be longer if the pathology is diagnosed at an early stage of its development. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the slightest changes in your own well-being.

Early signs:

  • trembling of the limbs - change in handwriting, tremor of the fingertips;
  • violation of skin sensitivity - constant tingling of a certain part of the body, chilliness, loss of feeling of a hard surface under the feet;
  • failure to coordinate movements - awkwardness, staggering when walking;
  • deterioration of vision - the image is like through dirty glass, black dots in front of the eyes;
  • emotional deviations - previously uncharacteristic irritability, suspiciousness, tendency to depression;
  • constant fatigue and increased fatigue.

As the number of demyelinated areas increases, the signs of multiple sclerosis will be more pronounced, both physically and mentally. There are problems with self-care, involuntary discharge of urine in combination with constipation, a sharp weakening of memory and mental disorders. Such people require constant attention, household care and assistance. They have to help in everything, live in the same apartment and take care of them every day.

Average lifespan

The constant development of medical industries allows people to hope that they will be able to live with multiple sclerosis for at least another 20-30 years after the confirmation of the preliminary conclusion of neurologists. Death, as a rule, does not occur from the pathology itself, but from concomitant complications - for example, pneumonia, sepsis. Whereas with appropriate therapy, life expectancy is much longer.

According to the potential timing of death, people with multiple sclerosis can be divided into several subgroups:

  • early onset of signs with timely prescribed drug regimens - patients live only 5-7 years less than their peers;
  • late appearance of neurological disorders, after 50 years, but adequate treatment measures allow you to live up to 70-75 years;
  • late onset of pathology in combination with the rapid progression of complications - people can step over the 60-year mark, but they are deeply disabled;
  • the development of pathology is rapid - after differential diagnosis and even with active medical procedures, people die in the 8-10 year of the pathological process.

If the zones of demyelination began to appear before the age of 20-25 and the periods of remission are long, due to the full pharmacological effect, then the chances that the patient will see his grandchildren are higher.

What shortens life span in sclerosis

Of course, life with multiple sclerosis is more difficult, but no more difficult than with any other neurological disorder. It is quite possible to learn how to get along with him. The secret of long-livers is simple - the fulfillment of all prescriptions of doctors, as well as the complete elimination of negative factors.

So, it has been noticed that stress greatly reduces the areas of healthy cells in the brain structures. For example, negative emotions accelerate the progression of demyelination and increase the number of affected areas in the nervous system. In addition, stressful situations serve as a platform for new exacerbations if the pathology was in a state of regression.

An unadjusted diet has a negative effect. In order for the cells to transmit a nerve impulse normally, they must receive the necessary trace elements and vitamins. A full-fledged diet is dominated by vegetables and various fruits, cereals from cereals and dairy products. Whereas heavy, fatty, fried foods, as well as preservatives, smoked meats and sauces should be discarded.

Lack of support from loved ones and friends shortens the average duration of a full life. If the patient is forced to coexist with multiple sclerosis himself, then a violation of personal hygiene, monotonous diet, depressive conditions will lead to an acceleration of pathological changes in the nervous system.

What can be done to prolong life

The quality of the years lived with multiple sclerosis, how long they live without outside help - it all directly depends on the patient himself. Pathology does not mean a verdict that it is time to die. Achievements of the pharmaceutical industry allow maintaining a high quality of life for many decades.

  • give up bad habits - do not abuse alcohol, tobacco products;
  • adjust nutrition - there are more vegetables and fresh fruits, proteins and vegetable fiber in the diet;
  • get enough sleep - during the hours of night rest, the nervous tissue manages to regenerate itself and the cells are more actively renewed;
  • spend more time in the fresh air - daily walks fill the body with oxygen and a charge of energy;
  • engage in active, but not heavy sports - swimming, jogging, fitness, tennis;
  • chat with friends, visit exhibitions, film premieres - do not sour and do not complain.

A correct lifestyle at the initial stage of hardening of the nervous tissue allows you to achieve a long period of stabilization of the pathological process - the demyelization of the neural membrane is suspended.

Complications and lifetimes

How long people with multiple sclerosis live depends on how to treat the appearance of pathology. No wonder it is noted that thoughts are material. If we recognize only the negative aspects of the situation, then the progression of the disease is inevitable.

The emergence of various complications is possible within 5–7 years from the beginning of dimielization. Most often, the urinary system suffers. In patients, pyelonephritis and cystitis worsen, urinary incontinence or urinary retention is observed. Against this background, arterial pressure parameters fluctuate - it either rises sharply and steadily, without the effect of antihypertensive drugs, or decreases just as quickly.

Feeling unwell leads to an increase in internal frustration - psychological problems often accompany multiple sclerosis. When the disorder progresses rapidly due to depressive conditions, people make suicidal attempts.

Paresis and paralysis lead to immobilization of the patient, the development of necrosis in the tissues - bedsores. They themselves will be the gateway for infections. If they are not treated, then death occurs from sepsis. The fight against complications should begin at the stage of their possible appearance. After all, the best treatment, of course, is prevention.

Influence of treatment measures on life span

Since the main responsibility for the development of multiple sclerosis is a failure in the immune system, the efforts of specialists are aimed at eliminating it, as well as reducing the harm from the activity of lymphocytes.

Therapeutic measures, as a rule, are symptomatic - correction of those pathological changes that have formed due to damage to the nerve fiber:

  1. To eliminate the spasticity of muscle groups, they resort to the help of muscle relaxants. For example, Mydocalm, Baklosan, which reduce muscle tone and make the patient feel better.
  2. The restoration of full-fledged urination is achieved by correcting metabolic processes - the introduction of drugs based on Levocarnitine.
  3. Glycine helps to reduce the severity of tremors and movement coordination disorders. With long-term use, it gently removes the uncertainty of fine motor skills.
  4. To increase intellectual activity, courses of nootropics allow. They can be taken as pills or by injection.

However, symptomatic therapy alone is not enough. The main method of suppressing immune malfunction is to reduce antibody activity. For this purpose, immunomodulators - interferons and glatiramer acetate - successfully cope.

Continuous use of drugs prolongs the active life of patients with multiple sclerosis. Nevertheless, neurologists give advice to additionally use non-drug measures - physiotherapy complexes, physiotherapy exercises and medical massage, acupuncture. Additionally, psychotherapy is carried out for both the patient and his family.

You will never give Anna Chernova 34 years old: a fragile, slender blonde looks the same age as the current students. But appearances are deceiving: Anna is not only a mother of two beautiful children, but also a fighter: for 14 years now she has been suffering from multiple sclerosis, the most unexplored disease in the world at the moment. But the word "suffers" is not at all about her. Why - let her tell you herself.

It all started when I was 20... I was putting on makeup in front of the mirror in the morning and suddenly realized that my eye was numb. I didn't attach much importance to this - then my first child was only a year old, two weeks passed with such sensations. Then panic attacks began, which, as it turned out, also occur in sclerosis. Soon, vision fell on both eyes, I could not hold my neck. I turned to the emergency hospital, they began to test the sensitivity, and on one side of my body I did not feel any arms or legs - nothing.

Diagnosed with stem encephalitis, it is such a virus as I was told. They pierced a course of hormones, I spent two weeks in the hospital. Then I was discharged, and for six years there was a lull, nothing bothered me. I forgot about that incident.

But one day, after those same 6 years, I went to the switched off stove and, touching it, felt as if I had been doused with boiling water. I went into a hot bath - I felt cold. I understood that the symptoms had returned, but, nevertheless, they passed with them for another two months.

A post shared by (@chernova_annaa) on Apr 5, 2018 at 4:06 am PDT

I gave birth to my second child a year after the exacerbation, my son is now 6 years old... I also have a 15-year-old daughter from my first marriage. My children are wonderful, everyone understands about my illness, they support me. I also want a third. The pregnancy hormone, by the way, inhibits the development of multiple sclerosis. Therefore, if you decide to give birth, then earlier: no one knows how the disease will behave later, and you can not cope.

How to tell children about your disease? Many people prefer to "save" children and let them go, but they need to know what is happening in the family. You need to be open and honest with them. Keeping important points under wraps can ruin the relationship over time, and the child will feel cheated when the truth is revealed. “Talking about the problem” means opening yourself up to the possibility of solving the problem. Conversation and openness will also help you find a way to support your children in this situation. It is necessary to talk about this sometimes in the family, this does not mean that you have told once - that's all. Since multiple sclerosis has different development and symptoms, and exacerbations can have different consequences, changes and children should understand this.

We, sclerosis, have severe fatigue... I can move for five minutes, but I feel as if I were unloading the cars. When my strength ends, I lie down and rest. In this sense, the support of loved ones, family members is very important, and I receive it.

True, a month ago I got divorced... At first we met for a year and a half, then the marriage lasted six months. He was already the third in a row. My grandmother told me from childhood: "Men do not like sick women." Alas, this is often the case. Of course, there are those men who support their wives with sclerosis. But my husband shook my nerves and when we quarreled, he could simply step over me. And you remember that it is better for patients with sclerosis not to be nervous - exacerbations begin immediately. So I, after a quarrel, once could not get up, my leg cramped, and he said to me: "Take your son to kindergarten yourself." In the end, he somehow told me: "Your disease is bullshit." Although he saw me in different states, he saw what I can be during periods of attacks. Yes, and before marriage, we met for a long time, I immediately said about my illness, the reaction was normal. In the end, we had to say goodbye. I chose myself, not him.

You can fight multiple sclerosis. ”A deep bow and patience to all patients.
My diagnosis: I have had multiple sclerosis for more than 20 years.
Many years later, I decide to write how I got sick and how I fight this insidious disease myself. As I know, they get sick with this disease at a young age, when we pay little attention to such trifles as temporary malaise, which led me to an irreversible consequence: At the age of 19, I got married, gave birth to a wonderful daughter. By profession I am a cutter of women's clothing, I gave myself a lot to work. After working a seven-hour working day, I spent the same amount or even more time at home sewing. Then I felt quite healthy, or rather, I was young, I wanted to do a lot, there was no time to think about my health. Weakness in my legs, staggering, made me see a doctor. I was examined +, and when all the signs of the disease were confirmed, at 23 years old (in question) I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. After lying in the hospital, after being treated, my young body got stronger. "Doctors happen, they also make mistakes" - I thought .., continuing to live my usual life. It so happened that at the age of 26, I divorced my husband and left with my six-year-old daughter to another city.
Divorce, relocation, all this and much more had a very strong impact on me, I again ended up in the hospital. The disease progressed, the diagnosis was confirmed, multiple sclerosis was confirmed, they were given group 3 disability, I refused. For me, everything that was happening seemed strange, I didn't want to become disabled, I was afraid that God forbid, if someone at work finds out about this my diagnosis of "RS". The doctors treating me did not tell me a lot about the meaning of the diagnosis then. The disease was considered rare, in the press of that time nothing could be said about it. I wanted to know as much as possible about her. I began to visit the addresses of patients with the same diagnosis. What I saw amazed me. Sensible and at the same time frail young people with the first group of disabilities! How, why, why ...?
With some she treated favorably, sparingly. And I saw many patients, physically unable to help themselves, where everything rests on the shoulders of relatives and people close to them. Not! It cannot be +, I could not believe that this can happen to young people in a short period of time! I also remember this: I came to the address, and my mother had already buried her 23-year-old daughter, then she still gave me the remaining expensive medicine: - thinking that it would be useful to me - I took it. Asking all the patients whom I already knew, I made notes for myself how they were treated +
Life took its toll, at the age of 28 I remarried, after two years of living together it so happened that I found myself in a position. The attending physician then informed me: "childbirth will have a detrimental effect on your health!" They persuaded me to have an abortion, they took a receipt from me. Having weighed all the pros and cons, I decide to save the life of an unborn child. Lord, if then the doctors consciously approached my disease and gave me a cesarean section (the baby was by weight, the big birth was difficult +), I think there would be no such consequences. It all happened when the girl was already one year old: Waking up early one morning, I realized
something is happening to me. The left side of my body was numb and it was difficult for me to turn around. I got out of bed, (I had to get to the toilet) the right side of the body, the hand was not obedient, but I could still walk. In the bathroom, looking into the mirror image, I did not recognize myself. I found myself in the land of crooked mirrors. The face is a stupid look, moreover, it was twisted, one eye seemed to be covered with a veil, I did not see it. I got back to bed along the wall, with difficulty. The attack, if I could call it that, was only gaining momentum, I lay down, I wanted to fall asleep again. "Maybe this is a dream" - I reassured myself, - "I'll wake up and everything will be fine." There were two hours before the alarm clock went off, this time flew by quickly, the alarm clock began to crackle. My husband was lying next to me, he turned off the call. I told him about something, he did not understand me, since my speech was not intelligible. I was lying sick, my husband called an ambulance by phone, they took me to the hospital, where I lay for a whole month, where I underwent a course of treatment. I felt better, but I could not get up on my feet, I did not hold a spoon in my hands. She continued to live in another dimension. All this was not happening to me. My life was monotonous and joyless. In my position, time stopped for me, only spirit was present in me +
Only after three months I began to make the first conscious movements. Forcing herself to take care of herself + the first and, perhaps, the most difficult thing for me was to get on all fours to the toilet. With difficulty, but I could pick up the phone and dial the number I needed, with a spoon, if I could take - scoop from the plate, then I still couldn't manage it. So the long winter ended for me, spring came, and summer came after it. The joys of life returned to me. Housework + sliders, undershirts, which my eldest daughter (she was only 12 years old at the time) was washing so far, tried to do herself. The process of the disease stopped, then, being between 1 - 2 groups of disabilities, I got out. Making sure on myself that "RS" not curable! Having already two children, I thought hard then +
In these situations, when there was no strength to get up, and the head was thinking. Lying in bed - at home or in the hospital prayed a lot
about children, about all the good things that surrounded me: I was thinking about it, what throws me into the arms of "RS" I made the following conclusion for myself: stress, accumulated grievances, petty quarrels, all this accumulated, the result: "another exacerbation of the disease." I set a goal for myself:
not let the disease take over me. I drastically change my life, I try to be more calm in everything, at the slightest deterioration, (for me it is spring-autumn) I conduct a course of treatment - now that the children have grown up, I have more free time. Behind you, we can say, great experience, God forbid such an experience to anyone.
Probably 10 years old "RS". I began to prescribe treatment for myself, because of which, there was always a conflict with the doctors + If I used to look for help myself, now I continue to go to the same patients with the first group, if it is in my power, but basically there is not competent neglect of the disease, where and it is already difficult to help, anyway I can help you. With a disease like ours - "RS" you have to be demanding of yourself. I believe in official medicine, I take a lot from folk medicine. I have had occasion to apply the method of "urinotherapy" (there is such literature). It is a pity that her method is not proven, not confirmed by authoritative scientific works. Talking about this method with patients, they think it is not surmountable, I do not understand such people. + When there is a desire to be cured, you go for everything, I do a lot of herbs: more of them are calming, restoring immunity. It would be foolish to believe that any of the herbs taken separately without official medicine can cure such a serious disease
May God grant you the restoration of LIFE - the one that we have lost
sick - alive, affectionate, sensitive, the one for which we yearned for.

Regular workouts cannot be replaced by anything!
Here's a stress reliever method that helps me:
Breathing exercises:
(deep breath through my nose - I only think about the good),
and slowly (with compressed lips - I exhale everything negative).
Physical exercises:
Here I give scope to fantasies, and since I have weak legs, I do them more, but I warn you to approach these exercises gradually: these are such as stretching to splits, there is such an exercise to sit in Turkish,
lotus position - (butterfly), candle stand (legs on top, head on bottom
up to 2 minutes), prolonged sharp patting of myself with my hands on all parts of the body, (this exercise helps for blood circulation), I force myself to move more, in winter I go skiing. In the summer I try to swim more.
To be continued +. Tamara.

You can go with the course of the disease, and if you fight and resist the disease, you can live with dignity.
Take care of yourself, do not give up in front of difficulties.
Believe in God and all that is good.
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