You will not believe! Glenn doman - how to teach a child to read or a quiet gentle revolution

FIRST STEP. visual distinction.

SECOND STEP. Dictionary about myself.

THIRD STEP. Home dictionary.

FOURTH STEP. Dictionary "Sentences - structures".

FIFTH STEP. Structural phrases and sentences.

SIXTH STEP. Reading a real book.



The original title of this book is "Teach Your Baby to Read!" - but we decided not to scare young mothers, her potential readers.

Of course, such an approach also has the right to exist, in which parental initiative is considered unnecessary, because, as one mother successfully formulated: "everything has its time, they will teach you at school, in our country, thank God, there are no illiterates!".

But when I first read the book offered to you by Glenn Doman, I discovered (like a veil fell from my eyes) a great and ordinary miracle - much greater than any hare-eyed green aliens or walking on water, great precisely by its ordinariness, ubiquity and everyday life. I am talking about the miracle of the awakening of a person and personality in a piece of wood recently brought from the maternity hospital. With incredible speed, yesterday's living doll, obeying some supermundane laws, acquires information about the most complex world around it. Never throughout the rest of our lives will we be able to repeat this supernatural assimilation of previously unfamiliar material. Every child is a genius - do we fully understand this?

After a few years, this genius wears off, partly for biological reasons, and partly due to our sophisticated education system, under which even those who are later recognized as sages and geniuses often look like impenetrable dumbass.

But if in the first years of life our child is capable of an intellectual feat, and without any real help from adults, and sometimes directly in spite of their efforts, then why not introduce him to the greatest human joy - reading?

But then someone, cautious and conservative, directly squealed inside me - how can you take on such responsibility, this is violence against the weak psyche of a child ?!

And I re-read the book by Glenn Doman. And he agreed that learning to read is really a terrible, destructive violence against a small person. But not the education that this book offers us, but the usual, school education that we went through and that we impose on the unfortunate first-graders.

Judge for yourself. From a holistic universe, from a magical and kind world full of sounds, warmth, voices and words, we tear out, say, the sound "M", turn it into a letter and with all our might hammer this letter into a child's head, mumbling at the same time inarticulately. Then we draw some kind of house and try to convince the baby that this is "MA" - meaningless, by the way, "ma". Then we make another set of the same cards, put it all in one line and assure that it turned out to be "mother". The brightest, the closest thing in the world - and suddenly turns into badges folded from lowing. I want to cry, buried in my mother's shoulder.

After all, the child initially does not know that the word is built from letters. He memorizes the image, he combines it with the word; letters, like algebra, like notes, like chemical formulas, belong exclusively to the adult world of conditional abstractions.

This does not contradict what was said above about the innate genius of every child - only thanks to it and to a large extent, at the cost of it "we have no illiterates in our country."

But if we gradually teach the child first the word (combined with the image), and then the breakdown of this word into sounds and letters, then we will not commit any violence, we will simply give him a new game - exciting even at the very beginning.

This is a game in which the child does not go into his own world, often inaccessible to us; you play with him together and win both. All games in the world are inherently very serious, all serious things are a game to a certain extent. So, playfully, you will not only painlessly introduce your baby to the world of reading, not only strengthen your friendship with him, but also learn a lot from him - a smile, sociability, patience, imagination, gratitude, joy.

After all, in fact, children only pretend, play that they are learning from us, while they were sent to us to teach each of us to be a person.

R.B. Rybakov

How to teach your child to read.

We mothers are sculptors, and our children are clay.

B.C. Stoner

"Natural Education"

Most instructions begin with the words that if you do not follow them clearly and unconditionally, they will not work.

By contrast, it is safe to say that no matter how badly you introduce your child to reading, he will still learn better than if you did not teach him to read at all. That is, in any case, this is a one-way game and, regardless of whether you are a good or bad player, in any case you win. Even if you play exceptionally badly, the result will be zero in the worst case.

However, the more intelligently you play your part in the game of teaching your young child to read, the faster and better he will learn to read.

If you play the game correctly, then both you and your child will have great fun.

You will need no more than half an hour a day.

Before we start discussing how to teach children to read, let's review some basic data about a child.

1. A child under the age of five can easily absorb huge doses of information. If the child is under 4, it will be even easier and more effective. If less than 3, even easier and much more effective. And before 2 years is the easiest and most effective way.

2. A child under five years of age can take in information at an amazing rate.

3. The more information a child acquires before the age of 5, the more it is stored.

4. A child under 5 years old has a huge supply of energy.

5. A child under 5 years old shows an irresistible desire to learn.

7. A child under the age of 5 learns a whole language and can learn any language or as many languages ​​as it is presented to him. He can learn to read in one or more languages ​​as readily as he learns a spoken language.

What is the best age to start.

The question of when to start teaching a child to read is quite interesting. In general, at what stage of his development is a child ready to learn something?

One day, a mother asked a well-known child development specialist at what age should she start teaching her child?

"Well," he said, "when is your baby due?"

"Oh, he's only 5 now," the mother replied.

"Madame, run home faster, you have lost the best 5 years of his life" - said the expert.

Over the age of two, learning to read is harder and harder every year. So, if your child is 5, then it is still easier to teach him to read than if he was in. At 4 years it is much easier than at 5, and at 3 it is even easier.

Probably the best time to start is 1 year. It will take the least amount of time and will not take up very much energy from you. (If you want to add a little trouble to yourself, you can start training from 5 months, and if you are an extremely purposeful person, then even from 3).

Your child's education is built around two vital principles; the first is your attitude, your approach, the second is the volume and order of the reading material.

1. Parental attitude and approach.

Learning is the greatest adventure in life. Teaching is desirable, vital, inevitable, and above all - it is the most stimulating and exciting game of life. The child believes, he will believe in it all his life, if you do not convince him of the opposite.

The most important rule is that both parent and child should happily approach learning to read as a fun, welcome game. A parent should never forget that learning is the most interesting game of life, it is not work. Learning is a reward, not a punishment. Teaching is a pleasure, not a necessity; it is a privilege, not a duty. The parent needs to remember this all the time and never do anything that would destroy this natural attitude of the child to learning.

Only children who behave very well should be allowed to play the game of learning to read. Those children who misbehave and are disobedient do not get this opportunity. Also, if your child has misbehaved, you should not tell him that he is a good boy and that he can play with you, although in fact you are the one who wants to play. You can't just fool a child. He knows that he behaved badly, and if after that he is still allowed to play this game, he will decide that the game is a kind of punishment. If a child misbehaves for 3 days in a row, then he should not play with you during that time, no matter how much the parent wants to play it himself.

The second important thing is to determine the time span that you can play the game. The thing is, it has to be very short. At first, the game should go on 3 times a day, but each session should only take a few seconds.

In order to know when to end each activity, a parent must develop empathy. You must anticipate the child's thoughts even for a moment and stop the game before the child wants to leave it.

If the parent can catch this moment in time, then the child will ask the parent to continue the game and the parent will nurture rather than destroy the child's natural desire to learn.

So parents should remember two things; the first is that learning is the greatest joy than anything else, the second is that each lesson must end before the child wants to finish it.

All the materials used in teaching your child to read are very simple. They are based on years of work and experimentation by a very large group of scientists and researchers who have studied how the human brain grows and functions. They are designed around the fact that reading is a brain function. They recognize and appreciate the possibilities and limitations of the small children's visual apparatus and they are designed to meet all the resulting difficulties in the right way. All materials must be made on sufficiently dense white cardboard so that they do not tear at the first use and when a child touches them. Such white cardboard can be bought in special stores. You can use large pieces of Whatman paper, which are then cut to the desired size.

The necessary words should be painted with bright felt-tip pens that are not erased. Various brands are sold in stores. The text should be written neatly, clearly and legibly in simple, block letters. It is necessary to respect the margins, at least 1 cm on the cards. The materials used should consist of the following components:

1. Words; "MOMMY", "DADDY", your child's name on separate cards, in addition to the 12 other words described on the next page under the heading "First Step". These cards should be 15 cm high and 60 cm long. The letters should be approximately 12 x 10 cm with a distance of about 1 cm between them. They should be written in red marker and in capital letters:

2. Twenty basic I-words, (described on the following pages under the heading "Second step"), also on white cardboard, about 12 cm high and 60 cm long and also in red block letters about -10 cm high:

3. Basic words from the world around the child, described under the heading "Third Step". Also white cardboard, 3 cm high and letters about 5 cm high:

4. Dictionary of sentence structure. Also separate cards, about 8 cm high, written in black print, letters 5 cm high;

5. Dictionary of sentences and short phrases. Phrase card with words printed in black in simple letters about 2.5 cm high. These cards can be collected together and made in the form of a book, strung on a ring or fastened with a paper clip. Cards can be quite long to contain the entire text of each page: Everything will be described later.

6. A children's book using a limited set of children's words printed in plain black type about 6mm high.

All materials begin with large red wide letters and gradually change to regular size black printed beech. This is done in order to give the still unestablished children's apparatus the opportunity to grow up and become more complex in accordance with the complication of the material being studied.

Currently, the topic of early development haunts mothers on maternity leave. They try by creating the right environment and applying certain techniques. In addition, there is no less popular Glenn Doman's technique, how to teach a child to read. Let's start by remembering who he is and what he did. Glenn Doman American Physiotherapist. He was engaged in the study of ways to restore mental and physical capabilities in children with impaired brain activity. After many years of research, I came to the conclusion that active stimulation of at least one of the sense organs leads to a complete restoration of impaired functions. It is important to give both physical activity and systematic training of the baby. For example, a child is stimulated to crawl in a special long device, learning to read using cards. As a result of their experiments Doman developed a method of the same name, which is used to this day. Feedback from parents suggests that learning is quick and easy. Toddlers at an early age are the easiest to learn, and this is what Doman's technique is aimed at - capturing this period with maximum efficiency!

But if on kids with deviations of it methodology began to work so well, why not apply it on quite healthy children. Most of the children are learning reading only about 6 years old. A scientist Doman believes that as the brain develops needs to be loaded with information.. Only in this way will the mental abilities of the child grow, in the likeness of building muscle mass - constant loads allow you to achieve a good result. The sooner you start working with your baby, the faster in time and more knowledge in terms of volume you can lay in his actively growing brain.

Basic Principles of the Methodology

When Doman developed learning to read in your own way Yes, it was based on the following principles:

  • Doman believes that the possibilities of our brain are limitless.
  • Children simply crave to learn everything new, unknown. For them, this is a condition of survival. And the most interesting thing is that until the age of three, no additional motivation for learning is required.
  • Little children are linguistic geniuses. They can master the first language by the age of two. A seven-year-old child is worse at learning a second language, reading, counting, and so on, than a one-year-old. But again, a systematic approach requires constant learning. Episodic classes will not be able to bring the proper result.
  • By the age of six, the enormous possibilities of the brain are depleted. If he has not been trained, he does not work at full strength. At the same time, Glenn believes that time has been lost. In order to avoid this, it is desirable to start giving information from the age of 6 months.

Ability to speak

The greatest feat of your child is the knowledge of their native language. He not only learned the words, the rules. He begins to actively use it, improving his speech apparatus every day. Able to abstract concepts of language. The kid has accumulated material and he himself derives the necessary rules. At this time, the parent or teacher needs to introduce him to the exceptions to these rules. Correct, support the first uncertain words with words of approval. Don't laugh, praise. This is a huge victory and progress in the development of the child.

IMPORTANT! Try to speak only good words in his presence. Babies absorb everything like a sponge. They are our mirror.

How to teach a child to read. Methodology

Glenn Doman we recommend to start teach reading as soon as possible. The best age to start is 6 months. If your classes do not stick at all, you can postpone up to a year, but not later. But after two processes learning to read will run much harder for a child. Learn and believe that he can learn to read. Doman believes that learning just the letters of the alphabet is not effective. For a kid, this is an incomprehensible abstraction. It is impossible for him to explain what the letter "B" is. Only by meeting letters in various words, phrases, he will begin to realize their meaning. After showing the first book, you can already start learning the alphabet.

For fast reading used methodology in the following way. Use only white cards made of cardboard or other heavy material for learning to read according to the method of Doman.

  • The size of the cards is 15x50 cm. Write red marker or pencil 10 cm high name of your child, mother, father, woman, names of relatives. This will be the first series of cards that you will gradually complete.
  • Now write the names of the parts of the body: mouth, nose, ear, eye, arm, leg, and so on. The second series of cards according to the methodology Domana ready, but put it aside for now.
  • Size: 10x50. The name of the surrounding objects, things is written in red: a vase, a bed, a table, a pillow, a picture, and so on. Action verbs are also written in this series: sits, walks, stands, walks. Third series of cards Domana just as long as it goes to the shelf, until it is needed.
  • With a black felt-tip pen or pencil, write the words that are the structure of any phrase (verbs, prepositions). Thus, you can go to a more difficult level.

On the back of each card (for yourself), write these words. Wait for the moment when the child is in a good mood. Put him on a chair, sit in front of him. Take a stack of cards from the first series and start showing him a few seconds each. Say each word of the card loudly and clearly. Do this 3 times a day at least 30 minutes apart.

End your lesson if you begin to notice a loss of interest on the part of the baby. It is advisable to always leave the baby "hungry" in relation to knowledge. Do not impose if he does not want to be trained. Try next time. The baby will definitely be interested (they are very fond of everything new, unknown). Across five days one card is removed and write a new word that fits the series of cards. Then, every day, one word is replaced with a new one. On the second day of training add a second series of cards to the main one. Show it 3 times. On the third day, complete with a third series. At the end of the session, praise, but do not give sweets.

Now do the first a book for learning to read according to the Doman method. You can buy ready-made or make your own, taking into account the technical requirements of the author of the technique. Write words and small phrases in black ink 3 cm high on large cards 30x30 cm. The book should contain several dozen words and phrases. The text is separate from the pictures. Thus, learning to read is done with the help of simple but solid words. The kid sees them, hears how they are pronounced and eventually remembers.

For the book, you also need to make two holes in each card, connect them together with rings in a folder. Try to regularly replenish it so that your crumbs' vocabulary is constantly replenished.

Custom your baby from the cradle based on Glenn Doman's book "How to teach a child to read" remember the main thing - for the baby it's just a game. And like any game, learning should be easy and fun!

Feedback from experienced parents

Mom Polina, son Vladimir (6 years old)

Glenn Doman's book "How to teach a child to read" helped us from the very beginning. When the girls on the playground suggested to me that there is such methodology for early and teaching reading I didn't even really think about it. I just bought book and began to study it while her son was still 5 months old. Then she made cards and started learning to read. Of the minuses, I can name only one for my part - you need a systematic approach, you need to take and do regardless of what you want to sleep or not. Now that Vovka and I have already learned the alphabet and started free to read I understand that this is not in vain!


Before rushing to the store for cards or cutting them yourself, we strongly recommend read Glenn Doman's book "How to teach a child to read." Only by fully understanding the very meaning of the methodology will you be able to apply it correctly and get the highest quality result, and your baby will be very comfortable learning.

Photo and video: free Internet sources

Founder: Glen Doman - Scientist - Neurophysiologist

The most important rule when teaching a child to read according to the Glen Doman system is to never forget that learning is not work, but an exciting game.

Doman's materials were created on the basis of many years of experimental work by a group of scientists. His methodology consists of five main steps.

Stages of learning:

Separate words

It starts with 15 words. And only after that you can continue to develop vocabulary according to Doman. It is recommended to engage only when the baby is in a good mood, when he is full of energy and receptive. The study room should be quiet and comfortable, without bright objects or pictures distracting visual attention.

To begin, show your baby cards with the word "MAMA" and clearly say the phrase: "This means" mother "". Show the card at a distance of at least 35 cm from your face, without releasing it from your hands, for 1-2 seconds. In this technique, it is not recommended to somehow comment on the words. Do not ask the baby to repeat after you. At the same pace, do the same procedure with the “PAPA” card and three more words from this group. At the end of the session, be sure to praise the child, and do not forget to do this after each session.

For the first day of training, repeat the display of Doman's cards 3 more times, moreover, the interval between views should be at least half an hour. The total amount of time spent on training should not exceed three minutes.

During the second day, you will need to repeat the main task 3 times, and also demonstrate a set of Doman cards from a new set three times. In total, the second day will consist of six classes.

On the third day, add a third set of 5 new words. This time you will use three sets of 5 words each. In addition, each set of words should be shown 3 times. In total, the total number of classes will increase to 9, stretched over the whole day, but each of them will take no more than a few minutes.

How to choose the first 15 words? They should be the closest and most pleasant for the baby. Words can include the names of family members and relatives, the names of pets, the names of his favorite foods, activities, household items, and more. In each family, this list is different and will be limited only by your imagination.

Boredom is a danger signal. Children learn at lightning speed, but if you show him sets of cards more than three times a day, the baby will get bored. Showing each card for more than one or two seconds can lead to a child losing interest in learning.

Here are the results Glen Doman promises you after 3 days of following his recommendations:

  • the baby will develop the visual apparatus and teach the brain to distinguish one written sign from another;
  • he can read the words.

Having learned 15 words, you can proceed to the next group, denoting, for example, parts of the body. This set may consist of twenty-five words divided into five sets.

Each time you need to add new words and remove old ones. How to do it right? To do this, delete one word from each set already mastered within 5 days, and replace this word with a new one. Do this with each set of words.

Put a date with a pencil on the demonstration of a particular word, and then you will know exactly when it should be deleted, replacing it with a new one. Gradually add to the list a group consisting of verbs, for example, denoting action.

Thus, you will learn 25 words per day, divided into 5 sets of 5 words each. Every day your child will get acquainted with 5 new words, 1 in each set, and 5 old words will be deleted by you.

If you do it right, then on average your child will learn 5 words a day, with a maximum of 10 words.


The second stage in mastering reading according to the Glenn Doman method is very important and is an intermediate link between reading individual words and whole sentences.

So, you need to analyze your child's vocabulary and think about what combinations can be made from the words he has learned. Moreover, some of them will have to be modified to make meaningful combinations.

One of the simplest and most popular groups of words is the list of primary colors. Children learn to distinguish and name colors quickly and easily, with great pleasure from recognition. After making sure that the child has mastered the basic colors, you can offer him simple phrases: “black hair” or “yellow banana”.

After a while, you will feel the need to move on. Then introduce the child to the antonyms: “clean / dirty”, “right / left”.

Again, depending on the age and experience of the child, you can complement the display of the words with colorful illustrations on the back of the words. “Big” and “small” are very simple concepts even for a baby. They are closely related to his daily life: “big spoon”, “small spoon”, etc.

Simple sentences

At the third stage, you have to make simple sentences based on phrases. At this point, the baby should know about 75 words.

To do this, you need to make a set of 5 sentences, and, as before, show it to your child three times a day for 3-5 days. Then delete 2 old sentences and insert 2 new ones in their place. Your child will learn them very quickly, so move on to new sentences as quickly as possible.

At this stage, you will have to reduce the font size to fit 2-3 words on a standard card.

After some time, try to make a simple book of sentences according to the method of G. Doman, where each of your five sentences will correspond to one picture, moreover, pages with text will precede pages with illustrations. This book may be filled with photographs of the child himself.

Common Offers

By this stage, your child will already be able to take the second most important step, after learning to distinguish individual words for the first time. Now he is able to understand full sentences that express a complete thought.

Recognizing individual words and understanding what they mean is the first and main step in learning to read.

In this section, Glen Doman uses the same principles as in the third stage, gradually increasing the number of words in a sentence. For example, a sentence like "the cat is sleeping" needs to be supplemented: "the cat is fast asleep."

At this stage, it will be necessary to make cards with prepositions and adverbs, however, do not get too carried away with them.

Feel free to write funny sentences as well, like "Mom is jumping on the tree", etc. Don't let this put you off, because the more fun the classes are, the more your child will learn.

Continue to show your child new educational material by reading aloud individual sentences, texts from the book. Depending on age, language abilities or personal characteristics, he himself can, if he wishes, say different words aloud or read whole sentences aloud. If he does it because he wants to, then that's fine. However, you yourself should not ask him about it.

As you begin to master longer sentences, you will no doubt need to increase the size of the cards, so for now it is worth:

  • reduce the font size;
  • increase the number of words;
  • change the color of the letters from red to black.

It is very important to follow this rule: you should never reduce the font size and, at the same time, increase the number of words. Both should be done gradually. Remember that sentences should not be written in too small letters and illegible.


At the last stage, the kid will have to learn how to work with small printed text containing a huge number of words on each page.

If you have started reading books to a child who is not yet 2 years old, it is safe to assume that you will need books with a font of 2.5 to 5 cm. If this works, great, because such reading will help the rapid development and maturation of the brain . If the baby is already 3 years old, then you most likely will not have problems.

Of great importance at this stage is the correct choice of the book by which you will teach the baby to read. In order not to make a mistake in her choice, here are a few rules:

  • it should contain from 50 to 100 words;
  • consist of words and sentences already familiar to the child;
  • it should have no more than 1 sentence per page;
  • the height of the printed font is not less than 1 cm;
  • text should precede illustrations and be placed separately from them.
  • before you start reading, learn with the baby all the new words that are found in it;
  • the text should be large and legible;
  • make sure your child has to read the text first and then turn the page to look at the illustrations,
  • sit down together and open a book. If the kid wants to read some words himself - fine. However, this largely depends on his age and personal characteristics. The younger the child, the less he wants to read aloud. In this case, you read and he listens;
  • put the book he has read on the shelf - let him then read it himself as many times a day as he wants.

Advantages of the Glenn Doman technique

  • learning takes place in the game;
  • your child will be ready for the demands and rhythm of modern life,
  • the baby will develop a phenomenal memory. He will easily memorize and analyze a huge amount of information;
  • Doman's method helps to acquire encyclopedic knowledge.


  • making cards takes a lot of time, but this minus can be overcome. Take a look at the parent forum on the Internet, and you will definitely find ready-made sets of cards;
  • often kids reading cards do not recognize the same words, written, let's say, in a different color;
  • many teachers note that a child who has learned to read according to Doman does not cope with the school curriculum later, he often has problems with literacy.

The fact is that in order to master the Russian language, you need to be able to break words into syllables, highlight parts of a word. This is what spelling rules are based on. The child is accustomed to perceive the words as a whole, he does not see the parts of which it consists.


The original title of this book is "Teach Your Baby to Read!" - but we decided not to scare young mothers, her potential readers.

Of course, such an approach also has the right to exist, in which parental initiative is considered unnecessary, because, as one mother successfully formulated: "everything has its time, they will teach you at school, in our country, thank God, there are no illiterates!".

But when I first read the book offered to you by Glenn Doman, I discovered (like a veil fell from my eyes) a great and ordinary miracle - much greater than any hare-eyed green aliens or walking on water, great precisely by its ordinariness, ubiquity and everyday life. I am talking about the miracle of the awakening of a person and personality in a piece of wood recently brought from the maternity hospital. With incredible speed, yesterday's living doll, obeying some supermundane laws, acquires information about the most complex world around it. Never throughout the rest of our lives will we be able to repeat this supernatural assimilation of previously unfamiliar material. Every child is a genius - do we fully understand this?

After a few years, this genius wears off, partly for biological reasons, and partly due to our sophisticated education system, under which even those who are later recognized as sages and geniuses often look like impenetrable dumbass.

But if in the first years of life our child is capable of an intellectual feat, and without any real help from adults, and sometimes directly in spite of their efforts, then why not introduce him to the greatest human joy - reading?

But then someone, cautious and conservative, directly squealed inside me - how can you take on such responsibility, this is violence against the weak psyche of a child ?!

And I re-read the book by Glenn Doman. And he agreed that learning to read is really a terrible, destructive violence against a small person. But not the education that this book offers us, but the usual, school education that we went through and that we impose on the unfortunate first-graders.

Judge for yourself. From a holistic universe, from a magical and kind world full of sounds, warmth, voices and words, we tear out, say, the sound "M", turn it into a letter and with all our might hammer this letter into a child's head, mumbling at the same time inarticulately. Then we draw some kind of house and try to convince the baby that this is "MA" - meaningless, by the way, "ma". Then we make another set of the same cards, put it all in one line and assure that it turned out to be "mother". The brightest, the closest thing in the world - and suddenly turns into badges folded from mooing. I want to cry, buried in my mother's shoulder.

After all, the child initially does not know that the word is built from letters. He memorizes the image, he combines it with the word; letters, like algebra, like notes, like chemical formulas, belong exclusively to the adult world of conditional abstractions.

This does not contradict what was said above about the innate genius of every child - only thanks to it and to a large extent, at the cost of it "we have no illiterates in our country."

But if we gradually teach the child first the word (combined with the image), and then the breakdown of this word into sounds and letters, then we will not commit any violence, we will simply give him a new game - exciting even at the very beginning.

This is a game in which the child does not go into his own world, often inaccessible to us; you play with him together and win both. All games in the world are inherently very serious, all serious things are a game to a certain extent. So, playfully, you will not only painlessly introduce your baby to the world of reading, not only strengthen your friendship with him, but also learn a lot from him - a smile, sociability, patience, imagination, gratitude, joy.

After all, in fact, children only pretend, play that they are learning from us, while they were sent to us to teach each of us to be a person.

R.B. Rybakov

We mothers are sculptors

and our children are clay.

B.C. Stoner

"Natural Education"

Most instructions begin with the words that if you do not follow them clearly and unconditionally, they will not work.

By contrast, it is safe to say that no matter how badly you introduce your child to reading, he will still learn better than if you did not teach him to read at all. That is, in any case, this is a one-way game and, regardless of whether you are a good or bad player, in any case you win. Even if you play exceptionally badly, the result will be zero in the worst case.

However, the more intelligently you play your part in the game of teaching your young child to read, the faster and better he will learn to read.

If you play the game correctly, both you and your child will have great fun.

You will need no more than half an hour a day.

Before we start discussing how to teach children to read, let's review some basic data about a child.

1. A child under the age of five can easily absorb huge doses of information. If the child is under 4 , it will be even easier and more efficient. If less than 3, even easier and much more effective. And before 2 years is the easiest and most effective way.

2. A child under five years of age can take in information at an amazing rate.

3. The more information a child acquires before the age of 5, the more it is stored.

4. A child under 5 years old has a huge supply of energy.

5. A child under 5 years old shows an irresistible desire to learn.

7. A child under the age of 5 learns a whole language and can learn any language or as many languages ​​as it is presented to him. He can learn to read in one or more languages ​​as readily as he learns a spoken language.

What is the best age to start.

The question of when to start teaching a child to read is quite interesting. In general, at what stage of his development is a child ready to learn something?

One day, a mother asked a well-known child development specialist at what age should she start teaching her child?

"Well," he said, "when is your baby due?"

"Oh, he's only 5 now," the mother replied.

"Madame, run home faster, you have lost the best 5 years of his life," said the expert.

Over the age of two, learning to read is harder and harder every year. So, if your child is 5, then it is still easier to teach him to read than if he was in. At 4 years it is much easier than at 5, and at 3 it is even easier.

Probably the best time to start is 1 year. It will take the least amount of time and will not take up very much energy from you. (If you want to add a little trouble to yourself, you can start training from 5 months, and if you are an extremely purposeful person, then even from 3).

Your child's education is built around two vital principles; the first is your attitude, your approach, the second is the volume and order of the reading material.

1. Parental attitude and approach.

Learning is the greatest adventure in life. Teaching is desirable, vital, inevitable, and above all, it is the most stimulating and exciting game of life. The child believes, he will believe in it all his life, if you do not convince him of the opposite.

The most important rule is that both parent and child should happily approach learning to read as a fun, welcome game. A parent should never forget that learning is the most interesting game of life, it is not work. Learning is a reward, not a punishment. Teaching is a pleasure, not a necessity; it is a privilege, not a duty. The parent needs to remember this all the time and never do anything that would destroy this natural attitude of the child to learning.

Only children who behave very well should be allowed to play the game of learning to read. Those children who misbehave and are disobedient do not get this opportunity. Also, if your child has misbehaved, you should not tell him that he is a good boy and that he can play with you, although in fact you are the one who wants to play. You can't just fool a child. He knows that he behaved badly, and if after that he is still allowed to play this game, he will decide that the game is a kind of punishment. If a child misbehaves for 3 days in a row, then he should not play with you during that time, no matter how much the parent wants to play it himself.

The second important thing is to determine the time span that you can play the game. The thing is, it has to be very short. At first, the game should go on 3 times a day, but each session should only take a few seconds.

In order to know when to end each activity, a parent must develop empathy. You must anticipate the child's thoughts even for a moment and stop the game before the child wants to leave it.

If the parent can catch this moment in time, then the child will ask the parent to continue the game and the parent will nurture rather than destroy the child's natural desire to learn.

So parents should remember two things; the first is that learning is the greatest joy than anything else, the second is that each lesson must end before the child wants to finish it.

All the materials used in teaching your child to read are very simple. They are based on years of work and experimentation by a very large group of scientists and researchers who have studied how the human brain grows and functions. They are designed around the fact that reading is a brain function. They recognize and appreciate the possibilities and limitations of the small children's visual apparatus and they are designed to meet all the resulting difficulties in the right way. All materials must be made on sufficiently dense white cardboard so that they do not tear at the first use and when a child touches them. Such white cardboard can be bought in special stores. You can use large pieces of Whatman paper, which are then cut to the desired size.

The necessary words should be painted with bright felt-tip pens that are not erased. Various brands are sold in stores. The text should be written neatly, clearly and legibly in simple, block letters. It is necessary to respect the margins, at least 1 cm on the cards. The materials used should consist of the following components:

1. Words; "MOMMY", "DADDY", your child's name on separate cards, in addition to the 12 other words described on the next page under the heading "First Step". These cards should be 15 cm high and 60 cm long. The letters should be approximately 12 x 10 cm with a distance of about 1 cm between them. They should be written in red marker and in capital letters:

2. Twenty basic I-words, (described on the following pages under the heading "Second step"), also on white cardboard, about 12 cm high and 60 cm long and also in red block letters about -10 cm high:

3. Basic words from the world around the child, described under the heading "Third step". Also white cardboard, 3 cm high and letters about 5 cm high:

4. Dictionary of sentence structure. Also separate cards, about 8 cm high, written in black print, letters 5 cm high;

5. Dictionary of sentences and short phrases. Phrase card with words printed in black in simple letters about 2.5 cm high. These cards can be collected together and made in the form of a book, strung on a ring or fastened with a paper clip. Cards can be quite long to contain the entire text of each page: Everything will be described later.

6. A children's book using a limited set of children's words printed in plain black type about 6mm high.

All materials begin with large red wide letters and gradually change to regular size black printed beech. This is done in order to give the still unestablished children's apparatus the opportunity to grow up and become more complex in accordance with the complication of the material being studied.

In the beginning, large letters are used simply because they are easier to see, and red because it attracts the attention of small ones.

So, let's move on to specific developments "

FIRST STEP. visual distinction.

Start at a time of the day when your child is most receptive, rested and in a good mood.

For practice, use a part of the house or room where there are very few distractions, both visually and auditory. For example, do not turn on the radio and avoid other sounds, beeps, that may distract the child. Use a corner of the room that isn't cluttered with furniture, colorful rugs, paintings, or other distracting objects.

Now simply raise the word "MAMA" to arm's length from the child and say clearly: "It says "MAMA" (for English-only teachers, the word "MAMA" should be replaced by "MOMMY").

Do not give the child any more instructions, do not overwork. Let him look at the card for no more than 1 second.

Then hold up the next card with the word 'DADDY' and say: 'It says 'DADDY' here." Show three other words in the same manner as the first two. Don't ask your child to repeat words as you move forward. After the fifth word, kiss your child, hug him and, in general, show him that you are very pleased with him.

During the first day, repeat this 3 times a. in the same manner as described above. Classes should be held with at least a half-hour break.

So the first day is over and you have taken the first step to teach your child to read. Now it took you no more than 3 minutes for the whole day.

On the second day, repeat this series exactly the same way 3 times. Add a second set of five new word cards. Now this new set should also be viewed 3 times during the day. So, you have two sets and there should be 6 classes in total.

At the end of each session, tell your child that he is great, that he is very smart, that you are proud of him, that you love him, and it would be very wise of you to hug him or somehow physically show that you are very pleased with him. .

Children learn at lightning speed, but if you prove words to him with a set of cards more than 3 times a day, he will get bored. If you show your child each card for more than one second, you will also lose his attention.

Never test a child, it's too early to do so. Children, like adults, love to learn, but hate any kind of testing. The fact is that checking and testing is the exact opposite of learning, it is full of stress and trouble. To educate a child is to give him a pleasant gift, and to test is to demand, as it were, a reward and money in return. The more you test your child, the slower he will learn and the less he will want to learn. The less you test him, the faster he learns and the more he wants to learn.

Knowledge is the most valuable gift you can give your child. So give him knowledge generously as you give him food. If you test your child before he wants to voluntarily demonstrate to you what he has learned, then this is wrong.

In no case do not bribe your child, do not give him any cakes, sweets and the like as a reward. Firstly, with the speed and pace at which he will learn in a very short period, you simply won’t be enough and you won’t be able to afford to buy all these sweets, and secondly, it will undermine your child’s health. In addition, all sorts of sweets are too low a reward for such an achievement, and it is too incomparable with the love, with the respect that you show your child for learning.

On the third day, add a third set of cards with five more new words.

Now you teach your child three sets of 5 words and you show each set 3 times a day.

So, you and your child now have reading sessions scattered throughout the day and they only take a few minutes in total.

If before that you did not check your child, then maybe now he will voluntarily demonstrate his ability to read to you. This can happen spontaneously (arbitrarily), in any case, trust the child and his abilities.

Repeat this process every day on day 4, day 5, day 6.

On day 7, you can give your child the opportunity to show how well he is learning. Choose one of his favorite words, hold up the card in front of him and say it very slowly and clearly; "What is it? "

Count to 10 silently.

If your child named a word, you must show exuberant delight and great fuss. Tell your child that he is well done with you, that he is very bright, talented, smart, that you are proud of him, that you love him very much. Hug again; and show him physically your love. If; suddenly your child does not answer or answers incorrectly, just tell him, too, with enthusiasm "This word is - ..." and continue your lesson as if nothing had happened.

If you or your child don't like it, don't do it.

In any case, such checks are, in general, for you. The fact is that the child is interested in learning new words, and stepping back and looking through old words that he already knows is no longer interesting to him.

The first 15 words you teach your child should be the most familiar and most enjoyable words from his environment. These words should include the names of family members directly surrounding the child, relatives, some animals, if they are in the family, maybe the child's favorite food or some items in the house, or the child's favorite activities. Of course, we cannot give here a detailed list of the words that should be included, because they depend directly on each family individually.

The only piece of cautionary advice we have to give you in this whole process of learning is not to bore the child.


Remember what the child is. this time he is learning some difficult language, for example, Portuguese, so do not bore him. Always be content with what you have achieved. Your child, in general, learns the language, and this is the highest of any of his achievements. In addition, he is now working on the most difficult process on which the rest of his life will depend. So far, with your help, he has done two extraordinary things:

1. He trained his visual apparatus and, more importantly, his brain in order to distinguish one written character from another.

2. He mastered one of the most incomprehensible abstractions he will ever have to face in life, he learned to read words. He will have to face only one more incomprehensible abstraction - this is with the individual letters of the alphabet. But that's later.

A few words about the alphabet. Many may ask why "we do not start teaching reading from the alphabet. The answer to this question is very important.

The fact is that the basis of any learning is the postulate that it should begin with something known and concrete, and then progress to something new, unknown, and only after all to something completely abstract.

But nothing could be more abstract to the brain of a two-year-old child than the letter "A". Only some genius kids can learn it and understand it.

It is quite obvious that if a 2-year-old kid was capable of reasonable scientific arguments, he would not hesitate to ask adults to clarify the situation for him.

For example, in the case when you show him the letter "A", he has the right to ask you why this thing is called "A"? What will you answer him?

“Ha,” you say, “it’s called “A” because ... well, it’s because, well, because, ah-ah, you see, ah-ah-ah, because, well, you see, it was it is necessary, ah-ah, it is necessary, ah-ah-ah, to come up with this symbol in order to, z-z-z, z-z-z, to make this sound, ah-ah-ah, well, which was also introduced in order to, ah-ah "...

So it would go on ad infinitum.

After all, you would probably just say to a child: "Hey, listen dear, it's an 'A' just because I'm an adult, I know that 'A' is 'A'. It's just 'A'. B after all, this is also one of the possible explanations.

But, fortunately, you do not have to give such explanations to the child, because while they cannot historically understand why "A" is "A", they probably understand that you are really older and smarter than them and, by the way, this reason can satisfy them.

But in any case, they managed to learn these 26 visual abstractions and more than that, the 26 audio abstractions that accompany them.

They learn all this, even though we usually teach them to read at the age of 5 or 6, when it becomes much more difficult for them to learn.

Thank God that we are wise enough not to start teaching, for example, medical students, or lawyers, or engineers, or anyone from such terrible abstractions, because, as young adults, they would never have survived from it.

So, your baby has already mastered the first step, with VISUAL bHblM DIFFERENCE and this is a very ""important step.

In general, reading letters is always very difficult, because no one has ever eaten an "A", or choked on an "A", or carried an "A", or opened an "A". Of course, a person can eat a banana, catch a ball, wear a shirt or open a book. But while the letters that make up, for example, the word "BALL" are abstract in themselves, the ball is real, it can be caught, thrown, played with, and it is much easier to learn the word "BALL" than to learn just the letter "M". ".

And then the word "BALL", it is still significantly different from the word "NOSE" or from the word "MOM". This difference is much more significant than the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "B".

These two facts make words much easier to read than letters.

The fact is that the letters of the alphabet are not components of reading or writing. At least no more than isolated sounds are components of auditory or spoken perception. Words are the main parts of the language. Letters are only a technical construction, the material that sticks words together. It is like a tree or like a stone for the construction of some building. It is like bricks, boards or stones from which the structure itself is built and erected.

SECOND STEP. Dictionary about myself.

We begin to teach a small child to read using words about himself, because the first thing a child learns about himself is his body. His world begins from within and gradually unfolds outward to the perception of the external world. This is a fact known to educators since ancient times.

A few years ago, a talented educator expressed with a few magic letters something that greatly improved the learning process. These letters were; "B", "Z", "T". Visual, audio, tactile. Children have been shown to learn best through a combination of visual ("V"), auditory ("3") and sensory ("T"). Looking back in time, we find that mothers always used to say something while playing with their children, such as: "This little piggy went to the market, and this little piggy stayed at home", while they raised their toes, showing them to their children ( visual), pronounce the words clearly sound) so that the child can hear them, and pinch the child's fingers so that he can feel them (tactile).

In any case, we start with words about ourselves. These words are already smaller, but they are still quite large, simple and written in red.

Like the previous words, this group must be presented one word at a time, without opening the rest.

Again, the child should be in a good mood, and the objects surrounding him should not distract his attention.

The Self Dictionary consists of the following 20 words, each written on a card approximately 12 cm high in red plain type, approximately 10 cm high. These are the following words:


Now, to the existing words, you will add two more sets of words of 5, and in addition you will have a total of 5 sets of words, or 25 different words, divided into sets. These two new sets of words will just be from this dictionary about yourself.

Now we will describe the system that you need to use when adding new words and removing old ones.

In each set of words, take one old word that has already been studied for at least 5 days and replace it with a new one. For example, your child has already seen your first 3 sets for a week, so you can? feel free to take out one word at a time and replace them with a new one. Of the new sets, after 5 days, also begin to change one word a day. Do it every day.

As a result, "You will teach your child 25 words daily, broken down into 5 times of 5 words each. Each day your child will see 5 new words, one in each set, and 5 old words will be removed.

Try not to show words in the same set that start with the same letter, for example, "MOUTH", "HAND" (English: "HAIR", "HEND" and "HEAD") begin with the same letter "P" (English . "H"), so you don't need to show them in a row. Most likely, the child will be inclined to conclude that the mouth is a hand, because the words both begin with the same sign and are generally similar in spelling. Especially such a mistake can be made by children who have already been taught the alphabet and know it in its entirety.

The fact is that knowing the alphabet can cause a certain embarrassment in a child. For example, when teaching the word "HEND" to a child, you may run into the problem that the child will recognize his old friend, the letter "R", and shout it out instead of reading the whole word.

Again, you must remember the most important rule to never bore a child.

The thing is, if he's bored, it's probably because you're walking too slowly. The child must learn very quickly in order to want to play the game again and again.

If you walk at a normal pace, then about every day the child will learn 5 new words. He can even learn 10 new words daily. And if you study him with intelligence and enthusiasm, then he can teach even more.

Once your child has learned the words about himself, you should be ready to move on to the next step in learning to read. He has already left the two most difficult steps behind him. If your child has been successful up until now, you will find it difficult to distract him from reading. He will want to read more and more.

However, before we move on to the next step in teaching your child to read, a few words need to be said about young children, like those of the same age, who are learning to read but not yet speaking.

If you started teaching your child to read at one year old or even earlier, he may not yet speak, or only say "MOMA" or one or two other words, and it is quite possible that the child learns to read before he learns to speak. We have seen thousands of children who already know how to read a lot of words, but who do not yet speak them.

Even among adults, as you know, learners can read much more in a new second foreign language than they can understand from that language by ear. Remember that your child is really learning a whole NEW language.

Let's imagine that you have started training your 6 month old baby. Well, this is very correct, act. Do this in the same manner as you would teach a child who can already speak. The fact is that it will be much easier for your 6 month old baby and harder for you.