Japanese massage: miraculous return of youth and freshness to the skin of the face. What is Japanese facial massage. Shiatsu acupressure: features of the technique

Women always want to look good at any age, thanks to which anti-aging procedures do not lose their popularity.

As it turned out, it is not necessary to do a lift and injections, it is enough to properly care for the face and the skin will have a healthy, blooming appearance.

Japanese facial massage after 45 years old will help restore the elasticity of the skin and remove wrinkles.

The Japanese zogan facial massage is a special technique of affecting the facial lymph nodes, which allows to evenly distribute the lymph and smooth out wrinkles.

Previously, this technology was used only in the East, but over time and in our territories, the fair sex recognized this method of rejuvenation as highly effective.

The method was presented by the world famous cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka. The professional assures that the Japanese face massage asahi zogan is perfect for women of all ages. Moreover, the earlier the manipulations are started, the better the elasticity of the dermis will be preserved.

Japanese massage asahi zogan won the hearts of female fans due to a number of significant advantages over other methods of rejuvenation:

  • increases the tone of the dermis, reduces the number of wrinkles;
  • improves blood circulation, which will help eliminate problems such as acne, acne, age spots;
  • helps to remove the double chin, correct the oval of the face, tightens the cheeks and cheekbones;
  • thanks to the even distribution of lymph, even bags under the eyes can be removed if they are a purely cosmetic problem, and not the result of diseases of the internal organ systems.

Do-it-yourself Japanese face massage asahi finds more and more female fans every day. Not everyone can afford expensive anti-aging injections or surgeries. Many of those who already use this method have assessed the safety and its effectiveness.

The procedure takes a minimum of time, and the results after it are simply stunning. Wrinkles go away, skin becomes radiant, and acne is gone. After literally a week of daily use of the method, good results are visible.

Features of implementation and adherence to the rules

There are some rules for performing massage for the face of Asahi. Manipulations should be performed on a washed face, without the use of creams. To additionally moisturize and nourish the skin, you can use only natural oils from coconut, almond, olives.

Before starting the session, you should relax your muscles, prepare for the effect, gently stroking your face.

The technique of Japanese facial massage is very far from relaxing procedures. All movements are quite intense and in some places the process may even seem unpleasant, however, when pain occurs, you need to loosen the pressure or stop the session altogether. It is strictly forbidden to press on the lymph nodes, it is necessary to rub them intensively, this helps to release the lymphatic ducts.

A structured Japanese facial massage is performed in a strict sequence. There are 11 provisions in total.

  1. First, the frontal area is treated. Movements are performed with three fingers with effort, rubbing the skin in the direction from the center to the temples.
  2. This is followed by the area of ​​the eye sockets. Here you need to work a little softer, moving from the outer corners to the inner ones along the lower border of the eyes. Movements of the same intensity and direction are performed along the upper eyelid. After from the temples to the central part of the ears.
  3. Next, go to the chin massage. Press with your fingers on the center of the chin and with effort make movements to the sides to the corners of the lips, then abruptly return to the starting point.
  4. We pass to the nasolabial triangle. Use your fingers to move forward from the nostrils down, then to the bridge of the nose and back. Finish the process at the center of the auricles.
  5. The lower jaw is fixed with the palm on one side, and the cheek is massaged on the other. You should move from the chewing muscle to the outer corner of the orbit, walk under the eye and return to the starting point. For the second side, follow the same procedure.

Self-massage asahi zogan for the face is based on the identification of special points of influence in order to stimulate the lymph flow. It should be remembered that the lymph nodes cannot be squeezed. During self-massage, not only the skin and muscles are worked out, but also the cranial bones. Japanese anti-aging massage is divided into two types:

  • lymphatic - returns radiance and elasticity to the skin, removes toxins from tissues, relieves puffiness and signs of fatigue;
  • deep - based on the principles of manual therapy, which promotes relaxation.

Depending on the age category and the severity of the problems, the type of impact is selected. For girls under 20, light tricks are shown, the primary task at this stage will be to maintain the natural beauty and health of the dermis.

By the age of 30, the challenge is to eliminate dark circles around the eyes. After 45 years, it is necessary to eliminate expression wrinkles, improve the tone of the dermis and tighten the cheeks and cheekbones.

After 60, manipulations are shown that can tighten the skin of the neck, chin, cheeks.

Rejuvenating massage for the face of Asahi, like any other remedy, has several contraindications. Skin manipulation should not be performed when there is damage, rash, or other problems. ENT diseases and lymphodenitis are also a contraindication to the use of the method.

This rejuvenating procedure, rather, is not a massage, but gymnastics, which allows you to deeply work out all the muscles, therefore it is not recommended to carry out manipulations when there are neoplasms on the face.

The procedure should not cause discomfort or sharp pain. If you still have such sensations, you need to immediately interrupt the manipulation. In this case, you can try out the exercises.

Are there any disadvantages to the method?

Any remedy can be both beneficial and harmful. The Japanese anti-aging method also has several disadvantages.

  1. The first disadvantage is that it is rather difficult to perform correct manipulations the first time. Many people make mistakes at first and instead of a positive result, they get puffiness, pimples.
  2. Lack of technical information. Videos and descriptions on the Internet are not so complete, and contain only some fragments, which does not allow you to thoroughly study the method and features of its use, the book of the Japanese cosmetologist itself in the Russian version has not yet been released.
  3. Due to the intensity, the face can lose weight, which is not suitable for the owners of an already elongated profile, so they should choose a different method.
  4. Many specialists are alarmed by strong pressure against massage lines.

In any case, be that as it may, the words about rejuvenation only with the help of these activities are like a fairy tale. Skin care should be comprehensive, only then you can count on the effectiveness.


The rejuvenating massage presented by the Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka made a splash among women. Previously, the method was used only in the countries of the East, today it has also come to our lands.

The technique consists in deep gymnastics aimed at working out the muscles, lymphatic tissue, and improving blood circulation. The result is a great feeling of well-being, the tone of the skin increases, the face becomes smooth.

Shiatsu is a massage technique that emerged in the middle of the 20th century. Combines the methods of classical Japanese massage, elements of Chinese and Tibetan medicine. Based on the features of the functioning of the human body. The name of this facial massage technique combines two Japanese words for pressure and finger. In the process, a point effect is carried out. Stimulation of vital points ensures the elimination of the existing tension, pain. General well-being improves after the session.

Is Japanese acupressure Shiatsu a technique that can replace plastic surgery?

All people strive to preserve youth, but not everyone is ready to go under the surgeon's knife for it. The Shiatsu technique can replace more radical anti-aging techniques. Of course, it will not help with deep wrinkles, only plastic surgery can cope with them, but it helps to get rid of the first age-related changes. The sooner action is taken, the better. Regular use of the technique serves preventive purposes. Shiatsu prevents the occurrence of significant age-related changes. The creator of the technique lived to be 95 years old, and looked young to old age.

Benefit and harm

The technique, despite its recent appearance, has already gained popularity due to its beneficial properties:

  • Elimination of wrinkles (both expression and age) and their prevention.
  • Increasing the elasticity of the skin.
  • The skin becomes firm and taut.
  • Providing a clear contour of the face.
  • Elimination of headaches.
  • Improved vision.
  • Removal of chronic fatigue, stress.
  • Elimination of rhinitis.
  • Beneficial effect on the nervous system.

When carrying out a massage, the probable harm must also be taken into account. The risk of negative consequences increases when the technique is performed by an unqualified specialist. The following negative consequences are possible:

  • The tone ceases to be restored in a natural way, as it becomes addictive to mechanical stress.
  • If the skin is especially sensitive, there are allergic reactions, irritation is likely.
  • If the skin is already saggy, intense stimulation can lead to further stretching.
  • Bruising is likely.

Much depends on who is doing the massage. You can do it yourself, but first you need to thoroughly study the technique in order to avoid side effects!


Massage has a comprehensive effect on the body. This is both good and bad. This is bad because in a number of diseases it is impossible to apply the method under consideration. Let's take a closer look at the entire list of contraindications:

  • Low intracranial pressure.
  • Skin cancer.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system in acute form.
  • Tuberculosis in the second and third stages.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Herpes.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Furunculosis.
  • Vascular diseases accompanied by hematomas.
  • Open wounds, abrasions.

With all these problems, massage will do harm rather than benefit. Existing diseases can worsen, bruises and irritation appear on the skin.


Shiatsu massage involves following some rules:

  • The procedure is carried out in the morning.
  • The pressure on each of the points is carried out for 5-7 seconds.
  • The pressure is applied with the thumbs or at the same time with the index, middle and ring fingers.
  • Pressing is done with the pad of your finger. The impact should be intense.
  • The pressure should be perpendicular to the skin.
  • When the finger is removed from the processed point, do not rotate it.
  • The degree of pressure is determined by the thickness of the skin. Do not have an intense effect on the delicate skin of the neck and décolleté.
  • When the points are stimulated, painful sensations are likely. This is normal.
  • All movements should be slow.

When massaging, do not stretch or displace the skin!

Algorithm of massage procedure and scheme of points of influence on the face

Massage points are shown in the diagram. Consider the algorithm for performing Shiatsu massage:

  1. The skin is cleansed with tonic, lotion. You can use a light scrub.
  2. The face is warmed up with compresses or a steam bath. This is required for muscle relaxation, vasodilation.
  3. 5 minutes before the start of the procedure, a cream containing vitamins is applied.
  4. First, the points located in the center of the forehead are worked out. Then the fingers move from the center. After that, the line of the temple is being worked out.
  5. In the future, the area of ​​the eyebrows and around the eyes is being worked out. Gradually, the fingers move from the outer corners to the inner ones.
  6. The bridge of the nose is massaged. A point is massaged in the area where wrinkles appear when a person frowns. This measure provides relief from fatigue and stress. A person's mood instantly rises.
  7. The upper circular muscles around the eyes are being worked out. This will help relieve unnecessary strain on your eyes.
  8. The next zone is the infraorbital areas. The skin is extremely sensitive here, and therefore the pressure should be very gentle.
  9. The next step is to work out the areas under the cheekbones, the wings of the nose.
  10. Then you need to proceed to the point located directly above the lips.
  11. The final points are located on the chin, behind the ears and near the earlobes.
  12. The massage ends with repeated skin cleansing and moisturizing.

It is very important, at the end of the procedure, to lie down and relax. You need to give your body a rest. It is advisable not to plan any significant events on the day of the massage. Shiatsu strongly affects the emotional state of a person. It can induce vigor, or, conversely, relax.

We offer you to watch an introductory video of the Shiatsu facial massage technique:

Shiatsu massage combines Chinese, Japanese and Tibetan techniques. This is a real sacrament. The impact on vital points contributes to rejuvenation and overall health. The beneficial effect is not only on the skin, but also on vision, the state of the nervous system. The Shiatsu technique is quite complex, and therefore it is important to choose a massage therapist with the appropriate qualifications.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Japanese rejuvenating and wellness facials have been known for a long time. Along with European and American methods, they are considered the best in the world, they are used by women who want to preserve youth not only of the body, but also of the spirit. Especially good are oriental massage techniques that have been developing over hundreds of years. Japanese facial massage is popular - a pleasant, painless rejuvenation procedure.

Video about the secrets of the effectiveness of Japanese massage

The virtues of Japanese massage techniques

What Japanese women can be proud of is their blooming appearance, which they manage to preserve until very old age. At the same time, they do not resort to drastic measures, for example, plastic surgery, and do not rely only on the magical power of miraculous creams. Residents of the East retain their inner strength and beauty due to their special attitude to their bodies.

If simple facial skin care is turned into a daily ritual, carried out with love and a positive attitude, the results will appear immediately. Using massage techniques, we stimulate natural processes in the body, and as a result we get the desired effect:

  • morning puffiness disappears;
  • metabolism returns to normal;
  • the tone of the muscles and skin of the face increases;
  • the complexion becomes fresher;
  • wrinkles become less pronounced, the process of the appearance of new ones slows down.

The secret lies in special movements that increase blood circulation in tissues and stimulate the movement of lymph along a given channel. It is worth seeing how Japanese facial massage functions: the video filmed by Alena Sobol reveals the essence of the movement technique.

The most famous all over the world are three Japanese techniques that have been adopted by many cosmetic clinics: Kobido, Shiatsu and Asahi. Possessing unique techniques, each of them is used for the sole purpose of preserving youth and freshness of the face.

Facial massage is a pleasant and safe procedure to restore youth

Kobido Technique: Ancient Secrets

The ancient Japanese facial massage kobido has been known since the 15th century, when it was successfully used in the palaces of Japanese empresses. Thanks to ancient techniques, women's faces glowed with youth and beauty, regardless of their age. Many beauty salons now offer services based on Kobido techniques.

This technique has two sides: it relaxes the muscles of the face while stimulating blood circulation in the tissues. This technique is useful if the muscles are "tired", weakened, have ceased to perform their basic functions, and the skin as a result has become gray and flabby, wrinkles have appeared and an unpleasant "sinking effect" has arisen.

The various techniques of Kobido are different from the traditional ones. With their help, internal processes are activated both in all layers of the skin and in deeper muscle tissues. Under the influence of the massage therapist's fingers, blood circulation is increased, due to which collagen cells begin to be produced. The result is firm, fresh, smooth skin and an even face shape.

A kobido session includes several important stages that relate to cleansing the skin, moisturizing it and working out all areas along the meridians, special healing lines. The masseurs consider it advisable to prepare the skin of the face and neck immediately before the procedure, and at the final stage to make a few soothing movements. The main stages of the Kobido technique:

Finally, a few soothing movements, including massaging the scalp. After several sessions of kobido, the skin seems to be renewed: it becomes tighter, fresher, more elastic. Usually, the first course is more intensive - 10 procedures in 5 weeks, then to maintain tone - 1-2 per month.

Shiatsu acupressure: features of the technique

The old, little-known Japanese Amma technique has evolved over the centuries into the popular modern, point-based Shiatsu technique. Collected and summarized the best techniques of Takiyuro Namikoshi. Shiatsu is a great way to boost immunity, improve your appearance, and add a drop of positiveness to your life.

Shiatsu points are different from the accepted acupuncture points. They are located in different parts of the body, including the face. During the session, the same areas are affected - one of the secrets of Shiatsu is constant. The main movement is pressure, while the rest (stroking, rubbing) are practically not used.

If the Shiatsu technique is supplemented with daily cleansing, moisturizing, and nourishing masks, the skin of the face will soon become elastic, healthy and fresh. Who Should Perform Massage? Some people like the services of professionals, others master the techniques of self-massage - it can be done at home, at a convenient time.

Biologically active points are located in different parts of the face

Multi-Exercise Shiatsu Complex

The right timing affects the quality of your exercise. It is best to perform Japanese shiatsu facial massage early in the morning, when the rested muscles of the face are relaxed. One session takes about 15 minutes. In Japan, shiatsu facial massage is performed using hands or balls called ki-gong, which are pressed against the skin and gently rotated in one direction - clockwise. In other countries, only fingers are preferred.

Important!During any exposure to the face, you should take good care of the skin: it is forbidden to stretch, rub, displace it. Every action should be confident but gentle.

The preparatory period includes hygiene procedures, taking a comfortable posture and complete relaxation.


  • Massaging the so-called "painful" points on the temples. Circular movements are directed from the nostrils towards the temples.
  • Pressing with your fingertips on the inner corner of the eye. A little effort won't hurt.
  • The index and middle fingers should be led with some effort from the center of the forehead to the edge of the temples. The action should last about 30 seconds, the movement should be in a spiral.
  • Lightly massage the corners of the lips with your fingertips. This exercise prevents the appearance of folds around the mouth.
  • Gently stroking the neck from the center to the sides. For a gentle action, it is better to use the back of your hand.
  • Performing frequent point pressure in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe wings of the nose.
  • Gently massage the point between the eyebrows with the tip of the index finger.
  • Pressing with thumbs on the part of the lower jaw located in the region of the tongue root.
  • Gently massaging the pits under the cheekbones with the pads of the fingers.

Point clicks should not be too short or too long. Usually each action lasts 5-7 seconds. The neck area is a special area, pressure should not exceed 3 seconds. After exercise, you can devote a few more minutes to the skin - cleanse it, apply cream, and only then do make-up.

Cleansing the skin before and after the session are as important as the massage itself

Yukuko Tanaka Technique: Japanese Asahi Technique

The roots of this technique go back to antiquity, when the Japanese massage of the face tsogan (zogan) was popular. The translation of the word reflects its essence - the creation of a face. Yukuko Tanaka, a renowned cosmetologist and stylist from Japan, has collected and processed materials from the ancient teachings of beauty and created her own method - asahi facial massage.

The result of theory and practical training was the book "Face Massage", which was scattered all over the world. An even more understandable material is a video tutorial course in which she shows the basic exercises of the zogan technique. In many countries, including Russia, Yukuko Tanaka's Japanese facial massage is called Asahi.

According to thousands of fans of the technique, Japanese face massage asahi can not only improve the properties of the skin, but also slow down the aging process. This is due to two principles of the technique:

  1. Movements that activate lymph flow. Toxins leave the tissues faster, excess fluid leaves, the nutrition of skin cells becomes more complete. As a result, edematous phenomena disappear, including bags under the eyes, the grayish tint of the skin disappears, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Years recede, youth continues.
  2. Thorough study of the facial muscles. With the help of traditional manual therapy techniques, each muscle is affected individually, which strengthens it and makes it healthy and more active.

Important ! Asahi's session implies some forceful effect on the skin and muscles, during which the zones located in the area of ​​the lymph nodes should be avoided.

Some of the techniques are well shown in the video: Japanese Asahi facial massage has a beneficial effect on both the appearance of the face and deeper muscles. They say that 10 minutes a day is enough to look 10 years younger.

Asahi massage video tutorial

Features of the Asahi technique that you should pay attention to:

  • During the session, the internal processes in the skin become more active, therefore, the final stage of the procedure should be the repeated cleansing of the skin.

Important! The paths of movement of the lymph should be stroked from the edges to the center - in the direction of movement of the lymph flow.

Lymphatic drainage, to which Yukuko Tanaka paid so much attention, is performed literally at all stages, in every exercise. Even the last massage movement (on the neck from top to bottom) is aimed at regulating lymph flow. How to massage the face of Asahi: a video with the participation of the founder of the technique herself perfectly demonstrates all the stages.

What do fans who prefer face massage asahi think? Reviews on the Internet and periodicals, numerous and varied, are mostly filled with positive emotions and impressions. The main thing that they emit is to improve the appearance of the skin, increase its elasticity, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and correct the shape of the face.

Contraindications to the use of various types of massage

The process of restoring natural elasticity, firmness and freshness to the skin of the face should not conflict with some prohibitions. Massage techniques are effective - this is their strength, but they can also be destructive if the activation of certain points provokes the development of any disease. For this reason, the very first thing to do before a treatment session is to visit a doctor and consult on the topic of contraindications. The same should be done by deciding on self-massage. Contraindications mainly relate to various diseases and physiological processes associated with them:

  • high blood pressure or low intracranial pressure;
  • diseases caused by viruses or infections, in the acute stage;
  • skin diseases with manifestations in the face area: rosacea, dermatitis, the consequences of an allergic reaction, rash;
  • serious diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys;
  • pain syndrome;
  • tumors and formations of unknown origin.

You should carefully study the technique and contraindications for Japanese massage. This will help you avoid unwanted problems.

If there are no contraindications, and the desire to become more attractive is growing every day, you should study in more detail what a Japanese face massage is: reviews of friends, special literature, videos, articles on the Internet will reveal the secrets of traditional Japanese techniques.

Useful tips and advice on how to properly carry out the Japanese lymphatic drainage face massage Asahi-Zogan Yukuko Tanaka from wrinkles at home: the technique of its implementation, indications and contraindications for the procedure, the rejuvenating mechanism of action on the skin, the lymphatic map of the face.

Despite the rapidly developing modern cosmetology with its magical procedures and miraculous remedies, every woman understands all her shortcomings. In this regard, I really want to pamper my skin with something natural and natural, but in the food products from which you can make homemade masks, there is also the same notorious "chemistry" - the scourge of our time. However, there is a way out of this seemingly dead end situation: try to rejuvenate your skin by mastering Japanese facial massage from Tanaka Yukuko, a talented stylist from the land of the rising sun. Judging by the reviews of ordinary people who have already tried it, and experienced cosmetologists, it is worth spending time on it.

A bit of the history of Japanese massage

In fact, the Japanese Asahi (a name that sounds very beautiful in translation as "massage of the morning sun") is an old and effective way of returning youth. The technique of its implementation has been honed for centuries, its effectiveness has been proven by a large number of the most enthusiastic reviews. In our time, it was revived by Tanaka Yukuko, a popular Japanese stylist.

For your information!

Her grandmother taught her the basic nuances of massage, although Tanaka herself brought it to perfection.

She laid out all her best practices, experience, observations in a book published in 2007 - "Facial Massage". If you want to fully master this technique, you should find this publication and study it.

Mechanism of action on the skin

The Japanese facial massage Zogan (another name for this technique) has a truly wonderful effect if it is performed correctly and regularly. What is the secret of the rejuvenation that is so easy to achieve with its help? The thing is that with proper stimulation of the right points, the skin cells seem to wake up from sleep and begin to work in full force. This is how it works:

  • under the point effect, the deepest tissues are found, in contrast to standard techniques, when light stroking movements along the massage lines do not affect the underlying tissues, and they remain indifferent;
  • another significant difference between Japanese massage and European methods - it is not performed with the fingertips, as we are all used to, but with the whole palm;
  • there is a detoxifying effect: movements within the framework of Japanese massage are performed along the lymphatic vessels, concentrating in the areas where the lymph nodes are located;
  • it improves the outflow of lymph;
  • toxins are actively eliminated;
  • the muscles of the front of the head are toned and strengthened;
  • the oval of the face acquires clearer contours;
  • the severity of wrinkles is significantly reduced;
  • appearance, skin color is noticeably improved.


The process of Japanese massage involves the skin, muscles, connective tissue and even (surprisingly!) The bones of the skull.

This is the effect of the Asahi-Zogan Japanese facial massage, the art of which can be mastered by every woman whose dream is to stop time and slow down as much as possible the aging processes occurring in her skin. Since the process involves the body's lymphatic system, which is very important for human health, one must bear in mind the indications and contraindications for carrying out such a powerful massage.

Indications for Japanese massage

Keep in mind that the Japanese Tsogan face massage can be done by not everyone and not at all at any age. Since it has a purposeful effect, you need to know in which cases cosmetologists recommend doing it. It will actually have an effect on the skin in the following cases:

  • if you wake up every morning with swelling on the face: they testify precisely to the malfunctioning of your lymphatic system, and the Japanese massage of the Tanaka face normalizes it, promotes the outflow of fluid;
  • with blurred face contours with age when the oval is spoiled by flews, double chin and other sagging folds;
  • when unhealthy complexion: yellowness or grayness, for example;
  • the most effective is considered japanese facial massage for wrinkles, and from any - both mimic and age.

Judging by the reviews, Japanese facial massage allows you to look 10 years younger if you do everything in accordance with the recommendations. By bringing the lymphatic system back to normal, it kind of slows down the aging process. Accordingly, wrinkles become less, and, and the condition of the skin is significantly improved.

Usually no one complains about the results, because they become noticeable already a couple of weeks after the first procedure. However, they can only be achieved by those who have taken into account not only the indications, but also contraindications for Japanese massage.

About contraindications

Before dealing with age-related changes affecting your skin, keep in mind that the rejuvenating Japanese facial massage has the following contraindications:

  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • pharyngitis;
  • ENT pathology;
  • skin rashes of any kind on the face;
  • ARVI;
  • rosacea;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • thin, sensitive skin.

Due to its powerful effect on the lymphatic system of the body, Japanese can aggravate the course of these diseases, cause a number of side effects and not give the desired results. In order not to be disappointed in this method of rejuvenation, be sure to adhere to these contraindications. If everything is in order with your health, you can begin to master the technique of performing this amazing massage.

Describing Japanese face massage in her book, Yukuko Tanaka told in detail how, in what conditions and even with what mood it should be performed. Every little thing matters. If we summarize all her useful tips and recommendations for those who want to master the technique of performing Japanese anti-aging massage, the following postulates are obtained.

  1. All manipulations need to be done exclusively on clean skin... Therefore, wash yourself before the procedure, remove all residues of decorative cosmetics with any cleanser.
  2. The skin of the face at the time of the massage should be absolutely dry... If moisture remains on it after washing, blot it with a cosmetic tissue.
  3. The greatest effect can be achieved if you first clean your pores with a scrub. This must be done at least once a week.
  4. Explore where the lymphatic vessels and nodes are located on the face and neck, which can be skillfully influenced by them during massage. This is the main condition for its effectiveness.
  5. Each movement must be done in a strict direction, created especially for him.
  6. The force of pressure when manipulating the fingers should be felt, but not painful.
  7. The back during the Japanese Zogan massage should be straight. Better to do it while sitting or standing. But if you can't keep your posture straight, it's best to lie down.
  8. The massage time is 10 to 15 minutes.
  9. Before the procedure, the face and hands should be lubricated with a special massage cream. Don't forget to test it for allergies.

If you follow the advice of Tanaka Yukuko and regularly do Japanese facial massage competently, competently, the results will not be long in coming. These helpful tips will help you make your procedure as efficient and beneficial as possible. Do not forget to examine the location of the lymph nodes and blood vessels on the face.

Before practicing the Japanese Zogan massage, you will have to thoroughly study the anatomical atlas, which describes in detail the localization of the lymphatic vessels and nodes on the face. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to fulfill a prerequisite for proper massage - the normalization of lymph flow. Lymph nodes are located on the face and neck in the following locations:

  1. Near the ears.
  2. Behind the ears.
  3. On the back of the head.
  4. On the lower jaw.
  5. Under the tongue.
  6. In the corners of the lower jaw.
  7. On the neck.

Working with these points, according to the Japanese massage from Yukuko Tanaka, you need to be extremely careful. If all movements have sufficient pressure, then in these places it must be weakened. This also applies to the basic rules of the Japanese massage technique Asahi, which is designed to make young and beautiful even mature, wrinkled skin, which has been touched by the unforgiving years.

Asahi massage technique

To master the correct execution of Asahi massage, it is best to watch the training video in advance, read the detailed description of each movement again, practice, and then practice. If you have any doubts, you can sign up for the first session with the master and during the massage, carefully monitor the manipulation of his skillful, professional hands. This will help you understand many of the points in the procedure.

  • Finishing movement

Oddly enough, you need to start with mastering the final movement, which will end any Asahi exercise. Here's how it works:

  1. With 3 fingers (middle, index, ring) of both hands, press (slightly) on a point located near the very shells of the ears - in the region of the lymph nodes.
  2. Pressing should be done not with your fingertips, but with the entire length, while pressing your fingers tightly to your face.
  3. The duration of the pressure should be approximately 2 seconds.
  4. After that, smoothly go down to the collarbones, but do not change the intensity of pressure.

This movement in the Japanese massage Zorgan is the main one, so you must be one of the first to master it.

  • Forehead

With 3 fingers (middle, index, ring) of both hands, press firmly to the center of the forehead. After 3 seconds, gently take them to the temples, without stopping the pressure. At the temples, turn your palms 90 ° C, draw them down, perform the final exercise.

  • Eyes

With the pads of your middle fingers, touch the outer corners of the eyes, slide without pressure to the inner corners, resting on the bridge of the nose - this will be the point of beauty (hold on to it for 3 seconds). Increase pressure, slide your fingers in a circle below the eyebrows, where the very edge of the eye socket is. Stop at the outer corners, fix a pressure there for 3 seconds. Loosen the pressure, return to the inner corner, following along the lower eyelid. Increase the pressure, return along the lower eye socket to the outer corner, linger at the point, applying slight pressure. Make a finishing move.

  • Lips

Place the ring and middle fingers in the center of the chin, press, linger. Move your fingers around your lips with intense pressure. Finish the movement in the very center above the upper lip, hold the pressure at this point for a few seconds.

  • Nose

Place your middle fingers near the wings of the nose in the depressions, make 5 sliding, smooth movements from bottom to top, then back. Attach your ring finger, rub the back of your nose vigorously, move towards your cheeks.

  • Lower face

Press the middle three fingers firmly to the center of the chin. Without releasing pressure, move towards the eyes, while bending around the corners of the mouth. Fix near your eyes for 3 seconds, turn your palms, spread them to your temples.

  • Cheeks

Place your elbows and palms together in front of you. Open your hands, palms up, and put the bases of your palms on your lips. Lift them to the nostrils with effort, cover your cheeks with your palms. Lock for 3 seconds. Spread your palms to your temples with pressure.

These are the basics of the Japanese face massage Asahi-Zogan Yukuko Tanaka, which should be mastered by everyone who wants to prolong the youth of their skin and somehow slow down the aging process. It will justify the time spent on it and will certainly delight you with its anti-aging effect. With him it is possible even in years to be without a single wrinkle and surprise everyone with an even tone of elastic, elastic skin.

Asahi's Japanese face massage against wrinkles at home: mastering the technique

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Japanese massage has long been transformed from an overseas curiosity into an indispensable component of the programs of serious massage parlors and clinics. This he owes not only to the unusual technique of the massage itself, but also to the amazing effect of this procedure.

Today, several types of Japanese massage are most common.


Amma massage is a unique technique that does not require the use of oils during the session and the massage table. For such a massage, you do not need to take off your clothes and go to bed. You sit, and the master of oriental massage touches the parts of the body with yang energy (back half of the body), and the most vulnerable area with yin energy remains protected by pillows. The master, with the help of touch, determines the level of mental and physical condition and identifies areas of the body in which negative changes occur. Working with the flows of energy, he acts on certain points of those meridians where the movement of energy is blocked. Removes blockage and normalizes the free flow of energy through the channels.

This meridian massage is especially recommended in order to activate the circulation of energy. In 20 minutes, this massage will give energy and vitality, at the same time you will feel complete relaxation. Amma massage in Japan was used to quickly prepare warriors for battle.

In Amma, all techniques are directed from the heart to the periphery; stroking, kneading, stretching and tapping the body is used at the locations of the acupressure points. Massage movements are performed not only with the fingers, but also with the palms, elbows and even knees to enhance the effect. The ancient technique of pressing, the location of the points, the sequence of movements and their rhythm have remained unchanged for many centuries.

Amma is used to treat low back pain, disc displacement, headaches, hypertension, and various injuries. In addition, amma massage is an ideal anti-stress treatment that allows you to relieve muscle and nervous tension and completely relax.


Shiatsu (shi - fingers; atsu - pressure) is a finger pressure treatment. This massage is one of the oldest methods of oriental medicine and is used instead of acupuncture.

Shiatsu massage involves the impact on biologically active points, which are often chosen intuitively. The points of the selected zone are pressed with fingers and the base of the palm. In the area of ​​the carotid artery, scapula, chest, temporal region, massage is done with three fingers, on the stomach - with three fingers and the base of the palm, on the limbs and back - with thumbs.

The pressure is performed gently, without displacement and rubbing of tissues, the finger is located perpendicular to the massaged area.

There are several techniques of shiatsu: soft, light pressure without jerking for 3-5 seconds per point, soft and longer pressure - 5-10 seconds per point, without lifting your finger from the point (repeat 2-3 times).

The elements of shiatsu are simple, easy to learn, and can be a great help in maintaining excellent health.

The duration of a general shiatsu massage is up to 60 minutes, a private one - 5-15 minutes.

Japanese facial massage

Of course, speaking of massage from the Japanese islands, one cannot fail to mention the Japanese face massage. This amazing technique is sure to interest both men and women. After all, each of us dreams of preserving health and youth for a long time. And who is the best to spy on how to make this dream come true? Of course, Japanese women! Who knows a lot about longevity and beauty, independent of time!

You probably noticed that many Japanese ladies look like "women without age", even reaching very respectable years. How do they do it? It turns out they have their own secret. They are big fans of Japanese facial massage. This technique has been known for a long time, but it has become popular all over the world relatively recently. A special, rather intense scheme of action on the muscles and connective tissue of the face has a truly miraculous effect.

After Japanese massage sessions, the face not only looks years younger and gets rid of wrinkles. As with a body massage, the body receives a renewed surge of energy!

Benefits of Japanese Facial Massage Techniques

What Japanese women can be proud of is their blooming appearance, which they manage to preserve until very old age. At the same time, they do not resort to drastic measures, for example, plastic surgery, and do not rely only on the magical power of miraculous creams. Residents of the East retain their inner strength and beauty due to their special attitude to their bodies.

If simple facial skin care is turned into a daily ritual, carried out with love and a positive attitude, the results will appear immediately. Using massage techniques, we stimulate natural processes in the body, and as a result we get the desired effect:

  • morning puffiness disappears
  • metabolism returns to normal
  • increases the tone of the muscles and skin of the face
  • the complexion becomes fresher
  • wrinkles become less pronounced, the process of the appearance of new ones slows down

Types of Japanese facial massage

The most famous all over the world are three Japanese techniques that have been adopted by many cosmetic clinics: Kobido, Shiatsu and Asahi. Possessing unique techniques, each of them is used for the sole purpose of preserving youth and freshness of the face.


Kobido massage is a powerful, yet gentle way of skin care.

It is based on traditional East Asian medicine concepts and traditional Japanese massage techniques. Helps to relieve tension accumulated in the facial, neck and head muscles.

The massage renews, rejuvenates and restores the skin tissue of the face, prevents and reduces the aging process.

Thanks to the rapid, rhythmic taps of the fingers, the nervous system is stimulated, the current in the blood and lymph vessels improves, the muscles become more elastic, and the complexion improves. The energy flow in the face becomes more balanced.

This ancient beauty method, unlike other types of facial massage, improves blood circulation, enhances relaxation and stimulates collagen growth over time.

Kobido facial massage is believed to be very effective in treating dry and oily skin, acne, wrinkles, old age spots, poor complexion and migraines, as well as headaches and temporomandibular disorders.

In addition, Kobido is praised as one of the most effective and natural skin treatments for improving skin condition and slowing down the aging process. This treatment was created to improve the client's health and livelihoods by focusing on preventing problems - a core feature of traditional oriental medicine - rather than solving problems that have already arisen.

How does this magical action take place?

Kobido is performed on a massage table, the duration of such a session is from 60 to 80 minutes. The procedure includes a massage of the neck, face, scalp, and finishes with a little attention to the arms and legs.

Traditional kobido begins with a gentle neck massage that improves circulation to the head. This action helps to relax and relieve stress. Then the skin is steamed with a hot towel, after which the masseur cleans the face with a special soap solution. Before the main massage procedure, a moisturizer is applied to the face. Additionally (depending on the skin type), massage oil from almonds or grape seeds is used.

During the procedure, the specialist assesses not only the color, structure and turgor of the skin (internal hydrostatic pressure in a living cell, which causes tension in the cell membrane), but also the strength of energy flows and the psycho-emotional state of the patient. It is believed that the harmonization of the flow of vital energy Qi, which is the basis of the structure of the Universe, automatically balances the emotions and the state of the physical body.

During the procedure, the so-called meridians are stimulated, which normalize the state of the internal organs. According to Eastern teachings, 14 invisible lines run through the entire human body, which connect certain groups of organs with each other. Tsubo points (harmonizing, initiative, calming, alarming) are tied to each line - special points where energy exchange between meridians takes place. The work of the points can be influenced by movements of varying intensity - easily rotating, of medium power and strongly pressed (with the thumb or the joint of the bent finger).

In the area of ​​the face, the main energy meridians pass and important tsubo are concentrated. Kobido massage uses very light strokes combined with quick and rhythmic finger taps. Depending on the condition of the skin, the master can also use the technique of working with deep tissues. Kobido massage also promotes overall relaxation and mood improvement.

Even one session is enough to make your skin smoother, and your face looks more vibrant and rested. To achieve the best result, you should carry out a course of 10 sessions with a frequency of 2 times a week. At the end of the intensive part of the treatment, you can come once or twice a month to preserve the positive results of the previous course.


Before starting the Japanese Shiatsu face massage, you need to thoroughly rinse off the cosmetics and let the skin dry. Then we carry out the following points in strict order:

1. It is necessary to rub well the skin of the face so that it "burns" - for this you can use baby powder or talcum powder.

2. Pronounce the sound "ah-ah-ah", quickly shaking his head in different directions. The cheeks should shake during this.

3. Roll your lips into a tube and open your mouth wide in this position. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. With the index and middle fingers, massage the forehead with pinpoint pressure in a spiral, while not pulling the skin!

5. In the middle of the cheeks there is the highest point, and a centimeter below it there will be a bony fossa. You need to press on it with your finger for 2-3 seconds, while there should be painful sensations. Then this point needs to be massaged. Do this procedure on both cheeks.

6. With the pads of the thumbs of both hands, gently press along the edge of the chin, moving from the ears to the chin. The area of ​​the base of the chin (the place where the tongue is located) should be given special attention.

7. Tilt your head back and strain your neck muscles, hold for 3-4 seconds, relax. Then lower your head, pressing your chin as tightly as possible to your neck. Repeat 10 times.

8. With your palms, knead the auricles and press them to the head for 30 seconds.

9. Massage the upper part of the eye socket with the pads of three middle fingers, moving from the corners of the eyes to the temples. Repeat, increasing the pressure.

10. Press 10-15 times on a point located strictly between the eyebrows. Gently press several times on the bony fossa located on the sides of the nose (above the nostrils).


After almost every massage technique, you need to do the following exercise (final action): take your fingers to the upper edge of the auricle, linger there for a few seconds, slide your fingers down with sliding movements, a short pause at a point two centimeters below the edge of the lower jaw.

1. Starts with the frontal bone, eliminates wrinkles and is performed in zigzag sliding movements with pressure, from left to right and vice versa.

2. To eliminate puffiness around the eyes, we apply two lines: the upper and lower eyelids.

Upper: with the pads of the middle fingers at the outer corners of the eyes (elbows are divorced), we easily lead to the inner corners, we return in an arched movement almost along the line of the eyebrows with pressure.

Lower: the starting position is the same, gently massage the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the inner one, go to the bridge of the nose, and from it to the brow region. Further, in the reverse order with the use of force, we return to the inner corner of the lower eyelid, from which, with a smooth movement, we again move to the starting position, while gradually reducing the pressure, we make the final movement.

3. Eliminate nasolabial folds. With three fingers we move from the middle of the chin to the eyes with pressure. We rest our thumbs on the chin, with the rest we clasp our nose, and from the "prayer position" we with an effort pull the skin towards the temples. With the pads of the fingers from the chin fossa, forcefully make movements around the mouth, connecting the fingers at a point above the upper lip. We perform it three times, the final exercise is not required.

4. From the side walls of the nose, we make quick massaging movements with the pads of the fingers up and down twenty times with force. Along the cheekbones, we pass to the temples, the final action.

5. From the chin fossa, bend around the corners of the mouth, with strong pressing movements along the nose to the eyes, the final exercise is not required.

6. First, with one hand we fix the skin in the area of ​​the lower jaw, with the other fingertips from the corner of the mouth we forcefully draw along the cheeks towards the eyes, from the eyes with less pressure to the temples, change hands, the final action.

7. From the edges of the nose smoothly to the temporal region, the final action.

8. From the second chin: put the palm of the pads on the earlobe, and the base on the chin, pull the skin to the ear with effort, change hands. Or we do it with the hands connected at the wrists. We perform the same movement from the corners of the mouth to the temples and proceed to the final action.

9. With the hands of the hands, we perform pressing movements along the edge of the lower jaw to the temples, the final action.

10. We fix the pads of the thumbs under the chin, close the index fingers - we get a triangle into which we "push" the face. Without opening the thumbs, we forcefully spread our index fingers under the lower eye zone.

11. Asahi complete the zigzag movement along the frontal bone and the final action.

The human body consists of a huge number of muscles, the normal functioning of which is a complex physiological process.

In the course of their work, lactic acid is formed, the accumulation of which leads to rapid fatigue and painful sensations. It is excreted from the body during the rest period, and glucose and other nutrients are delivered to the tissues. By pressing on certain points, you can accelerate the process of excess accumulation of lactic acid.

The impact on acupuncture points is not just physical manipulation. This is a whole philosophy that allows you to improve the circulation of vital energy and remove energy blocks.

If you conduct Japanese massage sessions regularly, it will activate all processes in the body and get rid of many diseases. The body becomes more flexible and strong. Immunity is increased, blood supply and general well-being are improved.