31 years old girlfriend Chinese conception calendar. Natural Baby Floor Planning Methods

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You can say with confidence that all or almost all parents are interested in the question of determining the sex of the child before his birth. Of course, it is reliably with a large share of the probability to answer this question can only ultrasound. But there are other reliable techniques, for example, a Chinese child determination calendar. With this method, according to the Chinese themselves, you can determine the sex of the child with an accuracy of 98 percent. Is it so? Let's check it now.

Floor Definition Table by Mother's Age

How to use the Chinese Child Floor Calendar

Chinese Child Floor Calendar It used for several thousand years. Using the table children's Child on the Chinese Calendar You can find out both after conception and to it.

The method is based on the counting of the month of conception and age of the mother of the baby at the time of conception. According to the conception calendar, only the mother depends, a girl or boy will be born.

  • Horizontally tables are located numbers from 18 to 45, indicating the age of a woman at the time of conception, which is calculated by a special Chinese way.
  • Vertical - numbers from 1 and to 12, denoting months of the Chinese moon year.
  • At the intersection of vertical and horizontal lines, we see squares (m, d) corresponding to the gender of the baby.


It is worth noting that the age of the mother of the Chinese is calculated by a special method, therefore the Baby Floor Definition Table with the help of a Chinese calendar can malfunctions if you consider the age of the mother to us the method.

In particular, according to the European tradition, the age of a person is considered directly from the moment of birth. And, here, the Chinese consider otherwise: they consider the age of the child from the moment of conception, that is, the newborn is already 9 months. But there are no differences in the definition of age. Next, the most incredible. It turns out on the first day of the new year (as you know, in China, the New Year comes on January 28), the baby born throughout last year (including January 27, the last day of the old year), immediately marks two years.

For example, if a boy was born on January 25, he was already two years old on January 28! Meanwhile, in our habitual understanding of this boiler only four days! Just considering all the above nuances, and you can accurately calculate the Chinese table, who will be born: a girl or boy.

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One of the options that help learn to the girl who she will be born is a Chinese calendar. About what he represents, and how to use it, we will talk in our article.

The ancient Chinese calendar of the floor definition of a child is a table that was found at the site of the burial of the Chinese emperor not far from Beijing about the VII centuries ago. According to the legend, the Chinese pregnancy calendar, helping to calculate the floor of the child, was designed during the Board of the OOG Dynasty. Today, he is located in the Beijing Institute of Science, where anyone can look at the artifact.

How was the Chinese calendar created?

In ancient China, families preferred to have boys than girls. Of the boys grow good helpers with the economy, they were considered a family support. The girls are, on the contrary, were considered by family members exclusively as the source of the wretched. Until reached 17 years, daughters needed to feed, wear, and only then these duties took on husbands for whom the girls got married. So, the Ancient Chinese table was very in demand in the country. Basically, the Chinese calendar planning was planned in advance.

How to determine the floor of the child on the Chinese calendar

So, how to find out the floor of the child on the Chinese calendar? To do this, you need to perform several simple actions. The calendar of the conception of a child by age of the mother consists of a speaker with age from 18 to 49 years, which is located on the left side, and the row of months from January to December, located in the table header. You need to do the following:

  1. Set your age at the time of the planned birth of the child.
  2. Denote this number in the column on the left.
  3. Find a month in which the child was conceived.
  4. To spend a direct horizontal line from its age and draw a vertical line from the month of conception.
  5. See the letter at the intersection of two lines. If it is "M" - you will have a son if "D" is a daughter.

Let's test the Chinese Practice Floor Definition Method in practice. Imagine that the future mother was born on June 29, 1982, it means that it is necessary to add 9 months to its age and note that at the time of 2016 she turned 34 years old. Also assume that the child was conceived in October. Now do two lines and get at the point of intersection "D". That is, the future mother will have a girl. Below in the table everything is shown visual:

The calendar of the floor definition of a child by age mother is based on the lunar calendar. It has high accuracy - up to 90%. At least, so they say those who used them. But scientific evidence that the predictions of the table really come true, unfortunately, no.

Some girls enjoy a Chinese calendar to calculate the gender of a child in advance, even before conception. Someone resorts to him in the early pregnancy. Despite the fact that many people do not perceive the ancient Chinese calendar seriously, the accuracy of its forecasts is very high.

In pregnancy planning, many of their own aspects. Young spouses do not put in priority the appearance of either a girl or a boy, or the boy, but most of them would like to know exactly how the gender will appear soon. For 2019, confidently and reliably will definitely help determine the floor of the future newborn baby.

The Chinese calendar to determine the child's sex in China is the main formula for determining the floor of the future kid. Despite the fact that such a calculation is ancient, it is also safely used in real modern days. The history of the calendar is simple, it comes from royal times when the queen wishing to give birth to a boy to convey to him the subsequent country of the country, published a schedule, in which the sex of the child was marked, which will soon be on the light. Since then, the popularity of such a calculation has increased with each century, and in present, the fame of the calendar of the child determination of the child is common worldwide.

The real Chinese lunar calendar of the definition of the floor of the future child is quite accurate science and calculus, but to get the most accurate result, you need to know and comply with some of the most important aspects.

Subtleties and important rules

The main feature and aspect of such a calendar of the calculus is the obligatory circumstance that it is published annually. It is impossible to create a single schedule for which the sex of the future kid will be determined. The whole thing is the circumstance that these calculus is based on the lunar calendar, and, as you know, each lunar year begins in different dates.

In connection with such an essential aspect, many parents are confused in calculators and indicate that such a definition of the news of the newborn becomes incorrect. But when a child's definition calendar 2019 is studied, the table shows that the main calculation must be taken from the date of the next lunar cycle.

For example, in the present time interval, the lunar period of the year takes the beginning of the 8th in February, and in the upcoming period the year on the lunar meaning will begin 28 numbers of the same month. A similar colossal difference indicates that the wrong calculus is obtained from here.

Another important aspect of this calculus is the age category of young mammies. It is no secret that the age of a young mother plays a lot in her prosperous pregnancy, but the Chinese calendar calculator of the newborn child's floor calendar indicates that it is not enough to determine the true age of a young woman, it is necessary to add to her full years to add a figure of 9 months - this is the period of conception of a small man . Chinese wisdom says that the time of life in the world is not his true age, and the period from the day of his immediate conception. Only observing this rule when calculating the floor of the future baby, you can get the most reliable, as well as the most and accurate data.

Future Child Floor Definition Table

The basis of the table below is the period (date) in which the desired conception will be produced, or the day when the conception has already accomplished exactly. If you make the right calculations, you can reliably determine who my mother will be born - son or daughter - even before the start of medical examination. And the results of the ultrasound will only confirm the correctness of this calculus.

The following table consists of two particles:

  • the upper part indicates a month when a prosperous conception has already happened or has already happened;
  • the lower part is the age category of the mother. It is important to remember that the exact number of the age of the young woman received not from the true years of life, but from the moment of its directly safe conception, that is, to the real years of life it is necessary to add full 9 months.

In calculating, the mother acts as the main term from the fact that, according to Chinese wise people, only a woman is a great-grandfather of all living things, only she can give birth to children and give them a further prosperous life.

When using the table, you need to spend two straight lines, located from the month of direct conception and from the appropriate age of a young woman. At the intersection of these lines, the result is obtained, which determines the son or daughter to expect parents soon.

To date, reviews about the Chinese Child's Floor Calendar for 2019 are quite positive. With proper estimation, more than 90% of young women are approved in their own results. But it is important to remember that the table created for a certain year cannot be used for the next year or after a certain time, since the lunar year knocks on its rhythm, and the result will be presumably deceptive.

Chinese birth calendar is a table found at the Emperor's burial site near Beijing, China, about 700 years ago. The legend claims that BA GUA and Wu Hing helped to develop a Chinese floor table during the Oeng dynasty. Ancient artifact is now represented by the Universal Review in the Beijing Institute of Science.

What floor prefer the Chinese?

Since the boys have always been physically stronger than girls, the ancient Chinese preferred more boys in their families. They could help in farming, and this is essential for a traditionally agricultural country. Parents often looked at newborn girls, mainly as the source of the wretched. Girls remained in families until they reach 17 years, then they married and entered the family of their husbands. The choice of sex was also important for the emperors of ancient China. So nothing surprising that such a table was found in the places of their burials.

How to use the table?

Next, you will find a good example of a Chinese calendar for the definition of sex. It has a column of age from 18 to 45 on the left side of the table. He also has a string of months from January to December - the table hat. The table is easy to use, but You need to add 9 months to your mother's age to determine which age it is, according to the Chinese calendar.

  1. Install the mother's age on the Chinese calendar when it was conceived.
  2. Indicate this number in the left column.
  3. Find a month when the child conceived in the upper row occurred.
  4. Swipe a direct horizontal line in the table, starting with its age.
  5. Draw another line vertically in the table, starting with the month of conception.
  6. At point, where 2 lines intersect, you will see M or D.

M shows that the mother wound a boy, D determines that you can expect a girl.












But I





D. M. D. M. M. M. M. M. M. D. M.


























Example of calculation: The future mother was born on August 7, 1983, it means that the Chinese calendar add 9 months to age it turns out that its age is 30 years old (at the time of 2012), the conception of the child was supposed to be in August, at the intersection of the age and month of conception costs Bukov M - That is a boy. Below is clearly all shown.


The table is based on the Chinese lunar calendar, and its accuracy is more than 90%, as they say those who tried to determine the floor of their future child. However, there is no scientific evidence that the table guarantees accurate predictions. Most people agree that the main function of the table is to provide a kind of entertainment and give food for reflection.

Determine the floor of your child

Some people enjoy a Chinese birth calendar to or, according to their wishes. Take advantage of the table to determine the future age of the mother and the current month. Spend a horizontal line along a number of months until you reach the desired floor. This will determine the month when conception should be found if you want to choose the floor of your child.

Doctors now enjoy scientific techniques, such as ultrasound to determine the sex of the child. And these methods, as a rule, give accurate results. However, future parents still enjoy also from the use of a Chinese birth calendar. Although most people do not perceive it seriously, the accuracy of the calendar is stunning.

Zodiac signs

Although astrology and not directly related to the calendars of the floor, the Chinese are also tied to it. Astrology originates in the dynasties of the memory and khan. They also added the concepts of elements (or their change) along with Yin and Yan.

12 signs of the zodiac

  • Aries: March 21 - April 20, Baran ♈
  • Taurus: April 21 - May 21, bull ♉
  • Gemini: May 22 - June 21, Gemini ♊
  • Cancer: June 22 - July 23, Cancer ♋
  • Lion: July 24 - August 23, Leo ♌
  • Virgo: August 24 - September 23, Virgo ♍
  • Scales: September 24 - October 23, Scales ♎
  • Scorpio: October 24 - November 22, Scorpio ♏
  • Sagittarius: November 23 - December 22, Centaur ♐
  • Capricorn: December 23 - January 20, goat ♑
  • Aquarius: January 21 - February 19, carrying water ♒
  • Fish: February 20 - March 20, Fish ♓

Chinese astrology

Wu Hing / Wu Installation Phase

In order not to rely only on 12 signs of the zodiac, the Chinese have a 12-year-old cycle of animals, which creates a 60-year calendar based on combination with 5 elements (or phase shifts).

Chinese zodiac signs

  • Rat
  • Rabbit
  • The Dragon
  • Horse
  • Goat (Baran or Sheep)
  • A monkey
  • Hen
  • Dog
  • Pig

In addition to the 12-year Chinese animals, they also have animals for each month (internal animals), animals for the day (true animals) and for an hour (secret animal).

Yes, this is something that can be used before ultrasound and far from birth. But how much is it for sure? Have you tried it? The ancient Chinese newborn floor table worked for you? Share your experience.

Miles are different - impatient and very impatient. For someone, waiting for 20 weeks until the sex of the child is known, it is not difficult unimaginable. And for someone already before his birth, I also want a certain boy or a girl. This is especially true for moms - happy owners of several same-sex children. For such curious moms, the site prepared material about the Chinese calendar of pregnancy - one of the most accurate (according to numerous moms) informal tools for determining the sex of the child.

As we have already said, to calculate the sex of the child, very many moms do not expect ultrasound results, but enjoy our Chinese pregnancy calendar. For this, it is not even necessary to study the signs of pregnancy by a boy or signs of pregnancy by a girl, just look at the desired cell of the calendar table.

The calendar is very ancient - it is already more than seven centuries, and the original manuscript is kept at the Institute of Science in Beijing. The reasons for the appearance of this method in this country are very logical - in China, firstly, the heir to the throne (boy, naturally), and, secondly, the status of the Son in Chinese families was traditionally higher and the parents hoped for the appearance of the boy . However, thanks to the Chinese, milfs around the world now enjoy their invention to predict and appear girls.

How nevertheless, calculate pregnancy on the Chinese calendar?

First, the Chinese, apparently, were not too expelled on the materna-youngsters or, on the contrary, adult women, as their calculations relate to mothers between 18 and 45 years. They can forgive it, because about modern medical methods, when mommies without consequences can give birth at any age, 700 years ago they were unknown.

In order to calculate the sex of the child in our pregnancy calendar, we need only two parameters: the age of mom at the time of conception and the month of conception. In order to see who you will "work out", you need to see the intersection in the tables of these two parameters.

However, you need to know some nuances. The Chinese age begins not from birth, but from conception. That is, the age of mom + 9 months. The same in relation to the baby. But this is not the end. This ancient people have a special relationship for the new year. First, they compete on January 28, and secondly, during the new year, a child, even if he was born a week ago, marks 2 years. It is necessary to take into account this circumstance, and then - already as usual, 3 years comes on his birthday. Yes, it is not easy to use this case - to use calendars, but purposeful mothers can all know everyone.

We simply simplify the task when using a difficult Chinese calendar of pregnancy to correctly calculate.

How to find out what will be the boy?

For this, according to the calendar, there are favorable conditions.

The age of mom, when the boy is most likely born - 18, 20, 30, 42 years old. And a month when it is better to conceive the kid - July.

How to find out what girl will be?

And for kids there are such periods - 21, 22, 29 years old. And a month for conception - April.

In any case, it is important to understand that the child is a miracle that some parents are waiting for all their life and are not always waiting. And the baby of any gender is great happiness.