How to wash hair after highlighting. Highlighted hair: learning how to properly care. Special restorative masks

The highlighting procedure became popular several decades ago. And this is not surprising - thin bleached strands create a beautiful image, the hair seems more voluminous and bright. The ideal solution for owners of thin and sparse hair. Modern highlighting is not limited to small clarified strands. Today, highlighting is a design game of colors and overflows. A competent master can create a real work of art on the hair - with subtle tint transitions.

However, this beauty does not always last long. Over time, with improper care, highlighted hair fades, loses its color saturation, becomes dry and stiff. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow a few secrets for caring for highlighted hair.

Highlighting without harm to hair

In order for the procedure itself not to be fatal, it must be approached competently. Firstly, highlighting is best done by a professional. Not only will it keep your hair safe, but it will also try to get closer to the desired result. Without proper experience, getting beautiful overflows is almost impossible.

Secondly, you need to prepare your hair for the upcoming procedure. In advance, a couple of weeks before the proposed coloring, it is not necessary to injure the curls with thermal devices - a hairdryer, ironing, curling iron, gafre. Highlighting can be done only two months after the last dyeing or perm. If done earlier, the hair may simply begin to crumble. Before the highlighting procedure, pay attention to coloring agents - they should be as gentle as possible.

After highlighting, the master may offer to cut the ends. Do not give up on this, even if you greatly value the length of your hair. The fact is that highlighting and any other coloring dries the hair, especially the tips. Trim them without thinking for a fresh, lively look.

Care secrets for highlighted hair

After successful staining, you just have to support the result. There are several subtleties that will help you emphasize the beauty of highlighted hair.

  1. Use professional care products marked "For highlighted hair". Such shampoos, balms and conditioners contain certain acids that neutralize alkali. Special care products give streaked hair brightness, they will look fresh even a month after the salon procedure.
  2. During highlighting, the coloring agent lifts the hair scales and penetrates into the hair, lightening its pigment. After that, the scales remain raised, which makes the hair weak and vulnerable. You must protect your dyed hair from ultraviolet light, otherwise the strands can become dry like a washcloth. To do this, on summer days, be sure to wear hats - hats, caps, scarves. Being even a short time in the air, protect yourself from the sun with an umbrella. Tie your head with a scarf even when visiting a solarium - there are also destructive UV rays.
  3. You need to protect your hair not only from the sun, but also from frost. In winter, remember to wear a hat to protect your curls from the cold.
  4. Refrain from using hot appliances for a while. If this is not possible, dry your head with a cold stream of air, and set the iron and curling iron to the minimum temperature. In general, charming curls can be obtained not only using a curling iron, but with the help of ordinary, undeservedly forgotten curlers.
  5. The modern cosmetic industry presents us with gel fluids - new products created specifically for hair damaged by dyeing and highlighting. Gel-fluid is a leave-in treatment that needs to be applied to the hair and wait for it to be completely absorbed. This composition penetrates the structure of the hair shaft, nourishes the curls from the inside, makes the strands very smooth and shiny.
  6. From hot water, the scales of the hair shaft open up even more. Therefore, you need to wash your hair only with warm water. Do not forget to rinse the strands with cold water at the end of the water procedures - this will give them extra shine.
  7. To increase blood circulation in the hair follicles, you need to massage the hair roots every evening. To do this, massage every centimeter of the scalp with your fingertips. Instead, you can use a massage comb - comb it for at least 10 minutes daily. This is especially true if your hair has become oily at the roots and dry at the ends after highlighting. Constant combing allows you to moisturize the dry ends of the hair with sebum from the roots.
  8. Do not brush highlighted hair when wet. Everyone knows that wet hair is very vulnerable to damage, they are easily stretched and torn. Especially if they are colored. Wait until the hair is completely dry and only then carefully comb them. To keep the strands from getting tangled, don't forget to use a hair balm.

And another important point in the care of highlighted hair is their nutrition and restoration. You can cure damaged, dry and brittle hair with the help of natural masks.

Not a single cosmetic product can be compared in effectiveness with natural masks made from fresh and healthy products. It is better to make such masks weekly.

  1. Honey and yolk. This mask is designed for very dry, damaged and sun-scorched hair. Heat fresh liquid honey in a water bath, mix with whipped yolks and apply to hair. First, carefully treat the roots, then distribute the mask along the length and moisten the tips in the composition. Wrap with foil, wrap with a towel and leave for 40 minutes. Wash off with warm water using your usual shampoo.
  2. Kefir and cucumber. This is a recipe for highlighted hair that has become brittle and split after dyeing. Grind the cucumber on a grater or in a blender, squeeze the juice out of it. Do not use the pulp, otherwise it will be problematic to extract small particles of cucumber from the hair later. Mix cucumber juice with kefir and apply the composition to your hair. Keep the mask for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Fruits. Alkali can be neutralized after staining with natural fruit acids. Mix orange, kiwi and grapefruit juice and apply the resulting mixture on your hair for half an hour.
  4. Burr oil. It helps if the touch of the hair has become very hard and lifeless. If you have dry hair, and the roots, on the contrary, are oily, the oil should be applied only along the length, avoiding contact with the scalp. Burdock oil must first be heated in a water bath, moisten a comb in it and walk through the hair. After that, wrap your hair with a film and wrap it with a towel or scarf. Leave for an hour, then wash off several times using shampoo. Burdock oil will help make your highlighted strands alive and flowing in just a few applications.

Ingredients for restorative masks can be found in almost every home. This makes their use even more accessible and easy.

How to keep your highlighted hair color

One of the most common problems after bleaching and dyeing is how to keep the resulting color? If the highlighting was monophonic, that is, you only bleached the strands without using additional colors, you can use such a secret. After each shampoo, rinse your hair with chamomile decoction, lemon or vinegar water (a tablespoon of acid per liter of liquid). This will protect the clarified strands from yellowness.

After the currently popular “red” highlighting, sea buckthorn oil can be applied to the hair. It will not only restore hair damaged by dyeing, but also emphasize the bright overflows of gold pigment.

Highlighted hair is truly a luxury. After all, taking care of such hair requires a lot of time. To make highlighted hair look perfect, they need to be regularly nourished, restored and tinted. If these conditions are met, you will get lively, iridescent, bright and beautiful hair!

Video: care for highlighted hair

Highlighting is the coloring of individual strands of hair to give an original look. For coloring, paints are used that are a tone lighter than the main color and bright colors. You need to entrust such a procedure to a master with experience. If the procedure is not carried out correctly, the result will not be the one that was expected. After coloring, the master will tell you how to care for highlighted hair.

What is the procedure?

Highlighting involves lightening individual strands with the help of chemicals. Basically, 6-9% perhydrol is used for this purpose. This oxygen penetrates the hairs and destroys their structure, removing the pigment inherent in them.

Curls suffer greatly if the exposure time of the oxygen is violated or its concentration is incorrectly selected. If the strands are additionally tinted with paints that contain ammonia, then the condition of the hair becomes doubly worse.

The consequences after highlighting using oxygen and ammonia look like this:

  • If the paint was overexposed, then ugly yellowish or reddish spots appear on the curls;
  • Hair becomes dry and lifeless;
  • Dandruff appears;
  • The ends of the hair become split;
  • The hair is difficult to style;
  • When combing, an impressive shred remains on the comb;
  • At high humidity, a "cobweb" effect is observed, when the upper hairs are intertwined with each other.

Many women after highlighting remain disappointed. The curls become dull and lifeless, they cannot be properly styled in the hair.

How to take care of highlighted hair

To restore healthy shine and beauty to highlighted hair, it is necessary to properly care for them. Hairdressers always give a number of recommendations for hair care after dyeing.

Don't forget the balm

Immediately after staining, a balm or conditioner is applied to the curls, which come with the paint. After dyeing, the water balance of the hair is disturbed, and conditioners help to restore it. The composition is applied for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Often women complain that the balm does not help, and even after using it, the hair remains lifeless. The fact is that in many cases the conditioner is incorrectly applied to the hair. It is applied to slightly damp, but not wet curls.

Used shampoo for dyed curls

After highlighting, wash your hair with a special shampoo, which contains a complex of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this shampoo, the hair becomes silky and obedient. After washing, a balm is applied to the curls, which eliminates the ugly yellowness.

Hairdryer and curling iron banned

You should not dry your highlighted hair with a hair dryer; you should also refuse to use a curling iron or an iron. Any heat will further weaken the already damaged hairs. If you can not do without a hair dryer, the hair is dried under a slightly warm stream. Air is directed from top to bottom.

Careful combing

It is unacceptable to comb wet hair, from this they are deformed even more. To care for highlighted curls, it is advisable to buy a wooden comb, but it is better to refuse a brush with metal teeth.

Do not rub your hair too vigorously with a towel, trying to dry it. This damages the hairs, making them brittle and lifeless.

Headwear for the season

Highlighted hair should be protected from temperature extremes. In cold weather, you should wear a warm hat, and in summer a panama hat. The headgear must be free, it is unacceptable that it squeezes the head. Panama should be chosen from natural materials - cotton or linen.

How to eliminate hair loss after highlighting

If after highlighting the hair began to fall out, drastic measures are needed.

  1. The head should be massaged several times a day with fingertips. This procedure improves blood circulation and nutrition of hair follicles.
  2. You can comb your hair with wooden combs or brushes with natural bristles.
  3. Periodically, masks with a vitamin complex and keratin are applied to the hair.
  4. You need to rethink your diet. Fried and smoked foods should be excluded from the menu. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and grains.

In addition, you need to drink a vitamin-mineral complex in a course. It is better to give preference to vitamins for pregnant and lactating women, in which useful substances are optimally concentrated.

Hair masks

Nourishing masks made from natural ingredients will help strengthen highlighted hair and restore their original beauty. Formulas based on fruit acids are especially helpful.

Kiwi mask

Take 2 ripe kiwi fruits, peel and crush with a fork. Add a tablespoon of liquid honey to the resulting puree and mix. The mass is applied to the hair roots and rubbed into the skin with massaging movements. Leave for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

Herbal mask

A mask based on medicinal herbs will help to strengthen hair follicles, make curls elastic and silky. Take a teaspoon of crushed plantain, sage, nettle and celandine. Pour vegetable raw materials with a glass of hot water and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, rub the composition into the head and leave for 2 hours.

Wash off the decoction of herbs with warm water, you do not need to use shampoo. Dry your hair without using a hair dryer.

Balm on yolks

Take two fresh yolks, add a tablespoon of honey to them and mix well. Apply the composition to the scalp and leave for an hour, after this time, wash off using a neutral shampoo.

Sour milk mask

Take half a glass of kefir, add a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of aloe juice to it. The composition is mixed and applied to the hair with massage movements. Leave the mask for half an hour, then wash off with warm water.

Wheat germ oil

They take the oil of germinated cereals and rub it into the scalp with fingertips. After that, put on a cellophane cap and wrap your head with a towel. An hour later, wash your hair with baby shampoo.

Two spoons of blue clay are mixed with raw egg yolk, a tablespoon of beer, three drops of burdock oil are added and mixed. Apply the resulting product to the hair along the entire length, paying special attention to the roots. Leave on for 30 minutes and wash off.

Review of shampoos for highlighted hair

The hairdresser will tell you how to care for highlighted hair. Reviews show that the use of shampoos for colored curls gives a good result. There are many cosmetics for weakened hair on the shelves of stores, it is important to choose the right ones.

Shampoo name Advantages Flaws
Color Protect by Syoss Well moisturizes the strands, making them shiny and obedient;

Helps to keep color for a long time;

Gently cleanses curls;

Reduces hair breakage and restores them from the inside.

Not suitable for very sensitive skin, may cause itching and dandruff.
Estel Curex Color Intense Contains vitamin B, which nourishes and restores hairs;

Gives curls an attractive silver tint;

Gently cleanses hair from impurities.

Suitable only for cold tones of blond.
Solutionist So Silver Well cleanses and nourishes curls;

Eliminates yellowness;

Can be used every day;

Gives the strands a beautiful shimmery shade.

Expensive and looks beautiful only on blond hair.
Lifetex Color protection by Vella Nourishes hair from roots to ends;

Helps to preserve color;

Restores the structure of hairs;

Gives strands silkiness.

Does not remove yellowness.
Lumino Contrast by Loreal Restores lipid balance;

Nourishes the roots and protects from the harmful effects of sunlight.

It is expensive, a 250 ml bottle will cost about 700 rubles.
Illumi Lights by Schwarzkopf Eliminates yellow and red spots on the strands;

Protects from UV rays;

Makes the color of curls more saturated;

Removes dye residue.

Inebrya Contains vitamin E, which nourishes and protects the strands;

Gives volume;

Suitable for thick and sparse hair;


Poorly retains the color of dyed curls
Shampoo for colored and highlighted hair Green Pharmacy Contains chamomile extract and linseed oil;

Restores and nourishes hairs;

Gives curls elasticity and softness;

Contains no harsh chemicals.

Hair dye is quickly washed off

It is necessary to use such shampoos 2-3 times a week. Before using, please read the instructions carefully. The shampoo is evenly applied to the strands and the head is massaged with fingertips for a couple of minutes. After that, wash off the detergent with warm, running water.

After washing, the hair is dried a little and a suitable balm is applied. Thanks to this care, the curls become shiny and attractive.

Highlighting is a very popular cosmetic procedure for women. Partial coloring of the strands refreshes the hairstyle, makes the image bright and interesting. However, many of those who have experienced the effect of this procedure notice that the hair becomes unhealthy over time: they become dull, brittle, fall out and split. And yet, some of the fair sex can boast of beautiful dyed strands. How do they manage to maintain a healthy shine after chemical intervention? It's simple: you need to know the basic rules for caring for highlighted hair.

Starting Point: Experienced Craftsman

If you decide to do highlighting on your hair, then the first thing you need to do is find a professional master who has performed such procedures more than once. To do this, it is worth talking with customers who used his services and were satisfied with the result. You should not give your curls to the torture of an amateur. Otherwise, the likelihood of hair damage will increase significantly.

Specialized funds

A real professional who has provided such a service will definitely admonish his clients with recommendations for caring for highlighted hair. Indeed, immediately after the procedure, the structure of the hair will change, and they will require careful comprehensive care in order to maintain silkiness, protect color and restore damaged strands.

The first thing the master should advise is to purchase special products: shampoos, balms, conditioners, masks. Now there are enough of them in stores. The main thing is to choose only those that are marked "For highlighted hair." Such products contain keratin, which helps to restore the structure of the hair. In special formulations, a more acidic environment is created to help neutralize the effects of alkali. Moreover, it is important to purchase funds from one line.

Do not take the first available shampoo for colored hair. Often, its composition is saturated with fatty components, which are not needed at all in case of highlighting. Staining, even partial, somehow dries the skin, so such compositions will not have the best effect on the condition of the epidermis.

After washing with a special shampoo, the hair may seem harsh. This effect is perfectly eliminated by a special balm or conditioner. Don't let the purple color of this product fool you. That's the way it should be.

The so-called gel fluids will help to consolidate the success of the shampoo. They are not washed off and smooth the highlighted strands, emphasize the color relief of staining, and restore the lipid balance in the hair. The ends of highlighted hair are especially affected, they need additional protection. And here funds containing silicone components will come to the rescue. They will provide a protective coating on the hair.

Cosmetic masks designed to care for highlighted hair will serve as a great addition. They contain fluids, biotin, zinc - substances that support hair.

Not only cosmetics will help to achieve the desired effect. The easiest way is to buy expensive compounds and hope for their miraculous effect. Even if the best means are used, your main enemy is simple human laziness. It is necessary to take care of hair after highlighting in a complex. It is also important to take care of your curls, delicate handling of strands that have experienced severe stress. Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice, but everything must be done so that the harm is as minimal as possible. Whether your hair will be silky, shiny or, on the contrary, brittle and unhealthy, depends largely on you.

  1. Cold and hot shower. After washing your hair, rinse it with warm and then cool water. This is necessary for the radiance and shine of the hair.
  2. Correct combing. Do not brush wet or damp hair. This will cause them to stretch and become brittle. When doing this, use a wooden comb, not a plastic comb.
  3. Massage. Massage the scalp daily with a special brush for 10 minutes. Such a regular procedure will increase blood circulation and create active nourishment for the hair.
  4. A minimum of tools and styling products. If you can’t completely abandon the hair dryer, ironing and curling iron, then use them only in rare cases. When blow-drying, opt for a natural bristle comb. At the same time, direct the air jets with sliding movements from the roots to the tips. This method will help the scales to close, and the hair will become shiny.

With varnishes, mousses, sprays, too, not in part.

5. Less sun. Try not to expose open curls to the bright sun. It is better to hide them under a hat or other headgear.

6. Water without chlorine. When swimming in the pool, wear a rubber cap on your head. Chlorine has a negative effect on the structure of damaged hair.

7. Regular meals. Do not forget that your hair suffers from dryness, so regular rubbing of vegetable oils will heal your hair and scalp.

8. Correct toning. You can correct the color of your hair with toning. Just choose the most gentle tinting agent with vitamins and useful supplements. It usually contains keratin, which will add gloss to the hair. And the yellow strands will soon acquire a “clean” shade. It is recommended to do tinting no more than once a month.

9. homemade masks. It is known that the effect of "live" masks is no worse than that of ready-made formulations sold in cosmetic stores. For hair care after highlighting, masks made on the basis of fruit acids are perfect. For example, you can take a kiwi or a citrus fruit, squeeze the juice out of it, mix with honey - and the vitamin hair mask is ready. It must be applied to the entire length and left for 15 minutes. After that, rinse with a revitalizing shampoo.

Herbal decoctions will also have an excellent healing effect on the hair. Use herbs such as:

  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • oregano;
  • nettle;
  • sage;
  • celandine.

A better effect can be achieved by making complex decoctions of all herbs with the addition of vitamins A and E in liquid form. They should rinse your hair without using shampoo or balm. And the hair should dry naturally.

Highlighting is a hair coloring procedure that involves lightening individual strands. Their color can be completely different. It all depends on the main pigment of the girl's / woman's hair, her type and taste preferences.

Some time after highlighting, the curls lose their luster and smoothness. They become dry, brittle and dull. This suggests that urgent action is needed.

It is not necessary to use expensive store masks, conditioners and balms. You can independently nourish the strands with useful substances that help restore damaged curls.

The simplest and most popular ways that can return shine and silkiness to the hair in a short time, as well as fill them with strength again:

1. Nutrition of strands with useful substances. Usage liquid oil solutions, vitamins A and E very good effect on the condition of the hair after a few applications.
2. Coconut oil can quickly and effectively restore the structure of curls. You just need to apply it, heated to room temperature, on the strands from the middle to the tips. Then you need to wrap them with a towel and leave for half an hour. Next, rinse with shampoo.
3. If the structure of the strands itself is dry, dull and has been subjected to such a procedure as highlighting, it definitely needs to be moisturized. At home, ordinary olive oil, which is often used in the kitchen, will help. It should be applied to the tips for 30-40 minutes. and rinse with warm water. Then rinse with shampoo and conditioner.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Dermatovenereologist, trichologist and cosmetologist

After partial coloring, hairdressers strongly do not recommend using a hair dryer or hair straightener. This will further break the structure of the rod, and it will be more fluffy, brittle and naughty.

4. Use means to wash off the alkaline layer in the form of a conditioner or mask. They are usually sold together with paint or separately in specialized stores.

After leaving the salon, the hair is, of course, shiny, smooth, silky and elastic, and the new image uplifts the mood and makes you behave accordingly. However, after a few water procedures, the mop loses its attractiveness and does not look the best. Therefore, caring for highlighted hair is an integral part of the daily beauty sessions for every person.

First of all, you need to arm yourself with the necessary cosmetics for caring for a mop (in this case, for streaked hair). It is necessary to use an auxiliary agent in the form of a mask once every seven days, in more severe cases, when the curls ask for help, you can use it 2 times a week.

Due to highlighting or lightening, the mop often looks like straw. For this reason, it must be protected as much as possible from exposure to the sun, cold wind and frost. You also need to wash your hair in clean, chlorine-free water. It has a detrimental effect on healthy curls, and even more so on dry, brittle and prone to yellowness.

Experienced hairdressers are advised to refrain from combing wet curls. First you need to wait until they are completely dry, and then gently comb with a wooden sparse comb. Only this will help maintain the integrity of the structure of the rods and not break them.

In combination with care products after highlighting, you need to purchase special fluids. Thanks to them, the surface of the curls becomes smooth, shiny and even. They look healthy and alive, which naturally cannot but rejoice. Such funds belong to a number of professional ones, so their price can “bite”, but the result is worth it.

The most deplorable condition are the tips after the partial staining procedure. They require careful care, nutrition and hydration. An excellent option for such procedures would be silicone-based cosmetics, which stick together messy tips. Thus, giving them a well-groomed appearance and smoothness. Silicones are also able to have a protective effect on clarified curls, preventing chemicals from entering their structure.

Preserving color is easy

After salon procedures, the hair can lose its beauty after just a few showers. But much more sad when it loses the desired color. In such cases, it is necessary to use specially designed care products that will keep the color as long as possible. Usually they can help with the problem of falling hair.

Long-term color retention is possible only with highlighted hair without yellowness

Masks for restoring highlighted hair

In order to return liveliness and radiance to curls as quickly as possible after partial staining, they can be nourished with masks at home on their own. Some of them can not only improve the condition of the hair, but also prevent hair loss.

Popular recipes:

1. Mix dry sage, chamomile (5 g each) and one egg yolk in a small container. Apply to the ends of highlighted strands. Wrap with a bag and a terry towel, rinse after 15 minutes.

2. Mix 1 cup of yogurt and 30 g of olive oil. The last ingredient must be slightly heated in a water bath. Then apply the mixture on the hair from roots to ends and hold for half an hour. Wash off and rinse thoroughly with warm water. After such a mask, the rods will stop falling out, become much stronger and smoother.

3. Take 20 g of liquid honey, add an oil solution of vitamin E (you can buy it at any pharmacy) and 10 ml of nettle infusion (1 tablespoon filled with a glass of boiling water). Mix everything until smooth and apply on curls. Wash off after 20 minutes, rinse without using shampoo with cool water. The advantage of such a tool is that it can not only strengthen the roots, but also remove yellowness by half a ton.

4. Grind oatmeal (15 g) in a blender and mix it with 5 g of coconut oil. Apply the mixture to the strands from the middle and leave for 40 minutes. Rinse and rinse with shampoo. This homemade mask with coconut oil and oatmeal will noticeably improve the structure of weakened tips and saturate them with strength and radiance.

5. Homemade sour-milk cottage cheese will eliminate slight yellowness due to its acidic base and strengthen the rods from the inside, nourishing them and saturating them with useful substances. Grate 30 g of fat cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass, add the same amount of mayonnaise and one tablespoon of olive oil to it. Mix thoroughly, apply to the hair and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then rinse with clean water and shampoo again.

6. Castor oil based product prevents hair loss, saturates them with moisture and gives them elasticity and smoothness. Take 20 ml of castor oil and mix it with 100 ml of sour milk. Spread the liquid on the scalp and the entire length of the hair. Wrap and leave for 1 hour. Rinse and shampoo.

7. Beer, oddly enough, is no worse than many professional tools to cope with damaged curls. A mask based on it is prepared as follows: 50 ml of beer is mixed with one yolk and 100 g of fatty cottage cheese. Everything is mixed and applied to the hair for 10 minutes. Wash away. Also, regular preparation of such a mask will prevent the strands from turning yellow, and retain the current color.

The highlighting procedure is a great way to diversify your hairstyle, give it originality by highlighting a certain number of individual strands. Hair in the end looks beautiful, but in order to preserve beauty for a long time, you must definitely know how to care for hair after highlighting.

Why is it important to take good care of your hair?

During the passage of highlighting, the hair is chemically deprived of the coloring pigment, the structure of the hair is damaged, its natural pigment is etched and the scales open. Therefore, it is important to carefully and timely care for the hair, providing them with the conditions for recovery.

Care involves three points:

  1. Restoration of the broken structure of weakened hair.
  2. Treatment of structural damage.
  3. Preservation of the resulting color.

It is easy to take care of your hair, specialized products will help you do this, or you can use natural ingredients if you wish, and follow some basic rules.

What is required for caring procedures?

Hair care after highlighting involves the use of certain products.

  • Shampoo. It must be marked, implying use for highlighted hair. Such products have a special composition that helps to neutralize excess alkali remaining in the structure of bleached strands. It effectively and efficiently cares for the hair and the scalp itself.
  • Leave-in care. This is a special, carefully caring gel for bleached strands. It emphasizes the color, makes it more saturated and at the same time takes very good care of the condition of the hair.

Effectively care for hair after chemical highlighting is helped by nourishing, restorative products that are used immediately after shampooing. In stores, you can buy any specialized products for highlighted hair, or you can use folk recipes, which also give a good result.

Important! Try, if possible, not to wash your hair in the first days after the highlighting procedure. A selected special shampoo specifically designed for highlighted hair should preferably be used two weeks after chemical bleaching. If for some reason the individual characteristics of your scalp do not allow this, after the first washing of highlighted hair with shampoo, you can return to the usual remedy, and for bleached strands, choose a separate special mask and a suitable restorative agent.

Features of gentle care

Since the strands are partly injured by bleaching, timely hair care after highlighting must certainly be gentle and gentle.

  • Highlighted hair must be washed under warm water. You can finish washing with a small cold shower for your hair - this will give them a healthy shine and strength.
  • Head massage is a good way to speed up hair growth, use a massage brush for at least ten minutes a day.
  • You can not comb too wet, damp hair, you must definitely wait until it dries, because when wet, they are more prone to falling out.
  • Hair needs to be protected from excessive exposure to the sun, as well as water with bleach, so after highlighting it is better to limit sunbathing and swimming. If you go out in the sun, then make sure to put on a hat in advance, or apply a special sun protection spray to your hair. After visiting the pool, the hair must be thoroughly rinsed, as bleached strands can turn green from bleach.
  • It is advisable to avoid using curling irons or curling irons, as they further injure the hair. Frequent blow-drying is also not recommended, it is best to try not to dry your hair in this way at all.

Hair drying

If it is not possible not to dry your hair, you need to do it correctly, observing certain nuances.

  • To begin with, you need to dry your hair with a towel so that it collects and absorbs as much moisture as possible. This is done to reduce drying with a hair dryer.
  • The minimum temperature should be chosen, since it has the most gentle effect, which negatively affects the hair to a lesser extent.
  • During the drying process, you need to gently drive the hair dryer along the hairline, starting from the roots - to the tips, so that the hot air does not open and injure the scales.
  • Hair should be combed directly during drying, so that warm air is distributed evenly around them.
  • When the hair feels half dry, it is necessary to apply a leave-in conditioner to protect and strengthen the structure of the hair, and then dry it while continuing to comb it.

Competent and timely suitable hair care after highlighting will preserve their beauty, restore damaged hair health and structure faster, and avoid too rapid changes in the color of the strands. The complex effect of caring cosmetics must be combined with the elementary rules of daily care, then the hair will be really healthy and shiny.