What does it mean if the girl you love hates you? My husband hates me - what should I do? What to do if your husband is abusive? Please pay attention to any changes

It didn't turn out as well as we would have liked. What to do? How to proceed?

Family problem

If people live together for some time, then it is not news that there is monotony in their lives. At first glance, everything is good and wonderful, but when you look more closely, you immediately notice that those feelings and that passion no longer exist. It’s as if they remained somewhere in a past life.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to periodically arrange some kind of “shake-up”. As a result, the relationship will be the same as before, and maybe even better.

In the same case, when neither spouse does anything, then feelings slowly disappear, and indifference comes in their place. But it should not be confused with hatred.

Please pay attention to any changes

If such a situation does happen in the family, then the woman perceives it much closer and more painfully. As soon as the wife notices some changes in her husband’s attitude, most often she continues to pretend that everything remains as before - she is desired and loved. And this can continue for some time. But the husband moves away more and more, and the wife simply closes her eyes and, deceiving herself, plays at the ideal marriage.

Under no circumstances should you do this. And all because after a certain period this game is no longer called a happy family, but a parody of it. And when there is complete inaction during this difficult period, the wife’s humility will not only not bring her husband’s feelings back, but, on the contrary, will alienate him even more.

If you don’t look at everything with rose-colored glasses, but pay attention to even minor changes in attitude, and at the same time analyze, then you can not only save your family, but also strengthen it. After all, when a spouse moves away, and his other half diligently tries not to notice this, it will not lead to anything good. At some point, it is safe to say that the husband hates his wife.


There are several factors that give signals that there is a crack in the relationship.

If at the beginning of their life together the spouses did everything together, the husband always listened to the opinion of his wife, then later he begins to make decisions and eliminate problems, not only without consulting, but without even sharing this with her. This is the first sign that her opinion does not matter to him.

A woman should pay attention to whose interests come first for her husband. If it is him, then over time she will understand that she will no longer have the reliability and support that she had at the beginning of the relationship.

If nagging and reproaches begin, followed by irritation and indignation, then this is a sign that something needs to be changed, otherwise hatred may soon appear in your relationship.

If a husband does not respect his wife, but does not speak directly, but simply constantly criticizes her both as a woman, and as a mother, and as a housewife, this should also be paid attention to.

Particular importance can be attached to such a situation when spouses, being together, do not have common topics for conversation. And there’s nothing to say about laughing heartily at the simplest joke.

There is no need to ignore those moments when a husband does not want to just touch his wife. If this factor is ignored at the beginning, then after a while, when the spouse shows the slightest affection, she will receive nothing other than hostility and irritation in response.

It also doesn’t hurt to wonder why my loved one isn’t in a hurry to go home? It seems that everything was done for his convenience, but he would still rather meet with friends after work than come earlier.

The change in the husband's relationship with his wife is clearly noticeable when he begins to protect his personal space. At first, the woman turns a blind eye to this, always finding some kind of excuse, but rarely does anyone think about how it could all end.

The lack of sex, despite plausible excuses, must first push the woman to change something, otherwise the result can be disastrous.

You can often hear from a woman’s lips: “My husband hates me and insults me, without thinking about how offended I am.” But few people think that perhaps she, through her actions, provokes a man to such an attitude.

Problem with ex-spouse

Even if a marriage breaks up, in many cases men are left with not just an unpleasant aftertaste, but disgust. When a representative of the fair sex says: “My ex-husband hates me, and I don’t understand why, what did I do?”

There are many explanations in such situations. After all, every family and relationship is individual.

You can consider this option when at first there is complete harmony and mutual understanding in the family, but some time passes and the wife, without feeling guilty and believing that she is right, is constantly dissatisfied with something, expresses not very pleasant things or commits unforgivable acts . The husband takes it all calmly and without scandals, trying to find a logical justification for everything. But it can't be like this for long. Inside, this negativity accumulates and accumulates, and in the end, he looks at his wife not with that loving and adoring gaze, but full of hatred.

And even after the divorce, the wife believes that she is the innocent “victim” who tried so hard. But as a result, only streams of hatred come from the ex-husband.

Another woman

There are also situations when the wife does everything possible and impossible for her husband to make him feel good and comfortable, but after a while he gets used to it and imagines that it’s like that everywhere. He begins to cheat, first secretly, and then openly, and a certain moment comes when he leaves the family.

A woman, so devoted and so caring, despite the moral pain he brought her, lets go with a pure soul and wishes him only happiness, but at the same time knows very well that even if he asks to come back, there will be no turning back.

A man who has lived with his new passion for a short period begins to understand what a treasure he has lost in the form of his ex-wife. But at the same time he believes that if he knocks back on the door, she will gladly take him back.

But when a wife refuses her ex-husband, he is first surprised by this turn of events, and then begins to get angry with her. Because he cannot morally accept that fact.

The woman, for her part, cannot understand the aggression and hatred that her former husband feels towards her. It seems like she let her go and didn’t mean any harm, but she refused to return... And she’s racking her brains over the question: “Why does my ex-husband hate me?”

The answer in this situation is very simple. He hates not his ex-wife, but himself, from the realization that she cannot forgive everything and not always, and human patience is not limitless.

When a turning point comes in family life, and a woman feels her husband’s dislike and hostility towards her, she immediately falls into a panic, asking the same question about what to do next and what to do at the moment.

Analyzing situations

In order to choose further tactics of behavior and not make things worse, you first need to analyze why this could happen.

The first thing that comes to mind is that the beloved has another woman. But what does this have to do with it if it seems that the husband hates his wife. When a man does not intend to leave the family, he often changes his mistresses, but it is not so easy for his significant other to notice this. Even if this happened, he had one answer - he wanted some kind of variety.

Perhaps the attitude has changed after the birth of the child, since, basically, the mother almost completely focuses on the baby. At this time, the spouse experiences a feeling of indignation and resentment that he is no longer given as much attention. Then he begins to attract him with aggression.

Having analyzed the current situation well and clearly, a woman must draw conclusions for herself and determine whether she wants to continue living with this person. Or the best option will be a divorce, after which not immediately, but gradually she will gain not only calmness and peace, but also self-confidence, which she so lacked in her family life.

But what should I do when a woman says that my husband hates me, but at the same time I love him and don’t want to lose him? You can try to somehow change the situation, putting a little effort and patience into it.

If, for example, a spouse works and does not have as much time for her family as she would like, and this is the reason for the spouse’s dissatisfaction, although he himself has a good salary, it is preferable for him that his wife sits at home and pays more attention to him than a career. Then, if you want to save your marriage, the only way out is to give up work.

Always be on top!

Often married women make the same mistake - they stop taking care of themselves (either they didn’t have time to wash their hair, or they didn’t have time to get a manicure), and this, in turn, pushes their husband away. Since he married an always well-groomed representative of the fair sex. To prevent this from happening, you must always remember this and do it in such a way that the spouse can not only admire, but also proudly demonstrate that this is his woman when someone else looks in her direction.

It is necessary to constantly develop spiritually and intellectually in order to always be not only a beautiful picture for your husband, but also an interesting interlocutor.

You need to try to make sure that your spouse spends his free time more often nearby, and at the same time he does not have the desire to go somewhere, for example, with friends for a beer.

You always need to find many reasons to praise your husband and say a gentle, kind word to him.

Very often in family life it happens that one of the partners does not know how to correctly express his thoughts. Then it is very difficult for the couple to negotiate and explain themselves. If a woman has such a deficiency, then she needs to express her thoughts more constructively, so that the husband understands what is being said and what exactly the wife wants to say, and is not left again thinking that once again something was left unsaid.

Often an offended spouse turns to specialists and declares: “My husband hates me.” Psychology is a subtle science. And experts in this field agreed that in such cases the most important thing is to objectively analyze family relationships and see future prospects for their continuation.

Mutual hatred

What should I do if my husband and I hate each other? The problem here is not that the feelings have become a little dull or a habit has appeared. From the very beginning of their family life, the couple did not have the emotional intimacy that lies behind love. And when the latter goes a little into the background, misunderstanding immediately appears. In this case, even the most insignificant little things lead to discontent and alienation between spouses, which accumulate more and more every day. As a result, everything that united the couple disappears.

When a woman tells her friends and family: “My husband hates me,” people give a wide variety of advice. Most believe that you should have an honest conversation with your loved one. But do this very carefully so that he does not refuse to discuss his feelings, and the attempt itself does not turn into another scandal. To do this, you need to express yourself judiciously and calmly. It is advisable to achieve this (possibly unpleasant) conversation. Then the result will be clear, the spouse will finally understand whether there is still any chance to save the family. Otherwise, you will have to come to terms with reality.

Everyone should be happy!

If a girl says: “My husband hates me.” What should she do? Now the time has come for the wife to remember that she is a woman and also has the right to personal happiness. Pointless conversations and wasted energy will not bring anything good, except for another disappointment and disappointment.

It is best to let go of your spouse rather than cling to him and keep him close. After all, the feeling that he needs his wife, and that she is desired as before, will never return. And so, left alone, sooner or later a woman will find complete peace of mind, perhaps she will have a desire to build a new relationship.

A spell to help make your relationship with your spouse better

What if your husband hates you? The conspiracy will help. It is this method of solving the problem that many women trust. To perform the ceremony you will need your own wedding ring and a long birch splinter. What to do next? The splinter is inserted into the ring so that there is an equal distance on both sides. Then the edges are set on fire, and a conspiracy is read over the smoke, the words of which are as follows:

"Don't burn, fire, don't fall

My wedding rings

My wedding rings.

Fell, and burn, and pain

Heart of God's servant (name),

His white chest, his lungs and liver,

So that he can't live and breathe,

Not a day, not a minute without me,

How he wants to drive me away,

He wants to hug me so much.

Burn, torch, go, smoke.

I send sadness to my friend,

Don't remove it, don't lime it.

As said, so done.

I lock it with a padlock and close it with a key.

Be, my words, for all ages

Not removed, not cursed, not crushed,

Not interrupted or sewn.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is necessary to extinguish the fire only when the splinter on both sides burns down to the ring itself. After this, the remaining cinder must be placed in the husband’s pocket. You need to make sure it doesn't disappear. If this happens, then repeat the ritual again.

Another conspiracy

Besides the ritual described above, when a husband hates his wife, what else can you do? Create the appearance that the woman is listening very carefully to her husband, while she looks him straight in the eyes, and says in her mind:

"Like me, servant of God (name),

I don’t want and can’t live without arms and legs,

So don’t live without me (name).

From now on forever. Amen".

Go to church

When the husband said that he hates, the wife may need to pray to avoid succumbing to depression. So that the Lord gives her strength and patience to survive all this and not do anything stupid.

Sometimes some mistresses do everything to make the husband hate his wife. They can weave intrigues and trick a man. As a result, he really has such feelings for his legal wife.

There are women who do not believe in all sorts of magical conspiracies and rituals. What should they do? After your husband begins to hate, it is best to go to church and confess. Perhaps the priest will help restore faith in life and in yourself. It will push you to the fact that life is priceless, but short and you need to enjoy it, enjoy every day, and those family troubles are a test from God, which he sent, knowing that a person will cope with it.

Let go

If a woman says: “My husband hates me, living with him is becoming more and more difficult every day,” then perhaps the best way out of the situation is to let him go. After all, in the end, two people will not suffer themselves, and they will not force anyone to suffer next to them.

If a woman complains about life and says: “My husband hates me, family relationships are going nowhere, what should I do next?...” We must not forget that there is no specific answer to this question. And the decision to save the family or, on the contrary, not even try, must be made by the spouses themselves.

It’s not for nothing that there is such a proverb: “From love to hate there is one step” and vice versa. The likelihood that, having tried to save the marriage, the spouse will be able to interest her lover, as at the beginning of the relationship, and maybe more, is very high. Then married life will continue like a permanent honeymoon.


Now you know what to do for a woman who feels alienated by her husband. There are many options for solving this problem. You need to choose the most optimal one for yourself. Remember that a woman should always be loved!

Hello. My name is Natasha, I'm 22 years old. My boyfriend is 23. We have been together for five years, for the last two years we have been constantly quarreling, but I have always been the first to reconcile, I cannot sit quietly and wait for him to burn out. This habit of mine is very annoying to him, as are my words “I love you”, “good morning”, “forgive me”, “thank you”, “you are wonderful” and in general any manifestations of affection or at least minimal goodwill. It really hurts me - every time he pushes me away, it's like my heart is breaking. He repeatedly expressed disgust about my habit of saying such words, but I thought that over time he would “thaw out” - and he himself constantly said this. But now his disgust and irritation have reached critical proportions, he criticizes me every day, literally every living manifestation of mine, and as soon as I say something in response - “it’s annoying”, “fed up”, “I’ve heard this a million times already”, “you You know you can’t make me angry.” She suggested taking a break from the relationship - he simply waved it off. He said, “It infuriates me when you remind me of this.” It seems to me that he did not take my proposal seriously. He says I need to completely change my communication style and never make him angry - and then everything will be fine with us. He says I’m constantly caught up in all sorts of nonsense. When he speaks, I always mentally agree with him, he turns out to be right. But when I find myself far from him - for example, traveling alone on public transport - I think: should I really not be offended by the constant ridicule, expressions of disgust addressed to me, derogatory criticism and insults? I break out in inappropriate places and start crying. I take glycine, it calms me down a little, but it doesn’t help with breakdowns on the street and in public places. I owe him a lot - he essentially saved me when I continued to ruin my health at a tedious job. He convinced me to pay attention to myself and to treat progressive epilepsy. At the moment, my epilepsy practically does not bother me and I quietly earn a living as a freelancer, thus maintaining the opportunity for myself to maintain the regime I need. I would be happy about this, but I only feel emptiness - and also that I can’t just up and leave, because he spent so much energy and time on me. He himself often talks about this. I’m sorry that I annoy him and ruin his life, but it seems like he doesn’t want me to leave. I still love him, although I open up to him much less than before. I'm not a masochist - I don't get any pleasure from this situation. She hurts me a lot. But I’m afraid that if I leave, I will betray the person I love, and who has also spent so much time on me. I tried a lot of things so as not to irritate him, but all to no avail. I don’t want to completely break under him and I consider the demands of changing my speech style to be unfair and absurd, because I have already changed a lot in myself at his request, including in my speech. What little is left of me I would like to preserve. What should I do? Is there a way to fix the relationship?
p.s. Sorry if it's confusing

Received 3 pieces of advice - consultations from psychologists, to the question: Your loved one says that he hates, but does not let go

Hello, Natalia! It’s not chaotic at all, you feel like you’ve “accumulated.” From what you write, changes are brewing. You write that you are indebted to your boyfriend for drawing your attention to the need to take care of yourself. It's wonderful that you are grateful. However, this does not mean that you are now obligated for life. Natasha, your boyfriend protected you from overwork. And who will protect you from him? Are you coping with this? Who will protect your self-esteem from constant nagging, mockery, and demands to change. How much does your boyfriend work on himself in your relationship? It’s just an illusion that one partner only “should” work on the relationship.

Natasha, the fact that you cry and write in inappropriate places indicates that you are under constant tension. Every person wants to be accepted for who they are. And when you are constantly being remade, it is very difficult. Every person creates a certain atmosphere around himself. You create an atmosphere of care, tenderness, you love and desire love. And what kind of atmosphere does your boyfriend create? And how do you live in this atmosphere? From what you write, you live in constant psychological violence. And the first thing you need to do is not to let him behave like that with you.

Natasha, you write that you want to preserve what little is left of you. It’s good that you want it, it’s a pity that you want so little. You write that he spent so much time and effort on you. What about you? According to what you write, you have spent and are spending even more. He reproaches, accuses, demands. What does he give you? Not just once, but constantly? Natasha, you write that he is constantly irritated with you. I’ll tell you a secret - no matter what you do, something will still irritate him. And the point here is not only about you, but above all about his character. Answer yourself the question: do you want to live the way you live your whole life? After that, make a decision. Sincerely, Svetlana Gorbashova.

Gorbashova Svetlana Vasilievna, psychologist Ivanovo

Good answer 6 Bad answer 0

Natalya, hello. Your letter is clear and understandable. The good news is that you clearly understand that you often have to give up yourself for the sake of this relationship, for the sake of a young man. But for some reason he doesn’t want to change next to you, for your sake, given your diagnosis. Of course, you can, and should, be grateful. But not to the same extent as considering him your debtor! It is very doubtful that he also thinks so... In a relationship, both must always make contributions to their strengthening, to the acceptance of each other with all their peculiarities and otherness. It is no good to demand that others adapt to themselves! What kind of relationship is this that needs to be washed down with glycine? You must treat yourself very carefully, Natalya. Moreover, your diagnosis is quite serious... And before you think about how they can be corrected, think, what if this makes sense? You alone will not correct them, and the young man is not going to do this. He's going to fix you. And you are not ready to break yourself and your essence, which is absolutely correct! Sincerely.

Silina Marina Valentinovna, psychologist Ivanovo

Good answer 4 Bad answer 0

Hello, Natalia.

They repair cars, but feelings cannot be repaired. There is a lot of tension, irritation, and resentment between you now. But love, respect, mutual acceptance are not visible. And given that the young man does not want to accept tenderness from you, it is difficult to say whether it is possible to restore a kind, caring relationship between you. What attracts attention here is this: do you only speak gentle and affectionate words, but how do you show your care for him in action? I mean household care - do you prepare food for him and so on. Intimate relationships also play a big role. Maybe there are some difficulties in your life that can affect the mood of your young man. It may well be that it is not you who irritate the young man, but some kind of trouble. But everything reflects on you. In addition, people who live next to those who are sick experience daily stress from constantly worrying and worrying about their loved ones, and may even fall into depression. The young man asks you not to call him that, so refrain, that’s it - anyway, all the feelings will remain in your soul. You could go to see a psychologist together if you have a mutual desire to maintain the relationship.

Your proposal to live separately is also very reasonable. Just why are you waiting for consent from a young man, because you yourself can do this. Sometimes it happens that having separated from each other, people begin to understand the value of another person, or, on the contrary, they finally realize that love is gone and they need to part.

As for the debt to the young man for his concern for you, it is already clear that you are grateful to him. But relationships are not built on debt alone.


Paryugina Oksana Vladimirovna, psychologist Ivanovo

Good answer 4 Bad answer 2

Honey, you’re just lovely, there are crowds of girls writing on my wall, and you’re not the least bit jealous. And you yourself don’t give reasons...
- Yes, it’s just that my guys are smarter than your women... and they write in PM.

ღ And may fate not be fair! But life is a game, play it beautifully!ღ .

Call me chicken one more time and I will lay your eggs!

Sometimes the only thing left to do is hold each other one last time and just let go

DEAR GIRLS! Agree, we constantly say that we absolutely don’t give a damn who our ex is with....^_^ But in fact..IT’S NOT TRUE!!!After all, we SO WANT TO CRIME THAT BITCH

She wants to love. I want to give my heart to someone... A person who will treat it with care... keep it in a secret place. In a place where he cannot “accidentally” catch it and break it.

"The past is a grave, and there is no point in spending your whole life in a grave." (R. Sharma)

My hands no longer feel your warmth, my eyes no longer see your smile, my ears no longer hear your voice, my nose no longer smells you, my lips no longer feel your taste, only my heart continues to feel you... I live.

Mom understood everything and said a few words: “love always comes back if it’s love.”

[only my mother knows how to lower my self-esteem, burn my nerves and spoil my mood. so, dear ones, relax.]

You can forgive your loved one ANYTHING! But does he remain loved after this? ...

God gave brunettes beauty, the devil - intelligence. Not loving brunettes is a crime, loving them is a punishment. Brunettes need to be carried in your arms; they will sit on your neck on their own.

[- Is this him?- Yes, how do you know?- Yes, because you again have a stupid smile all over your face]

I don’t need someone who will say “I love you” all day long, but someone who will one day say: “... and that’s what I need you... a little unbalanced psychopath...”.

If you love, love without deception... If you believe, then believe to the end... If you hate, say it straight... And if you laugh, then laugh in your eyes...

[ I love you]

She changed to spite everyone. She drives millions of guys crazy...
And when he comes home, he wraps himself in a big warm sweater, drinks hot tea with lemon and cries bitterly.

Remember: it was not YOU who lost HIM... It was HE who FUCKED YOU! So let him wander around!

“Don’t love him, but be his beloved. Don’t look for him, he will find you himself. Don’t follow him like others do. If he needs you, he will come to you!

She doesn’t care what others think about her... The main thing is that HE called her the best...

Are you afraid that your loved one will cheat on you? - no!!! - proud?? - he will cheat, so it wasn’t my loved one...

Perhaps someday you will understand that you love.
It will be too late. It’s too late to fix, it’s too late to understand, to forgive, to come back. Now this is not important. Everything becomes important when it ceases to be necessary

I'm sorry that I left, I'm sorry that I didn't stay, but I'm not the same anymore... I don't want you to look into emptiness every day, let me go and I'll fly away into the crowd

Everyone is looking for someone in life with whom they feel good and comfortable... And then it doesn’t matter what their height is, their hair color... What matters is what place you occupy in this person’s life.

Someday you will understand that no one will ever love you as much as I do... but then I will already be your past... with no chance of becoming the present...

Everyone needs a guy who will take you by the scruff of the neck, put you on his knees, and say in your ear: “Sit down and don’t rock the boat, now you’re only mine.”

ღ ♡★...You just played...like with a doll...hmm...but you, bitch, still don’t know how much I loved playing war games as a child... ღ♡

When you fall unrequitedly in love, you want to ask forgiveness from all those who were unrequitedly in love with you...

A beautiful bitch... - that's what her friends say... a ruthless bitch... - the guys think... an exemplary girl... - the parents hope...

You can be proud and independent in front of a thousand others, but it is in front of Him that you will act like a fool.

What does a modern girl do after breaking up with her boyfriend? She frantically thinks about what status to write in contact so that he will be offended

Either I'm a handsome guy, or the mirror is fucking up.

It’s easier for men, they can immediately see what kind of breasts they have. But a surprise awaits us women!

I'm strong... I'll stop loving you... I don't need you... You're not worthy of me at all! You yourself will come and ask for forgiveness... But it will be too late, because by then I will stop loving you!...... So, okay... Let's dream and that's enough... I'll go smoke...

Only having lost can we begin to appreciate, only having been late can we learn to hurry, only having not loved can we let go, only having seen death can we learn to live....

You hurt me, and I endure... you make me cry, and I smile... you just don’t know that people like you have made me stronger a long time ago... by hurting me and making me cry

When love ends, one necessarily suffers...if no one suffers, then love never began...if both suffer, love is still alive..

“it seems to us that we love this person, we can’t live without him... we can’t exist without him, we want to always be with him, and then we realize that this is just a habit...”

"- How I hate you! - and after these words they began... passionately kissing..."

What does "I love you" mean? This means, first of all, that I have feelings for you. Strong. Beautiful. What does "I hate you" mean? After all, this is also a feeling. And it is just as deep and strong! Only the opposite of love. Love and hate, it turns out, can coexist. It is so accepted that love is positive emotions, hatred is negative... However, we experience a feeling... even hatred, but nevertheless... this is also a feeling.

Having any feelings for a person... already says something. No, not about what you already love, of course. Or maybe you'll fall in love. And at least that the person is not indifferent to you. Love and hate, no matter how strange it may sound, are very similar. The adrenaline that you experience when you see your loved one, when you are close to him, is so similar to the same one that only arises from hatred! And your hands are also shaking, and your heart is pounding, and that sparkle in your eyes... When you experience hatred, you, just like in love, do not notice anyone or anything around you - all thoughts and emotions are focused on him (her), the hated one. (Noah)!

Surprising but true. Love and hate are two opposites. But. How often does this happen in life?!...for some reason opposites attract. And here it is that very step... one... from hatred to love. Short.

As often happens in life, former enemies suddenly become best friends. Paradox? Maybe. But life has its own rules, its own laws. And for some reason, former people who hate each other make the strongest couples.

Hatred is a very strong feeling. Only love is comparable in strength to it. I don’t believe that a person who says “yes, I hate her (him) ... doesn’t have any feelings for him. Even if it kills him! If that were so, he wouldn’t say it. Only because he was b indifferent. Indifference is already the absence of any feelings. Here, no matter which way you walk, no matter how many steps you take... you will never reach love. Indifference is the “final stop” in love. Our heart can be a thousand times. broken, but when it breaks, either hatred or indifference arises. The best way to tell that a person is indifferent is through the eyes - there is only darkness and emptiness.

And when hatred appears, it means the heart still loves. It still continues to “feel”, only not love, but hatred. And if a woman (man) tells you - I hate you! (while usually experiencing a strong heartbeat... Trembling in the hands and a sparkle in the eyes...) do not take these words literally! And mentally rejoice. It means she (he) feels something for you, it means the spark in her heart has not gone out. Or it hasn't ignited yet! And how to ignite this spark is up to you!

The only way to know for sure that someone hates you is to have them tell you, but there are certain signs that can help you find out. It is extremely important to pay attention to the girl's body language, as well as the words and tone of her voice.


Part 1

Study of physical signs
  1. Study her facial expression. Although this is not a perfect method, much of what people experience is reflected on their face. There are many things you can pay attention to. Usually just one of them won't mean that the girl hates you, but if there are more of them, it will show that she is disliked.

    • If he wrinkles his nose, this means that she is expressing disgust at your presence (unless, of course, there is an unpleasant odor).
    • Narrowing or rolling your eyes when you're around (especially if you're talking).
    • If she doesn't make eye contact with you, it could mean she's shy, but it could also be a sign of dislike.
  2. Watch her body language. Body language is another good indicator, although you must remember that Not exact science. Pay close attention to what she says to you by how she physically reacts to your presence. This can say a lot about the feelings she has for you.

    • Arms crossed over the chest are often considered a sign of closedness. Chances are that if she stands or sits with her arms crossed when she's near you, she's trying to stay away from you. Of course, some people just stand there, so the gesture, taken alone, may not mean anything.
    • Another good sign is to see if she constantly turns away from you. If she doesn't make eye contact with you and moves her body away from you, it could mean she wants you to leave her alone and she's looking for a way to get away from you.
  3. Pay attention to how her friends behave. Chances are that if she hates you, she has already told her friends about it. They will want to protect her (because they will be on her side). If you pay attention to how her friends behave, whether they ignore you when you try to talk to them, then you will get a fairly accurate idea of ​​​​her feelings.

    • If you're both at a party and you're trying to approach her, but her friends are blocking you or trying to stop you from trying to talk to her, then that's a good sign that she doesn't want anything to do with you.
    • If you're alone and her friends keep popping up to take her away or interrupting you, that's another good sign that she might not like you and her friends are trying to protect her from you.
    • If you see her grinning and laughing with her friends when she looks at you, this is another good sign that there is animosity on her part. Of course, she may not be looking at you, but if this happens constantly and along with other signs, then this is a fairly clear sign of hostility.
  4. Pay attention to how she behaves around you. It is obvious that it is not only her body language that is important in her behavior. Her actions will also help you determine how she feels towards you and whether she hates you.

    • Every time you try to talk to her, she turns into a magician and disappears. This means that the minute you tried to talk to her, she managed to be somewhere else. If it only happens once or twice, it doesn't mean anything, but if it happens more often, it's likely that she doesn't like you or is upset about something.
    • She never answers your calls or messages. This is a big sign because it's easy enough to respond with even a short message, but if she never texts you back or only answers in monosyllables, it's a sign that something is up.
  5. Pay attention to how she behaves if your plans coincide. If you have planned something together, even something as simple as getting ready for class at a coffee shop or something else, and she always finds a reason not to go through with those plans, it's a good sign that she doesn't want to spend time with you. time.

    • If she ruins your plans by not showing up at the meeting place unannounced or apologizing, again, she doesn't want to spend time with you.
    • If she constantly forgets about plans, then she doesn't want to spend time with you. Some people are weird, but not that weird.
    • Remember, this doesn't necessarily mean she hates you. You may irritate her by annoying her with your plans, or you may be completely indifferent to her.

    Part 2

    Learning Verbal Signs
    1. Listen to the tone of her voice. The tone of the voice is a serious indicator of feelings. This doesn't mean she speaks because people lie, or says things she doesn't really mean all the time, but feelings can often be seen in the way she speaks.

      • If she uses a calm tone of voice when she talks to you, it means she's not interested in the conversation (unless, of course, she always talks like that). Usually, when a girl talks to someone she likes, her voice will waver.
      • Sarcasm can be a great way for her to tell you that she doesn't like you without her having to say it directly. It's all about the hesitation in her voice. If she says something like "That would be fun" if you ask her out for coffee, pay attention to how she says it. Combine that with her facial expression and body language, and you can get a pretty clear idea of ​​what she's really feeling.
    2. Pay attention to the words she uses. The words she uses can often tell you how she feels, even if she doesn't come up to you and say "I hate you" (since few people say that). However, if she says "I hate you" and she looks serious, that's another great sign that she actually hates you.

      • If she responds to your questions and conversation with monosyllabic answers, you are either talking too much or she is not very interested in the conversation.
      • If she never initiates a conversation and you're always the only one doing the talking, then again, she's probably not that interested in talking to you. While this doesn't necessarily mean that she hates you, there is a chance that she doesn't like you.
      • "OK." "Great"
    3. Determine if she talked to you about other people. Even though she may not have directly told you that she hates you, it is likely that she has told other people, such as her friends or even some of her acquaintances. Ask people if she has said anything (if anything) about you.

      • The best thing to do is ask her friends. Although it may be difficult to talk to one of them alone, if you have the opportunity, simply ask her friend if everything is okay between you and the girl, and if you did anything wrong. If you are polite, chances are your friend will want to tell you.
      • Just remember that whatever people tell you will be twisted by their own interpretation and should not be the only evidence that she hates you.

    Part 3

    How to change her attitude
    1. Give her privacy. If someone hates you, it's a good idea to give them time and space to cool off. If you are constantly around her, she will probably start to hate you even more. Giving her space may remind her why she liked you in the first place (if that's the case).

      • This means don't pester her with invitations or question her when she's mad at you. Just let it be like that for a while.
      • There is no specific time that you need to wait. You will have to determine this for yourself, but depending on how strong the hatred is, it could be several weeks to a year.
    2. Evaluate your actions. People don't just start hating someone for no reason, whether you think it's fair or not. Think about how you behaved towards her and try to determine what might have caused her to treat you this way.

      • Think about what you said. It could be something as simple as a mistake she misunderstood. Or it could be that you showed your affection by ridiculing and teasing her (something like pulling her pigtails on the playground).
      • She may feel like you are suffocating her with your attention. If you're always around and trying to talk to her, it can get on her nerves. In this case, it is better to give her more personal space.
    3. Apologize. Even if you don't think you did anything wrong, but you like this girl and want her to stop hating you, you should apologize. Don't try to approach her and say "don't frown" or "can't you take a joke?" and especially never make up a false excuse of "I'm sorry you reacted that way."

      • It's best to apologize in private. An audience can force one or both of you to behave in ways that you would not behave in private.
    4. Be polite. A good way to show her that you want to make peace and that you are worth putting up with is to be polite to her, even if she hates you. You will show that you are a good enough person to take the right approach and avoid a potential showdown.

      • So when you see her, say hello and ask how she's doing. Stop there. This communication is enough to show that you care and that you are interested in her well-being, but not enough to get on her nerves.