Enzyme peeling before and after. Enzyme peeling. Enzyme peeling janssen.

How nice look at yourself in the mirror and see fresh, young and beautiful skin. But it does not always happen. Sometimes a woman looks with a sigh of his shortcomings. She does not know what else to take that reflection in the mirror finally pleased. And there is one remarkable remedy that can return the youth and skin purity - this is a peeling enzyme. What it is? How to rejuvenate the skin? This will be discussed in our article.

What is enzymes

Enzymes are organic substances that support life, special proteins acting as catalysts or chemical reaction accelerators. These enzymes in the human body fall from the outside. They come together with vegetable food, fruits and vegetables. Some reactions in the body must occur quickly, and therefore such substances are needed as enzymes that are involved in the destruction of large protein molecules or fat for smaller in the process of digestion. On the skin of enzymes work is not as fast as in digestion. But they show impressive results - revive, returned youth and radiance, improve the texture and appearance of the skin.

Facial skin - Women Business Card

The human skin consists of two layers. Its outdoor is called the epidermis. And the bottom, deep layer - the dermis. But that's not all. Each of them has many layers inside them.

The epidermis is subjected daily to the negative impact of many factors: the sun, polluted environment, lack of fresh air, sweating, dryness and makeup. Fortunately, both layers work all the time to create new rimpets of skin cells that are constantly rising to its surface. They are also replaced with old, already dead particles. And they remain on the surface of the skin, porting her appearance. Many experts believe that heredity in the question of the condition of the Pokrov is a myth. Cosmetologists give other information. Heredity is only 20 percent of natural aging, and 80 percent is a negative impact of sun rays. It is due to contact with ultraviolet appear wrinkles, pigmentation, stains, roughness and freckles.

With age, skin also loses collagen. This substance consists of protein fibers and gives it elasticity and elasticity. Losing collagen, the skin becomes weak and thin. Enzyme peeling helps eliminate all these age changes and negative impacts.

Peeling Enzyme: What is it?

The cosmetic product in question makes the process of replacing skin cells much faster. It accelerates chemical reactions necessary to create new, young healthy cells and skin relief from old and dead particles. Sometimes the term peeling is confused with a scrub. This product also helps clean the skin from dead cells. Enzyme peeling performs exfoliation much faster scrub. It removes old and dead cells, contributes to the regeneration of the cover, reduces the stretching, traces remaining from pimples, wrinkles, does not injure the skin. Enzymes penetrate the skin and help clean the pores, improve its tone and texture.

Another advantage of natural enzyme peelings is their safety for all skin types. They do not injure as tough chemical products. In addition, they are inexpensive. Also, the product does not cause deep redness, as a result of which there are several days to hide from all at home.

The most popular ingredients for enzyme peeling are Papaya, pineapple, pomegranate, pumpkin and blueberries. And in order to get a pleasant bonus to this procedure, it is possible to expose the time of enzymes to enjoy these antioxidant fruits and get yourself from the inside.


One of the most delicate and gentle products for cosmetic procedures is peeling an enzyme. What it is, they appreciated people even with very sensitive skin or acne. This method of exfoliation practically does not have contraindications and unwanted effects, such as dryness or allergic reaction. It is safe for all types and has many advantages.

1. Exceived dead cells.

2. Stimulates the growth of new particles.

3. Improves skin tone, as well as its texture.

4. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

5. Removes Mimic folds.

6. Smoothes age wrinkles.

7. Softens dry skin.

8. Reduces redness.

9. Displays toxins from the skin surface.

10. Cleans the pores, narrows them and prevents the appearance of acne.

11. Displays pigment stains.

12. Does not injure the skin.

The product under consideration can use people with dark skin (other types of peeling with dark skin are not recommended).

Contraindications for holding peeling with enzymes

There are also some contraindications from enzyme peeling. It cannot be applied in the following cases.

1. People with diabetes mellitus.

2. With diseases of the cardiovascular system.

3. With herpes in acute stage.

4. With acne rash with inflamed guns.

5. When wounds and scratches.

6. If there are burns.

7. After tan.

8. When allergic for any ingredient.

Salicylic acid-based peeling

Consider one of the types of products of this group - Salicyl enzyme peeling. The name already tells us a lot. It is made with the plants contained in some colors. This component has a regenerating and regenerating effect on the skin, helps in combating inflammation and eels. Salicyl peeling inexpensive and easy method to improve skin. Penetrating deep, he softens it. In addition, the dissolved dead layer of the skin is easily removed. Thanks to this procedure, new cells are formed. The structure of the skin is transformed. Salicylic acid has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, peeling based on it will save from black dots, give the skin smoothness and smooth color.

Salicyl enzyme peeling can not be used in the following cases.

1. When pregnant.

2. During breastfeeding period.

3. With the exacerbation of herpes.

4. When rays and scratches on the skin.

5. With the recent tan.

6. Those people who are often visited by the solarium.

Salicyl peeling at home

In the pure form, the peeling procedure of salicylic acid is not very pleasant. But, fortunately, the cosmetic market offers enough funds based on this substance.

One of these funds, well-proven itself, is an enzyme peeling stopproblem. Efficient and high-quality products are based on salicylic acid. It is worth noting that it does not contain an enzyme peeling stopproblem easily apply at home. Total fifteen minutes, and the skin will shine cleanliness and health. It does not contain solid particles. Apply it as an ordinary mask. If this peeling is applied regularly, the production of sebum is normalized.

1. Acne treatment is even the average degree of complexity.

2. Elimination of scars and red spots left after acne.

3. Lightening pigment defects.

4. Alignment of the Mimic and age wrinkles.

5. Drying and narrowing pores.

6. Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.

7. Rejuvenation is even very thick and not susceptible to other skin acids.

It is also worth noting some features of salicyl peeling

1. At the beginning of the procedure, the product may cause burning sensation.

2. Cosmetic preparations of StopProblem series are suitable for around the eyes.

3. You can use regardless of age. It is suitable for young skin, and for mature.

5. Suitable for the rejuvenation of the whole body.

6. With this peeling, you can remove rough skin on your knees, elbows and feet.

Sometimes unpleasant reactions may appear when using the tool, such as itching, swelling, peeling, redness, skin depth.

Enzyme peeling: reviews

At the beginning of the procedure there may be a burning, tingling or pinching. But it is not necessary to scare this - in a few minutes everything will pass. But the product easily softens and remove all the slightening plugs in the pores. Remove this peeling is recommended by wet cellulose sponge. Be sure to then apply nutrient cream on the skin.

For so many women, an indispensable product was the enzyme peeling "Stoppalle". Reviews it also has very numerous and mostly positive. Especially among the owners of oily and problematic skin with extended pores, we can meet the laudatory ODD to the product under consideration. Photos taken before the use of peeling and only after a week of use confirm all its positive properties specified by the manufacturer.

It has enzyme peeling reviews and negative. But they are very small. They are written in mostly women with a very dry, sensitive or leather allergy. From here we can conclude that girls ranking themselves to this group, salicyl peeling need to be used very carefully.

Line "Stumpl"

The peeling of the brand in question is one of the best tools for home use. Another series "Stoppalle" offers additional products to care for skin skin, also containing salicylic acid.

In the cosmetic salon, cleaning session lasts about 45 minutes. It consists of three stages. First, with the help of special means cleaned the skin. The second stage is the applied of the composition itself. In conclusion, the acid is neutralized by a special substance and process covers with bold cream.

For owner of dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin, an enzyme peeling gel is suitable. This product is also presented in the cosmetic market in a large assortment.

What looks younger in 10 minutes without leaving home?

It turns out that you can make an enzyme peeling at home. It will help in this products containing enzymes - papaya, pineapple, pumpkin and honey.

Honey in the composition of enzyme masks protects the skin, restores moisture, has antibacterial properties. It also increases cell production and causes rapid restoration of tissues. Enzyme masks do not contain chemicals. They are absolutely natural, and their regular use will help to remain young, clean and healthy.

Smart fruit enzymes not only remove the dead and old skin cells, they also have an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which are powerful antioxidants and zinc trace element (reduces redness and soothes inflammation).

After mask, the skin is very sensitive to the sunshine. Therefore, it is necessary to use sunscreen.

Recipe Mask Enzymes Honey

It is not difficult to prepare it. Such an enzyme peeling mask deeply cleanses the skin, her youth and shine will return. It can be used even with weak capillaries. Enzyme mask is recommended once a week.

We will need the following ingredients.

1. Three tablespoons papaya puree.

2. Three tablespoons of pineapple pulp.

3. One teaspoon of honey.

Papaya and pineapple will provide cleansing and exfoliation. Honey will prevent skin irritation.

Cook the mask is very simple. All ingredients can be mixed in a blender. But in order to save products, it is better to simply splash their fork. The finished mask should be applied to the clean and dry skin of the face and neck for ten minutes. After you need to wash it off. Next, dry the skin and apply bold nutrient cream on it.

You also need to know that, unlike other masks, enzyme peeling works best in a wet environment. It does not give him drying on his face. Therefore, it is possible during the use of a mask a little sprinkle with water with water.

Mask Enzyme Pumpkin

With this mask, the face will get a complete reboot with the help of natural and healthy fruit enzymes. Its use will save from the Mimic and shallow age wrinkles, acne and pigment spots. For the mask you will need the following components.

1. 300 grams of raw pumpkin puree.

2. One peeled papaya seeds.

3. Egg (for binding components).

All ingredients are mixed to homogeneous mass. The mask is obtained in sufficient quantity, but it must be used immediately. Therefore, you can invite girlfriends and together to arrange a beauty session.

The mask is applied on the skin of the face and neck with your fingers or a special tassel, avoiding areas around the eyes and lips. Ten minutes later, it should be wiped with a sponge, moistened in cold water. Try to avoid getting into your eyes. Mask more than once a month is not recommended.

When used, discharge or tingling can be observed - this is normal. People with very sensitive skin after applying the mask can redden a face. This also should not scare. In this case, redness is associated with increasing blood circulation and should not last more than twenty minutes.

Honey mask

After applying a mask with pumpkin and papaya well make a honey mask. The component must be natural. It is simply applied to the skin, leave for 10-20 minutes and wash off with wet sponge or water. Honey mask can be done as often as you want.

Leave the skin is young and beautiful almost impossible without good care. The undisputed assistant in it? We hope that the article helped you answer this question. This is a miraculous and easily accessible means of which many women have learned about. Enzymes can now be bolded to call fighters for beauty.

Peeling - if not rejuvenating, then an effective cosmetic care procedure. In this way, the horny flakes accumulated on the surface, which, do uneven and emphasize even the slightest wrinkles. Enzyme peeling in contrast to numerous other species is practically not irritating the skin, for which it is very popular.

What is an enzyme (enzymatic) peeling

Skin covers are quite difficult. For the appearance of the skin, the topmost layer of the epidermis is the highest value, and more deeply lying, where elastin and collagen fibers are formed - dermis. There are many external factors on the skin: ultraviolet radiation, air humidity, temperature, contamination, microorganisms, and so on. The top layer of the skin is a horn, serves as a barrier between the factors of the external environment and the derma. The surface layer is constantly updated: new cells of the epidermis appear, they displacing the old, the latter are gradually dehydrated and turn into horny flakes.

The horn layer is not exhausting instantly - after all, he serves as a barrier. For some time, scales continue to hold, and then gradually separated. Since this process is constantly being replaced by a completely invisible eye. However, in violation of this process, the picture becomes different.

The accumulation of dead cells leads to - the skin becomes rude to the touch, since the horn layer contains a very small amount of moisture - up to 13%. At the same time, the thick rough layer of scales emphasizes any irregularities of wrinkles, and the shade gives the skin an unnatural one - pale, grayish to eliminate scales and apply peeling.

Peeling is a method of removing a horn layer using abrasive particles - mechanical methods, and aggressive substances. There are also distinguished, where the exfoliation is made by treating the skin of the skin with a laser. With mechanical abrasive particles separate the dead cells, it is not always neatly, which often leads to irritation. In case of chemical peeling, active substances dissolve horny flakes.

In addition, with such a procedure there is a deep cleansing of the skin, since pollution and selection of sebaceous and sweat glands are almost completely removed. This is one of the reasons why peeling is undesirable in spring and summer, as the skin turns out to be defenseless.

Concept and essence

Enzyme - a kind of chemical peeling, in which instead of conventional fruit acids use enzymes. These are specific substances, complex proteins that perform the role of biological catalysts or inhibitors. Enzymes regulate more than 5,000 different reactions. Share them on 6 classes:

  • oxidoreductase - actuate activators of oxidative-reducing reactions;
  • transferases - ensure the transfer of certain functional groups from one molecule to another;
  • hydrolase - catalyze the splitting of molecules with the participation of water;
  • liaza - ensure the splitting of molecules without water participation;
  • isomerase - regulate the reactions of isomerization - the change in the structure of the molecule without changing the composition;
  • ligases - activate the synthesis reactions.

In enzyme peeling, enzymes from the class of hydrolase are used: carbohydrase - cleaves carbohydrates, proteases - protein cleavage, lipases - fats. Why exactly they?

In the horn layer of the skin there is a proteolytic enzyme - protease. The enzyme breaks up proteins to amino acids and peptides, which at the level of the skin is manifested as the formation of lipid cement for bonding ceramides, the destruction of intercellular mechanical connections and the separation of keratincitis. This means that in the norm, the extracellular bonds between the horny flashes are destroyed on time after complete dehydration of the cell, and the latter are freely peeling.

When changing the skin -, for example, the activity of protease falls. Accordingly, dead cells accumulate, which leads to a loosening and thickening of the skin, dryness, pollution. The enzyme entering the enzyme peeling acts as a protease: cleaves keratin, destroys intercellular communication. In addition, due to the removal of the upper layer, the synthesis of fibroblasts is stimulated, which contributes to the speedy refreshment of the skin.

Protease has an acid reaction, as well as fruit acid - 5-5.5. With any concentration of the enzyme, part of it is associated with antiprotease, always in the upper part of the skin. On the one hand, this partially suppresses the activity of the substance. On the other hand, enzymes can connect with their antagonists, which makes them insensitive to other inhibitors. Thus, a prolonged peeling action is provided: the upgrade process of the upper layer is not completed after the procedure is completed, but later.

What is an enzyme peeling, will tell a specialist in this video:


The peeling includes substances of animal, vegetable and even bacterial origin, similar to the composition of the skin enzymes. There are quite a few such.

A group of plant origin:

  • papain - The enzyme contained in the juice juice of a melon tree - papaya. It breaks proteins to amino acids, has a weak antimicrobial effect;
  • sorbain - Substances obtained from lemon juice and papaya. Their task is to remove dead cells, that is, the destruction of intercellular ties;
  • bromelain - The enzyme discovered in the fruits of pineapple. It also contributes to the splitting of proteins and removing horny scales, but besides this has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-ethnic effect;
  • ficin - proteolytic enzyme contained in stems and figs. The substance not only cleaves protein molecules, but also activates the production of native collagen;
  • aktinidin - It is part of the Kiwi Juice. Destroys peptide ties, activates the process of detachment of dead cells;
  • arbutin is a tyrosinase inhibitor. This substance suppresses melanin production, so it is added to skin lightening.

Group of animal origin:

  • pepsin - Enzyme from the hydrolase group, destroys peptide ties. Produce a substance from the mucous membrane of the stomach of animals;
  • tRIPSIN - The group of serine proteases, breaks the peptides. It is removed from the pancreas of cows;
  • chimothrixin - has the same origin and is similar to action;
  • pancreatin - Get from the pancreas of pigs. The substance splits fats and starchy compounds;
  • lizozyme - extracted from the protein of chicken eggs. The substance destroys the intercellular cement, which contributes to the exhausting of the horny scales and has a strong antibacterial effect - up to the destruction of cell walls.

Group of bacterial origin. The most active enzymes are used:

  • subtilisin - catalyzes the decomposition of proteins, ethers and amides. More active compared to substances of plant origin;
  • trawaza - breaks and exfoliates the top layer of the skin. It is often used for bleaching of the skin.

In a separate group, milk enzymes of various plan are distinguished:

  • casein - It has a moisturizing and softening effect on the skin. Casein is used to prevent irritation;
  • lactalbumin - Squirrels from milk serum. Serves as a source of amino acids and nourishes the skin;
  • alkaline proteinase - 1 and 2 are close to the structure of blood proteinase and thrombin. Squabble proteins;
  • proteinase 1 and 2 - Enzymes specialized, activity is manifested by protein bonds formed by lysine and arginine, respectively;
  • acute proteinase - carries out partial hydrolysis of casein, which then contributes to the splitting of peptides.

In addition, enzyme compounds include substances that promote protection against free radicals, preventing ultraviolet rays, as well as vitamins, mineral complexes, plant extracts.

The results of enzyme peeling

Comparison with similar techniques

  • In its impact, enzyme peeling is very close to chemical. Fruit acids that are the basis of the latter, destroy the intercellular links between the dead cells. Accordingly, the horny flakes are much easier to peel and the skin is cleaned. Acids are somewhat aggressive and put an irritant effect on the skin.
  • Enzyme peeling acts softer. It includes substances similar to natural enzymes intended for cleaving protein molecules and the destruction of intercellular ties. Despite the fact that the reaction is also acidic, the enzymes do not have such a strong irritating effect. Showing for the most sensitive skin even when, and some inflammations.
  • Mechanical peeling Basically, it has a purely physical impact: small abrasive particles are encluting the horny scales as an enforced way, since it is not so that it is firmly. Phone is neutral, so it does not cause irritation, as well as enzyme. But the latter is more effective, since it acts on the entire depth of the horn layer at the same time and evenly, while the mechanical cleaning affects the layers sequentially.
  • Laser peeling Based on a peculiar annealing of horny particles. A carbon dioxide laser heats up the upper layers to a high temperature at which the intercellular bonds are destroyed, and flakes are easily removed by mechanical path. In efficiency, enzyme peeling is somewhat inferior to the laser, but it has a more affordable cost.


Enzymatic peeling has no age limit. If for women older than 40 years it serves as a rejuvenating procedure, then for young girls it is a great way, for example, or brighten the skin.

Indications for the procedure are the most diverse:

  • appearance;
  • small wrinkles - or dry skin, for example,;
  • , blockage of the silent duct - enzyme peeling perfectly cleanses the pores;
  • , acne, acne, as well as the effects of rash;
  • circulating rough leather;
  • dull color, the appearance of a grayish shade;
  • deep pollution - the dirt has emerged. Peeling is more efficient even with professional damage to the skin of this kind;
  • preparation for cosmetic procedures of deep impact;
  • skin damage as a result of a long action of wind, ultraviolet;
  • preventive care.


Enzyme peeling is possible with any skin type: normal, oily, dry, which significantly expands the scope. However, this procedure has limitations:

  • deep scratches, unexplored wounds and other injuries that violate the integrity of the skin;
  • , other skin diseases at the time of exacerbation;
  • on any component of the composition;
  • and other systemic diseases under which the properties of connective tissues are changed.

In contrast to many other cosmetic procedures, enzymatic peeling can be carried out during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The procedure at home is the topic of this video:


With some ability, enzymatic peeling can be carried out at home. However, the first procedure is better, yet, spent in the cabin. It takes a bit of time, does not require special training. The only condition: after laser grinding or a sufficient amount of time should pass to the skin completely recovered.


Preparation includes 2 actions:

  • pre-conduct sensitivity test. A drop of composition is applied to the fold of the elbow or on the ear in the ear, if the skin does not blush for 10-30 minutes and does not swell, peeling can be carried out;
  • during the day before the procedure, you should refuse to use creams, lotions and other means including any acids. Otherwise, the skin will be excessively sensitive, which increases the likelihood of irritation.


The procedure includes 5 stages.

  1. Demaciazh - the skin of the face is thoroughly cleaned from cosmetic drugs with a suitable tonic or a lotion with a soothing effect.
  2. The powdered composition is bred by water immediately before the procedure. Finished simply immediately applied to the skin: first on the forehead, cheeks, chin, then on the nose, cheeks of eyelids, lips, as well as neck and decolte area. Use a special flat brush for this. Enzymatic peeling can be applied to the whole body. Some formulations cannot be applied on lips and centuries, as mentioned in the instructions.

Enzymes are more active in conditions of heat and high humidity, so after applying the composition on the face impose compress: film and heated wet towel. Peeling is held from 10 to 30 minutes depending on the required depth of exposure.

  1. The composition is washed off by ordinary warm water. Since, in some cases, an alkaline neutralizer is required.
  2. It is recommended to make a mask after peeling - a rejuvenating, reducing, moisturizing. The skin is very sensitive after the peeling, the pores are open, so the mask will have the maximum effect.
  3. After removal of the mask, the corresponding cream is applied - usually soothing.

The course is 5-8 sessions. The procedures are carried out 1-2 times a week, which is determined by the skin type.


No special recovery after peeling is needed. Makeup can be used the next day. Recommended during the course for another 3 weeks to use sunscreen with a degree of protection of at least 15.

Possible complications

Despite the very high degree of security, the procedure can lead to complications:

  • the exacerbation of herpes, if the virus was unrealized;
  • the exacerbation of the acne disease is that the update of the upper layer activates the work of the sebaceous glands, which is why the peeling is shown at the most dry skin. In addition, the clogged swings after "release" tend to get rid of the accumulated corneal mass as soon as possible. This enhances the acne. As a rule, after the activation phase, the skin quickly comes to normal;
  • with high sensitivity may occur. An ordinary skin test warns such a situation;
  • It is extremely rare, but it is possible in severe or.

Price and clinics

Enzyme peeling is performed under conditions of both the clinics and any cosmetic salon. In addition, the composition can be used at home.

  • Various finished mixtures can be purchased for the amount of 690 to 2900 p.
  • In the beauty salon, the procedure will cost 990-3500 p.

Recently, the procedures of the bio-magazine and skin rehabilitation have become particularly popular. One of these techniques is to safely apply even at home. Its action is based on catalysts of natural origin - enzymes, which work by analogy with human cells.

The extraordinary properties of enzymes (or enzymes), open by scientists, allow you to split keratin protein right in the skin. Due to this, the old fabrics are exfoliated, and the new literally grow up, because the skin is launched a natural synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.

This is especially necessary at an older age, because over the years the exchange processes slow down, the pores are clogged, which is due to the natural elasticity. However, to return the facial tagged and a pleasant homogeneous color is possible, even if you do not apply aggressive "chemistry."

Differences of the home procedure from the salon

However, the enzyme cleaning of no accident is divided into 2 types: home and salon. Such differentiation is justified, since the procedure conducted by an experimental cosmetologist is much more efficient and is based on the use of professional funds. Enzymes in clinical conditions can cope not only with impaired pigmentation, but even with cancer neoplasms.

At the same time, if the radical intervention is not required, at home, you can save up to 50 € per 1 session if you purchase the finished enzyme cosmeceticism or make yourself a prescription. One procedure in this case costs only 1 €. However, it is not necessary to contact this technique in the presence of such contraindications:

  • Aggravation of skin diseases.
  • Acne with a purulent rod or wounds.
  • Hypersensitivity.
  • Fresh (up to 14 days) tan.
  • Individual intolerance to components (Preliminary allergotone is needed on the inner bending of the elbow).

How often do home cleaning

How often can be done depends on age:

  • After 18 years, peeling is shown to combat increased salo-waste, the frequency of procedures is determined by the doctor.
  • After 30 years, the procedures against bio and photorement can be conducted every 2 weeks.
  • After 40 years, you can strengthen the impact and conduct sessions. every weekend.

The number of sessions is also adjusted by the degree of skin fatty:

  • (and / or sensitive) enough procedures 2 times a month.
  • Owners of normal or combined skin, too, there is no need to participate sessions.
  • Procedures are shown every week.

The full course is limited to average 7 sessions., after which there is a break in a few months.

After enzyme peelings, it is necessary to use creams with SPF 30+, as well as avoid sweating and tanning.

6 finished domestic peels

Enzymatic drugs can be purchased in pharmacies or specialized stores at a price of 1 € to 65 €. The compositions of such funds vary greatly, so it is better to study their features in advance and purpose.

Popular Russian peeling with enzymes and is suitable for all ages.

It is good in the elimination of acne, the normalization of the water-lipid balance (which makes it suitable both and) reduces hypersensitivity.

It is unique in that it makes a less visible vascular mesh (while for a variety of other cuperose peels is listed among contraindications).

On sale is offered at an average price of 3 €.

There are 2 options for this home exfoliation:

  1. Surface. Clear, apply a small amount of money for 7-15 minutes (depending on skin sensitivity). Wash off water room temperature, moisten with cream.
  2. Surface-median. It is carried out only after several "light" treatments. After purification, a small amount of the drug is also applied, but then the face must be covered with a food film with holes for sense organs. We wash in 20 minutes.


The German drug contains the enzymes of pineapple, papaya and therapeutic clay kaolin. Enhances blood circulation, smoothes small wrinkles.

It is in retail on average 25 €.

To carry out the procedure, you need to mix the dry mixture with a special activator and apply according to the instructions on the face cleaned skin for 20 minutes, then rinsely rinse with water comfortable temperature.


If the session of such American peeling costs 80 €, then the home product is almost 4 times cheaper: about 25 €.

Different options for Danne enzyme masks are available on sale: from small or deeper wrinkles; from pigment spots, eels and comedones; For skin with rosacea or cooperosis.


And this economical enzymatic peeling based on papain without preservatives and toxins costs about 5 €. Many people like that in the process of exposure to the skin felt tingling and subsequently the face blushing slightly: someone in such visible signs it is easier to understand that the drug works.

It is applied to pre-cleaned skin for 20 minutes, washed off with water room temperature.

Polish enzyme preparation on fruit extracts is recommended for skin of any type. Designed for exfoliation, tone and narrowing pores. A disposable bag is only 1 €.

It is recommended to apply with light massage movements on a sprawling face, pre-sinking the fingers under the jet of warm water. When applied to avoid the sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes and lips. After a few minutes, washed away.


Korean enzyme cream-gel consistency is a duet of apple and hyaluronic acids. It can be used even on thin and hypersensitive epidermis, well moisturizes and nourishes. Costs about 15 €.

According to the instructions, it is applied to the purified dry skin of the face, then after a few minutes it is easily massaged to the formation of rolling of horny cells. Minus: ineffective against black dots (only lightly lightes).

4 home recipes

For those who are not available to the salon or buying finished funds, you can pay attention to recipes at home. Some of them are simple, some will only suit the sophisticated manufacturers of enzyme cosmeceticism at home: we picked up options for all.

Clarifying with honey and soy milk

Take 2 large spoons of puree from fresh pumpkins (without top), as well as 1 tablespoon (also without top) of soy milk and liquid honey. We mix the ingredients, we will apply, cover the face with a terry towel (pre-dipped in hot water and pressed) for 15 minutes, then we can we with warm water.

Pumpkin helps against acne rape, levels the complexion, exfoliates the horn layer, nourishes moisture cells. Honey disinfects, milk pulls the sulfur face.

Upgrading with mango and puree pumpkins

We bring down the juice from one medium lime, thoroughly into powder 3 tablets of Papaya Enzym's pharmacy preparation, we mix, add 1 big spoon without top of the pumpkin and mango pulp in the blender. Lump into the mixture of fresh aloe juice (1 tsp), add as much glycerin.

Fermetative or enzyme peeling is one of the most effective procedures for exfoliation of ecorval cell cells and other parts of the body. As a result of the exhausting of dying skin particles, the active formation of new young cells begins, metabolic processes are activated, the synthesis of elastin and collagen proteins is stimulated, the skin structure becomes better, its elasticity and elasticity increases.

The popularity of enzyme peeling is due to the fact that it is one of the most gentle methods of rehabilitation and rejuvenation of the skin. It is applicable to all skin types.

To understand, the principle of the procedure should be deeper into the question of its phased implementation, it is possible to figure out what enzyme peeling is and what is the essence of cosmetic manipulation.

The process is based on enzymes. These are active substances that stimulate chemical reactions. As a result of their application, there is a splitting of a substance holding on the skin of its die particles, the discharge of slopes, sweat particles, other protein pollution.

The gentle cosmetic procedure has become an alternative to the use of aggressive acids and exfoliating scrubs. The use of enzymes wins in comparison with the use of acid peelings. Much less contraindications and side effects. Enzymes act gently, without disturbing the structure of the fabric, only carefully removing unnecessary. Together with the exfoliated epidermis, shallow wrinkles and foci of pigmentation are peeled. Pores are freed from contamination.

Indications for enzyme peeling:

  • preparation for other more complex cosmetology procedures;
  • appearance on the skin of pollution;
  • dim color;
  • shallow wrinkles;
  • dark spots;
  • reducing the turgore;
  • phytostracy;
  • comaons;
  • acne;
  • irregularity.

Before the first procedure, the sensitivity of the skin is determined. If, after applying the test composition, changes occurred, the procedure is not carried out.

The main reason for the aging of the skin is the loss of fluid and slowing the update processes in the cells of the epidermis. The surface layer is thickened, particles of fat and dirt accumulate on it. This leads to the fact that the complexion becomes dim, irregularities appear.

Enzyme peeling person is distinguished by shallow exposure, only the horny layer is affected. Enzymes violate chemical bonds, gently neutralizing them, departed from the dead epithelium.

The manipulation is not dangerous, after it does not remain redness, as well as mechanical damage.

Cosmetologists use various types of proteolytic enzymes. The enzymes used weaken chemical structural desmosomal bonds, facilitating the peeling of epidermal horny plates. Another positive action of proteases is the destruction of the skin protein of keratin.

Answering the question of what kind of enzyme peeling is needed, it is important to note that the manipulation is so gentle that in the treatment of copery does not extend small vasces. There are no peeling, irritation.

Ferimental peelings for a person have a small number of contraindications that should be paid attention to. It:

  • intolerance to drugs;
  • the presence of unexplored skin damage (dissection, scratches, etc.);
  • herpes in actively flowing form;
  • diseases of vessels and hearts;
  • diseases associated with decrease in immunity, among them and diabetes;
  • skin diseases in acute form.

The disadvantages of manipulation include the impossibility of eliminating deep wrinkles and scars. In rare cases, complications are possible. Cosmetologists do not recommend resorting to the procedure.

Enzymatic peelings contain various types of enzymes:

  • vegetable;
  • bacterial origin;
  • animal origin.

All listed species in their structure and properties are similar to skin proteases. More acceptable for the procedure of enzymes Ficin, Aktinidin, Bromeline and Papain. In various ratios, they are kept in fruits, stems or leaves of lemon, blueberries, pomegranate, pumpkins, mango, figs, kiwi, coconut, pineapple, papaya and other fruits.

Consider some enzyme enzyme properties:

  • Arbutin is characterized by bleaching effects carried out due to the oppression of melanin synthesis. Tyrosinase inhibitor contains Caucasian blueberries, pears, lingonberry grass, tolnikany.
  • Aktinidin is responsible for cleansing skin covers from dead particles, which is due to the ability of the substance to eliminate peptide bonds in amino acids inside the protein. Contained in Kiwi.
  • Fitizin is deleted by the removal of the dead cells, in parallel to stimulating the process of collagen generation. Ingredient is contained in the leaves and juice of figs in fig.
  • Bromeline, in addition to the ability to gently and gently depart chickened cells, characterized by powerful lipolytic, healing, anti-ethnic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. Bromelain is obtained from pineapples.
  • Sorbin is a symbiosis of enzymes contained in 2 fruits: papaya and lemon. In the tandem, they have a stimulating effect on the process of updating the cells, which occurs due to the removal of their buried layers.
  • Papain contained in the fruits papaya is distinguished by a triple effect:
  1. Removal of dead cells.
  2. Antimicrobial action.
  3. Hydrolysis of proteins to amino acids.

If you continue to compare acidic and enzyme peeling, the latter acts more aggressively and radically, it is designed to eliminate wrinkles. Bioenzimatic impact with enzyme peeling, as can be seen in the photo, does not leave tracks at all. Manipulation is designed to care and eliminate small skin anomalies.

The proteases of animal origin include:

  • Lysozyme. It has anti-inflammatory, as well as bactericidal action, strengthens the immune system. Lysozyme destroys cell walls and intercellular cement. The enzyme is obtained from egg protein.
  • Pancreatin has lipolytic, amylolytic, as well as proteolytic impact. Located in the pancreas of cows and pigs.
  • Himotrypsin, obtained from the pancreas of cattle, catalyzes the splitting of peptides and proteins.
  • Tripsin, like the previous substance, chymotrypsin, is extracted from the pancreas of cows. This is a representative of serine proteases that stimulate the splitting of proteins and peptides.
  • Pepsin can split proteins to peptides. The active substance is in the mucous tissues of the stomach calves, sheep and pigs.

The best enzyme peeling provide bacterial enzymes: tramaz and subtilisin. The first is often introduced into the composition of cosmetic drugs having a whitening effect.

For the greatest efficiency, complexes of farmstative peels are complemented by dairy enzymes and proteins.

Sessions can be carried out in the cabin or in domestic conditions. Before you begin, you must make sure that there are no contraindications.


As already noted, the manipulation precedes the check, as a result of which it is determined how sensitive skin is sensitive. Only make sure that there is no significant deviation from the norm, and the enzyme peeling will not affect the skin condition, you can begin the procedure.

In the salons, it is allowed to use more efficient preparations that differ in deep exposure.


The procedure consists of 3 stages:

  1. Preparation. At this stage, the skin is prepared for the cleansing procedure: makeup and contamination are removed. To do this, you must first wash the face, and then apply a special adaptogen solution on its surface. Its active substances warn afterprident redness and prepare skin cover to peeling. Due to the solution, the rehabilitation processes in the skin tissues are faster and easier.
  2. Application of the drug with enzymes. The gel is evenly distributed over the skin and left at least 10 minutes (no more than half an hour). The time of manipulation depends on the type of skin and its condition. Tingling, and sometimes burning when conducting a session is the norm. They can be barely noticeable or pronounced.
  3. Removing the means. Depending on the chosen type of the enzyme and how the enzyme peeling is applied, it can be removed differently: roll together with the remnants of the rated epithelium, simply wash off with running water or pre-disinfected with a neutralizer, and then wash off.
  4. At the last stage, you need to apply a moisturizing nutrient to face. Any rejuvenating procedures, such as lifting, mechanical cleansing, etc. are also allowed.

Experimental leather, or peeling, requires afterpromedore care.

The result of enzymes must be fixed. No special skin care is required. It is important to relate to it more careful than usual: not allow to directly enter the sun's rays, wash with boiled water. Cosmetologists recommend applying moisturizing and sunscreens.

Afterprident care also implies minimal use of cosmetics. You can not touch the face with your hands and apply tonal creams on it. You can use lung caring tools.

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, the course of enzyme peeling can be held no more than once every six months. The standard version of the procedure includes from 8 to 10 manipulations, the interval between which should be at least a week.

On the provided photos before and after the enzyme peeling, it can be seen how the skin looked like to carry out processing and after. It is advisable to refer to professional cosmetologists that will determine the type of skin and its sensitivity, will pick up the optimal fermented composition. Even with home manipulation, it is desirable to obtain recommendations for the use of peeling.

In different salons, the cost of the procedure varies from 500 to 3.5 thousand rubles. The price is assigned individually depending on:

  • salon status;
  • brands of the fund used;
  • location and area of \u200b\u200bproblem areas.

The average cost of the minimum course (4-5 sessions) is 7-8 thousand rubles.

Women apply an enzyme peeling to get rid of wrinkles, consequences of youthful acne, pigment spots and other skin disorders. In most cases, they get the effect of greater expected. Manipulations are shown at any age. They not only eliminate the skin flaws, but also serve their prevention. Regular visit to the cosmetic salon prolongs youth. Fermestrative peeling will be more efficient if it combines it with other procedures carried out at certain time intervals. The skin rejuvenation program will help to make a professional cosmetologist.

Marina Ignatiev - Editor Heading "Beauty" of the magazine Colady, master of hairstyles and makeup.


Enzyme peeling is another very effective means to get young skin, impeccable complexion and getting rid of hated acne, extended pores, acne, black dots, mimic wrinkles, pigment spots, scars and scars from inflammation. Enzyme peeling helps to remove all these flaws from the skin surface, it stimulates the refreshment and skin rejuvenation. Read: Is it possible to do?

Enzyme peeling - how it works

At the heart of means for enzyme peeling - enzymes and chemicals who have the ability to effectively depart epidermis oroging cells. The new layer of the skin, which remains after the procedure, no longer has those flaws that were previously. Thanks to enzyme peeling, you can perform acne prevention, adjust skin essence . Small wrinkles on the face disappear because the skin acquires tone and elasticity , stretched. All types of hyperpigmentation are also eliminated using enzyme peeling, and this type of peeling is shown almost for all skin types. Enzyme peeling is good because the effect of its execution can be seen almost immediately after the procedure.
Enzyme peeling happens surface and deep. Surface enzyme peeling is performed for skin having minor disadvantages. Deep enzyme peeling is able to eliminate with epidermis even neoplasm cells that lead to skin cancer.

Some drugs for enzyme peeling contain enzymes These are contained in most fruits and plants - pineapples, sugar cane, manuk, kiwi, grapes, orange, grapefruit, wheat, papaya, green apples, aloe vera, pumpkin, etc. Most salon enzyme peels with more concentrated solutions of acids are much more efficient on the skin with significant disadvantages, eliminating even the effects of acne, scars, pigment stains. Enzyme peeling is also good rejuvenating procedure which gives freshness and elasticity of age-related skin.
Since only a professional cosmetologist can correctly choose the concentration of enzyme peeling tools necessary for your skin, enzyme peeling is best done in the cosmetic salon And do not conduct experiments on your skin at home.

The procedure of enzyme peeling - how often do you need to do?

Enzyme peeling refers to the most gentle types of chemical peeling, and therefore it can be done on average 1-2 times a week Depending on the individual skin reaction to it. With dry skin it is recommended to perform enzyme peeling no more than once a week . With a very fat, problematic, combined skin face Enzyme peeling can be performed from 2 to 4 times a week . If your skin has a tendency to rash acne, then the enzyme peeling cannot be performed. It is usually enough two procedures of enzyme peeling, with a pause a week . The following course of enzyme peeling can be performed. no earlier than 5-6 months .
In the question of choosing the number of necessary procedures for enzyme peeling, rely on consultation of a professional cosmetologist. It is impossible to perform enzyme peeling with a significant exceeding the concentration of solutions and the number of procedures, otherwise you can cause the opposite effect - the skin will lose elasticity and healthy appearance, it will become dry and irritated, hyperpigmentation will appear on it.

The results of enzyme peeling. Photo before and after enzyme peeling

Enzyme peeling has a unique ability to leak healthy look and smooth tone, raise tone, elasticity, skin elasticity, eliminate small disadvantages - Package, scars, pigment stains, neoplasms from the skin surface, level the skin relief, make it smooth and shining. But, however, you should not pin down on enzyme peeling hopes for deliverance from deep wrinkles, rough scars and scars - this peeling is able to eliminate only Small shortcomings Because it is superficial.

Indications for the implementation of enzyme peeling

  • Dark spots, hyperpigmented leather, uneven face tone.
  • Package, scars And stains after acne.
  • Oily skin with high saloon, mixed skin.

Contraindications for enzyme peeling

  • Allergic reactions, intolerance to the means used for enzyme peeling.
  • Any skin diseases in the aggravation stage.
  • Infectious skin diseases.
  • Againted herpes.
  • Sugar diabetes, cardiovascular diseases.
  • Injured skin, sun burns, fresh tan.

Approximate prices for enzyme peeling procedure

The average established price for enzyme peeling in cosmetology salons of Moscow and St. Petersburg is within from 500 to 2500 rubles For one procedure. The price of this procedure depends on the selected cabin.