Physiology and general information about the female breast. We study the structure of the female breast

The main function of the women's mammary glands is feeding offspring, but no one can challenge the fact that in some extent they define the attractiveness of a woman and even its psychological comfort.

In addition, women's breasts are tender and sensitive part of the body, requiring a careful, careful relationship.

So, what features is women's lactic iron: structure and function, tissue ratio, shape, weight?

The chest begins to form in the womb (about the 5th month), but before the start of puberty, it remains in the infancy of both boys and girls.

Intensive growth and development of the bust in adolescents of female begins at the age of 10-12, when the concentration of hormones begins in the blood of a future woman.

By December 16-17, the bust is already practically formed, although its growth may be noted for another 3-4 years. The structure, shape and size of the breast in each particular case are individual - moreover, one breast in a woman may differ from the second.

Blood supply

The blood supply of the mammary glands is carried out of three different blood vessels:

  • rear intercostal arteries;
  • internal chest artery;
  • side chest artery.

The rear intercostal vessels ensure the blood supply to the inner and side of the chest, but the main arteries of the mammary glands are internal breast. Its branches are located near the ribs directly next to the sneaker.

Areolas and nipples are supplied with blood from the branching arteries that form a branched network in the skin. Venous drainage of the chest is carried out with the help of deep and surface veins, which are located under the skin and in deeper layers of the tissue.

The lymph system of the breast performs drainage of lymphs in several directions, and 30-40 lymph nodes, located under the breasts, above the clavicle and in the armpits prevent the spread of alien microorganisms.

Through the fabric of the breast, there are many nerve fibers and endings, which causes the so-called irradiation of pain in the chest in the diseases of the back and spine.

Breast shape and size

The size of the mammary glands depend on several factors - some of them are laid at birth, while others - throughout the life of a woman:

  1. genetic predisposition. Maternal genes are influenced by the bust, as well as the genes of other relatives;
  2. weight. Breast size depends on the total number of adipose tissue in the body. Accordingly, when set of additional kilograms, the dairy glands may increase in size, and girls who sit on strict diets, they decrease. At the same time, with an increase in the number of adipose tissue, the breast may be saved and lose elasticity;
  3. anatomical features of Figure. As a rule, in fragile, thin women, the bust is small, and large women have quite impressive;
  4. hormonal background. Under the action of hormones, the bust may increase what happens during pregnancy.

If we talk about breast form, then there are several classifications that characterize and describe different types of busts.

Types of busts

Generally accepted classification allocates the following breast forms:

  • disk - the chest has a small height and a wide foundation;
  • hyshops - the diameter and height of the breast almost coincide;
  • cone (pear) - the height of the chest is much greater than the width of the base;
  • sOLOS. - the structure is almost identical to conical shape, but the nipple is directed down.

There is a classification that describes not only the form of bust, but also the nature of its owner. Thus, the milk iron in the form of buds characterizes the woman as irritable nature, the round breasts are inherent in passionate and sensitive girls, an elongated bust - good and soft representatives of the beautiful sex.

Video on the topic

Lecture on the topic "Building and function of the mammary glands":

The breast shape may vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and other factors. During pregnancy, the chest increases, during the lactation, it becomes even more, and after feeding the child, it, as a rule, becomes the same shape and size.

Milk glands serve not only with a symbol of femininity and sexuality. Their main function is the production of milk to feed the newborn baby. Therefore, they have a structure that ensures this function.

The dairy glands are located on the chest at the level of 3-6 ribs on the surface of a large thoracic muscle. They are modified sweat glands and persist in men in rudimentary form throughout life. In women, with the beginning of puberty, their increases occur. The greatest development and size of the chest glands reaches in the last month of pregnancy, but the full allocation of milk begins only in the postpartum period.

Each milk iron of a female woman consists of a glandular fabric that is separated by a fatty and connective tissue. The interlayer of dense connective tissue shares the entire gland to 15-20 fractions, each of which is divided in turn into smaller slices. The entire space between the fractions is filled with a fatty tissue, which is also a lot at the base of the gland (in the place of attaching it to the chest).

The size and volume of the mammary glands depends on the number of adipose tissue. The connecting fabric fastens the gland to the muscles of the sternum and holds it on the spot, not allowing you to crawl down. It is from its strength and elasticity that the form of the breast is depends on, as well as its location and appearance - a higher or dug. Therefore, there is a variety of dimensions and shape of the thoracic glands in women. Sometimes there are additional shares or even glands in women who are best removed, as they can provoke the development of cancer.

The iron mammary fabric itself consists of a plurality of separate Milky glands located in the slices of the gland. Milky glands in turn consist of branching tubes that have extensions at the ends. These extensions have a form of microscopic bubbles and are called alveoli. In alveoli, which are secretory pieces of glands, milk is formed, which is displayed by tubes. The terminal pipes of the tubes are referred to as Milky Duchs and switch to Milky Sinuses that open on the nipples.

The nipple is available on each breast and is located in its center. It is surrounded by AREOLAS - a pigmented area of \u200b\u200bleather. Here there is a large number of nerve endings and sebaceous glands. It is nervous endings that provide milk isolation during the touch of a child to the nipple. They also provide nipples with high sensitivity, turning them into an erogenous zone.

Breasts develop and modify along with a change in the age of a woman.

How the milk iron develops with age

In the embryos, breast glands are laid up to 6 weeks from conception, and by 4 months of intrauterine life, the first Milky Ducts appear. Nipples and apricots are formed by the fetus for 7 months of uterine life. The gradual growth and development of the dairy glands goes through the first two years of the child's life. By 3 years, nipples are fully formed.

Before the start of puberty, the breasts in girls are in a similar condition, in which there are no alveira, and the Milky glands have a form of short tubes without branching.

During the puberty of estrogens, which are produced by the ovaries, cause the length of the tubes in length, their branches, and the formation of the primaries of the alveoli. At the same time, an increase in the number of connective and adipose tissue is observed, so iron increases and acquires the appropriate form.

With the beginning of regular menstruation of the dairy glands tolerate cyclic monthly changes. Thus, the second phase of the cycle produces progesterone, which provokes the development of Alveol. But the duration of its production is very small, because of which, by the beginning of the next cycle, the alveoli disappear again, and without having completely.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, there may be a feeling of heat, gravity, pain in lactic glands. These processes are due to the action of hormones. If the pain is strong and last up to 2 weeks, then this can signal about cyclic medium, which is accompanied by violations in water and hormonal metabolism in the body. Such a state requires consultation from a doctor to obtain recommendations for the treatment for avoiding pathological changes.

Full formation of the alveoli occurs during pregnancy. At the same time, the growth of iron fabric under the action of the hormone produced is observed. The chest increases in size, becomes dense. Nipples and Areola acquire more pronounced pigmentation. Thus, breast glands are preparing to fulfill their main task - feeding the child.

In the first few days after childbirth, the dairy glands remain soft and painless during palpation, colostrums are allocated. At about the third day, the chest is poured, increases in size and begins to allocate milk. Different women lactation can be different - abundant or scant, short or long. Sometimes milk may stand for some time after the cessation of breastfeeding. The return of the chest to the usual state after lactation can last up to 5 years.

A condition in which very abundant milk selection is observed is the name of the galactoreau. In such cases, mandatory consultation with a physician, which can prescribe medication therapy with means that suppress prolactin hypersecrection, as well as the conduct of a cytological study of the discharge from nipples.

At about the age of 40-50 years, women begin hormonal changes, which are due to the beginning of the climax and the onset of menopause. These physiological processes are normal, however, with them the adaptation capabilities of the body decrease and violations of the hormonal balance in the body can occur.

Influence of hormones on breast glands

Chest glands are under constant impact of hormones. They have the influence of pituitary hormones, the bark of the adrenal glands, the pancreas and the thyroid gland and, of course, the ovarian hormones. According to the status of mammary glands and their appearance, one can judge the presence of violations of hormonal status. The dependence of the development of pathological changes of the mammary glands in women suffering from mioma, endometriosis, polypami, endometrial hyperplasia. Mastopathy with ironplasia of iron tissue most often occurs in women with endometriosis. In patients with uterine, fibrous or fibrous-cystic mastopathy form often develops.

If a woman suffers from polycystic ovarian syndrome, there are involutive changes in the mammary glands, expressed in fibrous fat restructuring or fat transformation. In cases where endometrial hyperplasia is joined to the polycystic ovarian syndrome, adenosis is determined in the chest. If a patient has exhausted ovarian syndrome, then fatty transformation is observed in breast glands.

In cases where women have a congenital defect for the development of ovaries, the chest is missing completely or may have a kind of fatty crease. When prescribing hormone therapy, the structure of the chest is restored.

In case of early menopause in women (up to 35 years) and resistant ovarian syndrome, the main mass of the mammary glands and fibrous structures are made.

In the course of research, as well as data analysis, it was found that more often the diseases of the mammary glands are observed in no giving birth, non-nursing breasts, as well as women who did not live in the sexual life of women.

The risk of diseases of the mammary glands increases:

In addition, risk factors are:

  • obesity;
  • tumors and cysts of uterus and ovarian;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • milk glands pathology (injuries, mastitis);
  • ovarian cancer, chest, uterus in close relatives;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland.

If a woman has more than 3 factors at the same time, then there are constant thorough examinations.

Preventive diagnostics of the status of the mammary glands

The number of women having diseases of the mammary glands is growing every year. Therefore, every woman should be aware of the methods of diagnosis and examination of the chest glands.

Diagnostics are 2 types:

For women at the age of more than 35 years, it is necessary to pass an ultrasound and mammography of the mammogram for the prevention of cancer.


One of the most common diseases of the dairy glands with a benign character is mastopathy. Under this title, a whole group of breast diseases is hidden, in which there is a violation in the quantitative ratio of connecting, fatty and iron tissues.

Today, medicine knows about 50 types of fibrous-cystic mastopathies. However, only 2 varieties of mastopathy have clinical interest:

  • without proliferation and atypics;
  • with proliferation and atipia.

Proliferation - active cell division. Atiphy - the presence of cells that have external differences from healthy cells. These are not cancer cells, however, their structure differs from the structure of conventional breast cells.

Mastopathy is divided into diffuse and narrowing. At the last in the chest, a seal is found. For diffuse mastopathy, multiple diffuse seals are characterized.

Each kind of mastopathy has its own classification. So, among nodes, mastops are distinguished:

Diffuse mastopathy are divided into:

  • adenosis (with the predominance of the ferrous component);
  • fibroadenosis (with a predominance of the fibrous component);
  • fibrocistrosis (with the predominance of a cystic component);
  • sclerosing adenosis;
  • mixed form.

According to statistical data, approximately 60-90% of women suffer from mastopathy for one form or another. Many do not attach the values \u200b\u200bto the presence of this disease, which is unacceptable. After all, mastopathy can be a predisposing factor for the development of benign tumors. In addition, mastopathy increases the chances of sick breast cancer several times. Therefore, when the slightest changes in the structure of the informs are found, their appearance should be asked for help from a specialist in order to begin treatment in time and prevent the development of more serious diseases.

Every woman in order to prevent the development of diseases of the mammary glands, should know how the female chest is arranged and from what is the female breast.

Features of the structure

The process of formation and development of the chest occurs as girls grow up. So, in the period of it in the mammary glands, the milky ducts begin to develop, which only partially penetrate directly into the body of the breast.

As is known, the main function of the female in the female, like all mammals, is breastfeeding breast milk.

Each breast of women has the same composition and a rather complicated device. It consists of 15-20 poles and a network of dairy ducts, which in its species is very similar to the bunch of grapes, where the role of berries perform glands, and the stalks are a network of ducts. With a palpation of a healthy breast, the dairy glands are tested as small nodules or cones, which are easiest to find in front of menstruation, as the chest at that moment swells a little.

The space between the individual shares of the mammary glands is filled with both connective and adipose tissues. At the same time, the young girl's chest contains a gland fabric, which explains its elasticity. If the female breast is pretty soft, it indirectly talks about the predominance of adipose tissue in it.

The chest iron itself is practically devoid of muscles, with the exception of nipples. It is completely permeated with a large number of intertwined coopers between themselves, which form the so-called flexible frame of the female breast.


The dark area around the nipple is called Areola. It gradually increases in size with rising chest. As a rule, in this area there are small tubercles - Montgomery glands. Their role is to develop the secret, which protects the nipple from drying and cracking.


Nipples in his The queue has several small holes through which milk is allocated during lactation. Normally, it is rounded or has a cylindrical shape. In some cases, the nipple of a female breast can be flat or drawn inwards, which does not interfere with feeding, in which the baby pulls it out.

The female breast feature is that it is often not symmetrical. One of the mammary glands can have a smaller size or located slightly lower in relation to the other.

The state of the female breast and its appearance varies with age and during the termination of which the breast changes the form.

Welcome to the site of all readers interested in the features of the anatomy of the female bust. Today, our topic is the structure of the breasts of women. And about those changes that are fabricated fabrics in the most exciting and responsible period of the woman's life: during pregnancy and during the feeding of the baby.

Today's review, we want to start with the mention of a common mistake when searching for a response to the question, what is your chest from the point of view of anatomy.

The chest is the bone of the oblong and flat, connecting the ribs into a single construction, and the formative of the thoracic human. The structure of the chest men and women have no special anatomical differences. We will not consider the reference structures of a person in today's review.

The error occurs because the glands located on the front of the chest, just "begin" at the level of the connection of ribs and sternum. If you are interested in the anatomy of the bust, the question will be eligible: what is the structure of the mammary glands? We will now proceed to consider this issues.

Anatomy of beauty

Chest glands - paired soft apocryan glands, considered "wood" of large sweat glands, and included in the reproductive system of women. They are responsible for the production of nutrient fluid (milk) to feed offspring. These are their main function. The glands are formed in the period of Pubertata. They are variable in size and form, but the main anatomical elements for all women are the same:

  • actually iron;
  • fat layer;
  • connective tissue.

Iron Music itself does not contain. When they talk about the structure of the bust and include breast muscles in it - we are talking about a large and small chest muscles located under iron.

In women, after the occurrence of puberty, it depends on both the size of the gland itself and from the reserves of fat around it. And only to a small extent from the training (development) of the chest muscles.

Women's breasts "From the inside"

Rolebral fabric "collected" in a convex duck disc and to protect against damage surrounded by a fat layer. The iron itself has a diameter of 10-12 cm, and its thickness of about 3 cm. The weight of the organ:

  • the young broken girl is about 200 grams;
  • when feeding the baby, the weight of the gland reaches hardly a kilogram (900 grams).

The iron disk consists of cone-shaped poles. Their quantity varies from 15 to 20 pcs.:

  • before feeding them about 15-18 pieces;
  • after breastfeeding - 20 pieces.

Each such chop is a general education for the production and accumulation of milk. All of them have the source - the Milky duct is located in the rather part of the cone, and withdrawing milk outwards.

Dairy ducts ends with milk pores in the zone of the nipple. In the field of pores, the sinuses are expanded and form a sinus for the accumulation of nutrient fluid (milk).

Solutions are surrounded by a connective tissue shell. The elasticity of the breast depends on the state of the latter.

Girls have a fat ratio: glandular fabric in the gland is equally. In women after childbirth, this ratio changes in favor of iron fabric (fat: iron fabric - 1: 2). The volume of the fat layer depends on the caloric content of the diet. With abundant calorie nutrition, fat reserves increase, bust volumes too.

Breast gland is enveloped by a vascular grid that feeds it and reducing decay products. Bust bust of whole 3 artery (internal, lateral and medial breast vessels).

Breasts are surrounded by lymph nodes. These are elements of a human protective system, its immunity. They are "obliged to protect the gentle ferrous tissue from the penetration of pathogens.

Milk iron "densely donated" nerve endings, they have a special concentration in the sac zone, including Area and Nipples. In this zone, the receptors are as close as possible to the surface. This ensures the high sensitivity of the Arajar region, including caressing. For the connection of the infantry with the central nervous system, the branches of the nerves of the visual branches are responsible for the branches of the nerves in the intercostatic spaces.

Bust form options

In the form, it is customary to allocate:

  • hemispheres (breasts are equal in height and in diameter);
  • disks (chest not high in the nipple zone, flattened and wide);
  • cone, in this case, the height of the breast significantly exceeds its diameter.

In the latter case, sometimes the nipple is lowered down, the chest of Ponuro is drawn by the book. Such a structure is called the deputyid.


The rounded area of \u200b\u200bthe skin up to 5 cm in diameter is called the AREOLAS. Normally, it has between 4-5 steam edges. In her center there is a cone or a flat cylindrik - nipple. In large ladies during the lactation period, the sac zone can reach 10 cm in diameter.

The color of the sac can be:

  • pink (girls and women with light skin);
  • dark brown or drowned in women after childbirth or ladies with darker skin.

Saturated coloring of the nipple and theralet retain during pregnancy and feeding. Do not worry, after finishing the feeding of your crumbs, pigmentation will return to normal.

The nipples form Milky Dukes, around which the Dark Plot - Areola is located. Under its skin has a small amount of glands (sebaceous and sweat). The surface of the nipple is chosen by small holes - the output of the milky ducts.

The skin in the sac zone is gentle, thin everything in small folds. On the assolar circle and in the zone of the nipple there is a number of smooth muscle cells, which are reduced at the time of sexual excitation, when touched or contact with cold items, air. These cells ensure the ability of the nipple to decrease in the amount, straining and increasing - when relaxing.

Metamorphosis of wear

During gestation and in the lactation period, a number of transformations occur with breasts:

  • milky ducts are lengthened and branched;
  • alveoli develop;
  • roleborn fabric grow.

These changes occurring in lactic glands are of paramount importance for the production of milk and its accumulation between feeding. During lactation, the bust may increase 3-5 times. But these changes are individual. In some women, breasts increase in volume slightly.

After graduating from feeding the child, the secretory departments of the chest glare decrease. This leads to the return of the bust to the usual sizes.

On this we say goodbye to you. Come on our site again and share our articles with friends through the social network.

Beautiful female breast attracted men's attention at all times!

Before doing something to change or preserve the shape and size of the chest, it is logical to deal with anatomical structure of female breast glands.

Female breast structure

Women's breasts are, above all, a body intended for the nature for the formation of milk and feeding a child. Hence the complex female breast structure.

The female breast consists of mammary glands and dairy ducts, fatty tissue, connective tissue, large and small breast muscles, lymphatic and blood and blood vessels, nerve fibers, skin cover.

Directly, breast covered with a connective capsule, with which it is attached to the clavicle and to a large thoracic muscle. From above there is a fat layer and the actual skin cover.

Breast body Consists of 15-20 strokes located in a circle, in which milk is formed. Each slicing has an output duct. The output ducts, connecting between themselves, open with milky holes on the surface of the nipple. Around the nipple is a strongly pigmented circle - Areola. In Areole, in addition to sweat and sebaceous glands, there are usually about 12 tubercles. These hillocks are increasing during pregnancy, become more convex and ensure the function of the extension.

Around the iron fabric, a fat layer runs between its shares. Body sizes and fat tissue Each woman is individually different.

Female breast physiological changes

The number of female sex hormones varies naturally during the periods of youth, childbirth and breastfeeding, menopause and climax. In these periods of life, age changes occur in lactic glands.

Teenage years

Growth of breast in girls May be observed from 8-9 years depending on genetic predisposition. The chest can grow unevenly, asymmetrically, but by 10-12 years the size of both mammary glands in girls become approximately the same size. The process of formation of mammary glands from modern girls, as a rule, is completed by 15 years.

Children's age

During the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, lactation, a woman feels changes in the lactic glands associated with the amount of hormone produced by the body (estrogen, prolactin and progesterone).

With age, due to the extinction of the ovarian function, the level of sex hormones changes and, accordingly, the appearance and structure of the mammary glands. The volume of iron fabric decreases, its place occupies a fatty fabric, so the chest becomes less elastic.


Upon the occurrence of menopause in a woman, except for atrophy of breakes, atrophy and their connective tissue are exposed. Breast starts to signThe skin on the chest loses elasticity.


In the menopausal period, only large milky ducts surrounded by a connecting and adipous cloth remain in the menu. Large breast disperses. The chest of a small size is possible to keep in a fairly good form.

Note. The atrophy of the rodie gland fabric and its replacement of its adipose tissue can also be observed in young women.

Natural muscular bra

Beautiful shape and elasticity of female breastprovide well-developed, strong muscles chest Both backs, as well as elastic skin, which support the dairy glands in the correct position.

The main muscles, the tone of which affect the state of the female breast is a big and small breast muscles, deltoid, sternum-clarity-cottage, staircase, beak-shabby, trapezivid, front gear muscle, wide back muscle.

Training these muscle groups with special exercises for breast and simulators for the chest, you can add additional chest volume, tighten the lowered chest, make the shape of the chest more beautiful.

In addition, exercises improve blood flow and lymphotok in the tissues of the mammary glands, and therefore provide good nutrition of tissues.

Chest skin condition, also an important factor for maintaining and giving a beautiful breast shape. A quick weight gain, a sharp increase in breast size during pregnancy and breastfeeding can trigger the skin stretching, the appearance of stretch marks, the weakening of the intercidollast binder of the mammary glands, which leads to breast sagging.

Now that you have dealt with female breast structure, it becomes more clear what affects chest growth, its shape, size, elasticity. And with knowledge of the case relates to any boards and means of increasing breasts, by changing its form.

Further, we are consciously apply available secure methods and methods for strengthening and increase breast without surgery at home.

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