The coat of arms of the family is easy and beautiful. How to come up with and draw a family coat of arms? Which symbolizes the color of the family coat

Each closet has shelves intended for storage of things. But often it happens that the places are missing to lay out the entire wardrobe, and not all the furniture has a very convenient internal organization. It is enough to install an additional shelf so that the space is more organized. How to fix the shelves in the closet to make the places more? Take about it and talk.

Installation of additional shelves

Before making the shelves in the closet, you should pay attention to the material from which already existing. Most often the chipboard is used, the thickness of which is 16-18 mm. For cladding, veneer or laminate is used. For fasteners, a variety of ways are applied, but the most common - installation to the side walls.

Preparing the following tools will be required:

  • A thermal tape;
  • Electric drills;
  • Construction level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Sewed;
  • Hammer;
  • Saws (manual or driven).

Important! To perform long cuts, it is better to use a circular saw.

Works are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Check the side walls and the back surface of the cabinet. They should be smooth and at right angles.
  2. Measure the old shelves.
  3. Using a saw, cut the shelf from chipboard.
  4. The thermal edge ribbon is glued to the resulting edge. Combins the edge and tape, strokes well-heated iron.
  5. We place on the side walls of the hole under the shelter. Before mounting shelves in the closet at one level, you will have to apply a construction plumb.
  6. Install the police holders.
  7. Using short self-tapping screws, connect holders and shelf.
  8. To enhance the design, additional bars are used made of the same material as the shelf. Bar can be glued to the front edge. To do this, use special glue for wood and clamps or screws.

Important! For the best organization of the space, the shelf is better to plan in such a way that they can simultaneously store both high and low items. Another good solution is to arrange a short shelf, which has an additional vertical partition.

Types of police holders

Thanks to this accessure, you can not only carry out the mounting shelves in the closet, but also make them more stable. Typically, the distance between the fittings is 5-6 cm.

Fasteners can be of different shapes, values \u200b\u200band colors - it all depends on what functions it must execute. For the manufacture of metal, plastic, as well as their combination - metalplastic.

Metal Cylindrical Fasteners

This is a classic model that is distinguished by strength, reliability and, at the same time, low cost. The main disadvantage is represented by weak fixation. In cylindrical police holders, a small area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the surface of the shelf, therefore, if the load becomes too large, the material is happening. In addition, with such fittings, it does not fix it, and therefore it is possible to move the shelf.

Important! Such accessories is not used to fix the glass shelves, since the point blow can lead to cracks.

Metal fastener in the form of a blade

How to fix the shelves in the closet more securely? For this, fasteners are used in the form of "spatula". In this case, there is an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bcontact. Accessories can cope with a large load, does not fall out of the holes. To fix the shelf, the hole is pre-drilled in it, which is then inserted with a special rod.

Plastic fasteners

Use such fittings is very convenient. It is suitable for chipboard and glass. The main disadvantage is the fragility of the material, because of which it is impossible to store heavy things on the shelves.

Metal-plastic fasteners

This material is very durable, used for glass and chipboard. The greatest distribution is the half-holder, which includes a metal rod and a plastic cap with a flat platform on it. In addition, suction cups are also used to improve fixation.

Stock foot

Make extra shelves in the closet - not the most difficult lesson. If you wish, you can completely get rid of old shelves and remake your cabinet to a new way. To do this, you can use the most different accessories: baskets and diverse stands and drawers.

Family is a separate "state". Here your foundations, rules, hierarchy. As with any state, the family should have his coat of arms. It should express all the family principles and tasks. Often before children put a goal in kindergarten or at school - draw your family coat of arms. So teachers and educators easier to find out what the family lives, what goals have in front of them. On the Internet there are quite a few templates for such drawings, but it is also preferable to draw the coat of arms alone.

Before transferring a family coat of emblem on paper, you should think about how it will look. It is important that all the values \u200b\u200bof the family, views, dreams and prospects are displayed. This is not just a drawing. Family coat of arms make sure that every member of the family is at what place is. It is especially important to analyze it if the drawing drew a child.

It is important to take into account all the nuances: the shape of the coat of arms, its color, alignment of elements, used symbols and motto. All these parts fully characterize family values.

Special science Heraldry helps to correct the coat of arms. But children are not familiar with her, because they paint from the soul. Therefore, the end result always enters the present, sincere, even if visually completed with blots.

The child can turn to the elders and ask his "roots". Then the drawing will be more saturated with elements. Perhaps the family has its own relic, which can be included in the image.

A selection of drawings on which family coat of arms depicted will help create their own option.

If family members have hobbies, hobbies, then they should be used. Psychologists necessarily pay attention, in what order the child puts them. Whose hobby was drawn first, that the child considers the leader in the family.

You should also think about the main motto that will be applied to the family coat of arms. It can be a well-known phrase or personal thoughts. The main thing is that the motto is concise and display the goals and objectives of the family.

What a family seeks to seek, can be displayed not only in the motto, but also on the coat of arms itself.

You can also enter the family name. It will immediately obscure the idea that the family coat of arms is located in front of a person.

The drawing can be supplemented. So the coat of arms will look more voluminous.

Whatever the option is not chosen, it is important that the image does not go into incision with the values \u200b\u200bof the family. Otherwise, such an arms will not become her "face."

Family coat of arms Pictures for school

Often acquaintance with students at school begins with the task of drawing a family coat of arms. Such a drawing for the school will help the teacher to understand what priorities have a family, as far as the child is respectful about their relatives.

What does the teacher pay attention to? The first - did the head of the emblem and his parents helped him or helped him. It will immediately indicate how independent is a schoolboy.

Also an experienced teacher with psychologist's deposits will immediately mark:

  1. What colors use the child: gray, black shades will point to an depressed psychological state.
  2. How he will place the coat of arms on paper: draws it a small or drawing will take the entire sheet (the second option suggests that attention is paid to family values).
  3. For how many elements, it is divided: if there are 4 member family in the family, and there are only 3 cells from the hobbies of relatives, for example, with one family member of the child in a child. He obviously ignores him.
  4. Is there a child in the figure "I": some children are a separate place on the coat of arms leave their image. If such a prototype is in the center, then the child has egoistic inclinations and considers itself the center of the family "Universe".

Teachers after analyzing the family coat of arms are sure to ask for a schoolboy about him personally, recommend to present their drawing. It is easier to produce a pedagogical analysis.

Before starting a creative process, an action plan should be developed. And he must include items:

  • selection of the form of coat of arms;
  • choice of color scheme;
  • selection of one or more basic characters;
  • additional elements that emphasize the individuality of the family coat of arms;
  • writing a devise.

From the correct visual presentation also depends a lot. Therefore, you can bring a drawing to school in a frame under glass.

How to draw a family coat of emblem grade 5, step by step

Figy-graders - independent guys with their vision of what is happening. They openly approach the task and try to reflect the foundations as truthfully in the picture. If high school students can embellish the coat of arms in order to idealize it, then 5th grade students practically do not hide information. This principle allows teachers to learn the disciples and their families.

To understand how to draw a family coat of arms in grade 5, a step-by-step action algorithm should be developed.

At first, the concept of the drawing should be considered: what a symbolism will be able to fully characterize the family, which hobbies and values \u200b\u200bare considered key, etc.

At this stage, it is important to give the time to the child himself to comprehend the topics of the coat of arms.

Now you should decide on the form. It can be different: simple or more complicated. In grade 5, children can draw even the most bizarre forms. If you give them fantasy freedom, then the original family emblem can "be born".

If the form is cored, it is better to use the template. You can use a ruler with geometric pattern templates or print such from the Internet.

Then you should choose the background. It is important to have initial knowledge of the color selection: the colors must be combined with each other. It is also important to keep a sense of measure. Too catchy colors will distract from the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe family coat of arms.

Now you can go to the content of the coat of arms. What can be the central image:

  • photography of the family;
  • general hobby, passion;
  • kind of activity (family);
  • symbols that personify the family as a whole or each of its member separately.

Such symbols include animals, plants, birds, mythical beings, etc. Children in grade 5 are already familiar with mythology, therefore you can use this topic. For example, take a griffin or phoenix as symbolism.

It is important to pay attention to the small details and the framing of the coat of arms. Schoolchildren at such age can be beautifully drawn ornament.

In the middle of the coat of arms can be divided into several parts. Each is dedicated to a separate family member. You can depict the object that characterizes a person. For example, flowers, if mom is fond of floristic, or piano if dad musician.

Below can be written the family name or general motto.

The coat of arms can be fully drawn or can partially use the application. There are also coloring - family emblems.

Family coat of arms Drawings of children in kindergarten, step by step

Drawings of children in kindergarten are diverse. They paint the family coat of arms. That's just acquaintance with him, caregivers begin in medium and older groups. Children in a nursery and younger group are too small to realize the essence of this task. But the older children will be able to learn how to draw a family coat of arms correctly and present it already in kindergarten.

Make the task follows step by step. At first, educators are obliged to conduct a familiarized conversation:

  1. Explain what the coat of arms is, his history of occurrence. Episodes from the history about knights and family coat of arms are very fascinated by the Datvore, therefore it can be stopped on it.
  2. To tell what the family coat of emblem is different from simple.
  3. Done an important point - you need to draw, relying on your family.
  4. Talk about the main components of such an arms.

From the technical side, the procedure will pass like this:

  1. Children must take simple pencils and put the coat of arms on paper.
  2. Now draw additional items. You can also cut them out of colored paper and glue the coat of arms to the contour.
  3. With the help of paints, markers or color pencils draw each element.
  4. So that the coat of arms be volumetric, individual elements can be cut and glued with glue.
  5. You can also use sequins, stickers, stickers.

It is important to explain to children the structure of the coat of arms. If they know from what it should consist, they will be able to draw a faster faster.

Family coat of arms has such components:

At the first acquaintance of children in kindergarten with a family coat of arms should not be immediately taken for complex options. You need to start with a simple thing that the children realize the essence of the process, understood their task.

Over time, the process becomes more complicated, and in the preparatory group, children can mascerate more complex sketches of the coat of arms.

Coat of arms Family drawings for kindergarten sample patterns

If in kindergarten gave the task to draw the coat of arms of the family, then samples and patterns will be useful. They will quickly cope with the task, as well as inspire new ideas. Such drawings for kindergarten should fully disclose the themes, also the child must present his work, tell why this coat of arms he considers the personification of his family.

Below are 3 options worthy of becoming an example.

Very symbolic drawing: Each element personifies family member. In the middle - the child (the tree says that he remembers his roots). The pigeon is a symbol of the world (can be attributed to dad), blooming roses - mom, and a good-natured animal - brother or sister.

Another option of the family coat of arms, which depicts the addiction of each family member.

Family coat of arms can take a flower shape or leaflet, for example.

Coat of arms Coloring for children

The coat of arms of the family in the form of coloring for children can become an excellent alternative to the drawing. This option will suit everyone who does not have art talents. It is necessary to just download such a coloring from the Internet, armed with markers, pencils or paints and decorate the coat of arms at its discretion.

The advantage of this method of creating a family coat is that the network you can find very original options. Such can not always come up with and embody on their own. By cons can be attributed to the fact that such images are difficult to adapt under their specific case. If the child wants to enter his motto or incur a photo, then this should be harmonized with what is already depicted on paper.

Examples 5 such coloring:

Pictures on the topic Family emblem Options

Pictures on the topic "Family coat" can be diverse. If the child has a bright fantasy and developed creative abilities, then you can be sure that the family coat of emblem will come out unusual.

The best 3 options will show that you should not avoid experiments. The main thing is to portray everything truthfully. Sometimes the child is difficult to choose the right images that completely characterizes each family member. A small help for adults and now the family-run coat of arms is ready.

Small, but bright option:

Family coat of arms of elevated complexity:

Option simpler:

Coat of arms Family Figure 6 class with description

The sixth grader can make a complex applique or drawing - the coat of arms of the family. Children of this age are skillfully addressed paints, glue and scissors. In grade 6, children are already aware of the purpose of this classes - to tell about your family through symbols. Therefore, seriously suitable for the creation of the coat of arms.

It will be implicitly looked, if you make it volumetric. For this, the drawing must be not drawn, but lay out from individual cutting parts. Such an applique resembles books with volumetric patterns when the picture is not just glued to paper, but there is a distance between them.

Figure - coat of arms Family of a child grade 6 with a description:

Here is such a family coat of arms can make a sixth grader with his own hands. At the top you can specify the family name. If the place allows, this element can be placed in the bottom.

The emblem himself has a classic form, but framed by monograms. This is a successful combination, because too complex the form of the coat of arms "pulled" would be attention to yourself.

Selected yellow background - symbol of wealth, coziness, warmth. The drawing "into the point" will give originality.

You can also choose other colors if you need to convey other information:

In the middle of the coat of arms is not divided into separate parts. The horse symbolizes loyalty, nobility, generosity. The color of the horse is white, which is also symbolic. This indicates purity of thoughts, kindness.

At the top above the coat of arms is a photo of the family. From this photo itifies family comfort and love. Below is the main motto of the family.

Monogram coat of arms are degraded in different colors. Against the background of a classic yellow background it looks appropriate.

Each element of the coat of arms is cut and glued on paper. This material is useful to the child:

  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • billets in the form of a photo, prints of monograms and coat of arms.

How to draw the coat of arms of the family drawing 4 class, in detail

To explain in detail the child in 4th grade, how to draw the coat of arms of the family, you should first tell the story of its occurrence. The coat of arms first appeared in the 10th century and first indicated the ownership of a person.

After a small preservation, children will be much easier to portray what they have thought.

In the 4th grade, the guys have every chance to make the emblem of a more complex shape. At first, they should determine the form and "filling" of the coat of arms. The middle can be divided into parts: equal or not.

After the desired background color is selected, you can proceed to active action:

  • take a pencil and make sketch of the coat of arms;
  • with the help of paints or markers, decorate the "mid";
  • to write a family motto with a beautiful handwriting (you can enter even family surname);
  • outline the contours of the coat of arms. If there are shortcomings, they should be eliminated;
  • fill the background around the coat of arms. To do this, choose light tone (sand, cream, etc.).

You can also use a family photo. If you harmoniously glue her to the coat of arms, then the result will certainly impress others.

If the child cannot come up with himself, as his family coat should look like, you can show him a few examples.

It is also important that the child actively presented his work, told why he chose certain elements, stylistics. This will help others to make a more accurate opinion about him and his family, and also this plus the most student. Such public speeches form a person.

You can tell about your family in various ways: words, with music or video. And you can draw your family coat of arms and include all the values, principles and goals of your family. This is an analysis subject for teachers and educators and pride for children.


Family coat of arms will be inherited and currently few families have the emblem of their kind. They remained only among families with noble roots and pedigree. But each family can make their own coat of arms. Most often, children are faced with this question when they are asked to come up with and draw their coat of arms of their family. Of course, this coat of arms will not fulfill the fundamental function. His goal will not be identifying family genus. But he will be able to rally all family members for its creation. In addition, school, as well as the program of kindergartens, includes the study of the family tree and the coat of arms of the family.

The path of smallest resistance. Contact your professional organization that is creating heraldry. Orders themselves coat of arms and will be issued on all canons. Find this company is easy on the Internet. Just before agreeing to the creation of your coat of arms, make sure that the company is sufficiently competent in the mention of Heraldry. Otherwise, you will simply get a beautiful picture, the meaning of which will be incomprehensible to the connoisseurs.

The first rule is a combination of materials and colors. In total, 7 colors are used. Two metal colors: gold and. Five enamel colors: green, blue, red, black, purple. If the coat of arms is made of metal (yellow or white), then it is impossible to apply another metal (white on yellow and vice versa). The same applies to enamel. An exception is possible if the coat of arms is divided into sectors.
Remember the symbolism of colors. Golden or yellow - justice, generosity and wealth. Silver (white) - a symbol of innocence and purity. Red is bravery and courage. Blue -, greatness, softness. Green - joy, abundance, hope. Purple - symbol of power. Use only royal blood. Black - humility, prudence and sadness.

Previously, the coat of arms consisted of different details. It included a shield, manta, helmet, crown, motto, shield holder, and so on. Today they use only a shield with a picture applied to it. So, you first need a shield field. It is superimposed on top of it. Choose a figure that the main activity of your family. If you have a dynasty in your family, then place the symbol of medicine on the shield - snake with bowl. If the military, then on the shield there will be a weapon - sword, spear and so on. If desired, place your family's motto under the shield. It should be concise, it is desirable to make it in Latin.

The coat of arms is a symbol of the unity of the kind, his place in society, reflecting the basic vital values \u200b\u200band priorities of the family. The coat of arms possess a few, since initially he was considered an indicator of belonging to the noble class. However, now with it, you can simply perpetuate your family or create a dynasty.


Heraldry gives people the opportunity to show their individuality. After all, the coat of arms is primarily a kind. The coat of arms that developed according to the laws of Heraldry and the colors will protect their owner, unite the genus, giving it hardness, vitality and bringing prosperity and success.

Create a family coat of arms in several ways.

Russia until 1917 was a mighty empire, whose power was exclusively people of noble origin. Each kind had a long story and naturally, an integral sign of aristocracy -. This is already after collectivization and delaping, all became comrades and proletariat.

Put on both sides of the future coat of arms of the figure in the form of heraldic (griffins, lions, eagles, angels). At the bottom of the emblem, place the platform - the base on which it will hold, for example, the pedestal from. Instead of the foundation, you can use the tape on which you need to write a family's motto. It may be any or aphorism having a lot for the kind. The color of the tape must correspond to the main color tone of the coat of arms.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Browse your family archive. Maybe you feel about the descendants of the nobleman who had a symbolism. Then just redraw it and use it.

An important role in heraldry has colors. As a rule, seven shades are used. For metal - silver and gold, and even enamel is green, red, blue, black and purple. Purple color was used when creating the coat of arms of kings. In Heraldry, it is impossible to impose enamel on enamel and metal for metal.


  • family coat of arms

Family is a special symbol that combines all representatives of the same kind. For several centuries ago, he was attached great importance, today the creation of a symbolic image is fault.


Look for sources available to you information about the emergence of the family. You may have a few noble class, and your kind in antiquity has already been coat of arms. In this case, it can be taken and transferred to modern materials, without the manufacture of a new picture.

If you need to create coat of arms With a blank sheet, then pre-identify the values \u200b\u200bof your family, its merits to society and distinctive characteristics. For example, if any of your relatives designed, then the image of the fighter can be placed in the center of the figure.

Think what illustrations will be needed to the most accurately characterize the listed values. If you can not pick up yourself, seek help to other family members, because drawing up coat of armsand is collective creativity.

The family coat of arms of the family, no worse than the photo of its members, is able to capture the memory of relatives, demonstrate cohesion and unity of generations. This is an artistic image that reflects personal qualities, the occupation or achievement of family members. Pictures for family coat of arms have a deep meaning, so it's not so easy to choose them. To make it easier for you to understand how you can depict the family symbol, decide on the form, color and figures, there is a special science - heraldry. Relying on this ancient and interesting science, we picked up a few useful, simple and understandable recommendations for you. You can create a family emblem that will decorate your home, part of your history and pedigree. And to describe and demonstrate the result of your joint creativity with its descendants will be a beautiful family tradition.

How can you draw a family coat of arms with your own hands in stages

The emblem must be not just an image, but correspond to certain canons. This should look like a drawing according to the rules of Heraldry:

  • The main element is drawn in the form of a shield.
  • Bocames should be shield holders (animal figures, floral ornament).
  • At the bottom of the shield framed with a ribbon with a family motto.

In the photo you see the template of the family coat of emblem drawn by a pencil. It is indicated, as precisely and in which sequence items should be located. Each component parties plays a special role and has its meaning. These features should be considered when drawing up an image so that it is not only bright and beautiful, but also symbolic. And now it is time to turn to Heraldry again and talk, how to draw a family coat of arms with your own hands with the help of these elements, tell us about their role and find out what they are intended for.


The shield was chosen as the most important and large component of the emblem, and it is not by chance. Previously there was a belief, it he protects the family, protects her members from enemies and evil forces. Its form is copied with real battle boards. Therefore, they are striking their diversity, because since the days of the Middle Ages, the knights of different states used to hide the enemy's weapons, the shields of a wide variety of bizarre structures. In heraldry, the following types are distinguished:


  • french (old and new sample)
  • spanish
  • english
  • german
  • polish
  • swiss
  • italian


  • square
  • diamond
  • round
  • oval

You can guess the name that national shields reflected before the location of the genus and the country of its origin. Such figures look much more attractive and intricate, but also to portray them more difficult. So how to draw family coat of arms will also want your children, drawings are better to choose simple - oval, rhombus, circle or square. With such a task, your sons and daughters will definitely cope. And you can give the will of fantasy and come up with your own option. So your image will become even more individual, special and interesting.

On the shield placed images related to family members. Although they are in a single space, they must be distinguished to be clear, whose line and drawings did not merge into one incomprehensible, chaotic and disorderly set. To do this, the shield is divided into several parts, each of which is placed a symbol of a particular genus.

Figures of the coat of arms

They carry the meaning of the emblem, transmit important information about family members. The figures are divided into heraldic and negrolegal. Consider their main differences and types.


They are depicted in the form of direct, oblique or broken lines and have a conditional meaning. In heraldry, they are accepted for honorary and simple. Honorary occupy a large area on the shield, about one third. These include:

  • chapter
  • end
  • belt
  • poll
  • sling
  • rafter

The drawn family coat of arms describe, starting from the shield, and immediately followed by the description of the honorable figures. Simple - these are their modifications: reduced, trimmed twin. These include circles, pyramids, diamonds, arcs.


These are all other symbolic images: people, animals, plants, items. They are also divided into two groups:

  • natural (images of plants, animals, people, heavenly shining, natural phenomena)
  • artificial (images of non-living items: blades, horseshoes)

The choice of shape is a responsible and important stage when creating a family coat of arms. Let's look at the symbolism of the most common figures and their meaning.

  • lion - power and courage
  • pigeon - harmony
  • dog - Eternal Devotion
  • oak - character hardness, resistance
  • fish - Material well-being
  • bee - Diligence, Love for Labor
  • dragon - Power
  • rooster - Combat
  • phoenix - Revival, Immortality, Eternity
  • swan - affection, loyalty
  • book - Knowledge, Mind, Wisdom

You can use these symbols, combine them, thus reflecting the individual set of the qualities of each family member. And if there is a desire to invent something from your own - come up with your characters. For example, animals that personify you or subjects associated with the profession: for a musician is his tool, a red cross for a doctor, a board and a pointer for the teacher.

Which symbolizes the color of the family coat

The color also plays an important role in making the emblem of your pedigree. Each of them is of particular importance and meaning. Here are the main and most popular colors in Heraldry:

  • white - innocence and purity
  • yellow, Golden - Justice, virtue, generosity
  • blue, Blue - Truth, Vera
  • red - love, courage
  • green - youth, freedom
  • black - humility, humility, modesty
  • purple - prudence, dignity

Colors can be used both for painting the main element - shield, and for additional, parts, images, background, letters and figures. They can be combined to designate several important and significant qualities at once.

Family motto

At the bottom of the shield is a ribbon framing the family coat of arms. The motto of the family is written on it - a brief speech, having a special meaning for members of your kind. Perfect if you already have it. If not - it does not matter. Gather and come up with it with relatives. Use words denoting your family principles, credo, glances. Also, the motto can serve as a proverb, saying, a winged expression. It was long ago that the most popular are wise sayings in Latin.

How to organize a presentation

How to draw a family coat of arms in templates, we have already disassembled. But you probably want to show your creation to close friends, relatives and acquaintances. To effectively imagine the emblem - the result of your joint work and the pride of the family, one visual demonstration is not enough. For a description to be interesting, consider in advance and prepare a detailed fascinating presentation. Prepare a compressed small story, talk with guests about shape and color, symbols and figures. Explain why your choice fell on them, that they personify and what's the point is carrying. So you will give guests the opportunity to learn more about your way, will demonstrate the cohesion of family members.

The ideas of family coat of arms do it yourself

The process of creating the emblem may seem difficult, long and troublesome. In fact, it all depends on your mood. If you really want to have a symbol of unity of your relatives, it will seem to you breathtaking and interesting occupation. How to draw a family coat of arms easily? Connect to creating as much relatives as possible so that you have had many original ideas. Together it will be easier for you to find information that will help you in choosing text, colors and drawings. Remember the place, events, dates for your family. Ask, what your favorite classes and hobbies from your parents, children or spouses, list your family values. To miss anything, make a list of what is especially important for you and your loved ones. All this can be used as characters on your emblem. It also makes sense to ask the history of your kind. Probably, events happened in it or there were outstanding personality, whose memory can be reflected on the emblem. And it may be that in your family there were already born ancestors that had their own symbolism. You can borrow it or combine with a new one, reflecting the continuity of generations.

Try in the picture to fit all the most important information about your family. But do not overdo it. It is not worth overloading the drawing, otherwise it will look ridiculous, and to catch the meaning of images and the binding threads will be a challenge. Remember that the optimal number of figures is not more than four. They will be quite enough to demonstrate the distinctive features and features of your family.

How to draw the coat of arms of the family phased

Pencil sketches to do is much better than immediately with paints or felt-powder. In case of failure, the image can be erased by eraser and fix. Collect all the necessary materials, call relatives and take about the case.

  • Take a tight sheet of cardboard or watman. Do not make the coat of arms out of fine paper. It will look less solid, may interfere or break.
  • So that your emblem is big and beautiful, use the format from A4 and more.
  • Using a simple pencil, make an outline. First, draw the shape of the coat of arms and its main elements, then figures and auxiliary elements
  • The figures can be painted on a separate paper sheet or print images, and then cut and glued on top
  • Carefully cut down the contour using scissors or special paper knives. Create unusual decorative elements: patterns, monograms, teeth.
  • Color your emblem bright colors. Watercolor and color pencils for this are not very suitable, it is better to take a gouache, markers, markers, multicolored gel pens to circle lines.
  • For decoration, use the colored paper or tissue with elements, shiny gels, foil. By contour, make a framing from a braid or bright satin ribbon.
  • Place the motto of your kind. Letters can also be cut, make volume, or just write a beautiful original font.
  • Insert your family creativity in the frame and decorate them the wall. Or put the surname coat of arms next to the photo of your family members. It turns out a corner dedicated to your pedigree

As you can see, draw the coat of arms of your family with your own hands, at home, in a circle of loved ones and without the help of specialists, artists and computer technologies. This is an incredibly exciting and creative process in which children and adults will be accelerable. This is not only an interesting and developing type of leisure. Creating a family symbol is a great way to learn a lot of new, interesting and important about your loved ones, pay attention to their positive qualities, remember and survive the happiest moments and events of your life.