Breastfeeding: Tips for breastfeeding moms. Proper breastfeeding: tips for a nursing mother

All the subtleties of breastfeeding. Preparation, the first days, possible difficulties and possibilities for restoring lactation.

Expecting a baby is an exciting and stressful time. Especially troubles arise in the last trimester of pregnancy. Often, before the birth of a baby, repairs are made at home, a bedroom or area for a new family member is allocated, and many necessary things are bought.

But in this whole cycle of affairs, you need to allocate only half an hour a day to prepare for breastfeeding. There is a lot of talk about breastfeeding, and not all of it is sweet and pleasant. Some mothers remember breastfeeding with a tragic expression, a lot of problems and pains, as well as the rapid disappearance of milk.

Do you want breastfeeding to bring joy to both the baby and the mother? Do you want to feed your baby exclusively with your own milk, and minimize the risk of milk “burning out”? Then the first thing to do is to prepare carefully!

It is better to start preparing for breastfeeding in the second trimester of pregnancy.

The purpose of the exercises: to tune in to breastfeeding as positively as possible, and also to prepare the still tender nipples for daily tests.

Remember, unprepared breasts mean cracks, inflammation, temporary weaning, and subsequently the risk of transferring to artificial feeding.

The most important thing is a positive attitude. From the moment you saw the cherished two stripes on the test, and until the moment you decide to wean the baby from the breast, you need to remain calm. Move away from all problems, conflicts, life situations. This is very difficult to learn, but worth it.

  • Start with meditation
  • sign up for yoga
  • listen to calm and pleasant music and contemplate the beautiful

Now about the preparation of the nipples. They should get a little rough and lose some of their sensitivity. There are only three exercises for this:

  • You will need a piece of linen or waffle fabric (dishtowels are often sewn from this fabric). In the evening, after a warm shower, actively rub the nipples with a coarse cloth for a minute. At first it will be unpleasant, but over time, the breast will get used to it and at the beginning of feeding, you will minimize the pain of the process.
  • In the morning after showering, take an ice cube and quickly rub ice over your areola. It is important to understand here that the goal is to temper, not to chill. For one nipple no more than 4-5 seconds
  • The last exercise can be started when the first does not cause any discomfort. Gently warm up your chest. After warming up, gently stretch and squeeze the areola. Scroll the nipple to the right/left. Exercise to perform no more than a minute

If you have any questions or severe discomfort, please consult with your physician. And finally, the most important recommendation: wear a bra.

The breast during pregnancy and lactation increases, is poured and without supporting underwear will simply sag. The size will go away and you will be left with sagging breasts. Also, the refusal to wear supportive underwear often leads to breast diseases.

  • The first colostrum may begin to flow a few days before delivery, but if this does not happen, do not worry. Show up a little later
  • If you have inverted nipples, stock up on special pads in advance, and also check out the videos on how to start feeding with this breast shape. Do not listen to spiteful critics, including some doctors who will rush to comment on the situation as unfavorable and assure that breastfeeding is not for you.
  • Some hundred or two hundred years ago, all women breastfed their children on their own and did not even suspect that the shape of the nipple could be an indicator of refusal to feed.

Video: Problem nipples

The first days of breastfeeding: how to avoid mistakes

And then the moment came - the baby was born! Ask the midwife to put the baby on the breast and run the nipple over the baby's lips. The baby reflexively grabs the breast. Do not expect long and active sucking. The kid has just done the most difficult path in his life and is very tired. And you, and from one contact, start the natural mechanism for the production of colostrum, and then milk.

Remember the golden rule - feeding on demand. Feeding by the hour can be convenient, but it brings a lot of discomfort to the child. The need for the mother's breast is not only the supply of food, but also a feeling of protection and comfort. Help your baby to adapt without unnecessary tears.

  • In the early days, feeding is not yet regulated and application on demand helps the body understand how much milk needs to be produced and in what time frame. If there is more colostrum than the child eats, the rest must be expressed. Stagnant processes are fraught with hardening, temperature and "burnout" of milk
  • Colostrum arrives at the maternity hospital and milk in a few days. The process is always sensitive, sometimes accompanied by very painful sensations. When pumping on your own, there may be a false feeling that the breast is completely expressed, if only to leave her calm faster
  • Therefore, we strongly recommend asking a midwife for help, and at the same time mastering the correct technique.

In the early days, breast pumps can do more harm than good, they may come in handy only after a few weeks.

How to use expressed milk

No way. The baby should receive milk exclusively from the breast. As soon as he understands that you can get enough and still not suck, breastfeeding will be over.

You will pump and drink from a spoon or bottle, as he will stop sucking, and if the baby does not suck, milk stops being produced. A vicious circle will lead to artificial feeding.

Not enough milk for breastfeeding.

If the baby is not yet two weeks old, frequent breastfeeding may be the only solution. In the mother's diet, low-fat broths, a lot of liquid, sweet tea should be present.

A child should not be forced to take the breast. This will lead to cracks, bites and tears of the crumbs. Wait for the baby to let go.

And in conclusion - the chest is warm and no drafts. No worries. Most often, milk disappears due to the excessive emotionality of a young mother. Remember - feeding is a natural process, just like breathing.

Why does my chest hurt after feeding?

After giving birth, breasts are going through a difficult time. A new process begins inside - milk is produced. From the outside, every few hours the baby is actively working, extracting milk. Even prepared breasts can hurt after feeding, unprepared ones: it hurts, the areola becomes inflamed, cracks and gum bites may appear.

Wash your breasts before and after feeding. If you experience pain, burning, injury to the nipple after feeding, wash the breast, blot with a soft cloth and treat with a cream with dexpanthenol.

Remains of milk in the breast after feeding. What to do?

As mentioned earlier, at the beginning of feeding, the body produces more milk than the baby can eat. The rest must be discarded. But without fanaticism. The more you feed and pump, the more comes.

Rules for expressing breast milk

  • Expression of milk only leftovers or when the temperature rises and the breasts harden. Pumping is an additional tool to adjust the amount of liquid and diet to regulate the process
  • Milk is disposed of, it can be left only in cases where the mother needs to leave
  • If there is not enough milk, you can additionally stimulate it by pumping
  • Friction, squeezing, popping are contraindicated. The presence of video materials greatly facilitates the mastering of the technique, but if possible, master this skill in the hospital under the supervision of experienced professionals.

Video: Manual expression of milk

How to store milk after pumping?(link to article on website)

Why does milk disappear and how to restore feeding?

Milk production, although natural, is a very capricious process. It depends on many factors:

  • Nervous tension. Life changes dramatically, relatives can upset, childbirth was not perfect, hormones are raging. Against all this background, it is quite possible to go beyond. Remember about yoga and meditation at the beginning of the article? Now they are needed more than ever. Calm mother - calm child
  • The use of drugs. Consult your doctor before taking any medicine
  • Stagnant milk. Prophylactic pumping will solve the problem
  • Wrong nutrition. The amount and fat content of milk directly depends on the diet and liquid.
  • Bad dream. Mom needs at least 8 hours of sleep. If you don't have time at night, get there during the day. The baby fell asleep, lie down and you
  • Bottle and pacifier. Yes, it is they who relax the baby, he does not want to work with his mother's breasts. And the lack of breastfeeding leads to the fact that the body stops producing milk.

In addition, there are days during the feeding process when milk naturally decreases rapidly. Most often, the situation occurs when the baby turns a month, half a year and closer to a year.

In such cases, you need to strengthen the diet and drink plenty of fluids. Apply to the breast of a hungry child (so that he actively dissolves the breast, stimulating the flow of milk), and only then give complementary foods. If using a bottle, the nipple should be tight with a tiny hole.

Nutrition while breastfeeding

Once again, the mother's diet should be balanced and varied. Mommy's menu should contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats and, of course, vitamins with minerals.

We give only a small list of necessary products: chicken breast or rabbit, baked vegetables and fruits, greens (except parsley), milk and dairy products, dried apricots, prunes, nuts.

During feeding are contraindicated: coffee and alcoholic drinks, food with preservatives and dyes, gas-forming products can be introduced into the diet after 4-5 months of feeding (cabbage, beans, etc.). Regarding red products, everything is individual. Someone enters even in the hospital, someone after six months. Much depends on the tolerance of the products by the parents and relatives of the child.

How to increase lactation?

First of all, a positive attitude and confidence in the favorable continuation of feeding.

Small amount of milk: drink a glass of water or sweet green tea once an hour. Currently, the pharmacy has a lot of powders and teas to increase lactation.

Increasing the fat content of milk: the situation improves with the introduction of more meat, nuts, fatty cottage cheese into the diet.

An excellent recipe came from our great-grandmothers: black radish, grated on a fine grater and mixed in equal parts with honey.

Weaning: when and how (link to article)

Remember, the duration of lactation depends on your rest, nutrition and well-being. This is the period of time when it is not shameful to ask relatives for help in caring for the baby and housekeeping.

In the presence of pain, weakness, poor health - a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

Sometimes the first months of raising a child are very difficult. Talk to your spouse about this. Think together about how you can relax: walks in the fresh air, trips to parks and shopping centers.

As well as the notorious self-care. Do not be afraid to leave the baby with relatives for just an hour and take care of yourself. A new haircut, a trip to the beautician and even a manicure will throw away all the negativity and problems far, far away from you! Happy mom, happy family!

Video: Breastfeeding a newborn baby

Neonatologists consider breastfeeding newborns an important step, because at birth, the type and source of nutrition, as well as its regimen, change in a little man. Breastfeeding of newborns is an important aspect of adaptation to life outside the mother's womb. This process raises many questions for new mothers. We will try to answer them in this article.

Feeding technique

Many future mothers, while still carrying a child, decide for themselves that they will certainly breastfeed the child. And this is the right decision, because breast milk is the ideal first food for a baby. Breastfeeding newborns is a natural process that sometimes causes some difficulties. To establish favorable feeding, a young mother must know the technique of proper breastfeeding.

Basic moments:

1. Capturing the nipple by the baby.
The newborn for the first time reflexively finds the nipple, captures it with his mouth, sucks the breast and swallows. The newborn cannot independently hold the breast and properly grasp the nipple, so he needs the help of the mother.
Proper attachment to the breast, when the baby takes the nipple and the area around it into his mouth, keeping his face close to the chest.
With the correct position of the body, the baby will be completely able to get enough, completely emptying the mother's breast.

2. Breast selection.
What breast to offer the baby? Is it possible to give the crumbs the same breast? These questions are often of interest to new mothers.
Breast milk is divided into foremilk and hindmilk, with differences in density and fullness of useful nutrients. The foremilk is more liquid, it enters the baby's mouth from the moment the sucking begins. Hindmilk begins to be produced a little later, it is more saturated with nutrients and fats.
The baby should receive both types of milk, in connection with this, the breast should be alternated. However, it should be remembered that the composition of breast milk changes every three hours. If a new breast is given at the request of the baby each time, only the foremilk will get to him.

3. Position in the arms of the mother.
Favorable breastfeeding of newborns depends on how comfortable the baby is in the mother's arms.

The position of the child is considered correct if the following rules are observed:

  • His body is turned to his mother with his tummy,
  • The face is close to the chest
  • The mouth is open and "aimed" at the nipple.
If the baby's body is not positioned correctly, due to the inconvenience of the posture, he will begin to act up and will not be able to concentrate on food.

4. Frequency of feedings.
Many young mothers have heard that the feeding regimen is of great importance. This statement is true, but not for newborns, but for babies older than six months.

A newborn is given a breast at his first request. Each child is different in his personality, so he will have his own feeding regimen. And frequent breastfeeding during this period will help to establish full lactation.

Difficulties in breastfeeding

During the process of breastfeeding, a young mother can encounter many problems along her way, ranging from the baby's refusal to breastfeed, the formation of cracks in the nipples and ending with lactostasis.

Let's consider these problems in more detail.

Sometimes the baby refuses to breastfeed. One reason may be improper nipple latch. The task of the mother is to help the child by placing it more comfortably on the handles, taking a warm shower and drinking lactation tea to expand the milk ducts. In this way, you will make it easier for the baby to suckle, and he will cease to be capricious.

Babies 2-4 months old may sometimes refuse to breastfeed due to sucking difficulties. The baby makes great efforts so that the milk begins to flow. In this regard, the baby begins to get angry, cries and may refuse to breastfeed. If at such a moment the mother shows weakness and gives him a bottle, then she risks ending lactation completely because of this. The solution to the problem is to put the baby to the breast as often as possible.

Sometimes breast rejection may be due to the baby not feeling well. A young mother will not always be able to immediately understand what is tormenting the baby, because the symptoms may not be obvious: gases, stomatitis, a slight cold lead to sucking difficulties. If you refuse to breastfeed, it is better to visit a pediatrician to determine the cause with him.

Cracks in the nipples are quite painful and complicate the feeding process. The solution to the problem is to lubricate the nipples with an ointment that will heal the cracks, relieve inflammation and pain.

A fairly common occurrence in nursing mothers is lactostasis - blockage of the milk duct. There is pain in the chest, seals, body temperature rises along with general poor health. These symptoms should be brought to the attention of the doctor, who will advise how to get rid of this problem.

  1. In the first hours of a child's life, apply it to the mother's breast,
  2. Until six months, give the child only the breast, without using complementary foods and water,
  3. Feed the baby on demand
  4. Starting from 6-8 months, try to give complementary foods without restricting access to the breast.
Breast milk is a unique product that contains the nutrients and antibodies most adapted for absorption by the child's body, which he needs in the first days and months of life.

Milk contains vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances. Therefore, it is recommended to continue feeding up to two years and beyond.

There are also contraindications to breastfeeding:

  1. Oncological diseases, accompanied by the use of heavy drugs that can penetrate into breast milk,
  2. infectious diseases,
  3. Tuberculosis in an open form,
  4. Mother's HIV positive status
  5. Mental illnesses that require medications that are harmful to the baby in the process of treatment, there is also a possibility that the mother will harm the child.
  6. Complications during childbirth associated with severe blood loss.
Contraindications for breastfeeding can also be on the part of the child:
  • If the baby has serious genetic pathologies,
  • Prematurity with low birth weight, respiratory failure.
By following these guidelines and paying close attention to your baby's needs, you will be able to successfully breastfeed newborns and raise a healthy, strong baby.

According to WHO, the issue of breastfeeding in our country is quite acute. Up to 6 months, no more than 45% of babies receive breast milk, by the year this figure drops to 39%, up to a year and a half, only a few receive breast milk. For comparison, in the West, up to 98% of children are breastfed.

Scientifically proven : lack of milk associated with a genetic predisposition occurs in only 3% of women. All other mothers can feed the newborn with mother's milk, which is useful for the development and health of the baby.

Despite the presence of a dairy kitchen and a wide range of infant formulas within walking distance, expectant mothers should know that not a single, even the most balanced baby food, can replace mother's milk.

What is the uniqueness of breast milk

Mother's milk contains substances that are not found in any baby food. The percentage composition of nutrients in infant formulas can be brought closer to the composition of mother's milk.

However, there are components that are vital for a child that are not found anywhere except breast milk:

Lactose Carbohydrate present exclusively in the milk of a nursing mother Required for the development of the child's brain.

Forms microflora for bifidobacteria, helps to absorb iron and calcium.

lactoferrin Polyfunctional protein Responsible for the baby's immune system and brain, destroys harmful bacteria, microbes, viruses, defeats various infections and even cancer cells.
Lysozyme Normalizes microflora of the oral cavity and intestines of the child. Lysozyme is 100 times more active in human milk than in cow's milk.
Alpha-lactalbumin Under influence substances cancer cells self-destruct.
Taurine free amino acid Develops the brain and contributes to the development of the intelligence of the baby.
Immunoglobulins Antibodies for microbes Saliva the baby, which enters the mother's body during breastfeeding, signals the problems of the baby. As a result, the composition of milk changes. It receives the necessary immunoglobulin.

Infant formula will never replace the ability of the female body to produce substances that protect the health of the newborn.

Mother's milk not only protects the baby from adverse factors, but also stimulates the formation of the baby's own immune system. The mother develops protective antibodies that, when they enter the child's body, protect him, improving the immunity of the crumbs.

There are about 20 hormones in breast milk that are responsible for the physical and mental health of the baby.

The more important ones are:

  1. Oxytocin responsible for the psycho-emotional state of the newborn.
  2. Prolactin controls the development of reproductive function and the pituitary gland.
  3. Insulin controls sugar levels.
  4. sex hormones.
  5. growth factors.
  6. Hormones responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

For reference: Studies by the international association UNICEF have shown that the IQ of a child who is breastfed for up to six months increases by 6-8 points.

What a woman should know about breastfeeding

How to prepare breasts for breastfeeding Not so long ago, doctors advised to prepare the mammary glands in advance. During pregnancy, the breasts were regularly massaged and rubbed. Today, doctors say that irritation of the glands in a pregnant woman provokes an increased tone of the uterus, the threat of miscarriage and detachment of the placenta. . Breast health primarily depends on the correct and timely delivery of the newborn.

You can do a light breast massage when there are no more than 2 weeks left before delivery.

What to do if the breast is very small

A common misconception among mothers with a small bust size. In fact, the amount of milk does not depend on breast size. . A woman with a number 4 bra may have less milk than a mother with small breasts. Smaller breasts need to be emptied more often to get enough milk.

Is the lack of milk from a grandmother or mother inherited

The amount of milk with HB is not inherited . This is noted by many mothers in various forums. Here, for example: “My mother fed me and my brother for a long time. There was a lot of milk, but I don’t have enough.” Or: “I grew up on mixtures, my mother had no milk. I breastfeed my son myself, and at least fill up with milk!

When to apply

baby to breast for the first time

Breastfeeding consultants recommend breastfeeding immediately after birth . This stimulates milk production and increases the lactation period. If for some reason it was not possible to do this, you need to attach the crumb to the chest as soon as possible.
When does milk appear after childbirth Women who give birth for the first time, real milk appears on the 3-7th day. . This should not be cause for concern. The amount of colostrum released in the first time after childbirth is enough for your baby.

The mammary glands increase and harden when milk appears. This process can be quite painful.

How to tell milk from colostrum Colostrum has a thick, viscous texture and a yellowish tint. . The presence of sodium chloride in it gives a salty taste.

Milk has a white or bluish color, a liquid structure and a sweet aftertaste. due to the presence of lactose.

What is foremilk and hindmilk
  • Front (less fat) milk enters the baby's body at the beginning of feeding.
  • rear milk is more nutritious. The less milk remains in the breast, the fatter it is.
How to relieve the pain that occurs with the flow of milk
  • During feeding you have to learn to relax.
  • Can be before feeding express some milk.
  • Apply correctly baby to the chest.

If the pain does not go away within a few days, see a doctor.

How often should a baby be breastfed Feeding on demand

This refers to the need for the baby to receive breast milk and the need for the mother to empty the breast.

The frequency of milk intake is set by the baby himself . He cries, shows anxiety or looks for his mother's breast. In the first few months, the baby is fed on demand. The baby should suckle at the breast as much as he can and whenever he wants. This provides a psychologically comfortable state of the baby. For a day, the baby can do this from 12 to 20 times.

Do not be afraid that the baby will overeat . His body is adapted to continuous feeding! Mother's milk contains an enzyme that promotes the complete assimilation of food.

The mother needs to attach the baby to the breast every 1.5-2 hours, she also needs to be satisfied, even if the baby is sleeping at this time . To do this, gently bend the baby's lower lip with the nipple. The sucking reflex in the crumbs will work even during sleep.

If the baby has milk from one breast, is it necessary to give a second one for one feeding The mammary gland produces the amount of milk that the baby needs . When alternating breasts in one feeding, an imbalance of fore and hind milk occurs.
What is the best position to feed your baby? So that the process of feeding the child does not cause discomfort, you need to properly attach it to the chest:
  1. Feed your baby in a comfortable position . Feeding in a sitting position or lying on your side is considered optimal. This contributes to a good flow of milk.
  2. The baby must latch on the nipple correctly . He needs to put both the nipple and the halo into his mouth.
  3. When breastfeeding, the mother must support the breast pointing it into the child's mouth.

Proper gripping of the breast by the baby will protect the mother from cracked nipples, lactostasis and mastitis.

(See Problems with Breastfeeding.)

How to properly breastfeed your baby The hips, shoulders and ears of a newborn baby are in the same line . It should be turned to the chest with the whole body, and not just the head. With one hand, the mother holds the child, laying it on her forearm. With your free hand, you need to hold the skin on your chest to make it easier for the baby to breathe.

If the baby does not grasp the breast correctly, the feeding process is interrupted. and substitute the baby's breast so that he can capture it as expected. The kid will soon understand what is required of him.

Mom needs to know! Proper attachment of a newborn to the breast is the most important thing in the process of feeding.

How the baby takes the breast in his mouth depends on:

  • Efficient suction allowing the baby to suck out the required amount of milk.
  • Breast stimulation . The more milk the baby can suck, respectively, the more it will appear in the mother.
  • Complete emptying of the breast , which, according to WHO, is the leader among other methods for the prevention of mastitis and milk stasis.

Duration of one feeding

The duration of one feeding depends on factors such as:

  1. Power with which the baby sucks milk.
  2. Is the baby properly attached to the chest.
  3. How quickly does a baby get full? .

The average duration is from 20 minutes to half an hour. In this case, you do not need to force the baby by force if he stopped sucking a little earlier. As a rule, this means that the baby is full.

For the first 2-3 minutes, early milk enters the baby's body, which includes water, minerals and carbohydrates. It turns out that at the beginning of the process the baby drinks, and only a few minutes later sucks out the hindmilk, which is rich in fats and protein.

At first, the baby suckles at the breast, not only when he is hungry. Being at, he feels protected and behaves calmly.

The topic of breastfeeding is huge and inexhaustible. And we would be naive and a priori wrong if we tried to fit in one material all aspects of this complex issue. So there will be several articles on how to breastfeed properly, and this one is only the first of them. It will discuss how to establish breastfeeding of a newborn, how often to put the baby to the breast, how and why to express milk, and also how to achieve the “cancellation” of night feedings ...

How to breastfeed your baby: Getting started with breastfeeding

How does breast milk mature? The mammary glands of a woman preparing for childbirth begin to rebuild even during pregnancy. Every woman in position notices this - the breasts “fill up”, significantly increase in size and become denser.

In the first 2-3 days after the birth of a baby, the mammary gland does not “produce” milk as such, but the so-called colostrum - this is primary milk, which is quite different in composition and fat content from more mature milk.

Colostrum is extremely useful for a newborn baby and plays a key role in breastfeeding - it contains the highest concentration of proteins, trace elements and fat-soluble vitamins, but it is poor in carbohydrates. Such a “cocktail” provides maximum immune protection for the baby, populates its intestines with primary microflora, nourishes the baby and is well absorbed.

It is very important to carry out the first application of the child to the breast immediately after childbirth or, as a maximum, within the first day after birth.

Explains Irina Ryukhova, breastfeeding consultant of the AKEV Association and author of the book How to Give Your Baby Health. We breastfeed”: “The first application during breastfeeding is a recognition of the existence of each other, the first acquaintance, it must necessarily take place at least on the first day after childbirth. In addition, colostrum is the natural and most useful nutrition for a newborn in the early days, which provides the baby with maximum protection against disease and growth. Finally, due to its reduced fat content, colostrum is a little weak, which allows you to clear the baby's intestines from meconium (the first stool). Thus, the intestines of the child get rid of the bilirubin accumulated in the meconium. This minimizes the risk of development.”

Colostrum is produced in a relatively small amount - only about 20-30 ml per feeding. But, unlike mature milk, colostrum is produced continuously, not in sessions. Nature conceived this mechanism so that the mother would put the baby to the breast as often as possible in the first days after birth. For what? In order for the baby to constantly suck on the breast, thereby irritating the nipple. The more active the irritation of the nipple occurs, the faster the production of mature milk will begin. And not only faster, but more.

The most effective way to improve the production of breast milk is to constantly put the baby to the breast. Because it is the irritation of the nipple that stimulates increased lactation like nothing else.

At the end of the third day, transitional milk begins to ripen in the breast, and after 2-3 weeks, the mother already begins to feed the newborn with full-fledged, mature milk. Thus, the formation of breastfeeding occurs at the initial stage.

"Dairy farm": what determines the amount of milk during breastfeeding

If the baby suckles actively and vigorously, then, as a rule, in one feeding, he almost completely empties one or both breasts. And in this case, there is no need to express the remaining milk.

However, in reality, mothers often complain not of an excess, but, on the contrary, of a lack of milk during breastfeeding. It seems to them that the breast does not have time to fill up during the interval between feedings, remains “empty”, and thus the baby does not finish eating. Many mothers at this moment turn to an assortment of artificial mixtures and begin to actively supplement the baby with food “from a jar”. This is what breastfeeding experts do not recommend.

And they insist: attachment to an empty breast is not only not pointless, but also very useful for establishing breastfeeding. Since the process of lactation is born in the cerebral cortex of a woman, a stimulus is needed to “supply” milk to the breast. Active sucking is such a stimulus. The baby "smacks" the empty breast, the brain immediately receives a signal that there is a "demand" for milk, and after a while the milk begins to arrive in the breast.

If you want to establish breastfeeding in full - do not stop putting the baby to the breast, on the contrary - do it as often as possible, even if at first the breast is completely empty and lactation attempts look like a real mockery of the newborn baby.

Attempts to establish exclusive breastfeeding may well continue without harming the health of the baby for 2-3 days. And only if after 3 days there are still obvious interruptions with milk, and the baby really doesn’t eat up at the risk to his health and development, in this case it is absolutely necessary to go to the store and buy a jar of formula for supplementary feeding.

The process of implementing breastfeeding can take several days - but it’s still worth it to endure baby crying and weight loss for the sake of future full-fledged breastfeeding. For 3 days, a nutritional deficiency will have almost no effect on a newborn baby, but in the end, your patience and perseverance can bring you a positive result: milk production will improve in full, and you will be able to fully breastfeed your baby without any "additives from outside".

Requirement for others: a nursing mother must be loved, protected, cared for and cherished

There are quite a few fundamental differences between humans and other mammals. One of them is that all the functions of the human body are “managed” by the cerebral cortex. That is why the mother’s emotional state leaves a huge imprint on the lactation process.

In other words: when an elephant or a mother whale is “sad”, or when they are scared, or when they are “on the run” or in captivity, the amount of milk in their udder does not change at all.

But when a human mother is sad or very tired, her milk “leaves”, up to complete disappearance. That is why it is very important to surround a nursing woman with some adequate amount of attention and care - to give her the opportunity to sleep between feedings, not to burden her with household chores and simply to please: a woman who is breastfeeding a newborn child is doubly pleasant and needs compliments, bouquets, affectionate words, etc. .P.

In addition, a nursing mother should not be limited - most ideas about that are misconceptions.

Factors that positively affect lactation in the first month of a baby's life:

  • the most frequent application of the baby to the breast (active sucking and irritation of the nipple);
  • emotional support for the mother, caring for her;
  • lack of stress;
  • the duration of the “session” of feeding (the longer the baby sucks, the more milk will arrive by the next time).

Breastfeeding styles

There are two main styles of breastfeeding:

  • feeding on demand
  • feeding according to schedule

In the first case, the mother puts the baby to the breast “at the first peep” of the child, regardless of how much time has passed since the last feeding. In the second - the baby is breast-fed strictly by the clock - as a rule, every three hours.

It is rare for a mother to choose which feeding style to practice on her own. Reality shows that most often the main determining factor is the character of the child.

If the baby is restless, noisy and active, the mother, willy-nilly, endlessly and everywhere puts him to her breast and becomes an “adept” of the style of feeding on demand. If, on the contrary, the baby is very calm from birth, sleeps constantly and rarely cries, then the mother naturally begins to adhere to the “every three hours” feeding regimen.

It will be useful for both mothers to know that:

If the child independently released the breast nipple (and therefore he was full and no longer wants to eat), then his physiological feeling of hunger may come no earlier than 2 hours later.

This means that if your baby, 30 minutes after feeding, screamed at the top of her lungs, then the reason for the screams is not hunger, but from something else: itches, tortured, just “the spleen and scandalous mood took over.” Anything but hunger.

Given this fact, modern pediatricians often suggest that mothers modify the style of feeding, combining the principles of the regimen and feeding on demand - in the method of free feeding. That is, the mother breastfeeds the baby on demand, but at the same time maintaining at least two-hour intervals between feedings. And during sleep, the child is not woken up for feeding - he will wake up and eat.

On the one hand, this style will save you from overfeeding the baby (which is often the cause of prolonged colic), on the other hand, it will teach mom and baby to communicate not only through the breast (after all, it can be done in other ways besides “issuing” the cherished nipple). And finally, more or less adequate intervals between feedings will help the baby’s gastrointestinal system to quickly establish the process of digesting food.

About pumping and storing breast milk

If you have chosen the method of breastfeeding on demand, then at the stage of formation of lactation, you can not think about pumping. In conditions when the baby is constantly “hanging” on the chest, he simply will not allow either colostrum or the first mature milk to linger and stagnate in the chest.

It is necessary to express in three cases:

  • 1 If for some reason (for example, the baby was born prematurely and was sent to the hospital for nursing), you are separated from the baby in the first days or weeks, but plan to establish full-fledged breastfeeding in the future.

Evgenia Trifonova, consultant on breastfeeding of the AKEV Association: “If you understand that resuscitation can drag on for weeks, then in order to maintain lactation, you must use a breast pump no later than 6 hours after birth. And then pump every 3 hours with a 5-hour break at night. Then there is a chance to keep breastfeeding the newborn.”

  • 2 If you leave the baby with loved ones or a nanny, do not breastfeed, but you want the baby to eat breast milk.
  • 3 If a newborn in one feeding eats less milk than "accumulated" in your breast.

As for the last point, modern breastfeeding specialists and neonatologists often argue: there are supporters of pumping, there are opponents. The main argument in favor of pumping is the risk of lactational mastitis in the mother.

Observations of Dr. Komarovsky: “Today, when doctors more and more often recommend mothers not to pump at all, the number of lactational mastitis has increased significantly.”

lactation mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland during breastfeeding. In 87% of cases of lactational mastitis, the cause of the disease is lactostasis - in other words, stagnation of milk in the breast. If lactostasis continues for 3-4 days (for example, the mother has plenty of milk, the child does not suck everything out, and the mother does not express it), then inflammation of the gland is almost inevitable, since stagnant milk is an ideal breeding ground for microbes.

It is also necessary to express in order to ensure the feeding of the baby in the absence of the mother (for example, the mother leaves for work, and the grandmother or nanny feeds the baby with expressed milk). Properly expressed, frozen and thawed milk does not differ in composition and benefits from the milk that the baby receives directly from the mother's breast.

We will devote a separate detailed material to how to express properly, why and when to do it, as well as how to properly freeze, store and defrost breast milk. We only recall that breast milk can be frozen (there are special bags and containers for freezing expressed milk) in the freezer for quite a long time. However, breast milk can only be thawed at room temperature and heated only in a steam bath.

How long should you breastfeed your baby

It is extremely important to provide the baby with breastfeeding in the first six months of his life - his health, his growth and development fundamentally depend on this.

Modern doctors around the world have agreed that if a mother has enough of her own milk, then up to 6 months only breastfeeding can be carried out, which will fully cover the child's needs for all the necessary substances. That is, neither water nor complementary foods can be added to the baby's diet.

The only exception is a very hot climate, in which the risk of heat stroke in a small child increases dramatically. In this case, it is necessary to compensate for the pathological loss of fluids in the body of the crumbs, supplementing it with water, and often even mineral water (that is, water with the addition of salts) - we wrote more about this in the material about that.

And then, after you have celebrated the first six months of your baby's life, everything related to the duration of breastfeeding depends primarily on the desire and capabilities of the mother and the family as a whole.

At 6 months, the child is recommended. However, it is highly desirable to continue breastfeeding. And further - the frequency and duration of breastfeeding gradually decreases, at the same time the frequency and volume of complementary foods increase accordingly.

If a mother has the opportunity (she still has active milk production) and desire - the preservation of breastfeeding is welcomed by all pediatricians of the world without exception. For example, WHO (World Health Organization) and UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) jointly recommend maintaining partial breastfeeding (that is, the child's diet consists mainly of other products - vegetables, meat, cereals, dairy products, etc., but together at the same time, he also receives a daily portion of his mother's milk) up to 2 years or more. Explaining the importance of this strategy by the fact that breastfeeding in children of any age significantly reduces the risk of various infections.

Logically, it can be assumed that for countries with a high level of medicine and a low level of the spread of infectious diseases (Russia is one of these countries), the medical reason for prolonged breastfeeding is not as relevant as for underdeveloped countries.

In modern pediatrics, there is an opinion that in developed countries with a high standard of living, breastfeeding a child after a year has not so much biological value as psychological.

To us, it was perceived more as an anomaly than a favorable norm. But that's a different story...

Shortly speaking. To put it as simply and clearly as possible, we repeat:

  • ironically it is necessary (according to all biological laws) to breastfeed the child - the first six months;
  • it is highly desirable to prolong breastfeeding - up to 1-1.5 years;
  • at the discretion of the family and, if desired, by the mother herself, you can continue to breastfeed once or twice a day - for as long as you like.

The benefits and reason for night feedings: when children are for, and mothers are not very ...

Most pediatricians and breastfeeding experts rightly argue that nighttime feedings are necessary and justified in the period up to 6 months. Even if the baby sleeps peacefully until the morning and does not wake up with a “hungry cry”, it should still be woken up 1-2 times a night and applied to the chest.

However, after reaching six months of age, it is quite reasonable to reduce the number of nightly feedings to once. This will significantly add strength and good mood to the mother, and will not in any way infringe on the child's need for food.

How and when can night feedings be reduced? The following activities are very helpful:

  • Late night bathing. After 23 hours it is useful in cool water, then feed tightly. This scenario encourages the child to fall asleep quickly and deeply and, as a rule, sleep soundly for the next 3-4 hours.
  • Favorable microclimate. Create a cool and humid microclimate in the room where the child sleeps, which contributes to a sound and restful sleep. Parameters: air temperature - no more than 20 ° C, humidity - 50-70%.

Gradually, over time, night feedings can and should be “cancelled” altogether.

How to breastfeed correctly: summary

So, from an array of useful information, let's try to squeeze out a brief rational grain:

  • Breast-feeding- this is a type of feeding for newborns, infants and children up to 2 years and even older, which has no analogues in terms of benefits and value. Any comparison between breastfeeding and artificial feeding is a priori advantageous in favor of the former.
  • The most reliable and effective way to establish breastfeeding- in the first days and weeks of a newborn's life, put the baby to the breast as often as possible so that he actively stimulates the nipple.
  • Breastfeeding in the first six months of the baby- the necessary norm, which provides the strongest possible protection of the child from diseases and fully covers all his nutritional needs.
  • Supplement the baby with water, or supplement any products in the first six months is not necessary. An exception is the conditions of a very hot climate, in which the baby needs constant replenishment of the water-salt balance.
  • 6 months to a year- breastfeeding (along with complete complementary foods) is highly desirable.
  • The optimal style of feeding a baby up to a year- on demand, but with intervals between applications to the chest of at least 2 hours.
  • After 1-1.5 years the issue of breastfeeding is determined solely by the desire of mother and baby.
  • Expressed breast milk(subject to proper storage and defrosting) - as useful and nutritious as the milk in the breast.

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Today, the grocery market almost daily throws out various food novelties to the consumer's judgment. This also applies to various infant formulas. Nevertheless, breastfeeding a baby remains as relevant for modern women as it was a hundred years ago. Therefore, it is advisable for a mother to carefully prepare for the addition to the family and learn in advance everything about breastfeeding a newborn. On our website you can find the necessary information for this. We tried to collect materials that will be useful not only for young mothers, but also for those who are starting to feed more than their first child. In the meantime, let's highlight the main points in this matter.

The secretion of milk in a nursing woman (or lactation) is regulated by prolactin, a hormone that is produced around the clock by the adenohypophysis. It reaches its highest content in the blood 3-4 days after birth. At the same time, the secretion of milk is also established, stabilizing approximately on the 7th day from the birth of the baby. And the breast milk ejection reflex is associated with a hormone such as oxytocin. The concentration of both of these hormones in the blood of a woman who has given birth to a child largely depends on the irritation of the mammary glands by the baby's mouth during feeding. And if the breast is not emptied, lactation stops after a while. Frequent attachment of the baby to the breast contributes to increased milk production. Its composition, depending on the needs of the child in nutrients, changes over time. It may not be the same even within one day.


In the first few days after the birth of a baby, colostrum is released from a woman’s breast - a thick, yellowish liquid that contains large amounts of immune proteins in its composition. It is very fatty and nutritious, and a small amount of it is quite enough to completely saturate the baby. Feeding a newborn with colostrum contributes to the formation of his immunity, adaptation to the environment of the still sterile organism of the crumbs. On the 4th day of the postpartum period, the so-called transitional milk appears - the same value as colostrum, but more liquid compared to it.

Breast milk

Mother's milk is the optimal nutrition for the baby. Each mother needs to know everything about breast milk, because it gives the baby the whole complex of nutrients necessary for his life. Breast milk is also rich in some proteins, essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron, which is easily absorbed by the baby's body. Also in its composition there is something that is not found in ordinary infant formulas or cow's milk - these are biologically active substances and immunoglobulins. They help the baby's intestines adapt and protect it from infections.

mature milk

At 3 weeks after the birth of a baby, mature milk appears in a nursing mother. It is less oily and more liquid than colostrum and is perfectly suited to the needs of a nursing baby. In the mammary gland, it is heterogeneous, there are:

  1. Anterior - a portion of breast milk, which is released at the very beginning of feeding the baby. It is slightly bluish in color, liquid, less high-calorie.
  2. Back - milk coming towards the end of feeding. Usually it is white (sometimes yellowish) in color, rich in fats and calories, due to which the child is satiated.

In the process of breastfeeding, you should not rush and tear off the baby before he has time to suck out the "hind" milk, otherwise he will simply remain hungry.

The main components of breast milk:

  • fats - help not only in the development of the child's brain, but also in the general formation of his body;
  • lactose is an important source of energy;
  • proteins - when they enter the body of the baby, they are split into amino acids, as a result of this process, a basis is formed that contributes to the development and growth of muscles.

The functions of other components of mother's milk are no less important for the development of the baby. Enzymes, lipase and amylase, contained in breast milk, facilitate the digestion and absorption of incoming food in the baby's digestive tract. There are other substances important for his body in mother's milk for a newborn, which effectively reduce the risk of developing allergies in a baby. They contribute to the formation of a reliable protective shell on the walls of the intestine, preventing the penetration of various allergens into the body of the crumbs.

How is human milk different from cow's

Why is it necessary for a newborn to be fed with a woman’s breast milk, and not cow’s, for example?

The immunity of the baby in the first months of life is not yet developed and is supported only by mother's milk. This is due to the content of antibodies and infection protection factors in it, which is absent in milk of animal origin. Also in cow's milk, despite all its nutritional value and saturation with vitamins, there may not be enough of some vitamins needed by the baby, namely A and C.

Breast milk is optimal for the baby in terms of the amount of minerals, while cow's milk contains too much calcium and sodium. Although in terms of iron content, women's milk and cow's milk practically do not differ. Only their difference is that the iron in breast milk is much better absorbed by the newborn, which cannot be said about cow's. In addition, animal milk contains mainly other proteins. So, in cow, for example, the main protein is casein. It curdles into a dense structure and is poorly digested by the baby's body.

There are also significant differences between a woman's breast milk and animal milk in terms of the amount of protein and lactose it contains. The content of lactose in breast milk is maximum, and proteins are minimal.


The process of breastfeeding is very important for both the baby and his mother. You need to prepare for it in advance, tuning in a certain way. Not all women succeed in correctly attaching the baby to the breast the first time. But over time it usually gets better. For new moms planning to breastfeed for the first time, our website has a wealth of helpful resources to help young women get advice and answers to all their breastfeeding questions.

Breastfeeding is very important for the growth and development of the baby. Up to 6 months, this is mandatory, then it will be necessary to introduce complementary foods in accordance with age. But it is better to continue to breastfeed the child and further - at least up to a year, and if possible up to 2 or even 3 years, until his immune system is finally formed. At this age, it will be quite enough to give him a breast not too often - at most 1-2 times a day. By the age of 2-3, the immunity of young children is already becoming self-sufficient, therefore, breastfeeding can be completely abandoned quite painlessly. Of course, in addition to breast milk, the baby should receive other food at this age. When the time comes, the baby will stop suckling at the mother's breast.

More about the benefits of breastfeeding

It is only natural that most women choose to breastfeed. A nursing mother and her baby form a touching relationship and a strong emotional connection that remains throughout life. And cases of abandonment of newborns, if the pregnancy was undesirable, are much less common among women who have begun to breastfeed a child than among those who did not immediately do so.

Breast milk is nutritious and easily absorbed by the baby's body. In feeding a newborn with mother's milk, in addition to receiving good nutrition for the child, there are many other advantages for the little man. Here's how it works:

  • contributes to the reduction of child mortality;
  • forms the positive character traits of the child;
  • has a positive effect on the harmonious development of the baby;
  • reliably protects against various infections;
  • prevents the appearance of rickets and diathesis;
  • relieves dental problems at an early age;
  • prevents the occurrence of certain diseases at an older age - oncological, cardiovascular, allergic, diabetes and others.

For a woman, breastfeeding a newborn also has many positives. In addition to the fact that she develops a maternal instinct and forms a strong emotional contact with the child, breastfeeding also benefits her health. Natural feeding of a baby, prescribed by nature itself, helps a woman to prevent postpartum hemorrhage and avoid a new pregnancy in the first time after the birth of a child, reduces the possibility of developing mastitis, the appearance of lactostasis, and reduces the risk of neoplasms of the ovaries and mammary gland.

Among the advantages of breastfeeding, one can single out such a positive side as significant savings in the family budget. Good infant formulas cost quite a lot, while full-fledged nutrition for a nursing woman will cost much less.

Contraindications to breastfeeding

But, despite all the benefits of breastfeeding, it also has contraindications. Moreover, if we consider contraindications on the part of the child, then there are few of them, or rather, only one thing - the newborn cannot suckle. This can happen as a result of the severe general condition of the baby, low birth weight.

As for the mother, neither the woman's weight, nor the anatomical features, nor the shape or size of the breast affect successful lactation and the ability to feed her child. And contraindications for breastfeeding include diseases such as:

  • HIV infection;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • severe mental condition.

Taking certain medications, as well as bad habits of a woman, can also become an obstacle to breastfeeding a baby. But if smoking is still somehow acceptable, if a nursing mother has not been able to give up cigarettes, although in fact this is extremely undesirable, then breastfeeding is strictly prohibited for those who use drugs and alcoholic beverages.

Breastfeeding a baby is an absolutely natural process, although it may seem somewhat difficult and even uncomfortable for young mothers. But in fact, some women only need to make a little effort to organize breastfeeding their baby. To fill in the gaps in the existing knowledge about GW, the missing information can always be gleaned from the materials of our site. With us you will learn not only everything about breastfeeding and lactation, but you will also be able to receive the recommendations you need in a given situation in a timely manner.

But these breastfeeding tips should be useful to every new mom:

  • in order to establish good lactation, it is important to attach the baby to the breast in the first hours from the moment of his birth;
  • during the period when the milk has not yet come, you should not supplement the newborn with infant formula. Colostrum, despite its small amount, is rich enough in composition to fully satisfy the baby in the first days of his life;
  • it is better to give a breast to a child at his every request, focusing on the anxiety of the baby and not waiting for crying and screams on his part;
  • you should not accustom the baby to the nipple, because it is possible that in the end, due to the ease of obtaining nutrition in this way, he will prefer her mother's breast, which does not contribute to lactation. In the event that the child needs to be given something, for example, medicine, it is better to do this with a spoon;
  • if the baby shows anxiety, cries, and even more so - refuses to breastfeed, you must first try to calm him down and only then start feeding;
  • the baby will not need additional water if he receives the mother's breast on demand. The foremilk received from the mother is liquid and serves him as a drink, while the hindmilk acts as food;
  • if the baby is not fed by the hour, and when he asks, then complete pumping of the breast will not be required. Sucking out a certain amount of mother's milk, the child, as it were, orders a portion of the food he needs for the next feeding. When decanting, the volume of milk arriving will be more than the newborn can eat;
  • night feedings support a woman's lactation, so you should not refuse them;
  • it is better not to tear the baby from the breast until he releases it himself, because otherwise he will not have time to suck out the hind milk, which means he will remain hungry;
  • when applying the child to the chest, it is necessary to monitor the correctness of its capture by the baby's mouth;
  • when breastfeeding, it is more correct to support the baby by the back, and not hold his head;
  • when going to feed the baby, the mother needs to get comfortable and comfortable for herself so that she can hold the baby at the breast for quite a long time. When feeding, it is necessary to press the baby's body to yourself, and not to reach for him with your breast. It is also advisable to get acquainted with various positions for feeding the baby, because when they change, the baby sucks out more milk;
  • a nursing mother needs to observe the hygiene of her body, but treat this without undue fanaticism. Frequent washing of the breast before feeding, especially with soap, dries out the delicate skin around the nipples, and this can cause cracking.

Summing up, we note that mother's breast milk is the best food for a child. It has all the nutrients your baby needs. And on the pages of our site we will try to tell everything about breastfeeding, maintaining the health of the mother during feeding, and, of course, about the needs of the newborns themselves.

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