I want tanned skin: how to do it, tips at home. How to make skin darker without tanning and cosmetics

It's just that the range of these materials is quite wide and a lot of factors must be taken into account when finishing operations.
You can tint with alcohol or aqueous solutions of aniline dyes. The recipe for them largely depends on the skin.
But summarizing, we can say this, by 10 scales. parts of the dye, 25 w.h. denatured alcohol or alcohol, then top up with warm water to 100%.
This is something that can be done quickly and at home. For high-quality and sustainable results, it is better to use branded leather materials. industry. If there is no "exit" to prom. chemistry, you can walk around shoe stores or stores like "Gift & dekor" and look for consumables for working on leather there.
In Russia, paints for leather by the Zafir company are famous and popular; they are both alcohol and water-soluble and casein.
Of the most affordable and which can be bought on the free market, these are all kinds of acrylics (wide range of colors), good hiding power, absence of foreign odors, dry quickly.

Alcohol coloring finishes are usually sold in shoe repair stores. True, the color scheme is not thick, only three or four colors (black, brown, red and white). They require careful handling as they are easily flammable and have a pronounced smell of methyl alcohol (it is better to work with them in a draft).

Casein dyes and paints, depending on the manufacturer, can be either translucent or dull opaque. It also has a fairly large color palette. Good adhesion and stable ink film. Of the shortcomings - often they simply "stink" (especially from soviet manufacturers), dry for a long time, often take on dust when dried.
An example of Spanish-made casein semi-synthetics:

Next comes the prom. chemistry - just a sea of ​​​​paints with a huge number of inputs on the skin - density, porosity, fattening, salt content, moisture, etc. etc. It is best to drive up to the dealers and have a sincere conversation with them. Firstly, you will learn a lot of new things, and secondly, you will be recommended something specifically for the skin you are working with.

Synthetics, polymers and another half a thousand names and types.
Materials and specifications for a couple of fairly thick volumes.

I use prom. chemistry of Italian production Fenice or Turkish Girba.
A very wide range of consumables, one common drawback is the minimum packaging - a 5-liter bucket or canister.

For home crafting, it is quite possible to use cream paints or cream emulsions, waxes, glosses for clothes or shoes. Turkish-made products are quite good in this regard, which can be easily found on free sale and even in the markets. Naturally, a conscious choice will come with a certain experience (both successful and not successful). Since there are a lot of these products on the market, it is not easy to recommend a specific brand. I can only say that I personally do not like the products of Russian manufacturers of the Twist type. And try not to buy waxes and glosses with additional components such as "lanolin", "natural beeswax", "natural wood pigments" and so on.
If you are working on dry, dense, "uncovered" leathers, just try to burnish the product with stearin or paraffin using a flat metal trowel (ampus), dressed on the tip of an ordinary, fairly powerful, household spinner (but not for soldering electronics).
Look in woodworking stores for a carnauba wax impregnation, or even better, an aqueous solution of carnauba wax with synthetic plasticizers.

The adornment of any woman is a beautiful and even tan, but it is not only beautiful, but also very fashionable now. But not every woman can afford a vacation in hot countries and expensive visits to the solarium. In this case, you can achieve a beautiful tan without even leaving your home, the site site will tell you how to do this today. Let's talk about how to make the skin tanned at home.

  1. If your skin is too pale and you want to make it darker, then in this case you can use folk methods, washing with special infusions can help you. For example, take ground coffee, which or black strong tea, you need to brew one teaspoon of tea leaves in 55 ml of boiling water. This infusion will give your skin a very beautiful golden hue, and your skin will also tighten and become more elastic. For these purposes, it is best to use only natural products of the highest quality.

For a light shade of tan, it is best to use chamomile and string. To prepare a decoction for washing, you need to take 8 tablespoons of a mixture of these herbs, pour them with one liter of boiling water, then leave to infuse for about 3-4 hours, it is best to infuse the mixture in heat, after the time has elapsed, strain the decoction and after that you can proceed to the washing procedure itself.

If you want to make your skin tanned at home, then special baths with decoctions will also help you with this.

It is important to remember that such coloring baths do not give an immediately noticeable result, so you will need to repeat the procedure several times. To improve the effectiveness of this procedure, before the bath it is necessary to take a warm cleansing shower, it is also important to treat the skin with a scrub before this, it is best to use a coffee scrub, because it not only nourishes your skin, but also reduces cellulite.

You can also use special Cambrian blue clay for this coloring bath, you only need 3 tablespoons of it, as well as one tablespoon of cinnamon, before using cinnamon you need to make sure that you are not allergic to it. Mix all the ingredients and add to a warm bath, the duration of such a bath is about 15-20 minutes.

Tea baths will also help you in your desire to become tanned, for such a bath, take 6-7 tablespoons of black tea and brew it with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave it for 25 minutes to infuse. After that, pour it all into a bath, the duration of such a bath is at least half an hour, while taking such a bath, wipe your neck and face, you can take such a bath every day, it is important after this procedure not to rinse the body with water, but simply blot the body with a towel.

It turns out that in order to make your skin darker, it is not necessary to expose it to the bright rays of the sun, visit a solarium, or smear yourself with self-tanning products. Light tanning effect can be obtained in simpler and more affordable folk ways. Folk remedies for sunburn especially relevant to those people who do not have the opportunity to get a natural tan while spending their time on the beach.
Of course, the effect of tanning from such products will be much less pronounced than from artificial tanning in a solarium, or from the use of various self-tanning products. But, firstly, you will not bring absolutely any harm to your facial skin, because, as you know, solarium lamps are several times more harmful than sunlight, and by applying self-tanning on your face, you can simply get the “Dalmatian” effect.

Folk remedies for sunburn

All of the following folk remedies are designed to give a slight tan effect to the skin of the face. But if you have enough endurance and patience, you can use them for the whole body.

You can get the effect of sunburning your face using products such as coffee, cocoa powder and tea. For example, the easiest way is to brew strong natural coffee or black tea, cool it, and wipe your face with it every morning. This procedure not only makes the skin darker, but also refreshes and tones it well.
For a healthy and ruddy complexion, refreshing ice cubes frozen from strongly brewed black tea and natural coffee are great.

You can also make homemade masks from natural ground coffee for a tanning effect. To do this, dilute the coffee beans ground in a coffee grinder with a small amount of water to form a thick mass, which you put on your face for 10 minutes. For very dry skin, it is recommended to use vegetable oil instead of water. Made according to the same recipe. cocoa powder mask .

Another folk remedy for sunburn is carrots. It can be used, as well as in the form of a mask, putting grated carrots on the face for 15-20 minutes, and wiping the face with the juice squeezed out of it, mixed with a small amount of olive oil. After rubbing the skin of the face with carrot juice, as well as after carrot mask you should wash your face after 15-20 minutes, and then apply a moisturizer on your face.

But be careful with carrots, especially if you have very white skin. Instead of the expected tanning effect, the skin of the face may simply turn yellow. It is desirable to use carrots with a darker skin tone by nature, or in order to keep an existing tan longer.

An effective folk remedy for tanning is the herbal plant rhubarb, or rather its roots. To give the face a slight tanning effect, it is necessary to lubricate it with juice squeezed from fresh rhubarb roots 2 times a day.
But keep in mind that rhubarb juice can cause dryness and tightness of the skin, so it is advisable to use it for more oily skin types. For dry skin, it is recommended to wash your face 10 minutes after applying the juice, and then lubricate your face with a moisturizer.
And whether, for dry skin of the face, you can prepare homemade tanning masks from the juice of rhubarb roots:

Recipe 1: Stir well 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rhubarb root juice with 1 teaspoon of nourishing or moisturizing face cream, which you use until smooth. Such a cream - a mask can not even be washed off.

Recipe 2: Thoroughly rub 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream or 1 raw egg yolk with 2 tbsp. spoons of juice from the roots of rhubarb. Apply the resulting mask on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Also, to give the face a tan effect, you can use a decoction of rhubarb roots. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry roots with 1 cup of cold water, bring to a boil, and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring regularly. Remove from heat, strain, and cool slightly. Wipe your face with the resulting decoction with a cotton swab, and wash your face after 10-15 minutes.

Rhubarb root juice and decoction are even used in folk medicine to treat vitiligo (white spots on the skin), as well as to dye hair at home.

Washing with a strong infusion of herbs such as string and chamomile also contributes to the effect of tanning the face. In order to prepare an infusion, pour 7-8 tbsp. spoons of dry herb succession or chamomile inflorescences (you can use a mixture of these herbs) 1 liter of boiling water, and leave it tightly covered with a lid for 2 hours. Then strain, and rinse your face with the resulting infusion every morning.

Lastly, eat more red and orange colored fruits and vegetables such as apricots, peaches, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkins, etc. According to experts, such products can also give the skin a bronze tan.

Well, spring has pleased us with its arrival. And although there is still snow here and there, and the frosts recede very slowly, nevertheless, the spring awakening is felt in everything: in nature, in moods.

Before we know it, summer will come after spring. I would like to meet him fully armed: a toned figure and a beautiful tan.

And although so much has already been said about the dangers of ultraviolet rays, a tanned body continues to be considered the standard of beauty and grooming.

What if, like me, a solarium, sunbathing and purchased cosmetics for self-tanning are not suitable for you, for one reason or another? It turns out there is a great alternative.

This article is about how to get a beautiful, even and safe “tan” without the sun using folk remedies: using cosmetic procedures and using natural products.

About the dangers of regular tanning

The ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight triggers the production of melanin pigment in the body, which allows you to acquire a natural tan.

The sun is very useful, but scientists are increasingly and louder declaring its harmful effects: free radicals are formed, DNA structure is damaged, the stratum corneum thickens, and it ages prematurely. In addition, for medical reasons, the open sun and solarium are contraindicated:

  • people in whose families there were cases of oncological diseases;
  • persons with light skin that burns easily and is prone to pigmentation;
  • those who have many moles on their bodies;
  • you should not abuse sunbathing if you are prone to varicose veins.

Synthetic dyes for leather

The cosmetic market offers a huge variety of tanning products that allow you to do without the sun, but have their drawbacks, and many are dangerous to health.

Quite a bit of history:

The first self-tanning cream was invented in the last century by Benjamin Green, a simple American pharmacist. And it happened quite by accident.

While working on a cure for diabetes, Benjamin spilled a substance containing a sugar molecule on his hand, in this place the skin color changed. Many modern self-tanning products are still based on this property of the sugar molecule to give the skin a tanned appearance.

Types of artificial skin tanning products: accelerators, pills and injections, bronzates (bronzers), self-tanners.


- means that enhance the production of melanin. The amino acid tyrosine is the most famous accelerator, it is far from safe. Western European countries and the United States have banned the use of tyrosine.

Tanning tablets

contain the pigment canthaxanthin, which stains the epidermis when it enters the body. The intensity of shades depends on the dose: from light golden to dark bronze. Canthaxanthin has a side effect: it is deposited and accumulates in the retina of the eye, which can lead to serious vision problems. Canthaxanthin tablets are banned in many Western countries and in the US.

Melanotan shot

A procedure that is gaining popularity. Melanotan causes skin coloration without exposure to ultraviolet rays. "Sunburn" appears a week after the injection. Tan should be maintained by repeated injections of melanotan twice a week. This drug is distributed by online stores and fitness clubs. It should be noted that melanotan has not been fully studied.


Color the skin with dyes. You can choose the desired shade of tan: tropical, mountain, marine, etc. Cons: bronzers give a short-lived effect of tanned skin, it is difficult to evenly paint yourself on your own, clothes get dirty.


Contains dihydroxyacetone, a white powder obtained from sugar cane or beets. This explains the specific smell of self-tanning. Dihydroxyacetone stains the skin in a dark natural color without penetrating into it. Self-tanning marks on clothes, as a rule, do not leave. Disadvantage: Washes off quickly, requires constant reapplication.

Folk methods of tanning without the sun

They include simple and familiar beauty treatments using safe natural products and appropriate nutrition. They will not make you a chocolate, but they will get rid of pallor and give the skin a light and pleasant shade of tan.


Cocoa, coffee (ground) or strong black tea(1 teaspoon of tea leaves per 50 ml of boiling water, change the proportions in relation to your skin color) will give a beautiful golden tone to the skin, as well as refresh, tighten and tone it well. Use only natural products and good quality.

Chamomile and Chamomile provide a light shade of tan: 8 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of herbs pour one liter of boiling water, leave for two to three hours in heat, strain.

Onion peel is a well-known dye, our great-grandmothers also dyed eggs for Easter and tinted their hair with it. To prepare a natural self-tanner, simmer thoroughly washed onion husks over low heat. The proportions of husk and water are determined empirically.

Rhubarb root decoction: one table. pour a spoonful of dry root (crushed) with one glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes over low heat. Refrigerate, strain.

How to use: take a large cotton swab and rub (2 times a day) coffee, tea, cocoa, herbal infusion or onion peel decoction into the skin of the face and body.


Ice cubes (not possible with rosacea):

Freeze tea, cocoa, coffee, infusion of string and chamomile in ice molds and wipe the skin with ice. This procedure gives an excellent tonic, tightening and coloring result.

rhubarb root juice 2 times a day will give a beautiful shade to the body. Especially useful for oily skin, as it tightens pores and disinfects the skin. For dry skin with rhubarb, it is better to make masks (see below).

Black tea tonic. Used to wash off tanning masks to fix and enhance the effect. It is also useful for them to wipe their face during the day for refreshment and nutrition, because tea has valuable properties for the skin. Prepare a tonic: brew 3 teaspoons of tea with half a liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes.


Very effective in achieving a beautiful tanned skin color at home.

Mix coffee or cocoa with water to make a fairly thick mass. Apply for 10 minutes on the face, décolleté and, if desired, on the body. For dry skin type, use instead of water (olive, jojoba, cocoa and other base oils).

The value of a coffee / cocoa mask is that it will not only color well, but also gently cleanse the epidermis of dead cells. To get a more lasting result, make masks daily for a week.

From henna: mix red henna with warm boiled water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, apply to the skin for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

From rhubarb root juice(for dry skin):

Add juice to your cream (1:1). This mask can not be washed off by soaking the remnants with a napkin after 20 minutes.

mix with yolk or sour cream, apply for 20 minutes, apply for 20 minutes, rinse with tea tonic or water.

from carrots :

Carrots, grated on a fine grater, mix with vegetable oil (cream, sour cream), keep the mask for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with black tea tonic (see above) or water.

Carrots, grated on a fine grater, mix with glycerin (100g) or melted beeswax. Mix thoroughly, refrigerate (up to 30 days) and use as a 5-minute mask. Wash off with warm water (large amount).

Important! Carrot masks are not suitable for people with very fair skin, it can turn yellow.


Tea baths perfectly tone, nourish, rejuvenate and color the skin, improve blood circulation. Pour half a liter of boiling water 6 tablespoons of black tea, leave for 20 minutes, then pour into the bath.

During the bath, rub the tea on your face and neck. The duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes, it can be taken daily, after the bath, do not rinse the skin, but blot it with a towel.

Bath with string and chamomile also has a coloring effect, tones, nourishes, soothes.

walnut leaves: prepare a decoction (brew a glass of chopped fresh leaves with a liter of boiling water, leave to cool) and add it to the bath. To get a natural shade, you will need to take two or three baths lasting up to 30 minutes. The effect lasts for about a week.

Walnut leaf baths are useful for skin diseases, gout, rickets, and nervous tension. However, they also have contraindications: diseases of the intestines, pancreas, increased blood clotting, etc. Consult your doctor!

Cambrian blue clay(3 tablespoons), henna (1 tablespoon) and one teaspoon of cinnamon (make sure you are not allergic!) mix and dissolve in the bath. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes.

Important :

before taking a coloring bath, take a warm cleansing shower, treat the skin with a scrub. I recommend coffee, it nourishes the skin and reduces cellulite.

To get a beautiful golden “tan” with folk remedies, be patient, the first time you are unlikely to achieve the desired result. But your efforts will avoid exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation, which leads to pigmentation and early wrinkles.

This is especially true for those for whom traditional tanning is contraindicated. In addition, natural remedies will not only give a beautiful and even color to your skin, they will also not stain your clothes.

As you can see, using safe methods, you can give your skin a tanned and well-groomed look at home. You can “tan” much more effectively if you combine cosmetic procedures with nutrition: many plant products contain carotenoids - pigments that color the skin from the inside. Read about it.

Be beautiful and take care of yourself!

In the following publications:

  • (base and essential). Safe and helpful.
  • , compatibility and contraindications of essential oils (list of the most popular).
  • Getting ready for the beach season: in 2 weeks!
  • , beautiful and keep the tan for a long time.

Not all girls dream of fair and pale skin. Many people want to have dark skin of the face, and of the whole body, since tanned skin often looks simply irresistible. True, it is not always possible to visit a solarium or a beach, and many cosmetics simply do not live up to expectations. In this case, you can turn to folk remedies.

So how do you make your skin darker?

The most banal advice - sunbathe in the sun. But only in this case, more does not mean better, the main thing is the right approach. You should not fanatically sit under the sun for several hours a day. This can lead to dry skin and early wrinkles, and later redness and sunburn are possible. You should sunbathe gradually, starting from ten minutes, increasing this time every day. Only in this case you will achieve a natural and even tan. But what if summer has not yet come, and you need a tan right now?

To make the skin dark without effort, a solarium will help. Enough to visit it about once a week. However, the procedure is not too harmless, and many regular clients of the solarium experience dry skin over time.

As a safe and proven method, carrot juice and carrot masks can be advised. It is necessary to apply a mask of grated carrots on the skin every day for twenty minutes. For dry skin, add sour cream or olive oil to carrots. After a twelve-day course of masks, you will notice that the skin has acquired a slight tan shade. But if you want the whole body to become swarthy, then drink carrot juice. Just drink a glass of this juice every morning, and soon you will notice that you have become much darker. In addition, carrots are good for vision.

Tea baths are also considered effective, and the result will be similar to using self-tanning cream. Steep a small pack of tea and dilute it in a bath of water. Do such baths every other day, and the skin will become tanned, supple and elastic. This is a very effective method, but you have to spend money on tea. In addition, you can wash your face with strong black tea, although infusions of string and chamomile are also suitable for this purpose.

Fans of professional cosmetics can recommend a cream or spray for self-tanning, which will make the skin darker after a few applications. In order for the cream to lie more evenly and the tan to come out more naturally, it should be applied to the skin mixed in equal proportions with any cream or body lotion. It is better to choose a cream with light-reflecting particles, which will make the skin radiant and even.

The skin will be made darker and washing with a decoction of chamomile. Emphasizing the darkness of the skin, choose the right colors in clothes. Suitable light and pastel shades that will accentuate your tan. Don't forget about nutrition. Eat right, including in the diet as many fruits and vegetables as possible, preferably orange and red shades.