How to quickly clarify the skin in intimate places. Vegetable oils in whitening dark armpits. Mask from parsley, kefir and lemon

In many salons, the service "whitening intimate zones" appears. It is not surprising, because it is becoming increasingly popular. Not all women genitals have a light shade, sometimes they begin to darken, pigmentation appears.

As a result, complexes arise, the constraint of their body. At this time, you can whiten this area by contacting a specialist. But not all people will be able to go to the salon with such a delicate problem.

In this case, you can play the whitening of the intimate zone at home, using special creams or folk recipes. But, after all, what method to choose?

Why darkens skin in intimate places?

Often, the emergence of pigmentation provokes hereditary predisposition. Also, the skin can darken in such cases:

  • under age-related changes, individual characteristics of a person;
  • if a woman systematically carries close underwear;
  • with frequent use of chemicals, for example, deodorant;
  • if there are extra kilograms (in this case, the surplus of the skin will be thrown, hone);
  • if a hormonal failure appeared.

Some drugs, dermatological diseases, inflammatory process, and the fetal period can provoke a darkening of intimate zones.

When a woman faced such a problem, she can go to the salon, where she was bleaching to intimate zones. If it is not solved for such a step, then you can pick up another home method.

But most people are inclined to the salon procedure. The effect after it disappears after some time, therefore it is recommended to save it to be sent to a repeated session every 4-6 months.


Almost all cosmetic procedures have certain contraindications. The whitening of intimate sites was no exception. It is prohibited in the listed cases below.


  1. if a woman is having a fruit, feed baby breasts;
  2. if herpes aggravated, the inflammatory process appeared, cracks on the skin, a person is experiencing a feverish state;
  3. if there is an allergy to components that are part of the tool;
  4. if there is hemorrhoids.

The use of any whitening method is possible in the absence of contraindications. It is also recommended before using the home tool to contact the doctor.

Salon treatments

In the modern world, many fair sex representatives appeal to the salon to make the whitening of intimate zones. For this there are several options for solving such a delicate problem. Popular techniques can be distinguished:

  • grinding;
  • photo power;
  • laser bleaching.

The first method is the conduct for which small particles are used. In such a way, dead cells are eliminated, after which the skin is a little brighten.

Significant effect from such a procedure cannot be achieved. In addition, it is accompanied by painful sensations, so many women are not solved on this unpleasant procedure.

Photorevision is a technique of clarifying intimate areas with light. The light effect provokes a variety of biochemical processes, as a result of which the skin brightens.

The procedure does not cause pain or any other discomfort. But from this method it is worth refusing to pregnant and lactating women, people with diabetes, dermatitis, inflammatory process.

If we consider all the procedures for whitening intimate zones in the cabin, you can notice the high price of photoregments. This also repels many customers.

But laser whitening is considered the most popular. Many public people are sent to such a procedure, singers, actors, etc. Before it is applied to the skin, an anesthetic is applied.

This will help remove discomfort or pain during bleaching with a laser. When anesthesia works, the doctor starts to laser grinding. The procedure itself lasts about a quarter of an hour.

After all the doctor's manipulations, the skin will turn a little. Do not be afraid, as this is a normal phenomenon. After a certain period of time, redness will disappear.

It will take about 4 days, and the woman will face peeling. In such a method, dead cells are simpted.

When the skin stops peeling, you can notice its clarification. To achieve the desired result, you need to spend about 3 sessions that are sent after 1-2 months.

Popular stores for whitening intimate zones

If a person does not want to go to salon procedures, then an alternative can be a store. There are many of them. Below are the most sought-after creams on whitening intimate zones.

Lakshma Maxxi.This name was the American product. It is designed to lighten any body sections. It is recommended to apply to get rid of freckles and pigmentation in the intimate area.
The use of cream is possible at any age. It is used to create waterbutin and cell acid. These are the main components of the means. Such a cream does not provoke the occurrence of an allergic reaction, does not harm skin. This has repeatedly proved cosmetologists with research.
Despite the mass of advantages, the remedy has one minus - this is a high cost. The price of one tube is almost 2 thousand rubles.
Final Whitening CreamThis tool removes unwanted pigmentation for the month. If it is regularly used, the process of cell regeneration is improved. This leads to the fact that the skin is updated faster, becomes clarified. So that the result is fixed, it is recommended to use the tool for a couple of weeks after receiving the effect.
ISMEFor the production of funds, aloe and green tea extracts are used. This cream has proven itself in the whitening of the buttocks and the inside of the hip. It provides clarification and acts as an antiseptic. The main components are to be cell acid and waterbutin. They reduce the production of melanin, so the skin brightens.
Application is carried out by a subtle layer. To get an effect you need to do it regularly in the morning and evening.
EVELINE "EXTRA SOFT WHITENING"Such cream can be called a budget alternative to expensive means. The product has a low price, but it also performs good skin whitening, protects against new pigmentation. To make the skin color, it is recommended to regularly apply the tool.
In the composition of the product there is allantoin and various vegetable extracts, so it does not only clarify, but also provides excellent moisturizing.
Achromin.This cream produces a Bulgarian manufacturer. It is quite popular, many women apply it. Lanolin entered the composition, glycerin and other auxiliary components. Some experts do not advise using the cream due to the presence of hydroquinone, as it is toxic.
To achieve the desired effect, applying means is carried out 2 times a day. Cosmetologists advise it after cleaning the body. Its price is low, which attracts people. Despite this, the result is not worse than in expensive means.
Star WhiteThis is a delicate tool with which you can whiten the skin in the intimate area and in the zone of the nipples. The cream was created by the innovation formula, it does not harm health, since the manufacturer used secure components.
Joy Drops.This is a Turkish. With it, it is possible to achieve a long effect, since after completing the application, the skin does not darken for a long time again. The cream was repeatedly tested by proving its safety and quality.

Question answer

If we bleach in the place where the tattoo is present, it will damage.

Specialists do not advise risk, as you can face an unexpected reaction that cannot be predicted. Going to the procedure is better not earlier than 6 months after the end of the lactation period.

Preparing for home whitening

In addition to salon procedures or creams, you can whiten the skin using folk recipes used at home. But it is necessary to prepare for their use.

Initially, it is recommended to determine the place that will be evilted. After that, the depreciation is carried out. In such a way, dead cells are eliminated, after which the funds will be better penetrated into the tissue.

To deteriorate, you can take purchased scrubs or make them yourself. For this, the marine salt or natural coffee in the hammer is suitable. In addition, before applying a folk remedy, you should consult a doctor.

Homemade recipes

Home remedies, as already mentioned, it is worth using after the doctor's approval. Also need to take into account contraindications.

It is worth carefully picking a home product. Before use, you need to make sure that there is no allergies to a specific component.

Here are some recipes for whitening intimate zones that are easily prepared at home, show a great effect, this is evidenced by people's reviews:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. Packs and connected from 0.5 h. l. ammonia. This mixture is flashed 2 times a week per intimate area. When it goes about 5 minutes, the skin is washed. In order not to encounter unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to initially conduct a test for determination of allergies. For 2 months it is worth spending 10 sessions.
  2. You can whiten the skin, using a parsley. For this, the juice is squeezed out of this component. It will be necessary to take 1 tsp. It is added to it 1 tsp. Lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. kefir. Such a mixture is smelted to the places to whiten. The mask should be on the skin about 25-30 minutes. The procedure is repeated until the desired result is obtained.
  3. You can whiten the skin in intimate places with the help of lemon juice and coffee grounds. For this, such components are taken in the same proportion. The cooked mixture is applied to the skin and massage. When it goes about 5 minutes, it can be deleted. After such manipulation, it is recommended to moisten the skin with cream.
  4. Mixed food soda and apple vinegar. The resulting mixture is applied to intimate places. When the tool is dry, you need to wash the processing zones. Repeat such manipulations cost daily week. This method also covers other parts of the body.

Each woman always seeks to look perfect. Many people familiarize the situation when the skin in the armpit area darkens. You can correct this defect with salon procedures whitening cream or folk remedies. Each of these methods has its advantages.

Methods of skin lightening armpits

Dark spots in the axillary zone significantly spoil the appearance of a woman, especially if she prefers to wear outdoor clothes. There are a lot of funds that are able to solve this cosmetic problem and whiten the gentle skin, take at least these small tricks:

  • To deteriorate it is better to use wax or make shugaring, and not to use a razor. Unlike other ways to get rid of unwanted vegetation, shave injures the skin and contributes to the rapidly accumulating.
  • Try not to use solid antiperspirant too often. Such means not only block sweating, but also clocked pores, can lead to dark skin and inflammation of hair follicles.
  • Regularly take a shower. Wash the armpits at least two or three times a day, especially if the heat is standing on the street or you are engaged in sports.
  • Give preference for clothes from natural fabrics. It helps to avoid excessive sweating and darkening of zones at hand.

Folk remedies

Most folk recipes are based on the use of available and simple ingredients. The whitening of the armpits at home is not considered the fastest way to get rid of a cosmetic defect, but is more safe, compared with popular salon procedures and chemicals. Folk medicine knows a lot of plants that quickly eliminate pigment spots. Among them: Cucumber, Lemon, Kalina, Cranberry, Parsley.

In home care, it is also possible to use drugs from a pharmacy, such as hydrogen peroxide, zinc ointment, ascorbic acid, white clay. Try different ways and choose the one that will suit you more. Popular recipes:

Title means

How to cook

How to use

Frequency application


Baking soda

Mix 2 tbsp. l. Soda with several drops of water so that the consistency of thick sour cream is.

Apply a mixture on the axillary depression. Leave for 5-7 minutes.

2-3 times a week.

Whitens, as a natural peeling agent can be used to exfoliate dead skin cells.

Lemon acid

Take one fresh lemon, cut down in half, squeeze juice.

Using a cotton disk, apply lemon juice on the armpits zone. Leave for 5-10 minutes, after scattering. Immediately after the procedure, apply a moisturizing cream.

In one day.

Lemon juice quickly whitens pigment spots, disinfects the skin.


Sattail the half of the medium potato tuber on a shallow grater. Sleep squeeze juice.

Take a potato mashed potatoes on the whitening area, stand 15 minutes. Rock warm water.

2 times a day.

Whiten, softens the skin.

Half cucumber grind the blender. Press the excess of cucumber juice, add to Kashitz ½ h. Lemon juice and 1 tsp. Ground parsley.

Enter the mask on the armpits zone. Leave for 15 minutes

Twice a day.

Moisturizes and brightens the armpits zone.

Orange peel

Dried orange crusts chop, add kefir and pink water in proportions 1: 2: 1.

Apply a mask on the skin, hold 15 minutes.


Used as a soft cleansing and bleaching agent. Eliminates the unpleasant smell of sweat.

Milk with flour and cottage cheese

Mix all the ingredients in proportions: 2 tbsp. l. Milk, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 2 h. cottage cheese.

Apply a mask on the axillary zone for 15 minutes. Rinse with soap solution.

In one day.

Clamps and moisturizes the epidermis.

Apply a little apple vinegar on your cotton disk.

Wipe the problem zones with a cotton disk.

Twice a day.

Whitens, eliminates sweat smell.

Nut with turmeric and yogurt

Mix 1 tbsp. l. Ground chickpea, with a pinch of turmeric and 1 tsp. yogurt.

Apply a mix of the armpit for 30 minutes.


Mask neutralizes unpleasant odors, whitens, blocks sweat receptors.

How to choose the bleaching cream

To get rid of dark spots in home care, bleaching lotions, masks, creams can be used. In order to correctly choose a tool to consider a number of factors:

  • A good bleaching cream for the armpits on the first line of the composition should contain substances that block the production of tyrosine - the enzyme, which the pigment is synthesized during oxidation. Such components include:
  1. arbutin;
  2. coil acid;
  3. ascorbic acid;
  4. lactic acid;
  5. hydroquinone;
  6. niacinamide;
  7. deoxyarbutin;
  8. fruit acids.
  • Before buying, consult with a dermatologist. Perhaps the reason for the appearance of dark spots lies in violation of the operation of the internal organs and the cream is not needed to solve it.
  • When choosing, be sure to consider your skin type, age, the presence of skin problems (irritation, redness, excessive sweating). The holders of sensitive skin are more suitable cream with the addition of natural soothing components.

Top Tools for Clamping Undermines - Top 5

The range of finished whitening means is impressive to not be lost when choosing, read in advance the rating of the best products, according to customers:

The name of the cream

Active substances

Method, duration of use

Price, ruble

Nivea Whitening Roller Deodorant With Pusher Effect

Kaolin powder, obtained by white clay processing

Shake and apply on the armpits zone 1 time / day.

Natura Siberica Whiting Cream for Body Body "Barberry"

Amur lingonberry, Sabwhite complex, Japanese Sofa, Yarrow Asian, Retinol.

Apply to dry body with soft movements.

Body Cream Whitening Ladykin White Illuminative Body Cream

Bamboo extract, allantoin, papaya extract, hyaluronic acid, rambutan extract, niacinamide.

Apply a small amount of bleaching to dry, clean skin.

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Especially in the summer, the problem is relevant how to remove dark spots between the legs. After all, such stains between the legs and in the armpit zone are a real problem.
A person feels discomfort when I want to sunbathe or wear a short outfit.

How can I remove dark spots between the legs - effective drugs

At the first appearances of dark spots on the skin between the legs, it is necessary to ask for help from a specialist (dermatologist), which as a result of surveys will reveal the cause of pigmentation and prescribe proper treatment. Such actions will significantly increase the timing of the recovery of the skin.

To date, pigmentation is treated:

  • hardware cosmetology, often laser;
  • salon peeling: superficial, medium and deep with fruit acid;
  • external preparations (hydroquinone, kneading acid);
  • folk medicine.

Starting treatment is necessary with non-aggressive and not expensive drugs.

Consider some types of effective ointments that can be purchased in each pharmacy:

  1. Zinc ointment is a pharmacy of a wide range of actions. It is effectively fighting with various skin damage. The drug is absolutely safe, does not cause allergic reactions. The composure of zinc oxide has a whitening effect, is able to cope with any type of pigmentation. It does not have side effects, actively applied by pregnant women and young children. Ointment is endowed with soft paraffin and vaseline. These substances act as a protective film for skin cover. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms cannot be removed in the epidermis. If, when using ointment, the skin becomes dry and pulled, mix zinc ointment with cream (child). The drug is used daily, by applying to problem areas of the body at least three times a day. Course of treatment - to complete lightening of dark spots.
  2. Sulfur ointment is not so harmless as zinc. Pigment stains disappear as a result of exfoliation and destruction of cells that are amazed by pigmentation. This composition is capable of cope with problem areas in a short time. However, it should be used with extreme caution, especially if dry or sensitive skin prevails. Apply the cream directly on the dark spots, try to avoid getting into healthy skin. Apply the drug is not more often once every two days.
  3. The retinaya ointment has a number of useful enzymes, although today is not particularly popular with the consumer. The ointment composition is used externally, it is an analogue of vitamin A. The drug is capable not only to destroy increased pigmentation, but also to give the skin a healthy and beautiful view. The drug is sold in each pharmacy, according to the recipe of the doctor. It is applied with a thin layer on dark spots, no more than two times in seven days. It is prohibited for pregnant and nursing women.

Before proceeding with the treatment of illness, it is necessary to know the cause of the occurrence. And this secret is able to open only a qualified dermatologist!

Causes of occurrence

The skin between the legs is sufficiently sensitive, it is daily subjected to stressful effects that provoked:

  • rubbing;
  • uncomfortable clothing;
  • age-related changes;
  • unsuitable hygiene facilities;
  • injuries at depilation.

For these reasons, pigment spots appear on the skin. In other words, on a certain part of the body, there are greater development of melanocytes, which produce a pigment called melanin.

Such accumulative processes lead to the flue of the skin layers. Spots can stop their development or on the contrary to continue the growing.

Their appearance may be due to:

  1. Disease of the kidneys, liver or thyroid gland. These diseases contribute to the production of substances that activate the creation of melanin.
  2. Hormonal failures that violate pigment exchange.
  3. The effect of ultraviolet irradiation. As a result, the skin layers are subject to photoborenia and, accordingly, the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

After consultation, the specialist will select suitable treatment. And also tell how to get rid of dark spots between the legs, depending on the cause of the appearance.

The appearance of spots in the perineum and under the mouse

In addition to the field of legs, pigmentation may occur under the mouse. This may be associated with age or hormonal changes, but not always.

The main causes of dark spots stands:

  1. Shaving procedures. In this situation, skin cover is suspended with strugging, irritation. Therefore, other methods of removing hair cover are recommended under mouses.
  2. Depilation. Cream formulations for this type of procedures are maximally effective, but their composition contains a large number of chemical components that provoke the appearance of pigment spots.
  3. Sweating. Try to wear spacious things so that the skin can breathe.
  4. Alcohol deodorants. With their regular use, the skin changes the shade.
  5. Dead cells will not be able to change the skin color if they regularly apply special scrubs and cosmetics.
  6. Smoking leads to the accumulation of melanin in the tissues. Therefore, smokers are most susceptible to pigmentation.
  7. Dark spots may appear during pregnancy or reception of hormonal drugs.

Popular Medicine in the fight against pigmentation at home

In addition to pharmacy preparations with pigment stains, traditional medicine is actively fighting.

Consider several effective recipes:

  1. When pigmentation, use the bodian powder and hydrogen peroxide (three percent). Mix two compositions to a depletion of sour cream. Spend a pre-cleaning of the legs and apply a mixture for 25 minutes, then rinse with a warm water substance. Applying a substance can be felt burning. The course of treatment is seven days, apply the drug for dark spots twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Mix four tablespoons of melon pulp and as many parsley juice, make fourteen droplets of oil (essential) and oil (lime) eight drops. Apply the composition on the affected areas of the body, overlooking with polyethylene for twenty minutes. After that, wash your feet with warm water and use peeling from kefir mixture.
  3. Remove pigmentation will help usual honey (50 grams), mixed with five drops of essential citrus oils. Apply a mask on problem areas of the body every day, until the fifteen is completely disappeared.
  4. Perfectly cope with this problem of the decoction of Parsley. Grind the root part of the plant, add a few drops of lemon juice. With this solution, wipe the stains twice a day.
  5. One of the best pigmentation is considered a fresh cucumber. Prepare a mask is easy, take a vegetable and scroll through it with a shallow grater. Cashitz received to make any nutrient cream or children. Apply a mask on the stains of the legs. In fifteen minutes, rinse with water, preferably cool.
  6. To prepare a fresh cucumber cream, you will need 2 tbsp. Spoons of grated vegetable. Add 2h to it. Olive oil spoons, mix everything thoroughly. This composition daily wipe the dark spots between the legs.
  7. Herbal fees will be effectively affected by pigment stains. Place the container several bezin flowers (7-10), fill them with boiling water (200 grams). After that, the decoction is placed on a water bath, after 10 minutes it is removed and filtered. When the mixture cools, moisten the napkin and attach to problem areas of the body, repeating the procedure several times. Apply a mask at least two times a week.
  8. Place the gold male in deep, iron with cold water and put on the stove. On slow fire, the mixture should be cooked until half the water loss. After that, remove the medicine from the fire, strain and wipe the foot lotion twice a day.


Whitening anti-pigmentation

Therapeutic bleaching agents are effectively struggling with manifestations of skin pigmentation.

The components contained in the creams are capable of eliminating and brightening dark spots on the legs in a short period of time.

When choosing a cosmetics, carefully study its composition.

Common components of cordial creams are:

  1. The hydroquinone is a sufficient effective, whitening element, which in thirty days of application shows an excellent result. However, it should be used with extreme caution, so it is toxic.
  2. Koyaic acid is a widespread whitening substance in cosmetology. It is practically non-toxic, but can cause allergic reactions. Applying the component, the structure of pigment spots is quickly destroyed.
  3. Arbutin is a vegetable matter, which is excreted from the tool. Destroys only existing spots, but does not prevent their appearance.
  4. Melanozim is a whitening component, absolutely harmless, and the rapid and high-quality removal of pigmentation occurs. It is able to interrupt the synthesis of melanin in the skin fabrics.

Consider the most effective whitening agents:

  1. The "melanient" cream on a water basis, with natural components quickly and efficiently destroys dark spots between the legs. In addition to removal, the means warns the appearance of pigmentation. It has a humidifier and nutritional action. The cream composition is applied to the damaged parts of the body with a thin layer, in the evening (without rubbing). With itching or tightening the skin, the use of the drug should be suspended.
  2. Cream "Skingen" an effective whitening drug, cleans the skin from pigmentation, fungus and various bacteria that amazed the epidermis. Azelinic acid is present in the cream, which removes an extra pigment from the tissue and normalizes the infringement of the body. The tool is applied to the damn legs twice a day.
  3. Cream "Clearvin" contains natural ingredients, fees of herbs, natural antioxidants, vitamin E. With each application of the drug on the skin of the legs, the cells damaged by pigmentation are updated, an extra melanin disappears, the upper layers of the skin are saturated with moisture and oxygen.

The tool is applied on dark skin twice a day.

Take the whitening means of only high quality, do not save at the price. Only so you can achieve the desired result. Applying cosmetic and therapeutic creams, try to be as small as possible in the sun.

The skin that is subject to pigmentation needs a small consumption of sun rays. Going to the beach in Sunny weather, apply sunscreen to the skin.

Never use bleaching preparations before the tan. Therapeutic procedures are recommended to be carried out in the autumn or winter period of time when the sun rays are at least active.

You can quickly get rid of this pathology

To pick up the most effective and fast treatment, it is necessary to carry out a full examination from specialists (dermatologist, endocrinologist, oncologist). After analyzes, the cause of pigmentation will be established.

If the appearance of spots is provoked by serious diseases of the thyroid or kidney, then it is necessary to proceed to eliminate the main ailment and only after that delete pigmentation. If the appearance of stains is not related to diseases, it is possible to quickly withdraw pigmentation by contacting the cosmetologist, which will assign appropriate procedures.

How to remove dark spots between the legs:

  1. Cryotherapy. This is an absolutely painless procedure that takes a small amount of time. Liquid nitrogen will destroy melanin, and damaged layers of dermis in a few minutes.
  2. Laser grinding. In this case, the affected epidermis is removed by the beam. The skin is aligned, one-photon color gamut is purchased. Recommended by people with a small degree of damage to pigmentation.
  3. Photorejuvenation. A laser is involved, which eliminates the dryness of the skin, aligns the color, contributes to the production of collagen and regenerates the skin. With highly pronounced pigment stains, there will have several procedures.
  4. Microdermabrasion. The procedure is suitable for people with highly affected skin sections. There is a grinding of the upper skin with aluminum microcrystals. As a result, the damaged layer of the epidermis is removed.
  5. Chemical peeling. Pigment stains are removed with acids. This concentrated composition is capable of making the skin of the feet in a few minutes. Only a qualified specialist-cosmetologist can conduct a procedure.
  6. Ultrasonic peeling. It will clean up all pollution and dust on the skin. Suspension of the epidermis of the maximum oxygen rate, moisturizes, will accelerate the regeneration. Suitable people with a small damage to pigment spots.
  7. Disguise. There are few people heard about this procedure. In our country, this service is offered only a few cosmetic clinics. Using a corrector with a light neutralizer, pigment stains are displayed. The procedure is fairly effective and able to give a healthy look in a few minutes, without dark spots.

When visiting beauty salons, pay attention to the license, the conditions for conducting therapeutic measures and diplomas of employees.

Features of nutrition at the same time

Often dark stains between the legs appear in connection with weakened immunity or avitaminosis. You can strengthen the body using proper nutrition. The body should be saturated with iron, copper and zinc. These substances are actively involved with the synthesis of melanin.

The skin affected by pigmentation needs proper nutrition.

You must enable in the daily menu:

  • liver (chicken and pork);
  • beef;
  • turkey;
  • shrimp;
  • nuts;
  • lentil;
  • beans:
  • buckwheat porridges;
  • pea cereals and soups;
  • soft varieties of cheese;
  • spinach.

Use as much fresh parsley as possible, celery, figs, rosehip.

Possible consequences and complications

Nobody is insured against the appearance of pigment stains. They may appear from birth, and can be purchased. Pigmentation is not a skin disease and does not carry any harm to human health.

Dark spots are a cosmetic defect and bring people only inconvenience and discomfort. The main danger of stains consists in possible disguise under them malignant formations. Therefore, consultation at the dermatologist is simply necessary.

After all, if you do not pay for help in a timely manner, the tumor will develop and result in a fatal outcome. In addition, pigment stains may indicate the presence of other, serious diseases.

Prevention of problem

In order to prevent the appearance of pigmentation on the skin of the legs and do not contact each year for advice to the dermatologist and the cosmetologist, some rules must be followed.

Often, women face the problem of pigmentation (darkening) in delicate zones. It causes his own body to be shy, sometimes even causes the appearance of complexes, takes the feeling of flawlessness. This problem is solved. There are many modern ways to allow the whitening of intimate zones. Folk cosmetology also offers its methods of getting rid of the problem.

Before choosing a suitable method for yourself, you should study the effectiveness of each of them. Despite the seeming harmlessness, some of the ways can have a traumatic effect on the skin, and their use does not justify themselves.

Causes of darkening

It is important to find out what exactly provokes pigmentation - maybe there are other problems that it is worth paying attention in parallel with getting rid of skin darkening.

Causes may be as follows:

  • Overweight, due to which areas of the skin of the internal areas of the hips rub each other. As a result, redness arise, infection. Over time, the skin becomes gross and darker;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Incorrect linen. First, if it is made of insight tissues, allergic may occur. Secondly, underwear with an inappropriate size or landing can rub;
  • Increased skin sensitivity;
  • Changes associated with age.

In addition, provocateurs of appearance of spots in intimate places can be made medicines, dermatological diseases, inflammation, injuries, genetic predisposition, the use of oral contraceptive means, pregnancy.

If the problem of darkens is not a natural physiological process, it is necessary to decide it so that it does not return. It is necessary for both the development of various diseases.

Before proceeding with procedures, a dermatologist should be visited, which will allow to identify the causes and confirm or eliminate the presence of diseases.

Ways to eliminate the problem

Regardless of the selected clarification method, this procedure always assumes the removal of the upper layer of the epidermis, so that the desired result is achieved.

In essence, these manipulations are peeling. You can produce them yourself either by contacting specialists.

Previously, women used funds that contain salicylic acid, phenol. It was also used mercury ointment.

Currently, leading cosmetologists are recommended to use cosmetics containing the following components:

  • Hydroquinone;
  • Lactic acid;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Azelain acid;
  • Glycolic acid.

Effective are funds containing parsley extract, cucumber, tocheries.

Whitening in the salon

Often women prefer to appeal to professional cosmetologists who will produce a procedure in the cabin. Specialists carry out peeling, after which the process continues at home using special creams.

Usually they are intended for use within 2 weeks with a frequency of 2 times a day. The skin should take a break from peeling, and subsequent procedures are carried out after three days after it.

Accordingly, resorting to the services of professionals, you will still have to finish the process yourself. But if you decide to produce intimate whitening in the cabin, the peeling will be made qualitatively, and the risk of injury will decrease to a minimum.

Solving the problem at home

This option stops your choice most women. As a rule, cream containing the necessary components is selected for this. Each of the proposed modern cosmetic drug industry has a different value, the application is necessary to achieve the result, the composition, method of application.

Before you buy cream, pay attention to its components, instructions for use, find out what the principle of its action. Remember that this type of cosmetics must contribute to the exfoliation of the dermis.

  • As a rule, the tool is applied to the body sections twice a day, but before applying, be sure to read the instructions - perhaps the cosmetics you choose should be used in another mode;
  • Do not allow substances into the eyes;
  • No matter what kind of cream for whitening the skin of intimate zones you have chosen, you should avoid getting the rays of the sun on it and, accordingly, tanning;
  • Apply a thin layer to avoid irritation, allergies. For the same goal, examine the concentration of the main component - it should not be very high;
  • You can not use cosmetics if there are open wounds on the treated areas, abrasions;
  • If you discovered an allergic reaction in the form of rash, redness, itching, stop using the cream, and when the cover will restore, select other cosmetics.

A variety of creams today is huge, but there are funds proven over the years. Among them, the cream of the Bulgarian manufacturer "Akhromine". It includes lactic acid, water, lanolin, paraffin, glycerin, sodium chloride, Trilon B.

The main component of cosmetics is hydroquinone, which is the most efficient substance for bleaching. It is toxic, therefore it is prohibited for use in several countries of the world.

Currently, you can find a cream, in the manufacture of which this component is replaced with other components with a similar effect. Nevertheless, "Achromine" containing hydroquins in its composition, for intimate whitening is used most often.

Before applying it, be sure to read the instructions, use the tool, strictly following the recommendations specified in it. Sometimes the cream is able to cause allergies, so visit the dermatologist before use. Pregnant women, as well as during the lactation, it is impossible to use it.

Folk cosmetology

The whitening of intimate zones is carried out at home and with the use of funds of folk cosmetology, proven over the years.

Summer alcohol with hydrogen peroxide. Connect these components in a proportion of 0.5 h. and 1 tbsp. l. Accordingly, apply a mixture to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe body for 3-5 minutes. The procedure must be carried out twice a week. The course is no more than 12 procedures. Before use, apply it on the wrist - in the absence of redness, itching and other unpleasant sensations can use a mixture at home for delicate zones.

Cucumber. Vegetable need to grate on the grater, combine with a cream with nutritional properties. Apply the resulting mixture to gauze or soft matter and attach to the skin for 10 minutes.

Parsley. Green cut into a knife, squeeze the juice from it (it will take 1 tsp.), Connect it with lemon juice in the same amount, add to the liquid 1 st. l. Sour cream and apply a mixture on the skin for 20 minutes. This procedure is carried out at home for 4 days, and then a break is made in mandatory.

Coffee grounds. It is necessary to mix the substance with lemon juice in equal parts, apply the resulting cleaner to the delicate region and take a gently to make a massage for 5 minutes. The mixture is then washed away by warm water. Next, apply a dry type of skin on this zone. The procedure is repeated until the effect is reached twice a week.

For women, it is very important to look always flawless, and beauty and well-kept appearance, as a rule, depends on healthy and beautiful skin, not only in visible places. The darkening of the intimate areas of the body is the usual phenomenon, but that there is a lot of funds that allow you to fight excessive pigmentation, not everyone knows. The color of the surface of the skin may vary depending on many reasons, ranging from hormonal disorders and age-related changes to uncomfortable underwear, which rubs the skin. Currently, the whitening of intimate places is possible not only in cosmetic salons, but at home.

Bleaching methods of intimate zones

Today, in order to whiten the skin between the legs, in the perineum, in the field of germ lips, groin, the anus zone or bikini, modern salons offer many different methods. The whole bleaching process is divided into such steps as:

  • exfoliation of old, suspended cells;
  • reducing the process of producing melanin.

Freeze or phototherapy is one of the most sought-after and known methods that allow you to whiten the area of \u200b\u200bbikini or the skin between the legs. This method allows you to completely painlessly clarify problem intimate places for several procedures. It is worth considering that there are contraindications for this method: pregnancy, breastfeeding, any inflammatory processes in the body, diabetes, atopic dermatitis.

Chemical methods are quite effective, but not suitable for women having increased skin sensitivity between legs, in the perineum, in the anus, germ lip, or bikini zone. Side effects can manifest itself in a burning, an allergic reaction or strong redness and itching in the process of whitening intimate zones.

"Homemade whitening the intimate zone is very popular among women, because the constraint does not allow many of them to turn to an experienced specialist. Whitening is best to spend at the beautician. Such a procedure minimizes the risks of injury and the occurrence of allergic reactions in comparison with home procedures. The most secure home bleaching methods are special creams or juices of fruits and vegetables. "

Valentina Igorevna

One of the simplest bleaching procedures is the use of clarifying ointments containing special components. For whitening the germ lips, a special powder is also used (it also enjoy men). There are also potent creams with whitening effect, but they are quite expensive.

Any cosmetic salon offers such services, but the fact is that not every woman is ready to take advantage of them. In this case, it is worth using proven means that can be easily prepared at home from simple and inexpensive ingredients.

All women have intimate zones have a different color and shade, often very different from the main color of the skin on the body. Sometimes the color of the germ lip, the perineum, anus or the skin between the legs and in the groin, the girls with white skin are dark brown, whereas with dark-skinned these same intimate places can be light pink or white.

The dark color of the skin between the legs, in the field of the anus or sexual lips, usually depends on hereditary factors or caused by a large number of melanin. Frequent visits to Solarium can also cause darkening of intimate places.

Recipes for clarification at home

Before using any domestic tool to whiten intimate zones, it is worth consulted with a doctor about possible skin diseases. With their absence, you can safely choose and use suitable recipes. During bleaching procedures, it is necessary to protect the skin from the effects of sun rays and carry out the exfoliation exfoliation of oroging cells with peeling (helps to withdraw melanin from the epidermis). It is necessary to take into account that such procedures will require a large patience and hard work, since the result may not appear soon, but only a few months later.

Connect hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon) with ammonia alcohol (0.5 teaspoon) and to process intimate zones obtained by a mixture. The time of procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. Before applying the solution, you need to test the allergic reaction test (try liquid on the wrist or elbow bending). If no unpleasant symptoms appear for 20 minutes, the mixture prepared at home from the simplest components can be used without fears. The bleaching course assumes 10-12 procedures.

The grated cucumber can be mixed with a nutrient cream, wrap in a gauze napkin and attach to an intimate zone that you need to whiten. Keep compress for at least 10 minutes.

Parsley's green juice is combined with lemon juice and sour cream (1: 1) and apply to the crotch area, around the bikini zone, anus or between the legs, leave for 20 minutes, wash off. After four days of use, it is necessary to take a break. Reviews of women who tried this tool, unequivocally suggest that it is the best and most effective, giving the result in a week.

The next recipe contains coffee thick, which in equal proportions you need to mix with lemon juice and this mixture of circular massaging movements are applied around intimate zones, and in 5 minutes, wash off with warm water. Since the coffee grounds is an abrasive agent, the use of peeling before applying the mixture is optional. You can make such a procedure for quite a long time (to the desired result) twice a week.

The juices of strawberries, birch, pomegranate, grapefruit and lemon, as well as bodiagas, honey and fermented products will help whiten the intimate zone. Substances contained in these products contribute to the lightening of problem parts of the body and a decrease in melanin.

Another recipe that allows you to whiten the intimate areas of the skin, cooked at home, contains a white cosmetic clay (1 tablespoon), diluted with cucumber juice to the consistency of thick sour cream (so as not to spread). At the finished mass add a bit of lemon juice (a few drops) and lubricate the skin cleaned before the procedure. After 10 minutes the composition washed off with cool water and apply cream. Juice of cucumber If you wish, you can replace strawberry or parsley juice, which also possess whitening properties.: Head doctor of the medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching: Teaching the subject "Social Medicine and Health Organization", including for foreign (English-speaking) students, consultation and pre-examination preparation.

Scientific and Research: Writing scientific publications, accompanying documents, organizing the interaction of the department with profile leading clinical and cosmetic centers for joint research work, participation in conferences, symposia, etc.