How to dress a child for the night Komarovsky. How to dress a baby for the night - do I need a hat and socks? Types of sleepwear

Getting your baby ready for bed is an important part of the day for mom and dad. Young parents do not always know what is needed for this. Questions can arise for any reason: how to dress the baby, do you need to swaddle, what to do if the baby wakes up at night feeding and is it worth waking him up to change the diaper?

19.07.2016 6256 2

Nighttime sleep is important for a newborn. During this process, the baby grows faster, his body recovers, and development accelerates. However, not all parents know what to dress a newborn for at night and what conditions to prepare for him so as not to disturb the peace of a child's sleep.

Preparing a baby for bed is an important part of the day for mom and dad. Young parents do not always know what is needed for this. Questions can arise for any reason: how to dress the baby, do you need to swaddle, what to do if the baby wakes up at night feeding and should he wake up to change the diaper?

How to dress a baby for a night's sleep?

All babies are different. In order for mom and dad to understand what to wear a newborn for the night, it is enough to cool the room to 18 C, and then put the baby to bed. At the same time, it is not worth wrapping it tightly, but it is recommended to check the nose several times a night (cold or not) without fail. In the event that the baby is cold, it is better to start covering him with a thicker blanket.

Many babies throw off their covers during sleep and therefore freeze. To solve this problem, it is recommended to purchase a special sleeping bag for the child, or start swaddling it.

In winter, so that the baby does not freeze during a night's sleep, you do not need to lay him near the radiator or heater; it is enough to dress the baby warmer or cover with another blanket.

Question How to dress a child at night with a temperature? also worries parents. Grandparents, noticing that the baby has a cold, immediately begin to wrap him up, but is this right? At a high temperature, it is worth removing all clothes from the child and even a diaper to avoid the occurrence of diaper rash and an increase in temperature. At night, the baby can be covered with a thin sheet.

When the heating is turned off, the child should be put to bed in pajamas and warm socks. Remember that nightwear should be loose, without tight ties, and there should be no buttons or elastic bands on it.

Blanket and pillow

For a newborn, a pillow is contraindicated, as it can contribute to the incorrect formation of the vertebrae. Instead, in the first six months of a baby's life, it is better to put a folded sheet or diaper under the head.

When buying a blanket, pay attention to the texture of the material; it should be light.

A blanket for a newborn can be chosen by adhering to the following criteria:

  1. Consider the season and temperature in the room where the baby sleeps;
  2. A blanket can replace an envelope for a newborn. This replacement is considered appropriate only if the child's room is cool enough;
  3. When buying a blanket, pay attention to the texture of the material; it should be light (down, synthetic filler). In recent years, blankets sheathed in cotton fabric made of sheep or camel wool have been especially popular.

Night feeding

The frequency of night feeding depends on the needs of the baby and its age. The younger the baby, the more and more often he wants to eat. From about half a year, children stop waking up at night for feeding and begin to want to eat only in the morning.

In order for the baby’s sleep to be calm and strong, it is enough to dress him correctly, pick up a high-quality blanket and not wake up the baby once again

Hungry, the baby will let you know about it. It is not necessary to wake him up at night, adhering to a certain schedule. In some cases, the child does not get up for night feeding on his own. Most often this happens because the baby sleeps separately from the mother and is used to not waking up during the night.

Other causes include prematurity, weakness, and physical immaturity. In these cases, you need to wake the baby for night feeding, otherwise he will not receive enough nutrition and will not be able to gain strength.

What should swaddling be like?

A few decades ago, babies were swaddled too tightly. They could not move: the arms pressed tightly to the body, and the legs to each other. Modern scientists have proven the harm of such winding crumbs:

  1. Tight swaddling has a bad effect on the development of the motor functions of the newborn;
  2. Toddlers take a long time to get used to their limbs (only by six months) and often wake themselves up with their own movements;
  3. Tight winding contributes to the development of dysplasia of the pelvic joints;
  4. In children with such swaddling, blood circulation is disturbed and the lungs are compressed, which interferes with normal breathing;
  5. Tight swaddling increases the child's temperature, reduces his immunity, worsens his general well-being, disrupts the processes of sleep and nutrition;
  6. The child becomes nervous and easily excitable.

The minus of tight swaddling, according to psychologists, is also that this procedure brings up a submissive and disciplined personality in a child who does not oppose submission. For this reason, the baby will grow weak and passive.

In order to avoid such problems, pediatricians recommend free swaddling. Due to it, you can create conditions that are comfortable for the child, which will be close to intrauterine.

While the baby is in the mother's tummy, his body is wrapped around the walls of the uterus, while forming a support for the arms and legs. After being born, the baby experiences a strong fright: the space around him becomes open, there is a lot of space, noise and light everywhere; limbs, deprived of their usual support, begin to dangle randomly. The child cries loudly, is disoriented and needs support, which can be given to him with the help of loose cloth wrapping.

Whether or not to swaddle your baby at night is up to you. However, if such actions help to calm the baby, improve his sleep without harm to the crumbs, then it is better to resort to this procedure.

Is there a need for a diaper change?

In order to change the baby's diaper at night, do not interrupt his sleep. You can do this when the baby wakes up for a feed and if the diaper is full, change it; if not, then wait until the morning.

In order for the baby’s sleep to be calm and strong, it is enough to dress him correctly, pick up a high-quality blanket and not wake up the baby once again for the sake of feeding or checking the diaper.

After the baby is born - small and defenseless, the parents have a question: how to dress the baby in order to protect him as much as possible from colds and infections. Most parents, especially if the baby is the first, constantly wrap him up, it seems to them that the child is cold. But this is not correct, because the baby will be very uncomfortable due to rapid overheating (the thermoregulation system in newborns is not yet fully formed), and a lightly dressed child also quickly becomes supercooled. No less dangerous is the "sweating" of the baby, because any breeze can cause a cold, and if the child is constantly wrapped up, the body perceives a decrease in temperature in the room or on the street as a threat and cannot resist these factors. At an older age, this leads to a decrease in immunity and constant colds and respiratory infections. Therefore, from birth, you need to dress your baby according to the weather!

Thermoregulation of the baby

Even in full-term newborns, especially during the first month of life, thermoregulation is unstable, while heat production is more intense compared to heat transfer. And in premature newborns and in small children, these processes are even more imperfect. Also, newborn children have a thin subcutaneous fat layer, which plays a major role in protecting the baby's body from hypothermia. An additional negative factor is the lack of functioning of the sweat glands responsible for the release of excess heat by evaporation of sweat from the surface of the skin of newborns. From the age of one month, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer increases, and the protection against hypothermia improves, but the heat transfer processes remain imperfect until the age of three, when the sweat glands begin to function in full.
All these features of thermoregulation must be taken into account when dressing the baby at home or for a walk.

How to dress a baby during the day

The baby should be dressed as himself, preferably in clothes made from natural fabrics (cotton or linen, natural wool), use gloves, a hat and socks (even in the room) and constantly maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room. The air temperature in the room should be 23-25 ​​C, constantly ventilate the room, after moving the crumbs to another room. This air temperature is considered the most comfortable, protects against overheating and at the same time hardens the child.
When the temperature in the room (or outside) is above 27C, it is enough for the baby to put on a thin cotton blouse. At a temperature of 23 - 25C - thin cotton overalls or a blouse and sliders, a thin cap, and if cold hands and feet (especially in newborns, premature and weakened babies) - socks and mittens.

How to dress a baby at night

During sleep, the baby should be dressed as during wakefulness, additionally covering the baby with a diaper or a light blanket made of natural fabrics with a minimum inclusion of synthetic fibers, or buy special blankets made of modern materials that allow air to pass through well. It is important to avoid using thick blankets - woolen or wadded, due to the high probability of overheating the baby.
At temperatures above 27C, it is not recommended to cover the baby, and at 24C-27C, cover the baby with a thin diaper.

How to check if the baby is comfortable

Often, for this, it is advised to touch the nose of the crumbs - if it is warm, then the baby is comfortable, and if it is cold, the child is cold. But this is not always correct, because the temperature of the baby's nose (as an open part of the body) will always be slightly less or more than the temperature of the crumbs.
In this case, it is better to check the temperature of the neck, parietal region of the head, upper back, feet.
The temperature of the crown can be checked even on a walk by putting your hand under the cap. The temperature of the rest of the body should be checked at home - immediately after the walk and draw conclusions when choosing clothes for the next walk. If these parts of the body are wet or hot, the baby is overheated, and if they are cold, the child is cold.
In the cold season on the street, you need to periodically monitor the color of the skin of the face, if it is pale, then the baby is cold and you need to go home.

Walks in the fresh air are necessary for the baby at any time of the year, so that the baby receives oxygen, which improves metabolic processes in the body of the crumbs, stimulates the growth and differentiation of all cell systems, and also improves the sleep of the baby.

You can start going outside with a newborn only after the baby’s body has fully adapted to the temperature regime and new living conditions.

The main feature of young children is the instability of the nervous regulation and the system of thermoregulation of infants.

To properly dress the baby for a walk, use the formula - "like a mother + one layer of clothing." You need to dress your baby for a walk in accordance with the weather, season and general health of the child. Therefore, you need to have several sets of clothes for babies for different occasions.

How to dress a baby in winter

For comfortable walks in winter, you need a good stroller that will protect your baby from cold air and wind, warm clothes made from modern natural materials - overalls with down or fur with a hood and a light, warm blanket for legs.

It is important to remember that you can start walking with a baby on the street only after the baby has adapted by walking on a balcony, veranda or loggia with a gradual increase in the duration of walks from five minutes to an hour (on the balcony).

You can walk with your baby in winter in clear weather and frost (no more than -10) with moderate humidity, without piercing wind and snow. Important factors are the right choice of a place for a walk and the good mood of the child. You need to walk in a calm park with a comfortable microclimate - a place where loud sounds and extraneous noises are completely absent and there are no open ventilated places (drafts). It is also important that the baby is full and does not cry on a walk.

Clothing should be warm and comfortable, not restrict the movements of the child.

It is important to remember that a warm hat cannot be worn without a cotton scarf or cap and constantly check the temperature of open places (cheeks, nose).

Walking with premature newborns in winter or with children with low body weight is possible only when the baby reaches more than 3 kilograms of weight at an air temperature not lower than -5: first for 5-10-15 minutes and with a gradual lengthening of the walk time by five minutes daily, but not more than 35-45 minutes 2 times a day. With a lower body weight or low air temperature, cold wind or snowfall, walks consist in constant airing of the room.

How to dress a baby in summer

In the hot season, children need clothes made from light natural fabrics: suits and, of course, hats that protect the baby's head from the sun.

In very hot months, the baby can be left without clothes for walking and sleeping, but you should always have a set of underwear with you in case the weather changes (wind or rain). At this time of the year, you also need to choose the right place for a walk - without direct sunlight and drafts. It is also not recommended to go with the baby into the halls of supermarkets with air conditioning and other public places - with a sharp temperature drop, the child may catch a cold.

How to dress a baby in autumn and spring

Autumn and spring are seasons with changeable weather throughout the day, characterized by wet winds, occasional rain, or vice versa hot weather. Therefore, the baby’s wardrobe should include both light caps and suits, as well as fleece or wool overalls or suits. In rainy weather and with strong winds, walks in the fresh air should be refrained from.

Every parent wants their child to be warm and comfortable both on the street and in the apartment. But how to dress a newborn at home? What clothes are better to choose? How not to overwrap and overcool the baby?

We will try to answer these questions and make the baby's stay at home as comfortable and convenient as possible.

About ideal conditions in the apartment

The famous doctor Komarovsky considers the ideal temperature in the children's room to be 18-19 degrees. Other sources give numbers - 22-24 degrees. Moreover, during the wakefulness of the child, the temperature can be 1-2 degrees higher than during sleep.

At the same time, air humidity should be high - 50-70%. In modern apartments, you can achieve such humidity using special humidifiers and air purifiers.

Thus, we can say that the ideal conditions for newborns and children under one year old are cool air with high humidity.

Unfortunately, in many apartments the situation is exactly the opposite. Parents, “taking care” of the child, turn on the heating and heaters at full power, and ventilate the room very rarely. This approach is not only wrong, but also fatal for the baby, since the newborn, living in dry warm air, begins to get sick with all sorts of diseases of the lungs and nasopharynx.

It is also dangerous for a baby to overheat, which often happens when “caring” parents wrap the baby too much.

But how to avoid common mistakes?

What to dress the baby in during the day?

Both in winter and summer, the temperature in the apartment, as a rule, is kept at the same level and often exceeds the maximum allowable - 22-24 degrees. In autumn, it can decrease slightly and be 20-21 degrees.

Clothes for the heat

It is very important to be able to determine by the appearance of the baby how comfortable he is in this or that clothes. Look at the child. If he is blushing, naughty and whimpering, it is likely that he is overheating. A simple test will help to determine for sure: put your hand on the baby’s neck, if it is hot, overheating is obvious.

That's why it's so important not to wrap your baby too tightly when it's hot outside, or when it's too warm at home.

Let's take a look at some tips on how to dress your baby in a warm room.

  1. Stay away from sweatshirts and sweatpants. They are useful for a walk, but not suitable for use at home.
  2. A newborn can be dressed in light sliders and a thin vest with buttons.
  3. Up to a month, the handles should be covered with special anti-scratch mittens, but then it is better to leave the palms open.
  4. If the temperature exceeds 26-30 degrees, then the baby should be dressed in a bodysuit or a short-sleeved shirt. Jumpsuits or panties may not be worn.
  5. At any temperature, it is recommended to wear socks on the baby's legs.

Cool clothes

In autumn and spring, when there is no heating, and the weather outside is far from the summer heat, the baby should be dressed according to the following rules.

  1. If the temperature in the room has dropped below 20-21 degrees, it is recommended to wear flannel clothes on the crumbs; if the temperature has dropped below 18 degrees, it is better to give preference to things made of fine wool.
  2. In a cool room (and also after bathing), it is recommended to put on a cap or a thin hat on the head of a newborn.
  3. You can determine that the baby is cold by touching his nose. If it is cold, it is better to dress the baby warmer.
  4. If you are swaddling a newborn, then use a warm flannelette diaper.
  5. In a cold room, a newborn can be put in a warm sleeping bag.

The main rule to follow when dressing a child is that the baby should be dressed one layer warmer than the parents. This is mainly true when you are taking the baby for a walk, but even if the temperature in the apartment is too low, you should also remember this rule.

As mentioned above, at night the air temperature in the apartment should be a couple of degrees lower than during the day, because it has long been known that babies sleep best in a cool room.

  1. At night, dress your baby in a light, loose-fitting denim jumpsuit or loose-fitting long-sleeve bodysuit.
  2. Do not buy a newborn wadded and duvets. They will not only contribute to overheating of the crumbs, but can also cause the baby to die suddenly (newborn babies can suffocate if the blanket covers them with their heads).
  3. It is best to choose a thin jumpsuit with closed arms and legs or long-sleeved bodysuits and socks for a night's sleep.
  4. If the apartment is cool, it is better to dress the baby in a one-piece jumpsuit.
  5. Instead of a blanket, it is recommended to use a thick diaper or blanket.
  6. At night, you can warm the baby's head with a cap or a comfortable hat made of natural thin material.

What home clothes to choose?

It is better to choose clothes for the house from thin cotton fabric. For a newborn, things with seams outward are suitable, and for an older child, you can use ordinary vests and sliders (with seams inward).

It is better to choose clothes without small details (buttons, beads, bows) and without bright spots. Items made of white or light cotton fabric with buttons are ideal. But it is undesirable to use a zipper for newborns. Especially at home. A child, awake, can get hurt on a metal "dog" or even tear it off.

Also, do not buy things without fasteners (which are worn over the head), as frequent dressing can damage the baby's fragile neck. It is better to choose overalls and vests with side buttons.

Just in case, you can buy one warm jacket and pants made of cashmere or fine wool, but there is a high probability that you will never need them at home.

What is better to choose - a blouse and sliders or a one-piece jumpsuit (slip) - each mother decides for herself. It is more convenient for someone to use separate pants, someone slip.

In general, for a newborn, you should purchase the following set of home clothes:

  • 2-3 undershirts made of thin fabric;
  • 3-4 panties with closed (in extreme cases, open) legs;
  • 2 bodysuits with short sleeves;
  • 2 bodysuits with long sleeves;
  • 2 sliders;
  • 2-3 warm suits (woolen, flannel);
  • 2-3 bonnets;
  • 1 warm hat;
  • 3-4 pairs of socks;
  • 2 pairs of anti-scratch mittens.

If you are a lover of swaddling and do not leave your baby without a diaper day or night, then you will need much less clothes, but you should buy more diapers:

  • 10-15 thin diapers;
  • 5-7 warm flannel.

It is very important to choose the right home clothes for the baby, since it is at home that he spends most of his time and his well-being, development and peace of mind depend on how convenient and comfortable his clothes will be.

When you first become a parent, there are many questions about child care. Literature in unlimited volumes, advice from friends, mothers, grandmothers comes to the rescue.

Having savvy a little with the help of advice on the forums, modern parents come to the conclusion that the child should not be supercooled and overheated, and that there is a golden rule: the child should be dressed like yourself + 1 layer.

And this, however, is such an unspoken recommendation for children under one year old, in order to make the task easier for indecisive and doubting parents all the time.
But there are no fewer questions. In addition to being outside, the child needs to be dressed in something indoors. How to do it right, without earning prickly heat, and without catching a cold for a child.

Does the extra layer rule apply when the child is in the building? What exactly to put on a child when he is actively playing at home, when he is sleeping, after bathing, etc.? This article will help you find answers.

How to properly dress a child at home?

The main factors that will determine the choice of outfit from the children's wardrobe include:

  1. age
  2. activity / activity of the child
  3. room temperature

Age. It is conditionally possible to distinguish three age periods, which are characterized by different approaches to dressing a child:

  • Up to a month. Newborns are most vulnerable to overheating and hypothermia, so dress them a little warmer than children from 1 month to 1 year
  • Up to a year. Babies still have an imperfect thermoregulation system, so they should be dressed according to the principle of themselves plus an extra blouse
  • Over one year. Wardrobe is similar to an adult

Obviously, a child who actively crawls around the apartment and a baby who mostly lies motionless in the crib should be dressed differently. It also matters whether the child is awake or asleep.
Sooner or later, the baby moves from the crib to the floor in order to avoid falling when turning over and in order to learn to crawl and walk. Remember that lying on the floor is colder, which means that the child should be dressed warmer.

IMPORTANT: Floor temperature is typically 2 degrees below room temperature.

Child on sofa/bed:

  • T-shirt / vest + sliders

Baby on the floor

  • T-shirt / vest + light blouse + sliders

When the baby starts crawling (7-9 months), he is actively moving, which means he can easily overheat. In addition, during the period of intensive movement, it is important to choose comfortable clothes that do not constrain the natural movements of the baby.

Sedentary child (up to 6-7 months):

  • cotton overalls (slip)

Crawling baby (after 7 months):

  • cotton bodysuit (t-shirt) plus tights/ leggings

It is difficult for a baby to learn to move in a one-piece jumpsuit, so as soon as your child starts to crawl and get up, update your wardrobe by purchasing more tights, panties, leggings.

How to dress a child at a temperature of 20 and 25 ° C?

The temperature in the room. Optimal for a child in different sources is called from 18 to 24 ° C. In practice, it is very difficult to adjust the air temperature in the room. In fact, there is no urgent need for additional troubles and costs.

It is enough to adapt to the existing constant room temperature by choosing the right clothes for the child. And the extra money is better spent on the purchase of a humidifier, which will be much more useful and necessary.


28-30°C and above:

  • diaper (panties), and it is better to leave the child naked for air baths
  • light T-shirt / vest + diaper (panties)
  • short sleeve bodysuit
  • long sleeve bodysuit + tights
  • or light jumpsuit
  • or bodysuit with short sleeves + one-piece jumpsuit / light suit
  • long-sleeved bodysuit + long-sleeved tight jumpsuit/suit + warm socks
  • short sleeve bodysuit + light suit/overalls + warm suit + woolen socks (or socks + knitted booties)

How to dress a month old baby at home?

Due to the small weight and defective work of the sweat glands, a newborn child is prone to overheating and hypothermia, and therefore needs increased attention in terms of choosing the right clothes.
At an average temperature of 22-23 ° C, a month-old baby who will lie in a crib under a blanket can wear:

  • one-piece cotton overalls

If the room is warmer:

  • one bodysuit is enough

If it's colder:

  • body + cotton jumpsuit
  • or cover with a warmer blanket

How to dress a child at home in winter?

In winter, due to the included heating, the air temperature in the apartment, as a rule, is provided at a high level, i.e. it doesn't get colder. Therefore, when choosing clothes, you can focus on the same factors: the age and activity of the child, room temperature (see above).

The coldest period is the off-season, when it is already cold outside and the heating is not yet on. This period is the most stressful for a child who is used to some constant room temperature. It's time to show off in a knitted blouse and booties associated with the love of a grandmother. After turning on the heating, most likely, you will wear them only on the street.

Should children wear shoes at home?

Shoes perform several functions:

  1. warming
  2. damage protection
  3. treatment/prevention of foot disorders
  • If you are thinking about shoes, worrying that your child’s feet will be cold at home, knitted booties, warm socks or fabric slippers will be an excellent option.
  • As for the second function, at home we are hardly talking about protecting the legs from damage.
  • Regarding the treatment, everything seems to be clear: there are problems with the feet, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes special shoes to solve it. Doubts to wear or not, does not arise. The situation is more difficult with prevention, here the opinions of orthopedists differ

Some doctors advise wearing sandals to prevent flat feet as soon as the child starts to get up and take the first steps. Others complain that shoes do not allow the muscles of the foot to develop naturally, making them “lazy”. Which side to stick to - this is the problem of responsible parents.

It seems reasonable to consult an orthopedist who will examine your individual child. If the doctor notes the presence of problems or a tendency to their occurrence and recommends wearing shoes even at home, obviously you should listen.

  • If the child is absolutely healthy, and there are no disorders in the development of the foot, it makes sense to turn to the natural state of the foot and let the leg run barefoot at home. It can also become the basis for hardening a child.
  • In terms of socks and soft slippers, it should be noted that they are not safe during the period when the child is learning to walk. On a slippery floor surface, the child runs the risk of falling frequently, which means that the desire to learn can be restrained.
  • On the contrary, barefoot, the baby will feel the surface, and, therefore, will be more confident when taking the first step. If the temperature in the room does not allow you to be barefoot even for a while, socks with an anti-slip surface can be an alternative.

Should my child wear a hat at home?

There is an opinion that the head is the first thing that freezes in a child. It seems to young mothers, and more often to grandmothers, the most vulnerable part of the body, on which, in addition, the ears are especially prone to getting sick. Therefore, the desire to wrap a small head in a cap or hat is very great.

In order not to achieve the opposite effect, be guided by the following recommendation.
If the temperature in the apartment is not lower than 22 ° C, you should not wear a cap on an infant, except for some time after bathing, as described below.

How to dress a child after bathing?

  • Immediately after taking water procedures, the baby should be wrapped in a towel. Comfortable are special children's towels with hoods. After the baby has warmed up and you have blotted all the moisture with a towel, the baby can be changed.
  • As a rule, children are bathed before going to bed, so they put on pajamas. There are probably no special requirements for clothes after bathing.
  • Separately, mention should be made of the hat. In the first months, putting on a baby cap for 20-30 minutes after bathing will not be superfluous. This time will be enough to dry the ears, as well as the hairs, which in some children can be quite long from birth.
  • Older babies (over 3 months old) will be well enough to dry their heads with a towel

How to dress a child for the night?

When choosing clothes for a child to sleep at night, you should first answer the following questions:

  1. Do you practice co-sleeping, or does the child sleep in a separate bed?
    If the child sleeps with you in the same bed, you warm him with the heat of your body, so that the baby does not sweat, dress him lightly (body / T-shirt)
  2. Do you have a habit of sleeping with the window open?
    If you are used to sleeping with an open window, you can also teach your child to do this useful thing. You can start with a good ventilation of the baby's room before going to bed (it is optimal that the temperature is not higher than 22 ° C). Naturally, if you practice sleeping with an open window, do not forget to dress your child warmer (pajamas with closed legs and arms)

In addition, remember:

  • In a dream, children often throw off the blanket, and when they freeze, they cannot hide on their own. If the child sleeps separately, the classic pajamas are a slip or separate blouses with panties. At an average room temperature (22-23 ° C) in such pajamas, the baby will not freeze

  • Clothing should be comfortable for long sleep without waking up. Children's clothing for any occasion must meet the requirements of comfort, but at night the child is in one position for a long time, so it is important that the pajamas do not rub, do not squeeze and let the air pass well

Given these factors, you can opt for:

  • pajamas in the form of one-piece cotton overalls
  • or bodysuit with short sleeves/T-shirt

How to dress a child in kindergarten?

If the child is 4-6 years old, he is already relatively independent, and the choice of clothes is determined only by the air temperature in the group and your imagination.
Situations when the baby goes to kindergarten at 2-3 years old require more thorough preparation for choosing clothes.

The baby will have to deal with changing clothes several times a day. It is not reasonable to rely only on a teacher or a nanny. Try to help your child by choosing a comfortable wardrobe that he can manage on his own.

Basic principles:

  • First of all, things must meet the criteria of maximum ease and convenience of putting on a child, even if you have to sacrifice the aesthetic appearance of clothing.
  • Choose Velcro shoes. With laces, zippers, drawstrings and clasps, wait a while
  • T-shirts, sweaters should be with a deep neckline, without buttons, buttons and ties at the back
  • Pants (shorts) are better to buy with an elastic band, and not with buttons and zippers
  • Be sure to prepare spare clothes for your child in kindergarten. Even if your little one is a good potty walker, he can get his clothes dirty when he eats. And you never know what can happen to a child
  • Do not forget that children in kindergarten learn to draw, sculpt, eat on their own, walk in the sandbox, etc. Therefore, do not dress up the child. Tune in to the fact that clothes can be torn, hopelessly soiled and unsuitable for further wear. Choose simple and inexpensive things, but in large quantities

As a rule, it is always very warm in the group, so the basic set of clothes may look like this:

  • shorts+t-shirt
  • t-shirt
  • pants + socks
  • or skirt + tights (knee socks)

In the locker, just in case, let it be: removable underwear, a T-shirt, a warm jacket, socks / tights, panties / skirt.

Summing up, I would like to note that you should not be afraid to make mistakes and get hung up on whether you have the right children's wardrobe. Focus only on your child. At first, you will often have to check whether he is cold or hot, but over time you will already clearly know what and when to put on your baby. Do not forget also that the child himself will soon show preferences in clothes.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky - Clothing and dressing

Video: The temperature in the room for the newborn

Many parents hesitate to dress their child in pajamas at night. However, it is worth saying that while the baby is very small, no one doubts that the child should be dressed in something. So why do doubts arise when a child gets a little older?

Why dress a child for the night

It is worth noting that babies are usually put to bed in the clothes in which they are constantly, these are undershirts, shirts and sliders. Older children can be dressed in pajamas or special overalls. It is necessary to dress the baby so that, having opened, he does not freeze. It is known that children under three years of age very often open up and therefore can freeze. To avoid this, the child must be dressed at night, while taking into account the air temperature in the room, as well as the age of the baby.

night clothes

Nightwear should be appropriate for the age of the child. Sleeping overalls cover the legs, back and tummy of the baby and are designed for children who have not yet reached the age of three. The jumpsuit is convenient in that it does not wrinkle, the legs and pajama blouse do not lift up, and thus nothing prevents the baby from sleeping. A baby up to a year old can be put to sleep in a sleeping bag, which is designed to make it easy for a child to change a diaper without removing the entire bag. There are models in which the lower part of the bag is fastened with a zipper.

Pajamas, which consists of a jacket and pants, are suitable for children who have reached the age of three. Such separate pajamas are also good because, if necessary, the baby can handle it himself.

So that the child does not experience discomfort from being hot or cold, it is necessary to have several pairs of sleepwear and dress the child depending on the air temperature in the room. If the temperature in the room is 18-20°C, the child can be dressed in pajamas or knitted overalls and covered with a light blanket. If the temperature in the children's room is above 20 ° C, the child should be dressed in pajamas made of thin knitwear. At 24 ° C, the child should be dressed in cotton underwear so that he can sleep comfortably.

Children's pajamas should be sewn from high-quality natural material. It is best if it is cotton fabric, as it does not interfere with the natural process of perspiration, and is also hypoallergenic. Pajamas should be loose enough, without tight elastic bands or ribbons that the child can get tangled in. Before the baby reaches a certain age, it is also worth avoiding large buttons on pajamas so that the child does not swallow it, accidentally tearing it off during sleep.