How to understand that a girl is approachable and frivolous. Easily accessible woman easily accessible easily accessible

It seems to me that a lot of women have something wrong with their dignity. Good women consider themselves "too" good, and instead of encouraging men to development and spiritual growth, inspiring them to great deeds with our beauty and inaccessibility, we are ready to give up our positions in a matter of days and weeks and do everything to keep close to a man.

Women agree to live with men who do not want to start a family because they hope that "who knows, one day he will suddenly change his mind." Women agree to be "one of the", because now "everyone lives like this", "men have a polygamous nature." Women themselves are now playing at "alfasamok" and predators, using the spell of external attractiveness, starting a relationship with this, and then complain that "men are crumbling, there are no real ones anywhere." So why should men put extra effort if they are already given everything. What is there to conquer, if the "prey" came by itself and persistently offers itself as the performer of the desires of a man? This is not about all women and not about all men, but, unfortunately, there is a lot of this.

I understand that there will be disagreements among the readers. Both among men and among women. And the most amazing thing is that among women there will be dissenting and dissatisfied ...

What has a woman gained from the opportunity to "conquer" a man in the modern world? What do we all benefit from a quick physical rapprochement? It seems to me that we don't even have a special culture of communication between men and women, there is no dating culture, there is no courtship culture. It is clear that anyone here will wait two months without intimacy, if there are many easily accessible options around for pleasure. I think the question here is not even in the physiology of male or female, but in where we direct our energy.

The upbringing of boys in modern society does not really encourage the manifestation of masculine qualities, at least internal masculine qualities - responsibility, purposefulness, determination, fortitude, restraint in emotions, but will in feelings. Outwardly, yes, the image of a relief male body excites the minds of thousands of women, but it's amazing why the male body has so many muscles, if for many they are required only in the gym. Chopping wood, building a house, working in the fields, fighting in armor on the battlefields, working physically on their own land - among young people, not so many are engaged in such events, and the easiest way to feel their masculinity is to be physically close. And the more women, the bigger the man. Hmm ... I think there is much more meaning in all of us. The upbringing of girls these days is also divorced from the image of a mother and wife. Seductive predators, highly intelligent bitches, "iron ladies" and much more are popular in the modern world. And if you are a wife, mother and housewife, then it is not entirely "prestigious". Olga Valyaeva was one of the first to talk about this in her articles and books, and, of course, such statements cause resistance. I mean the statement that a woman's destiny is to be a Woman, to be a Wife and a Mother. And we are fighting for independence and for the fact that "I want to realize myself in my business." Wife and mom are not a very worthy occupation for many of us ... Sounds terrible to me. And admitting this is not very easy.

Starting a relationship with physical intimacy, can we expect that it will last for many years, what is it about family and children, what is it about a joint path, what is it about self-development and about depth? Perhaps there are such stories, but they are more about exceptions than about rules. The problem is that there is no such request within us - relationships for life, family for the rest of our lives, etc. Someone has, but in general there is no family value in society. Divorce without having lived even a year in marriage, do not even reach the fifth birthday of your baby, get married, but "if I meet someone better, I will go to another." A system error has crept in somewhere, it seems to me. Something is wrong here.

It is clear that many of us already have it as it is. And children, and divorces, and not the first family. But somehow we need to pay more attention to this, it seems to me. Learn, develop, raise the level of spiritual development. Everyone should start with himself, first of all, and not rush with accusations at the partner. I am very close to the idea that in spiritual societies there is no need for psychologists, because everyone lives by conscience and high internal standards, there is no need for external regulation of relations.

Does it make sense to strive to ensure that the partner is alone and for life, so that the first intimacy happens after marriage, I do not know. I think everyone needs to decide for themselves. But I am convinced that it always makes sense to be more conscious about creating relationships, first to communicate more, spend some time alone, get to know each other better, but not rush to jump into bed until a more subtle connection has been established.

Physical intimacy is certainly pleasant, but without emotional contact, it is more devastating than energizing. Satisfying the needs of the physical body can hardly be the highest goal of a person's life, leading him to happiness and harmony with himself. Warmth, love, friendship, support, growth and development are the foundations of a good and strong relationship, and physical intimacy is part of them. But not the other way around. This is what I think, and you, of course, have the right to think otherwise.

Almost any free man is a hunter. Moreover, a hunter with a nose for easy prey. Inappropriately rude and emotionally “deaf” in long-term relationships, when released, such men are transformed and become almost their own opposite. They read us as if they knew all their lives, and our timid attempts to hide in the "Trojan horse" of mystery and inaccessibility only fuel their interest and desire. Warm up until you get what you want and realize that accessibility goes hand in hand with unreliability, disposability and mediocrity. And in this they are wrong. Often. Making mistakes and leaving us without understanding - offend and underestimate our, often, and so low self-esteem. Unpleasant, agree! And instructive. From my own experience, I can name at least eleven reasons why at one time or another I could be mistaken for a dummy girl from a pickup manual.

11 reasons they thought I was easily accessible

1. I was not against sex on the first date.

Men want the impossible from us. Give them both openness with honesty and mystery with a slight note of understatement; and "inaccessibility", and the willingness to "continue" in their home. The key to resolving this contradiction is gradualism. Yes, there is a category of men who can be served everything at once. But even they often "give up" when everything develops rapidly and without deviating from their wildest expectations. If you do not want to frighten off a man with your straightforwardness, simplicity and overly calm attitude towards intimacy, give up sex on the first date.

2. I loved revealing outfits

“Why not put on this little little red dress today, the one in the net tomorrow, and that one, translucent, wait, wait, I was in it yesterday!” - here is my reasoning at the moment when I choose what to wear on a date. Have you noticed a catch? Aha! I, like many other girls, deliberately reject the option to dress modestly and not defiantly. And in vain. Attracting attention with provocative outfits and nakedness of certain areas of the body, on the way out, I get attention only to these very areas and nothing more. And I wanted not that! So I advise you not to repeat my mistakes and do not expect that the guy who "pecked" on your charms in the future must also consider a beautiful soul after them.

3. I did not always make sure that the thongs did not protrude from the pants

Everything is simple here. Thongs are good. Thongs plus low-waisted pants - at your own risk. Do not provoke a man if you are not ready to respond to his provocations.

4. I blurted out the nuances of my sex life to my friends

No matter how reliable your best friends and girlfriends seem to you, remember, they are people too, with all the weaknesses and negative qualities. Blabbed - be prepared that tomorrow, in a week or a month there will be mutual acquaintances who, by a "strange" coincidence, will "grease", taking you for a reliable young lady.

5. I answered directly about the number of sexual partners

Some girls go to great lengths to hide the number of their sexual partners. Some, like me, are not. Who is right? Hard to say. It is only important to remember that by speaking openly about such things, we ourselves provoke the conservative mentality of the guys into a frivolous and disgusting attitude towards us.

6. I got drunk too quickly

One glass of wine for the evening is enough for some girls. Others - and three per minute is not enough. Which of them do you think arouse unhealthy interest among lovers of one-time love affairs?

7. I flirted a lot

Changing in her face, manners and habits only at the sight of a man, the girl herself gives him a sign - "you don't have to try, you see, you just looked at me, and I have already adjusted to you."

8. I didn't know how to say no

Many girls are too afraid to touch other people's feelings and boundaries of comfort, trying to please everyone and in everything. This gives others a kind of "automatic" advantage in anything other than what's important to the girls themselves. Learn to refuse, and problems with the fact that you are mistaken for a "girl at once" will disappear by themselves.

9. I was too polite and courteous towards those who went too far.

The girls argue. They swear. Often they are even ready to pull each other's hair out for the "truth." But not in my case! In the past, I was ready to rip out a lock of my own hair so as not to aggravate any conflict, whether I have witnessed a participant. Naturally, this "slack" did not turn out to be unnoticed by the casual present of the opposite sex. The guys quickly noticed this, became impudent and did not act as they would have done, not knowing in advance that I was a gentle and non-conflict person.

10. I wore too much makeup

Girls who hide themselves behind makeup have one very vulnerable spot - self-esteem. I hid my real self behind a ton of makeup just to meet the widespread expectations of people. Can you imagine? Human expectations were enough to induce me to act in a way that was not convenient for me. What will happen if a “knowing” person puts pressure on this weak point? What if someone compliments me the moment I'm without makeup? Right! I will not be able to refuse such a "wonderful" person in anything. Easily accessible? Perhaps.

11. I lived surrounded by easily accessible friends

Tell me who your friend is and further in the text. Indeed. It is foolish to condemn people for the fact that they judge us by who we surround ourselves with. People may be wrong, but we can only prove it by actions. In the event that you are surrounded by people with whom no one wants to have a serious relationship, most often it will not come to proof.

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We didn't have time to get to know each other. She says: - Will we go to me or to you?

- Yah you. You are some kind of problem!

Men often miss out on the decent when they choose what is available.

Aphorisms about men

An easily accessible woman Easy accessibility as a personality trait - a tendency not to differ in the severity of morals (about a woman).

A prostitute during sex tells the client: - I am an accessible woman. For your information: I have a tax - five rubles there, five back. He: - And I have only five ...

What is the hen thinking about running away from the rooster? Am I running too fast?

In contrast to accessibility, a woman's easy accessibility has a completely different social color - vicious.

Easy accessibility is when a woman has a password 1,2,3,4 in the causal place. A motorist would say: - The front oil seal is leaking. Women speak even harder: - Weak on the front. An easily accessible woman views sex like a frivolous man. In sexual intercourse, she does not see a reason for dating.

The trouble is that a woman becomes what a man wants to see her. This is female nature, her psychology. The less chivalry in the relationship, that is, nobility, generosity, honor and dignity, the more accessible women become. The degradation of men pushes women to fall.

What does a degradant want to see a woman? Always available to him, undemanding, inclined to forgive him everything, weak-willed and wordless. Men are responsible for the availability of women. A man in the context of a life goal is always a leader for a woman. The higher his goals, the higher the culture and loyalty of the woman. A woman often becomes easily accessible in a company with a purposeless man. A woman cannot be faithful to someone who does not believe in anyone and in anything, whom she does not value.

Easy accessibility is usually sellable. She is ready to go with anyone, at his first whim, as long as the wallet is full. Even the ancients noticed: “For the sake of a moment of pleasant possession of someone else's body, the hunter starts intercourse with easily accessible women and is now forced to support them, and at the same time their relatives, who often insult and humiliate him. It happens that he will bribe a woman with his prey, but another more agile hunter will lure her away. In order to taste a drop of honey, a pleasure hunter has to endure the bites of a whole swarm of bees. "

Easy accessibility is a complete disregard for all stages of the development of relations between a man and a woman, even the candy-bouquet stage is out of work. That is, the acquaintance is nodding. Why know who he is, what is his name, what does he do? It is enough to find out what is driving. Uncertainty is on the side. The woman does not ask herself the question: - Do I need to enter into a relationship with him? There is no such psychological problem in easy accessibility. To reveal your best qualities is also useless: - Take off your pants - we will get acquainted. That's all disclosure.

Writer Yuri Polyakov in "The Sky of the Fallen" tells how his hero visited easily accessible women in the institute hostel: "There is some senior student who has already managed to get married, give birth, divorce and send the child to her mother in her native Gadyukinsk, pour me some vodka, feed me eggs with coarsely chopped sausage, and then, if the neighbors have left, we will creak a little on the narrow government bed: I will patiently chase after orgasm through the back streets of my irrevocable body after alcohol, and she will passionately whisper in my ear: “Not at me! Not me !! " The women of my youth were divided into sane and deranged. "

According to Vladimir Kolechitsky, "A woman is similar to the Arctic: she also has a pole of relative inaccessibility." Easy accessibility is a planet without poles of inaccessibility. As a line is the shortest distance between two points, and easy accessibility is the shortest time between exchanging glances and tumbling in bed.

Accessibility signals itself so clearly that the male subconscious is rarely mistaken about it. How do men scan for easy accessibility? A vulgar, too revealing outfit, excessive nudity of the body, obsession and importunity in all forms, non-verbal unambiguous signals of sexual hunger. When a woman, especially a married woman, laughs loudly, men get the impression that she is easily accessible.

Where blissful traditions collapse, women become easily accessible. Loyalty must be earned. Fidelity as a personality trait is the ability to once decide on an object and, on the basis of one's choice, without any doubt, show steadfastness and invariability to it in one's feelings, relationships, in the performance of duties and duties.

There is a causal relationship between the wife's easy accessibility and the unbelief, not the husband's purposefulness. A woman can be faithful and devoted only to a man whom she respects. It becomes easily accessible if he sees that he does not strive for anything, does not set high goals for himself, and does not believe in anyone and in anything. The duty of a man is not only to provide the physical, material and emotional protection of a woman, but also to lead her spiritually. If he turns into an animal in front of a woman, preoccupied only with food, copulation, sleep and self-defense, she loses respect for him, becomes rude and cynical - an easy prey for other men.

Anecdotes in the topic. The guy invited the girl to go boating. Having sailed not far from the coast, he says: - Of course, I do not really like easily accessible girls, but keep in mind that I hired the boat for only an hour.

An easily accessible woman is returning from her summer vacation. Sits on the plane, looks at his knees and says: - Finally, you are together!

The husband leaves to rest and asks the neighbor to look after his wife: - If he goes on a spree, send a telegram: “The wife is dead,” and I will understand. A week later, such a telegram arrives, but the man was not in the room. Compassionate friends give a response telegram: "Tell me when the funeral." The neighbor received such an answer and writes: "When the funeral - I do not know, but access to the body continues."

Petr Kovalev

April 16, 2017, 02:17

We all know perfectly well that girls are divided into two types: inaccessible modest angels and licentious devils. However, at first glance, it is difficult to determine the degree of accessibility of a particular girl. Today we will tell you about how you can find a girl of "easy virtue" on the Internet.

Quick Meet Web Service

If you decide to find yourself a woman "for one time", and do not want to waste time on all possible pickups and courtship, then the sites will help you sex dating... Feminine nature, on an equal footing with masculine, is also boiling and eager to get a sexual partner at its disposal, moreover, in a short time. On dating sites with an intimate bias, young girls, as well older women are looking for lovers, and few of them want to bother serious relationship... So you just have to choose any Internet portal you like, look through the profiles and choose a suitable beauty for yourself. But you must understand that acquaintance with a girl, in any case, must take place in a respectful manner.

Adult dating without registration

In addition to specialized services for sex dating , there are simple, beloved by all, free dating sites ... This option is more complicated, as these portals gather people with a variety of goals: someone wants to make new friends, some dream of finding a life partner, but there are those who want to find a partner "for one night". If you go to dating "" or at " ", then you can see an innumerable number of profiles. A convenient search will sort the profiles and help you select girls who entered the site just to find a guy for sex.

Social groups networks

There is another easy way - search for easily accessible girls in special groups. Type in search " Quick acquaintances for sex "or" I want to meet for making love "and you will see not a small list of publics on which" hungry "girls sit. However, be careful, because, as you know, the Internet is full of fakes. So trust only those girls who have real pages with believable information on them.

Don't tell everyone about your relationship. You may have a habit of telling different stories about your past relationships and sexual partners. Don't chat about your adventures. Let your intimacy remain only between you and your partner. Discussing your relationships with everyone, you create a bad impression of yourself. Find topics other than sex partners and other details of your personal life.

  • Imagine someone discussing your intimacy with strangers. Think how comfortable this person would feel, would he like him to keep these intimate moments not outside your bedroom?

Do not meet or "hang out" with friends and people who are part of your regular social circle. Even if you do not discuss intimate moments in your personal life, remember that another person can do it. If you want to keep your privacy private, you should only date people you trust (or those your friends don't know).

  • Avoid meeting with your colleagues, because if you break up, you will feel very uncomfortable in the workplace. Plus, chances are they'll spread gossip to avenge their insecurities or the loss of this relationship.
  • Consider changing your social circle and friends. If your friends behave indecently and seem windy to others, you might want to surround yourself with people with a lighter reputation. Try to make friends with those you respect and admire. Surround yourself with positive people who wish you well.

  • Don't flirt with everyone you meet, especially those who are already in a relationship. There is nothing worse than angry, disgruntled girls who spread gossip about you. Be kind and friendly, choose free and serious guys for flirting who need a girl for a relationship, and not for one night.

    • You should not start a conversation with a person just because they are of the opposite sex. Wait until the person wants to know you, and behave inaccessible.
    • This does not mean that you should be rude or disrespectful to people. You can be nice and friendly, but choose very carefully.
  • Don't be afraid to disprove gossip. If you hear someone discussing you or anything you've done in negative terms, don't be afraid to refute the gossip. Ask them to stop discussing it and tell them that you are different now.

    • If the guys continue to harass and insult you, seek help from a teacher or psychologist.
  • Look for a serious relationship. Agree to intimacy only if you have a trusting relationship with this person. Do not hide your intentions and expectations about the relationship from your partner, and be honest about when and how often you intend to have sex. You will understand that your relationship is serious if your partner does not put conditions on you.

    • Consider not getting into a relationship at all. Try to abstain from sexual intercourse for a while.
    • When in a relationship, try not to look like you are desperate for a relationship or need constant attention.