How to conduct weddings in different countries. Interesting wedding traditions of different countries of the world

Surprisingly, in the modern world there are many countries that hold strange, and sometimes extremely amazing wedding traditions.

The greatest brightness and exotic are the wedding traditions of the peoples of Africa. The peoples of the Oceania tradition are very exotic. So, on the Islands of Polynesia in the first marriage night, a young wife should put his head on his spouse's knees, and guests of the male floor, starting with the older, enter into a sexual connection with her. The husband is allowed to bride the most latter. All this time, female guests sing and dance around.

According to tradition, so men purify the bride from demons. But the inhabitants of Bali during the ceremony are resting and even women have only women at the festive table, since it is the male guests on the eve of the dishes for the celebration.

In Nigeria, every bridegroom in the tribe passes through the ranks of the relatives of the bride, which struggle with his sticks.

If the young man passes the test, then he is ready for family life. In Central Nigeria before the wedding, a girl is locked for a year in a special hut and refill. It should grow as much as possible, so the bride does not move at all and eat calorie food, which relatives bring her. The fact is that Nigerians believe that the thicker the bride, the more beautiful.

An unusual tradition exists in the Bakhuta tribe (the state of Rwanda), which prohibits the newlyweds to have sex immediately after the wedding. In the first marriage night, young people go to the house of her husband, where the wife begins to beat him all that falls at hand. In the morning she goes home, and in the evening returns and continues to beat. Beating lasts a week, after which the long-awaited first marriage night happens. This is explained by the fact that before making love, young must get used to each other, and the fight, according to the inhabitants of Nigeria, is very helpful.

An interesting custom exists in Kenya: a young spouse, the whole first month after the wedding wears women's clothing and is engaged in a household. It is believed that thereby he learns how hard the share of women is. It is also worth saying that some African tribes of the groom wins the bride, lean, as a lion: the louder and terrible roar - the more worthy of the applicant.

Other African tribes experience the groom's strength otherwise: appreciating the physical data of the future son-in-law, the father of the bride tells him to satisfy her mother a certain number of times. Only coping with the task becomes respected in a man's tribe.

No less exotic and traditions of residents of other islands. So, a multi-tier cake is considered an integral attribute of the wedding of the wedding of Bermuds, which is decorated with a young chief. After the newlywed celebrations, they must plant this village in the yard of their house. By local traditions, the marriage will last until the tree grows. No less interesting custom is in New Guinea, where the groom gives the bride to the wedding of 20 shells, 20 skins of paradise birds and 20 pigs, which are sacred animals. Fata bride serves to inside out the pork stomach.

A lot of strange, at first glance, events and the peoples of Asia. So, the girls of one of the peoples of India are married for only three days. After these days, the young spouse should forever leave the house of his wife. After that, the girl has the right turns as many lovers as he wants, and not to deny himself.

But not to all residents of India lives so well. In some corners of the Industance, the vera is still strong in the fact that spirits can enjoy the spirits, a sign of what is external deformity. Therefore, an ugly bride may well be married to the animal, believing that the ghost is alive in the girl with an ugly face, from which you can get rid of it in this way.

Also in India can be married to the tree. The fact is that according to local traditions, the older brother did not marry, the younger marry can not marry. To give younger such an opportunity, the elder brother is symbolically taking a tree in his wife. After the ceremony, the tree cut down, which symbolizes the death of "wife". But in the state of Punjab marry trees and for another reason. The fact is that the third time to marry there is prohibited by law, but in the fourth - allowed. The solution to such a problem residents found in wedding with a tree. After the tree is cut down, leaving the husband of a widower, he can calmly marry the fourth time. It is worth noting that there is a similar tradition and the inhabitants of Nepal. One of the nations of this country has a custom to marry a girl behind a white fruit - the fruit of a forest apple tree that symbolizes God Vishnu.

Despite the amazing traditions, it was from India to Russia, a wedding custom came to sink with newlyweds of flowers, rice and coins. Hindus believe that it must be done in order for the newlyweds to do not smooth.

Sigor wedding laws exist in China. So, one of the tribes in the mountains of the PRC, the wife on a legitimate foundation can kill her husband, if something does not suit her in their relationship. But in Tibet, women can have two husbands.

An unusual law exists in Vietnam: the parents of the bride and the groom celebrate the weddings of their children separately, so that guests are difficult to choose which to go. In Korea, mandatory guests at the wedding are duck and spleen. Koreans believe that these birds are true to each other all their lives, so if a couple of ducks are present at the celebration, newlyweds will never break out.

Amazing traditions have been preserved in the West. In the UK and the United States, each bride picks up a wedding outfit in such a way that in her toilet there is one new one, one old one, one taken for a while and one blue thing. On the happiness of the bride sews to the edge of a dress of any amulet, most often a small silver horseshoe. Newlyweds are sure to bind empty banks. It is believed that their noise is distinguished by evil spirits and protects the young couple from the evil eye.

An unusual tradition exists in Scotland: to experience the love of the bridegroom to the bride in any circumstances, the bride pre-issuing it is necessary to put out from the legs to the head of various disadvantages. Everything is disgusting or sticky - manure, melasse, flour, braga, black milk, paint.

But in Greece at the wedding ceremony there is a money dance, during which guests attach bills to the outfits of newlyweds. So that love was sweet, the Greek bride on the day of marriage hides in a piece of sugar or candy glove. In Bulgaria, to make a girl offer, the young man just throws an apple into it. In Germany, making the girl a sentence, the groom goes to sweep the steps of the city's rattune. The task of the bride is to check the quality of cleaning. After the wedding ceremony, newlyweds give a log and saw. They need to cut a log into two parts, which symbolizes the beginning of the joint life and maintenance of the general farm.

But many unusual wedding traditions today went to the past. So, earlier in some European countries, among the guests, it was customary to wear the same clothes as the groom with the bride. It was believed that evil spirits would not be able to find newlyweds in the crowd and harm them. Previously, the girls did not get married in Sweden until they become pregnant. So they argued that they could have children.

In Albania, during the first three days after the wedding, a young wife had to keep chastity so that evil spirits were convinced of her virtue. For a long time, Bedouins existed a tradition to serve the entire fried camel on the wedding table, inside which was a roasted ram, stuck with boiled chicses. The latter, in turn, were stuffed with fish stuffed with eggs. But everyone surpassed Australian aborigines. Previously, they literally arranged brides hunt. For a few days the groom followed the chosen by the chief, and then sneaked towards her, Bil on his head Dubyka and carried the lost girl in his tribe.

But modern weddings are sometimes distinguished by amazing ingenuity and eccentricity. Today, more and more fans of extravagant weddings decide to marry in the costumes of fairy-tale heroes. Such fabulous couples such as Shrek and Fiona, Mermaid Ariel and her prince, Spiderman and Others and Others are greatly popular. An unusual wedding recently passed in the Netherlands: the groom put on a suit of the trait, and the bride is an angel in a white dress with wings. Guests supported the subject of marriage, having fun in the other dishonest.

And ten years ago, a wedding in space was held for the first time. Ekaterina Dmitriev and Cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko concluded a marriage by television. The newlyweds divided about four hundred thousand kilometers.

Therefore, despite the fact that gradually extravagant wedding traditions and go into the past, others come to shift, allowing the celebration is no less bright and awesome.


No wedding ceremony, in our understanding, can not do without a fight, not excluding, of course, the sea of \u200b\u200bflowers, shoes instead of a glass, dancing until the morning. But love lives in any corners of the globe, and every people keep and honored, which have been evolving centuries. Unique, and sometimes shocking the average manual, they are an integral part of any wedding and stuffed happiness.

10. India. The society, where the caste is ruled, believe the reincarnation, the wedding traditions are strong. There is a temporary marriage for girls-drank or with a breaking tooth. The groom is chosen from our smaller brothers. Hinduses believe in the instill of all the evil spirits in girls with an unsightly appearance. The only way to drive an evil spirit from Indiana is to marry her pet. Most often, my husband becomes a goat or a dog. So happened with 18-year-old mangli from East India, which was married to the PSA vaga. After the ceremony, she should take care of his fourth patron. And a few months later, the village of the village should be a happy life with a future human husband with a future man. Unusual traditions before the wedding did not bypassed the side of Indian men. There is a belief: younger brother should not be combined with marriage before the older, in order not to bring trouble. If the latter still has a single, he chooses a spouse - a tree, thus approve of the marriage of the younger. The newly-made spouse after the ceremony is spill.

9. Kenya. On the ancestor of mankind honeymoon looks different. In order to fully feel his wife, the newlyweds are obliged to pass in a female dress for 30 days. So Kenyan traditions raise tolerance to feminine duties. While the hands and legs of the young wife decorate the splendor of the patterns. Completed henna, they confirm the new status, and on the skin the whole year is saved. In wisdom, you will not refuse natives!

8. Ethiopia. The country in the neighborhood is distinguished by another bride decor. The antimony tribe strictly keeps the custom for which the girl until the day of marriage is deprived of the pair of lower teeth, pierces the lip to insert a clay plate there. Its larger diameter indicates a rich dowry. The ceramic disk performs another function - protects the girl from the influence of evil spirits capable of penetrating through the mouth into the body. An unusual tradition to wear a plate in the lip is connected with the legend of the slave owner. What normal white will like such "beauty"? Good news - the disk is removed during meals, as well as in the absence of men.

7. Bali. Places behind the wedding table on the island of Bali only women occupy. The male half is not visible, because after cooking the women who eat women should relax. The bride and groom wait for yellow rice with chicken at the end of the ceremony. Only becoming a husband and wife they can publicly take food together. It has a special meaning. Before the wedding ritual, their teeth are peeled: cutters and fangs. An unusual tradition is due to fall from the newlyweds animal instincts and human vices. The oldest custom symbolizes the beginning of an independent life without parental care.

6. Macedonia. Macedonian brides are famous for the ideal heroic approach to the wedding ceremony. The girl is able to show the future husband that she is "horse at the race ... and in the burning hut". The bride will have to carefully prepare and acquire the skills of the perfect mistress: to sew a wedding dress, learn the wedding script, learn horse riding. The last skill is necessary to ensure that it can, without prejudice, take the barrier in the form of a fence house of the chosen one, and then jump out of the saddle, without touching justifications or stupid.

5. Scotland. The inhabitants of this country have a very strange look at the look of the bride (as well as, on men's clothing). The rite of initiation in his wife involves dirty dirt, in the literal sense of the word. The custom is reading than the stronger the girl is smeared, the less the negative will be throughout the matrimonial life. Ritual is unusual. All invited guests diligently throw the bride with mud, maggut the soot, poured the divergent outfit sauce. The mixture is made with a sticky and unpleasant. It is such a beauty to go through the streets. In the summer she is obliged to visit everyone who fell apart. The grooms accepted on the day of marriage the National Male Skirt - Kilt, which, as usual, is worn without underwear under it.

4. China. It would seem, getting ready for the wedding everything should be happy, congratulate the bride and groom. But the people of Tudia, living in China prefer to do on the contrary. Crying the bride and relatives begins a month before the wedding. An unusual wedding ritual involves the execution of crying with the extension every day half an hour. After 10 days, the relay picks up the mother-in-law, and on the eve of the wedding ceremony they are supported by girlfriends and other women from the clan. But the ubiquitous red color at the wedding personifies joy, love, prosperity. It is so much in the wedding theme of China that it is impossible to think about a sad event.

3. Mauritania. Most people of the Western world believe that on the wedding day you need to be slim and attractive. Moorish grooms of another opinion. On this earth there is an unusual tradition specially use a lot of oily food, drink up to 10 liters of camel milk daily. This applies to women who want to marry. In Mauritania, a special service is organized, where they are refined until they become quite attractive. Here we are confident, the thicker bride, the more sexier.

2. France. To be loud - one of the annoying wedding traditions. It is common in some territories of France and is called Chavari. This means that people must have metal accessories that create a lot of noise. The family of the bride and the brides are going near the house where the first marriage night should take place and begin to arrange a concert. But instead of singing, young spouses hear screams, and the musical instruments serve spoons, pans, pots. This is done in order to kill romance, put out newlyweds outside with drinking and snacks. After that they are released, giving to retire.

1. Mauritius. On the Islands of the Indian Ocean in French Polynesia there is a strange rite. After completing the wedding celebrations, the relatives of the bride lie down shoulder to the shoulder, face down. The bride and the bridegroom go through them, and someone can heave the heel. It is difficult to say that people feel when they go like on the carpet. In Mauritius, this is a sign of confidence and good relationship between families.

Italian the day before the wedding is boosted by a huge pan of spaghetti. Moldovans are dressed up by a bride mother. And the Nhemes on the eve with excitement beating dishes on the eve ... and these are just some traditions that are strictly respected before the wedding in different countries. We told eyewitnesses about the wedding traditions of different countries.

Wedding Traditions and Customs

About 80% of the US population belong to one of the Christian denominations, therefore, as a rule, it all starts with a beautiful ceremony in the church. Alternatively, you can invite a priest for marriage to any other convenient newlyweds. Location: Private house, Park, Ocean coast. Important detail: For one or two weeks before that, lovers are sent to the state registration bureau. The marriage testimony of newlyweds will be sent by mail.

After the ceremony, the holiday moves to the restaurant (bar, rented hotel or private house), where the dishes are replaced according to the menu, and alcohol pours river - this Americans differ little from us. Walk so much!

Wedding is one of the few events on which it is not customary to save. And Americans are not happy to sign a check check. For example, a wedding cake, made to order (and what a wedding in America without a cake to order!) Costs from $ 1000. The celebration of 25 thousand dollars is considered to be a middle-level ceremony. Of course, there are those who make marriage without spending, but most Americans believe that the wedding should be chic.

Planning an event starts at least six months, and more often even for the year, immediately after the engagement. All points are negotiated: the places where the ceremony and banquet will be held, the main color scheme (everything should be combined!), Printing (invitations and postcards with the words of gratitude, which are sent after the wedding, still insert from the menu to choose from - Guests should noted that from the specified The dishes are preferred, and send your "order" back by mail - an envelope with the brand is attached). An decoration of the hall, flowers, seating guests, music decoration ... Million details! That is why it is often hired a wedding organizer that helps plan and hold a wedding.

The question of wedding gifts in America is usually solved like this: the newlyweds are registered in one of the large stores (Macy "S, Nordstrom, Target), where they make a list of gifts - utensils, decor items, electrical appliances. All available, inexpensive. Guests can only implement one of the wishes - To do this, it is not even necessary to go to the store, a gift from the list can be ordered via the Internet. In the same way, you can order a festive packaging and delivery of a gift to the newlyweds. However, those who wish to make a more expensive gift can give money. This is Also welcome. Amounts of 1-2 thousand and more presented more often parents. Friends give an average of $ 50-100.

Jewish wedding

At the beginning of the rite, the bride coat heads. Then she follows the fiance to go under ritual Baldahin Hupe, where they are awaiting the closest people. Here, under a shepherd, a new family is born. While rabbi reads prayers, the bride is bypassing the groom 7 times. God created the Earth in seven days and the girl builds the walls of her future family. And here is a man puts on with his beloved Golden Ring. According to tradition, it should be without stones and officially belong to the bridegroom - to be bought by it on its savings or to be considered a family relic. After that, they read the marriage contract - Ktuba, where the rules are spelled out, which from now on must comply with a man in relation to his wife: to ensure, protect, take care to ensure that its beauty remains as long as possible. Here is also prescribed the amount that a woman will be paid in the event of a divorce. True, this part of the contract is more likely to tribute tradition, rather than true arrangements, the amount is indicated symbolic.

Then the new family remains to go through the third wedding rite - to visit the privacy room. Previously, going there, the newlyweds first turned out to be alone and the man was allowed to touch their wife. Today, when marriages are more likely to love than in the "collusion", this part of the rite is complied with respect for traditions. Young prevented for 3-5 minutes and soon join guests. It's time to feast.

Jewish weddings are usually held on Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday. Sabbath is satisfied with Sabbath Hatan. Moreover, the Ashkenazes spend it in the last Saturday's wedding. And Sepharda - on the first after the wedding Saturday. On this day, a man goes to the synagogue, where he reads Torah with special solemnity. The community (although not only those who prays in this synagogue come to the Shabat-Khatan, the relatives are invited, family friends of the bride and groom from other communities and even from other cities) gives a farewell and wants a happy family life. After the morning prayers, the bridegroom treats all desserts and sweets.

Thin case
Traditional Arab weddings are held separately for men and women. By the way, if Muslim is solved on polygamy, it is obliged to ensure equally all of his women. For example, if the first bride gave 1 kg of gold, then the second, and the third, and the fourth must offer exactly the same amount!

German wedding

In some cities of Germany, there are cute wedding traditions: plant a tree or pink bush in honor of the wedding. And in the city Leasing is already 300 years as there is a law, according to which a couple will not marry if it is less than six planted fruit trees. But if the trees are not planted everywhere, then the traditional polterabend observe everything. On this day, guests gather in the house of the bride. At a certain point, everyone goes to the street and observe how it beats the clay or porcelain dishes - the noise should be driven from the house of evil spirits. The shards of a broken dishes of the bride remarks along with the groom, taking the broom. It is important to collect everything!

For this evening, neighbors, colleagues, familiar - those who, most likely not invited to the wedding itself are invited. Calling symbolic: cheese, wine, light snacks. Much richer table at the wedding itself. Feed very satisfying, many meat dishes, as a garnish - sauerkraut. What will be the format of the feast - a buffet (guests decide what and how much to fit on the plate) or the service on the menu and portion, the newlyweds themselves are determined.

On average, 60-100 people are invited. It is customary that newlyweds pay attention to every guest: we sat down nearby, talked for a couple of minutes. As for gifts, the American tradition is already used in Germany: future spouses leave a list of gifts (here it is called a "wedding table") in one of the shops and notify this in the invitation. But still more often give money. The usual sums: from the pair of relatives - 100 euros, friends-buddies - 50.

Italian wedding

The wedding in Italy is preparing at least a year. But before the engagement should take place - the moment when a man gives a ring girl and gets acquainted with her parents. Very serious step!

All wedding cortery cars are decorated with white ribbons. Driving through the streets, they continuously buzz - notify everyone about the event. After the ceremony emerging from the church, the newlyweds sprinkle rice.

In the restaurant, everyone screams "Bacio!" (Kiss). Usually, a separate table was allocated to the newlyweds, but they could not sit behind him: it is necessary to pay attention to all the relatives, with everyone to take a picture, to participate in the Hochmas of friends, turn in dance, drink wine and ... many times "Bacio!".

What, and the profession of Tamada in Italy is not in demand: temperamental Italians do not need verbal entertainment, they themselves wanted to say what Vitivatoy speech. But the singers and musicians are invited, here they can entertain guests. And, of course, accompanied during the first dance of the young.

As for gifts, the Italian newlyweds are invas with American and German - left in the store "Marriage list" and send the shops of the store along with the invitation. Next - your taste and wallet. Money can only give parents, grandparents. Otherwise, it may even insult. It's not customary here to give flowers to young. Cause: Flower decoration is ordered in advance, in one style.

There are also one more curious tradition in Italy: the friends of the newlyweds are in advance with a cunning keys to the house and prepare "ambushes": sprouting a married bed or raise the alarms on the unsuccessful time and hide them all over the room, trying to "pump" spouses in the first wedding night, More precisely, make the night to be sleepless and stormy. But more often the company is just in the middle of the night knocks on the window and requires ... feed them. Fortunately, the young wife for this case is always ready for a saucepan of spaghetti. It remains only to add that the Italians get married late. An early marriage is marriage in 30-35 years.

Now Russian newlyweds are quite actively borrowing European wedding traditions - an exit ceremony of registration, throwing the bouquet of the bride and many others. And someone on the contrary like the traditions of the East - the painting of the hands of the Bride Mehendi, wedding outfits in Indian style. However, in different countries of the world there are many unknown wedding traditions. Some of them are beautiful, and others are funny.

In America and in England Each bride follows that on the day of the wedding there was something new, something old, something borrowed and something blue.

In Germany On the wedding day, the grooms put a little grain in his pockets, which, according to their belief, bring wealth and good luck.

In bed of newlyweds in Greece Must be at first to run the children to provide a young couple a healthy offspring. And on the clothes of friends and girlfriends of young should be depicted eyes, which will protect the young couple from failures.

Also married tuple in HungaryAll the cars on the street begin to signal, thereby welcoming and congratulating the bride and groom.

In Nigeria The girl should get better before the wedding, otherwise it will be returned to parents.

From Kenya The tradition began to paint the bride and legs with ritual patterns of black and red. The paint is holding a whole year, symbolizing the new status of a woman. Another wonderful Kenyan tradition, prescribes her husband during the first month after the wedding to wear women's clothing to feel the whole severity of the female share. In this country, "trial" marriages are quite common. And the wedding is played only after the birth of the child.

In India Women are allowed to get married from 16 years, and men - from five to six years. After graduating from the marriage ceremony, one of the family men creates the bride and the bride with flower petals. This ritual symbolizes the protection of young from evil forces.

From China A tradition came to us during the wedding ceremony of the bride and groom drinking wine from glasses connected by a red ribbon.

In some countries To the machine on which the newlyweds ride, bind empty banks so that their noise would drive evil spirits.

In France Newlyweds adhere to the old tradition and drink for their happiness from a big bowl with two handles.

Flowers are an essential wedding attribute african American. Women decorate themselves with flowers and shells as a sign of purity and indispensability, and then jump with their chosen one through the broom, which marks the beginning of a family life.

Residents Bermuda Islands Decorate the top tier of a wedding cake with a tiny young church. After that, they plant this tree opposite their home as a sign that their marriage will last while the tree grows.

In many european countries The obligatory subject at the wedding celebration is a silver tray, whereby the guests who want to dance with the bride put money.

Among residents tribe Navajo, one of the largest Indian peoples of the United States, the traditional dress of the bride consists of four colors, each of which represents the side of the world: black - north, blue - south, orange - west, white - east. During the ceremony, the couple stands face to east: in the direction where the sun rises, which symbolizes the beginning of a new life.

Traditions to abduct the brides exist or existed in many countries. For example, in Japan Such a wedding custom continued to exist almost until 1868, and in England (And on a completely legal basis) - before the reign of Heinrich VII. Subsequently he was canceled by law but in Ireland Cases of the abduction of rich heirers were celebrated until the XVIII century. In Italy For the protection of daughters, wealthy families hired special guards detachments. The violent theft of future wives was very common custom albanianswho existed before the beginning of the XIX century. In some remote mountainous areas, he acted until the XX century. BUT w.chilean Araucanov In the south of the country, this form of marriage is practiced so far.

According to russian The custom of the bridegroom should not see the bride on the eve of the wedding. Now it makes sense at least because it appears the opportunity to beautifully pick up the bride from the house. Another beautiful Russian custom: Parents meet newlyweds with bread and salt, presenting them a loaf on an embroidered towel. The bride and groom should bite off from punishing on a piece without touching his hands. It is believed that the one who bit off a larger piece, and will be the owner in the house.

By tradition, which came to us from west countriesThe bride should throw a wedding bouquet with unmarried friends, and the one that will catch it, by challenging, will marry the faster than the other friends. Just as the bride throws his bouquet to unmarried friends, the groom throws the bride from the feet of the garter to his idle friends. He marries the first one who cares her.

Yunorals South African peopleOvambo You should not live with my wife up to 30 years, before this age the future husband lives with Mom and Pope. And she spends only at home with parents.

Algeria - Dream country. Here women are allowed the birth of "sleeping children" - here, which appear during the long absence of a man. According to the beliefs of this people, the "sleeping" child can live in the womb of mothers for several years. Men, worthy of honor to have a "sleeping" child, keep parental feelings for extramarital children.

Female Tibet May have two men.

In Eman The groom has no right to see his future bride before the wedding. Parents of "young" agree about themselves.

In Milan For kisses on the street within the city condemn the money fine.

In Indonesia The girl herself chooses the groom. And if he does not suit her in anything, in three months she can take a new man. Here the man is called "Hosts". In the morning he leaves home.

In different countries of the world existed and exist their wedding customs, rites and traditions. We want to introduce you to the most unusual of them.

  • On the island of Fiji believe that the God of Nanyanga, who watches married couples and protects them, will not allow the Bachelor to enter the paradise and turn him into ashes if he dies before he marries;
  • The tribes living on Borneo Island believe that the shower of a woman sleeps until it marries;
  • In some cultures, the white color is mournful, so the bride go married in the dresses of other shades;
  • Interestingly, more than 100,000 marriages annually concluded in Las Vegas, Hawaii is significantly lagging behind - only 25,000 weddings per year;
  • The ancient Egyptians believed that the Unnamed finger of the left hand was the perfect place for the wedding ring, because the "Vienna of Love" goes straight to the heart;
  • In Samoa, the bride is made from the cortex of the tute tree;

photo: Wedding photo in traditional outfits on Samoa

  • The marriage pair often sucks something symbolic: in ancient Rome and Greece threw nuts, beans, in Bulgaria - fruits of figs, in Sicily - bread crumbs;
  • In Nigeria, there is a tradition, according to which the girl must be made to the wedding must acquire lush forms. If the bride is too thin, the bridegroom can send it back to the parent house - to disday;
  • In ancient times, there was a custom of throwing a bouquet or garter: guests who were present at the wedding were leaning on a piece of wedding veil or hiton the bride, it was considered a kind sign;
  • In Kenya, to this day, there is a custom according to which the first month after the wedding celebration of the groom's walk - wearing women's clothes to understand how difficult it is to be his wife;

photo: Wedding traditions of Kenya - changing clothes

photo: Bride in Kenya

  • Some scientists believe that the phrase "honeymoon" occurred thanks to the customs of the Teutonic tribes. To the new moon they made a drink based on honey, which drank until the moon becomes complete, and this is 30 days (month);
  • For a long time in Scotland, it was not customary to marry in a green dress, since this color was considered the color of fairies and vengeal spirits. Also a bad sign was considered the eating of green vegetables and fruits at the wedding;
  • In Namibia, the bride will be replaced with a special headdress, which makes out of goat skin, rub with fat, red ocher and wood resin. It is called "Ecari";

photo: Traditional outfit of the bride in Namibia

  • An unusual tradition is in the Surma tribe (Ethiopia). The bride remove the lower teeth and pierce the lip, insert a disk from clay. The disk diameter is a symbol of the knowledge and riches of the girl's family: the greater the disk, the greater the dowry gave the girl;

photo: Apparently rich bride (Ethiopia)

  • In Afghanistan, a man who wants to marry a girl must cut her hair strand, throw off the covered with her face and proclaim it with his bride;
  • In Albania, there is a tradition, according to which a young wife should have 3 days and 3 nights to resist and prevent the execution of marital debt. It is believed that such behavior of the bride can confuse and knock off the trace of evil spirits;
  • Many brides dream of getting a wedding ring with a diamond, but not many know that for the first time such a ring was made in India more than 2,000 years ago, it symbolized eternal love. Greeks believed that diamonds are the tears of the gods, and the Romans believed that these were fallen stars;
  • On the island of Java, the newlyweds pay taxes not money, and rats of rats: the pair administration should pass 25 tails;
  • Interestingly, but on the island of Bali behind the wedding table there are exceptionally women. Do you think men are forbidden to appear there? - No, representatives of heavy sex are resting, because they preparing all the dishes who eat wonderful guests;
  • Bedouin girls start sewing a wedding dress when they are being taken on nine years old, they complete preparations for 14-15 years;
  • In some countries, a yellow wedding dress is considered a sign that the bride intends to deceive his future husband;
  • In order for children in marriage, the Irish was taken by an egg that had just been demolished by chicken, and put him in a married bed;
  • In India, men even allowed to marry "on the tree". The fact is that in this country there is a law, according to which the younger brother marry can not be older. Senior and "married", after the wedding, the tree could cut down, allegedly the wife "died", and the man became a widow;
  • In Germany, after the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds give a log and saw. They must cut it in half to prove that they know how to share the farm;

photo: Wedding Traditions of Germany - Split a log

  • In Greece, the bridegroom should carefully monitor his chosen to his chief. If this happens, everyone will consider it with a repeater;
  • Previously, on the island of Bali, the bridegroom was spilled and the brides of the teeth: it was believed that then the newlyweds would not turn into the forces of evil;
  • Bedouins are preparing a huge wedding dish: boiled eggs are folded into the fish, the fish - in a chicken, chicken - in the roasted sheep, and the sheep - in the camel, such a lark with a secret. But the inhabitants of the North do not bother: Eskimos is served on the wedding table dried and crude veonison;
  • In Ireland, the girl's legs should always touch the floor during the groom's groom's dance and bride. Irish believed that then evil spirits would not be able to take possession of the bride;
  • In France, the relatives and friends of the newlyweds are going under their windows and arrange a concert with prison materials - saucepans, spoons, pots. Such "romance" is not needed at all, so they endure with uninvited guests drinks and snacks, soothing them;
  • In some tribes in South Sudan, it is considered incomplete, if a woman did not give birth to two children: otherwise, a man has the full right to demand a divorce;
  • Previously, many girls were married in Sweden after getting pregnant: so the bride walked the opportunity to make sure his chosen was not fruitless;
  • In the Nikabara Islands, the future spouse for several months becomes a "slave" in the bride's house, so that it could decide whether she should marry him or not;

photo: Wedding tradition of India - Patterns on the hands of the bride

photo: Indian Wedding

  • In India, it is customary to cover the hands and legs of the bride with the gentry patterns, it is believed that it will bring her happiness. And there was still a tradition that the groom, before approaching the altar, should remove the shoes, and the witness is closely followed. If the shoes somehow pulled, had to pay for it.