How to melt wax without the use of special excopupus. Application in disease therapy. Hot paraffin for paraffinotherapy as he

Paraffin is what? This product is well known to each of us. At least once in life, we had to have a deal with him. It is widely used in a wide variety of spheres - this is medicine, and the production of products, and electrical engineering. Let's try to figure out the properties of this product and its views.

Paraffin is what?

The above substance is a rather solid mixture of high molecular weight. Paraffin also includes cyclic hydrocarbons that are obtained from ozocerta and oil.

Purified paraffin is what? It is distinguished by the following features:

  • product colorless;
  • fat to the touch;
  • without smell;
  • there is no taste;
  • well soluble in and organic solvents;
  • insoluble in water and alcohol.

The poorly purified paraffin is a product that is distinguished by a brown or yellow tint, and also darkens the light.

The above substance has good resistance to the action of bases and acids, oxidizing agents, and halogen.

Views of paraffin

This product is divided into the following paraffins:

  • high-purified technical (brand A and b);
  • crude (matched);
  • purified technical (brand g and e);
  • medical.

The most important characteristics of paraffin are:

  • melting point - 50 (not lower);
  • the content of oil is a minimum of 0.6% and a maximum of 2.3% (not higher).

Separate features are characterized by match paraffin. It has a melting point of 42 degrees Celsius, but in no case below, and the oil content is allowed not higher than 5%.

Paraffin application

The above product is widely used in the following industries:

  • printing;
  • paper;
  • textile;
  • leather;
  • electrotechnical;
  • paint and varnish.

Also used:

  • for paraffin therapy in cosmetology and medicine;
  • as paraffin for candles;
  • as a lubricant for rubbing parts made of wood;
  • in combination with gasoline acts as an anti-corrosion coating;
  • for vaseline production;
  • this product is registered as E905 - dietary supplement;
  • acts as a lubricant for a skiing of a snowboard;
  • it is used in technique and nuclear physics (slows down neurons and is a "proton generator").

In addition, paraffin is actively used in radio engineering. It is used in those situations where electrical high strength is needed, low cost, minimal alternating current losses and the ability to quickly release from this fill with a simple heating method.

What is the difference between the above-mentioned petroleum products from wax?

The wax is a mixture of compound solid esters, which form fatty acids and higher alcohols (high molecular weight).

What is the difference between the above substances? It should be noted that the product that is completely lit, but only melts, is, of course, wax. Paraffin, on the contrary, completely burns.

The wax is characterized by a yellow-brown tint. Paraffin is exceptionally white. All other its shades manufacturers are obtained by adding dyes to it.

Natural wax is natural, environmentally friendly paraffin is obtained from petroleum products, therefore it is a synthetic material.

Wax in its properties is often reminiscent of plasticine. It is very flexible, very soft, enough plastic. Paraffin, on the contrary, overly crumble when cutting.

How to use paraffin at home?

This product is actively used for paraffin therapy. This is a very effective and natural procedure that provides the opportunity to eliminate defects and flaws on the skin and not only. Parafinotherapy technique is based on the use of a special film from the above product, which creates the so-called greenhouse effect.

Paraffin at home can be used for:

  • whitening skin;
  • elimination of the second chin and gravitational ptosis;
  • protection of kazhi from cracks and dryness;
  • cleansing skin cover, rejuvenation.

Paraffin therapy for hands to do, of course, is easy. To do this, you need to purchase purified specialists draw attention to the fact that allergies need to buy this product with a peach oil content.

Paraffin must be warm up to a liquid state. To do this, use the method of water bath. Then it is important to carry out hand massage with a scrub or, for example, a special mittens. Next, it is necessary to lower your hands into liquid paraffin and immediately remove them. After 10 seconds, repeat this action. It is necessary that there are thin "gloves" from paraffin. Then the hands are wrapped with a food film or, for example, cellophane chill and withstand at least 20 minutes.

After that, paraffin remove. Use repeatedly this product specialists do not advise. After the procedure, the arms should be applied to humidifying the skin.

Paraffin is an excellent product that has found its use in various fields.

Paraffin. Paraffin treatment at home

Therapeutic effects of paraffin It is based on the fact that when applied to the skin melted, it works very quickly and forms a film that protects against the effects of other paraffin layers heated to higher temperatures. The thermal effect on the sore body is obtained longer and uniform. Such procedures help with many diseases, such as arthritis, periostitis, myositis, dislocation, fracture, wounds, burns, trophic ulcers, chronic diseases of the internal organs (gastritis. Ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum, chronic hepatitis), diseases and consequences of peripheral injuries The nervous system (neuritis, radiculitis. neuralgia), skin diseases.

Paraffin treatment at home

Paraffin treatment sessions It lasts 30-60 minutes, procedures perform every day or after 1 day. The house has a course of treatment from 12-20 procedures. It is best to do them 1.5-2 hours before sleep. If the paraffin treatment session is held during the day, then after it should be resting at least 30 minutes.

1. Paraffin Appliques (Medical Paraffin)

For water baths, 2 pans with covers (aluminum or enameled) are prepared: 1 large, and the other is smaller. On the bottom of the big pots are put on a wooden plank, so that the dongs of the pan do not come into contact with each other.

Small pieces of white paraffin are placed in a small sauce and closed with a lid. Water is carefully poured into a large saucement, so that no drop does not hit the paraffin, and put it on a weak fire.

Paraffin must melt, and then warm up to a temperature of 60-70 degrees. It takes about one hour. Then the paraffin is allowed to cool and remove a small saucepan, without opening the covers. It is impossible to warm up paraffin on an open fire, without a water bath, since, reaching a certain temperature, it begins to burn, emit suffocating chad and can ignite.

The melted paraffin heated to a temperature of 55-60 degrees is applied with thin layers using a flat painting brush on a sore body portion. Paraffin lay as long as the layer thickness is 1-2 cm. Even with strictly bounded lesions, paraffin covers and adjacent healthy parts of the body. Then, the treated plot is placed on the processed section, which in size should be more paraffin appliqué, and wrapped with a woolen scarf. The temperature of this applique is about 50 degrees.

2. Paraffin bath

The bath is applied if you need to warm the limbs well. Brush or stop (fingers must be tightly compressed) are deceived by paraffin heated to 50-55 degrees, to create a protective layer. After that, the limb is lowered into a glued bag, stitched in the form of a mitten or bootball, with molten paraffin with a temperature of 60-65 degrees. The bag is tied around the forearm (shin) not very tight and wrapped with a woolen handkerchief or blanket.

3. Paraffincelling

It is easy to make at home. To do this, it is necessary to sew a flat bag with a size of 20 × 25 cm made of oilcloth or dense plastic and fill with paraffin. Before use, the height must be heated in a bucket with hot water, then wrap it with a towel, applied to a patient and top with a towel.

4. Paraffin mask

The body portion is caused by a brush of 1-2 layers of paraffin with a temperature of 50-55 degrees, and then the tweezers are applied to an 8-10 layers of a gauze napkin, pre-moistened with molten paraffin with a temperature of 60-65 degrees. The napkin is covered with a loaf and wrapped with a woolen handkerchief.

5. Paraffin face mask (cosmetic paraffin)

Paraffin masks are used for skin rejuvenation. After a series of such procedures, blood flow and lymphotock of the skin of the face and subject to tissue are improved, fabric exchange increases, swelling and sebaceous glands are expanding, the resorption of scars and infiltrates is accelerated, the horn layer of the epidermis is expanded faster.

Before the session, the fatty skin is wiped with a cotton swab, moistened with a mixture of alcohol with ether, and dry skin is lubricated with refined vegetable oil.

The procedure is performed in the lying position on the back. At the same time, the hair should be closed with a golk, neck - napkin, and the eyeline is a cotton swab. Preheated on a water bath and sterilized paraffin with a temperature of 50-52 degrees are applied to the face sequentially, making 2-3 layers. On the eyes, mouth, nostrils paraffin are not applied. On top of the paraffin mask are placed in a transparent compress oil with a holes cut out for eyes, nose and mouth, then lay the wool layer and the face is bought. At the end of the procedure, the mask is removed from the face with a spatula or spatula, the face is wiping with a cotton ball with a cotton ball and impose a nutrient cream.

Paraffin masks make a day or twice a week. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the course of treatment is 15-20 sessions.

Contraindications to the use of paraffin masks are mercant diseases of the skin, eczema. Malignant neoplasms, hypertensive disease.

6. Paraffin boots (children treatment)

Paraffin boots are a physiotherapeutic procedure, during which the feet of a child from the foot to the knees turns on 2 layers of warm paraffin. Such a method of traditional medicine is used to treat diseases such as neuralgia, hypertonus of the muscles of legs, ORVI and ARZ. The procedure can be used together with the drug treatment, as well as with massages and electrophoresis.

How to do paraffin boots at home.

It will take okterite and paraffin to make them prepare, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. They are melted in a water bath. Substances are taken in proportion one to one or in some cases 2 to one. After the resulting mixture was melted and became homogeneous, it is neatly laid out on a baking sheet, where there is a layer of dense polyethylene. It is necessary to make 2 blanks with a size sufficient to wrap one leg. The temperature of the resulting substance should be higher than the body temperature, but does not burn it. Paraffin boots are laid out for children's legs, paraffin boots are laid out, gradually turning the entire finiteness from the knee and below. From above, they are wrapped with a food film, and then wear warm socks or golfs. The child needs to be wrapped in a warm blanket. In this state, he must be no more than 15 minutes.

Paraffin boots are contraindicated to persons suffering from some skin diseases that have heart problems, as well as patients with diabetes mellitus. Do not carry out the procedure if the child has inflammatory processes in the body.

If you spend a session of hot or warm wax depilation yourself at home, then it is not necessary to purchase a special heater for the molding of the material. It is entirely possible to use both infirred means. The main thing is to comply with precautions and correctly implement the process of warming means.

Methods of homemade wax without using waxoplava

When using a granular or joam wax, it is easier to use such traditional methods of melting material like a water bath or a microwave. The first method is more preferable, since it allows you to directly monitor the stages of the heating of the composition. In the case of using a microwave oven, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for cooking and safety.

Regardless of the method of casting the composition, the melting point of the wax is approximately 50 degrees. It is at this temperature of the material that the hot depile session is carried out. For the procedure using warm-ups, the wax must be cooled to 40 degrees.

In order to avoid burning, when independently implementing hair, it is recommended to use warm wax.

Most often, water bath is used to interveve the wax

Using water bath

To interwell material on a water bath you will need several funds:

  • pan with large diameter;
  • capacity with wax;
  • blade for mixing composition;
  • special thermometer.

It is preferable to choose a saucepan of the maximum possible size to exclude the risk of wax droplets on an open fire, which can lead to ignition.

Use the most important saucepan for the casting wax

After preparing the necessary materials, follow the instructions for the melting of wax:

When you heated the cartridge, place it in a saucepan vertically, so that the wax does not give

Do not strive to immediately apply the tool to the surface for depilation - first it must be cooled to an acceptable temperature. It is recommended to use a special thermometer with which you can measure the degree of cooling of the composition, as well as adjust the level of its heating into the cooking process. Before processing the wax of large surfaces, try to first put a small amount to the wrist area, or the sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow, in order to check the temperature of the material.

When the wax is preferably, it is preferable to use the electric stove, since the paraffin contained in the composition becomes gaseous during the heating process.

Use the electronic thermometer to check the heating of wax

Video: How to melt wax on a water bath

Using microwave

In addition to the water bath, the wax can be melt in the microwave oven. To do this, you will not need any additional devices, except for the tank, the spatula for mixing the material and a special thermometer. In accordance with the safety equipment, use the container, the material of which is characterized by resistant to the effects of elevated temperatures.

When warming wax using a microwave ovens, follow the following sequence of actions:

Consider that the heating process is faster if the container with the material was not initially complete.

Microwave timer is set depending on the power of the device.

After cooking wax, remove the bowl of the microwave. At the same time, remember that when the composition is heated, the container also becomes hot, so use kitchen mittens, or tapes. Using a spatula, mix the mixture and determine its readiness with a spatula. Following the temperature requirements, cool the wax if necessary. Be sure to test the comfort of the material temperature on the sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe wrist.

Than you can replace the wax

Instead of a special excopupus, you can use the coffee carcass to melt the material. In this case, the cartridge is located vertically and the risk of waxing comes down to a minimum. This method is similar to a water bath, only the cartridge package is directly used as an inner capacitance.

For the procedure you will need a Turk, the diameter of which is sufficient to place the cartridge. Fill it with water and place inside the cartridge roller up. Put the Turku on the fire in a weak mode and heat the wax for 10 minutes. After that, remove the cartridge from the liquid and try to spend them on the wrist area to check the temperature comfort.

Be sure to remove the protective film from the cartridge before it is heated to avoid explosion of the package.

Cartridge with wax conveniently heated in a wide Turk

Video: Water Bath Principle

In paraffin therapy, two types of paraffin are used: cold (cream-paraffin) and hot. Cold paraffin does not require additional heating to the procedure, it is immediately applied to the skin. Heat paraffin Previously, if you have hot paraffin for paraffinotherapy.

Hot paraffin for paraffinotherapy, what is he?

Hot paraffin is usually sold in 500 grams in a solid form, so it must be melted before the procedure. You can do this in several ways: on the kitchen stove and in special heaters for paraffin.

How to melt paraffin at home?

Kitchen stove - The most economical, but the least convenient way of heating paraffin. To do this, it is necessary to peer paraffin into an aluminum container and put it in a boiling water saucepan. Paraffin should be heated until it becomes liquid (do not confuse with wax that melts to the consistency of honey!). As soon as Paraffin melts, let it cool up to 40 degrees and proceed to the procedure. Hot paraffin in this case is applied to the skin with a special tassel.

Paraphenic therapy bath

In paraffin-therapy bathparaffin is loaded into the bath and float within 1-2 hours. Paraffinerpia bath is convenient because it is not necessary after each procedure to remove paraffin and clean the container, the manufacturer advises to change paraffin and clean the device only every 100 procedures. You can maintain the temperature of the paraffin during all procedures you need and you do not have to heated or wait for the cooling of paraffin, as in the case of a water bath. In the bath, the hands and legs dipped, the tassel you will not need.

Heater for wax and paraffin

In addition to electrical baths, there are also heaters for wax and paraffin . They are the same as the baths, raw paraffin and wax are capable of maintaining the temperature. The difference between the heater is only in volume. If you need 1.5-2 kg of paraffin for the bath, then the heater accommodates 400 or 800 grams of paraffin. Due to the small volume, the paraffin is applied to the skin with a special tassel.

Be sure to check the paraffin temperature on the wrist!

For many people "Paraffin" - is primarily a procedure in a physiotherapy office or candles used for household needs. What is this substance, units were conceived. But paraffin is not as simple as it seems. He has its own interesting features, its advantages and disadvantages. We offer you useful and entertaining information about paraffin, how it is obtained, as used as it differs from other similar substances.

The difference between wax and paraffin

We all know that there is both wax and paraffin. Paraffin is a substance that is a wax-like mixture formed due to limit hydrocarbons. This is derived oil. It is usually inerton to many chemical reagents.

The state of paraffin is directly depending on what is in it the ratio of the concentration of hydrocarbons - both lungs and heavy. Depending on the structure, the fractional composition and melting point, it is solid (T pl \u003d 28-70 ° C), liquid (T pl ≤ 27 ° C), and fine-crystalline - ceresin (T Pl\u003e 60-80 ° C). The chemical composition of all paraffins should be ignored indirectly on the melting point and microhardness.

Wax is a mixture of simple lipids. In nature, it is very common. The temperature of its melting is in the range of 60-70 degrees. Ozokerite, known to many, this is a fossil wax, which mainly consists of limiting hydrocarbons.

Is it lit or crumble?

Paraffin is able to burn completely, at the time of burning paraffin is highlighted soot. And the wax is usually yellow-brown, while paraffin is white (provided that dyes do not add it). Paraffin density is such that if you cut it, it will crumble. Wax no. He will share on whole pieces. Paraffin in pure form almost does not lead to allergic reactions. The wax can cause redness and rash on the skin.

Even if the paraffin is heated to a sufficiently high temperature, it does not cause discomfort. This is due to the fact that it is able to give heat very slowly, the skin does not burn, but heated gradually. The wax also does not cause burns, and also capable of improving the body at the point of his imposition.

Difficulty in work with paraffin

In any pharmacy you can purchase paraffin. True, it happens extremely rare, and it is somewhat more complicated to work with it, because it is less plastic.

The use of paraffin in cosmetics is such. Cosmetic companies In addition to paraffin can offer parafango - this is a mixture in equal proportions of paraffin and therapeutic dirt.

To melt the paraffin, you can purchase a special device for warming up. It must be equipped with a thermostat. A warming bath is also suitable.

Use in cosmetics

Paraffin has a property to rejuvenate the skin, smoothing wrinkles. With cosmetic procedures, it is a little warmed and applied to face the first layer. Subsequent layers - and there must be a total of four or five, it is necessary to apply a higher temperature with paraffin - even 48 degrees.

The duration of such a procedure is only 10-15 minutes. At the end of this time, the frozen paraffin can be carefully removed from the face. After the mask is removed, it is not necessary to wash. But to take care of the face with the help of a nightly moisturizing cream or serum - will be just right.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the paraffin cools quickly, therefore the mask is gradually peeling. It can be used many times. The fact that before each paraffin procedure must be melted, it will not worsen its chemical structure. True, there is an opinion that unnecessary toxins can accumulate in it, which it absorbs from the skin, therefore, it can be used only once. But here everyone decides for himself.

We will get acquainted with paraffinotherapy

Purified paraffin is a completely inert substance. It will not join the reaction with any components of cosmetics. It will not be absorbed by the skin and is suitable for any of its type.

Paraffin melting point is 50 ° C (in some sources - 52-55 o C), while it becomes a tight viscous weight of white. It is this paraffin that it is recommended to apply on the skin. No discomfort high paraffin temperature causes.

After applying such a mask, only a few minutes will be passed, and the skin temperature will increase by one and a half or two degrees. Since the temperature is raised, the top horny layer of the skin will soften, the pores will open, the sweating is activated. But moisture does not turn out to evaporate from the surface of the skin, because the paraffin remains completely impenetrable. It remains on the skin surface, and after the procedure again absorbs, thereby restoring the water balance.

At the same time, toxins in the skin are no longer falling, because the molecule of each toxin is much larger and heavier water molecules.

The benefits of heating and cooling paraffin

So, we already know that the melting point of paraffin fifty degrees. This figure is suitable for various cosmetic procedures, for example, the one of which was discussed a bit higher. Due to the fact that the skin temperature increases, becomes faster and blood flow. The skin at the same time receives more oxygen and nutrients. When blood circulation is enhanced, it will be intensified, respectively, the lymphotok, that is, toxins will be output. In addition, when the temperature is raised, some of the toxic substances will perform on the surface of the skin with moisture.

When paraffin is a miracle of modern cosmetics - cools, it also has a positive effect on the skin surface. When cooling, the mass of paraffin will decrease in the volume and provide a lifting effect.

Regenerating effect

Paraffin therapy is a truly unique restoring procedure that can return to the tired skin of a well-kept view. Liquid paraffin uses, and therapy itself has a magnificent reputation among cosmetologists and people who applied to them for help.

Medical paraffin is able to improve the body's metabolic processes, ensure a rejuvenating effect, moisturize the skin, affect its tone. It benefits this substance and when performing therapeutic procedures for patients with joints, with injuries, tensile ligaments, some other painful states.

The healing effect of medical paraffin is that it improves blood circulation in the patient organ, normalizes the metabolism. Using paraffin applications and with a cold accompanied by cough. In this case, the heat allocated to them contributes to the wet separation, which facilitates the patient's condition.

Views of paraffin

In industry, paraffin is a few species:

Crude, or match;

High-purified technical (brands A and b);

Paraffin technical purified (brand g and e);


As mentioned above, one of the most weighty characteristics of paraffin is the temperature of its melting, which makes up 50 degrees Celsius.

The density of paraffin solid at 15 ° (depending on its purity) can vary from 0, 881 - 0, 905 g / cm3 (this is crude paraffin) to 0, 907 - 0, 915 g / cm3 (this is purified).

How to make paraffin candles

Paraffin wax was obtained over the century ago. At that time, this invention saved the extermination of the disappearing types of whales. Prior to this, whale oil was used in lighting lamps. When the paraffin appeared, the candles began to do from it already, because it was much cheaper.

Paraffin for candles is used only technical. Often it happens with aromads and dyes. At home, such candles are made too easy. It should be prepared by wick and some paraffin. The filament is suitable as a wick - jute or cotton. You can apply even thin twisted wadded flagella. In a piece of paraffin, drill a thin hole and stretch the wick through it. The second way is to put wick and add melted paraffin in the prepared form.

Lubricate ski paraffin correctly

In addition to ordinary ski missiles, ski paraffin is now widespread. It is divided according to the compositions of two types - for slipping and for consolidation. True, to treat them skiing, a special tool is needed - the iron.

If the skier is confident that to improve the ski characteristics (running), it is necessary to lubricate skis only paraffin, you need to know how this process passes. It is necessary to fix ski into the machine, and the floor is adjacent to the newspapers, film or old unnecessary cloth. Using a special iron, you should heat the paraffin and carefully pour it on the sliding surface. Now it is necessary, this iron stroke his surface, in order to paraffin was fused.

When the paraffin layer, the master lines, you need to give it to cool. Later you can remove the surplus scraper. And then it is necessary to spend a rigid brush on the surfaces of a ski, which has a bristle plastic or metal. So you need to do so that the micro-relief of plastic is preserved. Do not too much to zealous, because the drawings can save paraffin particles. At the very end, it is worth walking on a ski fibrine. If it is not at hand, you can use a drop-down stocking folded several times.

If plastic ski, it is more correct to use only factory lubricants. But if they are wooden, then the flight of fantasy is unlimited. Starting skiers usually ask the same, important for them, question: Does paraffin come from the candle or wax to grease them skis? The answer is very simple: yes, suitable, but in such a lubricant there will be no fluorine-containing and temperature additives that will improve the quality of the slip.

From experienced skiers, you can hear a very useful advice: if there is no possibility or desire to look for branded ointments, it will be more correct to use not a candle, but medical paraffin. For candles, oil match paraffin or stearin is used. The strength of such substances is small, and from the ski surface it will erase just two hours after the start of the riding. Medical paraffin in its properties is more durable to abrasion, so it is more preferable.