How to make your nails the same length. Design of oval nails. How to make a square shape at home from scratch

Often, in pursuit of fashion trends or our own ideas about beauty, we forget about such an enduring parameter as convenience. And remembering it, we immediately sigh sadly: well, we will have to sacrifice attractiveness for the sake of functionality. This feeling is especially familiar to lovers of original manicure. Long and / or pointed nails interfere with computer work, suffer during household chores and are simply prohibited for mothers of young children. But all of them can easily find a way out: to make nails of a square shape, both fashionable and comfortable at the same time. In addition, this configuration provides the nails with maximum strength, protecting them from breakage and delamination. Be sure to remember this at the next manicure session and ask the master to make a square nail shape. And if you take care of your hands on your own, then read our article on how to make a square shape of nails yourself.

Pros and cons of square nails. Should you make square nails?
The square shape of the nails is considered the most versatile of the existing ones. Square nails are less prone to brittleness and delamination, they do not interfere with any activity, do not pose the risk of injury, and at the same time look very cute. Of course, we are talking about the so-called "smoothed square", that is, a shape with softened and slightly rounded corners. If you just cut off the nail in a straight line and leave the corners sharp, then in these places you will constantly cling to clothes, scratching yourself and others. And it is these protruding corners that will become the "weak link" of your manicure, they will often break off and spoil not only the appearance, but also the integrity, and hence the health, of the nail.

But, in addition to maintaining the correct form, there is at least one more important nuance. This is the correspondence of the shape of the nails to the shape of the fingers and the entire brush. Because square nails are not suitable for everyone - they will not decorate some women, but spoil them. So, when choosing the shape of the nails based on expediency, remember these rules:
But sometimes you have to look not only and not so much at the external side of the problem. If you notice that your nails have become soft and not strong enough, then making a square shape of nails is the right decision for any structure of hands and shape. The square shape will noticeably reduce external mechanical damage to the nails and do not require strong processing, due to which it will strengthen and heal weak nails.

How to make a square shape on short nails
To strengthen nails with shape, it is best to give a square shape to short nails. This will remove the damaged edge and provide the young nail plate with sufficient protection. No special tools are required for this, a standard high-quality manicure set is enough. Just make sure that it contains at least two files of different abrasiveness: the larger and softer. If not, buy the missing file and get to work:
When you are happy with the created shape, lightly polish your nails with a special bar, rinse with warm water, wipe dry and apply a moisturizer / nourishing cream. Try to rub it not only into the palms and the back of your hands, but also pay attention to the skin around your nails.

How to make a square shape on long nails
To be honest, a square (in fact, rectangular) shape looks best on short nails. Square nails of medium length also look good. Long rectangular nails are brittle, so the whole point of this configuration is lost. In addition, they look quite aggressive and can interfere with everyday life. If all this does not stop you, then you can give a square shape to long nails in the same way as described above. The differences will concern only the length of the nail plate. But in this case, it is especially important to monitor the length of the nails and adjust it regularly. If you do not do this often enough, the growing nails will lose their correct shape and take on an unpresentable look, become brittle.

How to make a square shape of nails from a round one
If you recently decided to give your nails a square shape, and before that you went with round, oval or almond-shaped nails, you will have to spend more time and effort. More specific instructions will depend on the actual condition of your nails, their length and shape, and the desired result:

  • From long almond-shaped or rounded long nails, you can immediately make a square shape of short to medium length.
  • If you have medium-length round nails, you will need to grow your nails a little to make them square. The same goes for a situation where the length of the nails is different and / or some nail is broken and shorter than the rest.
  • Pointed nails (pikes, stilettos, etc.) cannot be remade into a rectangular shape without growing. Even if you cut them very short, the side edges will not have a parallel direction.
However, the acquisition of the desired shape can be accelerated if, as the pointed nails grow, they gradually bring their outlines closer to the rectangle. In addition, do not forget about cream, massage and hand baths, which strengthen nails and significantly accelerate growth.

How to make square toenails
The square shape of nails can be controversial in the case of a manicure, but for a pedicure it can be safely called almost ideal. Just remember what good and experienced craftsmen advise: the toenail should only be cut straight, in no case cutting off its corners. The cut corners of the nail will inevitably grow back, but become a serious health hazard. Have you heard about ingrown nails? This is exactly the case when an incorrectly cut toenail cuts into the skin and causes severe pain, bleeding, inflammation and many other unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, on your feet, always cut your nails in a straight line, and only slightly round the corners if necessary. As for the length, you can choose it based on the appearance: the toenail should not reach the edge of the toe, but not too inferior to it. This is a conditional parameter, because small marigolds are more difficult to form and when filing them, it is enough to observe safety measures and not cut off excess. So, as you can see, it is worth making a square shape of the nails not only on the hands, but also on the legs. With small nuances, in general, it turns out that this is the form that will be optimal for both health and beauty.

Neatly trimmed and well-groomed nails will never go out of style. They favorably emphasize the beauty of female hands, making them very attractive to the opposite sex.

For those who do not want to spend money on the services of a master in a specialized salon several times a month, and do not complicated manipulations at home, we suggest paying attention to this article. In it, you can learn how to independently round your nails at home and get the right manicure.

Features and benefits of round nails

The round shape of the nails is a favorite shape for many women. It attracts with its simplicity and grace at the same time. Such marigolds have rounded corners and a circular contour. The ideal length is approximately one and a half millimeters. It looks especially beautiful when the edge is a mirror image of the cuticle.

Round shaped nail plates have a number of advantages:

  • Care is greatly simplified;
  • They do not make it difficult to carry out daily activities due to their moderate length;
  • They look very natural and beautiful.

The disadvantage of this shape is the inability to visually make the short fingers longer.

Round nails are suitable for girls whose work involves numerous hand manipulations. They are easy to operate and safe.

This shape will favorably emphasize the large fingers. Owners of voluminous palms should also pay attention to this design of the nail plate.

Brittleness prevents many women from growing their marigolds to the desired length. The round shape in this case will be the best solution.

To create a manicure, you will need the following tools:

  1. Nail scissors;
  2. File;
  3. Cuticle stick.

To make the shaping process simple and not time-consuming, you should choose the right file according to the degree of graininess - there is a separate file for each operation.

Classification of nail files according to the degree of grain

Instructions for making round nails

You can create a rounded shape quickly and effortlessly. To do this, we recommend that you pay attention to this step-by-step instruction:

  1. Using nail scissors trim nails to the desired length.
  2. Round corners sawing, making movements from one edge to the other (you need to saw without strong pressure).
  3. Remove cuticle using an orange stick.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all marigolds do not differ in length - this is the key to a correct manicure. When decorating the edges, you should focus on the shortest one.

Creating a round shape for nails of different lengths

For short nails

When creating a manicure on short nails, you should Special attention devote to the removal of the cuticle. There are two ways to remove it:

  • The classic way. The cuticle is softened in a bath where a little soap is added to the water. After which it is removed with special scissors. You can also add sea salt to the bath.
  • European way. The cuticle is treated with a softener and removed with an orange stick.

Short round nails can be visually lengthened with properly applied nail polish. It is recommended to leave one millimeter unpainted on each side.

For long nails

Round shape on long nails

To give long nails a round shape, you need to use nail scissors to correct the length. The rounded shape is created by filing the edges in a circular motion.

In this case, you cannot do without cuticle softeners. They prevent wounds and cuts and protect against possible penetration of infection under the skin.

Round shape and extension

This form is quite popular for building. You can build up this shape for ladies with short nail plates.

The advantages of this form when building up are convenience and durability.

The sides on the extended marigolds are straight, which protects the surface of the plate from flooring. The design looks very neat, beautiful and elegant.

Round nails decoration

French manicure

The ideal manicure for round nails is French. The usual coating with a transparent varnish or a varnish of a pastel shade looks no less beautiful. It is these methods of decorating the nail plate that allow you to emphasize the smoothness of the edges and bends.

Classic French manicure always relevant. With this one is not ashamed to go to work, and even to any event. French gives female fingers elegance and charm thanks to the smile line, which emphasizes the contour of the marigold. To make the manicure look more festive, you can apply a pattern to the nail plates or stick small rhinestones. Large details do not look very nice and are considered tasteless.

Moon manicure

Moon manicure or an inverted jacket is also ideal for rounded marigolds. Milk-pastel manicure looks especially stylish. It can be supplemented with small stones located along the contour of the lunula (light hole at the base of the plate).

Round nail designs can be very diverse. These are floral patterns in the Chinese style, and decor using multi-colored rhinestones, stones, stickers, foil and other elements. Stickers with vertical patterns create a visually lengthening effect. The simpler the pattern, the more beautiful and spectacular the manicure looks. It should be in harmony with the color of the varnish.

Girls should focus their attention not only on the perfect manicure. The skin of the hands also requires close attention and care.

Any woman wants her manicure to look perfect. Round-shaped nails allow you to embody all creative ideas and at the same time do not interfere with your daily work.

In order to achieve the desired result, you should use only high-quality tools for design and correction, select varnishes and decorative elements that match each other, and also do not forget to take care of the delicate skin of your hands.

Finally, I took the time to not only shorten my nails, but also to photograph the whole process.

Above you can see the set of tools that I use.

In fact, I do not need all the files at once, most often it is enough to have only three objects: a not too rough file (remove the length of the nails), a grinder (for the free edge and end of the nail) and a polisher.

The photo shows the interchangeable files and grinders that I usually use: Young Nails - Purple Combo File / Sponge(240 grit), Jessica - Dry / Damaged Nails(240/400 grit), Deborah Lippmann - Eco-file, EzFlow - Gray Wolf(150/150 grit), EzFlow - Sand Shark 2(220/280 grit), Flash shiner.

Before moving on to the process itself, I will dwell on what grit is. Grit is the abrasiveness of the file. The larger this number, the less rough its surface.

For natural nails, in order not to damage the free edge of the nail, files with grit 180 and above are most often used. The thinner the nails, the less rough the file should be. Very dry and thin nails with a short length can be shortened even with a buff for polishing.

I want to separately dwell on the fact that during the shaping of nails and changing their length, in addition to files and other tools, the background on which everything will take place is very important. It is most convenient for me to work on a dark surface, in soft natural light, without bright light sources that can create glare on the nails and visually change their shape.

This is what my before nails look like:

Before starting to shorten the nails, I will show the difference in the length of the free edge of the nail on the index and ring fingers. It is from the index that I begin to remove the length. Since the nail bed on it is the longest, it will become that nail, the total length of which (from the cuticle to the end of the nail) will need to be guided by in the future. If you start shortening the nail on the nameless first, you can accidentally remove the length to such an extent that you will have to cut everything off on the index to the root and at the same time it will still be longer than the nail on the nameless one.

Before starting to cut something, I usually use a file instead of a ruler to roughly understand which nails need to be shortened more.

Most often, in order to remove the length of nails without varnish, I use a file Young Nails - Purple Combo... I really like it because it combines a file and a soft grinder at once.

I cut my nails in small movements from side to side, with light pressure. Thus, you can minimize discomfort in the process as much as possible. It is very important to ensure that the nail itself is constantly perpendicular to the surface of the file. This is how you can get the square shape of the free edge, which will become the basis for the soft square.

I remove nail dust with my simplest kabuki makeup brush. I bought it on ebay for a couple of dollars. I spied on this method of dealing with nail dust from a teacher at manicure courses, about which I have already discussed in detail. If you try to simply blow off the dust, then it then settles on all nearby surfaces. And if you do not remove it at all before the end of the work with the file, then in the process it will be difficult to control the length and shape of the nails - very quickly all hands will be white and nothing will be visible behind the dust.

I remove the length, focusing on the center of the nail, and not on the highest point of the cuticle - this is especially clearly seen in the photo above. On this nail, the cuticle is asymmetrical and if you cut, starting from it, then the free edge may be non-perpendicular to the center of the nail, then the nail itself will look displaced at an angle.

After I completely removed the length, be sure to compare the nails on the ring and index fingers.

As you can see in the photo, three nails (on the index, middle and ring fingers) have the same length from the cuticle to the butt, and the little finger is almost two millimeters shorter.

After I have completely removed the length on all nails, I examine my hand, extending the brush in front of me. This is the best way to see if some corner accidentally turned out to be higher than the rest.

Now a comparison of the two hands in order to better understand the difference.

I will digress a little from the further process and show on my left hand how to remove the length on the nails coated with varnish.

This method is suitable for those who find it difficult to keep the same length of nails from the cuticle to the butt, without being distracted by the length of the free edge.

To work with varnished nails, you must first apply a quick-drying dark varnish as close to the cuticle as possible, which lays down in a thin layer, without mother-of-pearl or glitter, so as not to visually distort the shape of the nails. For these purposes, I most often use OPI - My Private Jet.

The process itself does not differ from what I showed above, but a different file is already needed, much more coarse. In this case, I use EzFlow - Gray Wolf designed for working with artificial nails, but thanks to the varnish that protects them, 150 grit is no longer so scary)

And, at the end, again a look from the side at the hand completely, in order to immediately notice if some corner turned out to be higher than the rest.

After that, the varnish must be washed off. It is best to work with bare nails during the final shaping.

In the photo above, I wanted to show that I do not cut the corners of the nails on the sides and they remain completely flat (this can be checked by attaching a file). This gives the free edge of the nail a deep bend.

The photo shows that the nail on the index finger already has rounded corners, but on the average they still remain sharp and absolutely uncomfortable in everyday life (they can injure or break). This shape of nails also has a right to exist and suits many, but for me it is completely unbearable, so below I will show exactly how I remove the corners.

To do this, I use a grinder with a soft foam base (in the photo - the reverse side of the file Young nails). With gentle movements, from the edge of the nail to its center, I make several passes along the end of the nail to remove the sawdust marks and then proceed directly to rounding the corners. This should be done in the same movements, but already capturing only the corner of the nail, moving in one direction gradually, without pressing hard on the grinder, in order to maximally control the process and the degree of the rounding itself.

This way, it is easy to get neat rounded corners without changing the shape of the free edge, so that the result is a soft square without sharp corners.

After both hands are ready, you can again, just in case, compare the length of the nails.

Now the final stage begins, which once saved me from delamination of nails, and I don't even know how many polishing buffs Flash shiner I have already used it for a year and a half.

First, before the final polishing, without pressing the buff, I pass the gray side along the end of the nail several times from side to side. It is very important not to press on the buff, since, despite its soft surface, it can cut off excess and spoil the shape of the nail.

With the white side of the buff, I first polish the end of the nail and the corners (with small movements from side to side), and then I move to the free edge and top of the end of the nail, with movements from top to bottom.

It is thanks to the polishing of the end that my nails do not exfoliate.

This is how the butt end of the nail shines after polishing.

After all the manipulations, the free edge of the nail has a square shape, and the corners have the shape of a semicircle, which visually softens the overall look.

In the end, I will show the result on two hands.

Beautiful well-groomed hands start with a neat manicure, and a good manicure with. But what can be considered a correctly selected form? Perhaps the fashion trends that the Internet is replete with, or maybe copy the oval that suits your friend very much, or maybe your mother will advise something?

Of course not. Any of the described methods will not work simply because the shape of the nails must be selected individually, taking into account personal preferences and the structure of the hand.

A professional manicure master will be able to give advice in a difficult choice, for whom one glance at your hands and fingers, at the contour of the caticula and the bulge of the marigolds will be enough.

But what if you do not want to rely on outside help, if you want to make a decision depending on your mood and circumstances, then consider a few simple tips, I hope they will help you make the right choice.

Choosing the desired shape

Asking the question of how to give the nails a beautiful shape, we are aware that the choice is small. But a well-chosen shape in combination with an original manicure will transform your pens, hide flaws and add personality.

So, we choose:

  • square - considered one of the most common forms, it is recommended to do it on long nails. It is considered an ideal base for a jacket and can be with sharp and rounded corners, you should be careful when forming it, otherwise it will turn into an oval one;
  • oval bend - considered the most versatile, it suits everyone. Any manicure looks great on it, especially with an original pattern and pattern;
  • it is also desirable to form a pointed one on long nails, be sure to take into account the fact that it is quite fragile and easily breaks. Sharpen it at an angle on both sides, leaving the tip rounded;
  • crescent- a round shape is formed, it is preferred by doctors, nannies and everyone to whom it is recommended due to professional responsibilities.

If the question of how to properly shape the nails is on the agenda, and you are still at a loss, use some tips recommended by professionals:

  • If you have large hands with thick fingers, then it is better to refuse the thought of how to give your nails a square shape, a slightly elongated, oval one is more suitable for such hands. This will visually lengthen and grace your handles;
  • One can envy the owners of thin, small fingers with a narrow brush, they are the most fortunate, because any shape is suitable for such pens. They may not think about how to give their nails a beautiful shape, boldly choose everything they like and confidently implement it in practice;
  • It is worth being careful with the narrow, sharp nails of those ladies who have narrow long fingers. With them, the hands will look like an old woman, thin and emaciated. Short stylish nails are suitable for such handles, and it is also recommended to study the question of how to give the nails an oval shape;
  • If the fingers are small and plump, then the ideal option would be the average length of the nails with an oval or trapezoidal formation of the tips of the nail plate;
  • For small hands with thin fingers, the option with narrow and long nails is perfect. They visually lengthen the hands and add grace to the image.

Formation process

Having decided on the shape of the nails, we begin to translate our plans into reality. To do this, we take tools in the form of nippers, nail files and scissors. With the help of nippers and scissors, we cut off the nail plate, taking into account its length and further transformation. The tools must be sharp and of high quality, otherwise you can easily damage the nails and not achieve the desired result. The choice of a nail file should also be approached with special care.

A metal nail file with a large abrasiveness has already remained in the last century, it was replaced by glass and porcelain. They are gentle on the cornea of ​​the marigold, which eliminates the appearance of cracks and burrs.

According to the grain size, the files are divided:

  • rough, suitable only for extended nails;
  • the middle is formed by the nail plate and its length;
  • soft, finally process the marigolds;
  • polish very softly before coating.

To avoid delamination, work with the file in one direction, holding it slightly at an angle, where the plane of the file is directed under the nail, for the same purpose, first apply wax and do not file too much on the sides. Everything should be done under good lighting, dull and worn tools should be updated in time. Next, proceed with the removal of the caticula and the application of the varnish. I hope these simple tips will help you make your choice and achieve the desired results.

One of the most important components of a beautiful manicure is the correct shape of the nails. It is also worth noting that the work on it is one of the most time-consuming. In addition, she is also the most responsible - the slightest flaw in the configuration of the marigold and the impression of the manicure is spoiled. Many girls who practice nail coating at home even prefer to contact professionals to get them the correct nail shape, and then support it on their own.

Photos from the site:

Especially to help novice masters, "Ideal Manicure" will tell in detail how to shape nails at home, reveal the main techniques and secrets of the procedure. With a little practice, you will have marigolds that look like you visited a salon.

How to properly shape your nails? Fundamental rules

On portals and blogs dedicated to manicure, you can find many tips and tricks on how to shape your nails. Perhaps the most common of them is taking into account, when choosing the configuration of the plates, the natural shape of the hands and nails. Allegedly, for short fingers with wide plates, only a round or rectangular shape is suitable, and, for example, a "square", etc. is categorically contraindicated for trapezoidal nails. In fact, all this is nothing more than a myth. Different shapes will suit any nails and any hands. After all, this is the very shape that is set to make the nails beautiful, and a properly selected design will help hide all the flaws in their structure. The main thing is to create optimal harmony of shape with the width and length of natural plates.

Photo from the site:

But there are immutable rules that are necessary to create a spectacular manicure. So, how to properly shape your nails:

  • All nails must have the same shape. An exception is manicure, where the emphasis is on 2 - 3 nails that differ in shape.
  • Another important rule for nails is strictly the same length! Multi-format nail plates look funny.
  • The length of the nails should be determined by the size of the nail bed, starting from the lowest point of the cuticle and ending with the tip of the nail, and not by the size of the free edge, as some mistakenly do.
  • First you need to choose a reference length for all nails. Typically, all fingernails have different nail bed lengths. Conventionally, the reference should be considered the nail plate, which has the longest bed. If you focus on a shorter nail, then there is a risk that all other plates will have to be cut under the base, and still they may be longer than the rest.
  • Remember - 6 fingers (2 ring, 2 index and 2 middle) should have the same length from the plate from the cuticle to the end of the free edge. Little fingers may differ from the standard by 3 - 4 mm. downward. Large - 1 mm. more.
  • When determining the parallel for the tip of the nail, it should be oriented towards the center of the plate and not towards the cuticle. The cuticle at the nails, as a rule, has a beveled direction and if you focus on it, the tips will turn out to be skewed.

How to shape nails. Determining the option

Photos from the site:

There is a wide variety of forms for nails, both natural and artificial - pipe, age, "almond", etc. But all of them, at their core, often have the same source. So manicurists distinguish three main forms:

  • "Square";
  • "Triangle";
  • "Oval".

All other forms known to us are formed as a result of variations or combinations of basic forms. So all forms with a rounded tip contain, in their basis or in combination, "oval" ("almond", "age", round shape, etc.). Forms with gradually tapering side edges borrowed the outlines of the "triangle" ("ballerina", "stilettos" and the same "almond"). The straight tip parallel to the base refers to the "square" shape ("soft square", "rectangle" and again "ballerina").

When creating a shape, consider the direction of the lines of the side faces and the end. Knowing their basics will help to determine the correct direction of filing.

In this review, we will not separately consider how to make a beautiful nail shape for each variation, but will only acquaint you with the general rules and techniques for creating it using individual examples. You can find information on the creation of a specific form that interests you in separate reviews of the “Ideal Manicure”.

How to shape nails at home

You can also create a beautiful nail shape at home. You just need to stock up on the necessary set of tools and time. Ask, where is the relationship between how to make the correct shape of nails and tools? The most direct one. It is on the presence of the latter that depends on how well the form will be made.

So, to create the perfect manicure you will need:

  • Three files of different grain size: coarse (about 100 - 150 grit), grinding (about 200 - 250 grit) and soft polishing buff (from 280 grit and above).
  • Brush for removing dust from note dust generated during work.
  • A dark varnish without gloss and glitter (you will find out why you need it to create the shape of your nails below).

On a note

Grit is the degree of graininess of the file, the higher its numerical value, the softer it is. So the files with the lowest value are very coarse and are suitable for cutting large sections of the plate, they are also convenient for processing artificial nails. Files with a medium degree of abrasion (grinding) are necessary for shaping the ends and edges. The most delicate surface and the highest grit value are for polishing buffs. They are necessary for polishing natural surfaces and smoothing out irregularities.

Now let's look at how to give a beautiful shape to the nails using the example of a "soft square". There are several options, for example, we took two options - standard (for uncoated nails) and lightweight (creating a shape on coated nails).

Option 1: shaping uncoated nails

Initially, it is necessary to set the desired length for all nails using a file with a coarse abrasiveness. You should act carefully so as not to cut down anything superfluous. You can also use nail scissors or nail clippers. With them, the work will be done faster, but there is a risk of damaging the plate. The file also acts more delicately, prevents delamination and breakage of nails.

You should start to remove the length from one of the 6 nails (middle, nameless or index), which has the longest bed. Then, adjusting to it, the rest of the nails should be processed one by one.

Photo from the site:

File the nails from side to side with gentle pressure movements. In this case, the nails should be strictly perpendicular to the file. Do not be afraid to make multidirectional movements; at the stage of removing the length, this method of filing does not harm the plate. Remember - the main reference point should be the middle of the nail, not the cuticle!

Photo from the site:

After the length has been removed from 6 nails (middle, index and nameless), they should be attached with their tips to a nail file or other flat surface in order to make sure that they are of the same length. If there is any difference in size, it should be equalized.

Photo from the site:

After the length has been removed from all the nails of both hands, they should be attached to each other to check their size again.

Photo from the site:

In the process, do not forget to remove nail dust with a brush. If you simply blow off the dust, you will not cleanly remove it, and the slightest distortion will affect the result of the work. If the dust is not removed at all, then the direction of work will not be visible.

When the length on both arms is removed, you should once again inspect the hands, alternately stretching your arms out in front of you. This is the best way to see if any area remains taller or more beveled compared to the rest.

Photo from the site:

After removing the length, work is underway on shaping. Depending on the option chosen, the lateral edges of the nail are washed down. For triangular-shaped nails, you should make a slight bevel towards the center, for a square - leave the edges straight. We will consider just the option with straight edges required to form a "soft square".

In this case, it is necessary to work with a medium-grain nail file, and if the nails are very thin and weak, then with a file with a very soft coating. The movements are already performed strictly in one direction - from bottom to top. Here, the unidirectional movement of the file is just important in order to avoid peeling. Lateral detachments of the plate are especially offensive, because they can completely deprive the nails of the length.

Photo from the site:

When working with side edges, cut them parallel to each other. By the way, a little trick - if the plates are wide, you can slightly narrow the side edges and thus the nails will stretch a little and visually narrow.

After the desired workpiece is obtained, it remains to give the desired shape to the tip using a soft buff. Here, proceed very carefully, observing symmetry.

Photo from the site:

After the form is ready, the plate and the ends of the nail should be buffed with a buff to a slight gloss. The plate should be polished moving from the cuticle to the tip, the tips are also smoothed from front to back. Thanks to this procedure, the nail is sealed and the nails will not break and exfoliate.

Photo from the site:

Option 2: shaping coated nails

Beginners should start shaping their nails using a coating. Full matte shades of varnish without glitter and glitter are best suited for this. Such a technique will not distract to the free area of ​​the nail and the plate will be perceived as a whole from the cuticle to the tip.

Photo from the site:

Use quick-drying, regular color options to work on your shape. One layer will be enough, but it is important to apply the coating as close to the cuticle as possible in order to perceive the nail as a whole.

On a note

To better see all the inaccuracies in the work, it is best to do the work on a black background. And if with a coating, then on a light one.

The process of removing the length is no different from the previous method, only a file with a greater abrasiveness (about 150 grit) should be used for work. Options for working with artificial plates are also suitable. Do not be afraid of chips and splitting - the varnish will protect the plates from the rough effects of the nail file.

Photo from the site:

At the end of the work, when the desired length is given, the coating should be removed, with the side edges and the tip of the nail it is more convenient to work without coating.

Photo from the site:

Working on the lateral edges of the nails and tips is no different from the first method.

Photo from the site:

As you can see, the job of shaping is not difficult. But you should treat it very carefully. Initially, the work will take more effort and time, but as you gain experience, the process will go much easier and more confidently. The main thing is to choose good tools and protect your nails from possible chips. Try it and you will succeed!