How to make a bear from buckwheat and rice. How to make a feeder from the cone, gelatin, from the bottle with your own hands? Crafts from croup, seeds, nuts - Crafts from walnuts "Spider"

At first glance, it is difficult to imagine that from buckwheat, such small cereals, it is possible to execute applications. However, it is: buckwheat - beautiful material for crafts.

Appliques from buckwheat can be performed by a variety of: thematic (fish, chicken, bear, Cheburashka, Countertop, woodpecker, sunflower), alphabet from cereals and even whole compositions. If you wish, the craft can be easily painted. Then work will become brighter, rich and attractive. The occupation is very interesting, fascinating. Applications are surprisingly beautiful. They can be decorated with a kitchen, a children's room.

Applique from cereals in general, and from buckwheat in particular, this is an opportunity to reveal the ability of children, as well as contribute to the development of shallow motors of the fingers.

Perform crafts from the cereals is easy. You will need: Crupes, PVA glue, tight cardboard sheet, markers or markers, pencils, gouache for coloring.

How are Appliques from buckwheat

  1. Prepare a cardboard sheet, preferably colored.
  2. Figure you like print on the printer or draw yourself, pencil.
  3. On the contour of the image neatly apply glue or lubricate all the details of the future applique.
  4. Put buckwheat on the blurred areas.
  5. Let me dry (for this it will take about two hours).
  6. Carefully shake the non-gluing surplus cereals.
  7. Go to the next section of the picture and stick to buckwheat again.
  8. Optionally, paint the army of gouache.
  9. So that your craft is kept for a long time, spray it with a varnish from a balloon (quite suitable for hair lacquer).

How to paint the appliques from buckwheat

Crafts from buckwheat look much more attractive when the croup is painted. How to do it not to ruin work? It is best to paint the nucleus before gluing. For this:

In different jars, the resulting color croup. Do not close the lid. When you decide to make a crawler, everything is prepared in advance.

In appliqués, buckwheat can be combined with other types of cereals: with a peashed, rice, semolina, as well as peas, pasta, seeds, shells from pistachios, eggshell.

Original crafts from the cereals with their own hands will bring joy not only to the kids and their parents. They will give a sunny mood to everyone who can admire such beauty.

Craps and seed crafts are also panels, and appliqués, and decor elements, and bird feeders. See how to make a toopiary, a wreath of pea, a Christmas tree from seeds.

The content of the article:

Children will really like to make various crafts from cereals and seeds, if adults will show how to create them. Such fruits of collaboration will help not only the development of the child, but also teach him kindness. Indeed, in this technique, the original bird feeders are created, which the child will breathe on the street with pleasure. Will be happy when the feathels will fly to treat.

How to make a feeder from the cone, gelatin, from the bottle with your own hands?

Often in the city or countryside for the new year dressing the growing christmas trees. By making bird feeders, the child himself will decorate with them a forest beauty and get a lot of pleasure from it. To make a conceived, put next to the children:
  • cones;
  • high little bowl;
  • seeds of cereals;
  • seeds;
  • tassel;
  • a thread.
Step-by-step master class:
  1. If the honey is thick, pre-melt it in a water bath when cooled - break into a bowl. To another such support, pour cereals, small non-jarous seeds.
  2. Let the child lubricates the bump of liquid honey, then rolled it in another container, to the sweet surface of the seeds stick.
  3. Now he will put his creation on a dress or tray to honey, and the treat for feathered better attached to the chish.
  4. After that, it's time to tie a thread to the trough and go along with a child for a walk to hang the craft on a tree.

Instead of honey you can use thick holter. To do it, pumped into the capacity of 1 tbsp. l. Flour, dilute the glass of water. Stirring, bring to a boil.

Remind the children, the birds can not be given salted, black bread, so that similar products of the kids did not use, making bird feeders.

Offer children to make bird feeders who look very original. Prereach:

  • 1.5 glasses of bird feed;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 2 small gelatin bag;
  • twine;
  • cookie molds;
  • straw;
  • bakery paper.
  1. Soak gelatin for 20 minutes in the water, if this requires the instruction. But usually in small bags sold such that you do not need to soak, immediately divide it with water and put on fire.
  2. When the solution boils, remove from the heat, cool a little and mix with the bird feed.
  3. On the table bed, bakery paper, put the molds from cookies on it, fill them with a cooked mixture.
  4. Inside the loop of the twine or ribbon, the node inside. Remove half an hour in the freezer.
  5. After that, the forms take from there and leave on the table to dry the contents during the day. Then the feed for birds is extracted and hangs outside the window, in the trees in the yard.
The house for feathered children is also happy to do under the leadership of the elders.
It can be made it from:
  • empty 5-liter canister;
  • big wooden spoon and fork;
  • straw;
  • hot glue;
  • twine;
  • accessories.
  1. Cut the windows from one and opposite sides. Below them to follow 2 paired cuts. Insert two wooden spoons here. Or the second may be a large plug of the same material.
  2. But first, using a hot gun, attach the twine, and upstairs, pre-tied it with a bundle. If you do not have a similar material, then use natural urine.
  3. It will stay to decorate the house for birds. From yellow and white rope, sticking it, make frames for windows. Fabric flowers glued down at the bottom of the birds, will also become a wonderful ornament of the dining room for the feathery.
Children's crafts can be mastered from girlfriend. Look at the next master class, and you teach children to manufacture air insects.

How to make a butterfly with your own hands?

In it, you will turn the following items:

  • transparent plastic bottle;
  • plasticine;
  • little foam ball;
  • plastic solomins from a cocktail;
  • beads.
Also for creativity will require:
  • hot pistol with silicone rods;
  • scissors;
  • water marker.
We follow such instructions:
  1. From the bottle, you need to remove the label, cut the middle part to get a large enough canvas. Cut it in half. Attach the butterfly wings template to one and the second part, circle the water marker. Cut on these outlines.
  2. Now you need to decorate the wings. With the help of a hot gun, attach beads as decoration. Still cut into small segments, stick them along the edge of the wings.
  3. Let the child break through the plasticine ball, with the help of the same material you can attach decor elements. To continue children's creativity, the kid will cut the insect torso from plasticine, help the child to put both wings here and consolidate them.
So you can make a butterfly from plasticine and plastic bottle.

Crafts from cereals and seeds: master classes

Under your leadership, the child will be engaged in a creative process and make a wonderful palm. This will require:

  • bash;
  • rod from handle;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • plasticine.
It is necessary to put a softened green plasticine in the toss, distribute it evenly. This is grass. In the center, attach the plasticine ball.

The trunk of the Christmas tree, which needs to be deceived by plasticine is entered into it.

Now let the child roll out of brown plasticine "sausage" and will turn around the bottom of the barrel, moving upstairs.
This is how the most crafts are like crafts from seeds and croup. The turn of pumpkin seeds has come. It will be needles magnificent Christmas trees. They need to stab into the trunk of a tree, also starting with Niza. Try the elements of subsequent rows between the seeds of the previous ones.
This is what a wonderful tree from the seed turned out! The next job is not less exciting. To create a round panel, take:
  • seeds of cucumber or melon, as well as apple;
  • cunning
  • gouache;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • round disposable plate.

The semolina is peathed with gouache - half with green, half - with yellow. On the plate you need to apply a drawing with large features, for example, such a goose.
Starting from the tail, lubricate its body sections with glue and attach cucumber seeds or melons. And the wing should be highlighted with black apple seeds, but you can use IWE seeds.
To make paws and beaks, melon seeds or cucumber are covered with a red gouache, give it to dry. Now they need to be glued on markup.
To make the grass, glue is applied to the bottom of the background, this section is sprinkled with a green semi. The upper half of the drawing is decorated the same cereal but yellow.

Baby crafts from legumes do it yourself

Crafts from beans, beans, peas also under the power to fulfill the children. At the same time learn the alphabet. Draw on Watman letters, let the child, each in turn, lubricates glue and attaches the prepared seeds.

To make a panel in the form of pumpkins, give a sick:
  • seeds of hawk dry pea;
  • glue;
  • cardboard sheet and colored paper;
  • wood leaf;
  • seed seeds;
  • pencil.
A color sheet of paper is glued to the cardboard, on which you need to draw the outlines of the pumpkin and its fragments. Halves of peas are glued on them, and there are slices between these slices, a dry sheet of wood is.
Make chickens, such fun and beautiful, children will also be able to make legumes. Give them the template of these young chicken. Let him circle him, and the nose and naps will dawn with a yellow pencil. On the surface of one chicken you need to stick dry peas. To create another of the beans. For the third corn suitable.
To make owls, you will need the kids:
  • pattern of this bird;
  • cardboard;
  • white, brown, red beans;
  • beans;
  • dry yellow soup peas;
  • glue.
First, the template is transferred to the cardboard. Then you need to outset parts of the body and poultry heads. For such a craft from the beans, 3 colors of grain are necessary. Light brown is laid out the upper part of the head, ears, body outlines.

From the red wings are made, and from white - tummy and eye outlines. Pupils are laying out with black beans, and paws and beaks - yellow peas or corn of this color.

Fine colored crafts are obtained from bean seeds. You can offer the child to post a circular pattern. In the center and from the outside to glue lentil seeds, and circles to build from white beans, beans, yellow peas or corn.
From green pea, you can make a photo frame, saving it around the perimeter with these seeds.
There is a very interesting decor of Easter eggs. For him you will need:
  • boiled eggs;
  • pleaster based on flour or starch;
  • grains;
  • small croup;
  • dried herbs;
  • spice.
All this needs to be poured into a separate saucer. Next, the egg is lubricated with a hubber and rolled on dry herbs, spices, grains.

You can create mosaic patterns, drawing in advance on the shell sketch. Optionally, use stencils.

You can attach to the surface of the grain of bean, using for the base not only boiled eggs, but also balls. Beautiful idea for room decor.

How to make topiary from pea?

It will also help the bean seeds. To make a tree combat, you need to take:
  • packaging of green pea (polished and cheat);
  • foam ball;
  • packing dry moss;
  • 1 clay medium potted;
  • thermo glue;
  • pVA glue;
  • tassel;
  • for trunk - a skeletal, a wooden stick or a simple pencil;
  • paint pot;
  • green acrylic paint;
  • floristic foam or alabaster or cement;
  • styrofoam.
First you need to paint the pot and trunk in the desired colors, if required. But the ball must be decorated with green paint. This can be done in two ways: to cover half the ball, when it dry, paint the second side, wait until it dries. And only then cut a hole in it and put the trunk. Or do it earlier, fixing the trunk, and then immediately paint the whole ball.
When it dries, decorate it with peas. That's how to do topiary. Wrap a small bowl of the ball with tassel with a tassel, then generously cover it with peas.
When legumes are attached, decorate the following fragment of the base of the foam. Thus, close the ball completely and remove it to dry it.

When this happens, inspect the job if there are small unlocked areas, pour them with a cereal.

It's time to fix the crown. To do this, in a hole in a bowl of the glue from the "hot pistol", insert the trunk here.

For better fixation, it is desirable to further consolidate the barrel pieces of paper and carefully glue them, the bay here is more glue. If you do not put paper, hot glue can melt the foam, making the hole is unnecessarily deep.

Now put the trunk in the pot, consolidate this wand with alabastra, cement or floral foam.
  • buckwheat;
  • cunning
  • gouache;
  • pVA glue.
  • First you need to paint the moose by hand or, taking a pattern. Then PVA glue lubricates his horns, stacked buckwheat here. After that, they also decorate his hooves. The muzzle is created from the millet, and the body is from the mankey, which can be pre-mixed with brown gouache.

    Farming birds are harvested from cereals and legumes, and the background is made from the mancas, with a yellow gouache.

    If you want to teach a child to create an applique from the bean in the form of a chicken, then you will need grains of different colors, as well as corn and making seeds.
    But this touching fox is created from one mankey mixed with a yellow gouache or corn cereals.

    Then, missing small plots with glue, roll the wreath on the peas to attach these small particles. When the glue dries, tie to a wreath of the twine, decorate the ribbon and hang over the door.

    The door is decorated. Make decorations for the table. To make rings for napkins, take:

    • toilet paper bushings;
    • paint;
    • spice;
    • seeds;
    • small camp;
    • stationery knife;
    • glue.
    Cut each sleeve across 3 parts, paint these billets from all sides. When the coating dry, lubricate gradually these parts outside with glue, ride the sleeves on bulk products decomposed on different containers.

    To give products an additional fortress, you can lubricate the decorated surface with glue.

    These are wonderful crafts from seeds, cereals, beans, peas you can advise to make the kids. And so that it is even easier for them to learn this, let them look with you video, in which the process of creation is available.

    Drawing with croups Very fascinating, interesting and creative occupation, which perfectly develops the motorcy from children. Methods to draw a crop set.

    For example, for very little children, you can simply be on the surface or a tray of pouring a croup (manka, buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.) and we will suggest the baby just to tell her finger. Show the baby that you can spend your finger on the cereals and the line will turn out, you can draw on the cereal of circle, etc. These are disposable drawings, and you can create and constant drawings with a croup, securing them with glue.

    For children, over two years old, you can apply a crum on the paper base, lubricated with glue, and then the drawing can be stored. You can draw not only with croups, you can use any bulk components.

    Let us dwell on the creation of a pattern on a sticky basis on the example.

    To do this, prepare in the program Fhotoshop or take the finished drawing in two versions: the first is the original for the sample to which we will strive, and the second is an empty template (our future drawing of a cereal) on which the croup will be made. In principle, you can work immediately with the color original and apply the cereals on it, perhaps even the child will be easier, because it will see the color of the picture, but for this you need a color printer to print the pattern color.

    So, for work we will need:

    Pattern pattern for croup. Glue ordinary stationery or PVA (the adhesive pencil is very uncomfortable when creating small details of the cereal). It is advisable to use glue in a tank with a thin tip or take advantage of the tassel. Cereals (in this figure we used: millet, sch, jelly kiwi (green leaves) and jelly orange (yellow tulip buds).

    For convenience, all the necessary materials I poured into conventional tanks from under children's curds.

    Four stages of creating drawing with croups:

    1. Tulips buds. Let's start on top of the picture. We apply a layer of glue on the buds of tulips, and without waiting for it until it gets up, together with the baby, we fall asleep its entire thick layer of yellow jelly (or any other yellow yellow). We give the glue and gently turn the sheet with a pattern into a vertical position, shake out extra grains.

    2. Green stems and leaves.Similarly, we applied glue to the leaves and stems and sprinkle with green jelly and shake up too much.

    3. Vase.Vase we made from Sich. We apply glue to the perimeter of the vase, with the exception of the pattern and fall asleep.

    4. Pattern on a vase.The last barcode of the glue pattern on a vase and fall asleep with his millet.

    Everything is a drawing of a cereal ready. The child is delighted, because the mother does not always allow scattering cereals and all the more nice to see the result of his creativity. This drawing your baby can present in the form of a wonderful gift to your grandparents, grandfathers or other family members. After all, you see that delighted adults from children's gifts with their own hands much more than from any expensive gift.

    If you draw a drawing with croups for a gift, it is better to use a dense cardboard for the basis, and you can cover the finished picture with a thin layer of transparent glue to exclude its sprinkle.

    Senior kids can make more complex drawings with croups. For example, drawing semolina: we put the layer of glue on paper and lay a layer of semolina cereals on it. It is necessary to wait until the cereals come across and then with paints (you can also use conventional iodine or green) to draw a drawing. It is important in working with semolina, not to use a lot of water. The drawing will be relief and impressive.

    Crafts from cereals do it yourself - It is always useful, regardless of whether it is about children or adults. In the kids, such a needlework will develop a small motorcy, adults will train their fantasy and creative deposit.

    Crafts for children from cereals

    It should be noted that such veils for young children pursue not so much the goal of the manufacture of attractive "masterlines", how much the goal of the development of crumbs. Very helpful to make cereal appliqués. Mom should prepare some simple drawing, lubricate it with glue, and then offer a child to sprinkle it with a semoline, buckwheat or rice from the bowl. Usually, children cause a huge delight of this manipulation. When the whole drawing is filled, it will be necessary to accurately squeeze excess from the sheet.

    We recommend that you use an embroidery, wheat grunt, a semolina to create a background and flat objects, but for the allocation of the main parts take larger rice, pea, bellows. Craises from the cereals of the photo, which is replete with this publication will help you deal with this principle.

    For a more adult child, the task can be complicated, for example, for each element of the figure, you can use your product variety, which will be different both by texture and color. You can make a panorama where the manka, the sun will be used for the manufacture of the sky, the lands - the jacket, colors - buckwheat, plants - Hercules. For a child, over 3 years old, you can use a tinted product and then the final will be unusually bright and unusual. For kids, this reception is not recommended, because they love to try everything very much.

    If your child is already starting to be interested in letters, then definitely do such as the alphabet. The kid will very quickly learn all the beaks if it will make the volumetric variation of the alphabet in the tandem with parents, in addition, each letter can be ironed, playing with it, and this means that the learning process will pass as oil.

    Draw all letters of the alphabet on a sheet of dense cardboard, apply PVA glue. Now trust the child to glue the grains. It will look very beautiful if every contour will be laid out with its grain, however, and the "mixed" option is also allowed.

    Cracks from semolina

    Crafts from cereals and seeds

    For children's creativity, be sure to use a variety of seeds. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds will be the most common. In addition, the remnants from the landing season are suitable - seeds of decorative colors, cucumber, beets, carrots. In the pharmacy you can buy seeds of dill and flax.

    Crafts from cereals and pasta Also are very common. For example, you can make a wonderful "needlework" (and in the literal sense of the word) called the "Spring Trop". Take a brown colored paper sheet, ask the kid to attach your hand to it and circle the contours - it turns out the tree branches, draw the trunk and cut the item. It will then need to be glued to a sheet of dense cardboard of light color. Of course, the spring tree must necessarily be covered with flowers, that's why, together with a crumb, make flowers - "Place on the glue" 5 Makaronin "Horn" so that in shape they resemble an asterisk or flower. In the center of the flower, apply a drop of glue and sprinkle quite a bit of millet. So, when all the tree is sleeping with flowers, there comes a turn for the manufacture of affectionate sun. To do this, apply the contour glue shone in the corner of the cardboard sheet - semicircle and rays. Plug glue areas with a fast, pushed over. In the same technique, make eyes and mouth sun. This excellent Children's Crafts Reply even to very little kids.

    But, of course, learn, how to make a crawler Not only children, but also adults, because as a result of the work there may be an excellent decor for the apartment. An unusually beautiful home decoration should be recognized by paintings made from this simple material, which will be found at any hostess. As a result, handmade creation will be obtained with an interesting and specific texture, which resembles a mosaic with something. Remember that the more kinds of cereals you use for making an image, the one will be brighter and distinctive.

    So, first cut a piece of material that will serve as the basis. It can be bright cardboard, plastic, plywood, organitis. Remember that from the edges you must have an extra place - for the frame.

    On the selected material, take the contours of the future masterpiece. It should be noted that the best thing this material looks in abstract images, but also concrete plots will turn out no worse. If you do not have artistic talents, you can simply copy the picture you like using a copy paper. Excessively small details of the picture should be avoided, because they will be subsequently very difficult to process. The basis can be additionally coloring the desired colors, this precautionary measure is useful if you work in some places "Propeshki".

    If you decide to use the groom not only natural colors, you can make a tinted with acrylic paints. To do this, pour paint into the cup, if necessary, dilute it with alcohol. Pshlena or the semolina in the container with paint, then dry. To do this, simply pour the raw material on the sheet of white paper and periodically mix until the particles stop painting.

    Filling should be started with those circuits for which the smallest karlet is selected. First, on the selected section, gently apply a small amount of PVA glue, then gently impose the material. Particles lay a little and slowly, should turn out one smooth layer, otherwise the grains may turn. Cover the work with a small cargo after the end of gluing. Side the surface over the surface after a while, sufficient to glue the material with the base - it will help to crumble the particles that are poorly glued. If there are too many empty sections, then the gluing procedure will need to be repeated.

    When the picture is completed, it will need to put it vertically - it will help surpluses from your creation. Of course, the work will eventually collapse, which is why experts recommend to cover it with transparent glue or acrylic varnish, as a last resort, you can sprinkle with hair with a varnish.

    Be sure to make a frame for the finished picture, a wooden framing is ideal for this natural material.