How to make a plain paper ship. How to make a paper boat: step-by-step schemes of folding with your own hands, video. Steamer with pipes

Proudly floating on the spring streams paper ships - unchanged satellites of our childhood. Skach folded from the dotted notebooks, newspapers and even foils from chocolates ... Feel nostalgia?

We did not know what the art of origami is not touched by the art of origami today. So the deposit to this work is laid out in each of us from children's age.

Can you find it right now from the shoe album sheet? Or once in demand skill gradually lost? No problem! We have prepared a wonderful selection of schemes for both experienced and beginner shipbuilders. You will not only learn how to make a boat from paper, but also replenish your creative piggy bank with the ideas of unusual crafts.

We offer you the most common paper boat scheme. It is these pointed handsome beauties who boldly furrows the expanses of spring puddles and streams. Make them - the case of a couple of minutes. And the pleasure of watching the swimming of his own creation will please not only the child.

Start a paper sheet of A4 format and patience - it's time to design the simplest boat model. Our detailed photoinality will help you quickly pull your first vessel into the water.

Step 1. Check out in half on the wide side. Get it once again on the wide side, to schedule the middle.

Step 2.. Top corners wrap to the middle of the sheet. Get full compatibility.

Step 3. The lower edges of the leaf remained free. Raise them up, each for its part. Breakfit.

Step 4. Bend the corners of the strips to get a triangle.

Step 5. As a result of these manipulations, you should get triangular pockets. Slide your hand into it and open.

Step 6. Grasp the middle of the triangle base and carefully pull in different directions. The corners of the design are monitored by forming a square.

Step 7. The resulting two-layer square. Blank each of its parts diagonally to the bottom corner of the square. It turns out a triangle with a pocket inside.

Step 8. The resulting pockets open as in step 6. You must get a multi-layer square.

Step 9.. Take it for the top corners and divert them in opposite sides - the boat revealed.

Following this step by step algorithm, even a schoolboy will be able to assemble the origami ship-origami.

If you take a piece of scrap or colored paper for crafts, your creation will be particularly bright and beautiful. And you can make it just white and entrust the small designer to turn the usual ship into the masterpiece.

Two-pipe paper steamer

Having mastered the simplest model of a paper boat, you can put on the assembly of a more complex craft. Try to joy to the child to fold the bulk ship-steamer with two pipes. It is also easy to make it, as well as the previous model, but in this case you will have to stock up with scissors.

Stage 1. From the sheet of paper A4 format you need to cut square. To do this, roll on the diagonal one of the corners and cut off the excess strip.

Stage 2. The resulting square fold the second diagonal, they must cross exactly in the center of the figure.

3 stage.Each square of the square gently bent to the center.

4 stage.The resulting square flip over the other side. Repeat manipulation with bending corners.

5 stage.Turn the square again and attend all its corners to the center for the third time.

6 stage.Turn over the workpiece. You see 4 pockets on the corners of the square. Open two of them, necessarily opposite. So the two pipes declared in the description appeared.

7 stage.Grasp the inner corners of unscrewed pockets and spread them on the parties - the long-awaited steamer revealed.

This, of course, is not a Titanic: he had as many as 4 pipes, however, one of them was purely decorative. But our two-pipe boat is also able to withstand a serious swimming. Rather, fill the bath with water and send it on the journey.

If you folded the crawl along with the children, let them decorate it to your taste before the shutter. The child will gladly turn a paper ship in a masterpiece of modern shipbuilding.

Double Boat - Catamaran

An ordinary boat is a passed stage, and the steamer you also learned to do? Want to continue? Now you can master the catamaran assembly. From the primary materials you will need only paper and scissors. First, cut out a square of A4 square. Next, step by step Follow the phased description, check the result with the pictures and remember that the clarity of folds is the key to a neat and beautiful craft.

  • Fold the square in half and deploy. You will have a fold line. Then, fold each side in half to the fold line.

  • Rotate the resulting rectangle 90 ° and repeat the manipulation with folding.

  • Deploy the workpiece. It turns out to be broken into small squares. Now fold the opposite sides of the square to the center.

  • Grasp the bottom corners of the sheet and dig them on the parties. Fold 2 internal quadics diagonally - it turns out a blank for one boot.

  • Repeat these steps on the other side of the rectangle.

  • Throw the layout in half and open up, giving it volume. Catamaran is ready to sail in search of adventures.

If the first time it is not possible to deal with this scheme - do not despair. We offer you a second assembly method. It will be easy to master even novice shipbuilders.

A wide base of catamarans makes them resistant on water. This is enough so that it does not turn and not silent at the first dungement of the wind. So you can safely run it in the nearest stream - and the usual walk will bring you new impressions.

Beautiful sailboat from cardboard

Want to spend time with children fun and with benefit? Help them build a realistic ship from cardboard. This handicraft will decorate the children's room and will become your favorite toy of your child.

To work, you will need:

  • dense cardboard;
  • cardboard cylinder from paper towels or foil;
  • wooden wand or spanchka;
  • scissors;
  • pVA glue;
  • paper tape;
  • white paper;
  • paints (gouache or watercolor).

The first thing you need to download and print the drawing of the details of the sailboat (click on the picture to enlarge). If you wish, you can scale them to get the size of the finished product you need.

Transfer patterns to the cardboard and cut them out. You can use boxes from household appliances or packaging from parcels - in this case, the material you will receive absolutely free.

The most interesting thing begins: the time has come to build. Spread the details of the vessel with a paper scotch.

Mast can be made of wooden sticks or spanks. For its base, cut a few cups of cardboard and slide them on a stick, gluing among themselves. Stick the base of the mast to the deck.

Divide PVA water in a 2: 1 ratio. Narvit paper into small pieces. Wash each piece in the adhesive mixture and stick to the ship. Thus, it is necessary to stick to the workpiece of 5 layers of paper. Try to create a smooth surface. Give your creation to dry completely.

Now the decoration stage has arrived. Tell these children - they will gladly return their fantasies.

Sails can do real - from the fabric. If you do not want to mess with it, cut them out of a thick cardboard cylinder and secure on the mast.

Such a chic toy ship will take the attention of young navigators for a long time. And this is a good idea for crafts into kindergarten or gift from the child with senior family members.

Colorful sailboat made of match boxes and cardboard

Do you have an ordinary matchbox in your farm? Then suggest the child to make an exciting shipbuilding. This is not only possible, but very simple and interesting.

Prepare for work:

  • 3 matchbox;
  • color cardboard and paper;
  • pVA glue;
  • scissors.

Such an original sailboat is easy to make at home, because neither patterns neither stencils for him will be needed. But we will use skills to glue and cut.

Matchboxes need to be glued together by placing them as shown in the photo.

Cut the cardboard strip, its width should be equal to the width of the box. Carefully plunder the boxes, surplus doinched.

Cut the second line of cardboard 1.5 centimeter width. Fold it in half.

Stick it to the workpiece, pay special attention to the ship's nose. Put an unfinished ship to the cardboard and circle the contour. Cut the bottom of the ship, stick it to the workpiece.

For masts, take a part of the A4 sheet. It must be collapsed diagonally into a dense tube. Make a hole in the top of the ship for the mast. Install the mast by lubricating it with glue.

Cut sails and check box. Coloring them, naturally, instruct the child. Make holes in sails, put them on the mast and fix the flag. Sailboat is ready to conquer the seas and oceans.

Simple paper boat with sail

We found for you another way how to make a paper boat. This model, unfortunately, is not able to swim, but successfully cope with two tasks at once:

  • development of small motility in children;
  • organization of fascinating and useful leisure.

Carefully learn the model assembly scheme and you can teach your children the first Origami lesson.

From the usual sheet of office paper cut the square.

The finished sailboat can be painted, so that he will play with bright colors. The resulting handsome man with two sail will surely delight and entertain the kids.

Video confinure: Sailboat

Do you feel the power to create more complex origami? At your service a video master class of the assembly of an unusual sailboat. The deck is going separately, then the mast with a sail is attached to it. Carefully follow the hands of the wizard: one wrong fold in your work - and the whole process will have to start again.

Folding and launching paper boats will help adults at least briefly return to childhood. And for children, this is an extra reason to leave the world of the virtual reality of modern gadgets and feel like real creators and captains of their own ships.

Perhaps the first folded boat will be a step towards serious enthusiasm art of origami. Encourage the work of your children, help them discover new talents and develop abilities.

Maybe they will not be lucky enough to develop a new model that will conquer the Internet, or design the supercount of the future, but you exactly spend time fun and with benefit. And this is the main goal of any creativity.

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Paper crafts are an exciting occupation. Of the simple white or non-colored sheet, an interesting creation may turn out.

Folding figures, at first glance, is like a children's game. But this is real art with its technicians and methods of work, which, nevertheless, can master every person.

Each child at least once folded the paper figures. The most familiar and loved ones are paper airplanes and boats.

In childhood, paper ships launched into swimming and simply used in games. This imperious toy gives a scope for a fantasy child.

Some were fascinated by the manufacture of complex and large models with a variety of small elements.

Create a paper figure under the power of anyone who wants. It is enough to know simple instructions.

Instructions for folding a durable boat

In order to fold the craft, a paper sheet is needed. Nothing is no longer required. And the scheme itself is rather simple. It is enough to figure it out in it and fold the product several times.

In the future, you can do without tip.

  1. It is necessary to prepare a sheet of rectangular paper. From its size will depend on the end size of the ship.

The sheet can be white or color, depending on the wishes. If paper is used, the color of which only on the one hand is desirable to be folded in color. The finished figure will look more beautiful.

  1. It is necessary to fold it in half across.
  2. Place the fold and find the middle of the sheet. To do this, fold it again, but not to the end. As soon as the middle is designated, you can make a lightweight hall.
  3. At this stage there is a leaf, folded twice, with the marked middle. Next, you need to fold both corners to the center, focusing on the mark.
  4. Holding the corners, you need to spend your finger over all lines of bend. They must become fixed and thin.
  5. Next, you need to expose free edges of the sheet, which remained under the formed triangle. One edge one side, and the other on the second.
  6. Now the corners of the adjacent edges must be cut, repeating the shape of the triangle and fix the fold again. Perform it on both sides.
  7. Now it turned out a blank in the form of a triangle. If you push the edge of its base, then pockets are formed inside.
  8. Next, you need to reduce the angles of the triangle base and folded the opposite sides. Now the workpiece has become a square shape.
  9. It is necessary to grab the top corners of the square and stretch them in different directions.
  10. The product is ready.

How to make a paper boat with a child

The design of the folding process may seem long and complex. But in practice everything is much easier and more interesting. In order to interest such a child, it is necessary to take part in the process. At least at the initial stage.

Folding figures will not just pass the baby, but will benefit in its development:

  • the process helps the development of shallow motility;
  • ancestrance and patientity are formed;
  • imagination develops.

There are a huge set of circuits and figures. They are different in the degree of complexity, and you can choose the appropriate option for a child of any age.

In order to collect the crawl together with the child, you need:

  1. Pre-think what model is planned to be folded. Prepare her scheme and understand it before the process.
  2. Prepare a suitable work surface and several sheets of paper (in case something fails from the first time).
  3. You can also prepare colored pencils, markers or paints. When the ship will be ready, you can decorate it: come up with a name, draw the tricks or just paint.
  4. When everything is ready - you can proceed to work. It is necessary to add paper, demonstrating the child actions and execution technique. The kid parallel to do his own hand.
  5. The finished figurine can be decorated to taste the child. Then let the "ship" on the water (even at home).
  6. It is necessary to show patience and not to rush the child so that he calmly managed to figure out the new lesson for himself.

Paper origami in the form of a boat

Origami is the type of art of folding various paper figures. In classical performance, it is supposed to use only one sheet of paper without applying scissors.

Origami in the form of a sail boat can be collected as follows:

  1. The sheet of paper is folded on both diagonals alternately, break and turn it over.
  2. Now make bend on all corners and turn over again. The resulting bends make it easier to fold the figures.
  3. A piece of paper must be folded twice and then deploy back.
  4. Now you need to wrap the edges of the leaf to the central collar and press them.
  5. It turns out a rectangular blank. The top and bottom edge should be beatened to the center. Now it turns out the square.
  6. Next, the top and bottom need to be accessed back.
  7. Bottom corners need to raise up and pull out their corners out to get a trapezoid.
  8. The same to do with the top.
  9. Next, you must grasp the upper trapeze for the central part and pull it up.
  10. Turn over the workpiece. The center turns the square. The whole figure must be folded in the diagonal of this square.
  11. It remains to raise the lower corner and the handicraft ready.

Another model in the form of a boat:

  1. The sheet must be folded half the horizontal.
  2. Then make one horizontal inflection in the center of the sheet.
  3. Next, you need to bend the upper corners outside on both sides to the central line.
  4. Bottom corners also bend to the center.
  5. Now you need to get the top layer forward, the bottom - back.
  6. Next to fold the workpiece inside and straighten.
  7. Corners Bend back and dissolve the boat.

A4 leaf boat

Most often for the manufacture of figurines, a sheet of A4 format (or album) is used. Its parameters allow you to create a medium-sized ship and a good form.

Preferably use A4 with a density of 80 to 160 gr.

Often, the product requires a rectangular sheet (as for a classic boat). In this case, even the scissors are not required.

If you need a square sheet, it is easy to make it from A4 using scissors (for example, as for a two-tube boat).

Creating a large boat from cardboard

For the manufacture of a large-sized ship, you can use the same schemes as for conventional crafts.

But the usual paper is no longer suitable here, since such a blank will be bad.

  1. Sometimes large figures are made of newspaper sheets in two or three layers. But even such tricks do not particularly help. The cauldron as a result does not hold the form and does not have a species.
  2. For such a product, very dense paper or cardboard will fit. This material will give stiffness and will keep shape.
  3. It should be noted that it is more difficult to work with cardboard than with paper.
  4. First you need to perform measurements, and then make bends in the right places.
  5. For fixing folds, a certain physical force will be required. Therefore, the child will need adult assistance.
  6. Sometimes a layout of a large ship is made of thinner paper, and then strengthen it with cardboard figures of the desired form. They are glued to the ship, and it becomes stable. But it is not recommended to put such a product for water, since the folds of the folds are quickly impregnated with water.
  7. Large ships often perform a decorative function and are decoration or interior addition.

Beautiful sail for paper boat

Sail is one of the ways to decorate a paper craft. With this part, the product acquires a finished look.

In this case, the sail does not functionably save faster. Therefore, you need to take care only about its beauty and originality. It does not matter in which part of the ship it will be attached.

  1. First you need to prepare the base for the sail. If the figure is small, then the toothpick is suitable. For a large model, you can use any wooden wand. Or another material is not too heavy for the product.
  2. The base is attached with the help of glue or mechanically (for example, with threads).
  3. At the top of the base, the sail itself is attached. It can be any shape and color, from any material: colored paper, material, shiny foil.
  4. For convenience, it is better to initially attach a sail to the base, and then this design to the craft.
  5. It is necessary to take care that the sail does not outweigh and the boat did not fall on the side.

Dual Tube Savage for Interior Decoration

The two-pipe boat (or steamer) is also easy to manufacture, as well as the classic option. He can become not only a toy, but also worthy addition and decoration in the interior.

In order for the boat looks presentable, you can make it from beautiful, unusual paper. Or already prepared a figurine decorate so that it harmoniously fit into the interior.

The process of manufacturing a two-pipe boat:

  1. For this model, you will need a piece of paper square shape. If the form is rectangular, then scissors are also needed.
  2. The rectangular sheet must be folded by reducing one angle diagonally to the opposite edge. Thus, a folded twice square and the remaining strip of paper, which must be cut off.
  3. The resulting square should be beaten first on one diagonal, and then by the second. Thanks to this, the center of the sheet will allocate.
  4. Next, you need to bend all four corners to the center. It also turns out a square figure, but smaller in size.
  5. The workpiece must be flipped with curved corners on the table. And on the resulting surface, repeat the operation again - get angles to the center.
  6. We turn over the workpiece and the corners to the center for the third time.
  7. Now you need to turn the figure again. Upper and bottom corners need to be straightened. They will serve the boat pipes.
  8. Other two angle (left and right) need to pull on the parties and the handicraft ready.

Another simple instruction, and as a result, it turned out a new boat model with two pipes in the center.

How to run conventional boats to water

To start the finished paper boat to water, you must first prepare.

Of course, you can do it without preparation. But this figure is quickly soaked with water, will lose the shape and will take it.

In order for the product to be disposal, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • use for making dense paper, which poorly absorbs water;
  • you can melt paraffin or wax and dip a figurine in them. When everything dries, a layer is formed on paper, which will serve as water protection;
  • do not overload the ship by additional cargo. Sometimes during the game on the boat, you can arrange a figure (captain) or cargo to be transported. If all these items are too heavy, then some of them must be postponed at the time of swimming.

Any of the schemes for creating a boat is surrounded for both adult and a child. This is a pleasant and interesting lesson for everyone.

You can make such a crawler in any conditions. For this, neither special skills or special materials will be required.

Traditionally, the boat is considered a boyish toy, but will not refuse such fun as the launch of paper ships in the streams, especially if they can make them with their own hands and decorate their taste! And if the season does not allow, you can also play in the bathroom. Consider on the steps how to fold the boat from the paper sheet in the Origami technique.

For the manufacture of such a craft, you need a square sheet, as for many origami, and rectangular. The A4 paper is ideal (it is desirable to be dense - for example, the sheets for the printer or a color double-sided for children's creativity).

How to make a paper boat with your own hands - step by step instructions with photos:

We put the sheet vertically and bend in half.

The fold is planning a vertical line and bend the corners to it.

Lower part (rectangular) bend upwards

turn the figure with the other side and repeat the same thing.

Reveal the craft from below. We reduce the corners of the triangle and press,

we get a square figure as in the photo.

Crawling the corners on different directions.

We reveal from the bottom and connect the corners, getting the square again.

Now it remains to take the top corners with two hands, carefully pull over them, and the boat will reveal.

Refning the middle, giving the volume. The basis of the ship is ready!

I suggest decorate the freeze check box. It will not affect the ability to swim. We take a small piece of bright colored paper and toothpick (also fit a piece of rod from the handle, match, thick wire). Paper bending in half, cut out the flamber form. Toothpick smear glue and put inside the checkbox, as if in a book, glue two parts of the flag together. At the top of the ship, I pierce the hole and insert the check box.

Here is such an interesting boat, we made from paper with your own hands in the Origami technique! If the yard is not spring and not summer, there are no streams and water bodies, then you can run at home in the bathroom.

Helpful advice: So that the figure served for a long time and did not make one-time, pre-pump it into the melted paraffin. It will make it waterproof. Origami boat can also be made from glossy magazine pages.

Ship modeling is interesting and exciting. Marine themes are always popular. Stories about bloodthirsty pirates, brave discoverers and military past centuries are always fascinating. How to make a boat out of cardboard, what will need how difficult it is? Answers will help find this article. Detailed Master Class Creation of Products, Tips and Recommendations.1

Features of working with cardboard

Cardboard - a dense and reliable material from which, if desired, you can make various crafts. Working with him will not deliver any difficulties if you apply these Tips:

  • if the cardboard caught a dense, take the scissors like or - cut it with a stationery knife;
  • going to bend the finished parts of the product on the dotted lines, circle their contour with a stupid side of their scissors or a not writing handle - the cardboard will bend easily and much more smoothly;
  • glue-gun is effective, but not always suitable - if the material caught thin, it is easier to replace the strong glue on PVA or the usual stationery glue;
  • watch that in the room where you will work, it was not too humid, otherwise the finished products will then be covered or the details do not glue normally;
  • regularly ventilate your room, adjust the light;
  • if the model is complicated, instead of text master classes, see the video;
  • work in stages when the mood is good.

Newbies are usually starting with a simple, gradually complicating their task. Make from cardboard ship by anyone who wants, even a child. If you follow all instructions.

Ship out of boxes

Who said you need a special cardboard? Any healthy material is suitable. For example, several empty match boxes accumulated at home. Excellent, then this master class is suitable.

What will take:

  • 3 box;
  • a4 sheet - white;
  • a4 sheet - color;
  • cardboard;
  • glue.


  1. Take 2 box, connect their end sides and take carefully. The third glipe on top of them.
  2. Cut from paper a long strip. See that its width corresponds to the size of the box. Now plunder the boxes.
  3. Cardboard Cut a thin (1-1.5 cm) strip, then fold it in half. Stick tightly to boxes, forming the nose of the future ship.
  4. On the remaining part of the Cardboard Sheet, draw contours - outlining the bottom of the ship.
  5. Mast. Cut ¼ sheet and tightly twist it diagonally. At the top of the future ship, do a small round hole. Pretty treat it with glue, then insert the end of the mast there.
  6. From paper (colored sheet) Cut sails, small check box. Make a regular hole in a pair of round holes in finished sails. Schedule them alternately through the mast, and take the checkbox on top.

In order for the ship from ordinary cardboard with their own hands, it is brighter, you can paint the finished handicraft.

Ship from the box from milk

Ends at home milk and stayed box? Excellent! You can make a real ship.

What will take:

  • milk box;
  • 2 sticks;
  • rubber;
  • scotch.


  1. For milk, manufacturers use a special cardboard, in addition it is waterproof, you can even arrange "swims". It uses a long box 1l.
  2. First, it is necessary to carefully attach it all the opaque scotch (so that the ship does not advertise a dairy company).
  3. Measure and place on the box all the places you need to cut. Cut the line felt-tip pen and following them, cut through the box, forming the basis of the boat.
  4. Some details (as seen in the drawings) are cut separately.
  5. Two sticks symmetrically attach from behind below to the stern of the future ship. Ends to connect with conventional rubber band (pharmacy is suitable).
  6. Attach the rectangle - the screw of the motor. The ship is ready, it remains to paint or add other details - figures of people, make a steering wheel.

Pirate ship

The real pirate terrible ship is recognizable by the color of his sails, flag and other visual signs. You can supplement the finished product with figures with "Lego" - pirates. It is worth attracting a child to work - the process is fascinating, at the same time cognitive.

What will take:

  • cardboard box;
  • glue pistol;
  • line;
  • pencil;
  • macate knife;
  • a piece of foam;
  • twine;
  • branches (gather small);
  • fabric (on pirate sails);
  • templates.


  1. You can draw schemes to the ship with your hands from the cardboard, but if the drawing skills are small, it is better to choose ready-made patterns. Select suitable, print and gently transfer them to cardboard.
  2. Step-by-step cut one side of the future ship, then the second. It is better to pick up (or draw) simple patterns, without complex Zagun.
  3. The ship is needed 2 lateral, bottom and 1 rear parts. Rule to measure each, watching they come.
  4. Adhesive gun gently connect 2 side with the back.
  5. How dry, glue bottom. It turned out a big cardboard boat.
  6. In advance to find a long smooth branch, cut up too much. Attach the mast to a small square of foamflast, and glue it tightly to the bottom.
  7. Cardboard cut a small "g" shaped smooth piece, forming a stern. When finished, stick it back.
  8. We need 2 thin sticks or spanks - they must be tightly attached to the mast. These are sail holders. For fidelity, additionally wrap them with the twine.
  9. Sail. Cut it (normal square of medium sizes) from fabric. Coloring, drawing a gloomy pirate skull, make romantic scarlet sails or something else that wanted.
  10. Make several small holes from below on the edge of the fabric and on top. Cut the twine on the same small stripes and turn them through those holes. Tie ready-made sails to two branches on the mast.

That's how to make a boat from a regular box and other girlfriends. By the way, the vessel supplement the reary (pirates usually forced them to walk their prisoners), steering, cut a small anchor.

Floating ship

Why are it limited to simple crafts when you can create a real ship that will float? Of course, efforts must be attached more, but the result will definitely please.

What will take:

  • wide scotch;
  • a piece of foam (not sinking);
  • the cloth;
  • cardboard;
  • thin wire;
  • cutter;
  • wooden boards (small);
  • threads;
  • scissors.


  1. Case. Step-by-step creation of a bulk ship begins with its corps. Cut the cutter carefully cut the housing, forming the contours at first for the deck, nose. Then Koso cut two boards, and do the bottom of the bottom.
  2. It is possible to create a stern, the stencils or photo of examples will be required. Running the lines, immediately leave 7 mm, draw again. How finish, you can cut. It turns out the patterns of the plates of the future ship.
  3. Decoration. Coloring patterns. For example, you can take a photo of a pirate, military or vibrant Viking ship. Separately on the pattern of the future deck, mark all the places where you install masts. Gently plunder each cardboard model with scotch. He will give protection from possible wetting.
  4. Now the finished patterns alternately attach to the foam base. To secure, take the glue or scotch.
  5. Mast. They are pulled out of thin ski. Masts try to make sharp at their base, and from above narrowed. Secure it with wire to finished masts.
  6. Sail. Remember, if you plan to make a ship - a sailboat from cardboard, you will have to fit several masts and sails to make more. After all, sailboats moved thanks to the wind. Cutting the sail, literally entering it to the finished mast. Needle do a few identical punctures, skip thread through them, then tie the ends on the rim. In the form of a couple in the height will be already. Having finished, stick masts with acute ends to the base of the ship.
  7. Steering wheel. He needs the ship then sailed straight. Cut a pair of identical pieces from ordinary cardboard, then symmetrically stuck them in the stern area in the base itself located so that they take water.
  8. Trial descent. See if the ship suddenly falls around or swinging, attach from the bottom or inside the additional cargo is a nut or a large bolt. And it is better to hang it, wolving the wire with a 5-8 cm down from the bottom of the ship.

Motion from the box - Video

Cater With Steam Engine - Video

Cardboard steering wheel

What vessel will be fine if there is no steering? On the steering wheel for the ship, you will need a ready-made pattern from cardboard. However, if the drawing skills are sufficient, you can create a layout yourself.

What will take:

  • cardboard dense;
  • sucks;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • threads;
  • paints.


  1. Draw two identical circles, then cut them out. Inside each you need to cut the second round, but smaller to get flat rims. Remember, the size of the rim determines the size of the product.
  2. Cut a few small circles - the center of the steering wheel.
  3. Rays. The line measure the length you need and customize the skewers, removing the excess knife.
  4. The ends of the rays gently sharpen. The connection site should also be treated, so they will get better together.
  5. Build steering. By connecting the rays and crossing them, cover on top of the second circle. Build everything with glue. Similar manipulations Repeat with the second, large rim.
  6. So that the edge of the received steering wheel was smooth, you can sand it, walking with sandpaper.
  7. The tips of the rays alternately wrap over thread, giving them the desired volume. Everything remains to paint the finished product and attach it to your ship. By the way, the steering wheel need any vessel model, whether it is a modern yacht, a steamer or a medieval sailboat.

To the steering wheel organically fit, you need to make a boat from cardboard, which was originally used for the manufacture of the steering wheel.

Viking ship from cardboard - Video

In an accelerated video, see the entire fascinating process of creating a drag cardboard: