How to become attractive. How to be an attractive woman

Went king in the forest, found a princess

I conceived the prince to marry. They offered him to choose from two brides: smart and rich. The prince thought ... and chose the one whose chest is more. Not one decade, psychologists devoted to studying the issue: What kind of women prefer men? What makes men, as magnetized, turn her neck, looking at your best girlfriend Julia, and at best you get only encouraging smiles? Why, despite the fact that you are stall and attractive, you do not rush to get acquainted on the street past the passing oligarchs in limousines, and you hear the compliments only from a fat dilated accountant from your office, and even then on the eve of March 8? How and why do they choose us?
Let's figure it out.

Point of view first, biological

Of course, Van Gogh and Einstein, Rubens and Roosevelt were men. Richard Gir and George Clooney is the same. Nevertheless, in general, a man in this time is much closer to his cavemers than we, women, creatures tremble and sophisticated.

The behavior of a man largely manage the instincts, these ancient calls of nature. So, scientists believe that nature is calling a man to continue its genus with the most fertile female - that is, that is able to endure and give birth to the greatest number of children. That is why, for example, the view is that the gentlemen prefer blondes (not counting those who go crazy about digging and brunette, of course), - partly right. It has been proven that after the first birth of blonde women darken at least 30%. The lighter hair is, the more likely that the woman has no children yet and it is ready for reproduction. The simplest call of nature, and what kind of hair paint manufacturers!

The same applies to the lush breasts, and the steep hips are that men call the "sexy figure", actually sends signals in the men's brain about the most prosperous program to continue the genus. Accordingly, all the triggers of women are to lengthen the eyelashes of mascara, legs - heels, hair - special artificial strands, and increasing the volume of the chest thanks to the cunning bra with water pads - only exploit this instinct.

Point of view of the secondpsychological

Another, no less important point is a factor of accessibility. In principle, at the sight of a pretty woman, any healthy man wants to grab it, carry it into the nearest cave, and there to do everything with her all that he saw in the cinema and magazines of the XXX series and its own erotic dreams. The readiness of the girlfriend actively participate - is extremely desirable. What you have to meet first, then drive to the cinema and give flowers, and then hand the ring and save on a fur coat, the man is perceived as annoying, but not canceled the rules of the game.

That is why a woman surrounded by aura of affordability will always look attractive in male eyes. Accessibility, by the way, is not only a sexual category. This is rather characteristic of behavior. Availability means not only that there is no serious relationship in your life - they should not be in your head. How many charming, intelligent, sincere women are worn alone only because, swaying with a man, they did not take care of becoming really free.

Thinking up past mistakes, permanent memories and comparisons of matured men with "those who" change not only the self-treatment of a woman - they change her all. Eye expression, gait, gesture. The behavior appears the mass of signals speaking - do not come, I'm busy, I have another. Men read such signals with lightning times and their resources for the persecution of hopeless prey are not spent. The exception is the situation when relations are unfolding, which is called, live - in front of the colleagues, companies of friends, classmates. Here it can work at a completely different call of nature - competition. The desire to participate in the adrenaline competitive struggle in men is great enough that the object of the struggle begins to seem especially desirable.

Third viewing point, landed household

It is well known that men love some, and marry others. Considering itself with the creatures are extremely rational, men are trying to bring a sober calculation in all, including love relationships and marriage.

Rarely a man makes a proposal and marries precisely because it is that you represent him ideal. At first, the man makes a decision - and is it time to marry? Deciding that yes, it's time, he begins to look around in search of a suitable candidacy. The further development of events depends largely on how much the man is really intelligent, and how much it is ready to take into account and control their own instinctive impulses.

In modern reality, marriages are increasingly committed not in heaven, and in the bank - covered by the idea of \u200b\u200ban unprecedented career, or just wanting to avoid the household difficulties of the first joint years, the men of large cities often choose the rich heirers, believing that you can love anyone, but a good dowry Scratch any relationship. This is not at all. The woman always feels when they do not like her, the relationship is rapidly rapidly, and the case ends with the same years spent years and broken hopes.

It is said that, having acquainted with a man, a woman in the first five minutes decides for himself a question whether she can marry him. A man takes this solution much longer. He will carefully observe how you behave in conflict situations, unobtrusively find out if you have serious health problems, will ask your financial requests. And in the right, suddenly you, what is good, you expect that the future spouse will buy a house for you in the south of France, whereas he planned to offer you a heavily Halupuk with proud "Dacha" in the village of Small Berdychevo, which is three hundred kilometers from Moscow?

The point of view is the fourth, Freudistskaya

It is rumored that men choose women resembling their own mothers. In fact ... Men really choose women who resemble their own mothers in their wives. You can be elegant and thin, dance the salsa and not quite clearly imagine the technology of cooking glazing, while his adorable mommy - reminded by the average sizes of the hippopotamus and gifted the furnace of Cull with cabbage, and, nevertheless, if your behavior is reminded by her mother's model, This will most likely work.

It is unlikely that you will be happy to find out that you remind your beloved husband's own mother-in-law, but the fact remains a fact: it is quite possible that in his youth his mother danced Krakowak, and the waist could argue with Young Gurchenko.

The rules of communication with women man will first know in contact with his mother, and this first experience leaves a very significant track in the soul. If his mother is cold, detached, engaged in the lady, it is difficult to expect that he will be happy to find that you will wait for him at the entrance to rush on the neck - rather, it will appreciate the calm, not oversaturated with emotions of the relationship. If his parental is quick-tempered, noisy and loves to laugh, it is unlikely to attract his mysterious disappearance for several days and your careful doubts about the offer to go somewhere together.

So what is still need to be that the men choose you, and you later chose the best of them?

Be beautiful

No, I do not mock at all. Beauty, as you know, in the eyes of the looking. The generally accepted standards of beauty does not exist - your exclamation "My God, well, and urodna!" At the sight of another Miss World proves. According to statistics, no matter how you look like, in nature, there are Men who find this type attractive. Therefore, despite the fact that well-groomed appearance is very important, the features of the face and body line is not at all. The main thing is the spark in the eyes, the inner self-absorption of himself by sucking, mischievous, cheerful and relaxed. Old, but not fading truth: to like others, you need to like yourself. If this is not very, go to the reception to a psychologist, on a special training of women's confidence, or ... there, where, according to statistics, very few women, but men in abundance. By the way, technical universities were always famous for this, in which rare smart drances were blossomed from universal male attention.

Be ready

Never try to start a new relationship without completing the previous ones, - with a high probability, you will have to take care of your decision. If the relationship did not work out, it's quite natural for some time to be one - no matter how terrible it would seems to you this word, put your own thoughts and feelings, say goodbye to what it did not work out, thank you for what it happened to you . One of the most common mistakes that men and women are doing in a relationship - an attempt to "cure" from unsuccessful love with the help of a new novel. In such cases, endless "Deja NU" with previous relationships are inevitable, and the likelihood of an unfavorable, traumating of both partners of the outcome is very high.

Be easy

Even if you met a man of your dreams, you should not drown in love with your head. Giving relations in your life too high status, you trust it and make yourself a less attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex - "Husants for husbands" males feel behind the mile and prefer to bypass the big arc.

Do not load it with your own expectations and do not try to change - the best thing a woman can make for a man is to take it as it is. Do not count that you and your love will change it - the grumbling bore does not turn into a witty merry, even if you represent a hybrid Snow White with Pamela Anderson. In order for the relationship to have a chance for harmony, you need to determine your own priorities. What things for you are fundamental for a joint stay? The desire to have a number of ideal man with the appearance of the Pierce of Pierce, the income of Bill Gates and the chassions of Rett Battlere commemorated, but hardly realizable. Hold the main thing, to the rest try to treat frivolously.

  • You yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and you and you ... or what does it mean for a child friend? The author's version of the article published in the journal "Kids In The City", December 2009.

  • Agree to be an attractive woman is not so easy. Many, having heard this statement, compare it only with external beauty. But this concept is far wrong and is delushing. Yes, external factors play an important role, but be charming only for external criteria is not always enough. It is very important to be able to manifest yourself and cause a common interest in his person. Then the appearance is often moving into the background, and the woman becomes interesting to their inner beauty.

    So how to become attractive and able to keep the views of men? Any girl needs to work on themselves, be able to file themselves and learn to emphasize their attractiveness. If you really want people to have drawn to you, then in your arsenal there should be a lot of tricks. Only so you can achieve more.

    If you look at the facts in numbers, then more than 50% of the first impressions of men occupies the external beauty of a person. About 40% of the total number of respondents talk about the importance of communication manners, but only 7% are given the topics of the conversation. So what exactly is important? How to become beautiful and attractive in the eyes of a male floor?

    External beauty: Is it important?

    This question is always relevant and causes a storm of disagreements and many opinions. Most psychologists argue that attractive appearance has its advantages. For example, when talking with a person with the right and symmetrical features of the face, a healthy blush always arises a sense of confidence in what said. Her words hear convincing. But at the same time, the same psychologists argue that a woman is not necessarily beautiful to become attractive to the opposite sex.

    There are some points that are confirmed scientifically and help cause guys interest in the girl.

    1. Make friends with a dentist. Numerous studies of British psychological universities have proven: smooth healthy teeth make a woman more attractive for men. This is laid at the subconscious level in humans. Teeth are directly associated with us with genetics and are an indicator of good health. It may not affect the general perception of a woman. But at the same time, it should be clarified that the teeth are so acting with a natural tint, and not the "Hollywood" smiles with bright white color, which in many cases repel.
    2. Drive the right lifestyle. To be attractive and have a healthy appearance, follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle: Refuse Fast Foods, Eat more vegetables and fruits, do sports, drink enough liquid, sleep at least 8 hours a day, find your hobby or hobby, read books and Say yourself. It helps a woman to maintain its natural beauty and makes her life as full for new emotions and impressions.
    These simple two rules are put into service. Observing them, you can eventually feel the views of men and their interest in your person, since you will radiate natural beauty that attracts the opposite sex.

    How important is the inner beauty

    It has already been mentioned that, getting acquainted with the woman, most men first do not pay attention to the external data of their interlocutor. It can be very fascinated by external beauty, but often, having talked for a few minutes, the opinion can radically change. This is the inner beauty of a person.

    For example, the girl manifested itself in communicating egoistic, envy or selflessly. And the image of an external beauty in the eyes of a man begins to break. He already sees flaws in it, the woman becomes no longer so perfect as it was originally.

    Or, on the contrary, externally, not a very attractive girl opens on the other side after communicating with her. Having learned her closer, cease to notice the external flaws, as I evaluate it already internal eyes. Therefore, it is very important to achieve conformity and harmony of manifestations of femininity in everything. This is a secret, how to become attractive for men.

    What is the inner beauty of a woman? It is charisma, intellect, sense of confidence and purposefulness, the ability to support a conversation and much more. All this helps the manifestation of internal attractiveness.

    9 tips to help achieve harmony between the inner and external

    In the arsenal of each woman there are several commandments. They help to become attractive for guys. Consider 9 major commandments that include not only the maintenance of inner beauty, but also external.
    1. Love your image. Learn to perceive yourself as you are. Even if you know that the amount of your waist is not perfect, then you should not focus on this problem. Yes, you are not a standard, but you have beautiful hair, healthy face color and you love yourself what you are. It will give you confidence. Uncertain woman looks different. Its behavior manner and external facial features and figures change. It can not be unnoticed by the surrounding guys or men. Therefore, it is important to love yourself - and this will be assessed with increased attention to you.
    2. Stay out. Woman who knows itself, you do not need to imitate someone. Remember any party. What girl will the guys pull out? For a person with unique, but not frightening manifestations or to a sharpness, which behavior, like most of those present? The views of almost all guys will be on the first, and it is she who will cause interest. This is a psychological moment, and it should be remembered.
    3. Watch for health and skin condition. To achieve improving their inner attractiveness, do not forget to follow and maintain external charming. A woman should always emit beauty and health.
    4. Another way to look attractively externally is the beauty of your hair.. Haircut should always look aesthetic. Fat hair, abstract roots do not attract, but repel away from you the views of men.
    5. Stop sad. Always in any situation, in any way politely. Roughness in communication pushes from the interlocutor. But at the same time learn how to re-send, whose rudeness is directed against you. A woman who is rude to his side will never look charming in the eyes of others. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to resist the rudeness beautifully. Remember: Sometimes the best gun is politeness.
    6. Good mood and smile. Psychologists argue that a smiling person looks attractive and predisposes others to his person. Learn to smile just like that. They greeted you - smile and tell me: "Good day!". Do not quiet! It will make you more interesting and enjoyable.
    7. Take part in conversations. How to look attractive in the eyes of men - you will be able to support a conversation. Do not be afraid to join the conversation. You will immediately differ attention and will be interested in your person. No one will never look in your direction if you silently sit in the corner. Such women are perceived by a man as boring and do not cause their interest. If you are a profan in the topics of the conversation, ask your question. This will attract attention to your person.
    8. Learn to take compliments. To be a more charming woman helps the words that a man talks about her beauty. And it is very important to be able to take these phrases. Only a woman with complete confidence and loving himself always correctly reacts to the male compliment. Do not pronounce words like: "Oh, that you! In fact, this is such makeup! " It repels from you and beat off the desire from the opposite sex to communicate with you. Just thank you for nice words to your address.
    9. Use the voice. This is the last of the 9 commandments, helping a woman to be more interesting for the opposite sex. Numerous psychological studies have proven that men attracts to girls with high notes in a voice. It is associated with them at the subconscious level with a small physique of the representative of the opposite sex, which cannot but not like.
    Using the listed 9 methods, how to become beautiful and attractive in the eyes of a male floor, any woman will be able to succeed. But it is worth noting that this will require some effort on your part, as it is not so easy to change a certain set of habits, but if desired, it is possible. Therefore, take into service with these 9 points and embody them into reality. And very soon you will notice the exciting views of men on yourself. In addition, this technique will help to be more confident, and you will begin to live a full life.

    Psychological tricks of women

    A woman who knows how to charm a man from the first minutes, has a set of certain qualities, but there are interesting tricks that help me to perceive the man of their interlocutor in a different way.

    Studies held in British universities will be able to become a more sexual woman. They talk about the need to reduce the distance between you and your interlocutor. If you want a man with whom you are talking, I saw sexuality in you, enter his intimate space.

    In the psychological perception of a man friendly is considered a distance to one and a half meters. If a woman violates this barrier, then her interlocutor begins to perceive it differently. To do this, slightly bent a little in the conversation, to say something important in a quiet voice. How to pull to the ear of the interlocutor. Such a clever trick you will achieve a different look at you.

    In addition, it is scientifically proven that an intuitively opposite floor stretches to the individuals that copy their movements during a conversation. It does not mean the reverence of your interlocutor. Just follow his hand movements. If he straightened the cuff, do a similar movement after a while, etc.

    And the last advice - live without cheating. If you smile, do it sincerely.

    Only everyday work on itself and compliance with 9 basic rules will help you find a balance between the inner and external beauty, and your life will be full of new and vivid impressions.

    Many women are looking for an answer to the question of how to become beautiful and attractive. Here you have 5 ready-made recipes! Remember and use!

    Recently, you often ask: " How to become beautiful and attractive? "What, as for me, is a bit wrong, because beauty is a very subjective concept (which is beautiful for one, ordinary for another).

    But how to become attractive for representatives of the opposite sex, how to cause admiration and envy of other women, how to gain confidence in themselves, I will tell you with pleasure.

    Female beauty and attractiveness

    "Life is such an unfair thing," my classmate sighed somehow, "someone, not to downtrend, it works on himself, to attract attention at least some kind of men, and to whom the prince themselves under the feet are stacking, they are not even You need to try to become beautiful and attractive. "

    I only laughed, because it said this lady, having a kilogram of 20 extra weight, regularly found a couple with a unwashed head, and which, hitting the capital from a tiny town, did not use it at all (no cinema, nor theaters, nor museums, No useful courses).

    But Ninkochka has contacted the parents to buy her to a room in a dorm room and Korotala days over the day, experiencing about the fate of poor Nastya, Kati Pushkareva and other television waste.

    I will tell you that life is valid for those who work on themselves.

    If you launched yourself to a monster condition and externally, and internally, if you sit on exactly, not trying to even arrange your personal life if you are as much as colleagues when you leave the cabinet, with relief to cross your back and spit through The left shoulder "so as not to be returned", then become beautiful and attractive with you oh-about-very little chance.

    Compound of women's beauty and attractiveness:

    1. Appearance.
    2. Regular.
    3. Education.
    4. Good manners.
    5. The presence of character traits and qualities that like men.
    6. Lack of complexes, confidence (but not self-confidence!) In itself.
    7. Smile on the face even in difficult moments.
    8. Rich inner world.
    9. Lack of bad habits.
    10. Self-sufficiency.

    How to become beautiful and attractive: put your appearance in order!

    I decided to start with the simplest.

    Yes! Put your appearance in order is simpler.

    I never understood that it makes women turn themselves into unbearable monsters, and then tell me that "all the guys goats"?

    Guys are not a goat!

    They just see and know how to appreciate the external female beauty and attractiveness.

    Well, really so hard:

    • get rid of extra kilograms and start playing sports;
    • put in order hands, legs, skin, regularly visiting the masters of a pedicure manicure, cosmetologist and without ignoring home care;
    • make a beautiful haircut, paint your hair and wash your hair more often so that the hair looks always clean and shiny;
    • buy beautiful clothes (no need to be too expensive and designer), ordinary clothes that would be to your face that would hide shortcomings and emphasized the merits of your figure;
    • throw out of the wardrobe things that urged you: synthetics, fats, leopard prints, acid colors;
    • monitor the condition of their shoes, do not walk in stopped dirty shoes;
    • learn to use decorative cosmetics?

    This is the elementary ways, how to become beautiful and attractive!

    Well, why are women taking them to use?

    How to become beautiful and attractive: get rid of the complexes!

    Often our main enemy is our insecurity.

    Attractive smart girls are in mind complexes with legs to head, convince themselves (and at the same time and all others) that they are ugly and do not deserve happiness.

    If you do not believe in your attractiveness, how do men look like?

    Get rid of uncertainty and complexes.

    Rollace your shoulders, lift the chin above, smile and forward to the conquest of male hearts!

    You are beautiful and attractive, prove it to others!

    How to become beautiful and attractive: self-session!

    No matter how beautiful a woman was, but if there is a dummy and stupid inside, then you will not be able to attract male attention for a long time.

    Of course, there are men who live with stupid dolls, but see how often they change these dolls?

    Become a beautiful and attractive not only externally, but also inside,:

    If you really want to become beautiful and attractive not only in your head, but also in the eyes of the opposite sex, you will have to get rid of the character traits and qualities that men cannot tolerate:

    • anger;
    • hysterical;
    • disgusting;
    • welcome;
    • craving for gossip and discussion all around;
    • selfishness;
    • infidelity;
    • nonsense;
    • cryruction;
    • frigidity;
    • narcissism;
    • boring;
    • false.

    Men consider beautiful and attractive women:

    • true;
    • caring;
    • smiling;
    • cheerful;
    • well maintained;
    • interesting.

    If you want to be the most beautiful and attractive in the eyes of one man, you will have to become a good mistress, passionate mistress, a caring wife and mother, an interesting interlocutor, a self-sufficient woman who pay attention to others.

    Difficult? Impossible?

    And no one said that it would be easy!

    How to become beautiful and attractive: to become self-sufficient!

    Women who are entirely dependent on men, constantly look at them in her mouth, forgive everyone, men consider rags and quickly lose interest to them.

    Build your career, learn how to earn not, insults, and something worse only because some kind of male is thin, it contains you.

    Even if you do not need to work (your spouse earns more than enough), do not dissolve in it, do not lose your beauty and attractiveness.

    You must have our own interests in this life, and not devote yourself to serving him.

    Men rarely appreciate such victims.

    Find an interesting lesson in my soul, do not drive all the girlfriends just because you got married, do some useful projects, charity.

    A man should be afraid of losing you, he must understand that you can easily live without him that it is beautiful and attractive by only he, but also other men around.

    And more, cute ladies, we offer you a short video of the Council to view,

    how to always be attractive

    in the eyes of representatives of the opposite sex.

    Women spend a lot of time and strength trying to find an answer to the question how to become beautiful and attractiveBut when they apply ready-made recipes under the nose, simply make something to do.

    Cute ladies, you already decide what you want from this life. 🙂

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      Purge. A well lost man looks much more attractive than who slept a little. Most adults are required about eight hours of sleep. Teens must sleep at least ten. If you constantly feel fatigue, try to go to bed a little earlier. Find the optimal departure time to sleep, and you will feel rested.

      Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. If your body does not suffer from dehydration, you will look better. Your skin will be healthy, the state of nails and hair will improve, as well as feeling. If you are used to drinking carbonated drinks, coffee or juices, try to replace most of these drinks with water until you reach the required minimum water consumption.

      • Alcoholic and caffery-containing drinks negatively affect appearance. If you want to look better, refuse to consume such drinks!
    1. Take a bath daily. Be sure to take the shower every day. To be clean, you need water and soap. How often you have to wash your head depends on the type of your hair. However, take a shower or bath you follow daily.

      Use moisturizing skin cream. Use the moisturizer face and skin every day. Even if you are the owner of a fatty skin type, the moisturizing cream will help you solve this problem. You can use any moisturizing cream. However, pick it up that will fit your skin type.

      • You can be attractive, even with acne! Drink a lot of water, and use benzoyl peroxide to treat acne. If you can not get rid of acne, do not worry, many people have acne.
    2. Watch out for the cleanliness and length of your nails. You do not need to digest nails with varnish. However, your nails should be clean and trimmed. Cut your nails and, using a saw, give them the desired form. Make sure that the dirt was not going under the nail plate. Remove it if necessary. If you cover your nails with varnish, make sure that the varnish does not irradiate. If necessary, apply a new coating with varnish.

      Watch your hair clean. Also make stacking. Make hair styling daily. Make sure that the hair was well scracked, and they did not have confusing nodes. In addition, your hair must be clean.

      • Depending on the type of hair, you may have to wash them daily. If the hair in the evening becomes fat, wash them every day.
      • You do not need to make a complex hairstyle. Make a simple laying, for example, having combed the hair on one side. You can also braid braid, collect your hair in the tail or make a lulk.
      • If you are not sure which hairstyle suits you better, consult with a friend or stylist.
    3. Use deodorant or spirits. A pleasant aroma emanating from the girl is the component of its attractiveness. Use deodorant daily. You can also use perfume. Many people have their favorite flavor of the spirits that they are applied daily. If you do not often use spirits, start with light floral or fruit smell.

      • Do not use deodorant or spirits as an alternative to the reception of the bath or soul.
      • Apply a small amount of perfume. Apply them to the pulsating points located on the wrist and neck. You should come from a thin fragrance, which will be noticeable only when a person comes to you very close. The smell should not hang in the air to feel everything around.
    4. Clean your teeth twice a day and use tooth thread. Attractive people follow the oral hygiene. Daily clean the teeth with a toothbrush, use the dental thread, the cavity of the oral cavity so that your breathing remains fresh. After each meal or snack use dental thread.

      • There is nothing terrible if you are not completely even teeth or if you wear braces! Just make sure that they are clean.
    5. Improve your posture. It is difficult to imagine an attractive slouching girl! Watch your back to be straight when you sit, and keep your chin parallel to the ground. Thanks to this, you will be attractive and self-confident personality.

    6. Make light makeup. If you are unhappy with your appearance, try making a natural makeup. Light natural makeup will help emphasize the attractive features of your face. In addition, natural makeup is much easier than complex makeup using a large number of cosmetics. Touch your ability to make natural makeup until you do it perfectly.

      • Try using lip gloss and mascara.
      • Choose eye shadows and blush light, neutral shades, such as light pink or beige.
      • If you plan to apply the basis, select a cosmetics that will fit your skin type.
    7. Take care that your clothes have been clean and ironed. The girl in dirty and rummy clothes looks unattractive and inaccurated. Be sure to smooth clothes before you wear it. In addition, we carry only clean clothes.

      • Pay attention to the labels located on the items of clothing. On the label you will find useful information on how to care for clothes, for example, at what temperature it can be stroke.
      • If you do not want to iron, cut out clothing items immediately after washing and drying. In addition, set a gentle drying mode (slow centrifuge rotation mode) so that the clothes are not too dangling.
      • If you can not afford a professional makeup, ask a friend or relative who is competent in this matter, help you.
      • Feel free to seek help in the beauty salon. Stylists and makeup artists will be happy to help you. They possess the necessary knowledge and experience.

    The power of attractiveness is a very useful thing. Attractive women are called pretty, beautiful, elegant, charming or cute. There is a completely wrong idea that the appearance determines the charm. If you want to attract people, there are various ways for you, like women, make people to you pull.


    Be yourself

      Really be yourself. If you observe the behavior of people at a party or other event, you will understand that men attract unique women with individuality. Focus on what makes you interesting and cheerful in communication. Expand these qualities.

      Love yourself. You can be pretty, but not attractive if you do not learn to love yourself. No one would appreciate what beautiful and brilliant hair with you, if you constantly complain about your waist. Confidence is an infectious force, so try to always be confident.

      Be principled. Recommend what you believe. Clearly understand what you like, and what is not, what you believe, and what do you deny. It is very attractive. Principles will help you maintain life guidelines and save your social life in order.

      You should not always listen to the advice of other women when it comes to a man. Each woman has its own recipe for beauty and seduction. "Walk it", "do something", "Show an ankle, men like it" - Sometimes such advice is useful, but often only give you away from the cherished goal: self-expression.

      • Listen to your Nutra, to your instinct. A man who does not respect you as you are - not your option. In addition, all women are different and in different ways seduce men.

      Be sociable

      Show wishes in participation. Whether it is conversation, food, games, dancing or snorkeling. This is politely, to take part. You may be able to learn something new. A person who is always sitting in one place is like a bright sign, which says "I am a boring person and do not know how to have fun."

      • This does not mean that it is necessary to take part in feasts or parties, if you do not want at all. Join only when you really will be fun.
      • To participate in something, just come to a person or group and politely ask: "Can I join?" If they agree, then go ahead - having fun! If you refuse, then perhaps you would not have fun with them.
    1. Be able to support the conversation. You do not need to have something in common with a person with whom you are talking, but it is always useful. If the guy is trying to speak with you, and you just stand the wall, he just stops doing it. So, you are interested in various topics and do not forget to ask questions.

      • A good interlocutor will ask the opinion about something insignificant, for example, if he likes a new football player in a team or what he recently did. You should not ask how you look, as it may seem that you suggest on compliments.
      • Hold on ease. But it is not necessary to dormit yourself, only if for a joke.
      • Support visual contact. This will help install a closer connection. You remind him that they are interested, and he must answer the same.
      • Be understanding. Everyone wants to be accepted as it is. Your task is not to make friends with everyone in the world, but you will deserve respect if you respect others.
    2. Be pretty and smile

      Take care of yourself

      Clean the skin. Acne and stains can be a rather distracting element.

    • Wash regularly. Moisturize the skin and protect her sun. It will help cope with wrinkles and sunny burns.
    • Use makeup, which will emphasize, not hide your features.
  • Do not forget about hygiene. Support your body clean to always smell and look good.

    • Take a shower, clean your teeth after each meal and wear clean things.
  • Clean the hair. It is said that the hair is a picture of the face, so keep them in good condition.

    • Bear hair every day. Dirty and brittle hair are rarely attractive.
    • Choose the hairstyles that fit your face form. Stress your natural qualities, instead of hiding them.
  • Arrange a spa day. You do not need to go there every week, but you should not neglect visiting the spa from time to time. Make a manicure, pedicure, massage. If you look good, the chances are that you feel well much higher.

  • Be stylish. Try to always be at the height, despite everything. Wear clothes that you go and do not forget about accessories.

    • Even if you wear sports pants, you can always apply a little glitter for lips, add a gold hoop, bracelet or earrings.
    • Wear a fitting top with free pants or narrow pants with a free top.
    • For special occasions, try shoes on a heel, colorful top and narrow jeans.
    • Do not think that others will tell you about you. Having fun!
    • Do not change yourself for the guy or girl. Just because you want to be with them, does not mean that you should change for them. If you are really important for them, they will take you as you are.
    • Do not change your appearance to like other people. Do it only for yourself.
    • Be understanding. Everyone wants to be accepted as it is. Your task is not to make friends with everyone in the world, but you will deserve respect if you respect others.
    • Try to look well. In other words, demonstrate your best external and internal qualities.
    • Try to make a new hairstyle and see if you like it.
    • Be good-natured.
    • Never change yourself for the guy or someone else. If only this is not an improvement.
    • Be yourself.
    • It is not worth raping yourself if you don't like something. Just move on, in the sea full of fish!
    • Find classes in the shower and develop them. By this you will attract other people who like the same thing. You will be of great interest to everyone else, because you have unique skills.
    • Always love and respember yourself!
    • Try new trends and styles.
    • Never hide your feelings. If you are shy to talk about them, then at least hint.
    • Smile when you look at you. It is polite, and people will consider you cute.
    • Never swear when talking to a man. It is not in the style of a lady.
    • Support the whiteness of the teeth and paint the lips of red lipstick - it is stupid.


    • Do not copy others.. You must be.
    • Do not be superficial. If a girl wants a serious relationship, she does not want to be judged only in appearance. Believe me, the same with guys. With those who are at least 10 minutes of your attention.
    • Express, but do not be surprised if people do not agree with you. You have the right to our views, but also in other people - too. Take someone else's opinion.
    • Do not be obsessed with fashion. To be stylish is great, but do not forget to listen to your own tastes. A man who really deserves your time and attention will respect you, no matter what fashionable you are.
    • Do not bargain too much. Men can like what you are dressed. This does not mean that they will like how you exhibit all the deposit.