How to get married - valuable tips

Full collection and description: the strongest prayer to marry a beloved person's beloved for the spiritual life.

Get married - this is what every girl dreams about. To make it successfully, so that you will call you exactly the same, the only thing, and in order not to do this for the second time - you need to pray and ask God for the blessing for the work of the search for a decent satellite of life.

Only a prayer for a good groom will not help - you need to be firmly ready to put your life on the altar of serving to another person, keep the commandments of God, love your chosen one, rather than yourself.

It is important to make the right choice - and not mistaken also helps sincere and hot prayers to the Lord.

Who praying to get married, solve you exclusively. The sincere request to give birth to love and family happiness will hear any holy, so choose who you are closest.

You can pray for any good undertaking - a big difference in how holy to contact, actually no. For love, the Holy Peter and Fevronia, the prince and Princess Muromsky, who, during his lifetime, became the standard of Christian love and loyalty. But this is not a rule, it is not worth praying to the saints, as if they have a "specialization", helps to marry and Ksenia Petersburg, who took the feat of voluntary madness after the death of the spouse - to call her happy in the usual sense is hardly possible.

The misconception is widely concentrated about the concept of "strong prayer". Prayer is just words, it can not be strong or weak. Prayer is a lively communication with the Lord, and its strength is not in the words pronounced by the mouth, the strength of prayer is in our relationship, in words that the heart pronounces.

If you read on the Internet about color, size, quantity and quality of candles, which should be burned during prayer, and dependent on the fulfillment of the requirements is set - you will marry ten lunaries, are taking place and think about the admissibility of such methods.

In no case can give themselves on provocations, do not from the prayer of the deputy and magic, remember that it is a great sin!

The effectiveness of the prayer is not expressed in the instantage. The Lord will hear the request of the heart and send the opportunity to meet with the narrowed. And to use this chance - exceptionally your task.

How to pray for marriage?

Who to pray to get married? It is necessary to pray, first of all, about yourself and your chosen one, ask God to enjoy you, teach love, help in creating a strong union under the canopy of his great grace. There are special prayers for the multiplication of love, they can be found in prayer. Hot and sincere prayer is useful to take the "softening hearts" icon if your relationship with your loved one is experiencing a crisis and the planned marriage turns out to be threatened.

Do not be afraid to ask for help from God in any question, and if you need advice, resort to priests. The father, as a link, with God is not Earth, will explain to you any incomprehensible situation from the point of view of the church.

The mercy of God descends on people on the prayers of various saints - the assistant in the affairs of marriage has long been considered to be Holy Catherine.

You can ask for help with the Holy Xenia St. Petersburg and Matron of Moscow, the most important thing is not to insult them and the gentlemen with their neatness, coldness, stubbornness, faith in witchcraft or love magic.

Not only Christians have ways to appeal to God for marriage - a Muslim woman also prays in his own way about family happiness. Muslim prayer for marriage also exists, and not alone. Allah can be praying in Arabic, there are translations into Russian. Muslim prayer will help in creating a family, give the blessing of the marriage union.

What should a person who prayed and asked for help? Prayer does not have a criteria for effectiveness, she is a request for the blessing of life in marriage.

If you sincerely asked the Lord about help - he will not leave you, will not bypass his grace, give a blessing and helping all the days of living together.

Love is a big job and at the same time a big award, and there are no other ways to get love, except for daily displeasant work with a prayer and help of God.

Never think about magical ways to accelerate events, and even more so, do not consider prayer in this way. You can suppress the will of a person, but the truth will protest in it with such a force that you will regret, which we decided to witchcraft, having received a zombie creature instead of the beloved.

Prayers To get married: Comments

Comments - 13,

Prayer is a good verification of the truth of the target. I used to know what I needed to pray before you decide on hardly the most important step in my life, but I could not do it until it was time. When I was ready to morally and physically when I clearly realized my desire, I sincerely prayed and the thoughts at that time flowed like from the heart. Dear girls, women, be careful with their desires - they can come true. I have at least and came out. Everything came true about what I prayed, but what I just wanted not to come true.

Holy Matronushka, help me please get married.

girls I read the prayers of your H God does not see. Loud instead of suggesting getting married you don't need me like me and what I have to be all the others I am not needed anyone

Do not despair the girls!)))) If it did not work, it means that it is not your destiny, hope, believe and wait!

I started reading akathist Nicholas Wonderworker (read within 40 days daily) And on the same day I met a man, but a week later broke up, a little moved, but I am sure that this is a test, the Lord sends us sometimes not those people for experience, I believe Infinitely, that every believer necessarily, a praying girl will meet his man. It is your own !! May Lord, by the will not mine, and yours !! Girls, do not despair. I believe and you believe !! All the best!!

Holy Babonka Matronushka! I appeal to you asking for a sweet one. That soon there would be a new surge of our senses with the slave Anna I have a slave Eugene (in the social network -Contact where I am under the fictional name George, and Anya -LTA). And in the summer of 2017 in Belarus, we They met and married. Anya-imagine met in the Belarusian airport.

The son of Victor gave birth to Son 10/27/2017 and Anya gave birth 07/27/2018.

Holy Matronushka! Help me get married for a worthy person who would love me! Forces no longer tolerate this loneliness! And with the situation that now I have happened, I don't know what to do (you yourself know everything), perhaps with this person I would be happy ... I pray you, Matronushka, help me!

Thank you for everything!

Write here your comment ... Matronushka is sweet I want to marry tired very much of my loneliness help me sick prayer ....

Mother Matreushka I ask you dear and pray, help me get married for a worthy man! I really want to create a strong family and give birth to healthy kids. Thank you Favorite Matorenushka for the fact that you care about us sinners. Align

Oh, Holy Matronushka, the mind of our Lord God about the speedy torture of my older daughter thanks to you a huge native miracle

Holy Matronushka, help me get married.

Saint Nicholas Help my daughter, get married for a worthy man

Long lonely. Of course I wish to get married. It is very difficult to be one for a long time. I pray holy. But while still seeing time

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Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about marriage to marry

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site before starting to study information, please subscribe you to our group of VKontakte prayer for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her prayers for every day classmates. "God bless you!".

Each girl dreams of getting married, and this is quite a natural desire. After all, a woman was always a custodian of a family hearth. She always waited at home her beloved breadwinner with prey. And even today, some beautiful sex representatives are a business lady, who swept on their way all the obstacles for the achievement of the goals set, are waiting for their half.

In order to realize your dream, you need to contact a prayer for marriage and personal life Nikolai Wonderworker. You can turn to the saint, both the unmarried girl, and her close or native man who wishes her an honest, kind and successful young guy. Often about marriage daughter worried a lot of their mother.

IMPOCKS EXPERENCE Such a prayer appeal of unmarried women to the holy, which dream of acquiring their happy family, did not remain unanswered. After all, the prayer is Nicholas the Wonderworker about marriage - a strong prayer that will give you or your daughter the joy of marriage and love of spouses.

Not only young girls, but also women in years, who have not been able to find their family happiness to holy waters. Everyone who appealed to him with a request for help in marriage , Filled faith that finally everything will work out. That is how everything happens.

Why do Nikolay's miracle appeal

Saint Nicholas about a happy marriage to pray especially often. He loves our Orthodox people very much, because miracles are accrued. From his biography, we know that the saint once secretly threw a purse with gold to one poor man.

This man was the poor Father of 3 beautiful girls for granting. This father by that time was so raised that he had nothing left to give dowry. He even thought to attach his daughters on the blob. However, thanks to the goodwill of the Holy Father, a very long swirling in his not good motivations. And all three daughters helped to marry the beloved and find a decent and happy marriage.

How to pray to Saint Nicholas

In general, any prayer appeal does not require any special efforts. With the Most High, you can simply speak humanly. Sometimes even several words that go from the heart itself.

  1. During Molb, it is important to be fully focused on your words. But you need to understand that your empty words are not needed by Nicholas-raised. He needs your primary feelings. Show what you feel when pronounce a prayer handling;
  2. It is not recommended to read the prayer with a scattered state. The appeal, said when your mind wanders somewhere, will never reach his goal;
  3. Remember another one, your prayer must be clear and yourself. Experience the words said, then they will reaches the saint;
  4. Prayer is always labor. And you need to build your life so that it agrees with it.

The prayer about the family Nicholas the Wonderworker belongs to the saint himself. She was drawn up by him personally.

Remember that prayer to marry Nicholas the Wonderworker is a very strong prayer. With the help of it, you can ask for acquaintances with a young man so that your narrowed is a worthy spouse, about marriage with a loved one, etc.

You can contact the saint like this:

"Oh all-in-law Nicholas, pleasedely! During his lifetime, you never detected anyone in requests, dand not refuse the servant of God (the name of the girl who wants to marry). The grace of their own and ask the Lord about the soon of my marriage. I am going to the will of the Lord and I hope for mercy. Amen".

Also for the daughter of her marriage may ask parents. Mother or father in this case should turn to Nikolai as much as the following words:

"I hope for you, the wonderworker Nikolai, and I ask for your favorite child. Help my daughter meet the chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and measurable. Protect my daughter from the marriage of a sinful, lustful, demonsky and negligent. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen".

God bless you!

And in this video you will learn prayer to the Lord God about marriage:

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3 Thoughts ON "Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about marriage to marry"

I read Akathist Nikolai-Wonderworker. In the first day of reading I met a man! But almost immediately understood that they did not fit each other, a little sad, broke up in the end !! I continue to believe and read akathist !! Girls, split your stories. Who helped reading prayers ??

Who to pray to find the soul mate? Prayer for love and marriage

Life without love is empty and meaningless. In the union of shower you can find a source of inspiration and happiness. Who to pray to find the soul mate? It should be known that the prayer appeal of love and marriage is a request for clean feelings, creating a family and the birth of children.

How to find a soul mate?

For the search for the second half, the relative souls can take years, and sometimes a whole life. How to speed up the long-awaited meeting? What kind of holy pray for love?

Prayer is a strong and effective tool that will help concentrate on desire. Request faithful to the highest forces with faith and hope will definitely embody into reality.

It is mistaken to assume that only learned prayers will help bring the request to heaven. Words spoken from the soul, also carry a strong energy potential. The structure of prayer consists of gratitude for already existing benefits, repentance in sins and requests for love (marriage).

Mysterious concentration at a desire will help to choose the right words. It is not necessary to ask the highest forces about love as an instrument of pleasure or self-affirmation. Purity of thoughts, sincerity must underlie prayer.

Who to pray to find the soul mate? You can contact the Savior, the Virgin, the Holy Patron, the Guardian Angel with a request for love.

Prohibited methods

It should be carefully applied to your desires, clearly formulate a request. Higher forces will not help if it comes to the destruction of another family. You should not ask for your happiness by burning other people.

In no case should not follow the believer person to contact the magicians, occultists, psychics. Such help can only harm, leave a sinful mark in the soul and fate of a person.

It is not necessary to organize your personal life. Cheating, blackmail, temptation will not bring happiness.

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg

The prayer of Ksenia Petersburg about love has not once helped girls to gain happiness. Request in front of the way will help to make spouses after a quarrel. The prayers of Ksenia Petersburg will be returned to the hope and happiness.

  • "Oh, all-large Maty Ksenia! Hunger and cold, thirst and stern undergoing. Under the Lord of the Intercession, Living, the Virgin of the knowledge and strengthened. You forgive all my forelegations, which is free or unwittingly committed. Help, Holy Ksenia, patients heal, family happiness sent. I ask you, fill my heart my love. Send the satellite of life capable of illicate our way. Bless, Maty Ksenia, our relationship, the heavens of predict. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg about love is pronounced in calm state. You can put a candle in front of the holy. The people's tradition states that prayer before the icon will help in finding their halves.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

Prayer for love Nicholas Wonderworker will promote a meeting with his native soul. According to the legend, Saint Nikolay threw one father of the family of 3 nodal with gold, so that he did not give his daughters on the Blud. This money was helped to return the other life of the family. And the daughters safely married.

  • "Oh, Saint Nicholas, the ward of the Lord, our intercession in troubles and grief. Previously, I ask you to give the forgiveness of my sins. Help me, the popup, the strokes of our Lord, save me from Naj. and despondency. I ask you to give a spouse to life for a long time, so that you would be sworn in love and joy, you cared about children. Moths about us, St. Nicholas, our Lord, so that we live a peaceful and salvation of our souls. Amen".

There are many testimonies of men and women who helped prayer about love Nikolai Wonderworker. Holy willingly responds to the sincere requests of people about the device of family life.

Prayer Matron Moskovskaya

Miracles Matrona Moscow, her gracious assistance in finding a relative soul, family creation are known throughout the country. Prayer Matrona about love contributes to the long-awaited meeting.

  • "Mother Matronushka, up in my heart. Help to find the narrowed, who is looking for me and falls without love. Help to find someone I will love and who will love me. I ask you, humbly, humbly, you come to the legs of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Improving him to give me a family life. Let our long-suffering grace of God won't leave us in Yudoli. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now, and confirm, in the eyelids. Amen".

Prayer Peter and Fevronia

Saints Peter and Fevronia for a long time are considered patrons of family and marriage. Their life is an example of love, loyalty. The prayers of their image are given a soul mate, will contribute to the family happiness, the birth of healthy children. Peter and Fevronia lived a long life and died in one day. Prayers before the icon will help to quickly find the marriage union.

  • "Oh, faithful princess Peter and Princess Fevronia! With hope I pray and resort to your help. Ascend the prayers to the Lord to our and ask for goodness for me. Your petition is pleased that our Heavenly gave the king in good deeds to successful, piety unshapsible, the hope of good, the love is non-estate, faith right. Amen".

Icons of the Mother of God

There is a great set of Mother God's icons. Some of them are miraculous, capable of healing patients, helping weak. The Mother of God is considered the great teacher man in front of the Savior. At long-time legends, some of the images of God's mother contribute to the quick gain of family happiness.

Therefore, to the question "Who praying to find a soul mate?" You can answer that several Icons of the Virgin will help in finding a satellite of life:

  • Icon of the Virgin "Kozelshchanskaya", according to legend, has Italian roots. It appeared in Russia during the times of Elizabeth I. The icon brought one of the courtes, which soon received the proposal of the hands and hearts. Since then, the Molva has gone, that the image helps to gain a happy marriage.
  • Icon of the Virgin "Unlifeful Color" Appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries. Presumably, its writing was associated with an annual miracle. Pilgrims brought to the holy mountain as a gift of God's Mother of Lily. On the eve of the Assumption of the Virgin, the faded flowers unexpectedly poured by force, new buds appeared. Athos monks noticed this miracle, which served as inspiration to writing the image "unfavorable color."
  • The icon of the Virgin "Insprivitary Bowl" is miraculous. There are many stories about her help in gaining housing, healing from bad habits. Prayer for love and marriage in front of ancient times helped young devices and mature women in the search for the narrowed.

Prayer Paraskeva Friday

Holy Paraskeva gave a vow of virgin virgin and spiritual purity. Her image will help to find a long-awaited groom or the bride, will bring the world to the family, gives a miracle of childbirth desperate couples. Prayer for love and marriage in front of the icon of Paraskeva Friday will help chaste girls to find a soul mate. No wonder in Russia, this Great Martyr was named "Babya Holy" - she patronizes female care, households.

Closer to the cover of the girl prayed to Saint Paraskeva with the words: "Mother Paraskeva, I cut me as soon as possible!"

  • "Holy Bride of Christ, the Great Martyr Parashev! You loved the soul and my heart to love the king of Heaven, you were born to our savior, the property distributed to our poor. The chastity and piety your ray shines sunshine among the wrong things, the Word of the Lord disliked. With muddy you look at the icon, I welcome you, the long-suffering Paraskeva. The Savior's Savior, Personnel, maybe he will give salvation and grace the good, patience and grace in trouble. Let him give a petition and your concession, prosperity and peaceful life, health and approval in faith, will speed up their help in finding a narrowed and beloved. Yes, cleanse us, sinful. And, having imagining the salvation, your prayers, intercession and representation, the bride of Christ Paraskeva, we will glorify the most distinguished name in the saints of a true God God, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, always, now and are confused, and forever. Amen".

Prayer for help in love

Prayer Most High about attracting a miracle of love in his life will help desperate people. Such requests instill hope in the heart of a person. The conversation with the highest forces can not consist of the learned phrases of prayer. Ask the Most High in my own words about the gift of love, family happiness.

The second half is a reward that should earn righteous affairs, sincere prayers. It happens that fate does not give a relative soul because it has not yet come time. Therefore, the humble wait, faith and prayer will help prepare the soul to the long-awaited meeting. The humble wait is the state of the soul, and not inactivity. A person with a large circle of communication, a rich life has more chances to find a relative soul.

Who to pray to find the soul mate? The Savior's prayers can not only pronounce the icon in the church. At sunrise, in front of bedtime, the Lord is about the gift of the miracle of love and reciprocity. You can write prayer in your own words and wearing a note as a talisman on the chest.

Prayer for marriage

Appeal to the highest forces should go from the heart. Each word of prayer is a concentration on communication, asking for help in their troubles, sadness, alarms. To begin with write your wish on a sheet of paper. It will help to figure out their feelings and thoughts. You can specify the mental quality of the one who would like to see the second half.

Be sure to think about what a marital life is seen, for what it is needed. It happens that man wants to marry only for status in society. Therefore, the highest strength and do not send him a relative soul.

A prayer appeal of marriage is not only the fact of official marriage. This is a request for the gift of patience, wisdom in family life. This ability to pacify its benefit of the family. This is a request for children and grandchildren. This is a promise that all forces will be attached to save marriage.

Prayer for mutual love

Prayer with a request for reciprocity is not a magical conspiracy. Occult rituals suppress the will of a person, which helps to come to the desired result. The prayer appeal of mutual love is a request to give feelings without coercion.

Prayers for love men can be asked Andrei First-Called, St. Anne, Tatiana, Seraphim Sarov, Holy Patrows by name or date of birth. Deep faith will contribute to the acquisition of mutual feelings for many years.

The Lord fulfills the requests of those in need. Therefore, in your appeals after prayer, try to explain the angels why you need a wife and children. As their appearance in your life will allow you to change and develop for the benefit of everyone. Do not stop your prayers. Just specify your request to him.

If the relationship of the girl and young man lasts a long time, the natural stage of their development is marriage. However, due to quite objective factors (for example, due to the fact that at the moment women on our planet are more than men, which means that they do not have much needed), many men do not hurt to make an offer even a beloved girl. But almost every female person just dreams of it, and that is why in front of many women there is a lawsager question: for a loved one?
The easiest way is to make an offer to the most, but it is necessary to use this method only if you are sure that they do not move to the potential groom.
In other cases, you can start with frank conversation and light hints. To marry a loved one, you need to take patience and understand that you only need to be slightly push the man to, and not make it do it. Otherwise, you may be married for your loved one, but will this marriage be happy?
So, there are several main tactics that will help you closer:

  • If a man is in a hurry to the altar due to the fact that his previous marriage or marriage of his parents was unsuccessful, then try to convince him that together you can not repeat past mistakes and make your marriage happy.
  • If the reason for his slightness is that before marrying he wants to achieve certain heights (buy a house, take a good position), then show that you are ready to help him in achieving the necessary results, to solve with him his problems. However, do not forget that if you get married, then you really have to solve these problems, so think well, whether you are ready for this.
  • Try to establish relationships with his parents. Often it is very difficult, but after all, parents at the levels of the subconscious can affect the decision of the man. Someday they will definitely begin to put pressure on it and push for marriage, and if you will be in their eyes perfect candidates, then you will get married for your beloved very simple.
  • If a man argues that she got used to live one and does not want to change his habits, then try to show him those pros, which gives marriage: to indulge it with all sorts of goodies: pies, pancakes, second dishes etc. Prepare him that he will never cook on his own, and after a while your loved one will get used to such a care and will understand that you can not only have fun with you, but also live in the same house, getting no less pleasure.

Whatever method you have chosen, remember that any of them can take a sufficiently large amount of time. In order not to lose heart, think about the fact that you with your favorite person and so happy, you can build a joint life and without registration, which, in fact, is just some conventionalism. If your young man loves you, then you get married with you in any case, it is only a matter of time.

From a long time, it was necessary that all women in the first place in their lives are marriage, but only men are in no hurry with this business. And women have to wait patiently when a man will decide on such an important step in life and make an offer.

Many people are interested in how to get married

To begin with, it should be understood, what are the reasons for the fact that men are not hurry to call married? The most basic reason for this is fear of new responsibilities. Because immediately after making a marriage, a husband arises many different duties that the newly minted wife eats at him. A man begins to understand that this is already for life, and every day of these responsibilities will only be added. And if he does not come out something, then you don't have to wait a lot of reproaches from the side of my wife.

We will discuss with you how to push your beloved person faster to make you an offer to get married. If you listen to our effective advice, you will soon go with your young man to the registry office to cage officially your relationship.

  1. Council first. You must show your young man with your behavior that you absolutely do not want to get married, and are not interested in this. After all, everyone knows that men love to do the opposite. You should not even hint your chosen one about the topic of marriage, let this conversation never arise between you. A man must independently accept such an important decision, it should not be imposed anyone. It is very important for him to understand that this act depends only from him.

  2. Council second.For all men, it is very important how his chosen looks like. Therefore, a woman should be all the time well-groomed and follow their appearance. All men are pleased to be aware of what they have one of the most beautiful women, they love to boast their woman to other men.
  3. Council third.You should show a man that you can pay attention to you and other men that you can like not only to him, because there are so many caring and beautiful men who can very just lead you. A man to prevent this will be obliged to lend a relationship with you.
  4. Fourth Council.All men love sex. So he should also like the woman. It follows for his chosen one to be so good in bed so that he should even think about treason. He must be sexually feel comfortable. It is necessary to realize that men constantly want something new, they like to experiment.
  5. Council fifth. You need to try to understand his hobbies. Very often, we, women, may seem meaningless of some of the interests of men, but it is worth only to look better, and you immediately draw yourself.

    If your loved one loves football very much, you can go with him to a football match. You can try to attend the car repair. It might like it, but, most importantly, that common interest will strengthen your relationship. The most important thing is not to overdo it.

  6. Sixth Council.Of course, restaurant food is very tasty, but it is still very important to pour your favorite food, cooked at home, personally. Everyone knows that men love to eat delicious and satisfying. And in family life it is very important to be able to prepare.
  7. Council seventh. You need to learn not to roam a man for his failures and disadvantages. No one would like to like it to scold all the time. If something does not suit you, then you should not talk about it frankly, it should be done so that the loved one wants to change his behavior. It is very important that he thinks that everything happened solely on his initiative.
  8. Council eighth. All women love very much when they say compliments. The same applies to men. As you often try to speak your beloved that he is the best, courageous, cute, responsive, kind, is the only one. Everyone loves praise! All men are important to realize that his beloved really values \u200b\u200bhim.
  9. Council ninth. It should be constantly asking for the Council of his beloved. When he will see female helplessness, he will be able to feel strong and courageous. If the men said something wrong, then it is better to silent and do in your own way. He will not even come to the mind to control, you listened to his advice or not. The most important thing is that you consulted with him.
  10. Council tenth.It is always necessary to remember what men love freedom. No one wants to hold all his remaining life with a woman who will control their lives. You need to leave a personal space to your chosen one, do not need to jealous him and constantly climb into the soul.

The most important thing is that all these tips must be used and after you get married! Then you will be guaranteed a long and happy family life!

Despite the fact that modern women are financially often much more successful than many men, they still seek to create a family to realize as a wife, mother, hostess. However, the first oncoming such ladies does not suit and you can often hear the question from them - how to marry a man's dream.

How to get married for a good man?

To marry a good man, a woman needs to find it first. Modern trends are such that the main criterion is most often the financial state of men, however, focusing only on him, women are often mistaken.

You can determine a good candidate for husbands in several signs:

  • it is free and does not consist in anyone (40-year-old men and older should have a marriage or long-term relationship - this is normal);
  • he respects women and deserves respect;
  • he is hardworking and practical.

How to get married for a successful and secured man?

If the goal of a woman is a successful and secured man, it should be started to start "hunting" only after careful preparation. The lady must remember that such candidates for husbands are in high demand, so it will have to withstand a serious competition.

The first thing to make a potential bride of a successful and secured man is to bring your appearance in line with his environment. And this means - slightness, well maintenance, elegance. The woman should be flawless, ranging from the nails of the feet and ending with the hairstyle. Ideal should be the ladies manners.

In addition to the appearance, work will also have to make the content - permanent companions of successful people are only non-nell ladies. It will be useful to master foreign languages, become a specialist in any area, for example, a good designer. It is necessary in order not to be for a man only a beautiful toy - such near him and so enough.

Another important quality is femininity. Any man craves confirmation of his masculinity, and this is possible only next to the charming and feminine lady.

And only having passed the preparatory period, a woman should be searched for a suitable man. Wealthy and successful cavaliers can be found on business events - conferences, meetings, etc. In addition, there is a high chance of meeting a rich man in elite sports clubs, in the Competitions on Polo, Golf, Riding Riding.

To initiate dating, psychologists advise as often as possible to come across the eyes of a chosen man. Just do it need naturally: when visiting the store, restaurant, etc. Well, after the acquaintance will take place, it all depends only on the lady and its ability to charm a man.

How to get married for your beloved man?

Having met a beloved man, women early or later begin to dream of quiet family evenings and children. However, a man often does not think to associate himself with the Uzami marriage. So much to marry a beloved, a woman needs to choose the right tactics of behavior.

The most first rule that needs to be learned by the potential bride is imposed on a man, forcing him to marry or at least promise it. Such behavior is guaranteed to scare the lover, because the words "I want to marry" sounds for him as "I want to contain me." Much better at every opportunity to repeat: "You are so wonderful and caring, I'm so happy that we are together!"

The emotional attitude is very important, with which the woman is associated with a man. Representatives of the strong floor do not like the letters constantly complaining, so it is undesirable at each meeting to load a man with their troubles and problems. Favorite woman should be positive and cheerful.

Well, one more is the most important rule, relevant for all representatives of the beautiful floor - a great appearance. It does not matter - a single woman or married, she should always look beautiful. And for this not necessarily the amazing external data - it is enough to be well-groomed, slim, tastefully dressed.

How to get married? This question is very relevant among Russian girls. On this topic there are now many books and different trainings. And if you google - find your prince and play a wedding, make it quite real. And if there is already the only and beloved man, but he marries does not call and move to him either does not offer? What to do, so that he decided and uttered the cherished words?
With this question I turned to a psychologist, a leading specialist in the field of family and interpersonal relations, the author of about 30 books is just on this topic Anatoly Nekrasov.

Anatoly Alexandrovich, why are men not decide to make an offer to their girls, although the relationship is good?

The question is very important and interesting. He is quite common today. Previously, this was not. About 100 years ago, this question was not standing at all. Then men were looking for and sought women.
Now there was a coup. It is explained by the objective fact that women are more than men. Not much, but still more. But this is not the main thing. And the main factor of the current situation in which women are in front of the task - how to get married for him, in the fact that today men have more feminine and less initiative and decisive than before. Not in vain called the past twentieth century - a century of feminine men and courageous women. This continues in the XXI. Today we see that women are mostly occupied by a male position, and men are in a relaxed state. Hence their inactivity. But this is not the reason, but a consequence. It must be understood: why are men are more feminine now, and women are more courageous.


This is an explanation. Take, for example, war. Men fight, they are killed in large quantities. Women - in the rear. And at all posts, men in all positions are replaced. They have machines, managing collective farms, plow, sow, work. Women turned into men and perform men's tasks. It lasted for quite a long time. Then it was necessary to restore the country. And the main difficulty again lay on the shoulders of women. A lot of men died, among the survivors a lot of wounded, cripples. Many remained in the army, because the cold war continued. Women again had to be active. But it all started much earlier. After the revolution - when the decree of women was equated to men. It seems to be raised the status of a woman, but it looked only on the surface. And in the depths there was a task - to increase the number of workers' hands twice. Before the revolution, men worked in all spheres, and for a very small exception - women. Agree, it is 50-60 percent of the workforce. And here, at once, a woman becomes equal to men and can occupy any positions. Women began to turn into workers. And then the war, repression. It so happened that the Russian woman became so serious, the Materia.
And once such a woman, then it gives birth to the appropriate offspring. If it has more male energies, her inner man "extinguits" tonted son, and a more weakened boy comes to life. And the girls come out on the contrary - raging, with a volitional rod. Bed as Athens: with a shield, sword and in the helmet.

That is, this is the main reason that men feminine, I understand correctly?

Yes. The girl looks at the guy, waiting for the male actions from him, and he is not ready to be a man and is not ready to be a father. He is still a mentally immature man.

And what do we, girls, do? How to revive the male start?

The girl must first "give birth to" her man, then create a family with him and then give birth to a child from him. And more often we see this: it is somehow married, quickly gives birth to a child. The one who is not at all a man cannot take responsibility and runs away. He has shock. He is not yet a man, and he is already wanting to do it.

It would raise himself! (Smile).

You correctly said. Having a man - it means to raise it. Now the question is: how to do it? It is better if you will take two women: his mother and girl will take. But most often we see another picture: the mother does not want to let go of her child, her son, keeps him under the skirt. For her, than it is softer, calmer, the better. It is important for him to be obedient, comfortable, comfortable. Especially for a tough woman. So the mother-in-law, as a rule, is not an assistant, with rare exceptions. Therefore, in front of the girl there is an even more difficult task - not only to help his man to be born, but also to confront the maternal energy coming from the mother-in-law, which "plunges" him and keeps in childhood. He is still a child for her. To withstand these energies is very difficult. She is still a mother. But the tasks are always given bye. And solutions are at great depth, that is, you need to go inside yourself, and there find answers to questions. View: and who am I? Isn't I also Amazon, not with a sword and whether the shield? Maybe I'm also a fighting girlfriend? Then it is useless to fight with a powerful mother, whose shield is stronger and the sword is sharper. It is not known who will win. A man, rather, will take the side of the mother and rarely when the opposite. Against two fighting is useless. Therefore, it is necessary to understand: "If such a couple came to me - a weakly opened man (in psychology it is a mentally immature) and a courageous woman (his mother), then I didn't just get such a situation. My mother-in-law - my mirror in this question "in this you need to honestly admit. Its degree of masculinity is my degree of masculinity. The only way that allows you to cope with this task is not to strengthen your masculinity, do not fight, do not fight, but, on the contrary, become a superant.

That is, find your female start?

Yes. Contact your female essence. The solution to the problem is at the very depth. And as soon as you approached this point, where you were a woman, I felt it and began to disclose it in myself ... everything changes. A man, even an immature man, instantly feels a woman, and he begins to reveal and becomes a man, because the femininity sounded near.

And then he takes responsibility?

He understands that he is responsible that he is head, the owner. And begins to grow. And his mother will feel the same. In it, too, there is a female. In resonance with this female daughter-in-law and mother-in-law become girlfriends. And the mother-in-law must help to become a woman. By appropriate conversations, friendly relationships, female gifts. If she is not married, then help her get married or at least tune in for it.
If such a courageous woman has a husband, then, as a rule, he will be pulled. It is necessary to help raise their relationship. We must also help a man to become a man.

How many tasks ...

The task, in general, one is to become a superant, and then all other tasks are solved easily and simply. If she appeals to his female essence, then she will easily find his superant there. And if not to do it and live like everything, you will receive the corresponding result: problems, complex relationships, divorces, etc.

Nevertheless, how to wake in yourself femininity?

There are many different books on this topic. The only one, in no case does not need to take the direction: Woman bitch. This is just the strengthening of masculinity in a woman, her skill rod. Such women have no future. Yes, they can achieve something, but they will never be truly happiness. If now she "ripped the bank", then later the problems will have to begin. This is determined by the principles of life development. Woman should be a woman. This is her way, the meaning of life, its task. So cut your femininity as much as possible. And this is soft, tenderness ... tenderness - generally keyword for a woman. Gentle word, gentle glance, tender touch, gentle voice. It is necessary to pay attention to all and train, learn. Because too much is removed from the tough mother, from society, and therefore tenderness should be brought up.

I understood correctly: only by raising women can be achieved?

Due to his love for yourself as a woman, the disclosure of their female essence, love and respect for men as a form - these are the three components of their femininity. If there is a man in a girl's space, which she does not respect or feeds the worsen feelings, then this speaks of her unfulfilled. There is no feminine woman surrounded by men whom she does not respect: they either disappear from her space or show the best male qualities.
That is, you need to possess some wisdom to find a woman in yourself and be the one man wants to see you?
No need to adapt. It is necessary to honestly look at yourself. If there are difficulties in life: alone or I can not get married or your loved one does not become a man, it means that I am not feminine enough. And ask a question: what is not quite female in me? Figure - cool, face beautiful. And voice? Behavior? Movement? Etc. And tenderness, love, respect? Is there a man in my space that I do not respect and do not like how men? Not as a person, but as a man! And a very important question: how do I treat my father? After all, the Father for the girl is the first man in her life. And on how she will build relationships with him, its further life with men in general depends. "Father is a cool man, I love you as a man" - that's what a motto should be. If this is not, it is difficult for her to become happy with men. And whatever father, you need to understand: why he is so and love him. Relations with father is a golden key for a girl in her happy life. In the book "Rod, Family, Man" I will give an answer to this important question very well.

And if a man does not decide to make an offer, because he has no model of the family, for him this is something incomprehensible, because one mother grown him? Now there are many such examples when women are growing in solitude. How then to be?

This is a common situation. There are no pictures of a happy family very many people. Where to take it? We have several generations brought up in families without understanding the meaning of the family, its values, roles, etc. Without an appropriate family image. In general, we have less than 5% of happy families in the country. Agree, this background is difficult to have a positive experience. How to be? Now a wonderful time. There are knowledge that allow you to form this image. For the girl, at first it is necessary to understand what a family is. You need to be a professional in family matters. First, to see myself, understand and fold the image of the family in my head. There is an ancient wisdom: "As we think, we live." If there is an image of a happy family in my head, then he will be in life if it is not, then there will be only separate fragments of happiness, the rest will be misfortune. To do this, you just need to go through the libeza in family matters. And now there is such an opportunity. In particular, my book "Designing the Family" is very short, an Emko, understandable by a simple language explains all the issues of the family, its construction and helps to create a family image that is then implemented. And when a girl in himself put this knowledge, I understood, I figured out, then she and a man can start communication on this topic, can easily help him see and understand this image of the family.

That is, a man needs to show - how to live in a family?

First, to understand the most: what is a family and what it is based on, and then help a man this image to purchase. Or he will read the book himself, or she will give him in conversations. In general, by and large, a man should be more advanced in these knowledge.

And if the girl just sit down with a man and frankly ask about what he does not suit him, what he wants to see her?

In this way, you can also go. Typically, psychologists are guided by it, thus ensuring their work for the rest of his life. The path of negotiations may exist, but there must be another basis: "I am a woman, I'm starting to develop as a woman, and as you communicate with him as a woman with a man" - and he begins to grow, develop as a man. If you go this way, you can discuss these questions. And if you just ask in the forehead: "Let's tell me - what are you dissatisfied?" He will answer: "Yes, everything is cool, everything is super." It's like a child, with a teenager it is impossible to agree. That is, you have agreed today, and tomorrow he asks: "What are you talking about?". The child cannot solve adult tasks. It is necessary to understand that if an immature man is near, then you will not solve anything by simple negotiations. Only through negotiations in which the woman begins to sound like a woman, more and more strongly. Then in this process of conversations, household situations, joint travels, trips, sex she gives him his female condition, and he begins to reveal as a man under these women's energies. In this, the essence of the process: if there is a woman, then a man appears nearby. If there is a superancy, a superman must appear. Either this will reveal, or disappears, and the one that corresponds to it will appear.

Or maybe a woman, getting on the path of finding your femininity, to ask for help to a man so that he helps her become a woman?

Yes, but it is necessary to make wise, slyly, in female: "Cute, help me become a woman. Show me the image of a real man, and I will be a woman. " And turn into the game where he also plays the role of a man.

Then he will be able to go to the role of a man from the child's condition during the game?

For example, many people go abroad now. What for? Belly to warm on the beach, look at some regular ruins, to put pictures of different types, and you need to go with meaning. For example, "Cute, let's do this way, go to this trip where you will play such roles with you - you, for example, a graph, and I countess." Up to the smallest things, as we communicate, eat, and the like. All at a high level of femininity and masculinity of the XIX century, when was the apotheosis of these two concepts. You can come up with something else. You are a superman, Macho, and I - ... And this is through such communication, you can make a lot of things to do a lot.

And how can a man understand that this is his only and unique that it is she?

When he understands that in front of him a woman, then for the sake of a woman, he will walk on the ceiling. So few women are now, mostly "Horses". You can stay with her for a while, jump on it, to have sex, and it is still uninteresting to live with her. Thanks for the conversation. I wish all the girls to gain a happy family.