Which Socks To Wear With Brown Pumps. Not black! Five steps to love colored socks

There are a number of rules for the selection of socks, following which, a person will never get into an awkward situation. It is not difficult to remember them. There are such colors that are combined only with certain clothes and are contraindicated for wearing with others.

How to wear white socks

First rule: white socks are for sports only. You can use them to go to the gym, put on for a jog in the park, go out to play football. In no case should you wear white socks under a strict black suit or together with jeans. It is necessary to put all light-colored socks next to sportswear so that you are not tempted to wear them with something inappropriate.

Choose the right color for your socks

The second rule: the color of the socks is matched to the color of the trousers, not the shoes. If the trousers are blue, then the socks should be blue, this rule applies to black and brown trousers. If the color of the trousers cannot be determined unambiguously, then the socks need to be matched in more or less suitable color. The wrong choice of socks can ruin not only the whole ensemble, but also the impression of a person.

The socks must not be bent or twisted. This was possible in the distant 80s. Now, the look of the twisted socks will make everyone who sees it laugh, and will create the look of a sloppy person who was in a great hurry when. Bending your socks around your ankle is not a great idea. When a man sits down, this nuance will immediately become noticeable to everyone. The look of hairy legs is not at all appropriate in the office at work, during a date or a business conversation. The socks should be high so that the legs are not bare when the man crosses his legs.

If there are no socks of the desired color, then they are chosen a tone darker or lighter than the trousers.

Colored socks

Cheerful colors, patterns, embroidery, stripes, appliqués on socks look bright, lively and perky. You can only wear such socks within the home with your family. It is undesirable to go out into the street like this. It will be difficult for many to take a person seriously when a cartoon character is drawn on their socks.

You can wear socks with shorts. But they should be short and barely visible under the sneakers. High socks and shorts will visually shorten your legs.

You cannot wear socks with sandals and slippers. This is an indicator of bad taste.

The elastic at the socks should not squeeze the leg, so that bizarre patterns later form on the skin. It is better to give preference to socks made of quality cotton with a small amount of Lycra for better wear. Silk socks can only be worn with a tailcoat.

Most of the time of its existence, socks belonged to the underwear items. They were invisible and vital. But fashion has reached them too. Should I wear socks or refuse them? What can be combined with, which combination is best to avoid? There are many questions. Let's figure it out together.

To wear or not

For several seasons in a row, world designers have been promoting the idea of ​​not wearing socks. Men who want to shine at the forefront of fashion decided not to wear shoes with socks. The strange trend was supported not only by foreign stars, but also by ordinary residents of Russian megacities. The female half of fashionistas proudly flaunts in loafers on bare feet, confusing older ladies. Naturally, such a tribute to fashion does not mean that all other people are terribly unfashionable. This is a temporary phenomenon, which this season is gradually changing to a diametrically opposite solution. Today, shoes with socks can be worn, only the latter will become a bright accent rather than a faceless necessity. The only people who bravely break fashion laws are children. Here socks are needed in shoes, sneakers, sandals and flip-flops.

Actual material

Lace, tulle, mesh socks are an unconditional fashionable women's trend. Delicate, alluring and daring - a hot reminder of the perestroika 90s. But you should not open the chests of zealous mothers, the stale rarity is inferior to the modern ones. These are not the socks and footprints that were so often drawn on women's legs in a rather unprofitable way. Today it is a truly girly wardrobe item that can stir up the imagination of any man. Velvet and fur are the types of materials that are not used in the production of hosiery. Impractical. But velvet and even fluffy elements are still found in the decor.

Trendy colors

Malachite, khaki, marsala and velvet gray are the colors of the season. Metallic shades are especially popular. Multicolor is also welcome - geometry, animalistic and futuristic coloring in the most daring manifestations. Monotone classic solutions are invariably present in all collections, white is in favor. Once upon a time the combination of white socks and black shoes was considered an absolute tastelessness, today, on the contrary, it is a good find. The play of contrast in the image is suitable for eccentric and dynamic, classic pastel colors - for businesslike and confident. It is not uncommon for manufacturers to pack two multi-colored socks together. And this is not a mistake, it is a response to the needs of customers.

Mens socks

Men's socks today have a striking design. Along with the classic monochromatic options, flashy models are widespread. Large geometric print, diamond mosaic or multi-colored stripes on the socks are the trend of the season. How to choose socks for a man's shoes? It is extremely simple to do this, knowing some aspects. Despite the democratic nature of fashion, you should always remember about the appropriateness of this or that clothing in a particular case. For example, a cheerful color of socks combined with cropped jeans and a relaxed-cut jacket is hardly appropriate to show at the premiere of an opera, but in a movie it is permissible. Let's admit such an image in a creative advertising company, rather than in a reputable bank.

Combination rules

In classic style, the generally accepted law of good taste remains true: Wear high-toed shoes. This means that when the man is seated, no naked shin should be visible between the bottom of his trousers and the toe. Any secular techniques at the highest level demonstrate this rule in its correct reading. The average middle-aged man, who is far from current trends, still does not understand the importance of this detail. Surprisingly, today it is permissible to wear white socks with. Of course, such a combination looks ridiculous if the whole image is not thought out as a whole. If you have brown shoes, which socks to wear? A safe bet when the color of the socks matches your shoes or trousers. If you have a clear desire to use colored socks, you can experiment, based on the advice of the fashion industry. Do not forget that slates do not tolerate combination with socks, but this absurdity is found everywhere.

Socks and women's shoes

Who would have thought that the times would come when it would be permissible to wear with socks and golfs. And not only at fashion shows, but also on the streets of megalopolises and small towns. Now the daring women of fashion have a full blast. The retro style, characterized by the combination of neat socks with high-heeled shoes, has transformed beyond recognition and is found in its pure form only on the stage. And such a transformation occurs with almost any style, if socks, knee-highs or golfs are used - knee-highs. The latter are very fond of Russian girls and are used both in winter and in summer. It is interesting that the shoes can be both high, thick heels, and neat wedges, with an open toe or heel.

Combination features

When combining socks with shoes, you must take into account the material and color palette of the bow. Beige socks with brown shoes will make the fashionista stand out from the crowd. On the one hand, flesh color will not distract attention and visually shorten the length of the leg. On the other hand, having socks in and of itself will surprise you. under brown shoes - the top of bad taste, at least for today. The length of the hosiery should emphasize the natural beauty of the legs. This is achieved by playing with colors. Dark shoes - dark socks, light - light socks. Contrasting solutions can be spied on from designers and tried on for yourself if the slimness of the figure is close to the model parameters. Thick socks are not combined with light dresses, but transparent ones, on the contrary, are quite appropriate to wear with heavy shoes.

Sandals with socks

Shoes with an open heel or toe can now also be worn perfectly “get married” with fishnet socks and velvet golfs. V in this case it is worth giving preference to shoes with overlapping straps, for a secure fixation, it is no longer just a sock, but a fashion accessory. Weightless socks are suitable for a light sundress, and opaque knee-highs are acceptable for denim shorts. When creating an image, it is important not to cross the fine line between seductive innocence and outright vulgarity. To maintain a balance in this case is extremely difficult for a beginner or self-taught. Therefore, in order not to get into an awkward situation, it is better to give up experimenting with socks, while remaining true to a great pedicure. Well-groomed is always in fashion.

Where to wear

It would be a misconception to think that shoes with socks are only worn for theme nights or other similar events. In fact, such a nuance can be harmoniously entered into everyday life. It's better to start not with an extreme change of the image, but by introducing delicate touches. For example, it is possible to wear dark blue socks under brown shoes along with cropped trousers. Finish the look with an oversized sweatshirt. The socks can be decorated with white peas, echoing the pattern on the sweater. This look is perfect for a movie, cafe or casual walk. It is interesting that even men's business suits, which are not strictly classics, are also combined with funny socks. Naturally, fashionable businessmen and lawyers probably resort to the help of stylists, and therefore they look fresh and elegant. Athletic style and socks are one piece. Shortened models are the most relevant and harmonious for the sport-chic direction.

Danger of tendencies

The desire to follow fashion does not always translate into the concept of "good taste". Everyone can see on the catwalks how to wear socks with shoes, but not everyone can skillfully implement such a combination. Chances are good to look ridiculous and funny. The basic wardrobe can always be “played up” with other accessories: a new scarf, a fashionable handbag, elegant glasses, an elegant necklace, an unusual bracelet. Changing your makeup, hair color, hairstyle, and even nail polish is also a good way to bring new colors into your life. Well, if a keen desire to wear fashionable socks under brown stiletto heels is irresistible, do it at home. Let the living room become a podium, and your beloved cat - an admiring spectator. Feel like a star without the risk of ridicule and whispers behind your back. If the home method did not help, refer to the advice of fashion experts, they will find the right way to emphasize individuality. In any case, the last word will be yours: use socks as a bright accessory or as a practical necessity.

The first socks were made of leather and belonged exclusively to women's wardrobe. The owners of these boot socks wore them mainly at night. Soon, we began to use wearable fabric in production. The length of the socks has changed over time - from very short to long. The latter were given the name "golfs", for a long period they were an element of men's clothing. Lavishly decorated with ruffles, embroidery and precious beads, they were affordable only for the nobility. Nowadays, such luxury is rarely found in the decor of hosiery. Functionality, as it should be, is in the foreground. Even hosiery has become part of the phraseological units of different nationalities. For example, the French talk about poorly brewed coffee as “sock juice”. And the word "footcloths" in translation into French means "Russian socks". And it is also believed that high-quality French cheeses will certainly smell, sorry, not quite clean socks. Be that as it may, there must be common sense in everything: both in the choice of cheese and in the purchase of socks.

It would seem that socks are such a trifle, but they can seriously spoil the impression. They will break at the most unexpected moment. They will slide like an accordion. They will somehow miraculously get confused, especially if their owner did not sleep well. And in a person everything should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and socks. To avoid embarrassment, you need to buy high-quality socks and change them to new ones in time. Color matters too.

What should the socks go with? How to match the color of your socks? There are some simple rules.

For a long time there has been a rule of clothing etiquette, which states that socks should match pants, not shoes.

For example, you are planning to wear a gray suit with brown shoes. Which socks to choose: gray or brown? Definitely gray!

Kennedy in trousers-colored socks

Clooney Pants Socks

Going to wear a blue suit with black shoes? The best solution is navy blue socks. We wear black socks under black trousers, khaki under khaki.

It is preferable that the socks are slightly darker than the trousers.

If the trousers are light and the shoes are dark, you should choose socks in the color of the trousers, but a few shades darker. For example: pants are beige, shoes are dark brown, socks are light brown.

How to match the color of your socks? Under the pants, but a little darker

The rule of "socks under trousers" is relevant for a formal exit: for example, for a business meeting, for working with a strict dress code, for an official event.

Socks for trousers

Advice: buy several pairs of charcoal socks. They fit different trousers: blue, gray, beige-gray, etc.

If you are going to a place that does not require strict formalities (for example, on a date, to a party, to an office without a strict dress code, to a wedding, etc.), you can opt for colored socks that do not match your pants or shoes. ... However, socks should overlap with something else: for example, with a shirt, tie, or scarf in the breast pocket of a jacket. So, you can wear red socks with a gray suit and a red tie.

When choosing socks for an informal outing, creativity is welcome!

The same goes for socks with a colored pattern - for example, with an argyle diamond. Gray trousers can be worn with gray socks with purple diamonds if the shirt, tie or scarf is also purple.

Advice. Colored socks should be dark enough. For example, if the shirt is light blue, it is better to take dark blue socks.

The same principle works with jeans as with trousers. We wear dark blue socks for blue jeans, blue for blue, and black for black. Accent socks can also be worn with jeans if the garment contains a detail of the same color.

Rule 4: white socks - only with sportswear!

Under no circumstances should you wear white socks with trousers or jeans. This is a real bad manners! And even with white trousers, you should not wear them, preferring colored or light socks. In general, summer white suits are worn with moccasins, loafers and other similar shoes without socks.

Thick sports socks should not be worn with trousers. Only thin! Ideally, smooth socks should be worn under a suit and classic trousers, without any texture.

Sports socks are acceptable with jeans if you plan to wear sneakers, sneakers or boots.

Which socks should a woman choose? It is generally believed that women should only wear tights or stockings, but this is far from the case. Keeping your feet warm and beautiful at the same time is often impossible. After I consulted women on image issues, it became clear that not a single client even had an idea of ​​what socks to wear.

It's clear with tights - they should be only black or flesh-colored, but what if the dress code allows a woman to wear sneakers, sneakers, boots? Men often stare at our feet, and sometimes it is the socks that become the detail that spoils the whole style and image of a slender beauty or a passionate seductress. Below I will list just 5 simple rules that every woman should follow.

Women's socks - 5 rules for choosing

Rule # 1. Socks should only be solid.

This rule applies to both women and men. Leave your bunny socks, stripes, arrows, etc. for purely home use. For both men and women, the rule is one - only one tone. Also, there should not be any inscriptions or drawings on the visible part of the sock (bootleg).

Now almost all world manufacturers have switched to embroidery-inscriptions either of the same color (this makes it possible to distinguish a fake), on the sole of the foot, or even abandon it altogether.

Rule # 2. Absolutely unacceptable colors.

There are colors that are totally unacceptable. For example, the color of gray looks rather dirty, and therefore should be excluded from your wardrobe forever.

People will think that you have not a gray, but a very dirty white sock, so the impression will immediately be unpleasant. You also need to get rid of brown, burgundy, etc. shades. They also do not carry any positive connotation.

Rule # 3. With jeans, you are completely free in your choice.

There are usually three guidelines to help you find the color you want. The first is the color of your shoes, socks can contrast with the visible part, they can merge with it, some ladies try to select the color of socks based on the inner color of your shoes, for example sneakers. This is very useful because even with strong perspiration, the inner part of the shoe will never get dirty, and even if it is stained, it will not be noticeable.

Pink and blue socks are versatile for any woman. If you really want to stand out, you can pick up socks in catchy colors (orange, red, yellow, light green, purple, lilac). But remember rule # 1.

Rule # 4. Sports socks and tights with sneakers.

It is undesirable to wear socks without shins (short, sports socks), footprints, as your bare leg will be visible from the sneaker. The same applies to stockings and tights. If you are wearing nylon nude socks, they should stand out a little. It shouldn't feel like you're wearing the shoe on bare feet. All these things are suitable only for shoes and ballet flats.

The top of the sock should be 3-4 centimeters higher, but not more than 5 centimeters. If you sit cross-legged, your sock should be visible, but unlike the masculine tone, which requires that the bare leg is not visible, the woman, on the contrary, needs it. It shouldn't feel like you're wearing knee-highs.

Rule # 5. "Top" and "Bottom" can be the same.

It is recommended that you wear socks that match your top. If you are wearing a pink sweater, pink socks are perfect. If you put on a bright green jacket, bright green socks and your personality will accentuate, and are suitable in terms of compatibility with clothes.

I also noticed from my clients that girls usually wear socks that contrast with their hair, and this is generally correct. For example, black socks are better for a blonde, and white or nude for a brunette.

Each woman's wardrobe should have at least 2 "rainbow" pairs of socks (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple), plus 2 pairs of black, white and nude. At the same time, it is desirable to have both thin everyday cotton socks and several pairs of thicker winter socks (here the best colors are black, white and red).

Do not forget that correctly selected socks are also part of our image, the way everyone looks at us, including men. Try to never criticize your style yourself, but just love it. And everything will work out.

- this is a trifle that you shouldn't pay any attention to. You are mistaken, even as it is worth it. The appearance of a person makes an impression on your interlocutor. Socks with holes, crumpled or worn can ruin all the plans conceived:

  1. an important deal in your life may fail;
  2. the beautiful girl will not want to date you;
  3. or you need to go into the room where you need to take off your shoes.

But it can happen unexpectedly. For example, a sock broke during putting on or on the way, began to slip and gathered into an accordion. To avoid such troubles, it is imperative to buy good quality socks. They will serve you for a long time and make you successful in all matters.

Let's go over the highlights and what to wear them with.

Wear colored socks to match your trousers

A new fashion rule has recently come into vogue. The socks are matched to the color of the trousers, but not to the color of the shoes. This is especially important if you work in an office or organization that requires a strict dress code. Wear only dark blue socks with navy blue pants and brown shoes.

We decided to choose socks for dark blue trousers and black shoes, then choose dark blue socks. It is desirable that they are darker than your trousers.

On site site you can buy several pairs of socks with dark shades.

Accent socks

As a rule, such socks have an informal format. And creativity doesn't hurt here!

There is no need for a strict office dress code here. This style can be applied to a wedding, meeting with friends, a date, and so on. You can even choose socks that won't match your pants or shoes. But they must match accessories such as:

  • tie;
  • suspenders;
  • belt;
  • butterfly;
  • vest and more.

If you are wearing a green suit with a yellow tie, then you can choose green socks.

It will be quite effective if you wear red socks under a blue suit and red tie. Or you have a red shirt or red pocket square with your blue suit.

Tip: Wearing darker socks is most effective. If your shirt is light green, then choose dark green socks under it.

What socks can you wear under jeans?

For jeans, you can pick up the same socks as for trousers. A simple rule applies here if your jeans, for example, are blue, then you can choose blue socks for them.

Consider how and under what clothes you can wear socks white

White socks are best worn under a tracksuit. We strongly advise against wearing white socks with trousers or jeans. This will give you a mocking look.They should not be worn with white trousers; it is better to purchase colored or light-colored socks. As a rule, business suits for the summer can be worn with loafers or moccasins, as well as with other classic shoes where wearing with socks is not required.

Required thickness of socks

It is ugly to combine sports socks with classic trousers. It is better to wear thin socks, they will not bring discomfort to the legs and will provide excellent ventilation for the legs. Buy better smooth and thin socks for classic shoes. This is an important factor, the wrong thickness of socks can give a crumpled and untidy look.