Castor oil for eyelashes at home. Castor oil for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes. The positive effects of castor oil

Not all women have been given long and thick eyelashes by nature. Namely, they decorate the face, making the eyes more expressive and attractive. A lot of ways have been invented to combat this injustice. This includes all kinds of mascaras, extensions, and other procedures. There are many options for giving them beauty, but none of them gives a long-term and harmless effect. Fortunately, there is a natural, inexpensive, time-tested remedy - castor oil for eyelashes.

It has healing properties that magically affect their health and appearance. What is the usefulness of the eyelash caster, how to use this cosmetic product correctly?

If you apply castor oil correctly for eyelashes, you can get their rapid growth and a chic appearance in general.

Composition and useful principle of action

List of useful substances in castor oil.

This oil is widely known in medicine and other fields. It has also long been successfully used for the growth and strengthening of hair.

After all, the composition of this agent has a beneficial effect on the follicles, regardless of where they are located. Therefore, it is suitable not only for improving the scalp, but also for eyelashes.

What is the reason for its benefits? The uniqueness lies in the content of fatty acids of 3 classes at once:

  • saturated (palmitic and stearic);
  • polyunsaturated (linoleic);
  • monounsaturated (oleic and ricinoleic).

It is they who have a beneficial effect on the bulbs, saturating them with useful substances. The content of these acids also determines the viscosity of this oil, due to which it penetrates better and faster into their structure. These beneficial properties allow you to effectively use castor oil for eyelash growth.

In the process of using such a tool, the following results are provided:

  1. Dry hairs are deeply hydrated and nourished, the fragile structure becomes smoother and more uniform. This prevents falling out.
  2. Dormant bulbs are activated and density appears due to the growth of new elements.
  3. The color of the cilia becomes darker, which sometimes makes it possible to even refuse to tint with mascara.

Use in different variations

There is another advantageous point that distinguishes castor oil for eyelashes from other cosmetic products - its application does not require much effort. However, you should follow a few simple steps to get the most benefit.

Pure application rules

The process of treating eyelashes with castor oil using a mascara brush.

This product is best applied in the evening before bedtime. In this case, castor oil for eyelashes will have time to be well absorbed and show its beneficial properties. In the morning, you should wash yourself thoroughly so that the remnants of the extract do not remain on the eyelids and do not get into the eyes. Otherwise, they may turn red and become covered with an oily film, which can cause irritation and impair vision.

To successfully use this herbal extract, you need a minimum of things:

  • the tool itself;
  • mascara brush;
  • cotton pads.

It is better to buy a new brush, but you can also use it from the old mascara. Before and after each use, it should be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water or a special eye makeup remover.

The application procedure itself consists of the following:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin around the eyes with micellar water or any other makeup remover solution.
  2. Dip the prepared brush into a jar of oil, and then remove the excess by wiping the tool on the edge.
  3. Lubrication of the cilia should be started from the tips in the area of ​​the inner corners of the eyes, gradually moving towards the outer edge.
  4. If the treatment turned out to be excessively plentiful, you should lightly blot your eyes with a napkin after it.
  5. After an hour, remove the remaining oil by wiping the eyelids well with cotton pads or cosmetic wipes. It is better not to wash your face at this stage, since the feeding process will continue at night.

IMPORTANT! The only contraindication to this nourishing procedure is an allergic reaction. Therefore, before the first use, a test is required on a small area of ​​the eye eyelid. If redness or irritation does not appear, then the product is safe to use.

Mascara brush for applying castor oil to lashes.

It is necessary to use these cosmetic products regularly to stimulate the growth of cilia. The ideal course is every evening for a month. After 30 days of use, it is advisable to take a break of 10-14 days so that there is no addiction.

Castor oil recipes for eyelash care

In addition to using this oil alone, you can combine it with other ingredients to enhance the beneficial effects. There are many formulations based on To Astorka for eyelashes - reviews of some are not always positive.

Therefore, consider those that really "work":

A recipe for an oil mix for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes based on castor oil.

Composition and preparation of a mask for eyelashes based on castor oil and rose oil.

ADVICE! The above mixtures can be used not only for cilia, but also for eyebrows. As a result, they will also become thick, beautiful and healthy.

Frequently asked questions

After reading the recommendations for use and observing the results from the use of castor oil for eyelashes in the photo "before and after", some doubts and questions may still remain. But the answers below should dispel them.

Does castor oil help long eyelash growth? It can be hard to believe that regular oil can help you achieve results that expensive cosmetics do not. But this is actually the truth. It really contributes to the growth of cilia and the improvement of their condition in general. Judging by the reviews, the first results can be expected after 2 weeks of regular application.

How to Choose Castor Oil? There are several selection rules. First, it should be bought at a pharmacy in order to gain confidence in the naturalness of the composition. Second, a pure composition is required, without alcohol. Third, the most effective extract is cold pressed.

Photo of the result (after 1.5 months) of using castor oil for eyelash growth.

How to apply castor oil to eyelashes? The above is the correct way to apply to the hairs. And the main nuance is to distribute it only on the tips of the cilia. The oil will be absorbed into them and will reach the roots. But this method prevents it from getting into the eyes.

How much castor oil to keep on the eyelashes? For the first time, the use time should not exceed 15 minutes. Then, if there are no negative reactions, you can increase the time to 1 hour. It is also not forbidden to leave castor oil on the eyelashes overnight, removing its excess, as described above.


The use of these cosmetic products for the growth and strengthening of cilia is simple and safe. It is completely natural and non-toxic, affordable and sold in every pharmacy. If you use it according to all the above rules, you can get the desired result without any side effects.

The only thing that is required is patience. Someone will be able to see the result in a couple of weeks, and some will take 1-2 months. After all, all the features of the body are different. But if you do not take long breaks in the course of procedures, then after a while the cilia will certainly become thicker, longer and darker.

After watching a video with detailed tips on the topic of the article, you can leave a comment. How do you care for your eyelashes, will you try this remedy or have you already had a positive experience?

Long gorgeous eyelashes - what could be more seductive and attractive? Many girls are lucky in this matter. Nature has rewarded them with lush and thick hair on the eyelids. Those who have been deprived have to come up with various ways in the struggle for a beautiful look.

Beautiful eyelashes

In our time, there is no difficulty in this situation. If there is time and money, girls can use the services of professional cosmetologists and build up hair. It is worth noting that such a pleasure requires monthly correction, which also costs a pretty penny. After removing such beauty, the native eyelashes do not look the best.

What should those representatives of the fair sex do who do not want to be beautiful with the help of artificial materials? If you want to have lush, seductive eyelashes, then use an old recipe.

Castor oil

Natural to enhance eyelash growth is sold in every pharmacy. You can also find these products in cosmetic stores.

It should be noted that this tool has been widely used in cosmetology for a long time. Many people know about its laxative effect, but this is not the only property that this castor remedy has, it is used to improve the nutrition of the hair follicles, to activate and accelerate the growth of the cover. This method is quite old, but very powerful.

How to use castor oil for eyelashes?

Before you start using the miracle cure, you need to learn in detail about the methods of applying it and the precautions. So how to use castor oil for eyelashes correctly?

How to apply the product?

Immediately after purchasing a medicine for hair follicles in women, the main question arises about how to apply the healing agent. It is worth noting that castor oil is sold in ordinary glass vials with a twist off lid.

Some women try to spread the solution with cotton wool or a make-up stick, but this is very inconvenient. Using this method, it is fairly easy to stain clothing or skin.

Take the old packaging from The brush should be soft, not rubber. Wash the inside of the package and remove all contents. This can be done easily with hot water. Mascara contains wax that will melt and separate from the inner walls. After that, dry the brasmatik and packaging for several hours. When the inside is dry, gently pour the castor oil into the tube. Before using castor oil for eyelashes, let it stand for a while. In this case, the brush will be completely saturated with the medicinal solution, and the application will be uniform.

When should the remedy be applied?

Many women prefer to carry out all cosmetic procedures shortly before going to bed. Ladies apply nourishing creams, masks and other products to the face and body. Before using castor oil for eyelash growth, please read this point carefully.

This medication should never be used at bedtime. Otherwise, you may wake up with swollen eyelids and receive funds. It is necessary to apply the drug 2-3 hours before bedtime. In this case, the required amount of castor oil will be absorbed, and you can later remove the excess with a paper towel or cotton wool.

Precautionary measures

How to properly apply castor oil for eyelashes? Carefully and accurately! This product has a rather sticky and thick consistency. If a few drops get on your clothes, it will most likely be irreparably damaged. You should also avoid getting the medicine on the delicate and thin skin of the eyelids.

Before using castor oil for eyelashes, get a greasy cream. It can be a simple baby skin care product or regular panthenol. Apply the creamy substance to the upper eyelid with a thin cotton swab. The layer should not be very thick, but perfectly protect the skin. Also, when using for the first time, it is recommended to wear home clothes that you do not mind throwing away. An alternative is a simple old towel cape. This will protect your skin and body from the effects of castor oil.

and reviews

Millions of women who once tried such an inexpensive product to improve the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows have abandoned their old cosmetic devices forever. Yes, castor oil is quite difficult to use, but its effect is amazing.

When everything is ready for the procedure, carefully remove the castor oil brush from the tube and remove the excess product. After that, gently brush the brasmatik along the eyelashes as if you are going to apply them. Remember not to apply the product to the base of the hairline. Otherwise, the oil will get on the mucous membrane and cause irritation and watery eyes.

It is better to apply the drug to the very ends of the eyelashes or from the middle of their growth. After use, let the castor oil soak and after a few minutes, gently blot your eyelashes with a paper towel. You can also use a cotton swab to remove excess material, however, small fibers of the material can remain on the eyelashes and cause a lot of unpleasant sensations.

How much to use the product?

So now you know how to use castor oil for eyelashes. The procedure must be carried out daily for one calendar month. After this time, take a short break for one or two weeks. During the treatment period, it is worth refusing to use decorative cosmetics and other products for eyelashes and eyebrows.

The positive effect becomes noticeable after two weeks of regular use of castor oil. Use folk remedies and be always beautiful!

Have you ever heard the name "castor bean"? But this is castor oil, so beloved by us. It is from the castor bean, which is the most poisonous plant in the world (according to the Guinness Book of Records), that castor oil is squeezed out. However, don't worry: thanks to the cold-pressed technology, it is absolutely safe for humans.

Castor oil is an ingredient in many cosmetics.

Even Herodotus (5th century BC) noted in his writings that castor oil can accelerate the growth of the hairline and improve its structure.

The benefits of castor oil can hardly be overestimated:

  • Palmitic acid in castor oil helps in nutrient absorption
  • Stearic acid strengthens and moisturizes eyelashes, helping them to cope with external negative influences (ultraviolet, bleach, temperature changes)
  • Oleic acid contributes to the normalization of metabolism and makes the cilia smoother, sticking together damaged hairs
  • Ricinoleic acid nourishes the bulbs with trace elements, helps in the treatment of diseases due to its antibacterial action
  • Vitamins A and E stimulate the "awakening" of the bulbs, saturate the hairs and accelerate the growth of eyelashes

How to apply castor oil for eyelashes?

There are a few precautions to take when using castor oil:

  • Shelf life.
    Expired product loses its properties and can cause significant harm
  • The amount of oil applied.
    An excess of castor oil can lead to swelling and inflammation of the eyelids. Remember: Bigger Isn't Better

Important: Before use, apply a small amount of castor oil oil to an exposed skin area and observe the reaction. This will help you rule out allergies.

Can castor oil be smeared on eyelashes?

In its pure form, castor oil can be used for general growth, silkiness and strengthening of eyelashes.

  • Wash off your makeup
  • To apply oil, use a sponge or rinsed mascara brush for lash growth, avoid splashing too much on the roots.
  • Apply oil for 20-40 minutes
  • If you left the oil overnight, be sure to wash it off in the morning.

Can castor oil be added to mascara?

If you want to combine business with pleasure and add oil to your mascara, do not do this for several reasons:

  • You can break the formula of the mascara and it will become very runny. Or it will be taken in lumps
  • Due to the oil, the mascara will smear and drain, you will have to keep an eye on your makeup all the time.
  • The benefits of castor oil will be practically annulled, it is better to apply it to clean eyelashes

If you want to revive mascara after drying, it is better to use other means: water, lens liquid or lotion, for example.

Does taking castor oil internally help for eyelashes?

When taken internally, castor oil can help you cleanse your body or heal a cold. It won't help the eyelashes.

For the lash effect, use castor oil for external use only.

What effect can be achieved with castor oil on eyelashes?

Eyelashes require no less careful care than any other part of the body, since they suffer from decorative cosmetics, from means of their "embellishment", whether it is extension or curling. An indispensable assistant for the restoration of eyelashes is castor oil, which is affordable for any girl, in contrast to expensive cosmetics

  • Gives silkiness and strengthens the structure of the eyelashes
  • Accelerates growth
  • Prevents shedding
  • Helps in the treatment of damaged eyelashes
  • Promotes an increase in density

Castor oil masks for eyelashes

There are tons of ways to revive or improve your eyelashes, from factory-made cosmetics to homemade masks.

  • Mix castor oil, almond oil and burdock oil, add vitamin E and fish oil. Apply for a month daily, then take a week break.
  • For the treatment of damaged eyelashes
    Mix castor oil, burdock oil and aloe juice in equal proportions. Use the mask for no more than 30 minutes twice a week, after a week's break, repeat the course
  • Mix 2 tsp. castor oil with 1 tsp. fresh parsley juice and 1 tsp. aloe juice. Apply the mask daily in the evenings for a month

Important: During pregnancy and lactation, the use of castor oil is contraindicated.

Does Castor Oil Help For Eyelash Growth?

Castor bean oil penetrates the lash bulb, restoring it and stimulating growth.

  • Castor oil and aloe juice
    Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Apply the mixture for 20-30 minutes on the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. Lie with your eyes closed and relax while applying the mask.
  • Castor oil and fish oil
    Mix the ingredients, apply the mask for one hour, then rinse or remove with a toner. To achieve the effect, use the mixture daily for about two weeks, then take a week break and you can repeat the course
  • Mix 5g of castor oil with 8g of petroleum jelly and 2g of Peruvian balsam. Use 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes

Castor oil for thickening eyelashes

The density of eyelashes is at the genetic level. Castor oil will not be able to give you something that is not laid down by nature, but it is able to maximize the resources given to you, which will give the lashes the desired density.

  • A mask of castor oil, young rose hips, sea buckthorn and burdock oils perfectly restores eyelashes. To complete the manufacture of the mask, let the mixture brew for 10 days in a dark place. Use daily
  • Mix 1 tsp. heated castor oil with 0.5 tsp. rum (you can replace it with cognac), add 3-4 drops of vitamin A. You can keep this mask on your eyelashes for a long time, but do not leave it overnight to avoid swelling. Use this mask for a month, you can continue after a break

A mixture of castor and burdock oil for eyelashes

Oil blends are considered the easiest to prepare and very effective.

Mix 1 tsp. castor and burdock oil, add 3 drops of vitamin E and fresh aloe juice. Use the mask daily for 2 hours for about a month, then you can continue, but less often - about twice a week.

Blend of castor and sea buckthorn oil for eyelashes

Sea buckthorn oil moisturizes eyelashes, giving them strength and elasticity.

  • Take 2 drops of the above oils and stir. Heat the mixture. Use the mask daily, apply for 20-30 minutes. This mask will thicken and soften the eyelashes.

Important: Avoid getting sea buckthorn oil on your skin, it may turn yellow.

Aevit and castor oil for eyelashes

You will need: "Aevit" in a gelatinous shell, castor oil, needles and a bottle.

  • Pierce the capsules and pour the contents into a container (cap or beaker)
  • Top up with castor oil for a 1: 1 ratio
  • Stir and pour into vial. You can use a carefully washed mascara container
  • You can add some almond oil for more effectiveness.

Apply the mask daily for 20-30 minutes, the result will be evident in 2-3 weeks. The eyelashes will become noticeably stronger, thicker and longer.

  • To achieve the effect, it is important to apply masks regularly for at least 3-4 weeks, then it is recommended to take a short break
  • Warm castor oil in a water bath to room temperature before use
  • Do not store the mixture in the refrigerator for a long time, it is better to prepare a new mask

Castor oil has long been loved by many of the fair sex. With prolonged and regular use, you will undoubtedly achieve excellent results and amaze others with an expressive look through healthy, silky lashes.

Castor oil for eyelashes: video

Every girl wants to have an expressive look. To obtain it, you need to provide your eyelashes with adequate care. One of the most beneficial remedies for this purpose is castor oil. It is invaluable for eyelashes: it can be used to make them look beautiful and thick. The main thing is to know how to use it correctly.

Beneficial features

Castor oil contains fatty acids, due to which it has a high viscosity. Thanks to this feature, castor oil is actively used to create all kinds of masks. This oil makes any formulation richer, giving it a smooth texture. This feature is far from the only useful property of castor oil:

  1. The product contains a lot of ricinoleic acid. On contact with the skin, it stimulates the nerve endings, which helps to increase cell activity.
  2. The composition contains oleic, palm, linoleic acids (18 carbon acids in total).
  3. Castor oil is characterized by increased stability (does not deteriorate for a long time) and uniformity.

Like other oils, castor oil has varieties, the characteristics of each of them depend on the manufacturing method. If the product was obtained by the cold method, it is of higher quality and purer.

Castor oil is characterized by a quality unusual for other oils: the ability to dissolve in alcohol and aliphatic substances.

The only drawback of this product is the fact that it loses its beneficial qualities during prolonged storage.

Effect of oil on eyelashes

The beneficial effect of castor oil on the eyelashes is due to its unique composition. Since it contains important acids, it ensures the normal functioning of the hair and epithelium.

Linoleic acid is produced by the human body, but in most cases this amount is not enough. Palm and oleic acids come with food, but this volume cannot be regulated. Usually, food contains insufficient amounts of them. This means that the eyelashes are deficient in these elements.

before applying castor oil

after applying castor oil

  • Ricinoleic acid provokes irritation of the nerve receptors of the skin, which promotes the activation of cells. Thanks to this, beneficial substances from blood vessels and external sources are absorbed much better.
  • Castor oil almost entirely goes into the bulbs and shafts of the eyelashes. Due to this, it fully saturates them with useful substances. Due to the high viscosity of this product, the structure of the hairs is restored much faster, their surface becomes smooth and silky.
  • Apart from this, castor oil is very beneficial for the growth of eyelashes. The first results can be seen literally a month after you start using this tool.
  • This product has a positive effect on the skin of the eyelids. They acquire smoothness and elasticity. That is why castor oil is so useful for those girls who systematically pluck their eyebrows. The fact is that the structure of the skin in this zone is seriously disturbed. With constant washing, the epithelium dries out and grows old.

Castor oil for eyelashes - video

Application features

Many girls are wondering how to apply castor oil for eyelashes correctly. In fact, independent use of this product does not cause any particular difficulties. It literally takes 1 minute to complete this procedure, and the results are consistently pleasing.

To achieve the desired goal, you need to take into account some features:

To avoid undesirable consequences, you need to take a little product with a brush and start smearing the eyelashes with castor oil from the middle, moving towards the ends. It is important to keep in mind that the product must not drip from the eyelashes. Any excess should be carefully removed with a brush.

The answer to the question whether castor oil helps for the growth of eyelashes, in 90% of cases, can be affirmative. Thanks to the use of this tool, it will be possible to strengthen the hairs, restore their structure and maintain a rich color. In this case, castor oil can be applied not only as an independent agent, it is allowed to add it to various masks. Additional ingredients will only increase the effectiveness of the procedures.

Useful masks for eyelashes

The choice of additional components directly depends on the result you want to get. Currently, many effective agents are known that have a positive effect on the condition of the cilia:

  1. For density. To prepare this composition, 5 g of castor oil must be mixed with 10 g of petroleum jelly. For a stronger effect, you can add a small amount of Peruvian balsam to the mixture. After that, the resulting composition can be safely processed eyelashes.

    10 g petroleum jelly
    5 g castor oil
    a small amount of Peruvian balsam

  2. To strengthen. To make eyelashes stronger and healthier, it is recommended to mix castor oil with other types of oils. An excellent option would be almond or flaxseed. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to slightly warm the composition using a steam bath.
  3. For antibacterial effect. Girls who often suffer from barley and blepharitis should combine 15 g of castor oil with 5 g of aloe juice and use this remedy.
  4. For softness. To make the eyelashes smooth and silky, you need to combine castor oil and peach oil in equal parts (5 g each). An excellent tool that will make the eyelashes soft is a mixture of castor oil with sea buckthorn oil. Vitamin A is also added to the resulting product. If it is not at hand, it is quite possible to use carrot juice. All components are mixed in equal proportions and treated with eyelashes and eyebrows. The mask can be left overnight and removed in the morning before applying makeup. The remedy will give tangible results in about a couple of weeks.

  5. For eyelash growth. To prepare the composition, you need to buy vitamins A and E in capsules. After that, you can mix castor oil with these substances and burdock oil. An excellent remedy is a mixture of castor oil and fish oil, which are combined in equal proportions. The composition is applied to the eyelashes with a brush or cotton pad. Leave the mixture for 1 hour, then rinse well. The procedure is done every day for 2 weeks. Then you can interrupt for 5 days and repeat the course.
  6. To prevent eyelash loss. For this product, it is recommended to combine the juice of aloe and parsley - 1 dessert spoon each. Then add a couple of tablespoons of castor oil. An equally effective composition is a mixture of castor oil, rose oil, almond oil, linseed oil. Wheat germ and grape seed oil is also added to the mixture. It is recommended to combine all these components in the same parts, mix well and process the eyelashes and skin in the eye area. It is recommended to keep the composition for no more than 1 hour. Then rinse well with tonic.

Various herbs can be added to castor oil to make the eyelashes more attractive. An excellent option would be a mixture of castor oil and calendula infusion. An equally effective remedy is a composition based on chamomile and rose hips. Such balms have a great effect on the thickness and appearance of eyelashes.


In order not to harm your health, you need to know what are the contraindications to the use of castor oil. These include the following:

To avoid negative health effects, it is necessary to test for allergic reactions. To do this, you can apply the oil to the back of your hand and leave it on for a few hours. If itching and irritation does not appear, then you can safely proceed to the treatment of eyelashes.

Features of eyelash care

To have beautiful and well-groomed eyelashes, you need to learn how to properly care for them. To do this, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Before going to bed, you definitely need to get rid of cosmetics. The health and growth of cilia directly depend on compliance with this rule.
  2. Do not use gel or soap to wash your face. To make eyelashes look good, make-up is removed with a special tonic.
  3. You need to use exclusively high-quality cosmetics. You should not buy cheap products, they may contain harmful ingredients.
  4. If you have frequent eye or skin diseases in this area, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. With such pathologies, any treatment of eyelashes will not give results. In addition, quite often there are cases when the disease spreads to the eyelashes, especially fungal infections.

The use of castor oil for eyelashes with the addition of vitamins - video

How will castor oil help for eyelash care? Lifeless eyelashes and eyebrows will not adorn your face.

How to make a magical restorative at home? Every woman dreams of long eyelashes and thick eyebrows, for this use proven recipes.

Advice! Take breaks from using makeup. Mascaras, eyeliners form creases on the eyelashes. The recovery period for hairs is from 1 month.

The salons offer a number of hair extension procedures, various treatment methods. But the cost of such services is very high; not every wallet will tolerate such financial expenses.

Castor oil can solve any problems. A natural gift effectively affects the hairline of the eyelashes and eyebrows.

It brings only benefits without the consequences of traditional treatment:

  1. Useful composition oil penetrates the hair root, moisturizing and nourishing the hair.
  2. Regular use promotes the awakening of dormant hair follicles.
  3. Butter gives extra volume. Castor oil is the perfect way to grow long hair and eyelashes.
  4. Laminated effect protects hairs from external influences. Softer lashes don't break and withstand daily makeup.

How to use it

This recovery method is suitable for everyone. It is not difficult to prepare a medical mask at home.

You will need a few additional components:

  • Castor oil.
  • Old ink.
  • Vitamin E.

To defeat in a month beloved with a wave of long eyelashes, do the mask daily. The best time for your procedure is late in the evening when you are getting ready for bed.

Leave the mixture in front of your eyes overnight. You can dilute too thick castor oil with burdock oil.

  1. Apply oil correctly a brush from old mascara will help on the eyelashes. Rinse it thoroughly with water. Save for later use.
  2. Useful mixture can be prepared in a jar from an old carcass so that the procedure takes no more than 20 seconds.
  3. Liquid Vitamin E mix with castor oil. You can buy vitamins at the pharmacy.
  4. Take advantage of with a usual make-up remover, wash with warm water.
  5. Apply oil on the eyelashes, try not to get on the mucous membrane.
  6. Get wet oily residue with a cotton pad.

Important! An excess of castor oil can cause puffiness in the eyes. To remove bruises, stop making an oil mask at night, keep the mixture on your eyelashes for 1 hour.

The magic remedy will help to restore the eyebrows. Thick and beautiful eyebrows are in fashion again, thin stripes have long been forgotten.

But no matter how hard the girls try, their eyebrows do not want to grow treacherously. You have to use the services of a professional tattoo artist or draw a line of eyebrows with a cosmetic pencil.

Down with the permanent, long live the castor oil! The grandmother's method helps to strengthen the hairs, stimulates the growth of new ones.

The recipe is preserved, based on:

  • Castor oil.
  • Vitamins A, E.
  • Burr oil.

Remove makeup and dry your eyebrows before applying the mask. Perform the procedure regularly, you can even 2 times a day.

Such care is good for hair:

  1. Mix all ingredients in any proportion.
  2. Using cotton wool or a stick (you can use a mascara brush), apply the mixture to your eyebrows.
  3. In the morning, wash as usual using your usual cosmetics.

To enhance the effect, heat the castor oil in a water bath
or hold a bottle with a homemade mask in your hands.

Store the folk remedy in an airtight container, a mascara jar will do. Expiration date - 1 month. This time is just enough for you to use 10-15 ml.

Advice! In the complex, do a five-minute mask of aloe vera 2-4 times a week.

Add juice to castor oil, apply on eyelashes for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. The revitalizing and strengthening properties of aloe enhance the effect of castor oil.

Before and after reviews and photos

The first thing that a girl will do after reading about the enchanting oil is to study customer reviews. Before and after photos are amazing, but doubts about using Photoshop creep in.

During the application, the disadvantages of using oil were identified:

Is there an effect?

Does castor oil help for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows? More than 90% of girls noted that after a month of regular use, the hairs became longer and thicker.

Reviews are different, daily use of castor oil has a number of disadvantages and an important advantage - the beauty and health of hair. Study the before and after photos, evaluate the result, run to the pharmacy for a penny.

Can eyelash extensions be removed with castor oil?

Extended eyelashes are best removed by a professional. This is the safest method. But if it is not possible to visit the salon, castor oil will come to the rescue.

Use two methods to remove eyelash extensions:

  • Apply a thick layer of castor oil to the lash line. Leave it on for a few hours. Gently remove artificial hairs with an eyebrow comb.
  • Stir in the castor oil and olive oil. The ratio is 1 to 1. It is better to leave the mixture overnight, and in the morning carefully remove the eyelash extensions.

Oil price and where to buy?

You can buy castor oil at any pharmacy for ridiculous money. Depending on the manufacturer, the price for a 30 ml jar ranges from 26 to 110 Russian rubles.

For especially lazy people, you can order castor oil in the online store with home delivery.

Make your look charming and attractive using a simple pharmacy castor oil!

Useful video

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