Team contests for the wedding. Funny wedding contests for guests

Hardly any modern wedding is complete without contests, but many of them are so old, boring and predictable that they only spoil the overall impression of the holiday. What to offer to guests and young people at a wedding celebration, so that they definitely want to distract from the jellied one and take part?

While the global web is replete with options, most are outdated. It would seem that everything has already been invented before us. Can a unique scenario be developed? Undoubtedly, and for this it is often enough to add something of your own to the old competition, to adapt a familiar scenario to modern realities.

It is important to remember that:

  • wedding is an individual holiday, even if a large number of people participate in it, therefore, the entertainment program of the celebration should correspond to the personal tastes and preferences of the majority of those present;
  • "Freshness" and novelty of entertainment should improve the mood of the guests, captivate, intrigue, not cause irritation or resentment, and therefore you should avoid vulgarity and excessive individuality;
  • contests can be "tied" to the style of the wedding, and then they will harmoniously fit into the atmosphere.

Important! Remember that creativity, creativity and originality have no boundaries. Don't be afraid to experiment and create!

Top 15 modern ideas for fun youth entertainment

We offer several scenarios for inspiration.


Since the selfie fashion isn't slowing down, the first we dedicate the competition to the habit of filming ourselves in unexpected places or for the most ordinary activities.

Number of participants: two to four people.

Props: each has a phone with a front camera.

Several people are invited to the impromptu stage. Boys or girls, men or women - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the participants are active and sociable. The essence of the contest is quite simple: in 3 minutes, take as many selfies as possible with those without whom no wedding takes place.

The task is complicated by the fact that the presenter has already prepared a list in advance of which of those present can meet this criterion. It is advisable to include some funny observations in it.

For example, in addition to the bride and groom themselves, one cannot ignore:

  • the groom's mother;
  • the father of the bride;
  • presenter;
  • a guest who constantly eats;
  • a guest who sits in a corner;
  • the same contestant who takes a selfie.

The winner is the one who finds all the people on the list and takes a selfie with them faster than others.

I am an artist, as I see it!

Guests are given the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents. Although this competition is well-known, if you adapt it for it, it will sparkle with new colors.

Number of participants: eight or more people (an even number is required).

Props: two sheets of A3 format, two easel stands and two markers.

The competition is held in the form of a relay race. Players are divided into two teams and line up one after the other. Each rank is presented with a Whatman paper and a marker. The guests are tasked with drawing the newlyweds. Only one team will draw the groom, and the second will draw the bride.

The catch is that everyone is only given a few seconds to showcase their talent. What you managed to draw, you managed, you pass the marker to your teammate, and you yourself become at the end of the line.

The presenter, meanwhile, turns on some dynamic song and controls the fairness of the competition. The winner is the team that, at the end of the music, draws the most details in the portraits of the young.


A very fun competition that increases the adrenaline level in the blood. Before starting it, it is recommended to move away from the tables.

Number of participants: six or more people.

Props: two untied ties (one should be shorter, the other longer).

All participants must be at the same table. If there are a lot of people, but there is not enough space, then you can divide into two teams. In this case, you will need two ties.

One of those sitting throws a short tie around his neck, and his neighbor on the right - a long one. At the signal of the presenter, they begin to tie them on themselves, untie them and pass them clockwise.

Advice! The presenter must first conduct a short briefing on the types of tie knots.

A prerequisite: a shorter tie is tied with a simple knot, and the one that is more authentic - with a complex one. The participant, on which two ties come together, is eliminated from the game.

The winner is the one who leaves the competition last. In the case of two teams, the table at which one player remains.

Silent Spy

A game that lasts throughout the entire wedding banquet.

Participants: all present.

Props: packaging of stickers.

When entering the hall, each of the guests receives a sticker. In the future, the task is to closely monitor the rest of those present and identify those who are sitting with crossed arms or legs. You can take the sticker away from such guests.

The one who is left without a sticker does not leave the game. He should get a sticker from a fellow onlooker. The owner of the most number of stickers will receive a prize by the end of the evening.

Be smart

Competition for a cheerful and resourceful groom.

Students: groom.

Props: A3 sheet.

On whatman paper, you should first write a number of certain numbers that have one way or another relation to the bride. For example, her age, date of birth, shoe size, weight.

The groom will have a difficult task: to find a match between these numbers and the data of his beloved. If he does not know the answer, he is forced to compliment the bride or do some kind of pleasant deed for her.

Simon says

When the guests are sitting at the tables, the cheerful ones will come to the rescue. This is one of them. It's nice that this entertainment can be organized impromptu, because props or special preparation for it are not needed.

Number of participants: 12 or more people.

Props: not required.

All participants are divided into small groups and begin to dance to popular music. Without warning anyone in advance, the presenter approaches one of the dancers in each group and quietly tells him that he is assigned the role of "Simon". This means that he has to get the rest of his group to start repeating the way "Simon" dances.

The difficulty is that “Simon” cannot communicate about the task set by the leader to his teammates. He will have to somehow contrive, attracting attention to himself and without words encouraging others to repeat the movements after him. The winner is the team that is the first (with its full roster!) To start imitating its "Simon".

Sewing factory

Often a caring wife has to sew up something, in particular, her husband's belongings, so this competition is suitable for both newlyweds and their friends who are just planning to get married.

Number of participants: six or more people (even number).

Props: twice as few needles and threads as participants, that is, six guests will need three needles and three spools.

Couples involved (boy and girl).

Advice! It is not necessary to call couples who are together in life. New ones can be formed.

Each young man is given a piece of thread, and he stands on one side, and the girl is given a needle, and she stands on the other side, opposite.

At the signal from the leader, the guy runs to his girlfriend and tries to thread the needle through the eye of the needle without her help, while the girl holds the needle completely motionless. As soon as he succeeds, he takes a needle and thread and comes back. The couple that is the first to cope with the task wins.

Mafia at ... a wedding?

If you are looking for not vulgar entertainment for a chamber youth celebration in the style of Chicago, then you will definitely like the interpretation of the famous game with reference to a wedding theme.

Participants: groom, bride, ten guests.

Props: as such, it is absent, but you should prepare for this competition even when decorating the hall / cafe, having previously attached cards with the names of the characters to the back of the seats of the chairs of future players.

It is advisable for the presenter to make some intriguing introduction before the announcement of the game. For example: “Dear bride and groom, I just found out myself, and until the irreparable happened, I hasten to warn you: the mafia sneaked into our wedding! You will have to act as the sheriff to figure it out among those sitting in this hall. "

Then the presenter invites the audience to check their chairs. Those who find the attached card become direct participants in the game. The rest of the guests are spectators who should not prompt the players anything.

Out of ten selected people, two mafia clans are formed. One guest receives a doctor's card, one - a lawyer, the rest - civilians. Unlike the classic way of playing this game, the sheriff is known in advance - this is the bride and groom. They can confer with each other and voice a common decision.

The Mafia has no right to “eliminate the sheriff”. Her task is to divert suspicions from herself and one by one "kill" other players. After the host announces that “The city is falling asleep,” all participants close their eyes. After the phrase “The mafia is waking up”, only those who have got the cards with the words “mafia” open their eyes. Trying not to make unnecessary movements, not to creak, not to rustle with candy wrappers, they look at each other and silently point to one person out of ten whom they want to “eliminate”.

The presenter remembers their choice and says: "The mafia falls asleep, the sheriff wakes up." Now the bride and groom open their eyes. They need to point out who they think is the mafia. The presenter either nods to them, or shakes his head in negative, thereby showing whether they have guessed right or not.

The Sheriff falls asleep. Next in line, the doctor wakes up and tries to determine who the mafia has just shot. If he really pointed to the victim, that person is considered cured and does not drop out of the game. The lawyer closes the circle of "awakening". He provides an alibi for one of the participants.

Important! The lawyer will not be able to express his opinion during the discussion, but you cannot vote against him, so he always automatically goes to the next round.

Announcing "The city is waking up", the host sums up the results: who was "killed" over the past night, whether the doctor was able to save him and who has immunity at the moment. The mafia victim shows his card and joins the audience. The remaining players, as well as the bride and groom, discuss the suspects. Their discussion turns into a vote. The one who gets the most votes against, shows his card and also leaves the game. After that, a new round of the game begins. "Mafia" won if by the fifth round of the game there is at least one undetected member of the clan.

Silence is gold

Contest for attentiveness.

Number of participants: at the choice of the host.

Props: not required.

At the beginning of the game, the presenter stipulates that there are a number of words that cannot be pronounced during half an hour / hour / the entire event. It is desirable that these are the most common words at a wedding celebration., for example, "Bitter!", "bride", "congratulations", "wedding", "flowers", "glass", "dress".

After that, the presenter selects several people from the audience to whom he will ask tricky questions, forcing them to use “forbidden” words. It is recommended to interview not all at once, but each at certain intervals, so that guests have time to "relax" and lose their vigilance.

An example of a trap dialog:

- Can you tell me what event is today?

“Um… my friends are getting married.

- And who is the most beautiful at this wedding?

The smartest one gets a little.


Another dance competition for your wedding that will please everyone, without exception.

Number of participants: six or more people (couples).

Props: pack of waffles "Major".

Couples are invited to the dance floor. Each of them is given one package of "Major". A couple on both sides grip the wafer with their teeth. The presenter turns on fast rhythmic music and supervises the competition.

The duet, whose "Major" breaks during the dance, is eliminated from the game. The winner is the couple that lasted the longest.

Singing heart

This competition requires careful preparation, including the selection and cutting of certain music tracks.

Participants: pre-selected guests.

Props: plush toy in the shape of a heart.

The introduction can be like this: “It's not a secret for anyone that when pleasant and long-awaited moments come in life, our heart sings. What songs are performed by the hearts of the guests of today's celebration? Now we will find out! "

Further, the presenter reports that he has a special invention for just such a case, disguised as an ordinary plush toy. He begins to take turns to bring it to the selected guests and ask them questions, and the one who sits at the computer, meanwhile, switches the selected songs. The main thing is to make it as believable and funnier as possible.

Idea! The presenter may ask the groom what he was thinking about before the wedding ceremony, and then include an excerpt from the song "Bride" by the Mumiy Troll group, which contains the words: "How lucky you are, my bride!"


This variation of another famous game will liven up your wedding, encourage guests to stay active until the end of the banquet. It's great that everyone present can participate in it, which means that no one will get bored.

Participants: all present.

Props: 3-5 decks of UNO cards (as a last resort, ordinary cards are also suitable).

Before the wedding begins, distribute 4 cards to each of the guests. Explain that as with any card game, you need to get rid of the cards as soon as possible. This can be done only by participating in other competitions. One competition is equal to one card. When the participant has the last card, he must shout “Uno!”, Otherwise he will have to draw two more cards.

The game can be diversified by the fact that a certain color or value of cards will indicate a certain action. For example, a participant will need not only to take part in some kind of competition, but also to say a congratulation, to fulfill a small wish of the bride and groom, to change places with a neighbor.

Morning of the bride and groom

A pantomime performance performed by friends of the groom and bridesmaids.

Number of participants: four people.

Props: not required.

Two friends of the groom and two bridesmaids are invited to the center of the hall. Prerequisite: participants should not be witnesses and should not have been present at the morning gatherings of the newlyweds. Each of the pairs forms its own team.

The bride and groom prepare a piece of paper for them, where they list three things that they used this morning, and write down any three phrases that were uttered during that time.

Friends and girlfriends are given 5 minutes to discuss and prepare a silent demonstration of the morning gatherings of the newlyweds. The whole pantomime is shown in silence. Only the phrases suggested by the young need to be pronounced.

The winner is the duet that most accurately and artistically recreated the morning of one of the newlyweds and did not forget to focus on the items mentioned in the leaflets.

Reliable friends

The competition is designed for the bride, but all guests will certainly like it.

Number of participants: seven people (the groom and six of his friends).

Props: seven chairs or stools.

Chairs are placed "facing" the audience, but the participants sit on them with their right side. At the head of the corner (on the right side) is the groom.

At the command of the leading man, they kneel down with their backs to each other, starting from the one closest to the groom and ending with the left edge. Meanwhile, the presenter praises the bride's friends of her beloved, notes how loyal and reliable they are, and then, in confirmation of her words, invites her to check it herself.

The bride needs to pull out one chair at a time from under any of the participants until only the groom's chair remains. The result will overwhelm everyone!

Nobel laureates

We all love it when we are rewarded for something, and guests at a wedding are no exception.

Number of participants: the choice of the bride and groom.

Props: templates of certificates, marker.

The award ceremony is held at the end of the celebration. The bride and groom or one of their assistants, based on observations made during the holiday, single out some of those present in funny or serious nominations.

For example, the one who danced the most deserves the honorary title "Disco Dancer" or "King of the Dance Floor", and those who tried to participate in almost every competition would be more suitable for "Gambler" or "Most Active".

Idea! The winners in the nominations can be awarded with special gifts that will differ from those given to the rest of the guests.

Useful video

Down with banality! Guests must not only be fed and watered, but also entertained. One of the artist contest options from this video is perfect for this:


Having picked up the original ones, it is easy to carry out. If you don't have enough time, you can bring in an active friend or girlfriend who will help with the props. Take as a basis ready-made scripts that can liven up a modern wedding, and interpret them in the right way so that your celebration will be remembered for fun and creativity.

For a number of reasons, some newlyweds prefer to celebrate their wedding day with a small family circle and a small number of friends. At the same time, many believe that it is not possible to organize a real celebration at home, but this is an unfounded myth that this article will easily dispel.

Having properly prepared an entertainment program and contests for a wedding at home, you can have plenty of fun and feel the whole atmosphere of a solemn holiday. Do not get hung up on the venue, it is better to put all your energy and imagination into the preparatory process.

How to choose

If you decide to organize a Wedding Day without a toastmaster, then do not give up all kinds of entertainment. If space permits, set aside space for dancing and competitions.

To make everyone present have a sense of celebration, decorate the room with decorative elements... At the very beginning of the celebration, some guests are not yet too liberated, so with the help of competitions and contests, you can "stir up" them. But first of all, offer such tasks that will contribute to the acquaintance of guests and their communication with each other.

You can start the competition program already in the process of buying the bride. The groom and his team will have to go through a series of tests to reach the desired goal. For example, at the first stage, you can invite the groom and his friends to change into smart suits and dance the groovy dance "gypsy". If the test is passed with dignity, then everyone present can move on to the next task.

Invite the new spouse to find the print of his beloved's lips among others that are on the poster.

You can offer such a task - each step the groom accompanies with a new declaration of love.

Further, when the guests are already sitting at the table, contests should be held in between the feast. Start with the easiest ones, gradually creating intrigue. Each new competition should be more interesting than the previous one. To give guests something to remember, use common sense, which will be coupled with humor.

Laughter is the main companion of a wedding celebration. Alternatively, you can start the competition program with these simple games that will amuse all the invitees. "What kind of dad are you?" Invite 3-4 men to participate. There are 4 toy dolls and the same number of diapers on the table in front of them.

"Stretch the rope." It is necessary to form 2 teams, each of which will have 5 people.

You need to prepare 2 long ropes in advance and tie spoons to their ends. Next, each participant should stretch this spoon through his clothes and pass it to another. The team that completes the task faster wins.

"And you with the letter ....". This competition is not only fun, but also useful for everyone present. It will need to show ingenuity and originality. The bottom line is this: one by one, the guests begin to say a wish-toast to the letter that has dropped out in order. For example, the first guest starts with the letter A, the second with B, etc.

Of course, when too many people are present, this competition is not very appropriate, as it will tire everyone.

And if your company is no more than 15 people, then it's just the right time to do an alphabetical warm-up. The most original and funniest greeting is considered a winning one.

"Search for clothespins." This competition is known to many, since it is often present at weddings. This can only be explained by the fact that he is actually funny and interesting. Invite 2-3 pairs of participants, male and female, to participate.

The partner is blindfolded, and clothespins cling to the woman's clothes, in different places. The number should be the same for all pairs. As soon as the music begins to play, the contestants must find the clothespins and remove them from their partner. Whoever completes the task faster will get the prize. The fact that the holiday will be celebrated at home does not mean at all that you can do without kidnapping the bride. When the guests and the groom himself relax and lose their vigilance, you need to act.

The kidnappers at the most unexpected moment steal a young girl, and one of the robber friends sits down in her place.

The groom can be given a map prepared in advance, according to which he can get to his betrothed. But along the way, you need to overcome a number of obstacles.

Money can be a reason for prompting. You can agree in advance with one of the neighbors and hide the bride in their apartment.

"Competition with a chair". Such entertainment is known to everyone, because it is held not only at weddings, but also at other holidays. The point is that a certain number of chairs are placed in a circle and volunteers are called in to participate. There should be one less than chairs. Further, the groovy music turns on, to which the participants must rhythmically move around the arranged equipment. As soon as the music stops, everyone should have time to sit down on a chair.

Considering that there are one fewer chairs than the participants, someone will not get a place, respectively, a person drops out of the game, while one more chair is removed.

This continues until there is only one winner. The competition is quite energetic and fun. Many will like it.

“My affectionate and gentle…. Hedgehog". This competition is for the bride and groom. It is filled with romanticism and tenderness. To implement it, you will need 2 apples and a box of matches. We stick a lot of matches into each fruit, thus forming a hedgehog figure. Then each of the spouses must pull out one match, while pronouncing some kind word addressed to their half.

This continues until the "hedgehog" becomes bald.

Examples of funny games

In addition to contests, you can entertain guests with games that will be funny and interesting at the same time.

Game "What will you do?" For this game, you need to prepare in advance cards on which a variety of responsibilities of the spouses will be written, which they will have to fulfill in the course of family life.

Also invite someone to hold the tray of cards. So, the bride and groom take turns taking the overturned cards and begin to read out their duty aloud.

At the same time, starting with this phrase: "I will ...".

Options for inscriptions on cards:

  • give birth to children;
  • take care of the dacha;
  • repair the car;
  • Earn Money;
  • iron;
  • watch football;
  • taking out the trash;
  • manage money;
  • talking on the phone for hours;
  • drinking beer and lying on the couch;
  • sit back;
  • bring coffee to bed;
  • wash up;
  • walk the dog;
  • do homework with children;
  • visit guests, etc.

This version of the game will become funny and funny, since the groom can get a completely non-male obligation, just like the bride is not a female one. That's what entertainment is for.

Two teams are formed from volunteers. At the same time, they must become so that there is an alternation of men and women. Participants turn their faces to each other, and a small ball is placed between their foreheads.

The challenge is to pass this ball to the next player in the same way, without touching the hands. The team that is the first to cope with such a difficult but fun task wins.

Game "Find a place for a kiss." This slightly erotic game will require several couples. Accordingly, a couple should be a man and a woman. The bottom line is that the guy from the first couple names the place where he will kiss his partner, for example, on the cheek.

After the kiss, the next participant names another place for his partner to kiss.

Thus, the places for kissing gradually decrease, and interest, on the contrary, increases. The loser in this game is the one who does not find a place where he can kiss his partner.

To avoid resentment or conflicts, it is better to choose unmarried participants for participation, nevertheless, there are different reactions, this should be taken into account.

Cheerful game "Ryaba Chicken". Several couples, men and women, come out to participate in this game. Each pair should be back to back. A hard-boiled chicken egg is placed between them (in the area of ​​the shoulder blades). A plastic bowl is placed on the floor. The bottom line is for a couple of participants to put the egg in a bowl, while still keeping it intact. Those who cope with the task will receive a prize.

Funny game "Guess the fairy tale". To make this game scene as funny as possible, prepare the necessary attributes in advance. Namely, outfits and small decorations.

To participate, select the required number of people and a presenter. Next, you distribute roles among the participants.

The plot is based on any well-known fairy tale, for example, "Kolobok" or "Turnip". Participants are given their text. The presenter reads out the course of the development of the tale, and the participants complete the plot tasks and pronounce their words at the right time.

At the same time, take those who will play the role of wind, trees, birds, etc. to participate. Be sure that such a playful version of the fairy tale will make everyone laugh to tears.... Drunken guests will change the plot themselves, making it unique and incredibly funny.

Contest "Like it or not?" This incredibly funny and truly awesome competition will delight everyone. Absolutely everyone can take part in it. All players must be lined up. At the same time, everyone should say out loud in a chain what he likes and dislikes in the neighbor standing to his right.

After that, the presenter offers to bite the place that he didn’t like, but that he had “to taste” to kiss.

Just imagine the reaction of the participants and the contagious laughter that will be heard from the process of completing the assignment.

Dance competition "Do as I do, do better than me." To warm up the guests even more, invite them to dance, but not in a very usual way. Make a circle from all comers, the presenter stands in the center and, under the cheerful music, begins to make certain dance movements.

Everyone starts to repeat after him, then he chooses a replacement for himself and changes places with her. Thus, all the dancers show different movements that everyone will repeat. Competition for guests "Question-answer". For this game, cards with answers and questions separately are prepared in advance. A team is being recruited from those who will ask questions and from those who will answer them.

You can distribute cards in random order to all guests, if there are not too many of them.

Options for questions for cards:

  • Do you like to gossip?
  • Do you dream of dancing on the table?
  • Do you often have to lie?
  • Is it true that you have a lover?
  • Tell me honestly, do you want to start a fight?
  • Do you drink often?
  • Do you have a stash from your wife (husband)?
  • Do you like to walk around the house naked?
  • Do you like to sing in your soul?
  • Dreaming of a tattoo in an intimate place?

Answer options for cards:

  • Of course, especially when not wearing clothes.
  • Well, this question is better to ask the person sitting to my left.
  • If I tell the truth, they won't be allowed home anymore.
  • Today you will see everything yourself and see for yourself everything.
  • Only at night.
  • Yes, but I'm ashamed to say it in front of everyone.
  • Well, yes, I'm crazy about it.
  • Do you still doubt it?
  • Pour me some more, then I'll tell you everything.
  • Well, in fact, everyone has known this for a long time, I do not hide it.

Guess the melody game. 2-3 participants are invited to participate.

Cuttings from popular and not so popular songs are included, the one who understood what kind of song it was should raise his hand and shout "stop". The participant who guessed the most songs wins.

Contest "Complete the task". To participate, you need to create two teams of five people. Each participant must put his hand into the bag and get a piece of paper from it with the task. After all the participants have completed their tasks, the guests will choose the winners with the help of applause. Possible job options:

  • Sing a song;
  • dance an erotic dance;
  • kiss all the women in the hall on the hand;
  • kiss all the men present on the cheek;
  • collect money in a hat;
  • crawl under the table;
  • confess your love to your neighbor on the right;
  • have a fight with a neighbor on the left;
  • drink a glass of alcohol for brotherhood with a neighbor on the right;
  • invite a person standing opposite to a slow dance.

Here's another funny contest for your wedding:

No matter how cheerful and friendly the team invited for the wedding party is, contests and games are indispensable. They are the ones that allow you to have plenty of "break away" and have fun. After such entertainment, for sure, it will be nice to remember all the moments from the past holiday. The brighter your family life begins, the more wonderful it will be in the future. What funny wedding contests do you know?

Wedding contests are the easiest way to make your main event memorable. In fact, there are a huge number of different gaming contests. And the most important thing for you is to choose the ones that are right for your celebration.
Of course, the most important thing is to take into account not only your personal taste, but the status, financial situation, age of the gathered people. If you compare clearly, then you can easily understand why wedding competitions at a student wedding will be inappropriate among the guests of a 30-year-old businessman. In addition, it is also important not to forget about those who will not participate in the competition, because they should also have fun, at least watching those who are bolder.

It is very important that wedding contests and games are as varied as possible. After all, similar contests greatly tire the guests. No one will be interested in playing words or singing into a microphone several times in a row. As for the nature of your contests, they can be both entertaining and educational. And yet - the presenter must take into account that wedding contests are available to everyone, not too complicated, but still quite funny. Laughter should be heard at every table, guests should not be bored, and this is important. It is the funny wedding contests that will be remembered by those who attended it.

In addition, after a while, the wedding will be remembered, and not because of the beautiful decoration or tables, but thanks to incendiary music, jokes, performances, and competitions. Usually the toastmaster, who leads a cheerful and noisy wedding, is also perfectly remembered. But, if you do not have a toastmaster, and some of your friends or relatives will play this role, then you can make wonderful wedding contests thanks to our website. Here we have placed the coolest, most fun wedding contests. In addition, our site also offers you very witty contests for ingenuity - not only a small group of guests can participate in them, but also everyone who is present in the hall. And, even if your wedding will be led by a professional, you can always advise him to use the wedding contest he liked from our website.

So, let's imagine that a young couple has already listened to both congratulations and wishes from the guests, gifts have already been handed over, and the bride and groom have already danced their first waltz. And now, when the guests have already sat down at the tables and ate a little, there is time for the first wedding contests. The person organizing the wedding should be careful to ensure that each guest enjoys taking part in the proposed game. In order to hold contests, you may need the necessary props, which is best to think about in advance - diapers and pins, nipples and bottles - it all depends on what kind of competition will be held by your toastmaster.

Cool wedding contests

The wedding contests that we will now offer will be related specifically to the topic of the future life of the newlyweds - this is the topic of future children or households, as well as the ability to calculate income and money. Very often, the toastmaster offers funny contests for a wedding for speed - you need to put on a baby doll, peel potatoes or something else like that.

Yes, and your friends may well prepare something cool for your wedding - and then again they may need our site. There are a lot of funny wedding contests on our site, some of them are seasoned with student humor, but if the bride and groom are young enough, like their guests, then they will definitely like such contests.

And, if your guests have already danced enough and sat down to raise one more glass to the young, you may well rouse them with a wedding contest. Wedding contests can even be educational - it's fun enough. For example, run a cooking contest - have the bride and groom take turns listing the names of every dish they know. The prize should be received by the one who knows more dishes, in addition, and the mother-in-law will be able to personally appreciate the culinary knowledge of her daughter-in-law. But that's not all - you can easily conduct a small "exam" for both your mother-in-law and your mother-in-law - we also have such funny wedding contests. Don't worry, the men's company will not be bored - there are excellent contests for father-in-law and father-in-law in our archive. A real toastmaster will not let anyone get bored. He also has special wedding contests for witnesses.

Your task is just to choose from a huge number of contests those that you like, and then you will have a lot of fun.

The funniest and best wedding games, memorable wedding contests - let everyone leave the most vivid memories of your wedding.

Wedding contests and fun outdoors

A wedding is a rather unusual, specific event; it is quite closely related to the traditions of the people and their customs. Of course, not a single person will argue with the fact that it is your wedding that will become the brightest and most memorable for you. But the point is not at all in the number of guests or the dishes, from which the table will soon burst. It is very important that the wedding has the most fun jokes and contests, interesting games that will involve every guest in the action and will not leave anyone bored. Of course, you can choose contests for yourself, but if you completely trust the tastes of your friends, then ask them to choose contests for you - even if you have fun. If you are a creative person, then, probably, you yourself are able to come up with something of your own, taking contests as a basis. The most important thing is that the wedding contests are very funny, that the humor is understandable to everyone, that the celebration goes on without a hitch, and everyone has a lot of fun and joy for you. In general, if you have not organized any events before and are not confident in your abilities, then be vigilant - after all, a wedding is an incredibly delicate and graceful celebration, especially for girls who want to make their main day perfect.

But this is precisely the reason to weave wedding contests into any event with any number of guests to make the celebration even more memorable. I must say that very often wedding contests are based precisely on ancient, but not yet forgotten rituals. And this is great, since such contests will not only decorate your holiday, but also make families relatives, make your guests remember their roots.

Of course, funny wedding contests are great, and it is very difficult to imagine a real event of this kind without them. But still, this is not the only thing that you should be guided by, ritual contests are good, but there should not be too many of them. Dilute images and traditions with youthful, cool wedding contests.

The toastmaster will have the most important task - he must organize well the rest of everyone who will be present in the hall.

Well, games, as well as wedding contests, can be very different, but the most important thing is that they are subtly woven into the theme of the celebration, that is, the wedding. It would be strange to participate in contests that do not have a hint of a wedding at such an event.

Anyone knows that a real wedding is always a feast. It is this definition that will build the "foundation" of our holiday. At weddings, the so-called "pop" games will also be quite appropriate, that is, several guests take part in the competition, and everyone else watches and supports them from the tables.

But keep in mind that mass games will not be superfluous at all at your wedding. This means that each of your guests should participate in the competition.

At the wedding, any contests will be quite popular - sometimes only sports contests are inconvenient, and then, to a certain extent.

Interesting and funny wedding contests

Wedding Pageant - The Way to Happiness

Those who wish to participate in the competition must split into two equal teams and build the so-called "road of happiness" - guests must take off the maximum allowed number of things and tie them together. The team with the longest connected road wins.

Wedding contest - "Tender hedgehog"

You will need props, namely matches and an apple. You need to take a very beautiful large apple and stick a large number of matches there. After you need to pull the matches out of it, then only after you come up with an affectionate nickname for your beloved. This competition is for the bride and groom. The one who draws the most matches gets the apple.

Wedding competition "Living Corridor"

In order to play the fun "Living Corridor" contest, you need two candles. The guests, and there should be more than 20 of them wishing to participate, should line up at a distance of 3 meters from each other in two lines, and thus make a semblance of a living corridor. The bride and groom must carry lighted candles through this corridor. All guests should blow on the flame with all their might, but there should be no movements - no arms or legs should be.

Wedding Competition - "Color"

All players must be in a large circle. After the toastmaster or the presenter gives the task - "Touch the red color." The one who touches the given color last will be eliminated from the competition. After the toastmaster makes a new color.

Wedding competition - "Poem of Love"

As history tells us, at all times, men in the name of love for their women composed poetry. Come up with the coolest rhymes - a cloud - a thrashing, a husband - a puddle and the like, and give them as a basis to your men.

Wedding competition for guests (tipsy)

This competition is for those who have already had a drink at the table and have become noticeably more fun. To begin with, you must place the bottles in one row. After that, those who participate in the competition must walk around or step over the bottles in such a way that none of them fall. Those who already cannot do this will simply crawl around the bottles.

Competition for a wedding for guests - "Where are my clothespins ???"

This competition is very cool, funny and fiery. In order to carry it out, you need to prepare 3 opaque blindfolds, 15 clothespins. Take, for example, three couples, a woman and a man, as participants. After the first participant, you need to blindfold, and attach clothespins to the second. Turn on cheerful incendiary music and enjoy the spectacle - the couple who finds all the clothespins faster than others wins.

Wedding competition - "Fastest"

You need to take two chairs with backs, put them backs to each other. But the distance should be at least two meters between them. A rope should be stretched under these chairs, and its ends should be between the feet of the sitting people. A bag with sweets or seeds should be tied in the middle of the rope. As soon as the presenter gives the order, the participants of the competition must get up from the chairs, run around them, sit down and pull the rope to themselves. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

Fun competition for a wedding - "Guess what song"

Any number of people can participate in this game. You must choose one volunteer, then those who stayed must come up with some melody. After three volunteers from the group only need to say the first three words of the song. Next, the one who left should ask questions. Volunteers should answer the questions asked, but you need to use only those words that the task in the song is to guess what was conceived.

Cool competition for a wedding - "Ball of wishes"

You need to take two participants, put them at the very beginning of the table. They are handed one balloon at a time, and the one whose balloon flies farther wins. Guests can help, but only blow, or toss the ball with their head. The one who wins can make a wish to the one who loses.

Wedding competition - "Zoo"

Everyone who wants to participate should sit in a circle. Each of them must think of a name for the animal. You need to play like this - call yourself and the other person. That is - a lion and a hedgehog, a hedgehog and a tiger, a tiger and a goat. The one who is forgotten must take off some kind of phantom, and in order to return it, he fulfills the desire. A very funny game.

Cheerful wedding competition - "Hostesses"

This competition will require the following props - two dolls, as well as two combs.

The groom himself and someone's husband must participate in this game. Two participants must wake up their dolls, then do exercises with them, then they must mash them and brush their teeth, comb, feed and walk with this doll, feed and redeem, distribute and put them to sleep. The winner is the one who takes better care of the doll.

Another fun and cool "household" wedding competition

To do this, you need to have two bottles and two nipples with you. You need to take the newlyweds for the game. And a couple more. Women should water their husbands through the pacifier with sprite. It is undesirable to press on the bottle - the main thing is that the "child" does not pour himself over.

Cool competition for a wedding - "Thread in a Needle"

You need to take two needles and two threads.

After the toastmaster, he must select several pairs, necessarily heterosexual. Guys should be on one side and girls on the other. Every guy will be given a thread, every girl a needle. At the signal, the guys run to the girls. The girl is holding a needle, and the guy has to thread a thread through it. As soon as the guy does this, he runs back with a thread in a needle.

Competition for a wedding for guests - "Japanese from jelly"

For this competition, you will need a sweet jelly dessert and birch skewers. Players must quickly eat their portion with these skewers. The one who eats the jelly faster will win.

Cheerful wedding competition - "Our Sharp Joe"

For this wedding contest, you will need to prepare the following props - 3 ballpoint pens, three bottles, three laces or thin ropes.

You need to take those who want to play, tie a rope around their waist, then you need to tie a handle to the other end of the rope. The handle should go into the neck of the bottle without using your hands. Whoever does it first wins the competition. If girls are involved, guests are always delighted.

Funny competition for guests - "Dance Competition"

A simple but really funny contest for your guests. The presenter tells the couples the terms of the competition. Each pair will be given an inflated balloon. Without touching either the ball or each other with your hands, you need to dance the song that will sound at the moment. Those who survive are the winners, and those who pierce the ball or drop it are out of the game. The more different melodies at different tempos, the more fun.

Try to use in this wedding competition not only lambada and tango, but also rock and roll, and see how your participants cope with such a difficult task.

Competition for a wedding "Don't overflow"

Guests should sit in a circle. They are given one glass and one bottle, usually vodka. After that, each of the guests gradually fills the glass, passing it to each other. The one on whom the glass will be overfilled, and the liquid will overflow, must drink it to the bottom.

Funny contests - "Real man"

Men should invite their ladies to dance, the very best. After they have done this, the toastmaster or presenter informs them that they should dance dances with a lady in their arms. The one who most of all keeps his lady in his arms and wins.

Funny competition for a wedding for guests - "Gladiator Tournament"

In such a game, as many people can participate as they want, but if there are suspiciously many who wish and they are not too confident in their feet, then the competition may end with the usual felting on the floor. Each participant needs to tie a thread, and a box of matches to the thread. You need to step on the opponent's boxes until you can tear it off. The one who is the first to be left without a box loses.

Cool wedding contest - "Sweet"

Your toastmaster should invite each guest to take a piece of candy if they want. After that, everyone who took the candy should say three compliments to their neighbors at the table. Whoever repeats should take a penalty candy and say three more compliments.

Wedding competition for guests - "Chasing the bundle"

You will need cords and an equal number of handles. You need to wrap a pencil or pen until you reach the knot. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

Merry wedding contest - "Well, where is my tie, wife?"

You need to take several pairs - guys and girls. Then, at the signal, each girl should take off the tie from the guy and tie it again. The one who has time to do it faster than the others will win. In addition, you can give away incentive prizes for the most original knot tied.

Wedding contest - "Broken phone"

This contest is very funny, it will definitely cheer up and make your guests laugh. You need to take five people from the hall, while four need to be taken out the door. Next, you must give the text to the one who is left. Content of the text "The father had three sons, he was a smart fellow, the middle one was so-so, the youngest son was not himself." The one who saw the text, without words, must pass it to the second person, the second, again without words, to the third, and so on to the end. After that, the last person should be asked what this pantomime was about.

Wedding competition - dance

It is necessary to divide all guests wishing to participate in pairs - a guy and a girl. In this case, the toastmaster or presenter must give commands - right shoulder to right shoulder, nose to nose, left leg to left leg, right ear to right ear, and so on. The pair that will most accurately execute the leader's commands will win.

Wedding competition for guests - "Pass the bottle to another"

It is necessary to arrange all the participants in a circle. Be sure to alternate them - the guy should be replaced by the girl. The first participant must firmly squeeze a one and a half liter bottle filled with water between his legs. After that, you need to pass the bottle in the same way to the one who stands opposite. The couple who cannot cope with the task must leave the game. The most skillful couples will receive a prize.

Wedding competition for guests - "Songs on a given theme"

The entire wedding can participate in this competition. Guests are divided into exactly two halves. After the toastmaster, he should ask one of the topics, and the guests should sing songs - whose team will sing more songs on a given topic, that will be the winner. Sometimes you can ask not a topic, but words, for example - "red". Let the guests remember the song where the word occurs.

Cheerful and funny competition for the wedding "Ryaba Hen"

The master of ceremonies must offer participation in the competition to several couples. And each pair will have to "lay an egg". You need to put a cup or a deep plate on the floor, then you need to put each pair with their backs to each other. You need to put a hard-boiled egg between the shoulder blades. This egg must be placed in a bowl in this way so that it is as whole as possible. The couple who "lay their own egg" before the others will be the winner.

Very cool wedding contest - "guess your betrothed"

This is a competition for the groom. He is invited to participate and is tightly blindfolded with an opaque cloth. After that, you need as many chairs as the girls agree to take part in the competition. Six or seven girls are enough. Girls should raise their skirts so that they can be touched by the knees. For fun, you can ask a couple of guys to participate in the competition. The groom himself must, blindfolded by the knees, identify his bride. The same can be done with the bride - blindfold her and ask her to identify her husband.

Wedding contest - "Gift for two"

The toastmaster or the host must choose several couples from the guests. After that, each pair needs to be handed a box, tape, and wrapping paper. The most important thing is the condition of the competition - to pack the gift beautifully. Only the whole problem is that a woman can only use her left hand, and a man - only her right hand, or vice versa. Whose gift is best wrapped will win.

Wedding competition - tango on a chair

The partner sits on a chair, and the partner should sit on his lap. The girl should turn 360 degrees, but at the same time she should not touch the floor or get off her partner's knees. In fact, it is the partner who will have to unfold it. If you have enough strength, of course.

Cool Wedding Contest - "Peeing Boys"

You need to choose several willing men or guys. For this competition, you need as many bottles of beer and as many glasses as there will be participants. The beer should be open and sandwiched between the knees. It is necessary to pour it into a glass placed on the floor, without touching the bottle with your hands. He who pours and drinks won.

Very funny wedding contest - "Pass the ball to another"

You need to type two teams that should stand in two lines. In this case, there must be an alternation by sex - woman - man, woman - man. They should face each other. The essence of the game is that those who volunteered to play should only hold the ball with their chin, and in the same way they should pass it to the next player. The most important thing is that you should never touch the ball with your hands. The team that completes the task first will be the winner.

Cool wedding contest "Kisses"

You need to call as many couples as you want to participate. After that, you need to say that each of the gentlemen kiss his girlfriend wherever he wants. For example, the first guy kisses a girl and says - "I kiss Masha on the nose." That's it, no one else can kiss girls on the nose. Etc. Soon there will be no uncoated places, and the further the competition goes, the more difficult and, what is important, it becomes more interesting. The one who does not find where to kiss his lady loses.

This way, you can create a wonderful and fun wedding script that your guests will definitely remember. It is desirable that everyone should take part in the contests, so that each person will feel his involvement in the event and he will have something to remember later.

Wedding script selected. Remaining to fill content wedding celebration cheerful competitions for guests and newlyweds.

Wedding contests have their own specifics. If you develop yourself wedding script, and you want to cheer up the guests at the same time, but at the same time avoid vulgarity and soldering guests wedding contests with alcohol, then this section is especially for you.

Here are selected only universal wedding contests that will fit into any wedding scenario easily and easily!

Wedding competition - game "20 years later"

This game is for the parents of the newlyweds. One of the parents, most often the spouse, is asked to leave the hall for a while. His wife is being asked several questions at this time.

For example:

  • When and where did you meet?
  • Under what circumstances did your husband confess his love to you?
  • How many guests were at your wedding?
  • What was the weather like on your wedding day?
  • What wedding gift did you and your spouse like the most?

The spouse is asked to return to the hall and ask him the same questions. It doesn't matter if the spouses' answers will be the same or not. After the game, you can propose a toast to one of the most unforgettable events in life and to the fact that in twenty years the young will remember their wedding as well as their parents.

Wedding competition - game "Welcome!"

Select several drivers for the game. On their backs it is necessary to pin the leaves with the names of different "institutions": a pre-trial detention center, a strip bar, a nudist beach, a bathhouse, a gynecologist's office, the State Duma, a public toilet, etc.

Your own driving leaf
should not see, but they should be seen
and read (by no means out loud!)
other participants in the game.

The drivers "go" to the institution that they got, and the other participants ask questions, to which the driver "frankly and creatively" answers, still not knowing exactly where he is going.

Questions can be very different:

  • How often do you go there?
  • Who is accompanying you there?
  • What do you take with you?
  • What do you wear while doing this?
  • Who do you spend time with there?
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
  • Are you eating something there or not?
  • Do you have time to read there and what exactly do you read there?
  • Are you taking pictures there? Where can I see these photos?
  • How much do you get paid to do this?
  • Does your wife (husband) know about this?
  • Do you enjoy it there?
  • How long have you been there?
  • Do you go there with a company or alone?

After getting enough answers, let the drivers finally know where they've been.

Wedding competition - the game "Walk"

The host invites two couples to participate in the game.

- Imagine a warm summer evening. The two of you are walking along the river bank. Not a soul around. You: want to snuggle up to each other, hug, which you do.
(Participants do everything the facilitator tells.)

But hugs only inflame your passion, and you merge in a passionate kiss. And then the young man notices a gold piece floating by on the river. A joyful smile blooms on his face, he points at the gold piece to the girl, but she does not notice him for a long time
(he shows, but she does not notice, he shows, but she does not notice ...).
Finally, the girl made out a green piece of paper. She started jumping and clapping her hands enthusiastically. The young man tries to get the gold piece, reaches after him from the shore, but he is too far away. The young man takes off his shoes and goes into the water, lifting his trousers, but this is not enough.
The girl encourages the young man, and he rolls his trousers up to his knees. Another step forward, and then the young man stumbles, falls into the water and begins to sink.
The girl bravely rushes to save her beloved. Carries him to the shore in his arms. He gives him artificial respiration and, forgetting about the gold piece, presses his head to his chest.

Dear participants, please freeze in this position, do not move.

Dear guests, the participants of the competition for the most sacrificial female love and for the most beautiful male legs have just appeared before you.

(Winners are determined by the volume of the guests' applause and will receive prizes.)

Wedding competition "The Seventh Sense"

This game will require a host, a driver, a blindfold and a few minutes of patience to listen to the rules.

They are actually very simple, but it will take some time to explain.


The presenter will show the actions first. Each of them, the driver, not knowing what exactly was shown, can reject by saying “no”, or approve by saying “yes”.

Actions can be very different: pat the driver on the head, on the knee, scratch behind the ear, kiss on the nose. They should be shown so that the viewers can see and understand what the presenter is proposing, but the driver so that they remain in the dark. You cannot touch him, otherwise he will understand everything. Suppose that "yes" was heard during "kiss on the nose" - the action is selected.

Now we decide how many times it needs to be executed. The presenter shows a different number of fingers on his fingers, the driver agrees to one of the options, for example, seven. It remains to decide who will kiss the driver's nose seven times.

The presenter points to someone present: "Will this person do this?" Several nominations were rejected, one was approved. The "performer" approaches the driver and kisses him on the nose seven times and returns to his seat. The blindfold is removed from the driver's eyes, his task is to determine who has just kissed him.

Guess it - well done, the driver and the performer change places, did not guess - they still change.

When choosing actions and performers, the leader can be cunning, showing the same action or the same person several times in a row - the driver still does not see anything!

Wedding Competition "Family Confession"

For this competition, questions and answers must be written on separate cards, numbered and placed on two trays. Each player first names the one to whom he wants to address the question, and only then he takes a card with a question from the tray and reads it out. The respondent first takes the card with the answer, reads it, and then chooses to whom he will ask the question. The content of the questions and answers can be supplemented and changed according to your taste and depending on the interests of your guests.

- Unfortunately, not as often as we would like, relatives and friends gather in such a large and friendly company.
And therefore, a lot turns out to be unsaid, unasked, unanswered. Let's try to make up for the lack of communication and talk heart to heart, asking the most frank questions and getting the most frank answers to them.


  1. Is it true that you love kissing while screaming "Bitter"?
  2. Are you hiding your left-wing earnings from your family?
  3. Is it true that kissing strangers (strangers) is your hobby?
  4. Is it true that the neighbor on the left won't let you drink alcohol?
  5. They say that you came to the wedding only because of the beautiful legs of the witness. This is true?
  6. They say that you striptease for a living. This is true?
  7. They say you promised to give the young couple a villa in the Canary Islands for their wedding anniversary?
  8. Would you like to invite me to a slow dance?
  9. Would you like to wake up in the same bed with me?
  10. Admit it, just be honest, you're a misogynist (a man-hater?)
  11. Do you believe in love over the internet?
  12. They say that the ultimate in your dreams is a hunchbacked "Zaporozhets"?
  13. Do you believe in platonic love?
  14. How often do you have to change your appearance, hiding from fans (fans)?
  15. Is it true that you admire Monica Lewinsky's feat?
  16. Will you make me the godfather of your children?
  17. Would you like to have a brotherhood drink with the President?
  18. Is it true that in the evenings you dance lambada alone?
  19. Is it true that you wash in a bath in a gas mask?
  20. Are you an undercover Chinese intelligence agent?


  1. Yes, and I suffer a lot from this.
  2. Yes, I do this a lot.
  3. Shh, I don't want others to know.
  4. Yes. And I'm proud of that.
  5. Will you keep me company?
  6. After the third drink.
  7. I'll meet you in half an hour around the corner and discuss.
  8. I bastard from this, like a crest from bacon.
  9. If I were you, I would be ashamed to ask such questions.
  10. Only in the evening. And only in bed.
  11. I'd rather lie under the train instead of Anna Karenina.
  12. Will I get money for this?
  13. I will not say this even under torture.
  14. When there is no money.
  15. Not yet. But I'll try tomorrow.
  16. No. After all, this was not taught at school.
  17. Three times per day.
  18. When there are guests in the house.
  19. When the wife (husband) is on a business trip.
  20. When squeezed in public transport.

Questions for newlyweds... The system is the same.

  1. Honey, are we going to buy a cow?
  2. Sunny, do you love me?
  3. Darling, will I have my coffee in bed on time?
  4. Darling, will you give me all my salary?
  5. The only one, will you help me with the housework?
  1. Whatever you say, dear
  2. It depends on you
  3. Well this is too much
  4. If there is money
  5. And you have big requests!

"What is a wedding without a button accordion?" - such a question was recently asked by a well-known song. The answer suggested itself: without a button accordion - not a wedding! But this is - albeit recent, but the past. With the advent of musical centers, synthesizers and karaoke, button accordions are remembered less and less often. The sentence "let's sing!" can be greeted with absolutely no enthusiasm, but provocative: who is more, who is better, who is faster - will hardly leave the guests indifferent.

Therefore, do not invite the guests to "sing", offer to "compete", because when the guests get a taste, the songs will pour themselves!

Contest: Guess the melody

A candy is placed on the table, the participants stand on both sides, music begins to sound. As soon as one of the competitors understood what song was, he quickly takes the candy from the table, the music is interrupted, the player gives an answer, if the answer is correct - the player gets the candy as a prize, if not, it is put back on the table, the interrupted music continues.

After determining the winner, both participants can be changed (if they seem to represent the "teams" of the bride and groom, the score will become 1: 0 in someone's favor; you can only replace the losing participant, and the winner will continue to earn prizes; in this case, you get something like an individual absolute primacy).

This competition should involve visiting teams, alone it will be both too difficult and not too spectacular.

The essence of the competition is that one team asks a question - with a line from a song, for example: "Why, why, why does the accordion sing?" And the other answers, with another line from another (necessarily!) Song, for example: "Because you can't be so beautiful in the world!"

Then the teams change roles - the respondents, after consulting, ask a question, and those who have just asked - answer. "Where are you? I miss you very much, where are you? Are all my dreams with you? " - "There, behind the clouds, there, behind the clouds, there, there-taram, there-taram!"

These responses may or may not be recorded. Funny, original coincidences of questions and answers in themselves will be a good reward for both participants and fans, which, by the way, may not exist at all: let everyone participate!

Competition: Book of Music Records
You can create such a book by competing, or you can just like that. If competing, then one team of guests can be called "The Society of Maximalists", the other - "The Society of Minimalists", or more simply - "Maxi" and "Mini". The first sing songs about everything that is greatest, most numerous, high, etc., the second - about the smallest, lowest, etc.

For example:

  • The hottest song the coldest song
  • wet dry
  • day night
  • solar lunar
  • sea ​​land
  • collective single
  • urban village
  • aerial terrestrial
  • Russian overseas
  • loud quiet
  • passionate modest
  • female male
  • child adult
  • smart stupid
  • funny sad

Of course, you can not perform the whole song entirely, but as you agree: a verse and chorus, or just a chorus, or just a verse, or whatever goes on.

Intellectual and gambling game "Wedding Cruise"

It may seem strange to you, but wedding traditions exist not only in our country. They also have other peoples of the world. And it may be even weirder, but there are many benefits to be derived from this. Which one? First of all, material. How?

It's very simple. The presenter writes ten wedding traditions of different nations of the world on a postcard, although not all of them are real, some are fictitious. Having warned the guests about this, the host reads out the name of the country and the supposedly existing tradition in it. Then he makes his bet. It can be any prize prepared for games and contests. It is not necessary to show it to guests in advance.

To win a prize, the guest needs to place his bet with the real money in his pocket, and then give the correct answer whether such a wedding tradition really exists in the named country.

The host plays against the player who offered the big bet. The guest answers briefly: either “yes” or “no.” If the answer is correct, then he receives a prize-bet made by the host. If the answer is incorrect, then his rate (money) goes to the budget of the newlyweds.

So that the guests do not try to convict the host of "fraud", he can choose one of the guests as an independent expert, who, in the event of a dispute, can be shown a postcard with a plus or minus in front of each question. Plus - there is a tradition, minus - there is no such tradition.

EGYPT - is it true that in Egypt the groom sees the bride only after all the wedding celebrations?

DENMARK - is it true that in Denmark, during matchmaking, the groom should give all members of the bride's family a pair of wooden shoes?

HUNGARY - is it true that in Hungary the groom during the matchmaking should present a pork leg to the bride's parents as a gift?

FINLAND - is it true that in Finland a bride has to spend a week at the groom's house before her wedding, doing minor household chores?

BANGLADESH - is it true that in Bangladesh a bride has to spend three days in the jungle before her wedding?

NORWAY - is it true that in Norway, after the wedding and before the wedding feast, newlyweds should go to the barn and milk the cow?

GERMANY - is it true that in Germany the dowry of a bride moving into the groom's house must have a drunken rooster tied to a broomstick?

ENGLAND - Is it true that in some rural areas of England church gates are decorated with beer mugs and silver spoons before weddings?

The game is played as long as the guests remain interested in it. It is not necessary to use all of the suggested questions. But the best way to end the game is with the following question.

RUSSIA - is it true that in Russia it is customary to make toasts at weddings in honor of newlyweds?
(Of course it is.)

The one who answers the question correctly receives a super prize - the right to make a toast to the young.

If the principled position of the wedding organizers is not to collect any money for anything, then this game can be played differently.

From the person who wants to play, a promise is taken in case of an incorrect answer to fulfill any desire of the newlyweds. Desires can be written in advance on separate cards and laid out on a table or tray (text down).
If the guest answered correctly, he receives a prize, and if incorrectly, he takes any cardboard at random and fulfills what is written on it.
Desires can be, for example:

  • perform a belly dance (gypsy, lady, lezginka, lambada, rock and roll, twist, bottom break);
  • perform a tango (waltz, polka, erotic dance) with an imaginary partner or with an object;
  • sing ditties;
  • say a tongue twister;
  • for a woman to kiss all the men present, and for a man - women;
  • read a poem;
  • make a toast;
  • sing a verse from the song "Ah, this wedding", accompanying yourself on spoons;
  • to sing to the soundtrack with a voice (plus) the favorite song of the young;
  • confess your love to the closest member of the opposite sex.

You can easily continue this list yourself, based on the talents and abilities of your guests.

A wedding celebration, in its classical sense, includes many rituals and ceremonies. However, not everyone likes it. Often newlyweds dream of an unusual and unique holiday, which they will remember for a long time. For this, old traditions are replaced with fresh ideas and their own inventions. It is such a wedding that does not require the presence of a toastmaster at all.

And who instead of toastmaster?

There are many reasons why newlyweds refuse toastmaster services. From saving money to the desire to hold a celebration in a narrow family circle. But whatever the reason, celebrating the occasion should be fun and easy. Therefore, if the toastmaster was not invited, it is worth observing a few simple rules.

  • There must be a host at the wedding... The type of celebration and the number of guests on it can be anything. But someone has to lead it. It is best to designate witnesses as lead because they are often the closest friends of the young people.
  • Create a team... It is desirable that someone help the presenters. These can be musicians, DJs, lighting fixtures, etc. The team can only have friends and relatives of the newlyweds. But if there is no such opportunity, it is worth inviting hired workers.
  • Think about your wedding plan. The plan of the event needs to be thought out in advance, as well as. It is necessary to calculate the number of events of the gala evening, think over the sequence of their holding, determine how much time will be allotted for each of them, etc. In advance, you need to agree with the working team and carefully discuss all the details of the celebration.
  • At the festive table you can not only eat... Regardless of the style of the wedding, the newlyweds and their guests should have a lot of fun. Various wedding contests for guests at the table are best suited for this purpose.

Best contests

From the many existing options, you need to choose those that are guaranteed to please everyone present. But the main thing is that the contests should be interesting, fun and not too difficult.

"My vision of love"

For the competition you will need:

  • several white sheets of paper;
  • multi-colored pens;
  • colour pencils;
  • felt-tip pens.

There is no need to select participants in the competition. Everyone will receive a sheet of paper on which they must describe your understanding of the word "love"... You can express your own thoughts with words, poems and drawings, using pre-prepared pens, pencils and felt-tip pens.

As soon as all participants complete the task, the facilitators collect the finished work. All words and verses are read out loud, drawings are shown to guests.

"Culinary battle"

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance only cards on which any popular recipes... Dishes such as cabbage rolls, borscht, mashed potatoes, cutlets, etc. are suitable.
The presenters select 10 participants from among the guests and give each of them one card.

The secret of the competition is that each recipe does not specify one ingredient, without which the dish will not work. The winner is the one who is the first to name the product not listed on the card. You can additionally assign a reward for the second and third place.

Of course, such a competition is more suitable for women, but one can not deprive the attention of the strong half of humanity. To do this, in addition to cards with recipes for dishes, you need to prepare cards with recipes for various cocktails.

"Kings of Football"

For the competition you will need:

  • matchboxes;
  • a few potatoes;
  • strong ropes.

Anyone can take part in this competition. Potatoes are tied to the players' belt with a rope. In front of each of them you need to put a matchbox. At some distance from the participants there are “gates”, which can be designated with anything.

The task of the contestants, without using your hands, drive your "ball" into the "goal"... For this you have to work hard.

With various body movements, the potato must be swayed on the rope so that it hits the box, forcing it to move towards the "gate". The winner will be the one who scores the "goal" first.

"Wedding cocktail"

For the competition you will need:

  • large glass;
  • an ordinary glass;
  • various alcoholic drinks (you can add non-alcoholic ones).

The presenters place all prepared drinks on the table and invite everyone to it. Participants line up. The first player is served a glass and a shot. He must pour any drink he chooses into the glass. He also determines the amount of liquid independently, but not more than one glass.

After that, the glass and glass are transferred to the next participant, who repeats the procedure. The container moves in a circle until the glass is full. The essence of the competition is that the player who has filled the glass to the brim passes it to the next participant. The latter is obliged to make a toast to the young and take at least one sip the resulting cocktail.

"Broken heart"

For the competition you will need:

  • hearts made of colored paper;
  • sheets of white paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

The presenters select several participants from among the guests. Their number should be equal to the number of colored hearts. Each player is given a sheet of white paper, a tube of glue and the "broken heart" of what color he should collect.

The leader cuts each heart into several small pieces, mixes it and puts it on the table. The task of the participants is select pieces of your color as quickly as possible and assemble them into a whole figure, sticking the pieces onto a sheet of paper.

The winner is the one who is the first to cope with the task and hand over his glued heart to the newlyweds, as a symbol of their eternal love.

"Funny forfeits"

For the competition you will need:

  • pieces of colored paper;
  • pens;
  • hat.

This game is perfect for those who like to have fun wedding contests at the table. The presenters select several contestants and give them colorful pieces of paper and pens. The task of each participant is to write their wishes on the sheet. It is worth advising guests to come up with something original and funny, then the competition will be even more fun.

After the players have completed the task, all the "forfeits" are put in a hat and mixed well. Now the participants have to take turns pulling out the sheets of paper with tasks and completing them. You can even pick a winner. Guests or newlyweds will decide which of the players performed the task best of all.

Best Performance by a Movie

You need to prepare very carefully for this competition. It will require:

  • a script written in advance;
  • separate sheets with texts for each role;
  • costumes or costume elements;
  • a medal made with a suitable inscription;
  • other attributes (depending on the scenario).

You can come up with a script for this competition yourself, or you can find and use a ready-made one. It is best if it relates to the wedding theme, but at the same time with humorous overtones.

The presenters choose several people who will demonstrate their acting to the rest of the guests. Participants are taken to a different room and given time to change and prepare for their role.

When the preparation is over, the contestants perform their performance in front of the guests.

The best actor should be chosen by the newlyweds. They will present him with a well-deserved reward. You can also prepare consolation prizes for the rest of the actors.

"Let's drink to ..."

For this competition, you only need to prepare two sheets of paper and two pens... The presenters divide the participants into two teams and sit in two rows, on the sides of the newlyweds. Those who sit farthest from the bride and groom are given a pen and a sheet of paper on which the first phrase is written: "Let's drink to ...".

The task of each player is to write one word on the sheet and pass the paper down the row. It is forbidden to talk and read out the words of other guests. When the wish sheets reach the newlyweds, they read them out loud... They also determine the winning team.

"My Fair Nanny"

In this competition only newlyweds can participate... For him you will need:

  • 2 large dolls depicting babies;
  • 2 diapers;
  • medal with the inscription: "The best nanny".

The bride and groom are taken away from the guests and given a doll and a diaper each. Their task is swaddle the "baby" as best as possible... You cannot help each other in this competition. One facilitator should monitor compliance with this rule.

When they complete the task, the dolls are taken out into the hall and asked for mothers, fathers or young grandmothers evaluate the quality of work... Where whose "baby" they are not told.

The older generation chooses the winner, who receives a medal and is recognized as the best nanny for the couple's future children.

"Fashion Designer"

There is nothing difficult in this competition. To complete it, you only need toilet paper and good fantasy... The hosts select several players from among the guests. To participate in the competition, you can invite those who came in pairs. Just an equal number of men and women will do.

Contestants are divided into pairs. They are given toilet paper. Who of them will be a fashion designer and who will be a model - the players decide for themselves. From toilet paper, without any improvised means, "fashion designers" decorate their partners... You can limit the time of the competition to one song, or you can give the participants time to think and express themselves as much as possible. The rest of the guests evaluate the result of their work and choose the winner.

The contests described above would be appropriate at almost any wedding... They will make guests and newlyweds relax and have a lot of fun.

A wedding without a toastmaster is no worse than a traditional celebration. The fact that the presenters will be people who are very close to the young couple will create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. And the participants of the competitions will remember the bright moments of their performances for a long time.