Summary of the regime process: preparation for a walk in the middle group. Synopsis of the regime moment in the middle group "Preparing for lunch, watch the canteen, lunch

I tell the guys:

The crow delivered me an envelope.
I found riddles in this message. If you find the answer, you will make friends.

- Let's solve them, maybe then we will find out who this letter is from.

Not a lamb and not a cat
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat - for summer,
For winter - a different color.

Children: Hare.

Right, but how did you guess?
Children: The hare has a gray coat in summer, and white in winter. He specially disguises himself so that predators do not see him, or rather his enemies.
And what are the enemies of the hare?
Children: Fox, wolf and man.
Guess the second riddle.

Master of the forest
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut.

Children: Bear.
Why do you think so?
Children: Bears sleep in dens in winter and wake up in spring.
Next riddle.

Behind the trees, bushes
Flames flashed quickly
Flashed, ran -
No smoke, no fire

Children: Fox.
- The fox is red, so it will run - as if something is on fire.

Well done, we have already guessed almost everything. There are only two riddles left.

Toothed, grayish,
Prowls across the field
Looking for calves, sheep.

Children: Wolf
The last riddle.

Has a nest in a tree
Jumps and flies in branches,
Not a bird.

Children: Squirrel. She has a nest in the hollow. And she jumps very well, as if she were flying.
So who sent this letter?
Children: Beasts.
Guys, who guessed where they invite us?
Children: In the forest!

We'll go for a walk with you
In the forest, visit the animals.
But this forest is not just a forest
This forest is a wonderland.
Now for ... get up in the back of your head,
You go for a walk.

(The children line up one at a time and walk one after the other.)

Top-top, one, two, three,
Don't look under your feet
We do not lower our head
We walk merrily.

We read with the children:

Hello forest!
Dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
Who languishes in your wilderness?
What kind of beast? What kind of bird?
Open everything, do not hide:
You see we are ours.

I ask:

This is who is there in front.
They jump lightly
They land quietly
Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Children: These are bunny bunnies.
I call hares: Bunnies, come here.

Three hares (children in masks) come out to the blackboard.

1st hare: Hello guys, we are very glad to see you. I am a hare, and these are mine.
I tell you: Hares live in small groups. They lie all day, hiding in some depression or in a hole, and at night they go out in search of food.
1st hare: When we are safe, we also walk in the sunlight.
1st and 2nd hares: And we sleep only during the day.
Let me explain: The hare walks awkwardly, this is due to the fact that long hind legs make it difficult to move.

Hares show.

I show illustrations or photographs of hares on the board.

You see how much we have learned. Be sure to talk about the house's secret forest dwellers today.


Children stand near the table and do the exercises.

Zainka, come out!
Gray, come out!
This way, that way come out!
Zainka, turn around!
Gray, turn around!
Zainka, stamp your foot!
Gray, stamp your foot!
So, that way, stamp your foot!
Zainka, dance!
Zainka, bow down!

After completing these exercises, the children sit down.

I tell children: How quickly time passed. Did you learn anything interesting? Do you remember? Let's check it out now.

I ask questions:

    The largest hare in our forests.

    What is the name of the rabbits born in June, when rye spikes and buckwheat blooms.

    In winter, hares are white, why?

    They save from enemies ...


  1. Kolosovichok.


If we are just as attentive to other animals, we will learn a lot. Who else should we meet in the forest?
Children: With a wolf, a fox, a squirrel and a bear.
Right. But today it is too late and we are returning to the group. We will continue our journey to the forest next time.

Top-top, one, two, three,
Don't look under your feet
We do not lower our head
Have fun walking, walking.

Olga Sinkova
Synopsis of the regime moment "Dressing for a walk in winter" (middle group)

Open regime moment« Dressing up for a walk»

Middle group

Prepared and conducted


MDOU IRMO "Listvyanskiy kindergarten"

Sinkova O.S.

Target: Improve the skills of children consistently dress... Consolidate the colors of the clothes. Encourage children to take action through the use of folk art (nursery rhymes)... Cultivate neatness, the desire to take care of your appearance.

Vocabulary work: booth, jacket, trousers, boots, jacket, hat, scarf, mittens, stroll... Put on, button up, shoe

Preliminary work: viewing paintings of winter clothing.

Methods and techniques: verbal, conversation, explanations, instructions, story.

Visibility: visual (a doll is large with a child, a dog (a toy, a set of clothes for a doll; auditory (nursery rhymes).

Practical: surprise, playful moment.

Activity progress.

V: Guys, look how many guests came to visit us, let's say hello.

And our friend Natasha gathered with her friend Tobik for a walk.

Doll Natasha "fits" to the locker and "Dumps out" from it to the floor all the clothes. Tobik "Runs" joyfully about things and "Scatters" their

V: Guys, here's the problem, it turns out, Natasha does not know what is right for her dress! Do you know? Let's all together teach Natasha dress quickly and correctly... Let's help Natasha put her clothes back in the locker. Sit down, Natasha, on a chair, listen carefully and remember.

If you want take a walk,

Need fast dress.

Open the cabinet door

In order dress.

V: what should be done first?

Children's answers:

V: take off the shoes you are wearing group and put it back in its place. Natasha's shoes are in the locker, what about you?

Children's answers

V: What will dress first?

V: So that the legs do not freeze, we will put on socks

D: Jacket.

V: Right. Some have a jacket, and some have sweaters.

It became very cold.

It's time to put on the sweater.

We put on a blouse, fasten all the buttons.

Ready! What are we going to wear now?

Children's answers:

V: that's right, we put on overalls, and some wear warm trousers so as not to freeze on the street. Natasha has a red jumpsuit. Marina, what color is your jumpsuit?). Right. And you have Egor).

Now, what should I wear?

Children's answers

D: A hat.

V: So that the ears do not hurt,

Children's answers.

V: Of course, we put on a jacket for a long walks.

And after the jacket, what do we wear? (Ilya).

V:Right. Boots.

We will put on the legs

Boots, boots.

Legs will not freeze.

In warm boots

maybe we forgot something? So that the breeze does not blow and the neck does not freeze?

D: Scarf

V:Right. Dress Natasha scarf and mittens,

We have one last thing left

Tie a scarf under the neck,

Hide the handles in mittens,

That's all! Go for a walk!

Seeing Natasha and Tobik off to a walk.

Now, let's do it for ourselves "Reminder", about the order in which you need get dressed, and put on the booths so as not to forget!

We pronounce the sequence, attach the pictures to the folder and install them in the dressing room.

Stage 2. Consolidation of the procedure. A joint dressing with children for a walk, using "Reminders"

Related publications:

Tasks: 1. To develop playing skills: -to teach children to accept a game task from an adult, to set a game task independently: consistently.

Synopsis of directly educational activities "Feed the birds in winter" (middle age group) Synopsis of direct educational activities on the topic: "Let's feed the birds in winter" (middle age group) Educator: Knyazeva.

Abstract of the GCD for the development of speech "Magic journey in winter" (middle group) Integration of areas: communication, artistic creation. Purpose: to teach children to answer questions, maintaining a conversation, make up a small one.

Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech in the first junior group "Let's help the doll Masha dress properly for a walk in winter" Purpose: To consolidate the children's idea of ​​how to dress in winter, the correct order of dressing for a walk, to consolidate the ability to speak.

Regime moment - preparation for breakfast "Doll Masha and her pets" Preparing for breakfast. “The doll Masha and her pets” Plan-scenario: 1. Continue training in cultural and hygienic skills.

Type of the project: Information - practice - oriented - creative. Project type: Group, mid-term. Duration of the project:

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten number 1 "Kolobok"

Summary of the regime moment in the preparatory group

Topic: "Preparing for a walk, a walk" with elements of experimentation

Prepared by: Educator Tutushina M.N.


Target: Ensure that all children get ready for a walk on time


    To develop children's independence in self-service (dressing and undressing, the ability to take care of their appearance, troubleshooting with a little help from an adult).

    Develop skills in programming independent activities for a walk.

    The development of cognitive activity on the basis of experimentation

    Strengthen the ability to politely ask adults and peers for help.

    To foster emotional responsiveness, conscientiousness, camaraderie.

Stage 1: Preliminary work.

Conversations about water and its properties;

Observing water and its states in nature, in everyday life (giving examples from personal experience);

Experimental and research activities (indoors - conversation, experiments with water, filling out an observation log);

Stage 2: Preparing for the walk.

    setting for the upcoming activity: putting the group in order before going out; repetition of the rules of conduct in the dressing room;

    task for observation and development of logical thinking - motivation for further activities (experimenting with water on the street)

Equipment: 2 cotton balls (dry and wet)

The course of the regime moment:

In the dressing room:

Surprise moment: the teacher shows two pieces of cotton wool (wet and dry)

Educator: What is it?

Children: Is it cotton wool?

Educator: What does it look like? Can it be seen on the street?

Children's answers.

Educator: How do these cotton wool braids differ from each other? ? Children touch and celebrate the difference.

Educator: Let's try to press on cotton wool, squeeze, shape ... Children try with 2 samples.

Educator: What kind of cotton wool retains its shape better, is better molded? Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, remember, we said that cotton wool looks like ... snow. So, what kind of snow molds better, keeps its shape?

Children's answers.

Educator: And what can be done from wet snow during a walk?

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, now let's get dressed quickly and go outside. New discoveries and experiments await us there.

    repetition of the algorithm for dressing clothes;

    an emphasis on the rules of behavior on the street in different weather (snow, rain, ice) - the teacher himself chooses, based on the situation on the street;

    children dress on their own, if necessary - the help of a teacher or another child;

Stage 3: Walk.

    Going out: at different speed of dressing children - the teacher with the 1st group goes out into the street (observation, conversation); the teacher's assistant takes out the remaining 2nd group.

    Experiments on the street with water: snow, ice, steam (using a thermos with boiling water - this experiment is carried out only by the teacher);

    Outdoor games: "Blizzard" - the formation of the ability to run one after another, without bumping into objects; "Two Frosts" - the formation of the ability to clearly speak the text in the game, to follow the rules of the game.

    Independent play activity, at the end of the walk - a task.

Equipment: thermos with boiling water, mirrors or plastic lids according to the number of children, plastic buckets (3-4 pieces).

Educator:And for further experiments, we will collect ice and snow in buckets during a walk. Your task is to find the cleanest snow. And for what - you will find out when we return to the group.

Screenshots for the lesson - the regime moment "Preparing for a walk, a walk"

Stage 1


not everything dissolves... oil, sand ... (and the water becomes dirty) let's make ice ...

Stage 2

And what does it look like? ... Experiments Ahead!... We are ready!...

Stage 3

There is steam, water, and ice ...

Synopsis of the regime processes

Summary of the regime processes in 1 half of the day in 1 younger group: morning reception, washing, feeding, preparing for a walk (dressing), returning from a walk (undressing), preparing for bed and going to bed.

Morning reception
Purpose: to create a cheerful emotional state for the whole day, to ensure a calm separation of children from their parents.
Carrying out:
In 10-15 minutes I come to the group, ventilate the room, prepare toys.
I greet each child kindly, greet him and his parents with a smile. I ask the parents: "How did the child sleep?", "How is he feeling?" or I ask the child myself: “Well, how are you? Will you play with us today? "
Then I take a child into a group and offer him something to do (dolls, cars, cubes, mosaics). During the reception, if the child does not want to part with his parents, I use musical and wind-up toys (“Look where our toy went, and go for it”).

Purpose: to teach children to smoothly put their hands under the stream of water, rub their hands, use soap, find their own towel, dry their hands on their own, teach them not to be afraid of water.
Carrying out:
While the nanny puts breakfast on the tables, I call 2-3 children over to me, who are eating slowly and say: “Guys, do you want your hands to be clean? Let's wash them. "
I take the children to the washbasin and say: “We roll up our sleeves so as not to get them wet, and now we turn on the tap with warm water. I watch (I help if necessary) so that the children turn on the tap. When water has flowed in all the taps, I use an artistic word:
Pure water flows
We know how to wash with you
- We put the handles under the water with a boat (showing them to the children). Now take the soap and lather the handles in a circular motion.
We washed our ears with soap,
We washed our pens with soap
These are the goodies
Okay - palms.
- We put the handles under the water again and wash off the soap well. We shake off the remaining water into the sink and close the tap. Now everyone goes to the towel and wipes the handles dry on all sides, we hang the towel back in place. So our hands have become clean!

Purpose: To provide rational nutrition for all children, teach them how to eat correctly, educate cultural and hygienic eating habits (eat independently and carefully, use a napkin, do not crush bread, push in a chair, thank after meals, rinse your mouth), foster a favorable attitude towards food intake.
Carrying out:
- “Children, everyone who washed their pens, sit down at the tables. Sit upright, put your legs straight, do not put your elbows on the table.
Everyone is sitting exactly
Legs stand together
Eyes are looking at the plate,
Elbows off the table
The kids eat quietly.
Children! Came to visit today

Not doctor Aibolit

Came to visit today-
A good appetite!
Bon Appetit everyone!"
While eating, I make sure that the children hold the spoon correctly, sit straight, and eat in silence.
I tell you how useful it is when children eat: they grow quickly, they never get sick.
I try to convince children who do not eat that they need to eat at least a little (if they have no reason not to eat).
For those guys who eat slowly or can't eat, I feed them with a separate spoon.
To a child who has eaten, I say: "Dasha, take a napkin and wipe your mouth, do not forget to say" thank you "and push the chair."

Preparing for a walk (dressing)
Purpose: to ensure the timely collection of all children for a walk; form the correct sequence when dressing, develop the speech of children (fix the name of clothing items, actions).
Carrying out:
Before going for a walk, I remind the children to visit the toilet. Then I take a subgroup of children and we go out into the locker room together.
I begin to dress children for a walk, observing the principle of gradualness: tights, socks, pants, boots., Jacket, hat, jacket, mittens, scarf. During this I use an artistic word:
We dress in order
Getting used to order.
I ask the children:
- Danila, what color are your pants?
- Vanya, what are we wearing on our heads?
If the children cannot answer, I help them.
I encourage children to dress themselves: "Kolya, show me how you can dress pants."
- Children, in order for our clothes to be clean, we need to walk carefully, not to run through puddles.

Returning from a walk (undressing).
Purpose: to ensure a timely arrival from a walk, to form cultural and hygienic undressing skills (to fold things neatly and put them in a closet, not to push around the lockers), to develop speech (to fix the names of clothing items, actions).
Carrying out:
I ask all children to wipe their feet when entering the kindergarten (I show you how to do this)
- How funny you all came from a walk! Do you want to go to a group to play? Let's undress neatly.
I take off all the children’s scarves and untie their hats, then I suggest that they undress themselves.
- First, take off the jacket, then the hat, jacket, pants, boots, tights and finally socks.
I follow the neatness of the children after the walk: “Dasha, look at your dirty pants! What kind of pants did you wear? " (clean).
I also appeal to other children: “Yulia, what are you filming now? Christina, where are you going to hang your jacket? "

Preparation for sleep.
Purpose: to create a calm atmosphere in the room, to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills (to fold clothes neatly: hang them on a chair, do not push around the chairs, ensure a restful sleep).
Conduct: I take the children to the toilet in turn, then to the bedroom.
- Guys, today we played so well and our hands, eyes and legs are tired and want to rest. Take your chairs and we will undress. Children, does everyone remember how to put their clothes on the chairs?
I help children to undress. The first to put in the crib are children who fall asleep longer.
We put a soft feather bed under the back
A clean sheet on top of the feather bed
We put white pillows under the ears.
And we'll cover it with a blanket
So that the children sleep soundly.
- Guys who undressed, go to bed and cover yourself with a blanket.
When all the children are in their beds, I say in a calm, quiet voice:
So people are sleeping
So the animals are sleeping.
Birds sleep on twigs
Foxes sleep on slides
Hares sleep on the grass
Ducks - on the ant,
Children are all on the cradles ...
Sleep - sleep, they tell the whole world to sleep.
Now we lie down on the side and close our eyes.
Pleasant dreams!
During the sleep of children, I follow them (so that they do not open, so that they do not fall).

Synopsis of the regime processes in the 2nd half of the day in 1 younger group

Rise and hardening

Purpose: to provide children with a joyful and cheerful emotional mood after sleep. Foster a positive attitude towards the lifting process.
Carrying out.
I go into the bedroom, I say in a calm voice:
- Children, so you have slept, but it's time to get up. I think you all have interesting dreams.
I walk up to the children who have not woken up and quietly say that it is time to get up.
- Guys, now let's everyone stand by their bed.
I carry out hardening procedures:
- Children, show your pens - “here they are”, and now let's hide our hands behind our backs - “where are the pens”? "Here they are!" (Showing pens) Well done! Children, now look through this window (showing the window), there is nothing there. Now look through another window, there we see a car. Let's look again at the first window - there is nothing, and now at the second. Guys, let's hide behind the cribs with you (we squat near the bed), and now we'll show how big we are (we stand up to our full height). What good fellows you are! The big ones have already grown up. Now let's take sandals with you and go to our chairs with clothes.

Purpose: to teach to dress in the correct sequence; encourage independence in the process of dressing, teach to notice and correct untidiness in clothes, foster a benevolent attitude towards each other.
Carrying out:
Children sit on their chairs, I help the children dress, observing the principle of gradualness: tights, skirts and pants, sandals, a jacket. When dressing I use an artistic word:
We dress in order
Getting used to order.
I ask the children
- Vanya, what are you wearing now?
- Katya, who bought you such a beautiful dress?
- Olya, tell me, please, what color is your jacket?
If the children themselves cannot answer, I help them. Encourage children to dress themselves.

Purpose: to continue teaching children the skills of proper washing: roll up their sleeves, wash their hands with soap in a circular motion, wipe them dry with a towel, and foster neatness and organization.
Carrying out
I take the children who eat more slowly, take them to the sink and say:
- We roll up the sleeves so as not to get them wet, and now we open the tap with warm water. I watch (I help if necessary) so that the children turn on the tap. When water has flowed in all the taps, I use an artistic word:
Ay frets-frets-frets
We are not afraid of water
We wash cleanly
We smile together.
We put the handles under the water, wet them. Now take the soap and lather your hands in a circular motion (showing). We put our hands under the water again and wash off the soap. We shake off the remaining water and close the tap. Now everyone goes to the towel and wipes their hands dry on all sides.
Towel Katino
Dasha won't take it.
Will not be confused with a bird
Blue plane.
Well done, children, everyone is so clean, beautiful!

Purpose: to form cultural and hygienic eating habits, eat carefully, chew food thoroughly, teach how to use a napkin, push a chair, thank for food.
Carrying out:
- Children, everyone who washed their hands, sit down at the tables. Sit up straight, do not bend over, put your legs straight, do not put your elbows on the table.
Everyone is sitting exactly
Legs stand together
Elbows removed from the table
The kids eat quietly.
Bon Appetit everyone!
While eating, I make sure that the children sit straight and eat in silence.
At the end of the meal, I remind each child to wipe their mouth and hands with a napkin. I remind the children to push the chairs behind them, thank them, and do not interfere with others' meals.


Organization and conduct of regime processes in the first half of the day

in the middle group

Regime processes and activities Educational and educational tasks Equipment Methodology for organizing activities Note
Reception of children (indoor) Didactic game "Travel through the group room" - to consolidate the idea that all objects consist of geometric shapes; - continue to teach how to compare objects with geometric patterns in shape; - to develop interest in the game. All items in the group room Before starting the game, I remember with the children the basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle). Using my own example, I explain the rules of the game. I invite children to find geometric shapes in the surrounding objects. For each correct answer I give the children a token. At the end of the game, we count the number of chips and announce the winner.
V.Voskobovich's educational games "The Miracle of the Honeycomb", "The Magic Square" - Continue learning how to add various geometric shapes. - Designing figures according to your own idea and scheme. Voskobovich's games. I invite children to play Voskobovich's educational games. Before starting the game, remember what geometric shapes the honeycomb consists of.
Sports Album Review - arouse desire, interest in physical exercise Sports album Teaching children about the importance of exercise.
Morning exercises - To form in the child a need, a habit of daily morning exercises. Physical culture equipment (flags) I spend the UG in the gym. It is ventilated in advance, wet cleaning is done. Physical inventory has been prepared.
Preparing for breakfast - to form self-service skills; - to foster a desire to provide assistance to those on duty; - to form CGN (wash hands before eating). Together with the children I go to the washing room, while the children wash their hands, I make riddles: I am a relative of Moidodyr, Turn me away, And with cold water I will wash you quickly. (water tap) Smooth, fragrant, Washes clean. (soap) Appoint the attendants.
Breakfast - improve the skills of neat eating (you need to eat quietly, chewing food well; maintain correct posture at the table). Based on a personal example, I draw attention to the accuracy of food intake. Using the example of children, I draw attention to the correct posture. I praise those children who sit upright and eat neatly.
Preparing for a walk - to consolidate the ability to dress correctly and consistently. I am interested in what children want to do on a walk. I remind you to go to the toilet, in the process of dressing I read nursery rhymes: Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay, Clean up after yourself! Your hands are lazy: There is a belt and trousers under the table, A shirt on the floor1 Nikolai is a slob. I draw your attention to the fact that (Sasha) dresses correctly, and (Katya) is great, because dresses herself.
Walk Observation - continue to acquaint with seasonal changes in nature (in November it gets cold, migratory birds fly south, leaves fall, there are often prolonged rains); - vocabulary work: wintering, migratory, protracted. drawings I organize the children for observation (I ask the children to come up to me and stand in a semicircle). During the observation, I pay attention to the bare branches of the trees on which the crows are sitting. I ask, what kind of birds are these: migratory or wintering? I’m talking about why they don’t fly south. At the end of the observation, I ask what they learned new, I repeat new words.
Outdoor game "Geese-Swans" - I develop dialogical speech; - learn to act on a signal. Hats for games Children for the role of the driver are selected with the help of a rhyme: On the golden porch sat: Tsar, prince, King, prince, Shoemaker tailor. Who will you be? Come out quickly, do not delay good people! Children count for themselves. I explain the rules of the game. I pronounce the words together with the children for better assimilation. In the course of the game, I monitor the observance of the rules. At the end of the game, I mark the most active ones.
An outdoor game with the whole group "Lovishki" (ATS - running) - continue to develop dexterity, speed; - develop attention; - create a positive emotional attitude. I invite the children to play a new game for them. I explain the course and the rules. I choose the driver - I appoint myself. I follow the rules. I praise the children.
Outdoor games with subgroups "Owl", "Homeless hare" - maintain the rhythm of movement in accordance with the spoken text; develop attention, reaction. I invite children to play games that are familiar to them. I remind you of the rules. We choose the driver. I follow the rules. I praise the children. I make comments about the violation of the rules.
Individual work - repeat with (Serezha T.) counting within 5. I suggest (Serezha T.) to play math. At the end I praise him.
Labor orders - teach children to collect toys, put bicycles, strollers in place; - to teach to perform the tasks of the educator. I suggest that the children shake off the sand from the toys. Let me remind you that all the bicycles and strollers stood in their places before the walk, and after the walk they must be put back.
Independent motor activity - continue to teach the independent choice of games, toys and manuals. Sports equipment, hats for games I invite the children to play on their own. I point out the inventory taken out and the possibility of using it. I keep the children in sight. I help to organize the game for those who do not know what to play.
Returning from a walk - education of the CGN (watch out for appearance: shake off clothes, wipe shoes); - fostering a sense of mutual assistance. I draw the attention of children to their appearance. I remind you that you need to hang clean clothes in the lockers. I suggest you clean your clothes and shoes, and help your comrades do it. If necessary, I remind the children to dry their clothes and shoes.
Preparing for lunch - education of the CTG (wash your hands before eating, wipe them dry with a towel) Let me remind you that before you sit down at the table, you need to wash your hands. You only need to sit at the laid tables.
Preparation for sleep. Dream - keep learning to fold clothes neatly I remind the children to go to the toilet, I draw the attention of the children to the fact that the clothes should be carefully folded on the highchair. I explain the need to free hair from elastic bands. I help the children to make out the bed. I say that you must not make noise in the bedroom.

Outdoor play in the middle group "At a bear in the forest" (for the whole group; outdoors)

Purpose: to consolidate the run in the forward direction; develop speed of movement, dexterity; learn to navigate in space; develop attention; foster a desire to play in a team of peers; promote hardening.

Rules: the bear catches children by touching the shoulder with its palm (paw).

Inventory: hats for the game, dummies of mushrooms, berries, baskets.

The course of the game: I am telling in detail a new game for children. Beforehand, I make riddles about the bear, mushrooms, berries, and the forest. We imitate the movement of a bear and growling with the children.

I draw a line at one end of the site. I explain that this is the edge of the forest. Beyond the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, I outline a place for the bear. At the opposite end, I mark the children's house with a line. I put the children behind the line. I designate one of the players to be a bear (or you can choose with a counting rhyme). The rest of the players are children, they are at home. I say: "Go for a walk." Children go to the edge of the forest, pick mushrooms, berries, that is, imitate the appropriate movements and speak : "The bear in the forest,

I take mushrooms, berries, And the bear sits and growls at us. "

The bear gets up with a growl, the children run away. The bear tries to catch (touch) them. He takes the caught one to himself.

When summing up the results of the game, I mark those who were fast and not caught, and I tell the players why they were caught.

The game resumes. After the bear catches 2-3 players, a new bear is appointed or selected.

Sample questions