Beautiful and unusual nicknames for girls' dogs. Unusual nicknames for dogs with meaning. The coolest and funniest nicknames for dogs

When choosing a nickname for a pet, cynologists recommend paying attention to the individual characteristics, character and reaction of the animal to the name. From the article you will find out which nicknames for girls' dogs are popular with dog breeders.

Thinking about buying a dog, you need to understand that the issues of proper care, balanced nutrition, education and training fall on the shoulders of the new owner. First of all, according to the advice of dog handlers, it is necessary to come up with a nickname for a four-legged family friend.

Let's figure out how to name a dog a girl.

So, you need to choose a name for a new family member without haste and fuss, taking into account the following criteria:

  1. Features of the breed. A large breed dog does not fit such nicknames as Knopa, Baby, Minnie, Mouse, Baby, Baby, Candy, Bead, Busya, Cherry, Sparkle, Lyalka or Manyunya. This kind of nickname is an interesting option for the Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian, Toy Terrier and Chihuahua.
  2. Color. The name of the pet can be selected depending on the color. The black color of the coat can be emphasized by the nickname Bagheera, Blackie, or Gypsy. The red color harmonizes interestingly with the names of Ryzhulya, Foxy and Vixen. A dog with a beautiful light coat will suit the nickname Goldie, Sunny, Snow, White, Snowball, Shiny and Blondie.
  3. Character. It is not uncommon when, succumbing to the effect of the first impression, a person gives a puppy a fashionable, gentle and calm name, while the dog has a sanguine temperament.
  4. Personal preferences and hobbies of the owner. It has now become fashionable to name an animal after a favorite brand, car name, favorite literary or cartoon character, musician or athlete: Britney, Jolie, Monica, Hellas, Jurmala, Nefertiti, Chanel, Shakira, Lolita, Mercy (from Mercedes), Scarlett, Tiffany, Ferrari, Honda, Hilary, Adi (from Adidas), Cleo or Cleopatra, Nota, Aisha, Dalida, Avatar.

The nickname for the dog is the first command that the pet should learn well and respond quickly to it. You should not give the puppy a nickname on the very first day of meeting, it is better to take a closer look at the peculiarities of temperament for some period, to study the character and characteristic habits of the dog.

Video "How to name a dog?"

In this video you will learn about the most unusual and original nicknames for your pet.

Nickname options

There are many options for beautiful and unusual, funny and funny, short and long nicknames for girls' dogs. We bring to your attention the most interesting and original options.

Light and beautiful

Often, owners opt for an easy and beautiful name for a four-legged family pet. Such a decision is quite justified and understandable: a female dog is distinguished by graceful forms, a more complaisant and balanced disposition.

The most popular options for such nicknames for girls' dogs include: Daira, Esmina, Zoya, Venira, Basie, Ivory, Cassie, Isis, Zlata, Orbi, Odelia, Grazia, Oliya, Nevada, Camellia, Evan, Eva, Daina, Glora, Gaina , Ulisi, Chloe, Loya, Charmy, Chasey, Saffiano, Pilar, Sophie, Poli, Haifi, Hana, Faya, Yasmin, Eliza, Yanta, Angie, Elvira, Yanaya, Yanessa, Tessa, Terry, Ulisi, Hailey, Fortuna, Aira , Judita, Taira, Selena, Sheba, Sherry, Chayra, Sally, Tiara, Rhonda, Rada, Paloma, Lady, Martha, Lorda, Milady, Nesi, Lesta, Mystery, Simone, Laima, Josie, Laura, Dolly, Blanca, Aisha , Yolla, Alza and others.

For large breeds

A big dog girl can be called Ada, Elba, Palma, Isolde, Gloria, Luna, Astra, Gerda, Dora, Athena, Dixie, Nora, Tsunami, Luta, or Tigress.

Often a large purebred female is given an English, German or Russian name to emphasize the place of origin of the breed: Heike, Eliza, Mlada, Radomira, Helga, Karen, Ursula, Inga, Alexa, Katrin, Yasna, Darina, Krista, Briggit, Zhdana, Bozhana, Barbara, Gelika or Angelika, Pietra, Claudia, Clara, Gisella, Cheslava, Golub, Fanny, Nicole, Storm, Norda, Eugene.

With meaning

Many owners treat with due attention and responsibility the choice of a name for a girl's dog, so often, as experienced dog breeders note, they use nicknames with a certain meaning:

  • Vesta - the keeper of the hearth;
  • Felicia or Felisa - bringing happiness and joy;
  • Lada - dear, beloved;
  • Alma - fertile;
  • Rigel is a bright star in the constellation Orion;
  • Adela or Adeline - noble;
  • Amanda - wayward, touchy, the owner of a complex character;
  • Nika, Victoria - victory;
  • Artemis is a sensitive and gentle huntress;
  • Takara - treasure;
  • Demeter - the patroness of fertility and agriculture;
  • Hera is the guardian of family ties;
  • Berta - loving attention;
  • Clotho - the patroness of destinies;
  • Alma is kind and friendly.

original and popular

In an effort to stand out, some pet owners try to pick up an original version of the nickname for the dog. So, funny and funny nicknames sound interesting: Fury, Istoma, Fun, Bullet, Oatmeal, Joy, Toffee, Wasabi, Blackberry, Sweetheart, Nezhka, Scream, Shumka, Swell, Cicada, Flapper, Simka, Pumbaa and Smiley.

In terms of popular female dog names, the popularity rankings are dominated by rare English and Japanese names: Yucca, Yuna, Hayami, Adele, Samantha, Agnes, Bella, Vilena, Jia, Ogna, Tanita, Cynthia and Danna.

A mongrel dog can be called Belka, Strelka, Zhulka, Knopa, Bonya, Motya, Monya, Naida or Doll.

According to experts, in order for a dog to respond to its nickname, it must like it, be easy to pronounce and remember. For this reason, it is better to immediately abandon pathos, pretentious, too long and double nicknames. Such names sound cool, but cause difficulties in everyday use.

The names invented by the owners for small dogs are not an empty phrase, they encode information that can greatly influence the behavior and fate of faithful pets. The nickname is given to animals for years, leaving a huge imprint on how a person's relationship with an intelligent four-legged friend will develop.

Names for little girls dogs

The industriousness and diligence of the owner decide a lot, but it has been noticed that small female individuals are more obedient, more devoted and complaisant than independent males. Even in the days of estrus, well-bred pets normally obey commands, following all the instructions of the trainer. In the question of how to name a dog for a girl of a small breed, it is advisable to use nicknames that are pleasant to the ear, but short, not consisting of several words. Frequently repeated popular names should be avoided; in a crowded place or at exhibitions, it will be difficult for you to call your pet from the crowd.

It is advisable to always take into account the size of the dog when choosing a nickname. For fun, playing on contrasts, people sometimes come up with a big and formidable name for a gentle little dog, which is more appropriate to give to shepherd dogs, great danes or dobermans. After a while, the joke gets boring, it sounds ridiculous, and it is extremely difficult to retrain the animal. A bad option is to repeat the name of a dead dog for a new pet, by doing this you prolong the sad memories of the loss. It is better to focus on the appearance of a small puppy, his habits, reflecting in the nickname the individual features of a shaggy beauty.

Representatives of this dwarf breed, whose ancestors lived with the ancient Mayans and Toltecs, are the tiniest dogs in the world. Some people like to link nicknames on a national basis, therefore, in solving the task, how to name a dog a girl of a small breed, you can use funny and original Mexican roots. Connoisseurs of Latin American TV series, this prospect will certainly attract.

Examples of some Mexican names for small dogs:

  • salsa,
  • Consuela
  • Chacha,
  • juanita,
  • enchilada,
  • Bonita.

The names for small dogs Bullet, Shumka, Plyushka, Cleo, Gamma, Knopa, Mimi look beautiful and cool. Some sonorous and interesting nicknames are of German origin. For example, you can call nimble and funny little chihuahua girls Hella, Subby, Ricky, Moni, Nicky, Zuzi. Japanese words are short and perfect for a dog. They will appeal to intellectuals who like to call animals clever names.

Examples of Eastern names:

  • Hikari (snow)
  • Hotaru (firefly)
  • Kokoro (soul)
  • Aiko (favorite)
  • Asa (morning)
  • Hoshi (star).

It is extremely easy to find a common language with these room-decorative babies. They are like funny animated toys sowing fun and warmth around. In the case of how to name a dog a girl of a small York breed, one can mention the curiosity of animals, the sharpest hearing and the excellent watchdog qualities of babies. They will not miss a stranger, fearlessly rushing at anyone, regardless of their dwarf size.

The English roots of the breed are easy to highlight with appropriate names for small dogs:

  • Bentley
  • Macbeth
  • Margaret,
  • Thatcher,
  • Chelsea
  • Adele
  • Lola,
  • chloe,
  • Sadie.

A good option is to give names for small dogs, emphasizing the yellow-brown color of the breed:

  • Yolk,
  • Zloti
  • chestnut,
  • Choco,
  • Sun,
  • African,
  • Cinnamon.

It is not necessary to call small outbred animals with primitive nicknames. Many home smart girls understand commands better than animals with passports and awards, so they deserve to have a beautiful and gentle name. When solving the problem of how to name a dog of a small breed, it is convenient to start from the color of your pets, their habits, interesting manners. In the hope of getting a good and funny little four-legged friend from this puppy over time, we call her the names of our favorite characters.

Long pretentious nicknames with an aristocratic bias are not suitable for a little mongrel, it is better to choose light and playful options for her:

  • Aster,
  • Basya,
  • Jackdaw,
  • Dawn,
  • Bully,
  • Comet,
  • Rocket,
  • Arrow,
  • Berry.

Representatives of this medium-sized breed are divided into Russians and. The first grow up to 3 kg and can have different lengths of hair. Britons are all exceptionally shorthaired and 600 grams larger. Names for girls of dogs of small breeds are suitable for English and Russian origin, you can choose them depending on the pet's passport. Use the opportunity to express in nicknames the energetic disposition of the girls, their groovy character, affection for the owners.

Names for little girls toy terrier dogs:

  • Bark,
  • Nancy,
  • darcy,
  • Magi,
  • Carmen
  • pixie,
  • Christie,
  • Lola,
  • belle,
  • Mary.

Good nicknames for that terrier in the Russian version:

  • Fun,
  • Bully,
  • Aurora,
  • Arrow,
  • Lightning,
  • Elektra,
  • Magic,
  • Bestia.

This breed has several varieties, but miniature ones are dwarf or. Fluffy lumps with an affectionate, friendly, but proud disposition weigh up to 3 kg and have a sonorous voice. Their color is varied, it can be chocolate, white, cream or sand. Pomeranians have a brave character, they received it from distant sledding ancestors, so they bark at strangers bravely, like formidable sheep dogs. How to name a small dog with a funny bear or fox face is an interesting question, the most original options are accepted here.

Examples of nicknames for miniature Spitz girls:

  • Bulya,
  • Haze,
  • Bunny,
  • Lyalka,
  • Note,
  • Elbe,
  • Barbara,
  • Carla
  • Elka,
  • Sophie,
  • Gerda,
  • Dora.

Name for a small breed boy dog

Even a tiny, newly acquired puppy should get its own proud name. It helps to establish communication with the animal easier, train it, teach it to respond to commands on demand. Beautiful nicknames for small boys' dogs are easy to find in numerous lists, but not always unusual or catchy names take root normally in everyday life. It is undesirable to opt for common human names, in a public place this leads to unwanted scandals, a bad attitude towards your dog around.

A hard-to-pronounce name sounds unusual, but in moments of danger it makes it difficult to call a pet. If you really liked a sonorous multi-compound word, then try to shorten it. For example, it is better to call Maximus short Max or Maksik. It is wrong to come up with funny or foreign nicknames for small dogs, reminiscent of training commands. In stressful moments, your dog or neighbor's dog may confuse "Face" with "Farse" or "Apport" with "Chord".

Compact and cheerful Yorkies have a confident character, they instantly try to put in their place the neighbor's dogs, who do not express due respect to these kids. Ugly, unpretentious or funny names are not suitable for our handsome men. The nicknames for dogs of small breeds Yorkshire Terrier boys should correspond to the disposition of these tiny gentlemen, mischievous naughty and born friends of man.

Examples of names for a York boy:

  • Gait,
  • Alf,
  • bugs,
  • willy,
  • Lucky,
  • Tapsy,
  • hopper,
  • Oddy,
  • smokey,
  • shelby,
  • Ernie.

These dogs have an inexhaustible supply of energy, they need constant walks where they can be naughty, play, bark loudly and do incredible fun tricks. This breed is not suitable for lazy people and lovers of a quiet measured life. It is advisable to choose names for small dogs of toy terrier boys that are concise, sonorous, as suitable as possible for cheerful animals.

Russian and English names for funny little dogs boys toy terriers:

  • Alto,
  • buddy,
  • Golf,
  • Casper,
  • Zorro,
  • camelot,
  • Casper,
  • king,
  • Mac,
  • norton,
  • hopper,
  • Tapsy,
  • Wind,
  • talker,
  • catch up
  • Signal,
  • Source.

Dwarf Pomeranians are active creatures, constantly looking for adventure. Beautiful babies are sometimes able to feel like a much larger animal in front of a stranger than they really are. These fox-faced toy creatures can pounce on an unknown alien like Spartans, trying to bite them with their sharp teeth-needles. It is better to look for nicknames for restless dogs of little Spitz boys to match their groovy temperament.

Beautiful names for a little Spitz boy:

  • Lucas,
  • pancho,
  • Hugo,
  • Sancho
  • merlin,
  • Volchek,
  • Oscar,
  • rocky,
  • Elvis,
  • Bumblebee.

Tiny and intelligent Pekingese dogs are always individual and unique. These babies are often characterized by regal manners, they are even able to try to dominate weak-willed owners. In order to better figure out how to name a small dog of a Pekingese boy, you need to see in your pet a personality, a small four-legged aristocrat.

Name for the little Pekingese:

  • Arthur,
  • Boss,
  • August,
  • Volt,
  • gold,
  • Cross,
  • spike,
  • Sapphire,
  • Charlie.

Miniature boys of this breed are in many ways similar to terriers, they are distinguished by attentiveness, courage, they can be impudent with strangers, they try to keep up with the owner. Without proper attention, the crumbs suffer, and their jealousy can be a problem. A well-chosen nickname for a small Chihuahua dog conveys their devoted and sensitive nature, the groovy nature of the pet.

Choosing a name for a cheerful chihuahua:

  • amigo,
  • amor,
  • Gangster,
  • Lancelot,
  • Narcissus,
  • Gaspar,
  • Signor

Nicknames for small dogs boys mongrels

Outbred creatures sometimes look unusual, in their blood the genes of all representatives of the canine world are mixed. Cool nicknames for small dogs, aristocratic names, serious formidable nicknames are equally suitable for mutts. It all depends on the size of the pet, the hidden goals pursued by its owner. Animals without a pedigree often have valuable qualities that are not always found in a pet with medals.

People have long paid attention to the connection between name and character, and this applies not only to human names, but also to the names of animals, in particular, dogs.

The name of a dog is not just a set of sounds, and not even just a means of communicating with a pet. Through the name of the animal, we express our attitude towards it. A dog's name can tell a lot about us: about our habits, character and even hobbies, as well as our sense of humor and erudition.

But on what principles should you choose names for your pets? What should you pay attention to in the first place, how best to call the bitch with the original name? This is what we will talk about now.

How can you call it?

First of all, let's decide on the criteria by which people choose nicknames for their dogs and what they pay attention to.

In general, before you start thinking about a name for a dog, you need to decide for yourself: do you want to give your pet a traditional or original nickname, which, perhaps, no other dog in the world will have? If you are satisfied with the first option, then just open any of the lists of popular dog names and choose the one that you like.

But what if you want to give your baby a really original nickname? Where to find such a name?

There can be a lot of options here.

  • Name of the heroine of the book or movie . Everything is simple. Suppose you like some book or some movie (TV series, cartoon, anime, etc.). Why not name a puppy-girl after your favorite heroine? Moreover, most of these names are beautiful and sonorous.
    Assol, Katniss, Arwen, Hermione, Trinity, Fiona, Sakura are just a few of the names taken from literary works and from films or series.
  • Music and stage . You can name a dog after some famous singer or opera diva.
    For example, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Britney or even Montserrat.
  • place names . Montana, Riviera, Jakarta, Etna, Corsica, Barcelona are some of the geographical names.
  • Story . You can name a dog in honor of some famous queen, queen, empress, warrior.
    For example: Nefertiti, Josephine, Lucretia.
  • Nicknames in honor of world brands . Such as, for example, Fanta, Bounty, Vista, Nokia, Chanel.
  • "Plant" and "Animal" nicknames . These include names such as Hortensia, Orchid, Azalea, Jasmine, or like Panther, Panda and even Anaconda or Mamba!
  • mythological names, that is, the names of goddesses from different pantheons, as well as nymphs, fairies, dryads and other similar creatures.
    This category includes such names as: Artemis, Vesta, Freya, Astarte, or Danae, Circe and even Lada.

As you can see, there can be a lot of options for sources of original nicknames, and this is not all of them. You can name a dog after a sports star, after a fairy-tale creature, after a musical instrument ... But you never know after someone or something else, even after your favorite food or drink. The main thing is that not only you, but also the dog likes it, it is easy to pronounce, and it is also sonorous and beautiful.

Here are some of the huge variety of nicknames on a wide variety of topics. As they say, for every taste! And we will start our list of nicknames with foreign names, which have long been especially popular as dog nicknames.

Foreign with meaning

Foreign nicknames are especially popular in the cynological world and for good reason. These are melodic, beautiful and sometimes very original names. They are easy to pick up, focusing on the country in which “your” breed was bred. In this article, we will consider names with a meaning of both European and Asian origin.


France is the birthplace of such breeds as the Basset, Briard, Poodle, Dogue de Bordeaux, Pyrenean Shepherd Dog, and, of course, the French Bulldog. Does your girl belong to one of these glorious breeds? Or maybe you just love everything beautiful and sophisticated, so you want to choose an elegant, but not too pretentious name for your new girlfriend?

In this case, French names are what you need! They are suitable not only for representatives of breeds of French origin, but also for slender and graceful dogs with an aristocratic appearance, such as, for example, dog or doberman. Or small dogs with a graceful or even sophisticated appearance, such as maltese or greyhound.

  • Aurora - morning dawn
  • Belle is beautiful
  • Vivienne - lively
  • Desiree - desired
  • Claire - clear
  • Lillian - lily
  • Marguerite - daisy
  • Fleur is a flower
  • Fortune - good luck
  • Eteri is airy.


Italy is a sunny, vibrant country where life seems like a magical carnival. If your dog has a cheerful, cheerful disposition, then an Italian nickname is perfect for her. But among the Italian nicknames you can also find elegant and even majestic names. Such nicknames are primarily suitable for dogs of large serious breeds.

  • Antonella is priceless
  • Bianca is white
  • Lucrezia is rich
  • Columbine - dove
  • Marceline the warrior
  • Norina - honor, valor,
  • Ornella - blooming ash,
  • Paola is small
  • Rosetta - rose
  • Floriana is a flower.


There are a lot of German dog breeds. These are Spitz, and Great Danes, and Dobermans, and Dachshunds, and Boxers, and, of course, German Shepherds. If your dog is a representative of a native German breed, you can choose a German name for it. They are slightly less elegant than French, but they sound hidden strength, power and confidence.

  • Annelis - elegance
  • Gretchen is a little pearl
  • Katherine is clean
  • Leona is a lioness
  • Lorelei - whisper of the rock,
  • Odile is rich
  • Senta - prosperous,
  • Sophie - Wisdom
  • Hedwig - warrior
  • Elfrid is the strength of an elf.

English and American

Perhaps the most popular of all dog names. English or American names sound good, they are simple in their own way and at the same time beautiful. Among them, you can choose both an exquisite name and a simpler name. And, importantly, English nicknames are suitable for dogs of almost all breeds.

  • Annabelle - gracefully beautiful,
  • Bonita is good
  • Wendy is a friend
  • Gladys - ruler
  • Gemma is a gem
  • Clarity - clarity
  • Mabel is attractive
  • Nancy - benefit, grace,
  • Roxy - dawn
  • Stephanie is the crown.


Asia has long attracted and fascinated with its peculiar beauty and incomprehensible mystery. In everything that has to do with it, there is something mystical. This also applies to Asian dog names, which, despite their unusual sound to our ears, are beautiful and melodic in their own way. True, they are far from suitable for every dog, but, first of all, representatives of oriental dog breeds.

Japanese with translation

Japanese names are very beautiful and refined. They seem to be saturated with the very magic of the East. Such nicknames are suitable, first of all, for dogs of Japanese breeds, such as, for example, Akita Inu, Shiba Inu, Chin or Japanese Spitz. But if desired, any of these names can be called any dog, even a shepherd dog.

  • Akemi - bright beauty,
  • Jun - obedient
  • Yoshi is good
  • Keen - golden
  • Mizuki is a beautiful moon
  • Ren - water lily
  • Suzu - call,
  • Fuji - wisteria
  • Hoshi is a star
  • Shinju is a gem.


Korean names are peculiar and unusual to the ear of a European. But they, like all Asian names, have their own charm. Such names are suitable for representatives of oriental breeds, but some of them will suit any other dog. If you are fond of Korean pop music or the history of this country, then why not give your baby a Korean nickname?

  • Bao - protection
  • Van is a cloud
  • Jin-ho is a precious lake,
  • Yong is brave
  • Lin is spring
  • May is a flower
  • Nung - velvet
  • Tuan - bright
  • Hong is a rose
  • Shin - trust.


Chinese names are primarily suitable for Chinese breeds of dogs, such as the Pekingese, Chinese Crested Dog, Shar Pei and even the Pug., which, despite its European breed name, was nevertheless bred in China.

These names, which came from antiquity, remind us of the relationship between man, nature and the universe. Most of these names are associated with natural phenomena or with flora and fauna. Any of them will further emphasize the unusual, exotic appearance of your pet and distinguish it from other dogs.

  • Biyu - jasper,
  • Ging - abundance
  • Xia - pink clouds,
  • Lanfeng - Orchid scent
  • Meiling - plum jade,
  • Nuo - graceful,
  • Rong - warlike
  • Song - pine
  • Shan - elegance
  • Yunru is charming.

For a letter


Russian names, especially old ones that are no longer found among people, can also be a great option for those who want to name their dog in an original and beautiful way at the same time. These nicknames are close and understandable to everyone, but at the same time they feel the connection of generations.

Coming from the depths of centuries, these names are strong charms for our pets. In addition, despite the fact that they came from the depths of centuries, they sound beautiful and unusual, and at the same time they are not at all outdated.

  • Velimira - peaceful
  • Diva is wonderful
  • Zhdana - desired
  • Fun - funny, funny,
  • Young is small
  • Radmila is caring and sweet,
  • Svetozara - illuminating with light,
  • Tsvetana - like a flower,
  • Cheslava - striving for glory,
  • Clear - clear.

Lightweight and most beautiful

You don't want to give your dog a complicated or exotic name. Well, in this case, you can choose a simple but beautiful nickname for your girl. So that it is sonorous, short and easy to remember.

It is to this category that most of the dog names that have become traditional belong. If you are not afraid of the prospect of “being like everyone else” and you do not want to stand out due to the unusual, or even strange, nickname of your pet, then this is just your option. So, the most beautiful names for your baby:

  • Vesta,
  • Greta,
  • Delta,
  • Iris,
  • kerry,
  • Martha,
  • Polly,
  • Richie
  • frida,
  • Sherry.

With meaning

We refer to names with meaning those that are not just beautiful foreign names, the meaning of which we sometimes do not know. First of all, these are nicknames denoting any names, as well as phenomena or even objects. Is that the name of a dog? Yes, definitely. Moreover, among the huge variety of familiar and even seemingly ordinary words, you can choose one that will become a wonderful nickname for your pet.

  • Guild,
  • Dynasty,
  • Blackberry,
  • Crown,
  • Lyra,
  • Melody,
  • joy,
  • Plasma,
  • Dewdrop,
  • Taiga.

Funny and cool

Most often, funny and cool names are given to dogs with an unusual or even strange appearance, thereby further emphasizing their dissimilarity to most other dogs. It doesn't matter why you chose a funny nickname.

Why not Iris?

She will always cheer you up and those around you and will make your dog stand out from the crowd of her fellow tribesmen. Only at the same time, it’s better not to forget that a funny nickname should not be offensive or stupid, otherwise you yourself will be embarrassed to address your pet like that on the street.

  • Amba,
  • Bucha,
  • godzilla,
  • Dosya,
  • Toffee,
  • cutlet,
  • Bun,
  • Tequila,
  • Piggy,
  • Rogue.


Modern nicknames are a reflection of everything that we constantly hear about. It can be the name of some popular actress, or the name of a modern brand, and even the name of the heroine of a popular movie or series. Modern nicknames are designed to emphasize that we are aware of modern innovations and that we keep up with the times. Most of these names are suitable for dogs of any breed, but especially for representatives of newfangled breeds.

  • Angie (after Angelina Jolie)
  • Barbie,
  • Vesta,
  • malibu,
  • Nokia,
  • Riri,
  • Salma (after Salma Hayek),
  • Trinity,
  • fanta,
  • Heidi (after Heidi Klum).


Beautiful and rare names are chosen by those who want to stand out from the crowd themselves and highlight their dog. Due to their rarity, these names sound original and new. True, if the nickname is really successful, then there is always a risk that very soon it will cease to be so rare.

  • adriana,
  • Brigitte
  • Virginia,
  • Diodora,
  • Yesenia,
  • genevieve,
  • Calypso,
  • Liora,
  • Melissa,
  • Eurydice.

Simple and short

It seems that it is easier and really nowhere. One or two syllables, unpretentiousness and simplicity in sounding ... And yet, these unpretentious, simple, short names are beautiful and sonorous in their own way. Therefore, one of them can be given to almost any dog, both purebred and outbred.

  • Bassey,
  • Gaby
  • Zhuzha,
  • Nika,
  • Rhone,
  • Sophie,
  • Tera,

Original and unusual

An original nickname can be given to a dog of a rare breed or an animal with a special appearance. Or the puppy may have an unusual color, such as blue and white or brown merle and tan. Unusual and rare names are perfect for Chinese Crested, Basset Hound or, for example, Salukis.

  • Arabesque,
  • velvet,
  • Violanta,
  • Harmony,
  • dizizi,
  • giraffe,
  • Quadrille,
  • Lambada,
  • Pint,
  • Rhapsody.

Top: most popular

And now let's see what dog names are the most popular in the world and in Russia. The popularity of names is influenced by various factors. This may be the name of some show business star, or, for example, the heroine of a sensational film. Also, this category includes the names of characters from fairy tales known to all since childhood. Often, the names of dogs from popular films also get into the top names.

  • Gerda,
  • jessie,
  • Dina,
  • daisy,
  • gold,
  • Lada,
  • Lucy,
  • Martha,
  • Molly,
  • Stella.


You can give such names to dogs of any breed, but they are best suited small long-haired dogs like Yorkshire terriers, Maltese or Shih Tzu. Also a name related to fashion can be called a tall, slender dog like a Great Dane or a Greyhound.

Shih Tzu is a very elegant dog!

The best stylish names:

  • bijou,
  • beauty,
  • Diorita,
  • coco,
  • Prada,
  • paris,
  • rickel,
  • rhinestone,
  • tiffany,
  • Chanel.


Cute, affectionate names are not suitable for large and powerful dogs. But they are great for small, "toy" dogs. By naming your pet like this, you will emphasize her wonderful character and charming appearance. That is, just what small breed dogs are loved and appreciated all over the world.

  • buffy,
  • vivi,
  • Julia,
  • raisin,
  • Caramel,
  • Lyalya,
  • Milli,
  • Nyusha,
  • Polly,
  • cherry,
  • Bulya (from the word roll).


These names are suitable for serious, large dogs. Easy names are convenient for training, and subsequently a name that is easy to pronounce will facilitate communication with the animal. A simple, well-remembered nickname is better perceived by the dog, which makes it easier for her to follow the commands of the owner. Thus, between the owner and his pet, a connection quickly arises: a message - a response.

  • Alma
  • wanda,
  • josie,
  • Zosia,
  • Lassie
  • Mirta,
  • Nora,
  • pippi,
  • cherry,
  • Jasper.


Affectionate nicknames are given to gentle, fragile dogs. such as chihuahua, yorkshire terrier, pomeranian, toy poodle. They emphasize not only the grace of these cute babies, but also the attitude of their owners towards them. The small stature and fragility of these dogs evoke a feeling of tenderness and tenderness in the owner. These babies just want to be called the most tender and affectionate names.

  • Bead,
  • baby,
  • Cherry,
  • blackberry,
  • Bunny,
  • Toffee,
  • sweetie,
  • honey,
  • Baby,
  • Berry.


Nicknames from this category include the names of prominent historical figures, heroines of classical operas and ballets. Also, they include the names of animals, plants and astronomical objects. Interesting names can be given to slender, graceful dogs, both large and small. These nicknames are suitable for breeds such as Italian Greyhounds, Salukis, Dalmatians, Great Danes.

  • Beatrice
  • Cleopatra,
  • Columbine,
  • Laura,
  • Mamba,
  • Panda,
  • Octavia,
  • Flora,
  • Francesca,
  • Esmeralda.


In fact, it is not recommended to give animals the names of people. But if this name is not too common or dogs have been called that for a long time, then why not? Moreover, these nicknames emphasize the connection between dogs and their owners. True, there is always a risk that when you call your dog while walking, several passers-by will turn to your call. Therefore, in this case, it is still better to give preference to rare names.

List of female names:

  • Amelia,
  • Dina,
  • Lisa,
  • Laura,
  • Milan,
  • Nika,
  • Nusya,
  • Sonya.


Double names are not often given to dogs that do not have pedigree documents. But if your girl has a pedigree, it will be very beautiful if a nickname is written there, consisting of two words related to each other in meaning or just beautiful-sounding words.

Such nicknames can become a calling card show dog, emphasize its origin and magnificent exterior. And such names as Lady Luck or the Palm, among other things, can also become a kind of talismans. Who knows, maybe not least thanks to them, your dog will only take the first places at all possible exhibitions.

  • Hakuna Matata,
  • Eternal love,
  • Lady Luck,
  • Dolce Vita,
  • Candy Kiss,
  • Marilyn Monroe,
  • Palm of the Championship,
  • Polar Star,
  • saint clair,
  • Club Lady.

For hunting

The most popular names for hunting dog girls (for example, hounds):


These cool, cool names are usually given to hunting, working or fighting dogs. Such as Rottweilers, Dobermans, Hounds, Hounds, Greyhounds, Spaniels, Terriers, Bull Terriers or Staffordshire Terriers. These names emphasize their serious nature, service and security qualities, as well as their speed of reaction, strength and endurance. Hearing such a nickname, you immediately understand: this dog is not to be trifled with.

Do not become a hostage to stereotypes: the dog is the way the owner raised it!

  • Beretta,
  • Bonnie
  • daenerys,
  • Karma,
  • katniss,
  • Lara Croft,
  • Leela,
  • Mafia,
  • Mystic,
  • Nikita.


Terrible names emphasize the serious nature of the pet. They are usually given to guard dogs and bodyguard dogs. As a rule, these are powerful, large, truly formidable-looking dogs. These include Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Rottweilers, Mastino, Boerboels, Irish Wolfhounds and other dogs with formidable appearance. Such names emphasize the working qualities of these dogs and their harsh, unyielding nature.

  • Entente,
  • Basta,
  • Bomb,
  • Storm,
  • Vendetta,
  • garda,
  • Storm,
  • Mamba,
  • Moray,
  • Tsunami.


Noble nicknames are suitable for such aristocratic and hunting dog breeds as great danes, greyhounds, greyhounds, pharaoh dogs. These and similar, majestic, beautiful animals from time immemorial lived at the royal, imperial and royal courts, as well as in the country residences of dukes, princes and barons. Noble names are designed to emphasize the antiquity and purity of his breed. They are beautiful and elegant, so if you give one of them to your pet, you certainly won't go wrong.

  • Beatrice,
  • Vincent
  • Gloria,
  • Countess,
  • Dauphine,
  • infanta,
  • princess,
  • letitia,
  • marquise,
  • Patricia.

For white, black, red

As mentioned earlier, often a nickname for an animal is selected focusing mainly on its appearance. What is the first thing you notice about a dog's appearance? That's right, its color.

We will not focus on rare and less common colors, such as blue, isabella, marble, we will only talk about how you can call a red, white and black puppy. In all the names listed below, the emphasis is on the similarity of the color of the dog and some object or phenomenon.

So, for example, for dogs of a red color, names associated with gold or fire, as well as indicating the similarity of the pet with any animal of the same color, are suitable. How to call the white: some kind of "cold" name, as if hinting at the similarity of its color with snow and ice. Well, the nickname of a black dog will compare its color with the color of the night, darkness, or with the color of any animal with black fur. You can also give your pet a name associated with the name of some black fruit or berry.

Below is a list of names that can be called dogs of these colors.

How to call a redhead:

  • aurelia,
  • goldie,
  • golden,
  • gold,
  • Foxy.

Names for white:

  • Arctic,
  • Snowstorm,
  • icicle,
  • Snowflake,
  • Umka.

For black:

  • blackie,
  • Blackberry,
  • Panther,
  • Midnight,
  • Shadow.


Summing up, I would like to say more about what a really good nickname should be and what should be guided by when choosing it. Here are a few simple rules that will help you choose the right nickname for your girl dog.

  • Consider character. If you want your dog to grow up serious and guard your home well, do not give her, even as a joke, frivolous nicknames. And if, on the contrary, you want your dog of a decorative breed to be cheerful, kind and affectionate, give her the name Thunderstorm or Storm.
  • The nickname should be sonorous and easy to pronounce.. Also, not too long. Therefore, do not give your pet names consisting of more than three syllables as a home, unofficial nickname.
  • If possible, do not call a dog by a human name, especially one that is widespread in your area. If you really want to give a puppy a human name, then it is better to opt for some rare, not often found. This will help you avoid embarrassing situations during walks, as well as at exhibitions and training grounds.
  • The name should please not only you, but also your pet. The fact is that sometimes there are cases when pets, for some reason known only to them, refuse to respond to their nickname. If your girl has been ignoring her nickname for a very long time, then, apparently, it is best to change her name, choosing one that your pet will also like.

On this, our conversation about how to choose the right name for a girl dog comes to an end. We hope it was useful and interesting for you.

And what is the name of your pet? Share in the comments a story about how you chose a name for your dog and what inspired you during this difficult, but such an exciting search for a suitable nickname for your fluffy princess. Express your opinion about this article in the comments, share your experience with each other and with us. And, of course, do not forget to post photos of your dog girls along with the stories.

In a family where there is a dog, children grow up much more responsible and kind than their peers.

By purchasing a dog or taking a puppy from the street, you find a friend and protector for yourself for many years. But in order for your communication and mutual understanding to be complete, you must choose a name for your pet. When choosing a name, you need to pay attention to the breed of the dog, its size, character, color, habits and the presence of a pedigree, as well as gender.

The name for the puppy should be chosen so that it is suitable for an adult dog. According to the advice of professional cynologists, it is best if the name is not too complicated and long for pronunciation and perception by the dog itself. The best option would be a name of 1-3 syllables. It is desirable that the name contains the letters v, g, d and r, such sounds are most easily perceived by the dog's hearing.

Name options for girls dogs

  • If you want to give your dog a beautiful but long female name, you can do it, but it is advisable to think about its shortened version for normal communication with the dog. The name Ariadne can be shortened to the more harmonious Ari, Adeline to Ali, Gaby instead of Gabrielle, Dora would be a good option for Pandora. Asya can become an abbreviated name for Assol, Viola for Violetta, Bella for Isabella, and Magda for Magdalene.
  • Fashionable names for girls' dogs are now the double names of Abby-Gina, Pani-Cesar, Laura-Yudif, Vesta-Jani.
  • From the usual names, you can choose the following: Alice, Daria, Delta, Gamma, Zlata, Greta, Vista, Agatha, Diana, Bugs, Killer Whale, Isa, Linda, Alba, Nyxa, Julie, Gina, Jessie, Chloe, Sandra, Naida, Honda , Londa, Tina, Christie, Martha, Lyme, Hilda, Lady, Lada.

Sophisticated and baby names for girls' dogs

For lovers of sophistication, the names may come up: Athena, Aurora, Bagheera, Baroness, Barbara, Duchess, Donna, Juliet, Isolde, Jeannette, Camellia, Carmen, Marquise, Monica, Milady, Olympia, Signora, Francesca, Charlotte.

If you want, you can choose the names that the children came up with for the dogs. This will be true, especially if you are buying a puppy for your baby. Toffee, Button, Squirrel, Bulka, Kalinka, Pusya, Malvina, Doll, Milka, Bunny, Baby, Plush, Weasel, Cherry, Palm, Mickey, Umka, Paw, Arrow.

Choosing a name for a spaniel - girls

Spaniels are very smart hunting dogs and will quickly get used to their name. When choosing a name for such an active dog, try to take into account all these qualities. For girls, it is better to choose melodic names that are pleasant to the ear. For resilient spaniels, the names Jolie, Malva, Iskra, Misty, Aina, Lada, Ferra are suitable. They will help to emphasize all their qualities.

Names for small dogs

When choosing a name for toy breed dogs, avoid names that will contrast with their size. First of all, you need to choose a name that matches the size of the pet. If you observe a puppy's behavior a little, you can catch the features of his behavior and character, which will be a good help for choosing a name. In choosing a name for dogs of small breeds, special directories with the given meanings of names can help.

For the Pinscher breed, German names will be especially good, which will emphasize the roots of this breed. Victoria, Adeline, translated from the ancient German "noble", Ursula - "bear cub" can be chosen for the Pinscher girl.

Here are a few more names that might suit small dogs: May, Alexa, Gloria, Grifa, Artemis, Jer, Babbitt, Bonnie, Furs, Foxy.

Japanese names for girls' dogs

Japanese names for dogs of different breeds are also becoming fashionable. If you are under no obligation to name your dog strictly according to the rules for pedigreed dogs according to the pedigree, and you do not pay attention to the separation of the choice of names strictly by breed, Japanese names can be a godsend for you.

The name Kabuto means armor, Mitsu means radiance in Russian, and Takara means treasure. These names will be the most unusual among many others. The Japanese-Russian dictionary can be a great help for you in choosing a name.

Names for girls' dogs of the husky breed

For real huskies with thick coats and beautiful bright blue eyes, you can choose names taken from husky movies and books by Jack London. The names of strong heroes will come in handy for representatives of this breed. Buddha, Shasti, Damina, Badi can be good options. The names of geographical objects will also be good: Tundra, Severina, Altea, Montana, Alaska and the Arctic.

You can give a name in the form of a phrase that is usually assigned in nurseries: Northern Lights, Western Wind. Names that begin with the letters X and P are especially pleasant for dogs. The names Helga, Chlody, Harina will look like a barking husky.

Top 20 Dog Names

The first 6 places are occupied by nicknames starting with the letter A: Alberi, Alexa, Alisha, Augusta, Alva and Alba. 7th place is occupied by the nickname Dana. And again at 8,9,10,11 places nicknames with the letter A: Angara, Anida, Ada, Abeli. On the 12th and 13th place are the nicknames of Bert and Nika. And they close the top 20, starting from 14th place Assol, Ulm, Alexia, Alerta, Asya, Adele and Alga.

Dog girls are always more obedient and affectionate than boys. They are more devoted and less energetic, preferring to stay close to their owner. Therefore, it is better to choose a name for your beauty that is soft and beautiful, which will be understandable to your dog and pleasant to the ear.

The very first task that arises for the owner of any animal is to decide on a name for his pet. Choosing a name for a little dog girl is a thorough search of all possible variations, because the nickname must be original, unusual and at the same time very cute and cool. They say: whatever you call a ship, so it will sail. The same is the case with dogs. Choosing a "name" is an important task for the owners, which should be taken very seriously.

Following fashion trends, many young people, especially girls, acquire miniature dog girls. Choosing a nickname will help determine temperament, character, breed and even the appearance of your pet. When you name your pet, first of all, talk about how you want to see him next to you, and this is very important, because small dogs feel a lot of your emotions.

Of course, it is worth remembering the nicknames of dogs from famous films, cartoons, TV shows, books and advertisements. Many families make the decision collectively, getting together and thinking about choosing a name for a pet. Some are not in a hurry with this at all, and are waiting for the animal to prove itself, its skills and qualities. Perhaps then the owners will come up with some beautiful, euphonious name that is ideal for the dog.

Name Selection Criteria

One of the main requirements should be considered ease of pronunciation. The nickname should not cut the ear, be too big and complicated. Enough h so that it consists of a pair of repeating or one syllable and, of course, perceived by the dog itself. It is worth abandoning the banal "Friend", "Ball" and so on. Besides, it would be silly to meet a dog with a white coat named "Smoke", right?

The nickname for a small dog can be unusual and elegant, amazing and funny, cool and practical, but most importantly, that she well suited to its owner. You should abandon banal nicknames that do not at all correspond to the breed of your dog. You should also not give stupid "names" to your pets, as this is how you show your dislike or even frivolity towards the choice of urge.

Very often, the owners of purebred dogs come up with nicknames for puppies, using the rule of the first syllables. Take from father and mother by the first syllable of their nicknames, and make them into one word. For example, if the mother was Maggie and the father was Richard, then the puppy could be called Mary. This method is distinguished by its creativity and exclusivity.

Nicknames for girls-dogs Pekingese, dachshunds and Spitz

The Pekingese is a small fluffy companion dog bred in ancient China. A variety of "names" will fit here:

  • Sally.
  • Susie.
  • Coco.
  • Sandy.
  • Kiki.

Sometimes owners give their dogs names that match their skills or hobbies. Eg, a computer game lover can name a Pekingese girl the name of the computer hero you like.

The Dachshund is a hunting dog breed characterized by short legs and a long body. It is these parameters that will help you choose a “name” (Lengsy, Paj). You can rely on the color of your pet's coat. But you can also call other cute nicknames:

  • Sienna.
  • Ariel.
  • Lassie.
  • Emmy.
  • Sasha.

The Spitz is a companion dog. If you love being followed faithfully by your "friend", then this dog breed is definitely the right dog for you. Spitz is a German breed and therefore most often the “name” of such a dog is chosen with a German pronunciation:

  • Gerda.
  • Annie.
  • Dora.
  • Helen.
  • Irma.

Pug Girl Dog Names

Pug is a decorative dog breed with a flattened charming muzzle. They are smart, quick-witted and at the same time very cocky. For them, such “names” are most suitable, such as:

  • Daisy.
  • Abby.
  • Beatrice.
  • Christie.
  • Gaby.

Nicknames for terrier girls

It is worth taking the choice of nicknames for this breed of dog very seriously. Terriers are well trained and brought up. Consider choosing a "name" according to your zodiac sign your tiny pet. The nickname will be important for this dog, so you can choose the following names:

  • Assol.
  • Lily.
  • Arisha.
  • Aurora.
  • Rina.

What is the name for a Chihuahua dog?

Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua where it was found. These dogs look cute and therefore such nicknames as:

  • Dixie.
  • Mimi.
  • Lassie.
  • Kiki.
  • Rika.

Nicknames for dogs-girls lapdogs and spaniels

Bolonka - Italian decorative dog. Her coat is very fluffy and snow-white, one might say, whiter than snow. Although there are breeds of colored lapdogs. These dogs look very elegant and gentle. Their nature can be decorated with nicknames such as:

  • Lizzie.
  • Mickey.
  • Lina.
  • Mayan.
  • Sarah.

Spaniel is a Spanish hunting dog. But in the decorative world, this breed is also reflected. They are very smart and agile. They can be called:

  • Molly.
  • Siali.
  • Dani.
  • Dara.
  • Aubrey.

In the United States of America, the most popular names for small breed dogs are the following names:

  • Molly.
  • Daisy.
  • Kiki.
  • Maggie.
  • Mickey.
  • Sandy.
  • Lassie.
  • Assol.
  • Abby.
  • Gaby.

Whatever name you choose for your pet, the main thing is that the animal is surrounded by love and attention. Dogs are very devoted animals and they will reciprocate your warmth. A more devoted friend is hard to find.