Very wide female hips. The cry of a man's soul: "Girls, women, why are you hiding wide hips

What should the most feminine figure that distinguishes the fair sex look like? Who is the standard of beauty today? Kim Kardashian is breaking Instagram popularity records, and Monica Bellucci and Jennifer Lopez will be named among the most captivating images. Their figures are united by one thing - a narrow waist, wide hips. The 21st century has become a real revolution in the approach to understanding female attractiveness.

Types of shapes

It has long been noticed that even with a change in the weight category, the same woman has an even distribution of additional kilograms. The contours of the figure remain the same. This made it possible to distinguish certain types of female constitution. It directly depends on the genetic predisposition and is slightly corrected with the help of the nutritional system and physical activity. The most common classification, in which there are six variants of different shapes: "apple", "rectangle", "pear", "inverted triangle", asthenic type, and "hourglass". The penultimate one is the choice of fashion designers who brought skinny teenage girls with long arms and legs to the catwalk.

But today, plus size models are becoming more and more popular - women with a narrow waist and wide hips that have mouth-watering shapes. With no less grace, they showcase new clothing lines for the fair sex. Two types of figures out of six are distinguished by a narrow waist, wide hips - "pear" and "hourglass". Let's dwell on them in more detail.


This type is often called gynecoid, because it is absolutely not typical for the strong half of humanity and shows all the advantages of female beauty: narrow, slightly sloping shoulders, a graceful waist and a flat stomach, but at the same time a captivating sharp bend of the hips. Representatives of this type are rarely tall and can be both broad-boned (Irina Rodnina) and thin-boned (Salma Hayek). Sometimes a different width of the bones of the skeleton is observed in the same woman: thin arms and massive legs. Due to low metabolism, extra pounds "settle" in the buttocks, upper legs and chest. At the same time, a narrow waist is maintained. Wide hips differ in the direction of increase by at least 30 cm.

The emphasis placed on the upper body (hangers, jewelry on the neck and in the décolleté area, bright colors of blouses, scarves and breast pockets) will make the woman's figure more proportional, it’s no secret that the “sand watch".


Approximately the same size of the hips and shoulders against the background of a thin waist (the difference is 25 centimeters or more) characterizes the representatives of this type. An example can be called Lyudmila Gurchenko, who retained enviable proportions until the last years of her life, and the incredible Audrey Hepburn, just as fragile and feminine. The figure of Monica Bellucci can also be put on the same row with them, but she is distinguished by luxurious forms. A narrow waist, wide hips (the photo can be seen in the article) make her a breathtaking beauty at the age of 50+. Rounded buttocks and bust, a curved line from the waist to the hip - what could be more feminine? It is an indicator that extra pounds are extremely evenly distributed throughout the body, keeping exciting lines. Owners of this type of figure suit any outfit; in this regard, they can be called real lucky women.

Slimmest waist and widest hips

New trends in fashion are forcing certain representatives of the female part of the population to make incredible efforts in the struggle for beauty. Singer Rupa Boyko once weighed about 90 kg. Her dream was a slim waist and feminine proportions. Despite the fact that her performance was 40 cm, she is not a world record holder. Katie Jang, whose age is 75+, has not taken off the corset for almost 50 years, having become the owner of a waist of 38 cm.At the same time, she did not need to remove ribs or resort to other surgical interventions. Her achievement is a narrow waist.

The wide hips, measuring 2.5 meters, belong to the American Mikel Ruffinelli. In order for her to make a flight, the airline has to make up two seats. With a height of 156 cm, Ruffinelli's proportions cannot be admired. Rather, sympathy. Where is the line that should separate feminine forms from excessive fullness? There is only one criterion - this is the preservation of health, and with it elastic and delicate skin, devoid of cellulite.

Rounded hips are very beautiful and feminine, but it is this part of the body that often gives women the greatest amount of trouble. If the hips are full and the waist is narrow, then the figure still seems massive. If the waist is also far from the aspen, then the silhouette becomes square at all. However, this problem is not only of an aesthetic nature.

If your thighs are full, it can be difficult to find clothes for yourself. Especially fashion trousers do not want to sit on standards other than 90:60:90. It is not easier for those girls who have fragile shoulders and a thin waist, with wide hips. In this case, the clothes will have to be sewn to order. However, let's figure out what to do with such a complex figure in order to make it more proportional.

"Pear" or "hourglass"

Let's dwell a little on theory. How do you determine what type your shape is? If the hips are full, it does not always look disharmonious, for some it is very sexy and attractive. It's all about proportions here.

You will need to take some measurements, and specifically - measure at the narrowest point of the waist, and at the widest - the hips. Now divide the first into the second:

  • if the resulting figure has a value up to 0.65, then you have a pear-shaped figure;
  • if from 0.65 to 0.75 - "hourglass";
  • and if more, then your type is closer to an apple.

The most difficult thing is to keep their figure in good shape for women with Usually they are more emotional and prone to stress. This is due to elevated estrogen levels. And stress often leads to excessive consumption of sweets and the accumulation of extra pounds. So if the hips are full, then our eating habits are ultimately to blame.

Diet, or step number one

Normalizing your diet is a very important step in the struggle for the fact that the thighs of obese women, like a magnet, attract all new reserves of precious fat. which tend to expand below the belt line, have a very slow metabolism. That is, they can eat very little, but at the same time they will not lose weight, and every extra candy will be deposited on the hips.

Proper nutrition must take into account the characteristics of the figure. Wide, full hips in the owner of a pear-shaped figure with great difficulty part with the accumulated wealth, since blood circulation in the thighs and buttocks is usually slower. And the accumulation of fat cells in these areas leads to impaired blood flow.

As you know, nutrients are transported precisely by the bloodstream, which means that in this case the body cannot extract energy from the accumulations. Dramatic weight loss is not an option for you. In this case, the face, shoulders, chest will quickly become thinner, which will lead to an even greater imbalance in the body.

Balanced diet

The ideal option would be a diet based on balanced proportions of carbohydrates and proteins with limited fat intake. Moreover, most of the carbohydrates and fats should be consumed in the morning. It is best to choose a vegetable lunch, then a protein snack and a light but nutritious dinner. Boiled meat and baked fish, as well as a variety of vegetables should be firmly entrenched in your menu.

A little more about diet

Women with wide, full hips should not consume more than 1500 kcal per day. Only in this case will it be possible to gradually get rid of the accumulated fat. For example, this could be a cup of oatmeal for breakfast, a banana, an apple, or fresh juice. For your second breakfast, you can make a few slices of cheese.

For lunch, make a sandwich with a couple of slices of whole grain bread and boiled meat. Add greens and vegetables for a complete meal. Any fruit can be used as a dessert, and before dinner you can have a snack with yogurt and an apple.

Prepare chicken fillets and beans for dinner. If it seems a little, feel free to add vegetable salad.

What to eat and what to refuse

It must be remembered that women with a figure of the described type must necessarily include in the diet foods that accelerate metabolism:

  • These are, first of all, low-fat sources of protein, that is, chicken breast and boiled meat, lean fish, kefir and cottage cheese.
  • The source of carbohydrates should be fruits, vegetables, herbs, whole wheat bread and whole grain cereals.
  • If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then seasonings (cordamom, turmeric) can be added to dishes; they can also speed up metabolism.
  • Eat greens, cabbage and tomatoes as often as possible (in winter, you can use tomato juice).

But legumes and cereals, fatty varieties of cape and fish, rice and potatoes, sweets and flour products are better off from your diet.

Physical exercise

Girls with full hips should definitely increase the physical activity on the lower part of their body. This is the only way to speed up the metabolism, speed up the process of weight loss and make the figure more proportional.

Walking or jogging is very helpful, so even just walking a few stops every day from home to work can significantly improve your diet results. An excellent exercise option would be lunges or squats.

The best way to start your workout is to warm up. Stretch well, do a series of swings, and start exercising. Perform pop-squats, lowering on bent legs to knee level. Then move on to lunges. To do this, you need to take a step forward, transferring your weight to your right, bent leg and linger for a few seconds. In this case, the left leg is also bent. Then, pushing off, you stand up straight and repeat the exercise. An excellent option for training will be.They can be done from a standing or lying position, with a maximum amplitude.

Finally, cardio is ideal for boosting your metabolism and speeding up your weight loss process. It is necessary to devote at least 45 minutes to classes, two to three times a week. Moreover, you can choose which type of training you like best. It can be either an exercise bike, or a treadmill or swimming.

We tried to consider the features of the pear-shaped figure - how it differs, and how you can correct it with the help of diet and exercise.

In the modern world, appearance plays an important role. No matter how superficial and ephemeral it may sound, in reality it is valued more often than the deeper characteristics of the personality. Wide is one of the aspects that men literally fall in love with, since some of the natural qualities of the weaker sex are associated with it.

Are attractive wide hips for girls fashion?

One of the special external characteristics of women, which most of all attracts representatives of the stronger sex, is a wide pelvis. This preference for men is not related to fashion, but there are very specific biological factors that determine this choice.

Undoubtedly, any woman and girl dreams of a wide pelvis, which, together with the waist and chest, gives her figure a refined and attractive look in the eyes of men. A deeper study of this issue has revealed special characteristics that only those ladies who have wide hips have.

and childbirth

Are girls with narrow or wide pelvis easier to give birth? Many women ask this question. In general, we can say that those with wide hips give birth to children less painfully. In this case, the body accommodates the child without any problems, without causing harm to the expectant mother. Such relatively painless childbirth leads, on a subconscious level, to the fact that a woman is not afraid of them, which leads to a possible increase in the number of her sexual partners.

However, anthropologists do not share this opinion and believe that the severity of childbirth depends on a number of external factors, and not only on the physical structure of the woman.

Obstetric dilemma

One of the studies of human evolution has put forward the hypothesis of the so-called obstetric dilemma, which suggests that during the existence of the human race, its weak representatives evolve in favor of a narrower pelvis, since such a structure makes it easier to walk, but at the same time their ability to bear children suffers. That is why childbirth is difficult for thin and small girls, and girls with a wide pelvis know that they can give birth without any difficulties, therefore they feel more free in personal and social relationships.

In this regard, a study was carried out at the English University "Leeds" (Leeds), which invited girls aged 18 to 26 years. Each of them had their pelvis measured and asked several questions regarding their sex life. As a result, it turned out that girls with narrow hips had fewer sexual partners, and many of them were in stable relationships. Girls with wide pelvis were also in stable relationships, but the number of their sexual partners and the number of sexual acts per night turned out to be much higher than among the representatives of the first group.

Research criticism

After conducting a more thorough analysis of the results of the study, anthropologists have concluded that many of the conclusions of the obstetric dilemma are not entirely valid. For example, the distance between the thighs does not correlate with the width of the birth canal in a woman. In addition, the study did not take into account the factors of weight and height of women, which also play an important role in this issue.

The girls participating in the survey were too young, and age plays an important role in the sexual life of women. Thus, a young girl has less sexual experience and is relatively constrained in relationships than an adult woman. Personality character (extrovert or introvert) is another factor that is relevant to the issue of sexual relations and which was not taken into account when analyzing the results of the study.

Benefits of women with wide hips

Nevertheless, there are objective advantages of a wide pelvis over a narrow one. First of all, it should be said that wide hips make a woman's appearance more seductive and sexy than narrow hips. Many studies conducted in various universities around the world have confirmed that women with wide hips exude special energy, in addition, they have high intelligence due to the high level of omega-3 acid in their bodies. A photo of a wide pelvis in one of the fairer sex can be seen below.

Such women have the following distinctive features:

  • They are in good health because they store their polyunsaturated fats in the thighs, which provides the best way to regulate blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Polyunsaturated fats are found in large quantities in fish, nuts and sunflower seeds.
  • Such women have a long life expectancy. Retention of fat in the thighs, legs and buttocks reduces the risk of heart disease and metabolic problems.
  • Wide-bodied girls have a stronger heart and a stronger circulatory system in general. Fats in the thighs contribute to the production of adiponectin, a hormone that is responsible for regulating blood sugar and toxic substances.
  • These ladies are more passionate. Many studies have shown that the libido of women with a wide pelvis is much higher than that of women with narrow hips. In addition, these women are less afraid of childbirth, which on an unconscious level eliminates the fear of having a sexual relationship.
  • Their body is healthier. So, Cushing's syndrome in women is associated precisely with an insufficient amount of fat deposits in the pelvic region.
  • Women with wide hips are always confident in themselves, they have a more decisive and relaxed character, which makes them attractive in the eyes of every man. Such ladies are not afraid of anything, and this courage instantly attracts the stronger sex.

A healthy lifestyle is a condition for an attractive figure

Whatever the width of a woman's pelvis, she is obliged to monitor her appearance. The following basic rules will help you preserve:

  1. Proper nutrition. It is recommended that you include more fruits, vegetables and herbs in your diet and avoid fatty and sugary foods.
  2. Exercise. 3 workouts per week with an emphasis on cardio will be enough.
  3. Correct and proper sleep. Due to the way the brain works, women are advised to sleep 1 hour longer than men. The normal duration of sleep should be 8-9 hours.

The owner of a wide pelvis can be proud of her biological structure, since she will be desirable and attractive to any man, and in order to preserve this natural gift, she must lead a healthy lifestyle.

When I see models on the runway, the first desire I have is ... no, not to have sex with them, in any case. I do not wish either myself or my partner such a bone shaker. The first desire is to feed generously. Cakes, pastries, custard meringues, which I love to bake in my free time.

But such thinness is not so bad. The most "terrible" for me were the words of Evelina Khromchenko in the program "Fashionable Sentence", with which she urged beautiful ladies to hide wide hips and recommended outfits with which to do this. For example, with a pencil skirt and blouse extended upwards. Angelina Jolie successfully narrowed her hips. Flared skirts and trousers with wide legs that do not fit the pelvic area are often used to hide the hips.
With these skirts, girls and women hide their hips

And these are trousers serving the same purpose. I understand that not all girls are naturally endowed with wide hips, but those whom nature has endowed with this undoubted dignity, for some reason try to hide them in every possible way.

Do this and ... kill the woman in your appearance

Personally, I find wide hips an even stronger attribute of femininity than large breasts. After all, it is very natural and vital. The fact is that our preferences for figure and appearance are embedded in our brain by nature for a reason. Their goal is to reproduce the most viable offspring. So, a preference for wide hips is built into the subconsciousness of men precisely because it will be "technically" easier for such a woman to give birth to a child without causing any damage to him during childbirth. This preference can be knocked down by cultural attitudes and imposed ideals from glossy magazines. But still, if you do not profess cultural values, but focus on your inner drives, then you can feel that wide hips are much more attractive than their absence.
Where is femininity more? Moreover, even if you just look at such a silhouette, the thought of the form will involuntarily rush through your head: "Woman, femininity, feminine." And the schematic representation of a woman assumes exactly wide hips.
And you can immediately see that the picture is a woman That is, they are the strongest attribute of femininity, so attractive to men, and in particular to me. And, by the way, the polls of psychologists confirm this - for more than 80% of American men (and men are the same everywhere) the most attractive figure is of the “pear” or “hourglass” type.
Haifa Wahbi has an hourglass figure - broad shoulders and slightly wider hips

The figure is a light bulb - narrow shoulders and wide hips. In the photo - Mirkhan Hussein

"Gosha" and "Yasha" against the thighs!

Somehow I wondered if there are women who, nevertheless, are trying to emphasize the width of the hips, and not hide them. To do this, I just typed requests on the relevant topic into Google and Yandex. Imagine my disappointment when I saw that almost all sites supposedly devoted to the issue of emphasizing the width of the hips, in fact, urge to hide them! It seems that the search engines are deliberately giving out sites with this propaganda. Although in reality this only means that the largest number of women’s requests are about how to hide the hips.

So - they do not need to be hidden, they need to be emphasized, because this is the strongest weapon of female attractiveness, striking us, men, on the spot.

So what's the best way to emphasize the hips?

First of all, you need to remember the rule of contrast - the hips seem wide, standing out against the background of a much narrower waist. Consequently, the bottom can be visually expanded, even if in fact there are almost none.

If your hips are much wider than the waist, then just put on a lightening outfit over this entire area. It can be a tight-fitting skirt or trousers. In this case, there is no need to focus on the waist - the outfit will emphasize it by itself.
Dresses (especially those in bold colors) accentuate the wide hips on their own

Pants just tighten the hips - and that's enough. Otherwise, a belt can come to the rescue - just by tightening the waist a little, you will automatically select the hips.
Even if you have narrow hips, tightening your waist with a belt, you will make them visually wider.

But the baggy top, hiding the waist, automatically removes the hips. And, by the way, this is why I do not recommend wearing wide outerwear (swinging sweaters, sweatshirts that double the body size) - they strongly “lubricate” the contrast between the waist and hips.

Lovely owners of luxurious hips, I sincerely hope that this article has conveyed to you all the beauty of the gift that nature has endowed you with.

Many women around the world have disproportionate hips and buttocks, either too large or flat. It is known that a body with symmetrical hips, chest and thin waist is considered ideal. This type of figure is called an hourglass.

What if you have something wrong? Breasts are more difficult, but you can try to shape the hips and buttocks of a beautiful shape. If you try, of course.

Lush hips: the degree of sexuality

A striking criterion for a woman's sexuality is the hips. Standards of female beauty change periodically, but beautiful buttocks and hips are always eye-catching and arousing interest or envy. World fashion dictates to us that tall and thin girls with long legs are the standard of beauty.

However, the male half of humanity has their own opinions on this issue. Small, toned buttocks arouse interest in some, but not, although they look attractive. Girls with small booty should have a very thin waist and small breasts. to be considered beautiful. But, as statistics show, the owners of narrow hips do not have a designated thin waist. And judging by the results of male opinion studies, ladies with a pronounced waist and moderately wide hips are considered more sexy.

Psychology and facts

Psychology explains the interest of men in women with wide hips by the fact that such a woman is perceived as mature in a sexual sense. Girls with a flat body are more like a child and therefore are not very attracted to men. At least, they do not cause sharp attraction or excitement.

Of course, it's not worth generalizing. Opinions, like situations, are different and it is impossible to judge unequivocally. However, despite the fact that a man does not think about children when he is excited, subconsciously when choosing a lady, instinct is triggered: A woman with wide hips is more capable of bearing and bearing children than a girl with narrow hips. In addition, rounded hips and buttocks are associated with femininity and sexuality in men.

Evaluating a woman, a man looks around the entire silhouette: how harmoniously wide hips look with the waist and chest. Expressiveness and harmony of forms attract the eye. However, in the office, it is easier for men to work with skinny ones, since they do not cause sharp attraction and, accordingly, do not distract from the work process.

The instinctive choice of men is also confirmed by statistical facts. Numerous studies among the male population of different countries, professions and ages show that 75% of all respondents prefer ladies with big hips and booty, but no cellulite or excess fat. 11% of men like long-legged skinny women. Exactly the same percentage of men believe that the splendor of the hips and buttocks is not the main thing, they just have to be in harmony with the whole figure as a whole, and it is desirable to be without "ears". 3% of the male population do not consider hips as sexual stimuli at all and declare that female sexuality depends on relaxedness and character.

As mentioned above, life situations are different, like men, so your big hips or narrow ones in general are not so important. The main thing is that they are fit and elastic. And that alone makes them attractive and sexy.

Making the hips and buttocks beautiful

Let's start with this. If you have a flat butt and narrow hips, and you want to round them, you need some exercise and nutrition. A if you have big hips and butts and want to tighten them, get rid of excess weight and cellulite, then a little different. Although, as practice shows, this is a rather problematic area and you should not expect quick results.

But again, situations are different. The main thing is to act correctly and not quit training. For some, the results appear after a month of classes, for others after three, and for some only after six months. And one moment. It is impossible to completely change the figure with the help of exercises.... Only correct up to certain limits. Therefore, you should not harbor illusions, it is better to accept yourself as you are and soberly approach what can be corrected.


As you know, excess weight in women is primarily deposited on the stomach, buttocks and hips. Therefore, if you decide to upgrade this area, start with nutrition. This is a hackneyed topic, but the fact remains. If you eat fast food, fatty, fried foods, semi-finished products, canned food, sooner or later it will all "come out" on your buttocks. So just give it up. Or don't overuse.

Exercises for the hips and buttocks

On the contrary, eat nuts, cheese, fish, eggs, fruits and fresh vegetables, salads from them without mayonnaise. There are a lot of recipes on the net. You nourish your body with minerals, vitamins and speed up your metabolism. From sweets, you can dark chocolate in small quantities, honey, pollen.

Remember about the diet: at the same time, little by little, chewing food well. Don't eat before bed or skip breakfast.

Cosmetic care

If we want to have beautiful buttocks and hips, they definitely must be cellulite-free. Therefore, if this problem exists, urgent action is needed. Do an anti-cellulite massage yourself or see a specialist. Do not forget that this type of massage has limitations and must be carried out according to the rules... Otherwise, you can harm or get the opposite result. If you decide to do it yourself, find an effective remedy for this.

In addition to massage, they effectively affect cellulite and wraps with special products: mud, creams, masks, clay. This also allows you to have a beneficial effect on the skin, restoring its tone.

And, of course, special anti-cellulite lotions, scrubs, creams, massage of the area during water procedures.

Physical exercises

This is the main item on the list of tools for shaping a beautiful butt and hips. It is impossible to achieve results without physical exercise. It would be best sign up for a gym and work out with an experienced trainer... Who would suggest a diet, and exercise would match your problem, and would control the process. But it's up to you to decide. It is worth knowing that exercises for this area are also useful in that you strengthen the pelvic floor, affect your pelvic organs, maintaining their tone and health.

As already mentioned, some exercises will help to round up, pump up the ass. But if you need to reduce the volumes, then slightly different loads should be chosen... Below are general strengthening exercises that are suitable in both cases for practicing at home.

  • Start with a warm-up

Warm up before the main exercises. Running on the spot, swinging legs, jumping rope are best suited for this.

  • Do squats

This is the backbone of the basics. To begin with, squat should be done with legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head, back straight. The knees do not stick out for the toes. Squat slowly until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Start 10 times. A more complex option includes legs wide apart and socks turned in different directions. We do the rest as in the first variant 10 times. We do both squats one after the other. This trains the inner and outer thighs and pelvic floor.

  • Doing lunges and swinging legs to the side

Lunges alternately train the back of the thighs. We do it slowly, change the legs. Do 20 lunges in total. To, do not lose balance while swinging your legs, stand against the wall. Raise your left leg to the side so that it becomes parallel to the floor, lower it, but do not touch the floor. Repeat 10 times. The same on the other leg.

  • Lying exercises

To quickly strengthen the inner thigh, lie on the floor on your back. Bend your knees, feet on the floor, squeeze a tight ball between your knees. Squeeze the ball as hard as possible, hold, then release. Repeat 20 times.

Following quite difficult exercise, but effective... Lie on your stomach with your chin resting on the floor. Place your arms at your sides, palms down, legs straight. Raise your legs a little and spread them in different directions as much as possible, without touching the floor, keeping them suspended. Also, without touching the floor, bring them back together. Repeat 10 times.

And remember, if you put in the effort, the result is bound to be.