Onyx stone properties. The mineral is also important for world religions. Storage and care

Onyx is a stone that has long been considered sacred. The ancient Greeks believed that these were the nails of Aphrodite, which were clipped by Cupid. It is also mentioned in the Bible when describing Eden. But even now he has not lost his strength, it is only important to know exactly what an amulet from a black mineral will bring to a person.

The properties of onyx, the stone of the Earth, are reflected in many folk beliefs. In some cultures, it is credited with healing power, in others it is called “sadness” because of its ability to bring nightmares, in others it makes a person cheerful, alive.

Modern esotericism summarizes disparate facts and clearly highlights the healing and magical properties of the stone.


Onyx is considered a stone of leaders - it endowed people with strength and tolerance, which allowed them to move far in life. This is evidence that the mineral has an impact on the psycho-emotional state, allows you to cope with stress, force yourself to do what you need.

In addition to this effect, onyx has a direct effect on physical health:

  • relieves inflammation - the “concentrator stone” should be applied to the affected area for 5-10 minutes, it will soothe pain and rehabilitate inflamed tissues;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system - normalizes heart rhythm, cleanses blood vessels, equalizes pressure, reduces the risk of a heart attack;
  • cleanses the body of toxins through a positive effect on the liver and kidneys;
  • allows you to get rid of digestive disorders and eliminate its symptoms: rumbling in the abdomen, pain, increased gas formation;
  • relieve nausea, vomiting in case of poisoning - the stone should be placed on the stomach;
  • helps strengthen joints, relieves pain - recommended for people with rheumatism;
  • affects men's health - potency increases and the chances for fertilization increase in case of hormonal disorders or low sperm activity, their low quality;
  • in women, libido increases, the ratio of hormones normalizes;
  • helps weather-sensitive people and migraine sufferers - headaches are easier to bear, subside faster, photosensitivity is less pronounced;
  • allows you to keep fit and reduces appetite, which is effective in combating obesity;
  • sharpens eyesight and hearing.

Wearing onyx has a positive effect on health, but it should not be considered as a panacea for all diseases. The stone provides a supportive effect, accelerates recovery, but is not an independent remedy for treatment.


As already mentioned, onyx jewelry has always been carried by great personalities - kings, military leaders and other people who have gone down in history. The stone motivates to action, gives eloquence and ingenuity. In modern conditions, it is most suitable for businessmen and people working in dangerous conditions.

The qualities endowed by onyx include:

  • courage, determination to take previously unknown actions;
  • prudence, critical thinking, mental balance;
  • enterprise;
  • creativity, non-standard vision of the situation;
  • perseverance, patience, the ability to bring the matter to the end.

Onyx is an effective amulet, both personal and family. It will help to protect yourself from accidents, your own negligence, overwork. Mandatory for people working in hazardous conditions. As a family talisman, it has the ability to restrain the negative energy of the world, not let it into the house. The presence of a stone in the room will cheer up family members, relieve regular fatigue, resentment, betrayal, serious illnesses, unforeseen losses, death.

The gem, in another interpretation, is a symbol of experience and wisdom, suitable for older people. It allows them to keep a sober mind, relieves loneliness, excessive sensitivity, endows with calmness, harmony of soul and body.

If onyx is properly consecrated, it becomes a strong magical talisman, reveals supernatural powers in its owner, becomes a barrier to all kinds of damage, conspiracies, love spells, slander.

Colors and varieties of onyx stone

When studying the properties of a stone, it is important to remember that they partially depend on its variety. It is distinguished by color. To date, there are four types of onyx: black, white, green and marble.


By its nature, onyx is a semi-precious stone, a kind of quartz, which, thanks to layers of various substances, consists of thin parallel stripes.

Black onyx is one of the rarest types of quartz. It also happens to be dark brown, dotted with thin white lines. The stone looks simple and inconspicuous, if you meet it in its natural form, it acquires an original and rich look after cutting.

Such a mineral is recommended for people seeking self-knowledge and self-development. It is a symbol of wisdom, insight, sanity. Jewelry with it will help you to know your nature better, develop memory, intuition, and allow you to make the right decisions.

The stone should be worn by people with addictions - black onyx helps to get rid of them, take care of themselves and lead a healthy lifestyle.


The second most valuable variety of onyx after black. The stone is white, against which the same stripes stand out. Sometimes they take on a light brown or yellowish tint, and deviations in the base color are from pale pink to pale aquamarine. The most expensive is pure white onyx, which is called "Bianco" in jewelry.

This variety is considered the strongest amulet, especially family. White onyx will protect the family from illness and adversity, rash actions and causeless quarrels.

And he also gives oratorical skills, helps to escape, but only in case of good intentions. The white mineral will suppress all negative manifestations of a person, and enhance positive character traits.

Due to its visual appeal and similar structure to some gemstones, white onyx is used not only in jewelry, but also to create fakes.


Green onyx is less valued on the market, but original amulets and talismans are also made from it. It is found in a rich emerald color, light green, pale green. The veins are dark green, brown, gray or white.

Such a stone is necessary for impulsive people, pronounced choleric people, to cool their ardor, calm and establish spiritual balance.

The mineral will help business people to conduct successful negotiations, find an honest partner, better understand colleagues and subordinates. Green onyx has the ability to favorably influence the interlocutor, win over, convince, make a good impression.

In lithotherapy (stone treatment) it is used to neutralize stress, get rid of nervous diseases, and prevent breakdowns. It is used in the treatment of endocrine diseases.

marble onyx

The most common variety is onyx, in which brown or dark red stripes alternate with white. The original appearance makes the stone suitable for making jewelry. Its other name is sardonyx.

This stone is a symbol of vitality, willpower, initiative and success. It is he who needs to be carried by entrepreneurs, politicians, public figures. The stone encourages action, enhances communication skills.

He is the patron saint of philosophers and wanderers. The gem allows you to understand life, make thinking clear. When wearing marble onyx, a person has questions or a desire to solve problems, which stimulates him to search for answers or original solutions. The stone can make you go on a long journey to search for the truth.

Onyx also helps splice bones, has a beneficial effect on the digestive and excretory systems.

Application and characteristics of the stone

Onyx is a durable stone, with a high density index (7/10 on the Mohs scale), practically immune to chemical attack, but subject to the influence of temperature. At high values, it cracks and changes color. This makes it practical and in demand in various industries.

There is a mineral near the deposits of agate - in Pakistan, India, Brazil, Uruguay, USA. In Russia, onyx deposits are common in the Primorsky Territory, in Chukotka.

The most common area of ​​application is jewelry and esotericism. But the properties of onyx allow it to be used in everyday life, for example, as a facing material for the manufacture of countertops or window sills.

Antibacterial properties make it possible to use the mineral for coating in the kitchen, bathroom, and bathrooms.

White onyx columns, black or marble lamps, asymmetrical shelves and other decorative structures look original.

But the manufacture of such things should be entrusted only to a skilled craftsman: onyx is an expensive material that is difficult to process. It is important to play it safe so as not to incur losses.

Mineral amulets and talismans

To feel the positive impact of onyx, it is enough to choose any decoration with it. It is important that it be a natural stone, and not a surrogate that will not bring anything good to the wearer's life.

The directed action of onyx will be more effective. Wearing earrings made of a mineral will affect the acuity of hearing, the ability to notice discreet things, sounds. An onyx bracelet is recommended to be worn by artists, musicians, writers who transform their creative energy through their hands. A pendant at the level of the heart is indicated for people with problems in the functioning of this organ or prone to stress. For the development of intuition, it is better to hold onyx in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus or on the middle finger.

Those wishing to enhance charisma or oratory should wear black stone beads or place a faceted mineral under the tongue before important speeches. Entrepreneurial people just need to take a small bag of onyx to important events or wear it on a chain.

The properties of the stone are affected by the setting: silver enhances them, iron weakens them. Processing method - cabochon, round or oval.

Which zodiac sign suits

Not only in esotericism, but also in astrology, there is an answer to the question of who suits onyx. According to the horoscope, it is desirable to wear the mineral Aries. Their fiery nature is prone to getting out of control - onyx will calm the owner, give him inner harmony and protect him from impulsive actions.

Capricorns and Taurus, with their inherent inertia and fatality, will acquire the necessary vitality, will be able to get out of a protracted depression, “dilute” earthiness with new ideas and take a different look at the world.

The Virgo sign will receive the required masculinity and determination, the stone will push her to the right actions and further building life. Under the influence of onyx, representatives of this sign become sociable, active, not tied to everyday life.

Gemini has the wrong energy. Diversity of interests, multitasking, inconsistency will not be encouraged by the mineral, which will lead a person born under this sign into depression.

But you should not focus on a specific zodiac sign or element. A person himself must understand what he wants from life and what he lacks. If onyx with its properties is able to help, then it is for him that you should go to the store.

As a variety of agate, onyx has been known since biblical times. Translated from Greek, onyx means “nail”. But the Arabs considered the stone sacred, they often decorated the tombs of famous people with it, and in Arabic onyx means “sad stone”.

Onyx in jewelry

As an ornamental and jewelry stone, onyx has been discovered by mankind for a long time. In ancient Greece, Egypt and Babylon, seals were made from it, which sealed contracts, closed doors in houses, and sealed chests. The well-known Jerusalem temple of King Solomon had no windows, but its walls were made of onyx plates that let in light. The Aztecs on the Mexican plateau are known for temples richly decorated with onyx. In addition, the mineral was used by them for inlaid sacrificial goblets. Vessels with orange and brown streaks of transparent stone were especially valuable.

Due to its ease of cutting, polishing and cutting, this mineral is still a popular semi-precious stone for jewelry and crafts. Onyx is used for wall decoration, used in mosaic coatings, stained glass windows. It is also widely used as an ornamental stone. The production of figurines, candlesticks, writing instruments, souvenirs, ashtrays, vases and much more is performed by modern craftsmen with brilliance and is not inferior in skill to ancient carvers.

Relating to chalcedony quartz, due to the presence of impurities of various metals, onyx acquires many shades and layers that form a bizarre pattern. Layers painted in beige colors can turn into brown, brown, red-red, golden, white, they are a bewitching sight. The stripes are of different thickness, and the thinner such layers, the more valuable the stone.

Although the mineral is famous for its variety of colors, the natural color of onyx is jet black. Such a stone is able to instill confidence, energy in its owner, help in achieving the goal.

The white mineral will allow its owner to gain clarity of mind and logic of actions, and protect against rash decisions.

In addition to the richness of color, attention is drawn to onyx by its ability to transmit light. If a candle is placed in a lamp made of this mineral, then the light, passing through the stone, begins to saturate everything around with energy, magical power and amazing tints of colors.

Real onyx is a rather rare mineral. Most of the onyx used in modern handicrafts and jewelry is not a variety of agate, but is calcite and is of karst origin. These stones are called

Deposits of the onyx mineral in Russia are located in the Primorsky Territory, in Karelia and in Chukotka. India and Serbia have large deposits. Mineral deposits are being developed in Scotland, the USA, Brazil, China, Australia, Yemen and on the island of Sri Lanka.

Onyx is a professional healer

For healers, onyx is a stone of strength and health. It is believed that he is able to relieve pain, let physical pain through himself, take on the negative and return the energy of health, strength and positive to a person.

The mineral is able to dull pain in the liver, kidneys and colic. The stone also helps at high temperature, inflammatory processes, when onyx is simply applied to the inflamed area.

Onyx stones are able to even out the emotional background of a person, thereby neutralizing nervous outbursts of rage, anger, and madness. The healing properties of the stone are also manifested in its ability to prevent depression, improve sleep, relieve stress, and prevent suicide.

Onyx is able to positively influence hearing, memory, improve potency. With this stone, weather-sensitive people can remove such dependence. The mineral relieves rheumatic pains, improves heart function.

If you infuse water with onyx stones, then such an infusion can dull the feeling of hunger and help you painlessly endure therapeutic starvation.

Able to positively affect almost all internal organs of a person, the mineral is a strong healer and assistant to healers.

Onyx: magical properties

The most common cut for stones is round or oval, in which the mineral best manifests its magical abilities. Knowledgeable people recommend wearing onyx rings on the middle finger. A strong amulet for life, onyx is favorable for people in risky professions. He will protect them from both accidents and death.

A coal-black stone is suitable as a talisman for businessmen. The mineral will help promote business, circumvent unforeseen situations, and facilitate negotiations and contracts. Black onyx gives its owner stability in financial matters, develops and strengthens entrepreneurial talent. But wearing a stone is not always recommended, otherwise the thirst for money will kill creativity in a business person.

The magical properties of onyx will protect the house from uninvited guests, thieves.

A home amulet will improve the psychological climate in the family, contribute to mutual understanding between different generations, protect against betrayal and jealousy, and dispel the routine of marriage. A home talisman is able to improve the health and mood of the older generation of the family. Onyx will put a barrier on the threshold of the house to evil and envious people, prevent damage.

Since ancient times, onyx material has helped preachers to win the attention of listeners. Considered a stone of eloquence, even now it will help to express your idea in the right words, beautifully reveal the essence of the issue, and win the attention of the audience. Politicians, lawyers, teachers can take advantage of this property of the gem.

The mineral will protect its owner from the evil eye, damage and other magical actions of a negative nature, as it is able to strengthen a person's own bioenergy field. In addition, he will dispel this magic if the effect has already taken place.

Onyx will help to strengthen the spirit, acquire perseverance, purposefulness for people with a soft character. The stone will lead such people to the goal, help to achieve the planned peaks with difficulty.

An onyx talisman will help to discard all unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on the main thing, which is why students and schoolchildren need it during exams.

The "Stone of the Kings" was called the ancient onyx and decorated with it the royal thrones and tombs. The ability to discover leadership qualities in people, not to get lost in difficult times, to strengthen the spirit, makes the gem a talisman for travelers and the military.

Onyx and astrology: ratio

For Aries, onyx stone is most suitable as a talisman. Possessing seething energy, Aries is not always able to direct it in the right direction. The stone will moderate the ardor and show the right way to release this energy, help to achieve the desired result. In addition, the mineral will pacify the unbridled feelings of Aries, make you remember past experience and apply it in the right situation. This sign can be worn onyx on the chest or on the finger, but avoid the blue, light blue and green colors of the mineral.

Onyx will help the suspicious and indecisive Virgo in the brightness of the manifestation of her feelings and emotions. The stone will prompt the most correct decision at the right time, strengthen the spirit in decisive life situations.

With this stone, Taurus will overcome laziness, increase their activity and labor enthusiasm. An onyx amulet will protect Taurus from the influence of the people around him, make his actions more independent.

It will relieve fatigue and provide additional energy to the Capricorn stone. In this stone, people with this zodiac sign will find relief from distraction and forgetfulness.

Wearing onyx jewelry is not recommended for Gemini. The energy of Gemini and Onyx are completely different. The stone will limit the Gemini, create obstacles for him on the path of life. The well-known duality of this zodiac sign will never find support in a purposeful onyx.

Stones become most active when the wearer wears them around the neck or chest. A gem in earrings makes a person cheerful and inquisitive. If you wear a mineral in the frame of a ring, then it will not allow laziness to develop. The preferred season for onyx is spring and autumn. Basically, this is a stone of those people who have gained life experience, have gone through a lot and, from the height of their lived years, began to think about the meaning of life and seek harmony with the world around them.

Onyx- a semi-precious stone known since ancient times. According to one version, Solomon's temple was built from it. It has great magical and healing powers. Its properties, types and features will be discussed in the article.

Onyx - what is this stone?

Onyx is a type of quartz. It differs in that it has different shades and thicknesses of stripes of white, red, brown and black.

In ancient Egypt, it was used for wall cladding. Then other nations began to pay attention to him. So the Assyrians believed in the healing properties of the stone, in China and Mesopotamia it was a bad symbol and was avoided.

In some African countries it has been used, like a currency. The value of each piece was determined by the beauty, saturation of the lines, their uniqueness.

Later, they began to make various objects from it. So, for example, onyx dishes had different properties. It was believed that if you eat from it, you can be cured of various diseases.

It is mined in large quantities only in some countries.

These include:

  • Mexico;
  • Türkiye;
  • Pakistan;
  • Egypt;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Iran.

Types of onyxes

Onyx is often confused with, which is also a variety of quartz. But unlike agate, the drawings and lines on it are not vague, but clear and parallel to each other.

Depending on the color and pattern, it is divided into several main types:

  • (Arab) has a rich, deep black color and visible, clear or barely noticeable, thin blotches, white lines. From the side, this stone is a little associated with a zebra pattern.
  • white onyx has not a pure white color, but different shades (pinkish, milky, light aquamarine). But outwardly it strongly resembles marble.
  • onyx agate bright, beautiful with light (gray or milky) stripes. They can be bright or dim.
  • carneolonics- has a rather saturated color, perhaps even brighter than other species due to the fact that red lines are adjacent to white in it.
  • Three-layer onyx incredibly beautiful stone, in great demand. It combines lines of three colors: gray-blue, white and red. We present to your attention an article about another red stone - here.
  • Chalcedonyx(onyx chalcedony) is a bit like onyx agate, but this species has only light, delicate tones.
  • Sardonyx stone with brown and white stripes.
  • has brown stripes that alternate with white patterns.

In addition to the fact that the stone has many varieties, there is a practice of imitation of onyx.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. The easiest way to craft cheap agate is to make it look like onyx. For this, various chemical manipulations are used. But such a fake quickly fades and loses the clarity of the lines.
  2. The second imitation option is to make a polymer material with the same color and pattern.

You can distinguish a fake from the original at a low price and too saturated or unnatural color.

Onyx jewelry in silver

Onyx is not a precious stone, so it is very rarely inserted into expensive metals. Different types of gold (including), titanium, platinum rarely become its setting, but silver jewelry with it is very popular and carries great power.

It is silver that almost doubles the magical and healing power of the stone. It also enhances its strength with a rounded shape, which is most often attached to the mineral. Light onyx (blue, pink, white, gray), as well as black and tricolor, harmonizes best with silver.

Onyx jewelry in silver:

  • Silver ring protects a person from other people's encroachments. Allows you to protect property, hide all valuables from evil looks. And if it is a tricolor onyx that is inserted into the ring, then those who put it on will have interesting love adventures. It will increase tone, increase attractiveness. The red shades of the stone will bring pleasant surprises to life. We present to your attention an article about, here.
  • Silver necklace or necklace with black onyx inlays must be worn by strong women. The decoration will be able to absorb the positive surrounding energy, endowing the owner with great strength.
  • Ring will increase self-confidence, make a person less suggestible and enhance intuition, allowing you to make the right decision.
  • Silver earrings made of pink, white and blue onyx creative people will love it.

Other uses of onyx

This beautiful semi-precious stone is used not only in jewelry.

There are many other industries where he managed to prove himself well, for example:

  • Construction. Since ancient times, different peoples of the world have used it as a building material. Even today, it is often used for lining, for example, baths or pools.
  • Decorations. They decorated and decorate the clothes, outfits of the clergy to this day. Craftsmen make from it not only typical jewelry that is worn every day. Onyx is part of many royal regalia, including crowns.
  • Houseware. Various onyx household items are very popular today: candlesticks, photo frames, figurines, ashtrays, coasters, cups, glasses, caskets, wine glasses, flowerpots and the like. Some such gizmos, for example, an onyx pyramid whose magical properties are known to all lovers of magic, are sold everywhere in any store of magical gizmos.
  • Previously, they were often inlaid with furniture. Today you can order something similar.
  • Interior. In addition to inlay, onyx is used to make various interior items. They cost a lot, but they look amazing! Among them: countertops, lampshades, fireplace counters, mosaics, wall panels, lamps and so on.
  • Cups and goblets are made from carneolonyx. They are rarely used for everyday meals, but often for magical rites and in folk medicine. Many people buy them simply as home decoration.

The magical properties of onyx

The attitude of people to this stone has been contradictory since ancient times. Some were afraid and wary of him, others revered him in every possible way.

Ancient people believed in the following magical properties of onyx:

  • In Mesopotamia for example, onyx was a symbol of sadness. It was used to decorate the tombs of dignitaries.
  • In ancient China was considered a symbol of troubles and misfortunes. If a person found white onyx, then this foreshadowed the imminent death of him or his relative.
  • In Yemen people were just afraid. They associated it with the eyes of the deceased.
  • In India he has always been revered. It was believed that he brings good luck, instills joy and comfort in the house. Jewelry made of white onyx was desired by everyone, because they helped to avoid quarrels and contradictions with loved ones.
  • In America the Indians called him "tears of the mountain spirit" and in every possible way bypassed the places where he met.

Since ancient times, people have seen something alive, mysterious in this stone, because of the saturation and depth of colors. Alchemists and magicians of antiquity and the Middle Ages tried to solve its mystery, to find out new, special properties.

Of course, black onyx aroused the greatest interest, the magical properties of which seemed to be limitless.

The magical properties of black onyx:

  • Black magicians believed that a person's soul could be imprisoned in black onyx. It was the soul that “painted” whitish lines and specks on the black stone.
  • It was believed that black onyx allows you to read people's minds.
  • Medieval pregnant women, who had the opportunity to purchase a stone, placed it at the head of their bed so that childbirth was easy and successful.
  • White was used in rituals of communication with spirits, to call the dead.

Today, many of the old magical properties are forgotten, but here are some that still exist among the people, among clairvoyants, astrologers and magicians.

Nowadays, people still believe in the following magical properties of the stone:

  • White onyx can protect a person from unwanted encounters. This applies to people whom the owner of the stone does not like, or those who can harm him. To do this, you need to carry a piece of stone in your pocket or sewn into your clothes. Adversaries may meet on the road, but they will not notice the owner of the talisman and will pass by.
  • Modern magicians, clairvoyants and seers who love and respect their craft must have an onyx ball and a pyramid. Usually, green onyx is used to make them; its magical properties collect energy into itself, and then it is concentrated.
  • The stone is able to reveal the inner potential of the owner, let him look further than people are allowed, find out the future or predict some action.
  • Any of the species with gray stripes can protect against the weak and powerful evil eye.
  • Sardonyx allows you to find peace, calm the nerves, raging feelings, feel peace and harmony, make the right decision.
  • Different types of onyx are used as amulets and, as protection from evil people, the evil eye, to protect yourself from accidents and death.

The healing properties of onyx

The mineral has unique healing properties that everyone who likes to wear it should know about.

In ancient times, crushed stone was used to treat diseases of the teeth and gums, wounds, and also fought against obesity. Modern medicine has proven that it really can help in these cases. But, in addition, it has other important properties. In lithotherapy, it is very popular. For treatment, several pebbles are applied to a certain place.

In addition, onyx has the following medicinal properties:

  • It is used for liver problems.
  • It can relieve fever, increase immunity and allow you to fight viruses faster.
  • Relieves depression, insomnia, stress.
  • Helps fight laziness, impotence, returns interest in life, increases concentration, improves memory.
  • Improves potency, therefore it is recommended for all men.
  • Relieves pain in rheumatism.
  • Able to help cure diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Treats brain diseases.
  • Relieves headaches, migraines, dizziness.

Who is onyx suitable for?

It can be worn by people of different classes, nationalities, ages, professions. But it does not immediately bring good luck. The new owner must earn the location of the stone. At first, it scans the mood of a person, his thoughts, energy, desires, and only therefore brings changes to life. As for astrology, the situation is similar. There are those to whom onyx suits the sign, and those who should avoid it.

So, the properties of onyx for the signs of the zodiac:

  • Fiery-colored species will suit all signs of the elements of fire - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. It allows them to better concentrate energy, achieve goals and set new ones.
  • It will not be superfluous to wear onyx jewelry for Taurus and Capricorn, Libra. He teaches them independence and the fight against laziness. Gives a push forward so that they do not stand still, but develop every day.
  • Virgo, Aquarius it will give determination, allow you to fully open up.
  • At the same time, Gemini should not wear a stone. They love variety and rarely focus on one thing. The stone will suppress their natural desire.
  • The stone will not harm the fish, but it will not bring any benefit either. due to the immunity of the sign. You can wear it simply as an ornament, without the purpose of attracting good luck or curing diseases.
  • Cancer and Scorpio it is worth wearing jewelry with black stone inserts.

The amazing properties of onyx have made it very popular all over the world.

Since ancient times, it has been used for various purposes, and today it has not lost its appeal. He cures diseases, helps to make life better, to achieve what seemed unattainable. And it can be worn by almost all people without exception.

One of the varieties of agate is the mineral onyx. Its distinguishing feature are stripes of various shades, they are white, red, black and brown. There is an opinion that the cost of a stone depends on how thin the strips are.

The mineral is divided into different types depending on the color of the base (background) and lines (pattern):

  • Sardonyx is decorated with beautiful brown stripes, organically alternating with white.
  • Black onyx, or Arabian onyx, is generally referred to when referring to the mineral as a whole: it is a deep black stone, sometimes with small patches of fine white lines, creating an interesting zebra pattern.
  • Onyx agate is less striking: instead of a black and white pattern, it is decorated with gray stripes of different brightness.
  • Carneolonics is the brightest variety in which white lines are adjacent to red.
  • Chalcedonyx, or onyx chalcedony, resembles onyx agate, but in a lighter shade, with white and gray stripes.
  • Three-layer onyx is perhaps the most beautiful of the types, in which white, gray-blue and red-brown lines create a unique pattern.
  • Carnelian contains brown stripes adjacent to white patterns.
  • White onyx resembles white marble, it can be pinkish, light aquamarine or milky white.

How different peoples treated onyx

Initially for crafts and onyx wall cladding used in ancient Egypt, but then other peoples appreciated the decorative and magical properties of the stone. The mineral caused a reverent attitude in different countries, sometimes grateful, sometimes cautious:

Due to its unusual appearance and the uniqueness of the patterns of each stone, the mineral was often perceived like something alive but frozen. This could not lead thoughtful people to think about its magical properties.

The mystical mineral has been carefully studied by alchemists and witches from century to century. Most of all, of course, the black stone aroused interest. Due to its deep color, it was valued by dark magicians, who believed that someone else's soul could be imprisoned in it, which then turned into a pattern of thin whitish lines on its surface. Black onyx jewelry even now evokes associations with magic and otherworldly forces.

On the other hand, white onyx symbolized purity, lightness and well-being. Powder of crushed white onyx was recommended in the Middle Ages for bowel problems and deafness, and pregnant women put a stone under the head of the bed to increase the chance of a successful birth.

Also, the property of the stone to protect the owner from unwanted meetings has long been noticed. A person who carried a piece of white onyx in his pocket became “invisible” to ill-wishers.

This magical stone was regularly used in the rituals of calling spirits and communicating with ancestors, and ritual dishes were served on plates inlaid with onyx. Goblets and bowls are still made from carnelian-onyx.

An essential attribute of any self-respecting magician - onyx ball and onyx pyramid. The ball collects energy, and the unusual pattern of the stone does not allow it to stagnate, directing it along its patterns and constantly mixing it. The pyramid, on the other hand, concentrates the power directed to a specific action, and noticeably warms up in the hand if there is a magical effect involving onyx. The properties characteristic of him are highly valued by wizards and fortune-tellers, and he pays them handsomely.

Jewelry with this magical stone is perfect for those who practice conspiracies and divination, as it reveals inner potential carrier and allows you to look a little further than ordinary people see. A stone with gray stripes will cover from the evil eye, and sardonyx will calm the restless soul.

On the chest, on the finger, on ... the table?

The question of where to wear jewelry with this amazing and mysterious mineral implies several answers, depending on which properties of the stone need to be revealed. Onyx gray and white it is advised to encrust in silver rings and rings if you want to protect yourself from evil encroachments, or let's say you often have to travel.

A necklace or necklace made of black stone should be worn by self-confident women with great magical potential - it accumulates energy flows from the outside world and gives the mistress an impressive power. A ring with black onyx sharpens intuition and gives confidence in the correctness of one's actions.

Earrings in pink or white-blue onyx suitable for creative natures - artists, writers, poets. A ring with a large tricolor stone attracts love adventures, increases vitality and enhances activity, and a white-red mineral will bring a bit of unpredictability and pleasant unexpected joys to life.

Onyx Stone Meaning

It is generally accepted that the most famous semi-precious stone is onyx, the magical properties of which have been known since ancient times. One of the clearest examples of this is the mention of stone in the biblical stories about King Solomon, whose temple was built from it.

A distinctive feature of onyx is the presence of stripes on it. Among natural minerals, there is no monotonous stone. Thanks to the multi-colored stripes, each stone has an amazing pattern. It can be classified as follows:

  • The presence of brown and reddish stripes, or red and orange, brown and white, is characteristic of sardonyx;
  • The presence of black and white stripes is typical for aristocratic onyx. Its second name is Arabic onyx;
  • Red and white stripes distinguish carnelian, which is called red onyx;
  • Gray and white stripes define chalcedony;
  • Green onyx and all its shades are characteristic of marble onyx;
  • The predominance of black is characteristic of black onyx;
  • Blue onyx, pink, blue and yellow shades of the stone are typical for ordinary multi-colored onyx;
  • artificial onyx.

The main difference between this mineral and agate is the presence of clear lines, while blurred stripes are characteristic of agate.

Historical reference

The word "onyx" in ancient Greek means "nail" and, according to legend, this stone was named after the nails of the beautiful goddess of love, Aphrodite. This legend says that her son Eros, while his mother was sleeping, went wild and inadvertently cut off her beautiful nails with an arrow. The gods saw this and could not allow the pieces of the goddess to simply rot, and turned these scraps into beautiful multi-colored onyxes.

This mineral was widely known in many countries. So, for example, the Arabs called it "eljazo", which meant "sad stone".

This mineral is the type of onyx stone that is used daily not only in jewelry, but also in medical practice, as well as in various ritual actions.

Also, in honor of this mineral, jewelry stores, shops and other institutions are often called. In particular, on the territory of the Russian Federation there is a Perm Regional College of the same name. Perm Regional College "Onyx" has nothing to do with either the deposit of this stone or the mineral itself, except for the name, which adds to it a certain exclusivity compared to other educational institutions.