First day in kindergarten. The first day of the child in kindergarten. Our experience

Importance of the first day

The first day of a child in kindergarten is the most important test for parents and the child himself. Further love for the garden and the absence of whims depend on it. Therefore, it is important that this first day goes perfectly. The child should like it in the kindergarten, and this article will tell you how to do this.

On the first day, parents and the child are introduced to the group's layout, they explain how the daily routine goes, they talk about everyday moments and other important things. On the first day, moms and dads are allowed to stay with the child so that he adapts to other conditions with the least stress.

After familiarization, the child is left to play with other children for a couple of hours. The future love or dislike of the child for him depends on how the first day goes in the kindergarten. Try to do everything to make the child feel comfortable, for this it is important to prepare the child for kindergarten at home.

Psychological preparation of the child

If a child is sent to kindergarten without prior preparation, he, of course, will not like it there, since from the first days it will be difficult for him to cope with the load that will fall on his small shoulders. In order to better prepare the child, let's imagine a picture of the world through his eyes.

Beloved mom and dad are taken to an unfamiliar place to little-known nannies, who constantly ask something, are interested. There are many other unfamiliar children around who are talking loudly, crying, fumbling and nervous.

Naturally, the child will be scared. He will cry and possibly from an obedient "turn" into. In order for the first day in kindergarten to be less stressful, the preliminary preparation stage is important:

Have conversations with your child about kindergarten, even at such a young age, children are affected by the conversation. When talking, keep a friendly, optimistic tone so that the child believes you and wants to go to kindergarten.

Make it more independent. Leave him alone, of course, under supervision, but give him freedom of action. Teach him to eat cleanly, not to dirty his clothes, to go to the toilet on time and other household trifles. This will facilitate the work of educators and reduce stress for the child, because he will know what to do.

Psychological self-preparation

In addition to the psychological preparation of the child, you must prepare yourself for the first day in kindergarten. The mood of the parents, emotions and feelings are transmitted to the child. And if you look upset, the child will notice and start to get nervous. Therefore, in order to reduce stress in a child before separation, it is important for parents not to show nervousness and worries. It is important to emotionally support the child and charge with a good mood.

And now let's take a closer look at how and what to do in preparation for the kindergarten and what to do after you come out of it.

Evening before the first day in the kindergarten

How you and your child spend this evening will have a significant impact on tomorrow. Try to set up the child, but discreetly, so that he does not notice the pressure. Naturally, it is better to go to bed early. The child, and the parents, will need strength. Collect things that the child will need to wear in the evening - in the morning there will be less hassle. To make the child calmer, take his favorite toy with you.

most important day

Gently wake up your baby. He should wake up easily, otherwise he will be capricious. After that, wash the child and dress him

Children in kindergarten are usually fed on the first day so that they get used to eating in the company of other children. But if your child asks for food, there is nothing wrong with giving him a sandwich, no.

Then dress your child. Talk to him in an optimistic tone all the time so that he has a sense of celebration. Do not make excessive efforts, do everything gently and gently.

On the way to the kindergarten, also be joyful. If your child still began to act up, show a desire not to go to kindergarten. In no case do not indulge his desire, otherwise in the future he will terrorize you every time you go to the kindergarten. In such a situation, gently explain to the child that it is necessary to go to kindergarten, because you need to work. But act exactly as softly as possible, in a gentle tone. Otherwise, the child will perceive going to kindergarten as torture.

The first day in kindergarten and what is important for the safety of the child

  1. Exchange numbers with caregivers and nannies;
  2. Tell about all diseases and allergies of the child;
  3. Find out about the pot (in some kindergartens it is needed, in others it is not);
  4. Tell other wishes at the expense of the child.

After that, they usually get acquainted with the children's group, where they serve breakfast, show the layout and daily routine. It is advisable to remember all the necessary points, in your opinion.

Coming home after kindergarten is also an important stage in the development of the child. He experienced a lot of stress on the first day in the kindergarten, and peace and quiet are needed at home so that the child does not get nervous. Try to speak calmly and quietly, in a soft voice.

If the first day brings him pleasure, then afterwards he will gladly go there. Otherwise, he will constantly be capricious on the way to it, in addition, constant disorders can contribute to the child's frequent illnesses. So try to make this day happy.

There are only a few days left until the first appearance of your child in kindergarten. Have you mastered the procedure of parting with him so that the morning is not overshadowed by tears? Switched to daily routine kindergarten to make it easier for the baby to adapt to new conditions? Here are some more tips on how to make it easier for your child to adjust to kindergarten.

The hardest thing is parting in the morning?

The first day in kindergarten is a real test for both the child and the parents. What to do? Instill confidence in yourself! The better the child is prepared for the garden, the less he will worry and worry about this, the less he will feel lost and abandoned in a new environment for him.

Even if you have prepared your baby well, it may happen that he will cling to you when you try to leave him in the group. You will feel sorry for him, and, like many parents, you will experience insecurity. Are you right in deciding that the child should go to kindergarten?

However, this behavior of the child does not necessarily mean that he will feel bad in kindergarten - there can be many reasons for tears.

“Every day is the same story,” says one mother. Thibaut gets up and begins to gradually gather himself. He looks content and has nothing against kindergarten. The road is also going well.

However, the closer we get to the garden, the more it tenses up. As soon as you cross the threshold, Thibaut grabs me and starts to sob.

This does not mean that Thibaut is bad in the kindergarten, it's just that parting with his mother is not easy for him. How to deal with such a situation?

From the very first morning, wake your child up early so that he does not have to pack in a hurry. Don't be nervous and don't rush it.

Give him a quiet breakfast, cook something that he especially likes.

Choose clothes and shoes that are easy to put on and take off.

Put a handkerchief moistened with a few drops of your usual toilet water in his pocket - the smell will remind him of you. You can also give him a small toy (to fit in his pocket) that will remind him of home.

When saying goodbye, avoid two extremes: do not leave the child in a hurry, trying to hold back your own tears, and do not look into his eyes and do not say goodbye to him for an hour. A gentle kiss, a calm and confident expression on her face, a farewell to the teacher, a farewell gesture with her hand at the door - and that's it, you can leave. The faster you do this, the easier the child will get used to the new rhythm of life.

The first days the baby may experience problems with sleep, nutrition, he may have nightmares, he may be too excited and even piss in the crib ... Do not worry - everything should quickly fall into place.

If, after a few weeks, the child continues to cry in the morning, and the caregiver confirms that during the day he is sad and apathetic, then it makes sense to contact a child psychologist.

Problems of adaptation of children. How to understand that the child's adaptation to kindergarten is difficult?

  • he begins to behave like a baby - he pees on the bed, he speaks indistinctly;
  • he withdraws into himself;
  • at the end of the day he seems unnaturally tired;
  • he suffers from dermatitis, nightmares or recurring sore throats;
  • he has been crying every morning for over three weeks now.

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The first days in the garden are just not so scary, the child still does not know and does not understand a lot of things. But after a few days, he begins to understand that at home is better than in the garden. Then you need to actively talk with the child. We tell our son that we are going to work, and you should work like everyone else. Your job is to go to kindergarten. By the way, it works, the child is more willing to go to the garden, knowing that he will earn money and mom and dad will take him to ride cars for the weekend.

Comment on the article "The first days in kindergarten: how to improve the life of a child"

Adapting to kindergarten: 13 rules for parents. For those who have not yet begun preparing their child for kindergarten, here are some tips from an experienced teacher on how to talk to your child about kindergarten and adapt to the future Adapting to kindergarten. How to help a child?


By the way, if mine went with some business, then it went much more willingly. He needed a rationale for why he needed to go there at all ...
A lot depends on the contact with the teacher. In one of our kindergartens, they worked every other day, they went to one willingly, and had to persuade the other.

Why shove? It's so interesting there, a lot of toys.
I brought mine and left it on the first day before lunch, on the second day I took it after sleep, on the third for the whole day. Because mom has to work. Until the age of three, he sat with a nanny. (I believe that a child does not need a garden until the age of three.) On the fourth day, he cried a little, but the teacher immediately distracted him. A couple more days like this, and I stopped crying altogether.
And we also had a group on duty for the first hour. Every day is different. How he loved it! He especially liked to spend this hour in the preparatory group - there are the most interesting toys.

Severe adaptation to kindergarten.. Education. A child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and relationships with caregivers The son does not want to go to kindergarten in his 3 years old, he starts crying at home when we are going. We tried to walk ...


I have an older one, she sobbed constantly in the garden, started walking and quitting, made visits at 3, 4 and 5 years old, she went from 5, because there was nowhere to retreat, she cried constantly until the end of the garden, she sobbed not only in front of the entrance to the garden, but also in the garden, she didn’t eat anything there, she began to get sick, the horror was shorter. The youngest went from 2.5 immediately to a full day, cried for two days at most, ate and slept always first, more and better than anyone))) constantly came with medals - to the first who fell asleep) or - to the one who ate everything and asked for more) A in the group he has a boy who has been crying every morning for the third year, and sheds such tears and hangs on his mother that it’s scary to look at and after her departure he does not immediately come to his senses.

Try to take a break - 2 months (if possible) ... then he will forget a little and be older - maybe he will look at the garden differently.
If she will cry in the same way, then try to change the group or kindergarten - perhaps she did not find contact with the teacher or she is with him - everything happens. If it doesn’t work out this year - postpone the kindergarten for 1 year - my son was crying at 3 - she postponed it for a year. At 4 I went without any problems at all - I immediately got involved in the game. I didn’t go with my daughter at the age of 2 - during the year they tried to start walking several times: at first with interest, then gradually it got worse and worse, until I couldn’t even walk towards the garden without hysteria. I took a break 2 times - it did not really help. Now I have become older - I hope that I should go normally from September 1. If it does not adapt, I will translate. Because the child is very contact, loves children ... I think that the problem is in the teacher.
I can't stand a crying baby either. It can be difficult for a child to adapt for 1-2 days, but if he sobs for a week, then he doesn’t need to go there.

Adaptation in children. garden. Kindergarten. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years Adaptation in children. garden. tell me, please, who has passed or is undergoing a period of adaptation to Adaptation to kindergarten. How to help a child? It is believed that adaptation to the kindergarten in ...


We had the same thing, at night he yelled like an irresistible, it became scary. We went to the doctor, prescribed Tenoten for children and it really helped, in any case, we sleep at night and became less hysterical

My daughter cried every night - probably 2 weeks (from September 1 we go to the garden). Usually she had such nightly cries 1-2 times a month, and here every night, but 1 time was enough for me to come up, cover with a blanket, promise to bring milk;))

I thought that if it continues, I will give a sedative. But now it's all gone.

What to do?. Kindergartens. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with 2 questions to a psychologist. Adaptation to kindergarten: a kind teacher and no rush. How to help your child adjust to the...


Mine began to sleepwalk after one week in the garden, and the girl also screamed, there was “fun”. Now two months have passed. When I went to school myself, I sleepwalked for a long time, my nervous system overheated.

Try picking up before bed. I also think that it is unrealistic to adapt to the garden in 10 days.

Difficulty adjusting to kindergarten. Adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten. Child psychology. Well, imagine for yourself, the child vomited, and then he eats anyway. If a child does not like it in the garden, will he eat after vomiting?


Well, imagine for yourself, the child vomited, and then he eats anyway.
If a child does not like it in the garden, will he eat after vomiting?
The only thing I didn't understand is what makes her vomit in the morning? Do you feed her breakfast at home?

well, your child is not ready for kindergarten, not physiologically ready, imagine that doctors forbade you to take her to kindergarten, what would you do? Probably, they would have come up with something, a nanny for half a day, a grandfather, a job change for a second shift. And it turns out that the child should adapt to your conditions, and not you :(

Adaptation to kindergarten. Massage, gymnastics, hardening. A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development Before kindergarten, the son had acute respiratory infections 1 time. He is now 2 years and 3 months old. The first week in the garden ended with green snot and coughing.


it will still hurt. this is already an "unwritten" scenario - we walk for 2 weeks, we get sick for a week. Despite the immunal, Aflubin, in the first place, and my vigilance reaching insanity, the child still gets sick as scheduled - 2 weeks left, on Friday evening the temperature and until next Friday are "completely free."

We started drinking Immunal in two weeks, after the first day in the kindergarten - snot, immediately took emergency measures: milk in the nose, Nazivin, a loading dose of Immunal, garlic around the apartment :)) Now I resumed vitamins and began to smear oxolinic ointment in my nose in front of the kindergarten , well, Immunal:) Do not get sick!

Don't worry, children adapt just fine, and another language is not a barrier for them at all. When we arrived in Australia, my daughter was 5 years old and in 5 months we need to adapt the child to kindergarten. How to help a child adapt to a new social environment?


Don't worry, children adapt just fine, and another language is not a barrier for them at all. When we arrived in Australia, my daughter was 5 years old and in 5 months we had to start school. We sent her to a kindergarten for 1 day a week, so that she could get used to communicating with children, and all she could say then was a toilet, we first of all memorized it so that sin would not happen. She went with pleasure. By school, I had made a lot of progress in English, thanks to English-speaking relatives and neighbors, and there were no problems at school either - I chatted instantly. Plus, the school had special teachers for newcomers, plus for those who have English as a non-native language. Moreover, her English is much better than that of English speakers from the cradle, she comes to the Olympiads in the highest percentage. To be honest, you will have to worry about how to save Russian, because. children switch to the language spoken around them and do not really want to speak Russian.

The most important thing here (if the child was strongly attached to the old kindergarten) is not to tell him that this departure (transition) is FOREVER. Say that you will definitely go to visit as soon as he wants; you can even invite "old" friends to your house (we did this - it helped a lot!). And do not forget to talk a lot with the child in the first days, ask him about his impressions, remember your childhood (if you had a similar experience); it would be nice to set the child in every possible way so that the children in the garden were delighted with him (the teacher "told" you this).
It seems to me important to learn more about the children's team itself from the teacher: who is the leader, who is quiet, who is capricious, who is a fighter, how it is customary to resolve conflicts, etc. Naturally, her view will be subjective, but this is useful information, because if there is any friction between the child and the group, you will be able to correctly assess the situation and not make irreparable mistakes (after all, your child may also be wrong).
It would be nice to explain to the child that he is new, and therefore he must first look at the rules that exist in the children's team.
In general, children adapt much more easily than adults suggest, so don't worry, everything will be fine! :)

04/01/2000 17:24:34, Irina

Today I will tell you in detail how it was, and also tell you about the daily routine in our kindergarten, because for parents planning to send their child to kindergarten, it is advisable to adjust the daily routine “for kindergarten” in advance to make it easier for the baby adapt to new conditions.

To be honest, I was very worried about how everything would go despite our preparation, after all, the first day of a child in kindergarten is a very important event in the life of a child and parents. Now he is a step up, older, matured. Sometimes, parents worry about how the first day in the garden will go even more than a child. :)

How do we prepare for kindergarten?

They constantly walked in the territory of the kindergarten, every day they took and took their son from the kindergarten with their daughters, told how good it was there - the children play together, eat, sleep, the theater often comes. In general, the mood was only positive.

On the eve of going to the kindergarten, the older brother instructed his sister: “Nastya, behave yourself in the kindergarten so that the teacher does not scold you! I don't want anyone to scold you! If someone offends you, immediately tell the teacher, tell everything to me and your parents! Don’t lose your toys, you’ve played - collect them in your purse, don’t scatter them. Do not forget to wash your hands before eating, do not run away from the playground while walking. The daughter carefully listened to her older brother, because he is already experienced, he has been going to kindergarten for several years, so he knows everything. :)

The first day of the child in kindergarten on August 20

On August 20, we woke up at 7 am with the whole family. While my husband ate, I took care of the children - washed, collected, watched a cartoon a little and were finally ready to leave the house.

In the morning, Nastyushka was joyfully tuned in to the kindergarten, she didn’t even let me help her dress herself, she kept repeating “I myself”, pulling on pants, a T-shirt, a jacket, socks and sneakers.

Finally, everyone was gathered and dressed. The children armed themselves with bags with toys - the son brought a typewriter and an excavator to the kindergarten, the daughter took a pussy, two plates, spoons, mugs, a toy knife and a watermelon (which is glued with Velcro) so that there would be something "own" in the kindergarten. Our teacher Elena Nikolaevna told us about this, that it is easier for a child to adapt if there is something in the kindergarten that he likes to play at home (designer, cubes, etc.). My daughter most of all likes to “cook” to eat in a toy dish, and also draw, sculpt from plasticine. So we settled on dishes.

My daughter rode a bicycle to the kindergarten, we walked, all in anticipation of the first day in the kindergarten. To tell the truth, it was very exciting, even though we were preparing in advance for the kindergarten, we constantly talked about it and my daughter asked every day “when will I go to kindergarten, like Lenya? I want to play with the children in the kindergarten, I will eat, play, sleep and wash my hands there.”

Lenin's group was already walking on the playground of the kindergarten, the son left his toys on the playground and went to see his sister off to the kindergarten, he really wanted to see her group :) Nastya was seriousness itself)))

In the kindergarten, she quickly changed clothes herself, not letting anyone help her, repeating "I myself." :) I neatly put everything in my green box, after admiring the cherry glued on the door.

The teacher met my daughter, said hello and took our daughter with a bag of toys. I warned the teacher that my daughter didn’t pee before leaving the house to show her where the pot was, otherwise she would suddenly be embarrassed to ask, she is such a modest little girl. So our first acquaintance with the kindergarten took place from the toilet room :)

At 8:00 my husband and I left the kindergarten and went - I went home, and my husband went to work. At home, an unusual silence awaited me, the laughter of children was inaudible, squeals, no one plays, does not run, does not jump, that's what it means for a child's first day in kindergarten))). Every now and then I looked at my watch, I could not do anything, I could not concentrate on anything, I thought, how is my baby, my little princess?

At 10.50 already approached the gates of the kindergarten (on the first day, my daughter was told to be from 8 to 11 o'clock). And just at that moment the teacher called, said that Nastenka was crying, someone wanted to take her toy, she burst into tears. Well, yes, my girl does not like it when her toys are taken, there is such a thing :) especially without asking. Now, if you ask, say "please", then you will give :)

Lenya was walking on the site, when he saw me, he said that he wanted to take my sister from the group with me, he missed me. They asked the teacher for leave and ran after their sister. We open the doors to the group - the kids are sitting there on the chairs and our little princess, tearful eyes, our tiny little one. They called her - she ran to us, hugged, kissed. :)
Elena Nikolaevna said that she behaved well, did not cry, only when someone encroached on her toy she was upset. Well, she didn’t even have breakfast, although she loves milk porridge and this morning I didn’t feed her, deciding that she should get used to having breakfast in the garden. I played a little with the children, even managed to take a walk for 40 minutes.

On the way home, my daughter said that she drank cocoa for breakfast in the kindergarten, ate bread and cheese, asked for more cheese, but they didn’t give it, as mom always gives))) She complained that they tried to take away the toy from her, reassured the baby, said that it was necessary to play together, "cook" to eat together and feed each other for fun.

All in all, the first day went well. Daughter is happy, ready for kindergarten. Arriving home, she said that tomorrow she would go back to the kindergarten, she would play with the children and eat porridge :)

The second day of the child in kindergarten on August 21

On the second day, the teacher decided to leave her daughter until lunch. We agreed that the baby will eat and I will immediately take her home - I take her home and put her to bed. In general, from 8 am to 11.55 pm.

In the morning, my daughter dressed herself again, got ready and went hand in hand to the kindergarten together (my husband is with us, he was given a day off today). The son again went to see his sister off, to make sure that she reached the group and everything was fine with Nastya, after that he ran to the playground to his classmates.

They kissed their daughter, waved goodbye and the baby ran to the group. This time we came a little late - at 8.30 my daughter went to the group, the kids were already getting ready to sit down to eat, we had to leave the house early :) But we avoided observing the morning crying of the kids, who were brought by their parents earlier than us. Sometimes sobs are heard in the group, but there is no direct inconsolable crying. Elena Nikolaevna skillfully distracts the crumbs and does not let them cry.

While the kids were in the kindergarten, my husband and I went on business and at 11.50 we were already near the kindergarten. The teacher said that the daughter cried several times, but she behaved well, ate, played with the children. Later, the daughter said that she saw Lenya on a walk (they have playgrounds opposite each other), her son called her, she ran to him, but the teacher did not allow them to meet / hug. The kids were a little upset about this. But still, what we saw was great.

When I was picking up the baby, the teacher offered to leave our girl for sleep on Monday, but so far I refused. I do not want to rush things, let him get used to it gradually. Moreover, she was afraid that over the weekend her daughter would wean herself from kindergarten and would not want to stay for a sleepy hour. We will get used to it gradually, there is no hurry :)

The third day of the child in the kindergarten on August 24

Well, today was our third day in kindergarten (now my daughter sleeps at home in her crib). In the morning, we started with cocoa and cookies to wake up, cheer up and tune in to the day ahead. Then the children got dressed (I didn’t know what to give them to wear, it was 14 degrees outside in the morning, 24 in the afternoon - it was necessary that they wouldn’t freeze in the morning, and it wouldn’t be hot in the afternoon). But after we decided on clothes, we got dressed and ran to the kindergarten.

My daughter spent the weekend thinking about a pussy and a watermelon - toys that she left in the kindergarten. Worried about how they were without her. So she went to the kindergarten with great desire, because her toys were waiting for her there. :)

Today, the son did not see off his sister, he ran to his playground to play with the guys, my daughters and I went to the group together. My daughter again changed clothes herself, she didn’t let me help herself with anything, she even wanted to fold her clothes in a drawer. So all you have to do is sit back and wait :)

Having changed clothes, the little girl took a ball (so soft that if it hit someone on the forehead it would not hurt), they kissed and ran into the group. I went home to work)))))) Today, her daughter is again in the kindergarten until 12 o'clock. I was very worried that she would not want to go, she would be capricious, but, fortunately, everything worked out. Today, Lenya just didn’t want to go to the kindergarten))) He asked to stay at home (tomorrow and the day after tomorrow he won’t be in the kindergarten - he will go with his dad to visit his grandmother in another city, at the same time he will rest from the kindergarten).

I came for my daughters at 12 exactly - the kids had already gone to bed, and my baby was sitting at the table and leafing through a book. I called her, but my daughter ... didn’t want to leave))))) She says the book is interesting, I want to look more, look through it))) I had to take it away crying from the kindergarten, promising that tomorrow Elena Nikolaevna would give the book to look through again.

And tomorrow we have ... the first day when my daughter will stay for a daytime sleep. Oh, to be honest, I'm very worried. How will she fall asleep) At home, before going to bed, she sings fairy tales, until everything she remembers tells, sings, calms down and goes to sleep) The artist is small.

Daily routine in kindergarten

I already wrote that my children live according to a certain daily routine, but our daily routine was different from the daily routine in kindergarten, so I had to correct it. For example, we went to bed for a daytime sleep at 13 o'clock and slept until 16 o'clock, while in the kindergarten, children are put to bed immediately after dinner at 12.05-12.15 and wake up at 15 o'clock. We have adjusted some aspects of our regime. Well, for those who are interested in the day regimen in kindergarten, I post a sample (in other kindergartens there may be a different regimen).

The daily routine of a child in kindergarten

7.00-8.00 reception of children, inspection, independent activities
8.00-8.35 Morning exercises, personal hygiene, preparation for breakfast
8.35-8.50 Breakfast
8.50-9.15 Games, preparation for direct educational activities
9.15-10.15 Direct educational activities
10.15-10.35 Games, preparation for a walk
10.35-11.35 Walk (outdoor games, observation, work, independent activity, individual work)
11.35-11.50 Return from a walk, water procedures, preparation for dinner
11.50-12.20 Lunch
12.20-15.00 Getting ready for bed, sleep
15.00-15.15 Gradual rise, hardening activities
15.15-15.30 Preparation for afternoon tea, afternoon tea
15.30-16.15 Games, joint activities, individual work with children
16.15-16.45 Preparation for the walk, walk
16.45-17.00 Return from a walk, water procedures
17.00-17.30 Preparation for dinner, dinner
17.30-18.30 Games, independent activities, reading fiction
18.30-19.00 Children go home

How was your child's first day at kindergarten? What is the daily routine in your kindergarten the same or different? I'd love to see your answers in the comments!

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It is hard to believe that the baby, who was taken in a stroller yesterday, has already become quite large, and it is time for him to go to kindergarten. But we still have to deal with it. At 3 years old, a child usually becomes socially active and can attend a children's group. Of course, one cannot do without experiences here. How to prepare a child for kindergarten?

Stress is the main enemy of the baby

Any child entering kindergarten will certainly experience stress associated with adaptation. The ability to adapt in young children is very, very small, which is why a baby’s abrupt transition to a completely new social environment for him never goes painlessly, even if the outward signs of this are not so obvious. Prolonged stress can harm a child's health and slow down his physical and psycho-emotional development.

To avoid such troubles, you need to know how to prepare a child for kindergarten competently, think through everything and act as efficiently as possible in the interests of the crumbs.

What should parents do?

The very idea of ​​visiting a kindergarten for an adult needs to be played out depending on the personality of the child. Emphasizing his new social status will help someone - you are now big and go to kindergarten as an adult. It is best to tell a child who loves to communicate that children in kindergarten have fun playing.

Before the first separation, try to determine for yourself how long the child can live without you. You can gradually leave him with his father, grandmother, a well-known neighbor or your girlfriend, whom you can trust. The child must get used to the idea that the mother leaves for a short time and always comes back.

How to talk to a baby?

You need to talk about entering kindergarten in positive tones - describe how interesting it is there, how many toys, what holidays and activities are. In no case should you be intimidated by punishment. The child must trust the educator in advance, perceive him as a close friend and "his person". In no case should you threaten the baby with the fact that the teacher will punish for disobedience.

At the same time, one should not insistently remind every day that the child will soon go to kindergarten without fail, that is, do not make this too much of a problem.

Always answer the baby's questions and tell him in as much detail as possible what he will have to do there, and what his mother will do at work at this time. At home, you can play "raising children in kindergarten" - for example, leave him alone in the children's room, then come in, point to the clock and say that it's time to take your son or daughter home.

Preparation for kindergarten should begin no later than two months before the planned date of admission. Always explain to the child that you will return for him, for example, after he eats and sleeps. This will make it easier for your baby to wait for you. And never break your promise. Getting used to the idea that you will definitely return, the baby will be able to let you go more easily.

Communication is the basis of success

Children in kindergarten should be able to communicate. Take your child to the park, to the playground, organize a swing ride or play in the sandbox. If you have relatives or acquaintances with children, try to visit these families and invite them to your place. If not, go for a walk where a lot of mothers with children gather. Communication with peers is one of the most important social skills.

Wean the baby for a long time messing with food. About half an hour is allotted for lunch in the kindergarten, and it will always be unpleasant for him to be among the lagging behind.

Let's help the teacher

Dressing children for a walk (especially the younger group) is a separate problem. At first, children always confuse lockers, put on other people's things by mistake, lose and confuse their own. This creates a lot of trouble for the nanny and teacher. An easy way to help is to sign your little one's things, especially at the beginning of the year. Spare items must be put in a bag, and only clothes for current needs should be left on the locker shelf, otherwise misunderstandings are possible.

But the main thing is to teach the child to dress independently. At home, give the child the opportunity to master the process from beginning to end, while pronouncing the order of dressing things, and also ask the child to tell you (supposedly you forgot).

If the child does not eat on his own

Eating is a very important moment. If you are still spoon-feeding your baby, there are only two options - either teach him to eat on his own, or leave him at home for now. Staff will not be able to spoon-feed every child. If the child does not know how to eat on his own, most likely, in the kindergarten he will flatly refuse to eat at all.

Physically, a three-year-old child is quite able to eat anything on his own. Feeding from a spoon is perceived, rather, as a ritual of communication with mom. In the absence of the mother, the ritual also disappears - the child refuses to eat. Thus, the beginning of kindergarten life can be very complicated. While the child is still at home - let him eat himself. Be patient. A kid can sit at a meal for a very long time, get smeared up to his ears, but sooner or later he will master this simple process, which will make life much easier for himself and for you.

We adapt gradually

The first days in kindergarten should be short. First bring the child for an hour, then for 2 or 3, then you can try to leave him until lunch or put him to sleep at a quiet hour with other children. Thus, the period of stay in the group will be lengthened gradually.

Let him take his favorite toy with him. Ask in the evening not only about what the child himself did, but also what his favorite bear or bunny was doing. Much can be gleaned from the responses of the child. After all, talking about his pet, the baby always has himself in mind.

Leaving, part quickly, leave with a cheerful face.

Child crying in kindergarten

Get ready for the fact that at the first parting, the child will definitely cry. This is fine. You will have to be firm and leave in order not to let pity overwhelm yourself and the baby.

If possible, let another person take the child to the kindergarten for the first few days: dad, grandmother or nanny. But in the evening, be sure to take it yourself - in the first days it is necessary.

If two weeks have already passed, but the child cries all the time when parting, you need to consult with the teacher. Perhaps the baby is simply not ready to part with his mother for the whole day. Then you will have to consider postponing the start of kindergarten to the next year or later.

Adaptation for mom

It happens that the mother herself is not yet ready to send the child to kindergarten. By her behavior, she voluntarily or involuntarily demonstrates anxiety, which also charges the child. Of course, this will not help adaptation in any way. The most reasonable thing in such a situation would be to temporarily transfer authority to the father or other relatives who can take the baby away without undue emotions.

Keep in touch with kindergarten. Talk to the teacher, be aware of everything that happens to your baby. When he is not in front of you, the child may behave completely differently than at home. A conversation with a teacher can open your eyes to many things, and you, for your part, will help her to better understand your child.

Difficulty getting used to

It should not be forgotten that in the first days everything can be fine, and difficulties will appear in two or three weeks or a month. The child may suddenly start categorically refusing to go to kindergarten in the morning, suffer from nightmares, or get sick often. This is due to the fact that the novelty of impressions and the joy of communicating with new friends have already been exhausted, stress has accumulated, the child has fully felt the loss of all former privileges.

Remember that full adaptation is possible not earlier than in a couple of months. All this time, you need to try to smooth out most of the differences between the baby’s old and new life. Give him as much attention as possible, try to cook his favorite dishes on weekends and evenings, show interest in his kindergarten activities and listen to everything he wants to tell. Praise and take care of children's drawings and crafts. In a word, show maximum patience, goodwill during this period and do not be afraid to make some concessions to the child.

The most important thing is to be a friend to your child. Trust and mutual understanding are the basis of a strong relationship, in which it is easier for the baby to endure any stress.

What happens when you come with your child to kindergarten for the first time is a difficult question. Much depends on the nature of the child. A child with a sociable nature, at the sight of an interesting company, may not immediately remember that he did not come alone. For other children, with a more closed character, separation from their parents is stressful. In any case, do not forget that any child is an explorer, and kindergarten is another discovery, and your task is to be there and help the little discoverer.

Be that as it may, the process of development in a new environment should be smooth. The most irresponsible of you will be to quietly leave, leaving the child alone with problems. The consequences can be the most severe.

It would be better to stick to some plan.

Let's say this:

First day

You come with the baby to the kindergarten. Learn together. Take part in breakfast. The child eats, you yourself get acquainted with the menu. After a while, without waiting for dinner, you return home with the child.

Second day

Spend about a quarter of a full day with your child in kindergarten. Be nearby, so that he does not lose sight of you (this is important - he will feel more confident), but act independently. Agree with him that you will come soon and leave him in the garden for an hour and a half. When you return, take it home. In no case should you leave the child without warning him about leaving - you risk losing his trust.

The third day

Stay with the child in the kindergarten for two hours. Agree with him that you are leaving, and after kissing goodbye, leave until the end of the day.

Fourth day

Arriving with the baby in the kindergarten, talk to him, make sure that he feels confident. Agree that he stays until the evening, say goodbye and leave.

The above plan is based on the fact that in the kindergarten parents are allowed to stay with their children for some time. Alas, not all kindergartens have such liberal rules. For example, in the kindergarten, where I came with my three-year-old daughter, it was impossible to stay.

We did this: after walking around the kindergarten, we examined and examined the territory, talked with the teacher. Met and talked with the nanny. We agreed that she would stay in the company with her favorite toy until the start of the walk (for about two hours). We kissed and said goodbye. The next day she spent half a day in the garden (all the time before dinner). Soon the daughter herself asked to pick her up in the late afternoon.

Now, advice to those who are going to take their child to kindergarten. I hope they will help you get comfortable in the first days.