Work plan for the week on the topic of space. Planning a theme week for the cosmonautics holiday. “Social and communicative development”

Planning a thematic day in the preparatory group on the topic "Space"

Description of material: Such planning of a theme day with children of the preparatory group will become an integral help for educators in expanding children's knowledge about space.
This planning will help expand and clarify children’s knowledge about space, about the planets, about the amazing and interesting work of astronauts, about stars and meteorites.
This plan contains abbreviations and explanations
"P" - Cognition
"K" - Communication
"B" - Security
"S" - Socialization
"FC" - Physical culture
"HT" - Artistic creativity
"T" - Labor
"Z" - Health
"H" - Reading
04/11/2014, Friday

Morning Didactic game “On Earth and in Space.” To consolidate children's knowledge about space (cosmic bodies and planets), enrich their vocabulary, and activate relevant concepts. (P, K).

Morning exercises, complex No. 1

Individual work: in artistic creativity (drawing) with Dima.R, Angelika.I. Learn to carefully color coloring books, use a variety of materials for this (felt-tip pens, colored pencils, colored wax crayons). (HT).
Looking at books, albums, postcards about space. Introduce children to the labor operations carried out by astronauts and about amazing discoveries. (P,T).
Games with building materials: “Building a space station.” Exercise children in designing from building materials. Analyze buildings, develop creative activity. (WITH).
1. Title of the GCD: Speech development.

GCD layout:

viewing of the multimedia presentation “Cosmos”. Compose sentences with the word "Space". Game "Good-bad". Multimedia presentation “What’s extra?” Physical exercise in the form of the pantomime game “On an Unknown Planet.” Writing stories about an unknown planet. Graphic drawings about an unknown planet.
GCD source: abstract.
1.Name of GCD: Speech development.
GCD topic: Compiling a fantasy story about an unknown planet.
The purpose of GCD: to consolidate children's knowledge about space; continue to teach children to write a story about an unknown planet based on a mnemonic table. Teach children to compose simple and complex sentences and express their opinions. Develop cognitive activity, imagination and fantasy. To cultivate an interest in knowledge and a sense of respect for the astronaut profession.

GCD plan diagram

: View a multimedia presentation "Cosmos". Compose sentences with the word "Space". Game "Good-bad". Multimedia presentation “What’s extra?” Physical exercise in the form of the pantomime game “On an Unknown Planet.” Writing stories about an unknown planet. Graphic drawings about an unknown planet.

GCD source: abstract.

Integration of educational areas into GCD: P, C, Z.
2.Name of NOD: World of Music 11.30-12.00.
GCD topic: Listening: “Song of the Lark” by M. Glinka.
Singing: “Alyosha” music. D. Tukhmanova, “Victory March”. Nikonova, music and movement: “Small Country” by I. Nikolaev.
The purpose of the GCD: to continue to teach children to perform an extension step, to understand the changing mood of music, to convey a musical rhythmic pattern in movement.
GCD source: according to the music director's plan.
Integration of educational areas in GCD: K, S, FC, Ch.

Walk 1

Observation: signs of spring. Reading poems about spring; teach children to identify signs of plant awakening. (PC).

Outdoor game

"Color Comet". Improve children's ability to navigate in space. Develop attention and reaction speed. Use a counting rhyme to select a trap. (FC).
Exercise "Weightlessness". Exercise children in performing various actions under conditions of imaginary weightlessness. Develop creativity in motor activity and imagination. (FC).
Experiments with water. Enrich children's knowledge about water. Bring joy and pleasure. (P).
Work assignments: cleaning the area. Teach children to work together, evaluate the results of work, and be happy for a job well done and useful. (T).
Independent motor activity for children: Games with parachutes, with space arrows, drawing cosmic bodies with colored chalk on the asphalt. Develop play activities, form interactions with peers. (WITH).
Afternoon Role-playing game “Cosmonauts”. Create an atmosphere of creativity and trust, giving each child the opportunity to express themselves during the game. (WITH).
Didactic game “Collect pictures”.(Space theme). Teach children to create a whole from parts, to identify winners in the game. (P).
Educational story “Atmospheric Research”. Introduce children to the concept of “atmosphere”, talk about its properties, protective function, and atmospheric research. (P).

Walk 2

Observations in nature: clouds. Invite the children to describe the clouds. Tell us what astronauts see from space and how they determine the weather. (P).
Game exercise “Rockets to launch.” Exercise children in long-distance throwing and teach them to follow safety rules. Develop mobility of hand joints and coordination of movements. (FK,B).
Individual work on speech development with Masha S., Artyom G. Didactic game “What can you take into space”. Organize a competition for the most original question and answer. Develop imagination. (PC).

Independent play activities of children

Games with balls and jump ropes. Develop sports qualities, play together, without quarrels. (WITH).
Interaction with the family Invite parents and their children to sculpt astronauts and rockets out of plasticine to replenish the volume work “Cosmos”.

Topic of the week: “Space. Universe".

Age group: senior

Final event: photo album “Space”.

Day of the week


Educational activities

in critical moments



Topic of the day: “Space is interesting”

Cognitive - research

Integration of educational areas: “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”


1. “Social and communicative development”

To cultivate respect for the work of people working on the creation of various spaceships.

2. “Cognitive development”

Expand children's understanding of space; lead to the understanding that space exploration is the key to solving many problems on Earth.

3. “Speech development”

Tell children about Yuri Gagarin and other space heroes.

Methods and techniques:- practical: working with pictures

Visual: pictures, illustrations, photographs

Verbal: story, conversation

Materials and equipment: illustrations on the theme “Space”, photographs of astronauts, rockets, space satellites. Pictures depicting aircraft, including spacecraft.

(O.V. Dybina “Acquaintance with the subject and social environment, topic 16, pp. 53-54)

2. Fine(applique)

Integration s.r.o. “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”

Subject: "Rocket".


Activate and diversify the technique of working with paper: learn to cut out paper, paste an image according to the plan. Cultivate interest in visual arts and accuracy when performing work.

Arouse interest in creating an image. Develop imagination, sense of composition, fine motor skills.

3. “Speech development”

Teach children to understand the imagery of poetry. Introduce the words “cosmonaut”, “satellite” into the children’s dictionary and introduce them to their meaning.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: application, physical education, riddles

Visual: picture with a rocket

Verbal: conversation, explanation

Materials and equipment: colored paper, cardboard, glue, scissors

Logic of educational activities

(Note No.)

3. Motor

Integration of educational areas: “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”.

Topic: “Running Long Jump”


1. “Physical development”

Repeat walking and running exercises; train children in running long jumps and throwing the ball to each other.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: warm-up and general developmental exercises with hoop, airborne movement

Materials and equipment: gym, hoops according to the number of children, 2 large balls, cord

Logic of educational activities

(L.I. Penzulaeva, lesson 17, p. 83, pre-gr.)


Individual work with T. Arina and Polina. Breathing exercises “The wind inflates the sails.”

A game " Pick a leaf"
Learn to compare objects according to two qualitative selves.

Conversation with children on the topic: “The Earth is our home in the Universe.” "What is the solar system." Goal: talk about the solar system.

Creating conditions for independent activity in the book corner. Choose books to read and look at: “About the Stars and Planets”, “Myths of the Starry Sky”, “Dunno on the Moon”, encyclopedias, find pages about space and the Universe.

Walk 1

Observing the sun.

Target : help discover connections between certain signs of weather, seasonal changes in the life of flora and fauna, and the influence of the sun on living and inanimate nature.

Progress of observation

Good people, to the red sun,

To a clear face

Bow down, smile

To the beautiful. V. Bryusov

The most important factor determining the weather is the sun - the source of life, light and energy. In spring, the sun begins to rise higher and higher, the more it warms the earth, so the weather is warmer.

The teacher asks the children questions.

When you return from a walk, do you notice where the sun is?

Why do you feel like spring has already arrived?

What happens to plants when the sun shines brightly and for a long time?

Individual work on PHYS.

Development of movements.

Goals: teach high jumps from a lateral run; consolidate the skills of soft landing on half-bent legs in high jumps from a running start.

Games with external material

Outdoor games

“Catch the ball”, “Crucian carp and pike”.

Goals: continue to learn to negotiate independently distribution of roles;

practice catching and passing the ball.

Evening -

New missiles are waiting for us
For walks on the planets.
Whatever we want
Let's fly to this one:
There is just one secret:
There is no place for incompetents.

Conversation on the content of the poem

Printed board games “Loto” and “Puzzles” on the theme “Space”. Goal: be able to assemble puzzles correctly.

S/r game "Cosmonaut". Goal: to develop the ability to independently assign roles, develop a plot based on personal experience, and use substitute objects in the game.

Walk 2

Observing fallen leaves after the snow melts.

Remember what they were like in the fall, compare, note the changes. Explain to the children that all the valuable nutrients that were in the leaves returned back to the ground. The roots of the trees produce food, and the tree grows.

Ind. work on physical development with Maxim G. Game exercise “Athletes are training.” Ts.: practice jumping in different ways (one leg forward - the other back)

Conversation: “Be attentive to elders” Goals: explain to children that behavior towards elders should depend on their emotional and physical state (if an adult is tired, offer help, care).

-P/n « Sparrows and the cat." Target:develop in children the ability to fit in space and move in a group without touching each other. Act on a signal, practice deep jumps, standing long jumps, and fast running.


Books for reading and viewing: “About the Stars and Planets”, “Myths of the Starry Sky”, “Dunno on the Moon”, encyclopedias

Children's shoulder blades

Reader for senior preschool age

Lotto and puzzles

Attributes for the game: rocket

Invite parents to talk with children about space and the planets of the solar system; find suitable literature at home and study it together.

Day of the week


Direct educational activities

Educational activities

in critical moments


subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support for children’s initiative

Involving families in educational activities

"Strelka and Belka"


Integration of educational areas: “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”.

Topic: Description of a landscape painting


1. “Speech development”

To develop the ability to correctly perceive, feel the mood reflected by the artist in the landscape, and convey it in words. Come up with sentences and pronounce them with different intonation colors, conveying feelings of joy and sadness in your voice.

2. “Social and communicative development”

To develop the ability to understand the meaning of proverbs.

3. "Cognitive development"

To develop the ability to select definitions and comparisons, synonyms and antonyms.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: motor exercises, game

Visual: reproduction of the painting “Spring. Big water"

Verbal: story, description of a reproduction of a painting, inventing a story by children

Materials and equipment: reproduction of the painting “Spring. Big Water" by I. Levitan

Logic of educational activities

(O.S. Ushakova “Speech development of children 5-7 years old”, lesson 30, pp. 200-202)


Integration o. about “Artistic and aesthetic development”,

“Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”.


1. “Artistic and aesthetic development”

2. “Social and communicative development”

3. "Cognitive development"

4. “Speech development.”

Methods and techniques:

Materials and equipment: recording disturbing music.

Logic of educational activities

(Script summary)

3. Fine(drawing)

Integration oo: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”.

Subject "I'll fly on a rocket to the distant stars ».


1. “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Develop artistic taste. Strengthen the ability to draw objects, conveying the shape of the main parts, their location and size; the ability to write an image on a sheet of paper. Develop the ability to depict the horizon line; paint over the image and tint a wet sheet of paper with watercolors.

2. “Social and communicative development”

To develop in children the desire to complete what they start

3. “Cognitive development”

Introduce children to new words“outer space”, “cosmodrome”, “flight”, “outer space”.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: drawing a steamship, physical education lesson

Visual: pictures of rockets

Verbal: poem, conversation, discussion

Materials and equipment:

Logic of educational activities



Individual conversation with Misha V.Mathematical exercise.Target: consolidate counting even and odd numbers.

D/i “Add a word.” Target:develop the ability to select verbs denoting the end of a named action.

A game "Cosmonauts".

Target: expand the theme of story games, introduce the work of astronauts in space, cultivate courage, endurance, and expand the vocabulary of children: “outer space”, “cosmodrome”, “flight”, “outer space”.

Independent activity in the “Book” center. Examination of plot pictures, illustrations to works of fiction. Task: to develop reader interest.

Walk 1

Watching the wind .

Goals : consolidate generalized ideas about seasonal changes;

give the concept of wind and its properties; determine the direction of the wind.

Mystery: We saw him dressed in spring and summer. And in the fall, all the poor girl’s shirts were torn off.( Tree )

An exercise to write and distribute a proposal.

At the edge of the forest there grew (what?) ... a pine tree.

(Which? tall, slender, beautiful).

She has (what?) ... a trunk.

(Which ? long, straight, naked).

The branches only grow upward (which ones?)…

(which? Thick, fluffy, spiny).

Individual work according to FIZO Development of movements.

Target: continue to teach running long jump.

Games with external material

P/n “Faster than the wind”, “Who is braver?”

Target: develop running speed and climbing skills.

Evening -Reading fiction.

Valentin Berestov


The lunar spacecraft landed on the moon.

In the lunar spacecraft there is a lunar rover.

Circuses, craters and holes

The Lunokhod is not afraid.

He leaves drawings

On the surface of the Moon.

There is a lot of dust, there is no wind.

Drawings can live for a thousand years!

S/r game"Cosmonauts".

Target: develop the ability to independently assign roles, develop a plot based on personal experience, and use substitute objects in the game.

D/ and “Choose the right clothes for an astronaut.” Goal: select appropriate clothing for the astronaut, justify your choice.

Watch the video “How Belka and Strelka were prepared for flight.”

Walk 2

Observing people's clothes. Ask to name items of clothing that are worn in the spring.

Ts.: activate the dictionary with the word “spring clothes”.

Ind. physical development work. “Find where it’s hidden.” Goal: to strengthen the ability to navigate in space (right, left, in front, behind) with Danila V.

P/n "Crow - sparrow."

Goals:teach to listen carefully to the teacher’s command; develop attention; continue to learn how to navigate in space.

Number series

Subject pictures, illustrations for works of fiction on the topic “Space”.

spaceship and building material, seat belts, tools for working in space, toy cameras.

Pictures with different clothes

Goal: development of children's imagination and fantasy.

Day of the week


Direct educational activities

Educational activities

in critical moments


subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support for children’s initiative

Involving families in educational activities


planet Earth "

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”.

Topic: Arithmetic problems.


1. “Cognitive development”

To give an idea of ​​an arithmetic problem, to develop the ability to compose addition problems, and to correctly formulate answers to the question of a problem. Reinforce the idea of ​​the composition of the numbers 3,4,5 from two smaller numbers. Clarify spatial representations: on the right, on the left, one against the other, opposite, one after the other.

2. “Social and communicative development”

Actively interact with peers and adults, participate in joint games.

3. “Speech development”

Practice clear pronunciation of words: on the right, on the left, one against the other, opposite, one after the other.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: composing and solving problems, putting together chairs from sticks

Visual: board, cards, tables, small toys

Verbal: counting, answering questions

Materials and equipment: number figures with the number of circles 1,2,3,4; 5 dolls; 6 bears; 3 tables with schematic images of chairs; cards with two free stripes, small toys, 10 pieces for each child; sets of flat sticks.

Logic of educational activities

(L. S. Metlina, Mathematics classes, lesson 52, pp. 187-189)


Topic "Game exercises"


1. “Physical development”

Repeat game exercises with walking and running; game exercises in jumping and with the ball.

2. “Social and communicative development”

Develop the ability to comply with rules and social norms.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: game exercises

Visual: demonstration of exercises by the teacher

Materials and equipment: gym, 1 ball per pair, sandbags according to the number of children, cord, ribbon for playing.

Logic of educational activities

(L.I. Penzulaeva, lesson 18, p. 83, pre-gr.)

3. Cognitive - research

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”.

Subject: Design by a large designer “Building a spaceship.”


1. “Cognitive development”

Develop the ability to build a spaceship by selecting parts in accordance with the conditions and decorating the building.

2. “Speech development”

Encourage to explain the dependence of the width and other characteristics of the ship on given conditions.

3. “Social and communicative development”

Develop the ability to work together and negotiate.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: play, creating a problem situation.

Visual: looking at illustrations of spaceships.

Verbal: verbal instruction

Materials and equipment: large construction sets, illustrations depicting spaceships.

Logic of educational activities



Individual work with boys

Differentiation of modes of transport depending on the location of movement

Conversation "Solar System". Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the solar system and its planets, what the sun is.

Games : "Let's make a bouquet."Target: teach children to group the same objects according to different criteria.
"One is many" . Goal: practical use of singular and plural nouns as part of a simple sentence.

Walk 1

Air observation.

Poem "Transparent Invisible."

He is transparent and invisible,

Light and colorless gas.

With a weightless scarf

It envelops us.

He is in the forest - thick, fragrant,

Like a healing infusion,

Smells of resinous freshness,

Smells of oak and pine.

In summer it is warm,

It blows cold in winter,

When the frost lay on the glass

Lush white fringe.

We don't notice him

We don't talk about him.

We just breathe it in -

We need him!

What properties does air have? (colorless, transparent, odorless ).

Individual work

Development of movements.

“Throw it over the line.”

Goals: practice throwing objects;

develop reaction speed.

Games with external material

Outdoor games

“Sly Fox”, “Sparrows”.

Goals: practice running randomly; develop agility and speed.


- Reading fiction Dragunsky "Deniska's stories." (Start).

Circle. Experience with metal.

Purpose: to let children understand that metal heats up quickly in hot water, sinks, does not float.

- D/ and “Make no mistake.” Goal: to train children in increasing and decreasing numbers by one unit within the second ten.

Walk 2

Observing people's clothes. Ts.: determine why people wear light clothes in the spring.

Ind. physical development work. Throwing objects at a horizontal target with girls. Ts.: develop accuracy and eye.

Outdoor game "Empty Space". Ts.: develop reaction, running speed, ability to dodge.

Types of transport

Illustration "Solar System".

Small items

Small items


Book to read

Metal, basin with warm water

number series

Throwable Items

Invite parents to make a photo album on the theme “My planet - Earth” for the exhibition.

Day of the week


Direct educational activities

Educational activities

in critical moments


subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support for children’s initiative

Involving families in educational activities

"Flight to the moon"

Cognitive - research

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”,

"Speech development"

Topic: “Composing arithmetic problems”


1. “Cognitive development”

Continue to develop children’s ability to compose arithmetic problems and understand the meaning of what quantitative changes lead to practical actions with the objects discussed in the problem. Learn to give a complete, detailed answer to a problem question; to strengthen children’s understanding of the composition of numbers made up of ones and the sequence of numbers within 10; practice orientation on a sheet of paper and counting cells.

2. “Social and communicative development”

Actively interact with peers and adults.

3. “Speech development”

Encourage discussion and answer questions.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: work in notebooks

Visual: cards with 2 stripes

Verbal: reading, counting; explanation

Materials and equipment: 6 flags in a glass; cards with two free stripes; small toys on a tray; notebooks; boxes of colored pencils.

Logic of educational activities

(L. S. Metlina, Mathematics classes, lesson 53, pp. 189-190)


Subject. Preparation for the theatricalization of the fairy tale “About the Teremok and the Coal”.


1. “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Develop creativity through theatrical performance.

2. “Social and communicative development”

Cultivate feelings of gratitude to people who help us in difficult situations.

3. "Cognitive development"

Give children the idea that fire can be a friend, but it can also be an enemy. Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to act in extreme situations.

4. “Speech development.”

Learn the words to a song about firefighters.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: musical and rhythmic movements,

Visual: music center, disk

Verbal: remembering the words of a song

Materials and equipment: recording alarm music, fire truck siren, songs.

Logic of educational activities

(Script summary)

3. Fine(drawing) (repetition)

Integration o.o.: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”.

Subject "Drawing by Design ».


1. “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Develop children's creativity, imaginative ideas, and imagination. Learn to think about the content of their work, remembering what interesting things they saw, what they read about.

2. “Social and communicative development”

To form in children the desire to complete the work they start. Strengthen the ability to enjoy beautiful and varied drawings.

3. “Speech development”

Talk about what you liked most about the drawings.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: drawing according to plan, physical education lesson

Visual: illustrations from books

Verbal: conversation, discussion

Materials and equipment: watercolor paints, brushes, a jar of water, album sheets.

Logic of educational activities

(T.S. Komarova “Art activities in dow, topic 82, p. 88)


Individual work with Alina A. and Polina Kor. Game “Find the same object in shape.” Goal: among many objects, find the right shape.

- A conversation about what spaceships are made of. Goal: to be able to name what material spaceships are made of.

The game "Who's Faster?"
Target: Develop an understanding of movement in space; introduce the words “fast”, “slow”, “far”, “close” into the children’s active vocabulary.
-Imitation game “Airplanes”.

Children pretend to fly an airplane: start the engine, take off, and land.

Walk 1 Observation of hatching birch buds .

Target : continue to introduce birch and its features in the spring season.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children riddles and asks them to answer questions.

I open my buds

In green leaves

I dress the trees

I water the crops

Full of movement

My name is... (spring).

She welcomes spring

He puts on earrings,

Draped over the back

Green scarf,

And the striped dress.

You will know... (birch tree)!

What time of year is the riddle talking about?

List the signs of spring?

What kind of tree is this?

What happened to the kidneys?

What condition are the trees in in the spring?awaken.)

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: practice jumping in place with turns to the right, left, around you.

Games with external material

Outdoor games

“Knock down the pin.”

Target: develop coordination of movements, the ability to transfer force to a throw.

"Empty place". Ts.: develop reaction, running speed, ability to dodge.


Experience “Why does day give way to night?” A globe is a model of the earth. Let the light bulb be the sun, the pin on the globe shows the place in which we live on earth.

Walk 2

Cloud watching

Target: consolidate knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena.

Learn a rhyme:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - I will count the clouds

This cloud looks like a bear is looking at me,

This cloud is like a bird and wants to fly away,

This is a tree with flowers,

This is a boat with sails

These are whales swimming

And you will be the one to drive!

- Individual work with Varya G. in physical education

« Standing long jump."


Outdoor games "Morning in the forest".

Target: consolidate the ability to listen to the teacher’s commands and carry them out correctly, and move randomly in a given space.

- "Ocean is shaking"

(What does a cloud look like?)

Objects of various shapes

Pictures with spaceships

Spatulas and molds

Skittles, stick

Day of the week


Direct educational activities

Educational activities

in critical moments


subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support for children’s initiative

Involving families in educational activities

"Moon Road"

Perception of fiction and folklore

Integration of educational areas: “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Subject. Theatricalization of the fairy tale “About the Teremok and the Coal.”


1. “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Develop creativity through theatrical performance. To instill practical skills in children’s behavior in the event of a fire.

Teach basic steps to extinguish a fire.

2. “Social and communicative development”

Cultivate feelings of gratitude to people who help us in difficult situations.

3. "Cognitive development"

Give children the idea that fire can be a friend, but it can also be an enemy. Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to act in extreme situations.

4. “Speech development.”

Speak your words from the text loudly and expressively.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: musical and rhythmic movements,

Visual: stereo system, disk, flash drive, decorations

Verbal: songs, poems

Materials and equipment: recordings of alarming and fast music, fire truck sirens, songs.

Logic of educational activities

(Script summary)

2. Motor

Integration s.r.o.: “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”

Theme: Throwing bags


1. “Physical development”

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, in formation in pairs (column of two); in throwing bags at a distance, in crawling, in balance.

2. “Social and communicative development”

Develop the ability to comply with rules and social norms.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: warm-up and general developmental exercises, physical activity

Visual: demonstration of exercises by the teacher

Materials and equipment: gym, sandbags according to the number of children, gymnastics bench.

Logic of educational activities

(L.I. Penzulaeva, lesson 19, p. 84, pre-gr.)


Individual work with Polina Kr.. Consolidation and generalization of acquired knowledge about space.

Verbal didactic game “Say the opposite” with a ball: exercises in selecting antonyms. “Tell me what kind of astronaut should be: lazy - hardworking, evil - kind, etc.

Didactic game “What is closer, what is next?” Goal: determine the distance between the planet and the spaceship using a conventional measure.

Target. Promoting military-patriotic training of preschool children. Fostering a responsible attitude towards learning.

Walk 1

Observing the height of the sun

Target: consolidate knowledge about the influence of solar energy onlife of plants, animals and humans.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle.

What is higher than the forest,

More beautiful than the world

Does it burn without fire?

We cry without him

And how will it appear -

We are hiding from him.(Sun.)

The higher the sun, the warmer and longer the day. The heat melts the snow, warms the ground and creates thawed patches. Grass begins to grow. What else happens in nature?(Establish and consolidate ideas about environmental connections.) Where does the sun rise and set?

Individual work

Standing long jump.

Target: develop jumping ability, strength and eye.

Games with external material

Outdoor games

"Sun and Planets".

Target: consolidate knowledge about the movement of planets around the Sun.

Ball game.



Quiz “Who is best prepared to be an astronaut” (riddles about space).

Summarizing the material received for the week, talking with the children: what was most remembered.

Reading and discussion of the story by L. Obukhova “How a boy became an astronaut.”

Target: introduce children to literature about space; foster cognitive activity.

Walk 2

Watching the wind

Target: clarify the idea of ​​wind.

Research activities

Determine the strength of the wind using a weather vane.

Individual work with boys Throwing the ball to each other from below.

Target:develop coordination of movements.

Outdoor games "Who is faster?".

Target:practice running, develop speed.

Target:continue to teach how to overcome the obstacle course, jump easily and silently.

Situational conversation about why the change of day and night occurs.

conventional measure.

Spatulas and pie tins

Text on A4

Reader for preschoolers

Invite parents to watch a dramatization of the fairy tale “The Teremok and the Ember.”

Summary of an open lesson on speech development

"Space trip".

Program content:

1. Formation of practical skills in using corrected (phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech;
2. Replenishment, expansion, activation of children’s vocabulary;
3. Development of the lexical and grammatical basis of speech through the selection of various didactic games.
1. Repetition and reinforcement of the sound P;
2. Consolidating the correct sound pronunciation in words, proverbs and poems;
3. Development of dialogical speech;
4. Development of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech during word formation and inflection.
1. Formation of moral qualities: willingness to help, sense of collectivism;
2. Fostering a culture of verbal communication;
3. Cultivating attention to one’s own speech; interest in speech development classes.

Preliminary work:
1. Introducing the sound “R” in a lesson on speech development;
2. Conversation with children on the topic: “Space” / who was the first astronaut, space planets /
3. Learning poetry with children;
4. Conducting classes in drawing, applications on the theme “space”, origami “rocket”;
5. Reading stories from the book “Flying Stars” by A. Tkachenko;
6. Examination of pictures from the series by L.B. Deryagin “For preschoolers about Russian space explorers”
pictures of planets,
toys: Luntik, ball, audio recording of space music,
laser flashlights to create a “starry sky” effect,
colored stars are large for constellations and small as rewards.
Used Books:
1. L.B. Deryagin "For preschoolers about Russian space explorers."
2. N.V. Labodina Complex classes, senior group.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, let's go on a space journey today!
- What will we use to fly into space? /children: - On a rocket!/
- What is the first sound in the word ROCKET?
- What will you and I definitely wear? /children: - spacesuit!/.
- Is there an “R” sound in the word SCAFANDR?
- Where is it located: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word?
We put on a spacesuit
To fly into space
We learn a lot of new things
You just need to want it!
- Our crew is ready to fly
Attention! Attention!
Let's take flight!
- Look, guys, how many stars there are around! The world of stars is diverse. On a cloudless, clear evening, the sky is strewn with many stars. They appear small because they are far away. In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the sun.
- Nine planets revolve around our sun.

Listen carefully to the poem about the planets.
All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.
(Arkady Khait)
- The first planet is Mercury. (showing an image of the planet).
This planet is closest to the sun, it is the smallest. Let's say this word together and remember the name of the planet!
/On each planet, children complete tasks./
Task: Guess the riddles.
1. What kind of bird, scarlet tail,
Arrived in a flock of stars?
2. The telescope is hundreds of years old
Study the life of planets.
He will tell us everything
Smart uncle...
3. Not a month, not a moon, not a planet, not a star,
flies across the sky, overtaking airplanes.

- The second planet we arrived on is called Venus. (showing an image of the planet). It is very hot in here. Let's say this word and remember it.
/children pronounce the word Venus and find the sound “r”/
Assignment: “Say the opposite”:
Day Night
Bright -...dark
Sun moon
Fly away - in
Land on the moon - ... land
- Well, guys, you have completed the task, it’s time to move on.
/Children fly to the next planet, imitating astronauts in space to the accompaniment of space music/.
- Look out the windows, we are approaching a planet called Mars. The planet mars appears red and is visible in the sky as a reddish star. Let's say its name and remember it.
/children pronounce the word MARS and find the sound “r”/
Space physical education minute
The sun is shining in the clear sky,
An astronaut flies in a rocket.
(Stretch - arms up).
And below are forests and fields -
(Bend over).
The ground is spreading.
(Spread your arms to the sides).

Guys, let's take flight! Ahead of us is a meeting with other amazing planets.
- Do you know who was the first cosmonaut?
Yes, on April 12, 1961, Yu. A. Gagarin flew into space on the Vostok spacecraft. Since then, every year on April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day...

"Yuri Gagarin"

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.

/Children fly to another planet, imitating astronauts in space to cosmic music, while my assistant directs laser flashlights at the ceiling and creates a “starry sky” effect/.
We are approaching the planet Jupiter, over which a threat hangs, it needs help to stay in the Universe! And for this you need to complete the task.
Assignment: “Make a sentence using a picture.”
For example: “rocket” - A rocket flies into space.
“moon” - The moon is shining in the sky.
“constellations” - The stars in the sky form constellations.
- Guys, it's time for us to move on!

Look out the windows - we are approaching the planet Saturn. (showing an image of the planet). Please note - this planet is surrounded by rings, let's say the name of the planet and remember it.
/children pronounce the word Saturn and find the sound “r”/.
Assignment: “Form the plural.”
For example: rocket-... rockets;
comet - ...comets;
cosmonaut-...cosmonauts, with
constellation-... constellations.
- Guys, what constellations do you know?
/children's answers: Ursa Major, microscope, peacock, hounds, fly, cross, southern crown, compass, etc./
Game "Collect the constellation"
/Children are divided into teams and use stars to create their constellations./
Game "Flies - doesn't fly"
If I say a word that flies, you raise your hands. What doesn't fly, you don't raise your hands. But be very careful, because I will confuse you.
- Does the plane fly? ...Flies.
- Does the Lunokhod fly? ... Doesn't fly
- Does the astronaut fly? ...Flies.
- Is the satellite flying? ...Flies.
- Does the star fly? ... Doesn't fly.
- Does the helicopter fly? ...Flies.
- Does the rocket fly? ...Flies.
/Children fly to another planet to the accompaniment of cosmic music/.
- We are flying to the planet Uranus. It is the seventh planet farthest from the sun. It's very cold and dry here guys.
- Now Vanya will tell us a poem: “Gagarin”
The rocket is flying, flying
Around the earth's light
And Gagarin sits in it -
Simple Russian guy!
/Children fly to another planet to the accompaniment of cosmic music/.

Guys, we still have two planets left to reach in the solar system - Neptune and Pluto. These planets, like Uranus, are far from the sun and therefore very cold on them. To keep us from freezing and getting sick, we need to complete one more task.
Assignment: “Call me kindly.”
For example: star -…asterisk;;
sun -...sun;
sky -... sky;
airplane -... airplane;
helicopter -...helicopter.
- Well done guys, you completed the task.
- Guess which planet we will fly to now?
This planet is our beloved home,
We live on it from birth to death.
The planet is beautiful: seas, oceans.
Flowers and trees there, different countries,
And the sun shines from dawn to sunset, what kind of planet is it, tell me, guys!

Look out the windows, we are approaching the most wonderful, most beautiful and beloved planet Earth.
- Guys, planet Earth has its own satellite.
- Listen to the riddle and guess what Earth’s satellite is.
Only the stars are visible better
There is a full... (moon) in the sky.

Guys, “Luntik” came to visit us from the Moon.
He wants to play with you.
Quiz game "Guess it."
- The largest and hottest star in the universe (Sun).
- A person who flies into space (astronaut).
- What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space? (Spaceship).
- What is the name of both the animal and the constellation? (Bear).
- Why is there day and night on earth? (The planet revolves around itself)
- Who was the first astronaut to fly into space? (Yuri Gagarin).
- Who else has been in space besides people? (Dogs Belka and Strelka, mice, rats, rabbits and even chimpanzees).
- What was the name of the spaceship on which Gagarin made his first flight? ("East")
- What holiday does our country celebrate every year on April 12? (Cosmonautics Day).
- Guys, listen to the poem called:
"Yuri Gagarin"
"The ship is flying"
Flying in space
steel ship
Around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small,
Everything is visible in them
Like on the palm of your hand:
Steppe space,
Tidal bore,
and you and me!
(author of the poem - V. Orlov)

Guys! Our journey has come to an end. Did you enjoy traveling around the planets? What do you remember most?
- Now Luntik will give all of you guys stars as a souvenir of our journey.

Summary of an integrated lesson on speech development

theme "Space"

Goals: continue to introduce children to the topic “space”.
Correctional and educational: teach children to select words with the same root;
Corrective and developmental: - expand, activate words on the topic;
- develop logical thinking and attention;
- develop the ability to select adjectives for nouns.
Correctional and educational: to cultivate in children curiosity about the world around them; - cultivate accuracy when working with plasticine.
Equipment: views of the planet - Earth from space, puzzles of modes of transport, porthole, horse, shovel, boat, spoon, lamp, plasticine, cardboard.
Preliminary work: acquaintance with space objects, examination of a space suit, with the state of weightlessness,
Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. moment.
Guys, tell me the types of transport you can fly on? (helicopter, plane, carpet - plane, broom, rocket)
Look, there are cut pictures on my table, they need to be assembled. What did we get? (plane, helicopter, rocket). Tell me, what kind of transport can we use to go on a space flight? (on a rocket)

2. Did/game “Find related words”
-Who flies into space? (astronauts)
- What kind of journey are they making? (cosmic)
-What do astronauts fly in space? (space rockets)
- What else could be cosmic?
- How do objects in space differ from those on earth? (objects in space fly if you don’t fasten them, they become weightless).
- Remember what WEIGHTLESSNESS is?
- Weightlessness is the state of objects when the force of gravity does not act on them and they lose weight (no weight, does not weigh)
3. Breathing exercise.
Let's imagine weightlessness using the example of fluff. Let's blow on them, the fluffs are light and fly. And objects in space begin to fly if they are not secured.
– Today you and I will also go on a space flight. But tell me, can we fly into space in our clothes? Why? What do we need? (for the flight we need special space suits - astronaut suits that are sewn specifically for each person)

We put on the spacesuits: first we pull them on the right leg,
then the trouser leg on the left leg,
We put on the right sleeve, the left one.
We fasten the zipper, straps, put on the helmet.
We take our space chair,
Fasten seat belts
The countdown begins 5-4-3-2-1 - start!

4. Relaxation - physical exercise
Close your eyes, now we are flying at great speed. Your arms, legs, and head are very heavy. Tense yourself, feel this heaviness. But now we have escaped the gravity of the Earth, open your eyes, we are in a state of weightlessness - let's get up and experience this state. We are in zero gravity!

We're floating in zero gravity
- We're right at the ceiling. (children separate and stand on one leg, make slow movements with their arms up and down with their legs extended straight out)

You and I are on a spaceship, and let’s look out the window at what’s outside of us. Who can tell me what the window in the rocket is called? (porthole)
– The word is very difficult, let’s repeat it. (2-3 repetitions individually)
– What can we see through the window of a spaceship? (Earth)

5. D/I “Name the signs”
– What kind of planet is Earth? (round, beautiful, blue, small)
- And besides our planet, what can we see through the window? (other planets, Moon, Sun, aliens)

7. Development of phonemic hearing
– You can hear the “speech” of an alien
LA - LO - LO - calm
LU - LY - LA - joyfully
LA - LY - LO - LU - sadly
- Guys, have you noticed what sound all the words begin with?
We also have such a sound, tell us - what is it? (consonant, voiced, hard, denoted in blue)

8. Formation of lexical and grammatical categories
- It seems to me that the sound [L] is the most favorite among our aliens, let’s give them objects with the sound [L] in their names. But since aliens are small and like small objects, let's call our objects affectionately.
- I'll give you a horse.
- I'll give you a spatula.
- I'll give you a light bulb.
- I'll give you a spoon.
- I'll give you a boat.

9. Development of fine motor skills.
- Come on, guys
Do we remember what we're flying on? (on a rocket)
- What does our rocket look like? Here are some sticks - make a rocket out of them.
And now I will suggest you to decorate our rocket, but not with paints and pencils, but with plasticine.
The children sit at the tables. Working at tables. A speech therapist helps children.
- Well done! Our rockets turned out beautiful. Let's give them to our guests. And let's play with them.

10. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere.
Logorhythmic exercise “Friends”.
I am your friend - and you are my friend,
I will stand in a circle - and you stand in a circle,
I see you - and you see me,
I hear you - and you hear me,
I'll wave and you'll wave to me,
Goodbye, I will say - and you will tell me.

11. Summary.
Well, now we need to return home. Take your seats, buckle up. Close your eyes and start counting down – 1 -2 -3 -4 -5. Well, here we are at home
Did you like our trip? What interesting things did you remember?
And I liked the way you worked.

Topic: “Space Travel”

Program content :

Expand children's understanding of the world around them (space),

Develop the ability to make simple connections,

Bring children to understand that only a healthy, educated person can be an astronaut.

To develop in children the ability to listen to adults and each other.

Preliminary work :

Conducting a conversation on the topic “Space”,

Drawing on the theme “Aliens”

Looking at illustrations, encyclopedias, books about space,

Making crafts, albums, applications about space,

Game situations “Cosmodrome”, “Find the constellation”.


Models of planets on a poster, a map of constellations, a drawing of a spacesuit, audio recordings, portraits,

drawings of constellations, globe

Progress of the lesson :

Cosmic music sounds.

Educator: Children, listen to the musical composition and try to imagine what a long journey this “Space Travel” music invites you on.

Why do you think so?

Children: Music is mysterious, mysterious, unusual, just like space!

Teacher: (tells the children).

In ancient times, when our ancestors still lived in caves, they looked at the sky every night and were surprised: countless points sparkled above their heads in the bottomless heights. They disappeared by morning only to appear the next night. And where the huge disk of the Sun sparkled during the day, dispersing the darkness, the MOON shone, which periodically changed its shape.

Our ancestors did not understand why this was happening and could not explain it. But a millennium has passed and people have found answers to many questions.

Let us now remember everything that we know about space.

Questions for children:

Educator: What is space?

Children: Space is space.

Educator: What is in outer space?

Children: There are planets in outer space.

Educator: Why is Earth the most unusual planet?

Children: Our Earth is round like a ball. During the year the Earth

orbits the Sun once a year.

Educator: How did you start exploring space?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: Who was the first astronaut? (portrait)

Children: Yu. A. Gagarin.

Educator: What aircraft were used to explore the surface of the Moon? (drawing)

Children: With the help of the Lunokhod.

Educator: Where did the first spaceship launch from?

Children: The first spacecraft launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome

Educator: How are the astronauts dressed? (Drawing)

Children: The astronauts are wearing a spacesuit.

Educator: What type of transport will help you get into space? (drawing)

Children: The spacecraft is launched into orbit by a rocket.

Educator: Guys, do you want to fly into space?

Children: Yes!

Child 1:

We're having a fun game

We would like to introduce you

Come on guys

Let's play astronauts

We'll all fly into space

We are planning a flight, building a new starship.

Child 2:

A plane is flying high overhead

His trail is wavy, the wind sweeps

Now I want to become a pilot for the truth,

And when I get older, I’ll fly to the stars.

Child 3:

No time to go for a walk today

We're busy with a friend, paper rockets

We make them together, we brightly

Let's color it, let them fly now!

Plays brave astronauts


Child 4:

We want to become brave pilots faster,

We will fly into space on real rockets.

Child 5:

The bright stars will light up above us

In the sky, we're a red flag

Let's rise on Mars and the Moon!

Child 6:

We read primers in different languages

But together we will fly on starships.

Child 7:

But it’s better to rush in the skies.

On a steel liner

Let it be "IL"

Let it be "TU"

I love it for its speed.

Child 8:

But here are the other ships

They opened a path around the earth.

Listen, I'm shouting, - pilot, take it

Take me on a flight!

At least to the moon, at least to the star,

Don't be afraid, I won't let you down.

Educator: Guys, since you want to fly into space, now you and I will dream and become astronauts, builders, commanders.

Game "Cosmodrome".

Goal: Children are divided into two groups, one group of children are builders building a cosmodrome, the other group of children are cosmonauts building a rocket and at the command of the commander “Forward” they all run away in different directions.

Builders: We will build, we will build

The best starship:

We will check everything, we will build everything,

And let's take flight.

Cosmonauts: To become an astronaut

There is a lot to know:

Be agile and skillful

Very clever, very brave.

Builders: The rocket launcher is ready

There is a roar and thunder!

A moment and a miracle - ships

Get off the ground...

The commander gives the signal.

Commander: Get ready ahead!

Educator: Guys, what date is today?

Educator: What is celebrated on this day?

Children: On this day, April 12, Cosmonautics Day is celebrated. This holiday is, first of all, for cosmonauts and those who participate in the creation of space


Educator: April 12, 1961 on the ship “Vostok” 9 hours 7 minutes. Yu.A. Gagarin launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome and circled the earth. Guys, how many minutes?

Children: in 108 minutes.

Educator: By flying into space, a man proved that our planet, earth, has the shape of a ball (shows a globe). In our country, Cosmonautics Day is celebrated annually. Flight Yu.A. Gagarin - opened the way for people into space.

Educator: What other astronauts do you know?

Children: Valentina Tereshkova, Leonid Popov, Alexey Leonov, Titov...


Our Gagarin - children know

Before all the people in the world.

Visited the stars.

Guys, do you know who invented the first rocket?

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (shows a portrait).

And the first artificial satellite was invented by Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. (among others they call him the father of space) Shows a portrait.

And now I’ll tell you a wishriddles about space .

Spinning top, spinning top,

Show me another barrel

I won't show you the other side.

I walk around tied.

Children: Luna.

From which bucket?

They don't drink, they don't eat,

But they just look at him.

Children: Ursa Major.

A yellow plate hangs in the sky.

The yellow plate gives everyone warmth.

Children: The sun.

At the door, at the window

There won't be any knocking

And it will rise

And it will wake everyone up.

Children: The sun.

At my grandmother's hut

Hanging edge of bread

The dogs bark and they can’t get it.

Children: A month.

Vosp: Guys, now we will go with you to travel through the constellations.

Child 1:

Here is a big bear

Our star is interfering

Big ladle

In a large cauldron.

Child 2:

And nearby there is a dim light

Ursa Minor

With a small ladle

Collects crumbs.


There are a lot of stars in the sky and it is impossible to remember them. Ancient people chose among the stars those that helped them find their way and tell time. The most important constellation is Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. They are the brightest bucket-shaped stars, which is why they can be found in the sky. Have you found them in the sky?

Children: They answer.

Educator: Shows drawings of constellations. Stars are huge balls of hot gases. The hottest ones glow blue, slightly cooler ones glow white, even cooler ones glow yellow, then orange and red, and eventually go out.

A game "Find the constellation"

Target : Teach children to correlate a schematic representation of an object with an artistic one.

Introduce them to the symbolism of some constellations, accepted by astronomers since ancient times.

Educator: The Earth is our home in space. And the sun, in addition to the earth, has 8 satellites, they are called planets. Each has its own name (shows the planets).

Children: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto. (shown on the map of constellation diagrams.)

Educator: Together with the earth, they make up the solar system. The closest is Mercury, and the farthest is Pluto, Jupiter is 25 thousand times larger than our planet. Guys, I wonder how astronauts eat, since there is weightlessness. What is weightlessness?

Children: All objects and even a person, when weightlessness sets in, freezes in the position they had before.

Educator: The astronauts have lunch at a folding table, take out a container of food and pack breakfast, lunch, and dinner into a transparent bag.

Educator: How do astronauts sleep?

Children: The astronauts go to bed, they tie themselves to their sleeping bags and also their clothes.

Educator: Do astronauts wash themselves?

Children: If you open the tap, the water will hit your hands, bounce off, break into small drops and float around the ship, so the astronauts

wash using special means.


Goal: Fold the rectangle, bend the upper corners of the rectangle to the middle, once again fold the sides to the middle, turn the workpiece over to the opposite side and again bend the sides to the middle.

Educator: Guys, hold hands and feel that we all together make up one whole and everyone in this constellation is important.

Of the 40,000 professions that exist on earth, the profession of an astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. This is quite a feat.

The feat is scientific, technical, organizational, and above all, purely human. The conquest of space is just beginning.

Guys, let's repeat once again, who can get into the cosmonaut corps?

If you want to become an astronaut, you have to do a lot...

Children: Know.

Any space route

Open to those who love...

Children: Labor.

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For flights on...

Children: Planets..

The friendliest will be ours

Our cheerful...

Children: Crew.

If we want to go into space

So soon...

Children: Let's fly.

Educator: Well done guys! Guys, what is this? (there is an envelope on the floor)

Children Envelope.

Educator: Let's see together what's inside. Toy rockets.

The teacher gives it to the children.

So our lesson journey has ended. A wish for the children. To become an astronaut you need to study hard and play sports every day. Astronauts are hired to be diligent people who are not lazy and work hard!

Lesson on speech development “Journey into space”

Program content

    Continue to expand children's understanding of the diversity of space. Tell children about interesting facts and events of space. Continue to develop speech as a means of communication in everyday life in games.

    Carry out vocabulary work, expanding and clarifying children’s knowledge about the environment. Enrich your speech vocabulary. Exercise children in selecting adjectives for nouns. Help children use words actively, correctly, in strict accordance with the meaning. Strengthen the correct and distinct pronunciation of the sounds “s”, “sh”, “r”.

    Cultivate perseverance, attention, love for the world around you

    Preliminary work: conversations, looking at albums, games, reflection in drawings.

    Individual work:

Continue teaching Yana, Yulia, Nikita how to pronounce the sound “s”.

Continue to coordinate the words in the sentences of Nastya, Dasha, Ruslana

Cultivate perseverance in Ravil, Timur, Nikita.

6. Activate children’s speech with words: cosmodrome, astronaut, astrologer, spacesuit, flight attendant.

Developmental work

Develop the ability to coherently, consistently and expressively retell poems using a table. Develop the ability to make sentences based on pictures. Develop memory and thinking. imagination

Progress of the lesson

Journey into space

1. Guys, today when I was going to work, the sky was bright and a ball fell to the ground and a mysterious girl came out. She told me who she was and where she was from.

2. Educator: Well, the children will accept the invitation. Let's fly to the planet Mars

What do they call people who fly to another planet (cosmonaut, astronaut)

3. Motor warm-up

If we want to go into space

So we'll be flying soon

The friendliest will be

Our cheerful crew

What will we use to fly to Mars?

Educator: To fly to Mars we need to fly to the cosmodrome (repeat)

What will we fly to the cosmodrome on? (by plane)

So let's get on the plane. Guys, let's make an airplane out of geometric shapes. Fasten your seat belts and let's fly, start the engines

We put our hands in flight

We get a plane

Swing a wing back and forth

Do it once and do it twice

Guys, tell me who flies the plane (pilot, pilot)

And we are served by a flight attendant

Flight attendant: good afternoon, dear passengers, we are starting our flight, please fasten your seat belts, our plane will gain altitude. In order for the flight to go safely, you must eat, I suggest you choose food products that contain the sound “S”.

Educator: The flight attendant brought you food to refresh you. Choose those products that have the sound “C” (juice, butter, sour cream, cheese, sausages, garlic, plums, apricots, cabbage, orange)

Here we are approaching the Baikonur cosmodrome.

To become an astronaut, you need to work hard, know a lot, and be physically prepared.

Do you want to become an astronaut?

Must know a lot, a lot

Any space route

Open to those who love work

Only a friendly stargazer

Can be taken with you on a flight

Bored, gloomy and angry

We will not take into orbit

So we arrived at the cosmodrome


Together we walk in step

We're going to the cosmodrome

We walk on our toes

And then on your heels

Here's a posture check

And they pulled their shoulder blades together

Waiting like a fast rocket

To fly to the planet

Let's go to Mars

Stars, wait for us to visit

Well, everyone successfully passed the tests and was cleared for flight.

Now let's go into the rocket. Let's check if all the spacecraft systems are working properly. Checking the fuel (pronounce S S S)

Open and close the hatches (do up and down to sound A)

We check the radio (short and sharp sounds “U” are pronounced in different registers, the teacher shows the pitch of the sound with his hand)

Turn on the engine (Pronounce the sound R and rotate your fists in front of your chest).

Children, is it possible to fly into space in our costumes? what should we wear (space suits, space suits).

What can you call a rocket? (starship)

We put on spacesuits (what we put on are spacesuits)

Educator: a starship is not a flight without a smile

Let's smile at each other, kids

Then any height is not scary

Attention, get ready for flight

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 START!

Close your eyes, we are flying at great speed. We have a heavy head, arms, legs, open your eyes. Now we have escaped the gravity of the earth and are in a state of weightlessness.

Now let's look out the window

Song "Earth in the Porthole"

Pick up your cameras, let's start filming the land

We are given radio signals that we need to photograph

Forest, pine tree, what will we film?

Which? Pine forest; which? Pine forests.

Apricots garden (which is an apricot orchard, which are apricot orchards)

Orange garden (which is an orange garden, which are orange orchards)

Well done everyone for completing the task.

Put on your headphones, let's get in touch with the Earth

Song "I am Earth"

We transmit radiograms from the following words: guys, I will now show you a table with symbols. You must formulate the sentence correctly.

Fly over the North Pole, over (fly over the North Pole)

Fly over the desert (fly over the desert)

Now we will read verse - I, but you must complete the last words in verse - E according to the table.

Pilot in a space rocket

Looked at the ground from above

No one yet, no one in the world

I have never seen such beauty

Oh, what beauty!

We're not afraid of heights

We fly over the forests

Over high mountains.

Song "Grass near the house"

Get ready guys for landing on Mars.

All the astronauts are in place (space music sounds)

According to the course of Mars - it is visible to us

This one is mysterious.

Red Planet

And now we're going very smoothly

We're all landing

Together with children:

Martians, where are you?

We are all inhabitants of the Earth

We are in a hurry to visit you

We want to meet you

Development of facial expressions

At first the Martians were afraid

We got very worried

Then they were surprised

And they became friends with them

They smiled at us

And they laughed merrily with us

And now it's time to say goodbye

And return to Earth

Astronauts by place

Let's start the ships

Just returned from the flight

Our brave pilots

We'll all come from the road

Let's sum up our results.

To the parent's corner.

Calendar and thematic planning

Group - senior

Theme of the week – “Secrets of space”

Days of the week

Regime moments

Educational area


children's activities

Contents of activities within

educational field


Admission of children

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development




Creating gaming cognitive motivation

Children receive a letter from the heroes of the Russian cosmonauts, who invite them to join the corps of young cosmonauts.

To promote the formation of cognitive interest in the astronaut profession.

D/game “What should we take with us on the flight?”

Expand children's knowledge about the items needed by an astronaut.

Labor in nature “Caring for indoor plants”

Foster hard work and a responsible attitude towards assigned work

Game m/n “Flies - does not fly”

Develop attention and speed of reaction to words.

Gymnastics “Cosmonauts”

Develop dexterity and the ability to perform exercises as demonstrated by an adult.

Preparing for breakfast


Physical development

Self-care and basic household work



Game exercise “If you love cleanliness, you can become an astronaut”

Form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

Motor warm-up "Getting ready to fly"

Relieving tension, preventing fatigue




1. GCD

"Speech development"


"Yuri Gagarin - the first cosmonaut"


"Physical development""

Topic: “Journey into space

(according to the plan of the FC instructor)





Presentation “Who is Yuri Gagarin”

Introduce the planet's first cosmonaut and instill a desire to be like him.

Dynamic pause “Stardust”

Develop agility and reaction speed.

(According to the plan of the FC instructor)

Returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Social and communicative development





Self-care and basic household work




Self-care and basic household work


Game-competition “Getting ready for space - get dressed quickly”

Develop independence and accuracy.

Observation of the spring sky and floating clouds

Expand your understanding of the natural phenomena of the spring season.

Work “Clearing the paths”

Foster a positive attitude towards work and a desire to help adults.

P/game “Take a seat in the rocket”

Promote the ability to navigate in space.

Develop independence

Working with the canteen attendants

Encourage them to set the table themselves and compare the number of cutlery with the number of children present.

Situational conversation

“The future astronaut must know the rules of table manners”

Cultivate neatness while eating.

Preparation for sleep


Perception of fiction and folklore

Reading N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon”

Create comfortable conditions for a restful sleep.

Gradual rise.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Physical development



Gymnastics after sleep “Young Cosmonauts”

Cheer up the children, set them up emotionally for the 2nd half of the day.





Artistic and aesthetic development

Topic: “What will we use to fly into space?” (Modeling)


Motor Visual

Reading the poem by O. Akhmetova “It’s so cool in space”

Enrich children's knowledge with information about space.

Looking at illustrations of spaceships.

Clarify the structural features, details, execution technique

Phys. Minute “Cosmonaut flies in a rocket”

Relieve muscle tension and set you up for productive activities.


individual work

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Communicative Gaming


Perception of fiction and folklore

Creating conditions for the s/r game “Flight to the Moon”

Introduce the professions of people who create spaceships.

P/i “Whoever knows how to walk like that can be an astronaut”

Develop the ability to coordinate movements with text, practice different types of walking.

Discussion and placement of literature about space in the book corner.

Create conditions for cognitive activity and curiosity.

Preparing for dinner


Social and communicative development


Self-care and basic household work

Situational conversation

“Repeat the rules of behavior more often and always follow them”

Preparing for the walk


Stand alone games

Children going home

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development




Game – competition “Whose rocket will reach the target faster”

Develop reaction speed and running speed.

Games with external material.

Experimenting with snow “Making a Rocket”

Strengthen the properties of spring snow, develop imagination and creativity.


Admission of children

(Examination, morning exercises)

Cognitive development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development


Communicative Gaming


Examination of illustrations in the children's encyclopedia “Everything about Space.” Conversation on content.

Introduce a map of the solar system and a globe.

D/i "Journey into Space"

Contribute to the systematization of knowledge about space.

P/i "Earth - Moon"

Develop running, attention, and the ability to quickly respond to a signal.

Preparing for breakfast


Games, independent activities.

Social – Communicative Development

Social – Communicative Development

Speech development

Physical development


Self-care and basic household work




Consolidation of KGN

Remind you to rinse your mouth after every meal.

D/i “Lay out the stars in the sky”

Development of spatial relationships.

Individual work “Counting the stars”

Practice the relationship between numbers and numbers.

P/i “The spaceship is spinning, let’s take flight”

Ability to navigate in space.




1. GCD


"Journey to the Mathematical Galaxy"


Artistic and aesthetic development






Creating an educational game situation.

"Dunno invites you to the moon"

Promote play activities and verbal communication.

Fix direct counting, the name of geometric shapes.

D/i “Guess the riddle”

Develop imagination and logical thinking.

Phys. minute "Martians"

Develop motor activity and dexterity.

(according to plan according to music director)

Second breakfast, games, preparation for a walk,

Walk (games, observations, work, experimentation)

Returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch


Speech development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development


Cognitive and research activities

Self-care and basic household work




Conversation “Juices and fruits - necessary products for astronauts”

Show the benefits of vitamins for a child's body.

Watching the sun

Creating cognitive motivation “Why doesn’t the sun shine all the time?”

Encourage children to draw conclusions and conclusions.

Labor - we will clear the path to the “Bird Canteen”

Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

P/i “The legs ran along a straight path”

Maintain balance

Situational conversation “We need to value the work of adults - say a polite word”

Cultivating gratitude and polite attitude towards teacher assistants.

Preparation for sleep


Artistic and aesthetic


Listening to muses, the composition “Cosmic Symphony”

Set up for a nap.

Gradual rise.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Physical development


Gymnastics “Hey, astronauts, quickly get up and run out to exercise”

Cheer up children after sleep, set them up for the 2nd half of the day.





Artistic and aesthetic development

Topic: “Rocket flies into space”


Perception of fiction




Riddle about a rocket.

The ability to listen to a short piece and select an answer based on its meaning.

Looking at an illustration of a rocket.

Note the structure and similarity to geometric shapes.

Finger gymnastics “Cosmonaut in a rocket”

Development of fine motor skills, relief of muscle tension

Games, independent activities,


individual work

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Artistic and aesthetic development



Perception of fiction and folklore



Educational quiz “Space Connoisseurs”

Systematize the acquired knowledge about space, about planet earth, about the spaceship.

P/i "Counter dashes"

Develop the ability to run easily without bumping into each other

Watching the cartoon “The Secret of the Planet”

Enrich your understanding of the topic being studied.

Preparing for dinner


Social and communicative development


Self-care and basic household work

Etiquette lessons.

Develop the ability to use cutlery correctly.

Preparing for the walk


Stand alone games

Children going home

Cognitive development

Physical development




Watching the evening sky

Note the characteristic features of natural phenomena.

P/i "Day - Night"

The ability to act on a signal, develop attention.

Individual work

"Climbing the gymnastic ladder"

Coordinate the movement of arms and legs.






Admission of children

(Examination, morning exercises)

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Physical development





Replenishment of the exhibition in the book corner with new books and illustrations about the solar system.

Enrich children's knowledge with new information.

D/ and “What’s extra?”

Learn to classify objects and find them by their distinctive features.

Breathing sound gymnastics “conquerors of space”

Promote interest in the rules of health-saving behavior

Preparing for breakfast


Games, independent activities.

Social – Communicative Development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Self-care and basic household work




Education of KGN

“Always wash your hands with clean water before eating”

Cultivate the habit of washing your hands with soap.

D/i “Who is not accepted as an astronaut”

Promote the formation of moral guidelines.

P/i "Airplanes"

Practice running without bumping into each other.




1. GCD

"Speech development"


"Animals in Space"


"Physical development"

(according to the plan of the FC instructor)


Perception of fiction.




Looking at the illustration “Belka and Strelka”

Enrich children's knowledge with new information about the history of astronautics - The first space passengers.

Reading of the poem “Cosmos” by I. Slepnev

Evoke an emotional response to a new work

Speech games “I start - you continue”

Enrich your vocabulary with space-themed words.

Phys. Pause. “Very soon I’ll grow up and I’ll fly into space.”

The ability to coordinate movement with words, relieve tension

(according to the plan of the FC instructor)

Second breakfast, games, preparation for a walk,

Walk (games, observations, work, experimentation)

Returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Cognitive development


Self-care and basic household work



Cognitive and research activities


Examination of the poster “Rules of behavior for children at the table”

Foster table manners.

Airplane flight observation

Show children that a plane leaves a mark in the sky.

Teach children that each plane has its own route.


Help kids collect toys.

Cultivate a good attitude and a sense of mutual assistance.

P/n “One, two, three, fly to the planet”

To consolidate children's knowledge about the planets and the ability to navigate in space.

Experimentation "Snow - water"

Create conditions for observation, the ability to draw conclusions independently.

Situational conversation “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb”

Foster a food culture.

Preparation for sleep


Artistic and aesthetic development



Listening to music composition “The Sound of Rain”

Emotionally set yourself up for a restful sleep.

Gradual rise.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Physical development


Gymnastics after sleep “Weightlessness”

Performing movements in accordance with the text.





"Cognitive Development"


Topic: “Dangerous objects in space”




The problematic question is, “What objects cannot be taken into space and why?”

Develop the ability to enter into dialogue and express your point of view. Learn to classify objects into dangerous and safe.

D/i "Space Products"

Summarize the idea of ​​space and space products.

Dynamic pause “Learning a cosmic rhyme”

Practice counting, attention, and curiosity.

Games, independent activities,


individual work

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development



Perception of fiction and folklore



Creating conditions for the s/r game “Cosmodrome”

Encourage children to apply their acquired knowledge in play and assign roles.

Using Lego to build a “House for Aliens”

Develop creativity, imagination, constructive skills.

Reading Yu. Nagibin “Stories about Yu. Gagarin”

Continue to introduce the life of the first cosmonaut, develop the desire to be like him.

Conversation about the upcoming exhibition “Space with your own hands”

Systematize children's knowledge about space and aircraft.

Preparing for dinner


Social and communicative development


Self-care and basic household work

Etiquette lessons

Cultivate neatness and the ability to use a napkin.

Preparing for the walk


Stand alone games

Children going home

Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development





Observing changes in nature

Develop observation skills by identifying new signs of spring.

P/i "Earth - Space"

Develop attention and reaction speed.

Instructions for children and parents “Do-it-yourself space”

To unite the efforts of children and parents in understanding the world around them.








Admission of children

(Examination, morning exercises)

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Physical development




Conversation “What I learned from my grandparents about the first manned space flight”

Formation of cognitive interest and respectful attitude towards the older generation

D/i “Yesterday, today, tomorrow”

Reinforce the concept of time


(According to the plan of the FC instructor)

Preparing for breakfast


Games, independent activities.

Social – Communicative Development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Self-care and basic household work





Household work “Let’s hang up clean towels”

Form labor relations between children.

Independent artistic activity

“And I see the planet like this”

Develop creativity, imagination, accuracy, the ability to use pencils, and follow the painting technique

P/n “Walk quickly, don’t yawn”

Development of attention, execution of commands - left, right.




1. GCD

"Cognitive Development"


"How man conquered space"


Artistic and aesthetic development


Cognitive - research




Watch the video “How Man Conquered Space”

Expand children's understanding of space using ICT technologies.

Conversation “The first woman astronaut and the first steps into space”

To give children knowledge about V.N. Tereshkova.

Physics minute “Big Yellow Moon”

Develop children's imagination, relieve muscle tension


(According to the music director's plan)

Second breakfast, games, preparation for a walk,

Walk (games, observations, work, experimentation)

Returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch


Social and communicative development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Speech development

Cognitive development


Cognitive and research activities

Perception of fiction and folklore

Self-care and basic household work


Conversation about rules of behavior on the road.

“Know and respect road signs”

Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules.

Excursion to the library to an exhibition of books about space and astronauts.

Interaction with social partners for the purpose of the comprehensive development of the child and nurturing love and pride for their homeland.

Working with the canteen attendants.

Strengthen the ability to set the table for dinner.

Situational conversation “Sit up straight, watch your posture”

Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Preparation for sleep


Artistic and aesthetic


Perception of fiction and folklore

Reading the fairy tale “How the Sun and the Moon visited each other”

Listen calmly to the work and understand the content of what you read.

Gradual rise.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Physical development



Gymnastics “Get up quickly - get ready for exercise”

Cheer up the children, set them up for the 2nd half of the day.





Artistic and aesthetic development

Topic: “I’ll fly on a rocket to the distant stars” (drawing)

Perception of fiction and folklore




Looking at the painting “Milky Way”

Show children the beauty of the night sky and set them up for upcoming creative work.

Develop the skills of drawing the outline of an object with a simple pencil, and consolidate the techniques of drawing with gouache.

Finger gymnastics “Fingers drew and got tired”

Development of fine motor skills of fingers.

Games, independent activities,


individual work

Artistic and aesthetic development Cognitive development Speech development

Physical development

Social and communicative development


Perception of fiction and folklore




"Space in poems and songs"

Practice diction, the ability to listen to works and understand their meaning. To cultivate love for the Motherland and the desire to defend it.

P/n“Oh, guys, ta-ra-ra, the game begins”

The ability to organize a game according to the word, to run without bumping into each other.

Situational conversation for Cosmonautics Day.

Create an emotional mood, a desire to make the holiday solemn and bright.

Preparing for dinner


Social and communicative development

Physical development

Cognitive development


Game situation “Gaining strength, eating delicious food”

Explain the importance of nutrition for a growing child's body.

Preparing for the walk


Stand alone games

Children going home

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Cognitive - research activities Communication



Kite experiments

"Why does he fly?"

Develop cognitive interest.

P/i "Lovishki"

Practice dodging and running speed

Individual work “Climbing into a hoop”

Strengthen your climbing technique








Admission of children

(Examination, morning exercises)

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development





Working with the observation calendar

Develop cognitive interest, the ability to notice changes in nature.

D/i “What first, what then”

Introduce children to the history of aircraft.

Creating conditions for independent visual activities

Coloring pages on the theme "Space"

Encourage children to engage in independent creative activities.

Morning exercise complex No. 8

(according to the plan of the FC instructor)

Preparing for breakfast


Games, independent activities.

Social – Communicative Development

Physical development


Self-care and basic household work



Rules of etiquette

“Get up from your seat - push your chair in without making any noise”

Strengthen the ability to behave correctly in public places.

P/i "Forward to the stars"

Develop running strength and endurance.




1. GCD

"Cognitive development" (FEMP)


"On the moon lived an Astrologer"


"Physical development"

(according to the plan of the FC instructor)

Perception of fiction. Communicative




Riddles of the Astrologer

Develop logical thinking and intelligence.


“Lay out the stars in the sky”, “Count how many stars”

"Make a rocket out of counting sticks"

Strengthen counting skills, spatial orientation, and knowledge of geometric shapes.

Physical minute

“I spin, I spin, I want to fly to the skies”

Develop motor activity, give the opportunity to switch to another type of activity.

(according to the plan of the FC instructor)

Second breakfast, games, preparation for a walk,

Walk (games, observations, work, experimentation)

Returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Self-care and basic household work

Cognitive and research activities

Self-care and basic household work




Game – competition “Who is the fastest”

Develop independence when dressing, neatness.

Observing the sun "His path in the sky"

Experimentally demonstrate the properties of sunlight.

Develop cognitive activity.

Work “Remove toys from the veranda”

Foster a positive attitude towards work.

P./i “One, two, three – run faster to the goal”

Develop strength and running speed.

“Let’s wash ourselves clean and get ready for lunch.”

Education of KGN.

Preparation for sleep


Artistic and aesthetic development



Listening to music compositions "Flight to the Moon"

Relax, prepare for sleep

Gradual rise.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Physical development


Gymnastics after sleep “Together, together in order, get ready to exercise”

Prepare the body for further activities.




Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Physical development



Perception of fiction


Entertainment "Young Cosmonauts"

Summarize children's knowledge about space and astronauts.

Arouse interest in the astronaut profession.

Develop creative and singing skills.

Presentation "Conquerors of Space"

Consolidate the acquired knowledge.

The game is a competition. Teams: Vostok and Voskhod.

Develop attention and ability to act in a team.

Dance compositions

Develop musical and rhythmic movements.

Games, independent activities,


individual work

Artistic and aesthetic development Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development




Review and discussion of the exhibition “Space with your own hands.

Interaction with family. Intensify the role of parents in the pedagogical process.

Children's games based on interests

Create conditions for gaming activities.

Preparing for dinner


Social and communicative development

Speech development


Self-care and basic household work

Etiquette lessons

"Don't talk with your mouth full,

Chew your food very carefully

and don't forget to say later

“Thank you” is a must.

Preparing for the walk


Stand alone games

Children going home

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Physical development


Cognitive - research



Weather observation

Develop observation skills by identifying new signs of Spring.

Experience "Warm - Cold"

Show the influence of weather on temperature conditions.

Independent motor activity.