Pluses of living together with a guy. Joint Life with a guy: Surprises and pitfalls

You can watch movies as one and together with the girl. Want to see something interesting, I advise and choose a movie for a holiday.

Both the presence and the absence of the relationship, has its pros and cons. Many people think that it is better to have a relationship than to be lonely, but this is not so! If there is no relationship, as well as their presence, has a beneficial effect on your life, then you have nothing to worry about. Everyone chooses its right path. Warm hugs after a long working day and the true feeling of independence arising from a lonely adult is equally good.

If you have not been in a relationship for a long time or recently broke up with a girl or a guy, do not forget that there are advantages in it.

People think they choose themselves, with whom and when to meet. This is not true. The only thing you control is the quality of the relationship in which it is. Many of us are involved in unhealthy relationships, so you may need to explore the advantages of loneliness and understand that you deserve only happiness.

So, what are the advantages of the absence of relationships?

1. You do not hesitate to experiment with your appearance

No, it does not mean that you cannot experiment with your appearance or clothing, being in a relationship. When you are not a member with anyone in a relationship, it can help you shake a little. Loneliness is a good time for self-knowledge and finding a sense of identity. The way you look is the expression of your self-perception.

2. Strengthening in the circle of friends

When you are in relationships, then spend most of the time with your young man or a girl. For this reason, after parting, you can stay in a state of shock for a while. You have a lot of free time that you will most likely want to spend with old friends, because when you were in a relationship, then you probably saw them very rarely.

3. You will learn a lot about yourself

There is no doubt that when you developed relationships, then a personal growth was experienced. In fact, if you constantly feel that develop as a person, then the relationship in which you are a member can be called healthy. The time that you appear after parting, you can spend to learn how to love yourself. When you are in a relationship, it is very easy to lose your identity. However, starting to rebuild it again, you may notice that they have become much stronger than they were.

4. You can focus on your own interests.

There is nothing wrong with sitting at home, together with the girl browsing romantic comedies with the original story, especially when all your friends drink beer at this time and watch sports programs. But even the most patient young people can quickly get tired of this classes. When you do not have a girl, you can watch everything you want. This gives a feeling of freedom and independence.

5. You can expand the circle of your interests.

Many people for the sake of relationships, especially if they are already lasting enough long, sacrifice their hobbies and interests, since everything is missing for everything. When you do not have a girl or a guy, you can spend your free time to expand the circle of your interests. After parting there is nothing awful than sitting at home and do nothing. You should not stand still. Continue to develop as a person.

6. You will understand what you want to see in your future partner.

This Council will be useful for those who have already survived the separation. Sooner or later you will come by the time when you want new relationships. Every previous one has certainly taught you something, and now you know exactly what person would like to see next to them.

7. You have stopped unhealthy relationships.

Of course, this applies not to all people. One of the best feelings can be awareness that you have freed yourself from unhealthy relationships. Perhaps for them you had to sacrifice what you were so fond of. After parting, you can return to this. After breaking the relationship, it becomes easier immediately. Only after some time you will understand that everything was for the better.

8. You can focus on work and other obligations.

When you are passionately solely with your second half, the various areas of your life can start a bounce. If you want to build a career or pay more time to any other labor-intensive activity, the lack of relationship can be an excellent opportunity to implement your plans.

9. Ability to save money

Romantic dinner in the restaurant is, of course, great, but this fantastic evening can be spoiled by numbers in the score. All relations are different, and to spend time, you do not need to constantly empty your wallet. There is no doubt that dates are not for poor people. If you have problems with finance, then you need to hope that your second half will appreciate all the small things you do to make her life better.

10. You can flirt

Forget about dates! It is too difficult! Sometimes sit alone with a glass of wine, scrolling to Tinder, much more pleasant. If you recently broke up with a person, at first you will feel not so confident as once. One way to cope with this is a light flirt.

And now you will learn about the ten advantages of the presence of healthy relationships, thanks to which you want to fall in love again!

1. He (a) your best friend

We all have friends, however, no doubt life seems better when your partner is the best friend for you. With him, you spend most of your time, not noticing how quickly it flies, and not wanting to see someone else.

2. You sincerely possess each meeting.

One of the signs of healthy relationship is that you are always incomprehensible to see your partner, especially after a long working day. If you are afraid of the time you need to spend with your partner, why then do you need these relationships?

3. He (a) Your support and support

Life is not always easy. Sometimes people around you need your support. Have wonderful friends and family - it's great, but only your second half understands you, like no other, and knows what steps need to be done so that you feel better.

4. Excellent sex

You can have sex, not even being in a relationship. However, no one will deny that the night spent with a person you truly love is always much better and more pleasant than sex with a random girl from the bar. Moreover, with a girl with whom you have long meet, you can experiment with various sex toys and other things, which you will not do with whom you barely familiar.

5. You can arrange funny dates

It is a pity that when people meet for a long time, they begin to forget about the importance of romance in life. Dates are one of the best components of relationships. If your fantasy refuses to work, you can find a lot of ideas for fascinating dates.

6. Some activities are simply intended for dates

In the series "How I met your mother" is an episode in which heroes are discussing the so-called "brunch" (late breakfast), eating, not intended for lonely people. It upsets Marshall, who recently broke up with a girl, but he loves brunch. This humorous episode says that there are activities that are simply intended for couples. You can go skating alone or go to the movies, but much more pleasant to do it with your second half.

7. Joint expenses

One of the advantages of the relationship is that your partner will always support you in a difficult moment, including financially. Are you delayed salary? We hope your partner is able to financially help you out and confident that you would have done the same thing for him. It does not want to borrow money, especially in relatives or friends. At least when you take money from your partner, you know what he does it out of love for you. It will certainly go to the benefit of you both.

8. You have someone to talk to

9. You must expand the circle of your interests.

No one wants to have a relationship with a man with a narrow horizon. At one point you can find that the longer you meet with a person, the more hobbies and habits you adopt from it. If your partner, for example, is fond of cooking, then you can also begin to be interested in it.

10. Together to old age

When people ask what they would like to achieve in this life, they always respond differently, and it is absolutely normal. Some want to build up with their loved one and, as an option, to benefit society. If you think so, then there is nothing better than to have healthy relationships, grow, develop with your partner and live to deep old age, overcoming all obstacles and adversity on the way and rejoicing the happy moments.

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Today, young people prefer to be free from stereotypes and try to live together before marriage. Of course, relationships vary under the influence of objective reasons and modern relations, when people gathered to live together have their own minuses and pros. You just need to know about it, it should be understood and take into account. Many girls frighten their mothers, explaining that they say to live with the guy are some minuses, but you will agree, really a young girl knows that there are advantages in such a joint stay. This must be sorted out, let's do it, based on open information.

Perhaps, there is a mass of absolutely contradictory opinions on the topic of joint residence. Someone is confident that before the wedding, in no case cannot live under the same roof, others are confident in the opposite and say that before going to the registry office, you need to check the relationship as a joint life. With a loved one, it is always saved with a loved one, rather than with a friend or just familiar. But together live not only in love. Sometimes people start living together only because it is so profitable and mischievously. Especially often it is practiced by students who either come from other cities to learn, or do not want or do not have the opportunity to live home with their parents. However, there are many controversial opinions on this issue. Can there be several different people who call each other with friends in one territory?

Of course, much depends specifically from the people themselves, as well as on what they have. You can highlight the main advantages and, of course, the cons of coaching.

Live together, pluses:

First, if you decide to live together, the pros will be economic, because living with friends, you can save money to pay for housing, most often it is precisely this is the main reason why people are resolved for joint residence.

Secondly, if you decide to live together, then the advantages for you are in the presence of society, because not everyone can live alone. When a friend lives near, then there is always someone to talk with, discuss any problems and even just see your favorite movie.

Thirdly, if you want to live together, the pros will always be for the celebration of any holiday, because you will always have a company, and therefore you will not have to be sad about the fact that no one called celebrating the New Year to his company.

Fourth, if you like to live with a guy, these are advantages for various trips and entertainment, because your overall big company will not let you constantly sit at home.

Fifth, to live with a guy, that is, accommodation separately from the parents allows any person to become more independent, which forms for you significant advantages in life, but it is difficult to conduct one life, and in the case of joint living, life is divided in half.

Sixth, any cohabitant can become a true friend, which is very valuable.

To live with a guy, it means to see all the minutes and pros of this event. We talked about the advantages, but the minuses can also be avoided by the party, because for many they can be more weighty.

Live with a guy: Cons may be more than pros

Problems may occur if the welfarers have different work schedules or day modes, then they will interfere with each other and because of this, conflicts may arise.

In addition, people may be quarreled due to a different approach to everyday life.

Often, girls living together, begin to quarrel when one of them appears a guy and she begins to drive him into the apartment, the other feels very uncomfortable.

Of course, it may be much more, but in any case you can cope with them if good relations reign themselves. Together with joint residence there are really many advantages with which it is difficult to argue.

When the relationship is located at the candidate-bunch stage, it seems that nothing better happens and cannot happen: a man wears you on hand, gives flowers, sleeps with compliments and enthusiasm with your beautiful eyes. And the only thing that I want even stronger than just see him in the evenings on dates, is to be near him constantly, waking up and fall asleep in one bed, cook lunch and drink tea in one kitchen, hang clothes in a general closet and rejoice What now you are almost a family. However, it is not always a joint life that is so iris, and our ideas often differ with reality. Especially if we do one for other rough mistakes and break what they have not had time to build.

If it seems to you that a joint life is just to transport things in his apartment, and then enjoy the hedgehog coffee in bed, then, most likely, you have not had to make such a responsible step. When you meet in neutral territory, but all the night in your apartment, it is very easy and simply to create the visibility of the one you want to be in the eyes of the beloved. With it, you are beautiful, charismatic, well-groomed, sports, a real girl lighter, and in an hour before the house hurts my head, pick up the outfit, scattering all things around the room, clean your ears and forget to throw the used cotton sticks in the trash can. As soon as the moment of your reunification will come on the total living space, the man will have to see everything that it was so carefully hidden from his eyes for a long time, and you should take care that he does not lose interest to you. In general, you probably realized that the beginning of a joint life is a very important step for all couples, and it is necessary to take it all seriousness.

No wonder they say that true relationships must withstand two checks: distance and common life. So, before putting the last blouse in the suitcase, do not regret the time and read about what mistakes cannot be done in any case, in order not to return to the same suitcase after a month.

A la Forest

Of course, you do not have to jump off the bed either the light either dawn, so that while he sleeps, to apply a "combat color" and appear before the beloved of the fulfillment, - after a couple of weeks, such a regime risks from the lack of sleep. However, and teach a man to the fact that now you will always walk at home without makeup, it is also not worth it. First, he fell in love at all in a fighter for naturalness in a bathrobe, and, rather, just to dates you were preparing at the maximum: mascara, shadows, lipstick, and a beautiful dress and shoes on heels. And, secondly, when you declare the beloved that Makeup is not needed at home, but, going somewhere, paint on a beauty contest, you are very offended. A man understands: she wants to be attractive to others, but not for me. So try to take care of your appearance, even if sunday today and you are not planning to go away. Do not relax.

Under control

For some reason, many women believe that a joint life with a man gives them some authority and now they have access to what was previously banned. A favorite way to cover with a man "Cap" is a permanent inspection of his pages on social networks, read SMS and inbound mail, as well as track all his calls. Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity, and women require a report on each step: where he was, with whom he said, he saw that he eaten, was unimported in a handkerchief, etc. Agree, you would not have suffered such a relationship, so why should he? Plus, such a behavior is similar to maternal care, and one mother of your man already has, you should not turn into the second.

Agree, you would not have suffered such a relationship, so why should he?


Feeling that now they have much more rights to their man than before, women are included in rage: in addition to total control, they also include the "ban" regime. It is now forbidden very and very much: Saturday hikes with friends in a bath ("What if you give women there?"), Joint views of matches in sports grooves ("There is a lot of women who want to fuck you"), as well as football games themselves Or volleyball on the weekend ("You are probably not playing, but for women go"). Some "almost spouses" become obsessed and try to independently plan the time of her beloved: in the morning to work, then there is a bad home (no friends!), From there for products to the store, and then to the aunt Masha for potatoes. Tell me, and you yourself are ready to abandon your girlfriends with girlfriends, shopping hiking and cafe? Unlikely. Such life will be similar to the cage. Think, a man wants to sit in a cage, and even on the leash?

"If loves - will understand"

The beginning of a joint life is a very difficult period because in one place, the orders and laws of two different families are suddenly faced: yours and it. Mom taught him for the fact that the dishes need to be washed immediately after eating, and you are "sinful" and fold it with a neat stack in the sink. Your father never scattered the socks around the apartment, and the beloved then leaves them for the sofa or under the chair. It is clear that some things will annoy you, and in no case cannot be silent. You should not hope for his telepathic abilities and think that a loving person will understand everything without words. Will not understand. Therefore, calmly, without hysteria, explain to the beloved that his socks make you nervous and he would help you very much if he had folded them into the basket for dirty linen. Just do not rush to be offended when he asks you to wash the dishes right after eating, - you are all honest.

You should not hope for his telepathic abilities and think that a loving person will understand everything without words. Will not understand.

"Your, mine - ours"

Would you call all your relatives to the house to the lover, not warning it about it if they were not living together? Of course not! Also do not come and then when the living space becomes common. This does not mean that the visit of your mother must pass full approval, but to say a man's simple: "A few days later, my mother will come to us for a couple of days." You can. It is not difficult for you to warn your favorite about the ambulance with the mother-in-law? In the end, choosing you in your companions, he did not choose all of your family and, unfortunately, should not be happy with absolutely all unplanned visits.

There is a time when young people (guy and girl) get up before a serious choice, enjoy freedom further or get family. To properly decide, it is necessary to identify the pros and cons of family relationships. Sometimes people feel their willingness to create a full and serious relationship, they get tired of loneliness, but at the same time feel the marriage and creation of a moral unpreparedness.

Each person has freedom of choice. Some prefer loneliness, such status helps them to implement themselves in certain types of activity, they can act as you want, do not necessarily listen to someone else's opinion, do not rely and are not focused on anyone. Loneliness helps self-realize. In this case, the girl turns out to be in a winning position, because there will be no problems with household chores, cooking, cleaning and washing. The young man will not be to report to it, where he was and with whom. Such images and pluses on the face.

Take the family, build a strong family relationship is a responsible step. Not every person can decide on him. Therefore, it is necessary to think well, to weigh everything, find out the positive and negative sides of the family life, and then take the right decision. You need to know that in family relations, a person is responsible for the well-being of all family members, not only for himself. Men perceive the creation of a family in the form of a burden that will prevent their career. It will also be difficult to combine your favorite job, and at the same time staying great and loving family man. It is difficult, so you should not hurry to marry. Be sure to think everything.

In family relations there are both good and bad moments, the pros and cons are different. Nowadays, families are rare, in which complete mutual understanding and harmony reigns. Often, when young people get married, hope that their joint life will be happy, emotions will be only positive. But no one can predict how it will actually, no one knows how life will be.

Therefore, it often happens that the married couple does not find a common language with each other, they later understand their mistake - entered the marriage relationship. There is a divorce, and the pair does not know all the delights of a joint and happy life. Therefore, for a start, young people can just live together for a while, check their relationship, understand whether they are ready to be together.

So that the spouses were happy, it is necessary to talk to each other, share emotions, events, spend a lot of time together. It is useful to start doing before the wedding. If communication is not being established, there are no common topics and interests, it is worth thinking and find a problem, try to eliminate it. You can go on a journey or event together, spend time together.

Spouses should always and all support each other. For this, they should have a common goal that combines them and which must be followed. The couple will live happily, family life will flow measuringly. Each of the pair should look for and see in each other only dignity, it will help to establish communication, which will bring a lot of pleasure.