Congratulate the class teacher of the pensioner on his birthday. Original, touching, funny, in verse and prose, happy birthday greetings to the teacher and class teacher from students, parents and colleagues

We finished school a long time ago
And life is now a teacher for us.
I wish you a happy birthday
You, our class leader.

You gave us a ticket to life,
We were taught to love and believe.
For all former students
Your doors are always open.

We thank you
We wish you well and health.
Leafing through the memory of school days,
We remember you with love.

Thank you for your friendship and understanding.
And thank you for your concern
For dedication to work, for patience.
We wish you good health.

With your soul you protected
Fervent, friendly, noisy this class,
Everyone was always worried
Yes, you are worried now.

We have already left school forever,
But we will never forget you.
And happy birthday we congratulate you,
We shout to you three times "Hurrah!".

We wish only good health
And always live without sadness and longing.
You are our best class leader,
So let your dreams come true!

Though you are a former, but just as cool,
The leader is fair and beautiful,
Happy birthday today
We wish you wisdom, great patience!

To be loved, just adored,
And never offended anything
To go to work, like a holiday, every day,
And in the heart - lilacs bloomed all year round!

To you eternal beauty and youth,
So that everyone you meet admires you,
Colleagues highly appreciated your work,
And the kids really loved it!

Under your careful guidance,
We studied in the old days.
There were good moments
They won't happen again!

But, on a bright birthday holiday,
Let me congratulate you
Wishing you well and inspiration,
Your former ward class!

We want you to live in abundance,
More satisfying, richer, more fun.
And to be all right.
Big family, true friends!

Thank you for all your efforts
We appreciate you very much, we love you!
Accept our wishes
In this bright, good hour!

Let the soul sing happily
Forget the word "sadness"!
We wish you positive
Let life be beautiful!

On this glorious birthday
Let dreams come true!
We wish you inspiration
Strength and eternal beauty!

Happy birthday, congratulations
My class leader.
We've been out of school for a long time
But you are my best teacher.

Happiness, good health
And I wish you success
Before the talent of the teacher
Hats off, as always.

I want to congratulate you today
Happy birthday my teacher
Years have passed, but I remember you
My class teacher.

Health to you and inspiration,
recognition and understanding,
Let the student give pride
And let the vocation give strength.

You were our faithful pointer on the path to knowledge and success, happy birthday, our dear former class teacher. We wish you not to lose the sparkle of happiness in your eyes and not to reduce the level of your high reputation. May health be excellent, may the soul sing tirelessly, may the heart with inspiration and love meet every new day and every guest on the threshold.

Happy birthday dear teacher
We want to tell you from the bottom of our hearts
That you are the best leader
One can only dream of such a thing!

Let the children always listen to you
So that you teach them for many years!
May your health be strong
We wish you new victories!

We wish you great happiness
Many kind and affectionate words,
Moods are only groovy,
And huge bouquets of flowers!

Our class leader
wonderful teacher,
You taught us everything
They put a lot of effort into
For great patience
Honor and respect to you
Happiness, endless joy,
Kindness and understanding
Many more years to live
To give knowledge to children!

Our friendly school team is honoring our class teacher today! Happy birthday, beloved teacher! You are our example of courage, sanity and justice. Your knowledge and experience is a very important element for our development. Thank you so much for the love and friendship that you surround us with from the first day we met! We wish you further prosperity, obedient grateful students and sincere colleagues! May every new day bring only positive results! Happy birthday!

Dear teacher, happy birthday! Your students respectfully congratulate you on the holiday and wish you many happy years! May each coming year bring new victories: over age, over diseases, over gray hair! Thank you for the long work on our personalities, for the help and tips, for the desire to turn us into real people! Happy birthday!

Today our favorite class teacher was born! We sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and say thank you for the vast knowledge, confidence and nerves spent on us! You remain our good friend, senior comrade and most respected person! We want to sincerely wish you a long fruitful life, radiant family happiness and a long career! May you still have many students who are ready to accept your wisdom and experience, but may our class remain forever in your memory!

Happy birthday our class teacher! You are our guide, opening the way to a brighter future! You are always ready to lend a helping hand and cheer up with a kind word. We sincerely thank you for everything and wish you even greater victories, successful decisions and grateful students! Let your house stand under a peaceful sky, illuminated by pure, family happiness and deep respect for others! Happy birthday!

Congratulations, our beloved teacher! We wish you peace, kindness and wisdom! May your bright life prosper for many years. Let there be more pleasant moments and happy minutes! We thank you for all the love and knowledge given to us. For open conversations and honest answers, for the right path open to us, which is called life! From all the students - a low bow to you and immense thanks for the years spent with us! Happy birthday!

To the one who is closest to children

Within the walls of the native institution

Today we are delivering

The most sincere congratulations!

Thank you for your kindness and attention.

And for communicating with children is pleasant,

For children's souls such an understanding -

For everything - our immense thanks.

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2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

You took me from my mother

And led by the hand into a new world,

Where did I learn about Antarctica?

And where he rubbed his elbows to holes.

Where at recess I was naughty

Where did you fall in love for the first time?

You forgave me for everything, for everything,

And translated a solid class.

Who are you, my good man,

You will always hear and understand

Be cheerful if the world is snowing

Or the rain is crying outside the window.

You have such a day today

Wishes we carry a bag,

Do not be sad, my good teacher,

Let everything be good around.

And let your head spin

Only from smiles on the lips,

And simple kind words

Stop the clock.

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2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

We gathered to congratulate the teachers today,

Your work is very important, the most noble,

You became the leader in our class,

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you great happiness.

We need great leadership

Children without supervision are a dangerous thing,

We need excursions, competitions, hikes,

After all, we are restless by nature.

We all need your guidance

Swami is interesting, and not at all boring,

Are you ready to resolve conflict?

And every student respects you!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

A whole class froze in front of you,

You entered the office without embarrassment,

We congratulate you today

Happy holiday - your birthday!

Just, kind person

You are the best leader

We wish you strength and long years,

Don't even look at your age

We love you and we appreciate your work,

You have already invested a lot in us,

We want your life

It has become a good and beautiful fairy tale.

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2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

All school, yes school,

And personal life

Completely forgotten by the teacher...

Let's remember her

Happy birthday soon

We congratulate the leader!

And together we will declare: “Good luck on the way,

Find more good grades

For us, your beloved children.

You are an amazing teacher!"

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

We are all class today

We want to congratulate you

And a bouquet of chrysanthemums

Our class will give you.

And also say thank you

for your concern,

Everything we know and what we can -

All your work.

We love you like a mother

Heed the look, the word.

And for educating us

Be healthy to us!

Be happy always

And always beautiful

And so that in life through the years

Stay cool!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

You are a second mother to us,

We love you one hundred percent

And for our classy lady

We'll bring a bouquet of flowers.

So as not to be spanking today,

We swear a mile away

Even carnations and buttons

Don't throw it on a chair.

And easy and noble

Promise kids

Write well today

"Tsya" and "tsya", and "zhi" and "shi".

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Help will come at any moment

Our leader that our class leads.

Help, advise. Anytime and anywhere

You are with us, you are near in fun, in trouble.

We are happy to invite you to visit us,

And we are always ready to help you.

And we give you a bouquet on your birthday,

Thank you very much for your kind light!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

We hasten to congratulate you

Happy birthday!

You are always an example for us

And our inspiration!

We wish you

Long and happy years

you to your students

Always ready to give advice.

Let teach not only us,

Sharing my wisdom

But we are your special class,

We hope to be proud!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Happy birthday to you,

Even if you are at work right now.

We wish you iron patience,

Good health, peace of mind.

You take care of us like a mother,

Always, everywhere you remember us.

We believe that you are the First Lady in school,

And we are your lively and grateful class.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Our dear leader is cool!

You have such a wonderful holiday today -

Birthday day! We congratulate you on it!

Let the holiday be cool, unforgettable.

We wish you good health,

To work with due love

You made it easy all the time

So that everything you aspire to succeed!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

On this sunny day


With an amazing, fabulous day -

Happy Brithday!

From the whole class we wish you success,

Health, happiness and unexpected victories.

We promise to be obedient

These are not just words - our vow.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

You are our wisdom and our discretion,

We would probably be lost without you

Our performance depends on you

We are glad that you always need us.

And on your birthday, without a doubt,

We wish you good health

So that you always have enough patience,

We are in a hurry to wish you well.

Our cool, dear leader,

Health and smiles to you always,

You are our guide in the darkness,

We wish you never to meet grief!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Incredible career for you,

Love, health, happiness, faith,

You are our cool leader,

We are on your beautiful birthday

We wish you

Well, and also - a confession of love,

You are our best teacher

And even more - inspiring!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

class leader,

Today is your holiday.

The brave will congratulate you

Sometimes a friendly class.

We'll say happy birthday!

Thank you for everything.

We ask for forgiveness

Suddenly it wasn't.

Good luck, positive

Patience in everything.

So that there are always forces

How to apply - we will find!

15 236

The class teacher plays an important role in the life of the younger generation. Schoolchildren and their parents strive not to miss the opportunity to congratulate him on any holiday in order to express gratitude for the hard work of the teacher. Many students remain in touch with the class teacher all their lives. Any teacher will be pleased with the attention of the ward, who has long since graduated from school. If you are choosing warm words for the teacher’s birthday, we present to your attention congratulations to the class teacher in prose and poetry.

Wishes from a student

Every teacher is pleased to hear congratulations on his birthday. If they sound from the lips of a schoolboy, it is especially pleasant. In addition to verbal congratulations, you can arrange a wall newspaper, where each student will write a couple of lines from himself. These could be the following words:

  • “Today is a special day, I want to say congratulations to the classroom, dear teacher! You are not just adding to my knowledge base, you are showing me the right path in life. I wish you always have the strength and patience to do your job. Let wisdom always prevail over emotions. So that students appreciate, and colleagues are treated with respect.
  • “Happy holiday, dear teacher! I want to thank you for everything you have done for me and taught me. For me, you will always remain not a class teacher, but a true friend. It is easy to turn to you for advice, because you will not judge and will always come to the rescue. I have never met such honest, smart and fair people in my life. But you are an example that they exist. Kudos to you for your work. Achievement of professional heights, good health, happiness, success, joyful events!”

Congratulations from the whole class

Most often, birthday greetings are heard not from one student, but from the whole class. Take the opportunity to express Surprise him and write wishes on the blackboard. If you want to leave not only pleasant memories, then sign a beautiful postcard. Seeing her many years later, the class teacher will remember his beloved students and read these words:

  • “Our dear teacher, you and our class have been together for several years. Before your eyes, we grew up, gained knowledge and formed as individuals. Thanks to your work, our class is distinguished by high academic achievement. Because of your immense love, we have rallied into a single team. Today's congratulations to the class teacher on his birthday is not only a tribute to the enormous work invested in our upbringing. This is a low bow for a start in life.
  • “Dear and beloved teacher! Happy Birthday. We wish you great happiness, optimism and patience. For our part, we promise to become the most obedient class and please you with our academic performance.”

  • “We address our congratulations to the class teacher. Happy birthday! We want everything to be great in your life. Let harmony and mutual understanding await at home. At work - respect and career growth. You are an unusual teacher, you are our second mother. We are sure that you are worried about each of us. Thank you very much for your care, love and guidance.”

Congratulations from parents

Who more than schoolchildren respects and loves teachers? Of course, their parents. After all, they give up the most precious thing - their children. No wonder parents only want the best for teachers. After all, they know firsthand how difficult it is sometimes to find a common language with a child. Words of gratitude on a birthday from parents may look like this: “Dear class teacher, our children came to you for education very young. And what they become depends largely on what kind of atmosphere you create at school. Already now we know that the teacher of our children is a truly worthy person. You have something to learn not only for children, but also for us. Accept sincere congratulations on your holiday. Many thanks to the class teacher from parents for teaching our children to be good people. We want them to surprise and delight you. Let all troubles be bypassed, there will be peace and harmony at home, and a decent salary at work. May you always be surrounded only by beloved and talented students!”

Happy Anniversary

If colleagues or superiors congratulate you on your birthday, then, before proceeding with the wishes of all the best, they talk about the merits of the teacher. Schoolchildren do not always pay attention to the merits of the teacher to the school and society. They try to express their emotions simply and from the heart. Here are some examples of how this can be done:

  • "Dear teacher! Please accept our congratulations. We are the first to congratulate the class teacher on the anniversary. We love and respect you very much. You are the one who told us what is good and what is bad. You can be contacted at any moment for advice. We wish you good health so that you have the strength to release many more classes. We are proud to have lived this part of our lives with you."

  • “Congratulations on your anniversary and wish your students to take only first places at all Olympiads. So that you do not have time to write letters for their performance. Let you be awarded the title of "class teacher of the year." After all, for us you will forever remain the best teacher in life!”

in verse

The most original way to congratulate a teacher is to write poetry to him. If poetry is not your forte, use ready-made essays:

Dear teacher,

Happy birthday!

You are the leader

Without a doubt!

In life the way

We were pointed out

happiness is the essence

Everyone has been told!

My class teacher

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!

And I want everything

And most importantly, patience!

Let life give what you need:

Health, happiness, respect.

Happy Birthday again!

Let it wait for you ahead

Only a bright road

No wonder everyone is talking about you:

Teacher you are from God!

professional teacher

In everything an example for us,

Let me congratulate you

Today, at this hour.

We wish you to be groovy,

Beautiful, forever young.

We hug you tightly.

Your best fifth grade.

Dear teacher,

Savior from ignorance.

At school, you are honored in everything,

May you always be lucky!

To love you kids

To listen to the boys

And today at this hour

We want to congratulate you.

My class teacher

Really really cool!

You didn't let me turn

The slippery path is dangerous.

You were my friend and family

He knew how to laugh with me.

I thought I was different

I imagined wrong.

To you, dear teacher,

I want to say thank you

With an open heart and soul,

You helped me beautifully!

Looking for the best happy birthday? The most pleasant words are obtained when spoken from the heart. So that you are not taken by surprise on a holiday, prepare a solemn speech in advance. Using the congratulations presented in the article, you can compose your own unique appeal. If you find it difficult to compose on your own, try to remake a famous song or poem. Such congratulations will definitely be remembered by the class teacher.

Let me congratulate you on your birthday,
Thank you for your hard work
No wonder our class leader,
You will simply be called the coolest.
You teach, care constantly,
The students are all waiting and loving you,
Good luck, happiness, joy, fun,
And most importantly - patience in reserve.

Our favorite class teacher!
You are almost like a parent to each of us!
And sometimes, before mothers learn about a sore throat,
And about the deuce in chemistry, about the reason for being late.
Congratulations on your birthday, we wish you success,
May there be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy and merry laughter.
You are not just a teacher, but with a capital letter,
With a wonderful kind heart and generous soul!

class leader,
Today is your holiday.
The brave will congratulate you
Sometimes a friendly class.

We'll say happy birthday!
Thank you for everything.
We ask for forgiveness
Suddenly it wasn't.

Good luck, positive
Patience in everything.
So that there are always forces
How to apply - we will find!

You have invested all the wisdom and knowledge of the ages
In each of his bright students.
With gratitude and respect to you
Congratulations to your loving, sincere class!
We wish you recognition, patience,
So that even signs are all about money,
So that you never need anything,
They were happy, sweet, loved always!

Happy birthday to you,
Even if you are at work right now.
We wish you iron patience,
Good health, peace of mind.
You take care of us like a mother,
Always, everywhere you remember us.
We believe that you are the First Lady in school,
And we are your lively and grateful class.

You are a kind and gentle word
Meet us every time;
Forward to new achievements
You stubbornly lead our class;
And it's hard for us to imagine:
You will release us...
We really want to congratulate you -
You won't find another one!

You are our wisdom and our discretion,
We would probably be lost without you
Our performance depends on you
We are glad that you always need us.

And on your birthday, without a doubt,
We wish you good health
So that you always have enough patience,
We are in a hurry to wish you well.

Our cool, dear leader,
Health and smiles to you always,
You are our guide in the darkness,
We wish you never to meet grief!

If the school is our second home,
That's our cool leader
We sometimes feel like a mother to us.
Our helmsman in the seas of discovery.
We sincerely wish you
Happy, bright, good days!
So that there is no place for tears in life,
So that children are always led to knowledge.

All school, yes school,
And personal life
Completely forgotten by the teacher...
Let's remember her
Happy birthday soon
We congratulate the leader!
And together we will declare: “Good luck on the way,
Find more good grades
For us, your beloved children.
You are an amazing teacher!"

Our class leader
You are like our guardian angel
Protect always.
And scold sometimes -
Exceptional business!
You teach us well!
congratulations now,
This is your favorite class!

On this sunny day
With an amazing, fabulous day -
Happy Brithday!
From the whole class we wish you success,
Health, happiness and unexpected victories.
We promise to be obedient
These are not just words - our vow.

You taught us wisdom and honor,
You taught us how to live in this world,
Advised us to stick together
YOU teach us how to be happy.
We are grateful to you for all the knowledge
that you always give.
And may all your wishes come true.
And stay forever, young!

Everyone has a great leader
But we have the very best -
Give us joy and laughter
It will teach everyone to study well!

Our holy duty today is before him -
Sincere congratulations on your birthday.
Let the whole world kneel
Before you for great achievements.

Let work give joy forever,
Good luck to become your guide,
And let adversity never touch, of course,
Congratulations, our class leader!

You have become our "Cool Mom"
The very best, the kindest!
We loved you right away
And don't forget today
Congratulations on the holiday!
We wish you now
Joy, good luck, patience,
And great luck!

Help will come at any moment
Our leader that our class leads.
Help, advise. Anytime and anywhere
You are with us, you are near in fun, in trouble.
We are happy to invite you to visit us,
And we are always ready to help you.
And we give you a bouquet on your birthday,
Thank you very much for your kind light!

On the road of knowledge, with you,
We still have a long way to go
We believe you will be with us
And help along the way!
Our class leader
We wish you everything on your birthday
Happiness, joy, health,
May life bring good luck!

Everyone will say - the most important teacher
In the life of every student
This is the class teacher
They all know this for sure.
Participated in everyone's life
We want to thank you
Wish you health and happiness,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We gathered to congratulate the teachers today,
Your work is very important, the most noble,
You became the leader in our class,
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you great happiness.

We need great leadership
Children without supervision are a dangerous thing,
We need excursions, competitions, hikes,
After all, we are restless by nature.

We all need your guidance
It's interesting with you, and not at all boring,
Are you ready to resolve conflict?
And every student respects you!

Incredible career for you,
Love, health, happiness, faith,
You are our cool leader,
We are on your beautiful birthday
We wish you
Well, and also - a confession of love,
You are our best teacher
And even more - inspiring!

The job of a class teacher is not easy.
But all these years you spend your strength so that from us
Make not just smart, but also brave, honest,
So that you are not ashamed of us!
We promise we won't let you down.
We sincerely appreciate your efforts.
And today we congratulate you and want
Wishing you well, love and happiness.

I want to say thank you
For that care and warmth,
which you give us
We are very lucky with you!

For us, you are not just a teacher,
You are a standard teacher
You are our great leader.
From the class low bow to you.

I know we are like children to you,
And you, like mom (dad) for all of us,
Not enough flowers in the world
To express love to you!

So be happy always
And let adversity recede
And never be sad
We love and respect you!

May there be many bright days in your life,
And we will love you more and more!
The leader is cool, dear,
We respect you, we do not need another!
Today, on your holiday, we wish you
Good luck! And we hope that we.
Help you gain knowledge
And you will give your warmth!

You are the main teacher for everyone,
Hard work is assigned to you.
After all, not just a class leader
To be responsible for our entire class.
We wish you all the best,
In life, only good abundance
For the responsibility assigned to you
And for the knowledge that gave us.

We are all class today
We want to congratulate you
And a bouquet of chrysanthemums
Our class will give you.

And also say thank you
for your concern,
Everything we know and what we can -
All your work.

We love you like a mother
Heed the look, the word.
And for educating us
Be healthy to us!

Be happy always
And always beautiful
And so that in life through the years
Stay cool!

You are mother and father rolled into one
You are our spiritual and physical guardian -
And comforter of fiery hearts,
And our ideological super-inspirer.
We wish you hundreds of thousands of years
Good health, so that the nerves are not naughty,
So that you also sincerely love life
And to keep the class a good light.

To the one who is closest to children
Within the walls of the native institution
Today we are delivering
The most sincere congratulations!
Thank you for your kindness and attention.
And for communicating with children is pleasant,
For children's souls such an understanding -
For everything - our immense thanks.