Congratulations to my husband on his 11th wedding anniversary. Eleven years of marriage

Rida Khasanova

Eleven years spent together mark a solemn event - a steel wedding. Tin, which symbolizes the first ten-year wedding anniversary, is being replaced by a stronger metal - steel.

It means that relations between spouses are already established, matured and stood the test of time. Steel is a noble metal, besides it shines, so the celebration should be celebrated with brilliance.

Preparing for the celebration

According to the custom that came from the depths of centuries, on this day, before giving gifts, the spouses must make a joint rite of ablution to get rid of the accumulated negativity. To do this, they need to plunge into the water naked at dawn, holding hands. Of course, in modern realities, no one will look for a reservoir at dawn, but taking a relaxing bath together will be pleasant.

Friends and relatives should be invited to the celebration, and the presence of a married couple who has already overcome the milestone of family life at the age of 11 is mandatory

According to legend, this promises the spouses a long happy life together.

By the eleventh anniversary of family life, it is advisable to present in advance to the wife as a gift a fireplace, as a symbol of the hearth, or a steel horseshoe, symbolizing well-being.

Steel anniversary: ​​what should be a gift for a wife?

Giving on this day is worth gifts filled with special meaning., and the spouse must approach the choice of the present very carefully in order to observe traditions and leave a memory of this day for many years, and also in order to let his wife feel his love and care.

Universal gifts

Under the category of useful and valuable things that you can give to your wife, fit objects with a shiny chrome surface, greatly facilitating the life of the hostess of the house. These are home appliances:

  • Electric kettle;
  • blender;
  • multicooker;
  • coffee machine;
  • hair dryer with multiple attachments;
  • fridge;
  • Dishwasher;
  • microwave;
  • toaster;
  • coffee machine.

When choosing what to give your wife for a steel wedding anniversary, you can stop at such gifts as: a set of metal utensils, steel items for the kitchen, decorative glass vases finished with metal or painted under it, high-tech lamps that are beautiful fit into the interior.

Romantic gift ideas or DIY gifts

There is a wonderful tradition for the eleventh wedding anniversary to give your beloved wife a bouquet of 11 flowers.

They must be of "particularly resistant" varieties and stand in a vase for at least 11 days. They will not wither and will delight the eye for a long time: chrysanthemums, roses, gladioli, dahlias, majors, carnations. The florist can choose a bouquet in steel tones for this occasion or arrange it in accordance with the solemn date.

For 11 years from the wedding, you can give your wife a set of silver jewelry or expensive jewelry, as well as white gold jewelry. Traditional steel wedding stone – turquoise. Bracelets, earrings, rings, pendants with this stone look very dignified. It is advisable to pack such a gift in a steel box or a silver box.

Silver earrings with enamel and turquoise; silver ring with enamel and turquoise, all SL(link prices)

The soul mate will also be pleased with a designer item decorated with metal:

  • handbag of a famous brand;
  • wallet;
  • belt;
  • smartphone case;
  • umbrella.

A surprise for the wife on the eleventh wedding anniversary will be a certificate to the spa for expensive pleasant treatments: chocolate wraps, relaxing massage with oils; as well as to a beauty salon, where the spouse will receive high-quality cosmetic services. You can make a gift with packages in steel or silver shades. You can also buy a ticket for two or with children to one of the exotic warm countries.

A romantic gift option can be a mirror in a steel frame, which will decorate the room and remind your wife of her beauty every day.

Some men with certain abilities can give their spouse 11 years of marriage together handmade gift. If you use your imagination, you can create a romantic bouquet of sweets. To do this, you will need: skewers, sweets, wrapping paper, threads, ribbons, beads and rhinestones for decoration. Candies strung on skewers can be decorated to your taste: wrap with other wrappers, decorate with butterflies, beads, hearts.

The idea of ​​​​a gift to your wife for 11 years from the wedding day with your own hands can be a wall panel decorated with joint photographs of the family.

Having collected an impressive amount of metal coins in advance, you can paste them over a round or rectangular box using liquid nails. You get a box that can be placed in a conspicuous place to decorate the interior, and use it as a cosmetic bag or piggy bank.

Original and creative gifts

An original gift for your wife on the 11th steel wedding anniversary will be a safe book. Hiding it on a bookshelf, you can store valuables in it without fear for their fate.

If the second half loves walking in the fresh air and prefers to lead an active lifestyle, she will be happy with such a gift as a bicycle.

And if she spends her evenings watching TV or reading an interesting book, you can give your wife a rocking chair for a steel wedding anniversary.

Souvenir flowers made of steel and placed in a floor vase will diversify the interior of the house and will be a wonderful present in honor of the 11th anniversary.

creative gift will rightfully be considered a stand for reading in the bathroom, which will be greatly appreciated by the lover of soaking up in thick foam. The same unusual present will be mirrored reading glasses lying down, the image in which is reflected at the required angle.

A steel wedding is a wonderful occasion for spouses to demonstrate that they love each other, that over the years feelings have not faded, but, on the contrary, have grown stronger and hardened like steel. This celebration will be remembered for many years, because it should turn out bright, cheerful and fabulous.

February 7, 2018

After 11 years of marriage, the spouses will have a not round, but important date, which is called a steel wedding. What traditions does this anniversary have and what is customary to give for it, the portal will tell.

Anniversary symbols

As you know, a holiday in honor of 11 years of marriage is called a steel wedding. Why is the relationship of the spouses compared with this material? Because their union is as strong as steel, and has the same brilliance after “polishing” with everyday problems and troubles, like steel after processing.

steel wedding traditions

On this day, spouses can be washed - a ritual during which all the bad things are washed away from their lives. It consists in joint bathing. Romantic, isn't it? In summer, this ritual can be performed in a lake or river, in winter - in your own bath. Its essence will not change!

In addition, by the age of 11 years of marriage, it is customary to update the interior of a family home.

Will it be a major overhaul or just a creative rearrangement of furniture - it's up to the spouses to decide. The main thing is not the scale, but the joint actions of the couple, aimed at updating their home and giving it coziness and comfort. You can even add a little “steel” shine to the interior with the help of original interior items: a mirror in a metal frame, a grate for a fireplace or a beautiful lamp.

How to celebrate and what to wear?

You can celebrate the steel anniversary both in a large company of relatives and friends, or just together, because. this date is not included in the list of wedding anniversaries, which are usually celebrated on a grand scale. Quiet family holiday - just what you need!

The table setting should contain steel objects (or at least things with a characteristic sheen), for example, candlesticks, vases, etc. The room can be decorated with silver balloons and ribbons to help create a festive atmosphere! And the main feature of the menu should be a cake with “metallic” icing.

You can wear anything on such an anniversary: ​​from a formal suit and cocktail dress to comfortable jeans. It all depends on the format of the holiday itself and the place where it is held! If you like silver-colored clothes - feel free to wear it for a holiday, it will come in handy! And as decorations, you can choose silver items - they will perfectly fit into the “silver” style of the holiday!

What to give for a steel wedding?

What wedding anniversary is complete without gifts?!? And for eleven years of marriage, it is customary to prepare presents both for your soulmate, if you are the hero of the occasion, and for relatives or friends who invited you to the holiday.

Gifts for spouse

Of course, choosing a gift for your partner is based on his dreams and preferences, perhaps he has been dreaming about something for a long time. Anniversary is a great occasion to fulfill the dreams of your soulmate! If you want to bet on the symbolism of the gifts, then, since the 11th anniversary is called a steel wedding, gifts should have steel elements or at least a characteristic sheen, for example:

All these gifts can be made more interesting by engraving them with touching words and the date of the anniversary or wedding. Such personalized items will make a huge impression on your significant other!

If the husband thinks what to give his beloved for 11 years of marriage, then in addition to the present itself, of course, you should prepare a bouquet of eleven flowers. It is believed that if he stands for eleven days, then the marriage will be happy and long. Therefore, to create a composition, it is worth using persistent inflorescences, for example, chrysanthemums.

Presents for relatives and friends

Choosing a gift for 11 years of marriage is a responsible task, because both spouses should like it. As universal presents that can be prepared for a couple on a steel wedding anniversary, you can choose the following things:

  • Dishes, including a beautiful set of paired glasses with metal coasters.
  • Candlestick with a set of scented candles.
  • Bedside lamps.
  • Mirror with silver frame.
  • Frame for a photo or picture.
  • Family photo box.
  • Symbolic figurine and other interior items.

Of course, in all these things there must be a metallic sheen or silver metal inserts that resemble treated steel.

A great idea for useful wedding anniversary gifts would be household appliances, which can be found in steel color. Just before buying, think not only about whether the spouses need it, but also whether its silver design will fit into the interior of their home.

What to give for a steel wedding to spouses with a great sense of humor? Make for them personalized medals for courage and patience, because they have been married for 11 years already, and even more awaits them ahead!

If your gift does not suit the anniversary at all in terms of symbolism, then a beautiful silver wrapper will come to the rescue, which will add a theme to any present bought for a steel wedding.

Congratulations: standard and creative options

You can’t do a wedding anniversary without beautiful congratulations and toasts. They can be prepared in advance in verse or prose and reproduced at the holiday, or you can improvise - it all depends on your preferences and talents in the field of oratory.

As an alternative to the standard congratulations on a steel wedding, you can offer such options that are suitable for those people who do not like to speak in public:

  1. Create a beautiful slideshow of pictures of spouses.

    How quickly time flies! You live together soul to soul, your relatives and adored children are growing up imperceptibly, and outside the window, rapidly replacing each other, 11 years have passed, and what kind of wedding is this? Steel.

    What does 11 years of happy marriage mean?

    You are together. You support your soul mate in everything and have already experienced well how exactly the steel was “tempered”. This is a fairly strong, truly resilient metal, but if you approach the matter with all responsibility, then a real master who sincerely loves his work can turn it into a mirror one. So you, on the eleventh wedding anniversary, perfectly learned to smooth all the corners and mirrored your relationship to a shine.

    A steel wedding is a time when you absolutely and selflessly trust each other with secrets, talk about what is now on your mind, but at the same time, feelings remain strong and bright.

    steel wedding traditions

    If you follow the customs and traditions that have developed from time immemorial among the people, then for 11 years of the wedding it would not hurt to make repairs in your own house. And it is not at all so important how large its scale will be: a radical change of scenery with redevelopment of rooms or a simple rearrangement of furniture in the apartment. The point should be to make you and your soul mate much more comfortable and cozy.

    Another tradition is no less interesting. At dawn, the spouses must definitely swim in the river, then change into clean white clothes and wait for their children, who will congratulate their parents. At the same time, the guys will bring a choice: fresh dough, a sharp blade and a strong rope. And what the husband and wife will choose as a gift, will tell about their attitude to marriage.

    Also on this day, you need to nail a steel horseshoe over the front door to a house or apartment. But, it must be done together. So, the wife can give nails, and the husband can nail this amulet of their future life together.

    Be sure the spouses on such a solemn and important day should exchange beautiful bouquets of flowers. They traditionally should consist of 11 flowers. If the love of a husband and wife is still strong, then according to legend, these bouquets will stand for at least 11 days, delighting the family with their splendor. Therefore, it is best to choose “long-playing” flowers: roses, gladioli, carnations, etc.

    At the age of 11, a wedding is called steel, that is, durable, time-tested and passed many tests. Therefore, another beautiful custom can be called the exchange between spouses of their most valuable things. By this they show how strong their feelings are and how much they can trust each other. The most important thing in this case: to choose really something very significant and important.

    How to celebrate

    Lived together for 11 years. What is a wedding without congratulations from the closest and dearest people? But, it is worth remembering that this anniversary is best spent in a narrow circle. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon the celebrations, it is simply better to limit the number of guests.

    So, be sure to invite friends who have already lived in a happy marriage for at least one year.. Also, be sure to attend your holiday children. It is they who will be a symbol of the fact that your marriage is something much more than just a desire to be together with sincerely loving people. With this gesture, you will prove to others that you are passing on your quite successful experience to the next generations.

    What is a wedding after 11 years without joy and great memories? Therefore, be sure to invite a professional photographer, or ask one of your friends to take as many photos of this happy day as possible. Believe me, in the future you will be able to review them with great pleasure and relive the magnificent moments of your holiday.

    11 years of marriage is called a steel wedding, but this, by no means, excludes its sweetness. Don't forget to order a huge birthday cake or a delicious pie. May your union continue to be just as beautiful in the future.

    What is the best gift

    You have developed excellent mutual understanding after 11 years. What is a wedding without gifts? For this anniversary, it is customary to give something useful, practical, something that will come in handy in everyday life and on the farm in the future. So, a good option would be a set of steel skewers for barbecue, a frame for your favorite photos, a bucket of champagne, a beautiful chandelier or a floor lamp, which will help create a romantic atmosphere in the house.

    Gift for beloved husband

    For 11 years of marriage, the ideal gift option may well be something that I would like to buy for a long time, but my hands never reached it. For example:
    • Fishing rod or spinning (if he is an avid fisherman).
    • A camera that will help capture the best moments of your life together.
    • Hookah.
    • Headphones and speakers (a real music lover will surely appreciate this).
    • New phone.

    Gift for my beloved wife

    A gift to his wife for a steel wedding should show all the love and tenderness for her, gratitude for the years lived together.

    A good option in this case would be:

    • Jewelry: pendants, rings, earrings, bracelets, chains (no woman can resist this).
    • Favorite fragrance or cosmetics.
    • Tickets for a play or movie.
    No less important on this solemn day are the words that the spouses will say to each other. They must show the full strength of the beautiful and strong feeling that united them and is between them so far. This is tenderness, a willingness to trust, to be together in the future, despite everything else that life, so unpredictable at times, can present.

    Rida Khasanova

    Having lived together for 11 years, the couple celebrate a steel wedding. Passions between spouses gradually subside, the house is filled with children's voices, well-being improves, career goes uphill. It's time to celebrate this date and sum up some results in order to continue strengthening family relationships.

    Eleven years of marriage together symbolizes polished metal, which is durable and strong.

    Very it is important to choose the right gift for the holiday to keep the traditions and show the soulmate what an important role she plays in the family. This is especially true of the husband - the head of the family, for whom the attention and love of his wife are of great importance.

    Steel anniversary: ​​what should be a gift for a husband?

    Over the past life stage, the wife has already thoroughly studied the habits and preferences of her husband, so it will not be difficult for her to choose worthy present. The wife will not have to guess what to give her husband for the steel wedding anniversary.

    Universal gifts

    Objects made of steel, corresponding to the theme of the celebration, will be most welcome. It can be new electronic or household appliances:

    • stylish mobile phone;
    • eBook;
    • "smart watch;
    • tablet computer in a metal case;
    • electric razor;
    • photo or video camera;
    • TV;
    • music Center;
    • home cinema;
    • Electric Toothbrush.

    For 11 years from the wedding, you can also give your husband: a bicycle or a tourist tent, if he is a lover of outdoor activities, a set of tools, if the spouse has golden hands and he prefers to do repairs around the house or a set of fishing rods if the husband is an avid fisherman.

    For business spouse you can make a present in the form of a small steel safe in which you can put a calculator, notepad or Sonnet, Parker pen. Accessories for the car will please the supporter of fast driving. And sports equipment can encourage even a person who is far from it to engage in physical education.

    Good universal gifts will be:

    • good perfume, packed "under the steel";
    • collection alcohol;
    • wrist watch;
    • umbrella;
    • darts with a set of darts;
    • rocking chair;
    • barbecue for family trips to nature;
    • singing fountain;
    • table lamp or floor lamp in high-tech style;
    • designer 3D lamp.

    astronomer you can pick up a good telescope with which you can admire the starry sky. postcard collector or stamps will be happy with a special album, rare stamp or other rare item. Studying weapons with pleasure will add to his collection a saber inlaid with stones, or a sea dagger. Programmer fit: high-quality modem, video card, keyboard, printer, speakers, flash drive. If the husband dreamed of learning to play any musical instrument, you can give it to him. A book dedicated to your man's favorite hobby will serve as a universal gift.

    It is good if the spouse has any passion or hobby. Then with the selection of a gift there will be no problems at all.

    Do-it-yourself romantic surprises and gifts

    Every man is a big child at heart and loves surprises.. The wife needs to try so that the presented gift causes genuine joy in her half.

    A surprise for the husband on the eleventh wedding anniversary can be a belly dance studied in advance or a striptease performed in an intimate setting (if the spouses celebrate this date together).

    If finances and time allow, you can buy a ticket for two or book a hotel room for joint leisure activities. You can also order dinner in a restaurant or a family photo session.

    A memorable gift can be jewelry: a silver or gold chain, an engraved bracelet, a ring or cufflinks.

    Silver cufflinks, SL(price link)

    Silver pendant with cubic zirkonia,; silver ring with cubic zirkonia,; silver bracelet with cubic zirkonia, all S&P (link prices)

    No less appreciated by a loved one handmade gifts dear wife. A good DIY gift idea for your husband for 11 years from the wedding day can be: a knitted sweater, jumper or steel-colored scarf.

    A table set for a romantic dinner with dishes prepared by the wife herself, of course, spouse will like it. And if for dessert she serves an original cake, baked especially for such an occasion and decorated in accordance with the theme of the solemn date, her husband will remember it for a long time.

    Original and interesting gifts

    A gift for a husband can be unusual. The main thing is that a man has a sufficient amount of healthy humor and can appreciate the efforts of his wife

    Gifts with humor:

    • bathrobe or pajamas with a cool inscription;
    • T-shirt with a photo of his beloved wife and the corresponding inscription;
    • family portrait, made in the technique of "friendly caricature";
    • bed linen with an erotic pattern;
    • a photo puzzle with the image of a spouse or joint photos, which he will have to assemble himself;
    • radio-controlled model of a helicopter or airplane.

    An original gift for a husband on the 11th steel wedding anniversary can be a certificate for skydiving, playing paintball, paragliding, diving. This man will be especially surprised who will engage in such extreme sports for the first time (but probably secretly dreamed about it for a long time).

    Leaving the children with their grandparents, you can rent a limousine and take a ride with your husband along the memorable places of the city for both, go to the park and visit extreme rides or visit the spa with massages and other pleasant procedures.

    You can give your spouse for 11 years of marriage together everything that in one way or another indicates noble steel. And it is not at all necessary to present only metal objects. The present can be beautifully packaged in silver gift paper., tie with a satin ribbon or decorate with a metal decorative element. It is permissible to give a husband on a steel wedding anniversary everything that symbolizes the mutual respect inherent in spouses, strengthens their family ties and proves the strength of the marriage union.

    February 7, 2018

    I congratulate you on your anniversary!
    The most important man in my life!
    We have been with you for 11 years.
    You are in my happiness, like a pass, a ticket.

    Together we seek and together we dream
    Together we find and open.
    I am without you, as without hands, without support.
    Together with you we will move all the mountains!

    Eleven is a steel wedding
    Love has become steel.
    I congratulate you, my husband,
    Let passion always excite the blood.

    Thank you, dear, for that happiness
    What do you give me every day
    It will drive away all misfortunes
    And remove the shadow from life.

    I want feelings to grow
    Love always led to a dream,
    And so that all your tracks
    Lead, beloved, only to me.

    My dear husband, our marriage is 11 years old, we are celebrating a steel wedding. Congratulations dear. I wish you stronger nerves and health, I wish you the unchanging status of a happy spouse, an excellent family man, a real man. We are 11 years old, and let these two ones symbolize you and me - two ones that are always there and together make up a significant number. Peace to us, love, harmony and mutual understanding.

    Our feelings have become stronger
    Love for many years!
    Everything will be as we dreamed
    We are together, dear, forever!

    I love you, dear, you know
    That you are the best man in the world!
    Life is like heaven with you
    My other half!

    We have been with you for 11 years
    And you are my support, you are my reward!
    I love madly, it's not a secret
    You are more expensive in the world!

    We have been married for eleven years,
    You are my husband, colleague, lover and friend,
    I am rich with your love, dear,
    May she keep us from grief and blizzards.

    I wish us happiness, love, understanding,
    From passion, as before, to burn to ashes,
    I make a promise to you today
    Love, help and always inspire.

    11 years old, steel wedding
    happy anniversary to you
    Husband, congratulations.
    11 years, neither more nor less,
    strong, steel
    Our family has become
    Let the nerves
    Yours have become stronger
    I won't today
    I read morality.
    At a steel wedding
    I'll tell you yes!
    You are my happiness,
    Love and destiny.

    Beloved husband, today is a happy anniversary
    I sincerely congratulate you!
    You were always my only man
    You are my heart, you are my soul.

    Celebrating a steel wedding together
    I want to say that I also love you very much!
    With all my heart, my dear, congratulations!
    I can't even live a moment without you.

    Wedding anniversary
    With you, my love,
    11 years together
    We have lived with you.

    Over the years have become
    We are one
    And we have with you
    Already nerves of steel.

    You are like steel, husband, strong,
    Do not bend to the winds
    Behind your back
    We are warm and comfortable.

    Family sword and shield
    You, my beloved,
    And let it sound again "Bitter!"
    At the wedding, we are steel

    The steel wedding is now ours,
    I congratulate you, my husband,
    Always love and understand
    I wish our union.

    So that we always go with you together,
    To never betray
    So that life is like a miracle song,
    Let our hearts rejoice.

    Our steel wedding has come,
    With what I sincerely congratulate you,
    My beloved and dear husband,
    You are my life and my soul.

    Thank you for all the moments of happiness
    Eleven wonderful years.
    Let bad weather always bypass us,
    May light always surround us.