Congratulations on the new year at work are cool. Cool wishes in verses to parents. Funny congratulations for the New Year to colleagues at work in short verses

Comic congratulations on the upcoming New Year to colleagues from his department.

Beautiful congratulations to colleagues

I wish you get enough sleep in the New Year,
And looking in the mirror with a smile, they admired themselves.
Work was done well before lunch.
And in the evening after work so as not to stay.

So that at home they waited for you, loved, protected,
And the best gift - for you in the New Year was chosen.
So that time flies, and you become younger for evil,
So that in the New Year you are just damn lucky!

Dear Colleagues!

Have a sweet life in the New Year!
Always treat work with love!
Concerns to meet and easily solve them,
You do not know fatigue at work!

May your loved ones surround you
All expectations will be fulfilled.
Let the sun wake you up with a warm beam
And in life you are always lucky and in everything!

We would like to celebrate today
And celebrate the New Year with fresh forces!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues

Comic postcard Happy New Year

Colleagues, dear, we want to congratulate you!
May the New Year 20.. fulfill everything that we are silent about.

May your families be happy, friendly,
We can overcome everything together, of course.

Let the times come at our work,
That life will become a cup that is full.

On the day of joy - an advance, as well as on the day of salary,
Potato sacks so we need to cook.

Otherwise, so that the salary does not enter the pockets,
And the plastic card is crazy to go!

Let us be lucky everywhere, in the lotto and the casino,
And fought so that the dishes for happiness at the same time!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues from the boss

In the year 20 .. everything should suddenly be fulfilled!
As a boss, I declare: I raise everyone's salary!
From January, see the calculation,
And then praise me!

But I will require from you:
1. Being in a great mood is one thing!
2. Doing your own thing is two!
3. Did the job, then help a colleague - that's three!
4. And fourthly, do not sleep on the table!
5. And fifthly, New Year 20 .. celebrate together!

It seems that I reported everything, I didn’t miss anything!
Well, since you didn’t miss it, you need to urgently miss it! 😉

Comic congratulations on the New Year to female colleagues

Dear co-workers, beauties forever,
For husbands you are companions, but for us colleagues.
Happy new year to come
We congratulate you
In the 20th ..-ohm, here's what we wish:

Do not get sick, do not lose heart
delicious to eat. long sleep
dress up, buy
be surprised, surprise
get better and look younger
and warm us with a smile!

New Year greetings for colleagues

We are sitting in the new year in the company of a sweet,
And dumplings and beer warm our souls.
Colleagues are all dancing and the tree is on fire,
The head of all is more beautiful, but looks askance.

He looks angrily, forgot to pour,
Let's not ruin our careers!
Let's dance to the authorities, sing about the Christmas tree,
Colleagues, rejoice! We are all looking forward to the holidays!

We have a team, and there are enough women,
I would like more, what perishing to dissemble.
What beauties, milady and miss,
You look clearly, and every whim.

Today we will fulfill all the dishes for you,
And we say toasts to you, because women are class!
In short, colleagues, let's leave aside,
We lyric this, but just congratulate.

Each other today, to the full pouring!
Hooray, Happy New Year! Family team!

Joking New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year, dear colleagues,
You are beautiful today, dear,
You are very elegant today
They came in good spirits.

In the New Year, let it be funny to many,
Let our team have fun
Even the boss is not angry today
And he says funny words.

Today we are not just colleagues,
Today we are simple friends
We forget in everyday running
We have only one life at work.

In the New Year, I must wish you:
Be healthy in the new year
To sadness and any bad weather
Walked around your family.

So that enemies are no longer angry,
And they forgave each other forever.
Happy New Year for everyone.
May luck be with us all.

New Year's jokes about men: "New Year's classification of men"

Of course, the complete exploitation of men by women is prohibited by law. And according to the law of nature it is allowed.
Take the average man. We carry out New Year's classification on it.

So, from two to ten years old, he sincerely believes that Santa Claus exists. He writes letters to him, asking for a gift, because he studied well all year, helped his mother and behaved well. And then on January 1, he looks under the Christmas tree in anticipation of a gift. And he finds...

From the age of 11 to 15, he, as a rule, does not believe in Santa Claus. And all because once on a holiday he noticed painted lips and recognized his teacher in “grandfather”.

From 16 years old to 45 years old. First, he moonlights at matinees as Frost. And then he fulfills his duty as a parent.

And starting from the age of 45, he himself looks like a real Santa Claus. And makeup is no longer needed!

Happy New Year,
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
Men - cool cars,
Ladies - mink coats,
Businessmen - large transactions,
All homeless people - cozy houses.
Peace, friendship - to all neighbors
And ice cream for the kids!

Just a few minutes left
A beautiful New Year is in a hurry,
The clock will strike us twelve
And the people will celebrate!
I want everyone to have fun
Eat all kinds of delicious food
And drink, just don't get drunk,
To soberly launch fireworks,
In general, have a great rest,
Drive boredom away!
And may all that you want
Come true tonight!

I wish you a New Year
Live richly without hassle.
Let the goldfish
All desires are fulfilled.

Well, if it suddenly bucks,
Then let the pike regulnet.
These two fish are alive
Better salmon at the table.

Who's going over there?
Everyone sings incessantly
Promises no hassle
Well, New Years of course!

Did you say goodbye to debt?
Did you get things done?
Well, get the champagne
Let's burn the paper!

To make your wishes come true
And in merit for the efforts,
Let fate reward
Well, of course, you!

Be successful and obedient
Snapped up to need you
Let it be lucky in your career
And in any favorite business!

May the New Year be on a joyful wave
It will come, and you will forget about the old,
May the Olivier basin be with you
And the film loved by all "Enjoy Your Bath!".

Let the house be full and the table full,
More guests - well, where to go!
And so that this holiday goes like this,
To remember the whole year and smile!

So as not to find under a fur coat
Friends with herring
Don't drink too much on New Year's Eve
Champagne and vodka.

In colorful tinsel
Don't go to the holiday
To not compare with a Christmas tree
Some sort of swindler.

Let fun be in full swing
The lights flicker.
So in Russia New Year
Russians welcome.

May the New Year bring you
Huge joys KAMAZ
And gently yell in your ear,
What a person you are - the highest class!

And Santa Claus with a smile let
Problems will disperse the clouds.
Like midges, sadness will slam,
Will give a bunch of happiness!

Hoping, believing and loving
With gifts in an embrace,
Let it wait for you under the tree
Significant other!

New Year's Eve is cleaning time.
Don't be lazy in December -
Evil thoughts, misunderstandings
Give it to the broom.

Quarrels, stress, diseases
Let him swallow the vacuum cleaner
And hardship and suffering
Destroy Dichlorvos.

Then they will arrive in a clean house
Joy, happiness and love.
Money won't forget either
Visit your warm shelter.

We wish you not to be angry in the New Year,
And just shine like an asterisk!
Dreams to achieve and achieve
It's easy to win!

Your salaries are in bags, in barns,
Pleasant spending, acquisitions.
Resorts warm in the Canary Islands
And bright stellar impressions!

He crept unnoticed
With tangerines in hand
He stated authoritatively
What without a Christmas tree - well, no way!

And he introduced himself imposingly,
Something like: "Bond ... James Bond",
Wait, I remember exactly
He said, "Year... New Year."

He said: "I bring luck,
Joyful, carefree laughter,
Happiness, a sea of ​​inspiration
And a resounding success."

Asked almost tearfully
Scribble your address
So wait with a bag of gifts
You have it on your doorstep!

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear Colleagues!
Happy New Year to all. I wish you success in your work, well-being in your family, and in raising children in the New Year. So that all desires come true, only kind and sympathetic people meet on the way, so that tears in the eyes are only from happiness, and every new day brings a smile, and it never leaves your face!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in prose

There would have been no question of any success if our team had not taken up the matter! The time has come for annual reports, reconciliations, approval of the business plan... but behind all the figures and calculations is the painstaking work of professionals, without whose skill no process is conceivable and no idea is embodied. The outgoing year was successful thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication to a common cause! May the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and may your dreams and goals come true! We wish peace and comfort to your families! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

Congratulations on the New Year of colleagues at work in verse

Accept New Year's greetings
And wishes of happiness and love.
In the next year, more patience for you,
May good luck fill your days.
Honest, smart and reliable partners,
Do not deviate from the right path.
Profitable contracts, and more is better,
And to the goal to come!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues from superiors

Dear Colleagues!
I think that many of you will meet the coming year at the festive table in the circle of your closest people, because the New Year is a family holiday. I want to raise a celebratory glass for the warmth and comfort in your home, for peace and prosperity in every family!
May the New Year 2011 be successful and fruitful for you! Happiness, festive mood, health, love to you and your loved ones!

New Year's greetings in verse for colleagues

Let the problems go away
With them - pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate,
We are knocking - New Year!
New plans, ideas,
Reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only smart decisions!
And you have big income
Good working days!
Home - joy, warmth,
Lots of good stuff!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in French

Chers amis! Chers collegues!
Nous vous pr? sentons nos meilleurs v?ux pour ce No?l qui s "annonce! Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup d"optimisme et de bonne humeur, du bonheur, des succ?s dans tous vos projets et nouvelles grandes r?alisations! Nous esp?rons que l"ann?e qui s"annonce vous apportera assurance, s?r?nit?, chance et succ?s dans toutes vos entreprises.
In Russian, congratulations sound like this:
Dear friends! Dear colleagues!
Please accept our congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let me wish you optimism, good mood, happiness, creative success and new achievements! We hope that the coming year will bring confidence, peace, good luck and success in all endeavors.

Colleagues, we sincerely congratulate you
Happy New Year's Eve!
We wish you success, joy,
May your home be filled with happiness!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompany on the journey of life.
Let it be happy - and never otherwise,
Your mornings, nights, days pass.

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues in verse

Our team is small
But with a big heart
Meet the New Year together
What is knocking at the gate
Santa Claus do not be stingy
For gifts. And strives
Give a bonus to everyone for a year,
For the people to be happy.
For the team to work
Summer and winter
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

We have worked hard with you
All year, as if they were at war.
And some results have been achieved,
We have deserved Sabantuy already.
So I wish you, my colleagues,
I am happy in the coming year,
Let there be planned successes
In work, relationships and love.

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Dear colleagues!
I have been lucky in my life to work with you!
Happy New Year! I wish you this holiday and every day:
work - creative, successful finds, decisions - as often as possible, recognition of your merits, but do not forget about a sense of humor in case of failure!
Do not be afraid in your work - intuition, surprise, experiments, it's worth it!
But do not break away from reality, you will be unclaimed.
Happiness to you, success!

Official congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Dear Sirs!
Our team sincerely congratulates you on the coming New Year and wishes success and prosperity to you and your company.
Your colleagues, (company name)

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

Beautiful and fluffy bedspread,
Winter has enveloped the trees and fields!
But my heart got warmer
Looking forward to New Year's Eve!
May the New Year come soon
And he will bring us a lot of happiness!
And let everything that we dream about come true
Let only the best in the houses happen!

Dear respected colleagues!
I congratulate you on the New Year!
And I wish you much success
Interesting, sincere work!
Promising and new projects,
And in a career - great achievements,
Joyful mood to all of you
And great, great achievements!

Happy New Year greetings in verse to colleagues

Happy New Year to colleagues

How quickly time flies.
Suddenly - once! - and again the New Year!
And I wish you today
Less worries.
And if it's a hassle, then small ones.
So that the disease does not touch you.
And to slow down the arrows
Habitual completed the circle!

Original Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It's a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that rallied our team are becoming a thing of the past. But do not be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new things ahead that we have to go through together! May everything that comes in the New Year bring only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth to our team! Happy new year dear friends!

Let Santa Claus be cool
There will be a crisis kaput!
Everyone will be in business,
Everything we wanted will be!
Waiting for career growth
It's all easy and simple!
Respect is so pret
And honor for a couple with him!
Smiling bosses
The instructions are clear!
The cashier carries the statement,
And opposite all the surnames,
Worth the premium!
However, we are lucky
Hello best new year!

Cool New Year greetings to friends, colleagues

Good Santa Claus comes to the house,
He knows we are waiting for him
Wearing a festive coat
And he has a magic staff with him!
He barely drags a bag of gifts,
Oh, he must be getting hot!
Well, we do not care about all this,
We are waiting for surprises day and night!
Who craves money, wealth,
Someone wants it to be very sweet
Someone dreams of traveling
And he dreams of traveling the whole world!
Someone is waiting for the love of a crazy night
And my friend really wants to get drunk,
My neighbor and friends are going to the bathhouse,
To steam up there for glory!
Well, I only want one
To have a lot and everything!
Let everyone celebrate the New Year brightly,
And they will receive all the desired gifts!

Happy New Year greetings to employees of colleagues

Colleagues! We worked together, I will not hide
I'm happy to go to work
And I really want to tell you sometimes:
I won't find another one like it anywhere!

May the New Year fulfill wishes
Good luck - no one will bypass!
Champagne we will fill the glasses with everything,
Drain them now for the New Year!

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year in verse

Happy New Year, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May the days and nights be good!
Let the authorities worry less
Let the bad go away!
In a career - growth and great inspiration,
Find successful solutions in everything!

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Even though the snowdrifts prevent us from going,
Although the blizzard frightens outside the window,
Anyway, colleagues, congratulations
Happy New Year to you and Merry Christmas!
I wish you great success
Both in work and in affairs of love,
Let it fill with life, happiness, laughter
The coming year all hours and days.

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues original

I wish that in the new year your salaries are increased by 150%, and at the same time you get more days off. I wish your work schedule this year to be as follows: 12.00 - the beginning of the working day, 12.05-13.55 - lunch break, 14.00 - the end of the working day. Happy New Year!

Comic congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Colleagues! It just so happened that we have to congratulate each other on the New Year! Thinking, I thought about my wish and that's what I decided: let the New Year give each of you what you most want! I am sure that then you will want even more, so think right away so that everything is there, more and at once. May everything come true, but for now, let's drink to the New Year and to all our dreams!

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With new labor income!
With new mood and fashion,

Whatever your heart desires!

Let's go on a new trip.

To have a successful new year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

As streams and rivers run into the seas,
So the past year has sunk into eternity ...
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas, colleagues,
Let's go on a new trip.
Let you on different new paths
Awaiting discoveries of joyful delight,
Let rich experience help you,
To have a successful new year

Original congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Let Santa Claus be cool
There will be a crisis kaput!
Everyone will be in business,
Everything we wanted will be!
Waiting for career growth
It's all easy and simple!
Respect is so pret
And honor for a couple with him!
Smiling bosses
The instructions are clear!
The cashier carries the statement,
And opposite all the surnames,
Worth the premium!
However, we are lucky
Hello best new year!

Original congratulations on the New Year of colleagues poems

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With new labor income!
With new mood and fashion,
With new joy and snowy weather!
With new happiness, with new freedom,
Enjoy nature during the holidays!
May each of you achieve everything
Whatever your heart desires!

Comic congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Colleagues! Well, another year has passed when we all worked hard together!
I wish that in the New Year we not only work nicely, but also get nice money! Let them be exactly as many as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the most greedy! Happy New Year!

Funny New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year! Happy New Celebration!
May the coming year
We have enough everywhere and everything -
If so, I'll bring more.
Let the smile of a woman bloom
Let men believe in their success
May the bosses next year
Praises for the work of all-all-all!

Happy New Year greetings in verse to colleagues

In the New Year I wish you, colleagues,
Let the blizzards carry them away:
All problems are complex, tasks,
Let everyone have a cottage!
Plans, figures and reports,
Let worries go away soon!
New Year is at the door
Open them soon!
Have fun from the heart
Happiness hurries to the house for everyone!

Original congratulations to business colleagues on the New Year

This is what I think, my dear business colleagues! Let 364 days a year be profitable and only one day - unprofitable - this is when we all together celebrate the best and richest New Year! Let our business bring us continuous income, and let the expenses be so small that we won't even talk about them! Happy New Year and Happy New Year to you, gentlemen!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues

Dear colleagues, I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish each of you that you finally turn from formidable tigers into affectionate cats and kittens! And then there will be continuous purring in the team, which, as you know, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system! And, therefore, peace will finally reign, which does not have a very good effect on work, but the atmosphere in the team will be excellent! Happy New Year!

Funny Happy New Year greetings to your colleagues

Colleagues, a moment of attention!
I will tell you my wishes.
May the New Year coming to us
It will bring good luck to all of us.
May we have agreement
In work, as in a feast now.
May our business flourish
And it will bring profit to all of us!

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Day after day we worked successfully,
Achieve fruit in business.
We deserve a rest, of course,
There is a reason - the New Year has come!
So put aside the reports
Let's remember them next year.
There will be only pleasant worries
This night. Colleagues, everyone to the table!

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Happy New Year, colleagues!
I wish that in it
We've been quite successful
In our big business!
May only the joy of victory
We are forever united!
We will leave all troubles
Forever behind!

Happy New Year quatrains to colleagues

I'll tear off the last sheet of the calendar,
I will tell my colleagues from the bottom of my heart!
Great happiness to you in the New Year,
Fulfill any dream faster!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

new year business,
Dances, songs until the morning!
They brought a Christmas tree to the office
And the table is already set!
Soon Santa Claus will come
Wink with your right eye!
Wish all colleagues
He knows exactly what to want!
Kindness, warmth, love,
Money - in the year of the cat. Look...
There is a round ball on the Christmas tree -
Fire of love from him!
Burning in the heart with fire
The cat looks confused!
purrs you good,
Gentle passion until the morning
Every day or week…..
Of course I believe him!

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Happy New Year, colleagues, friends!
This holiday promises us joy.
And we can not believe in happiness,
After all, only a believer - let him see ...
So let's wait for the new year
With new bread on a new table,
May he bring happiness to all of us
And success in hard work.

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year in verse

Happy New Year,
With a new labor song!
Let's say together the year: "Hello!
Come visit us again!"
May it bring us success
May it save us from troubles
Removes all interference
On the road and path.

Cool New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year again.
We're on the run again
The New Year is calling us to the start.
We won't trudge around
You won't take us with any fear,
Only, chur, let's not "mow"
And do not run into the bushes from half a circle.

Happy New Year greetings to relatives, friends, colleagues

May every New Year's day
It sparkles like toys on a Christmas tree!
Let happiness gloriously swirl
Winters magical carnival!
Let luck rush on the tiger
The cherished dream will come true!

Happy New Year greetings to friends, colleagues in verse

The table is set, candles are shining,
The Christmas tree is waiting for the apotheosis.
Outside the window, a blizzard and cold,
Forty degrees of frost!
The holiday is waiting for the kids,
We won't sleep until morning.
Traditionally at twelve
Glasses clink.
Hubbub, screams, round dance,
We've entered the New Year!

Corporate New Year greetings for colleagues

All year you work for the benefit of the company,
Today, colleagues, everything is for you!
We are a wonderful team congratulations
Health, happiness and smiles in the New Year's hour!

Funny New Year greetings to colleagues

Everything will pass, years and rivers flow,
Flies around the apple smoke
Dear dear colleagues,
Remember me you are young.
A year has passed, I congratulate: Happy New,
My dear companions

Collective congratulations are always the most popular. A special role is always given to New Year's collective congratulations. Our wish portal offers Happy New Year greetings to colleagues, which will strengthen the morale in the team. This congratulation carries warmth, lightness, sincere notes of friendly mood and hope for stability in the future. Happy New Year greetings to colleagues will be received with joy if it is not only printed on a postcard and presented to each employee, but also pronounced at the festive table for all colleagues.

Here we have gathered as a team
Drink together in the new year.
Beer for fish, vodka for beer,
Meeting together this year.

Everyone is parading today
And with fleece and lipstick.
Here are the bosses at the table,
We are tied to him.

In the new year, wages are higher,
That way ... dollars for 1000.
And the boss to be kind,
I wanted to give a day off.

All the best love and luck
And a cool mood. ©

We have a New Year's corporate party here,
We all got together, just like a family.
On this day, there are no subordinates here,
We are each other's best friends.

Women are beautiful on a weekday
But today is better than usual.
Sequins, dresses, target neckline,
For the male eye is unusual.

We want to wish you a Happy New Year
Our close-knit friendly team.
So that our men give odds to everyone,
Well, the girls carried only positive. ©

For the united, for the spirit,
We gathered at the table.
Here is such a science
New Year's number.

We congratulate the leadership
And the work team.
Let's drink to production
And find another motive.

Happy New Year,
Let good luck accompany.©

Here is the holiday, snow, blizzard,
The carousel spins.
The girls set the tables
The boys opened the shampoo.

The tree is very bright
The fires made it hot.
confetti tangerines,
Santa Claus is on his way.

Grandfather will congratulate all colleagues,
At work, only victories.
And love for personal life,

Outside the window snow, frost,
Here is our forecast.
The fight of chimes and crackers,
Here's my friend's accountant.

HR department on tap,
The man is positive.
Let's celebrate the New Year together
Beer and vodka are on the move.

Let's sing and have fun
It's important not to drink too much.
Happy New Year team
A tide of joy in life.©

Olivier and confetti
And lights on the Christmas tree.
How many holidays do not wait
Santa Claus is on his way.

I would like to wish my colleagues
Never lose heart.
Weekend positive to all,
Well, productive days.

And salaries to be higher
Money to the roof.
And in the eyes to burn
In the heart to always sing.

Many victories and happiness,
Let bad weather bypass you.
Happy New Year to you friends
We are one family with you. ©

Someone was sitting at the table
Who looked at the glass.
Sanya sang,
Lech screamed.

Misha poured vodka
It was on New Year's Day.
Things were unfinished
Lena was cutting salads.

Katya with Dasha in the wings,
Yulia and Olya are roasting meat.
Oh, they cook great
Cork in the chandelier, not in the eye - this time.

Women are already in firewood - these are two,
Everyone is good today, that's three,
And in the fourth, our boss goes on a flight,
Because our boss eats little and drinks a lot.

Pour everyone in full - it's five,
And in the sixth, everyone already wants to dance,
In the New Year, good luck to everyone - it's seven,
Well, we will ask everyone to stand together at eight.

That we are gathered here
It is very good.
That a friendly team
It's also good.

Everyone in the team is needed
Everyone in a team is important.
Things are moving towards the morning
I'll pour the final one.

I love you all friends
Looks like I'm going to sleep now.
Let's meet this year together
It is important to remember who drinks what.

In order not to suffer in the morning,
Do not mix wine and vodka.
Who does not call the Snow Maiden,
He doesn't drink much today.

Who drinks a little today
The authorities will quickly pour them.
To be all equal
To be cheerful.
Happy New Year Lord,
Let's shout in unison all "Hurrah!" ©