Causes and types of violation of behavior in children of preschool and younger school age. Ways correction of behavior. The choice of special means of pedagogical influence for each child. Manifestations of aggressive behavior

Ecology of life. For babies age, the boy was distinguished by hyperactivity and aggressiveness. The child was kicking, lagged, beat, bite, spoiled and refused to dress. Often the boy had unmotivated mood swings.

Dr. Doris Rapps - a certified medical specialist and a children's allergist. She is an assistant in the clinic of Professor Pediatrics of the University of New York to Buffalo and the founder of the Foundation for practical allergic research. She is the author of bestseller New York Time "Is this your child?" (Quial, 1991).

Many parents already know that someone in their family can suffer from hay fever, asthma or eczema. But do they know that food and other environmental factors, such as dust or dirt, can affect the brain function of the child, and because of this, the child develops so-called hyperactivity and learning problems?

A wide range of complaints, such as excess activity, fatigue, enuresis, unusual behavior, even epilepsy in some children can be caused by allergic reactions. Babies with allergies can be so hyperactive that they can "chase" a bed around the room, swaying it, repel it from the wall or start walking earlier than normal children. If you find and fix it. The child can help, and the symptoms will not, and it will not be necessary for drugs. Here are some examples to this:

In 15 years, Betsey was depressed and tried to commit suicide every year at the end of summer, when the air of the Northern Michigan is filled with pollen wormwood. During her first visit to our clinic, she impressed a normal girl until we tested it to allergic to wormwood. Then she climbed into the bath and refused to go out from there. She screamed, it was not to touch her, complained about such a strong abdominal pain that she rolled out by Kalachik and kept behind the belly. After she was given a neutralizing medicine, she felt completely normal for a few mini. Betsy was a long time in school for a long time, and after her allergy was discovered and cured, her success at school increased significantly.

Karl life of a cute 3-year-old baby with a wonderful character - until sugar. His mother noticed that if he ate sweet, his character changed quickly and dramatically. We filmed it when he eagerly absorbed eight sugar cubes. As the mother predicted, he was less transformed from Dr. Jekailla in Mr. Heyda. At first he stopped playing quietly and began to moan. Then he became more irritable, flooded with his legs, disassembled toys across his head and threw into his mother in cubes. When he was given the right antiallergic medicine, for a few minutes he turned into a former charming child. Mother was in tears. She realized that she was not a bad mother, and that he was not a bad child.

Children with such symptoms often think that they have mental disorders.

If your child behaves in a similar way, first show his competent doctor - an allergist, and let it be correctly examined. It can not only make your parent years much more pleasant, but can also save your life to your child.

Under the deviant is understood to be a separate act or a system of personality actions that violate moral and moral principles established in this society. These include: periodic school skills, home care, periodic vagrancy, pronounced aggression, early suicides, teenage alcoholization.

Teenagers are characterized by sensitivity to various stress. It was during this period that there is a large number of adolescents, absolutely not able to master their own emotions.

Smoking of adolescents - one of the types of deviant behavior

Causes of asocial behavior of children

Among the important reasons that provoke the emergence of "difficult" children, psychologists celebrate serious injuries within the family: the detachment of parents, the lack of parental love, the death of one parent, manifestation of parental cruelty or inconsistency in education, long stay in the orphanage.

Causes of violation of behavior in children

A decisive role in the process of socialization and preventing deviant behavior is assigned to an educational school. This is due to the fact that the child is mainly in school, where he masters the norms of moral behavior in society. The school is recognized by the official institution where generally accepted principles and moral values \u200b\u200bare actively broadcast.

Deviant behavior - definition

Basics of correction of deviating behavior

The correction of the deviant behavior of adolescents is a complex of socio-pedagogical and psychological procedures aimed at regulating motivation, moral orientations, important installations and general behavior of a separate personality. Deviant behavior and social control should go into cooperation, otherwise such children can seriously harm their future.

The difference between the types of asocial behavior: deviant and deliquancy

Teachers allocate the following accessible methods of correction:

  • Pedagogical correction is common methods of social impact, when active-volitional defects are corrected, fears are eliminated, the ignoring technique is used, the method of culture of healthy laughter, etc.
  • Special pedagogical correction is the correction of visible shortcomings of deviating behavior, nervous nature, education by labor, further correction by the simple method of a rationally organized team.
  • The psychological technology of correction of deviant behavior is based on the practical correction of these errors, for example, with the help of self-pressure, hypnosis, the method of belief and psychoanalysis.

Factors of DP - Social and Physiological

The correction of the deviant behavior of adolescents directly depends on the degree of interaction of the individual in the process of interpersonal communication, the manifestation of the volitional qualities of the person.

Thanks to the inclusion of volitional qualities, gradually the correction of immoral behavior goes into self-correction.

Pedagogical correction of deviant behavior of adolescents consists of the following consecutive stages:

  • social and pedagogical problem is accurately formulated;
  • assumptions about the possible causes of immoral behavior;
  • diagnostic period;
  • selection of the necessary methods of correction work;
  • application of advanced methods of correctional work;
  • creation of a program of psychocorrection activities with schoolchildren;
  • practical pedagogical activities with children of deviant behavior;
  • implementation of monitoring the results of the implemented program.

The main work of a psychologist and school social teacher at this time should be aimed at identifying and eliminating deep reasons for non-standard behavior of a susceptible teenager. In this case, this is the analysis of everything that the sociology of deviant behavior is associated is the study of the features of the environment of an aggressive teenager, his family, courtyard companies, various informal criminal groups. It is also necessary to find out the motivation of a teenager consisting in an informal group, that is, they drive them a desire to assert themselves among peers, receiving social security in the group, the implementation of friendly communication or the satisfaction of the use of alcohol.

Basic forms of deviant behavior

An important role is played by the personal attitude of the teenager to himself, its rejection behavior and the nearest social surrounding. In this detailed analysis, further social activities of the teacher are built.

Deviation Correction Methods

Pedagogy allocates the following groups of effective methods aimed at correcting a deviant personality:

  • The method of destruction of some features of a negative nature, that is, this is a radical method of reconstruction of the established character.
  • The method of rapid restructuring of the motivational sphere and the basic principles of self-consciousness, when the teenager rethinks its important advantages and disadvantages, the reorientation of his consciousness, the approximate negative results of deviant behavior are pronounced.
  • The method of practical restructuring of life experience is to limit, the prescription, reappear, the regulated lifestyle.
  • The method when negative behavior is borne and is encouraged positive.

Methods and techniques for correction of deviating behavior

The effectiveness of social control of deviant behavior depends on the combination of personal and collective psychological impact, the use of various methods and varieties of extracurricular activities during correctional work with adolescents.

The role of the family in the psychocorrection of deviating behavior

A special role in working with "difficult" is given to the family, because it is in it all the reasons for such a strange behavior of the child. Teachers allocate the following types of families with an unfavorable atmosphere:

  1. Family, where the unfavorable atmosphere reigns indifference and rudeness of parents to their children.
  2. Families where there is no emotional contact between its members.
  3. Family, where the unhealthy moral atmosphere is felt.

The role of the family in the emergence of deviating behavior

Psychologists allocate 4 unfavorable situations in the family:

  1. Parental hyperopka varying degrees.
  2. Gipopka, often flowing into neglect.
  3. Situations where there is a "idol" family.
  4. The moments when Cinderella is created in the family.

Teachers allocate 4 types of adverse families who have a negative impact on a growing child:

  • Incomplete families, where the lack of educational resources is felt.
  • Conflict families.
  • Morally unfavorable families.
  • Pedagogically incompetent families.

Causes of bird vagabilities

When analyzing the deviating behavior of schoolchildren, teachers singled out the following adverse educational situations provoking the amoral behavior of a teenager:

  • Lack of parental awareness in the process of educational influence on the child.
  • Suppression of the identity of the child or the manifestation of violence in the upbringing, which cease to adolescent period.
  • Parental exaggeration of children's independence due to personal selfish motivations.
  • Raising in education due to parenting disagreements in the application of certain methods.

The effectiveness of communication correction in the family of schoolchildren with deviant behavior directly depends on the organic combination of direct and indirect influence on the family.

It is desirable if possible to restrain the destructive angry gusts of the child before their manifestation, stop their own hand listed for the blow.

Direction of work - correction of hostility

It is necessary to show the child how unacceptable his hostile behavior aimed at non-residential items, as well as on people. An open condemnation of such behavior, an active demonstration of the disadvantage of his behavior in some cases gives the highest result.

  • It is necessary to establish a taboo on a robust behavior, when violating the rule, it is advisable to remind the child about it.
  • To give children the opportunity to choose an alternative to behavior-based behavior on their feelings of empathy, empathy.
  • Children need to be trained by advisory methods of anger's expression as an emotion inherent in each person.

It is necessary to carry out the following work with the parents of "difficult" children:

  • Inform parents in detail about the unique features of the child with immoral behavior.
  • Teach parents to recognize the appearance of their own detrimental states arising from communication with aggressive children, as well as accessible techniques for the restoration of psychological equilibrium.
  • Teach parents to the skills of free, non-violent communication, active hearing, use instead of ordinary "you reports", democratic "I-messages", easy to communicate without threats and orders.
  • Work out the skills of productive cooperation with aggressive children with special role-playing games and modeling situations.
  • Emeride single rules and education requirements.
  • Refusal to traditional punishment methods, transition to methods of belief and active promotion.
  • Include a child into sectional circles for interests, studios.

Methods of individual Correction of DP

The methods of individual correction of the teenager's projected behavior are aimed at the practical assimilation of them for other forms of behavior when a child is aware of the degree of own aggression and inadequate behavior, it is learned to control it, and then master other reaction options to what is happening.

Methods of group correction of hostile behavior helps with an expression of aggressive impulses. The output of anger through active actions either during the game is effective when correction of the behavior of children in groups.

Stages of educational strategy with difficult children

Receptions of behavior correction

Here are some effective techniques for the correction of the deviationing behavior of children who can take into service every parent and teacher.

Simple reception "Our feelings"

Task: With the help of familiarization of children with positive emotions, verbal and non-verbal communication, the reaction of their own negative experience, the teacher teaches children to effectively cope with its own aggression.

Preparatory materials. It is necessary to prepare small cards with the names of human feelings, such as: delight, grief, insult, inspiration, fear, pleasure, fierce anger, shame, disgust, unpleasant embarrassment, bitter sadness.

Results of the survey of adolescents with difficult behavior

Active process: We offer the child to divide the cards into 2 groups, in one there will be positive, and in another detrimental feelings. Then the child may come up with situations when these feelings are manifested. Then you can give the child to draw the states that he impressed most, he can tell, for what reason he chose them.

Reception "Little Secret"

Objective: The rapid restoration of the former beneficial state helps the child easily get rid of angry impulses and pronounced aggressive behavior.

Materials used: sheet of paper and pencils.

Procedure: It is necessary to take a convenient position, close your eyes for a couple of seconds, to present the place where it can be comfortable. If this is not, then you can invent it. What are the sounds and paints in the surrounding place, what non-residential items are there? We need to look back once again, remember everything visually, open your eyes and try to capture all this on a sheet of paper.

The "hats" method allows you to share problems in complexity

Method "My Emotions"

Task: role playing many real situations, actively locked in a new role. The children arising in the process of such a miniature feeling teach children other positive behaviors than the pronounced form of aggression.

The necessary materials: bright children's cardboard, designer, children's puppet theater or ordinary toys (plush bears, dolls, cars).

Process: Various moments are invented on the basis of famous fairy tales, or with a child, parents fantasize, coming up with their favorite heroes of history, where the main characters the child gives certain qualities. Playing stories can be recorded on the camera, after which you can analyze with the child, allocate the main characters, their pronounced qualities. You can ask what a fictional hero of the child liked to be most. If negative, then you can talk about what is lacking a positive hero, which way he can achieve this.

You can come up with a small fairy tale, where the positive hero is endowed with all the marked qualities that like a child in an aggressive hero. What in the end it comes out, all this can be spoke together.

Effective doodle technique

Purpose: Creating an atmosphere of ease, the establishment of emotional contact, the release of a child from various braking, due to which its doodle is obtained spontaneous.

The doodle technique has long been used in psychology

The necessary materials: a simple pencil, a big sheet of Watman, color pencils.

Procedure: Invite the child with squeezed movements, involving all the body to draw some kind of doodle in the air. When he starts to feel the freedom of bodily movements, he can close his eyes and transfer these actions to clean paper. When the doodle is ready, you can consider it from all sides, discovering and paint various forms in it. They allocate bright tones. Sometimes spontaneous history can be born from this disorder. At this point, the parent needs to pay attention to what colors use the child, which images it comes to him.

Psychological Methodology "Painting of the World"

Main tasks: careful study of individual characteristics of the image, as well as personal perception of its own world, as far as it is painted in negative paints.

Material: white sheet, color pencil and handles.

Process: Initially, a brief instruction is given to draw the world around, how his child is. After that, the child is asked to capture his own world on paper, to which it looks like.

Psychologists know how to decipher the drawings of children

Detailed analysis of the figures showed that there are 5 main types of drawings about their own world:

  1. The image of its own world in the form of a large round planet, other planets of the solar system is a purely cognitive picture of the world in generally accepted knowledge.
  2. The painting in the form of a landscape is in the form of a cute city or rural landscape with the presence of happy people, bright colors and beautiful animals, is the desired way to their nearest environment.
  3. Surroundings, own home, his real situation in the house is a situational picture.
  4. The metaphorical picture transmits quite complex feelings issued in the form of a complicated image.
  5. The schematic picture of the world, which is characterized by the marginal brevity of the presentation, possibly the secrecy of the child.

The main guidelines in the analysis of paintings for parents should be marked by a close-up part of the picture of the world, which the child wants to have what world he has now.

Be sure to ask him in detail that he captured on this pure sheet of paper.

The practical game is "crying louder!"

Objectives: With the help of the formation of a real situation, to help the child effectively and quickly neutralize the verbal form of aggression.

This method is actively applied if the child actively uses in its daily useful vocabulary or rudely called. This technique can be carried out both by parents and school psychologists.

The percentage of adolescents with deviating behavior

At the moment when the child said a sharp little word, it is necessary to find out the degree of his understanding of the value of pronounced words. If he definitely understands their meaning, then you can talk, asking several important issues. What is the reason for the use of such words? Why do he like him? What do they mean personally for him? It is necessary to explain a calm tone, as simple people feel, directly, whose address is pronounced such abuse words.

You can offer a child to successfully cope with the task, to interest him with a proposal to take a walk in such a place where he can pronounce his strong words as much as he wants, no one will go for it.

To do this, you can choose a remote glade. You need to give him to understand that he can swear here. It is necessary to make that the child says all the Material words loudly, several times, constantly enhancing the voice. When the child gets tired and no longer wants to swear loudly, you can praise him for what he knows how to shout loudly. If he again appears a desire to be outwarded, then you will come back with him. This case does not extend much to not compromise the child.

Conducting such corrective activities is an important social function that every teacher and parents must be implemented.

Psychology DP Separate industry

The study of such non-standard forms of behavior is engaged in such an important branch of science, as the psychology of deviant behavior, to which it is necessary to seek the search for suitable correctional methods. The correction of such deviating behavior is not only the concern of psychologists and special teachers, but also the priority of bodies leading social control over adolescents with inadequate behavior.

Social control of adolescents with rejected by behavior

Most children with disabilities in behavior violating public order need medical, social and psychological assistance. The possibilities of our correctional labor system are limited, here the least take care of the correction of a teenager, here his psyche and further fate can cripple.

Initially, the deviating behavior in the teenager does not have a clear motivation.

Two ways of controlling children with DP

A young man just seeks to fully respond to the requirements of his company, prone to immoral behavior. By virtue of low living conditions, such adolescents cannot determine their social roles.

The following important methods of social control are allocated:

  • The methods used and the methods of social control should be adequate to deviant behavior. An important means of social control should be the complete satisfaction of the various needs of children prone to non-standard behavior. As a decent alternative to various types of illegal, criminal actions, scientific, technical and other types of school creativity can be.
  • Reasonable reduction in repressive methods of psychological impact. Limiting personal freedom of a teenager leads to social and moral degradation. It follows that in relation to young offenders, the manifestation of loyalty in the form of a reduction in the timing of imprisonment, delayed the execution of the sentence.
  • A flexible system of social assistance, including public organizations created on the principle of "self-help".
  • Hard control over the flow of video recordings containing scenes of violence, aggression, cruelty.
  • Social training of personnel, which can work with difficult teenagers - social workers, experienced drug physicians, everyone who works with young devians.

All these actions are aimed at reducing child crime, which has been so widespread this time. What are the reasons for such violations, with which the children's violations of public order are connected?

Psychological correction of adolescents with DP

Small crime in adolescence

The crime is a dangerous phenomenon that will threaten the safety, health and even the lives of surrounding people. For the commission of any atrocity is provided for responsibility.

The various types of offenses of adolescents are pushing the following internal motifs:

  • As follows from official statistics, often adolescents make atrocities from a simple pearly, that is, the interest in obtaining personal gain. Mercenary motives are objective causes of multiple thefts, damage valuable estates;
  • Irrational hooligan motivations that are not amenable to any logic;
  • Some personality features of a susceptible teenager can also act as objective causes of many public offenses. Egoism, the manifestation of disrespect for adopted standards, the feeling of hatred, malice is noted as such.

Types of deviant behavior in adolescents

The objective causes of such non-standard behaviors are conventionally classified into 2 groups in which biological and social factors include. In the role of biological factors, heraldly due to predisposition to inadequate behavior, personal characteristics of the child's temperament.

Social factors are the closest environment of a child who has an influence of a personal family, a school, peers. The style of family education, adopted at home, gives the soil to psychological reasons for the deviant behavior of the teenager.

As follows from the official data of statistics, most small offenses produce adolescents who have grown in families with small prosperity, incomplete, where the socially disadvantaged atmosphere reigns. If people are present in the family leading an asocial lifestyle, then many times increase the risk of rapid adolescent adolescent to dangerous criminal activity.

Psychological impact on children with DP

The psychological microclimate in the house also plays an important role, after all, adolescents who become involuntary witnesses of the fierce parent quarrels are most often drawn in the bad companies of their peers. How to prevent a similar phenomenon in your family? This question is worried about many modern parents.

Useful advice on the prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents

Any problem arising is much easier to warn than eliminating its consequences. It is for this reason that the prevention of aggressive behavior of adolescents is particularly important.

Prevention and correction of DP

Tips for young parents for the prevention of immoral behavior in children:

  • It is necessary to talk in a timely person on the consequences of offenses, which are often committed at his age. Many young people make any atrocities without thinking about the upcoming punishment.
  • The task of the parents is to ensure that the child has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe degree of administrative and criminal liability for certain unlawful acts.
  • Parents must have an idea of \u200b\u200ba narrow circle of communication of their child, it is important at this stage to establish trusting relationships, forming atms a favorable atmosphere for joint pastime. It is necessary to encourage the desire of a child to walk periodically to visit his friends. But the number of evenings spent outside the house must be regulated and coordinated in advance.

The lack of discipline and inorganization are determining risk factors. That is why it is so important that a child in this period was a useful passion to which he will be ready to devote his free time. Actively engaging, instrumental music or participating in various thematic competitions, the teenager can easily find friends for their own interests, limiting himself from a bad company.

Work with parents of difficult teenagers

During communication with the child, parents should encourage, openly speak out about themselves, share with their own innermost experiences with their parents.

Psychologists have long been noticed that children surrounded by parental care and attention, and not a hyperopic, less often show a tendency to immoral behavior than children whose future is indifferent to parents. Such an indifference to the child from the parents, which he feels may cause its aggressive behavior. Adolescent teenagers will try in such a way to attract parents to their lives.

The degree of general education of the parents at the same time plays an important role, knowledge of the unique features of the crisis of the adolescence.

Prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents is a task, for the sake of the implementation of which all the social institutions with which a teenager is connected. The first preventive stage is given to the school, it is here that teachers conduct early diagnosis, where the tendency of children to aggressive, antisocial behavior is revealed. For this purpose, school psychologists conduct personal observations, special research using professionally selected tests.

Maintain active social and pedagogical activities with children of deviant behavior among special risk groups are allowed to specially trained professionals.

When upbringing a teenager, you should not forget the simple truth. No matter how correct and exemplary upbringing, children will never do what parents say, they will do the way parents come in this situation. An excellent personal example demonstrated by a child can replace many educational conversations, protect it from possible troubles in the future. Whatever reasons for immoral behavior in a child, the timely refinement of the existing problems, further prevention and effective practical correction with the help of simple methods will help him get hope for a socially prosperous future without pronounced aggression and small disorders.

Methods and forms of correction of violations of the behavior of children of younger school age

Schubanovskaya L.A., teacher GBOU SOSH № 186

"The world that we will leave our children in significant

extent depends on the children we leave our world. "

Federico Major UNESCO

Correction methods are directly dependent on the nature of pedagogical neglection, the level of child's lifetime, the educational opportunities of the school and family, concrete behavior, his lifestyle and environment.

Correction methods, ultimately, are always associated with the methods of upbringing. For example, the refugee method is always a natural continuation of the method of belief; Promotion and punishment are also applied in correction and in upbringing.

The organization of children's activities based on their interests is one of the directions of the correction that has gained widespread in recent years.

Pedagogy always defended the idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship of the methods of education and correction, condemned the practice of a "secluded means" (term A. S. Makarenko), i.e., isolated ones of some one method. In its totality, the correction methods are designed to intensify the child to combat the negative qualities of it, harmful habits. Each method performs a specific master function.

Currently, there are many directions and methodological techniques for the correction of violations of the behavior of children. The psychologist of the school in its practical individual correctional work uses various forms of suggestion, artherapy, libertine, music therapy, playing therapy, logotherapy, etc.1

Consider some methods of psychotherapeutic effects applied by a school psychologist in the correction of violations of the behavior of children.

The method of spoken psychotherapy - Logotherapy - This is a conversation with a child aimed at the verbalization of emotional states, a verbal description of emotional experiences. The verbalization of experiences is a positive attitude towards who is talking to the child, the readiness for empathy, recognition of the identity of another person. This method involves the emergence of a coincidence of verbal argument and the inner state of a child leading to self-realization when the child focuses on personal experiences, thoughts, feelings, desires.

Music therapy - Use in the work of musical works and musical instruments. For children who show anxiety, anxiety, fears are experiencing, the voltage is carried out a simple listening of music, which is accompanied by a task. When calm music sounds, the teenager gives instructions to think about items that cause him unpleasant feelings or suggest to rank unpleasant situations from the minimum to the strongest.

GameTherapy - This is the best way to mental stability. The basis of various methods determined by this concept is recognized by the game an important factor in personality development. The gaming therapy performs three functions - diagnostic, therapeutic and training, which are interconnected. Games also applied to eliminate social and mental disadaptations, emotional and personal violations.

Psychogympics. The interaction is based on motor expression, facial expression, pantomime. Exercises are aimed at achieving two goals: reducing the voltage and reducing the emotional distance from part of the group, as well as the development of the ability to express feelings and desires.

For example, the exercises for removing the tension consist of the simplest movements "I am going on the water", "hot sand", "I hurry to school." The connection of the Mimici, gesture, movement creates a more complete possibility of expressing and transmitting its sensations and intentions without words. The choice of psychotherapeutic impact and interaction depends on the individual characteristics of the identity of the child .

The system of activities aimed at correcting violations of behavior includes psychogenic, correctional, medical and pedagogical, community events, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy. At the same time, the individual medical and biological features of the child, the nature of the mental pathology, the structure and form of aggressive behavior, the level of social adaptation, the ratio of biological and socio-psychological factors are taken into account. Also taken into account age, individual education conditions .

The success of the correction of violation of behavior is possible only with the mutual and deep penetration of one area to another, with the assistance of a doctor and a teacher, ensuring their individual approach to adolescence.

The correction of violations of behavior will be so effective as it takes into account the uniqueness and uniqueness of the child. An individual approach means the identification of the nature of the psychological difficulties of a particular child and the real psychological mechanisms underlying problems, the choice of the corresponding individual cases of methods and methods of work .

Individual assistance to the child in the class is a special activity of teachers, carried out by them directly in cooperation with the child or indirectly, through his family and a class team aimed at assisting in solving its age-related problems of socialization and related individual problems.

The group correction of violations of behavior is also effective. The advantage of the Group is that the group is a kind of island of the world in which the child with the help of a teacher and other members of the group can analyze their own behavior and test its new forms. This is achieved with the help of a special organization of communication in groups, active social learning, the main characteristic of which is the "compliance of the procedure for learning the process and phenomena, which are created during its implementation, TE. The relations of the participants of the training group are built in full compliance with all the requirements of communication -Dialogue. "

It should be noted that the methods of psychological training, one of the forms of which is the group correction of the behavior of children, go back to the ideas of intensive communication to K. Rogers , His principle "here and now", i.e., to the analysis of the partnership and equality of participants in this group, the principle of partnership and equality of the participants (joint perception and discussion of the general seen situation or the problem and the maximum accounting of the interests of all participants), awareness and emotional experience of problems Each member of the group, the ability to put himself in the position of the other, read the situation with his eyes, etc. This means that in the group the attention is focused on direct experience and involve in it.

Thus, the most effective method of correction of violations of behavior isgameTherapy. Any method of correction is an individual or group. When choosing ways and methods for correction of violations of the behavior of children, the individual characteristics of the child are taken into account, the nature of the mental pathology, the structure and form of aggressive behavior, the level of social adaptation, the ratio of biological and socio-psychological factors. Age are also taken into account, individual education conditions.


Alexandrov A.A. Typology of divinted behavior in psychopathy and accentuations of character / violation of the behavior of children and adolescents. - M.: 2001.- S. 51-59.

Belicheva S.A. Socio-psychological foundations of minors / author's desocialization prevention. dis. Dokt. psychol. science - M.: 1989. - 45 s.

Aggression, which arises in the event of a threat from external factors, is a normal reaction. If aggressive behavior becomes the property of human personality of any age, it requires correction (treatment).

Manifestations of aggressive behavior

Children of different ages are characterized by aggression. Children of preschool and younger school age can be such signs of aggression:

  • frequent quarrels and disputes with friends, classmates, parents, teachers, etc.
  • loss of control
  • intentional provoking anger or other negative emotions from another person
  • refusal to do what the parent, teachers or other close people are asked about
  • often angry, envy others, express anger
  • often accused others if they themselves made a mistake or failed
  • take out anger in case of a bad mood on non-living objects and plants around them
  • characterized irritability and dimming
  • for a long time remembering the offense, can take revenge

Children of mid school age and in the pubertal period may have such manifestations of aggressive behavior:

  • initiation of Drak (Sometimes with the use of items to cause harm to the enemy)
  • threats towards other persons (both verbal and physical)
  • achieving goals at any cost, even causing harm to other people
  • cruelty in relation to animals and people, not the ability to empathize, special causing pain in any way
  • emptying attitude towards parents, ignoring their requests, prohibitions and established rules
  • , ignoring their requests, run classes at school

If at least 50% of the above-listed features are characteristic of your child, and the duration of their manifestation is at least 6 months, this indicates aggressiveness as a character of character. This state requires correction.

External causes of aggressive behavior

The source of aggression in frequent cases is the family of a child. If mom or dad or other family members show aggression, even if physical, the child sees it and copies this behavior. He assumes aggression as a norm. Often parents show dual standards. In words, they teach a child that it is not good to offend others, which can not be shouting, and they themselves quarrel with each other, shouting on the child and beat him, etc.

The child's aggression may appear due to the influence of peers. For preschoolers, the criterion forces is an important indicator. Basically, the boys are prone and respect the power, but it also applies to girls. If in the team where your child is included, it is customary to solve problems with aggressive methods, there is a very high probability that your child will be aggression in the future and outside of this team. It will have certain attitudes that dictate the need for aggression in communication with all people.

The next important source of aggression is the characters of computer games, films and serials, cartoons, comics. Watch out what reads, looks and what your son or daughter play.

Internal causes of aggressive behavior

There are only those children who have no internal harmony for any other harmony for any other reasons. Children with high levels of anxiety tend to aggressive behavior, who do not like themselves, feel that the world is unjust to them, have too low self-esteem. Aggression in such children helps them attract the attention of people to themselves, because on their own, the child can not always solve his problems.

To help the aggressor, you must feel sympathy for him, love it. It is necessary to assimilate the thought that a child, whatever he was, is a person. Therefore, his problems need to try to understand and respect his point of view and look at the world. If the usual interaction methods have exhausted, it is worth trying special games with disturbing children.

Correction of aggressive behavior in children

One of the aspects of the correction is to work with anger. It is necessary to tell the child and show how you can, but how can anger can not be shown. He may not understand how the manifestations of his anger affect the surrounding and on it. You should also train a small aggressor self-control. It is necessary to consider with the child the skills of possession of themselves in situations that usually generate negative emotions.

It is important to teach the child to work with feelings. He must learn to realize that he himself feels, and slightly feel the surrounding with whom he interacts. Child the ability to sympathize with the child, as well as trust close people. Also, a particular attention should be paid to the skills of toddler communication. He must be able to adequately act in difficult situations, independently solve conflicts.

Work with anger

In our society there are certain norms that oblige a person in anger to restrain their emotions. But, if emotion (no matter - positive or negative) does not find a long time, it accumulates inside. And this bomb will explode when it is a matter of time. It may negatively affect others, and will also cause serious health problems with the person himself, who copied emotions in itself.

"Unbelievable cartoon". This gaming reception will allow the child not to show aggression directed to the offender. The child must be taken from the one who offends him / chilly. Then suck him at the table and offer to draw a caricature on the person. If the baby still does not know what caricature is, how it differs from the usual photo or picture, show him examples and tell about the features of this genre. The child does not need to try to draw a well-offended person realistic. On the contrary, you need to distort his features. It should be expressed on a man's paper as his child sees / perceives here and now.

While the kid draws, refrain from criticism, do not correct it. Condemnation is strictly prohibited. Show the baby that you understand what he is now feels (even if you even evaluate the conflict situation that happened). When the kid completes the caricature, let him sign it as he wishes. After that, ask him the question: "What do you feel now? What would you like to do with this "unfriendly cartoon? Do it!"

"Creek bag". Children often in the rustling of emotions increase the voice, squeal. For this, they most often get comments from parents and other adults. If the baby's emotions are very strong, very wrong will be able to restrain from it. Therefore, psychologists are developing the methods of getting rid of the negative.

When a child is angry, angry, suggest it to use the "pouch of anger". Explain the baby: when he holds this bag, he can scream as you like and how much. Then he must postpone the bag and calmly communicate with others, solve the conflict.

"Pouch of anger" can be sewed from any fabric. There must be rusts to "close all the screams", which they got into it. It is impossible to use a bag in other games, its use should be relevant only for the practice described.

"Sheet of Anger". Give your child a leaf, told that this is a "sheet of anger". He can take over it all the negative, which now feels. You can carve a leaf, teeth break it, teeth, etc. It must be done before the sense of relief. After that, you need to ask the child to collect all the scattered pieces of sheet and throw them away. A leaf can be not only rectangular. You can ask the child on paper to portray your / anger / irritation, and then cut in shape (or not cut, but use a rectangular leaf with a baby image).

Pillow pillow. This technique is relevant for the correction of aggressive behavior in children who react mainly by physical methods, and not verbally. At home, such a baby should have a special pillow for kicks. It should have a small size and, desirable, a dark shade. When a child will feel the negative, with which he will not be able to quickly cope, he can take her bad emotions on this pillow. Such practice is relevant and to control anger in adults, it is best to use a boxing pear in such cases.

"Cutting firewood". This practice is particularly relevant if the child has been sitting for a long time (for example, made homework). Ask the baby if he knows how to chop firewood. Where to put a log? What pose should you become? How to take an ax? Next, ask him to portray the process as realistic as possible. It is better to do away from glass items and mirrors that the baby can hook.

Let the child rubit, do not save power. Advise him to make a great amplitude of Zamaha to better "cut the log." Together with each "silent ax" you can make a sound on exhalation. You can use some kind of toy that replaces the ax (to be similar in form) or cut the "ax" from cardboard.

Dumping anger on the offender figure. Houses for this technique you need to have plasticine. In nature, the material will appear clay or wet sand. Suggest the baby to cut out the figure of a distinguished person from a plastic material. Further, he can make something with it, which considers it necessary, for example, crushing, pushing into the ground.

Active Water Games. Negative emotions in children and adults are removed using active games. In nature, you can arrange racing paper ships. You need to put them on the water and blowing out of the tube, without helping the boat with your hands. Also relieves the stress game in catch-up with molds of springs or bottles with well-centered lids.

Training self-control

For the practices described below are relevant.

"Anger signals". The full version of the game should be applied only for the first time. In the future, use a reduced option. Ask the kid to remember the situation in which he was so angry that he wanted to beat another person or cause him bodily damage to another way.

Ask how anger manifested before the fight? If the child cannot express it with words, tell me how an angry person manifests itself. His fists are compressed, the face becomes red from the tide of blood in the vessels, a grain feeling appears in the throat, breathing makes it difficult, etc. This is "signals of anger". If you do not pay attention to them, then anger will sooner or later find a way out, and we will not be able to control ourselves at that moment. If the signals are noted by us on time, you can control the emerging negative emotions.

In the future, when you notice that the child is angry, ask him about the signals that are present in this minute in the body. Ask, how exactly he wants to throw out the negative, what consequences will have a deed? While another thing is not perfect, and the signals of anger are seen, what can be done to prevent sad consequences? Talk to the baby about what to do in a concrete case.

Anger on stage. This game is also relevant to correct the aggressive behavior of children. When the baby begins to experience anger, offer him to imagine how his anger would look on the theater scene. Think with it about the image of the actor, which would fulfill the role of anger. Discuss its appearance, design and color of costume, intonation, gestures, height and other voice features, etc. Also discuss the script with the child. How would Mr. Anger be able to act? What would be the play?

Account up to ten. This practice is suitable for controlling aggression in both children and adults. As soon as the child feels that he is willing to make an aggressive action (even verbal), he must calculate in the mind of up to ten, without taking anything at this time. Considering, he must relax muscles. After that, he can act, as it seems necessary.

You need to discuss with the child, how after that he began to feel. Was the decision taken after the sedative breathing more optimal and constructive? Try to instill a baby in discussing an adult type of thinking, with responsibility for your actions, with minimizing impulsiveness.

Working with feelings

To work with feelings, there are a number of practices, some will be described below.

"Sovereign experts". Offer the child to take part in the competition of sense conversion. To do this, you will need a ball to be transmitted in a circle. Other close people can take part in the game. The one who gets the ball into his own hands should pronounce him the famous emotion and transfer the ball on the circle. Repetitions are prohibited. If someone could not call a negative or positive emotion, he immediately loses. You can think about the prize before starting.

To make the baby, it was not imagined to lose, tell him that this is the first attempt. The second attempt of the game can be held after some time. The baby will teach new words and use them.

Guess feeling. The past game does not show how well the child understands the meaning of emotions and feelings that pronounced in the previous game. In this practice, there is a role of a leading and player or several players. The one who leads, makes a certain feeling and remembers the situation when he felt it (or invents the plot in which the hero feels exactly this emotion).

Driving tells the story of a player or players without calling emotion. The end of the story should sound like this: "And then I felt ... (He felt ...". Players should guess the emotion / sense of the Hero Hero. Stories should be small, literally a few sentences. The child can be hard as a leading. Then you should start an adult He tells his story, and then the baby enters the role of the water.

"Country of feelings". When a child learned the emotions and the sensations they provoke, you can begin this practice. Ask again the question of the baby, what a person's feelings are known to him. Record the names of emotions on different leaves. Then suggest the baby to present these emotions in the form of individual characters living in the "inner world." On the leaflet, he must draw a portrait of emotion. Track out how a child imagines one or another emotion.

"Feelings on stage". This practice has similarities with the above-described "Anger on the scene". But the heroes here are emotions and feelings. This game is recommended to repeat several times a week. Apply this practice when you note some emotion for a child, including positive. You can ask the child a question, as it would look like a dance of a particular character, let the kid depict movement.

Stories by photographs. This practice is important for the emotional development of your son or daughter. Thanks to her, he will learn to understand what other people experience. For this practice, you need to take photos of people who are facial and pose expressing a certain emotion. It can be a photo from the Internet, printed on a color printer, or magazine cutting.

Show the child's photo on one and ask to tell what exactly the person shown on it feels. Ask a question why he called this emotion. Let it describe the external manifestations of this emotion, which he found in a person in the photo. You can invite the child to come up with what events in the life of this character could cause such emotions (which happened to him at the moment before photographing).

Constructive communication skills

Methods for correction of aggressive behavior from this group will be simple in implementation if there are several children in the family. Below will be described practices that are easy to implement together (child + mother or dad) without resorting to the participation of other family members. But other people can take part in them, it is not prohibited.

Sloga of good words. In children-aggressors, the vocabulary is often not characterized by wealth. Because rude expressions are in the habit: they teach several phrases and constantly apply them. It is necessary to start with the baby a special dictionary, which includes words characterizing a person. They can concern both its appearance and the inner world. These words must bear positive, that is, should be either good or neutral. Roughness and obscene expressions in the dictionary cannot be entered.

For example, on the letter K, you can write down these words: beautiful, flirty, cultural, meek, soccerbelny, kompaniysky. In the dictionary on the letter K should not be negative characteristics (conflict, cunning, sicky, etc.). Recorded words should be periodically "refreshing" in mind so that they entered the lexicon kid. It is useful to systematically discuss with the child of the heroes of fiction or cartoons (their characters). In negative characters, try to find something good.

Blind and guide. This game contributes to the formation of confidence in the child. It is such a skill often absent from aggressors. One of the players should be blindfolded, the second acts on his render. The guide should translate the "blind" across the road. No need to go on a busy track. It is necessary to place the facilities in the room (furniture, toys) so that from the wall to the wall it is impossible to go freely with blindfolded eyes. Other children can play the role of obstacles if the technique is not practiced together, but with a large number of participants.

The guide must ensure that the "blind" does not come together and did not hook the obstacles on the road. When you reach the opposite edge of the room, talk to the baby, how easy it was to stay with his eyes closed, as far as he trusted the guide, which felt on the way. The child at the next stage of the game should become a guide to learn to take care of another person.

In the process of passing through obstacles, it is possible how silently lead the "blind", raising its legs to step by objects. You can also talk about how to overtake the obstacle that rises next on the way. You can use both methods in combination.

Understand without words. Adults are aware of how annoying when someone does not understand our ideas and desires. Adults also know that their thoughts need to be normally expressing that another person understands them. And children basically do not understand this. Neon understanding often offends the child, he does not evaluate the situation as such, in which he himself misunderstood information to man.

Written in this practice comes up with the word (who answers the question "Who?" Or "What?"), And then depicts the meaning of the words with gestures, facial expressions, movements. But words should not be tipped, you need to be silent. The leading can show a situation in which an intended object is applied. Or his body he may try to transfer the form of a planned subject. Specify on items, if anyone are there, it is impossible.

Players must understand what he conceived the leading. All options need to be pronounced out loud. If the guesses are incorrect, leading shakes head from side to side as if saying "no." If the answer is given correct, then guessing becomes leading.

There are other practices for the correction of aggressive behavior of children and adults, which cannot be described in one material. If you can not solve the problem with the behavior of the child, you need to make an in-person consultation to the children's psychologist. This is not something out of a series of outgoing. Some children require a special approach from a person who knows everything about children's aggression.

When adult people face active and noisy kids, they immediately hurry to call them hyperactive, not even understanding that they actually represent such kids.

Fully sounds this diagnosis as "attention deficit with hyperactivity". For the first time, as a state, as a disease, they spoke about 150 years ago.

The terminology of this syndrome was repeated repeatedly, ultimately stopped at this definition as "attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity (ADHD). Among the boys, such a disease is diagnosed about 3 times more often.

What is hyperactivity?

There are attention to such children, they are characterized by memory problems, the mental performance is also reduced, and fatigue is raised. 15 minutes is the maximum time for productive work, then control over mental activity is lost and about 7 minutes the brain is restored.

During this period, the child will not respond to the requests of adults, and will be engaged in "its" affairs.

Such problems with the attention are accompanied by a motor distribution. To obey all sorts of instructions is incredibly difficult, as well as adhere to the generally accepted framework of behavior. Combine twitching and ticks may be present. Violation of the work of the emotional sphere in kids with ADHD is characterized by impulsiveness, low self-esteem and social inadequacy.

All this accompanies a person throughout his life and often becomes the cause of failures, both in his career and in personal relationships. From early age, they become a serious stimulus for adults who are near different circumstances.

There are a number of reasons that can cause ADHD and in most cases these factors do not depend on parents.

To know exactly what is happening with the baby you can spend a number of tests, they allow you to determine if the child really has a VDD or his behavior is the result of the upbringing or temperament. There is a list of issues on violation of attention and impulsivity (hyperactivity) and, after analyzing the answers, you can get the result.

It is not necessary to diagnose yourself, a psychologist, a psychoneurologist or pediatrician should have such a question.

It is impossible to solve this problem on their own and identify the reasons too, but it is impossible to leave everything. The baby cannot cope with the internal problems and experiences, and in the case of a diagnosis of ADHD, especially. If such a situation manifested itself in behavior, it should be solved comprehensively.

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The main direction is motor activity, but games with a bright emotional component, such as competitions, are not welcome.

Uniform training of light and medium intensity: swimming, cycling trips, hiking or running is what you need. Stress reactivity decreases if there are permanent physical exertion, they contribute to an increase in adaptive abilities and motor controls.In some cases, it is worthwhile to change the surroundings of the baby, perhaps in kindergarten or at school there are badly classmates or teachers.

The psychologist helps model the situation of success, helps to choose those areas of activity in which the child feels confident. In the list of classes it is worth adding exercises that contribute to the development of memory. If speech violations are revealed, it is also necessary to correct the speech therapist.

Hyperactive child: what to do?

As such children behave extremely impulsively and even defiant, then the nervous system does not withstand not only among teachers who work with them, but also among family members.

Moms spend more time with children, so they often meet depression and they also need a consultation of the psychologist to learn to respond to all the actions of Chad without irritation. Any negative methods of upbringing such children are ineffective. They have a high sensitivity threshold for negative upbringing measures.

Expands, punishment will not lead to the desired result. But the very slightest praise will be a positive reaction.

When the correction methods do not give a positive result, experts may recommend drug treatment. It is resorted to as to at least.

It is extremely difficult to influence this behavior, nevertheless it is worth working in this direction. Who, if not parents, are interested in helping their choa to cope with the problems arising?

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In this case, agree with the parents of children with ADHD is much easier than with teachers who have such students in the class. They do not want to spend the moral and physically on such schoolchildren, they often dislike them and therefore, in addition to the censures, they cannot send anything in their direction.

Translate children from class to class is also not a way out, because there is no guarantee that another teacher will take more participation in their upbringing. Find a good teacher is a big luck for a hyperactive student and his parents.

To leisure you can use any ball games - it calms down.

Since the manifestations of the ADHD can be different, the question of solving this problem should be complex and privative. To react correctly to the situation, it is worth contacting a psychologist.

Such behavior is not referring to mental deviations, but the hassle of parents, and the children themselves brings a lot. Do not perceive this situation as hopeless. It can be adjusted, and the sooner, the better effect you can achieve.