The project (short-term) "in the country of healthy people" (2nd junior group) municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined kindergarten. Short-term project in the younger group “Let's be friends Creative project of the educator 2 younger group

Irina Spodobayeva

Short Socio-personal junior group project.

Topic: « Let's be friends

Members project:

Children junior preschool age;


- caregivers: Spodobaeva I. M, music. hands Mironenko A. L.

View project: short.

Type of project: information and creative.

Problem: inability to communicate, support friendly relations

Target project: Formation in children of the idea of ​​a friend, friendship


Give an idea of ​​what friendship.

Teach children how to communicate with each other.

Be able to correctly evaluate your actions and the actions of your friends.

Do noble deeds, enjoy the result.

Involve parents in project,.

Methods: verbal, game, visual, practical.



Reading fiction,

Stages of work on project:

Stage I - Preparatory

To bring the children to this problem, we chose the right moment when the conflict between the children turned out. Bring it to the attention of other children.

They offered to discuss and solve this problem. We analyzed the cause of the conflict, and whether it should have happened. Discussed ways of reconciliation of children. Talking on this topic, we approached the question of whether it is possible to quarrel and what this can lead to.

After analyzing the answers of the pupils, they made their proposals and set themselves goal: teach children be friends. So appeared project« Let's be friends

Into work on parents were involved in the project. Based on the interests of the children, a survey of parents was conducted With whom and how my child is friends» . Informed them what topic interested the children, discussed the purpose and objectives project opened before them the prospect of working on project. Feedback was provided through individual conversations, oral information sheets, and consultations.

After listening to parents' suggestions for planning project how they can help, made a long-term plan for the implementation project with the participation of children and parents, jointly designed a subject-developing Wednesday:

Picked up fiction, subject and plot pictures, as well as literature of small genres of folklore on the topic;

Selected songs about friendship for listening and musical repertoire for performance.

Developed game models, GCD abstracts, prospectus "Minutes of Courtesy", "Rules friendship» ;

We made various types of theater, attributes for games, "Hearts of Love and Kindness", "Magic box", collected toys for friends.

Stage II - Main

In the second stage, we carried out practical activity: had conversations with the children about friendship, memorized poems, proverbs, teasers, myrillas, persuasion, songs, nursery rhymes with them, listened to songs about friendship. They read fairy tales, stories to children, played theatrical games. "Teremok", "Golden Scallop Cockerel". In direct educational activities, children were active: played out problem situations, learned mobile, verbal, round dance, finger games. Organized role-playing games, play-dramatization

Stage III - Presentation of the exhibition "My friend!"

At the third stage there was a presentation project: creating an exhibition "My friend", the final integrated GCD on topic: « Let's make friends

Work plan for project presented in the presentation.

1 day (Monday)

1) Game « Let's say hello»

The goal is to develop the ability to interact with a partner, auditory attention and memory, and relieve muscle tension.

One clap - we shake hands;

Two claps - we greet with shoulders;

Three claps - we greet the backs.

Direct educational activities

Topic: "O friendship»

Target: To form the ability of children to treat children and adults kindly. To form the ability to evaluate the actions of fairy-tale characters. Familiarize yourself with the proverb friendship. Form children's ideas about friendship.

Materiall: song about friendship, planar figures and pictures from a fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox".

Activity progress:

Guys, today I brought an unusual song for you. Listen to her.

What is this song about? (about friendship)

Think and say what it means to live unanimously, be friends?

And who needs to give up toys? (to friends)

Do you have friends?

Bulat, who is your friend?

Do you give him toys?

So who is he to you? (friend)

So guys, who are friends?

Guys, how many friends can you have?

And what is better when one friend or many?

What do you think, Camille?

What do you think, Amina?

Is it possible that all children in group were friends?

How do you think?

(the teacher summarizes the children's answers)

Guys, why do we go to kindergarten (meet friends, play, etc.)

Can adults and children be friends?

(I play with you, give toys, walk, study with you, so I'm your friend

Since I'm your friend, I want to play with you.

“All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And smile at each other."

Look guys who came to us.

What fairy tale are these characters from?

Name them.

Who saved the rooster from the fox?

So which of these heroes can be called friends?

Can a rooster and a fox be friends?

How do you think?

What do you think?

(correct guys, the fox all the time tried to deceive the rooster, take it to its hole. And friends don’t do that.)

Even animals have friends.

Listen to what the people have a proverb. "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

What does this proverb mean? (teacher explains)

Would you like to have friends like a fox?

How about like a cat?

So guys, be as good and loyal friends as a cat.

3) Listening to songs about friendship.

"It's fun to walk across the open spaces together", "Smile", "A song about friendship» and other songs from cartoons.

Goal and tasks: To form the ability to listen to audio songs, understand the lyrics. To evoke joyful emotions, continue to shape children's ideas about friendship.

2 day (Tuesday)

1) Reading and memorizing poems about friendship

The goal is to develop communication skills, team building.

Tasks: To develop the ability to listen, to form the skills of expressive reading of poetry.

1. Reading verses about friendship: "Gift" E. Blagina, « Girlfriends» A. Kuznetsova, « Girlfriend Masha» G. Borgul

2. Memorizing a poem "Boy befriend a girl...» L. Razumova. using mnemonics (mnemotables).

3) Consideration of plot pictures "Lessons of Kindness"

Target: To form the concept of good, kind deeds.

Tasks: To form the ability of children to treat children and adults kindly. Develop the ability to evaluate actions, distinguish between good and evil.

3 day (Wednesday)

1) Learning songs "The sun has my friend»

2) Learning the dance "Fighted - reconciled"

2) Game - dramatization of a fairy tale "Teremok".

Target: To continue to form in children the idea of ​​​​a friend, friendship, fostering a friendly attitude towards each other, to be restrained, to be able to work in a team.

Tasks: To develop the skills and abilities of choral singing, the ability to perform dance movements. Develop speech. Bring up friendly related to each other.

Day 4 (Thursday)

1) Reading and learning Mirilok.

Target: Learn a new myrilka.

Tasks: Tell the children why we need myrillas, to form the ability to expressively read the poetic text, to educate a good attitude, the ability to play unanimously.

2) Application "Gift for a friend"

Target: To consolidate the acquired sticking skills.

Tasks: Develop fantasy and imagination. To form the ability to independently choose a topic for work. Cultivate kindness, the desire to bring joy.

3) Game "Find a Pair"

Target: To form the ability to compare objects.

Tasks: To form the ability to compare objects by color, size and shape. Develop attention. Bring up.

Day 5 (Friday)

1) Open NOD « Let's be friends»

Target: to develop elementary ideas about friendship, friendly relations.


1. Shape friendly team relations, promote the accumulation of experience of friendly relations, a negative attitude towards rudeness.

2. Develop children's conversational speech, attention, enrich vocabulary.

3. Cultivate communication skills, a sense of empathy, positive emotions.

4. Consolidate knowledge of colors, geometric shapes, knowledge of the left and right hand

2) Exhibition of works on the topic « Friendship»

Short-term research and creative project in the second junior group "Miracles, tricks, experiments"

What I hear, I forget.
What I see, I remember.
What I do, I understand.

Project passport
1. Type of project: research - creative.
2. Duration: short term, 2 weeks
3. Author of the project: teacher Tyurina T.V.
4. Project participants: children of the second younger group
5. Relevance of the topic:
Children love to experiment. Research activities are of great interest to children. Research provides an opportunity for the child to find answers to the questions “how?” and why?". An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, independently seek new information about the world are considered as the most important features of children's behavior. Exploratory activity is the natural state of the child, he is tuned in to the knowledge of the world, he wants to know everything. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, experiment, and most importantly express themselves. Experiments somehow remind children of magic tricks, they are unusual, they surprise. The child's need for new impressions underlies the emergence and development of inexhaustible orienting research (search) activity aimed at understanding the world around. The more diverse and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.
6. Purpose of the project: creation of conditions for experimental activities of children; for the formation of ecological culture and the development of the cognitive interest of children.
7. Project objectives:
- create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children.
- develop children's curiosity in the process of observation and practical experimentation with objects.
- to form the skills of mental actions, analysis, synthesis, classification, etc., in the process of understanding the natural picture of the world, contributing to the development of speech.
- develop independence in resolving problem situations in research activities.
- learn to explain the observed.
8. Estimated result:
- expand and deepen the child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him;
- develop cognitive skills through experimental activities;
9. Product of the project activity: album "Experiments on ecology", a file of experiments.
Project implementation plan in the second junior group
Preparatory stage of the project (1st week):
1. Creation of an experimental laboratory in the group;
2. Enrichment of the experimentation area with the necessary materials, devices.
3. Making schemes, models that display the basic properties of substances.
4. Selection of mobile and speech games, poems and riddles about inanimate nature.
5. Drawing up summaries of thematic classes for different sections of the program.
6. Compilation and creation of experiments, experiments with various objects of inanimate nature.
Research phase of the project (2nd week)
Thematic planning of classes and experiments for the project.
Activities Name Purpose
Day 1 "Miracles in nature - the sun"
G. Boyko's poem "The Sun" Introduce the new poem, help in understanding the content
Performing exercises Finger game "Sun, sun" To promote the development of hand motor skills
Artistic creativity
Drawing "The sun is shining through the window" Teach drawing round objects, painting along the contour
Conversation “Learning to enjoy the sun and nature” To develop interest and emotional responsiveness to the phenomena of inanimate nature
Game-situation "Sunny Bunnies" Promote the development of imagination, encourage physical activity
Themed walk
"Visiting the sun" Learn to observe the sun
Day 2 "Air Wonders"
"About the properties of air" Introduce children to air
An experience
"Games with straws" Introduce children to the fact that there is air inside a person, help to detect air
“How can we make airy foam out of soap” Conclude that soap foams
"Games with a balloon" Familiarize yourself with the fact that there is air inside a person, help to make a trick - to detect air
The game
"Blowing soap bubbles" Stimulate physical activity
observation and conversation
"Why is a soap bubble flying?" Stimulate cognitive and speech activity
"What's in the bag" Help detect air in the surrounding area
Day 3 "Tricks with sand"
Drawing on wet sand
"Wonderful transformation of a circle and a square" Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, develop children's imagination
Problem situation, game
"Young treasure hunters" Develop observation, study the properties of sand, learn to find a toy in the sand
Experimental game with wet and dry sand
"Pies for a bear" Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation, draw conclusions
"On the properties of wet and dry sand" To develop the cognitive and speech activities of children
sand play
"Building a zoo" Help in studying the properties of wet sand, in improving constructive skills
Day 4 "Water is a miracle of nature"
Experience Games
"Hide and seek with water" To give an idea of ​​the properties of water, that water can change color
"Transfusion of water" To form knowledge that water flows from different vessels in different ways
"Properties of water" To form knowledge about the different properties of water: pouring, splashing, etc.
"Beautiful cups for the sorceress-water" Learn to stick ready-made forms in a certain sequence
Reading fiction
The story "How Kostya did not wash" To acquaint with the story, to help in understanding the content
"Soap-magician" To acquaint with the properties and purpose of soap, to consolidate knowledge of safety rules when working with soap
Outdoor games "With sultans and turntables" Formation of independent motor activity

Observation "Watching the wind" Develop mindfulness, observation and ingenuity
Experiment "Obediant breeze" To develop the ability to breathe correctly, to acquaint with this property of air: the air flow has different strengths
Breathing exercise "Light breeze" Learn to cool food by slightly blowing on it

1. The main educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Mosaic-Synthesis, Moscow, 2015-366p.
2. "Classes on familiarization with the natural and social world" in the second junior group of the kindergarten Dybina O.V. Mosaic- Synthesis, 2015-72 p.
3. Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers: method. Recommendations/gen. ed. L. N. Prokhorova. -3rd ed., add. -M.: ARKTI, 2008. – 64 p.


Experiments, studies and experiments

1. Experiments with a balloon. The teacher with the children examines 2 balloons (one is strongly inflated - elastic, the other is weak - soft). Children figure out which ball is better to play with. Discuss the reason for the difference. An adult suggests thinking about what needs to be done with the second ball so that it is also good to play with it (inflate it strongly); what is inside the balloon (air); where does the air come from (exhale). An adult organizes a game with the second balloon: inflates it so that it becomes elastic, lowers the balloon with a hole into the water so that the children watch how the balloon deflates and exits through the air bubbles. At the end of the game, the adult offers to repeat the experience themselves.
2. Experience with a straw. The teacher shows how a person inhales and exhales air by placing his hand under a stream of air. Finds out where the air comes from. Then, using a straw and water in a glass, he shows how air appears when you exhale (Bubbles appear on the surface of the water). At the end of the experiment, the children are asked to repeat the experiment themselves.
3. What's in the package. Children look at an empty plastic bag. The adult asks what is in the bag. Turning away from the children, he draws air into the bag and twists the open end so that the bag becomes elastic. Then he shows the bag again and asks what the bag is filled with (air). Opens the package and shows that there is nothing in it. The adult notices that when the package was opened, it ceased to be elastic. He asks why the bag seems to be empty (the air is transparent, invisible, light).
4. Obedient breeze. The teacher reads: “Wind, wind! You are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds, you excite the blue sea, you howl everywhere in the open. Children blow on the boat quietly. What's happening? (The boat sails slowly.) They blow on the boat with force. (The boat sails faster and may even roll over.) Children sum up (with a weak wind, the boat moves slowly, with a strong air flow it increases speed).
5. Soap magician. Children touch and smell dry soap. (It is smooth, fragrant.) Examine the water. (Warm, transparent.) Make quick movements with your hands in the water. What's happening? (Air bubbles appear in the water.) Children immerse the soap in water, then pick it up. What did it become? (Slippery.) Rub the sponge with soap, immerse in water, wring out. What's happening? (Water changes color, foam appears in it.) They play with foam: make palms into a tube, collect soapy water, blow. (Large bubbles appear.) Dip the end of the tube into the soapy water, take it out, slowly blow. (A soap bubble appears, shimmers in the light.) Immerse the end of the tube in water and blow into it. What appears on the surface of the water? (Lots of soap bubbles.)
Children sum up: dry soap is smooth; wet soap is smooth and slippery; when soaping a sponge, foam appears; when air enters the soapy water, soap bubbles appear, they are light and can fly; soap suds burns the eyes.
6. Transfusion of water. The teacher shows how to pour water from different vessels in different ways. From a wide vessel - a large stream, from a narrow one - a thin stream. Explains that splashes fly from the water. Then he invites the children to independently pour water from vessel to vessel. The teacher explains that water takes the form of the vessel into which it is poured. If water is only poured from one vessel into another, it will remain the same; there will be less water if it is poured out.
7. "Pies for a bear." Experiment with wet and dry sand. The teacher invites the children to make cakes from wet sand, and then from dry sand. Children draw conclusions: wet sand is molded, keeps its shape, and dry sand crumbles.
8. Game experience "Hide and seek with water." The teacher shows the children a transparent vessel with water and asks what color the water is. (Transparent, colorless.) Then he lowers a pebble into the water. What are we seeing? Can you see the stone? (It can be seen.) Then the teacher adds paint to the water and asks what the water has become. (Colored.) Lowers the pebble into the water. What do we observe? (The stone is not visible.) Conclusion: water can change color.
1. Finger gymnastics "Sun, sun"
Sunshine, sunshine
golden bottom,
Burn, burn bright
To not go out.
A stream ran in the garden,
A hundred rooks have flown
clap their hands
Flex and extend palms
Show a wave.
They wave their hands.
And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,
And the flowers are growing.
They put their hands down.
They raise their hands up.

2. Game-situation "Sun Bunnies". The teacher takes a mirror and shows a sunbeam. Explains that the sun reflects off the mirror. Then the teacher begins to drive the mirror in different directions. Children run after the sunbeam, trying to get it. Then it is proposed to drive one of the children.
3. Blowing soap bubbles. The teacher blows soap bubbles and explains that there is air inside the bubble. Then one of the children starts blowing soap bubbles, and the rest of the children catch them.
4. "Young treasure hunters." The teacher and the children examine the sand, study its properties (dry, crumbling, warming up in the sun). Then the teacher hides plastic toys in the sand. And children should find toys by digging with a scoop and not scattering sand.
5. "Construction of the zoo." On a walk, the teacher offers to examine the sand, to study its properties (raw, molded, dense). Then he proposes to build a zoo out of sand and building parts. The teacher suggests using a mold in the construction, buried in the sand flush with the ground and filled with water. Suggests to think about what happened (a pond for waterfowl or a pool for a polar bear and hippos).
6. Outdoor game"With sultans and turntables." On a walk, the teacher shows how you can play with a turntable and sultans. If there is a wind, then the sultans move and the turntable spins. If there is no wind outside, then you can go for a run. What are we seeing? When running, the spinner also spins, and the sultans move. Sultans and turntables are distributed to everyone. At the signal "Wind" everyone runs, at the signal "no wind" everyone stands.
7. Drawing on wet sand “A wonderful transformation of a circle and a square” On a walk, the teacher draws circles and squares on wet sand. Invites children to consider them, highlight their properties. Then he proposes to turn the circle into a sun, into a clock, an apple, a ball, a wheel, a face, etc. And he proposes to turn the square into a house, a bag, a TV, a watch, etc. Children draw in the sand.

Short-term social and personal project in the second junior group.

Topic: "Let's live in peace!"

Project participants:

Children 2 ml.groups


Educator: Putorogina Yu.V.

Project type: short term (week).

Project type: information and creative.

Problem : inability to communicate, maintain friendly relations

Objective of the project: Formation in children of an idea of ​​a friend, friendship, fostering a friendly attitude towards each other, being restrained, being able to work in a team.

Tasks :

Explain what friendship is.

Teach children how to communicate with each other.

Be able to correctly evaluate your actions and the actions of your friends.

Do noble deeds, enjoy the result.

Involve parents in the project.

Methods : verbal, game, visual, practical.

tricks :


Reading fiction,

Stages of work on the project:

Stage I - Preparatory

To bring the children to this problem, the teacher chose the right moment when the conflict between the children turned out. I brought it to the attention of other children.

She offered to discuss and solve this problem. We analyzed the cause of the conflict, and whether it should have happened. Discussed ways of reconciliation of children. Talking on this topic, we approached the question of whether it is possible to quarrel and what this can lead to.

After analyzing the answers of the pupils, she made her proposals and set herself goal: encourage children to make friends. This is how the project came about "Let's live in peace!"

Involved parents in the work on the project. Based on the interests of the children, a survey of parents was conducted Does a child need friends?. We informed them what topic interested the children, discussed the purpose and objectives of the project, opened the prospect of working on the project to them. Feedback was provided through individual conversations and consultations.

Stage II - Main

At the second stage, the educator carried out practical activity: conducted conversations with children about friendship, memorized poems, teasers, myrilles, songs, nursery rhymes with them, listened to songs about friendship. I read fairy tales, stories to children, played a theatrical game "Teremok". In direct educational activities, children were active: played out problem situations, learned mobile, verbal, round dance, finger games, as well as role-playing games.

Stage III - Presentation of the exhibition "Gift for a friend!"

At the third stage, the presentation of the project took place: the creation of an exhibition "Gift for a friend!"

Project implementation.

11.12.17 Mon.

1. Conversation on the topic "Friendship".

2. Listening to songs about friendship.

3. Sedentary game "Let's say hello."

1.Target: To form the ability of children to treat children and adults kindly. To form the ability to evaluate the actions of fairy-tale characters.

2.Goal and tasks: To form the ability to listen to audio songs, understand the lyrics. To evoke joyful emotions, continue to shape the idea of ​​​​children about friendship.

12/12/17 Tue

1. Consideration of plot pictures "Lessons of kindness."

2. Reading poems “Girlfriend” by A. Kuznetsov, “Girlfriend Masha” by G. Borgul.

Learning the poem "What is Friendship?"


2. Formation of communication skills, team building. To develop and ability to listen, to form skills of expressive reading of verses.

13.12.17 Wed

1. Learning the dance "We quarreled - we made up."

Listening to the song "From a smile it will become brighter for everyone."

2. Theatricalization of the r.s. "Teremok".

1. To develop the skills and abilities of choral singing, the ability to perform dance movements. Develop speech. Cultivate friendship with each other.

12/14/17 Thu.

1. Didactic game "I want to make friends with you."

2. Reading the fairy tale "The Tale of the Lonely Puppy."

3. Sedentary game "Help a friend."

1. To cultivate communication skills, team building . To form the concept of good, kind deeds.

To form the ability of children to be kind to children and adults. Develop the ability to evaluate actions, distinguish between good and evil.

12/15/17 Fri.

1. Application "Gift for a friend."

2. Didactic game "Laws of Friendship".

3. Exhibition of works "Gift for a friend".

Target: To educate and develop in children independence and patience, interest and love for art, creativity, through application classes.

Project portfolio "Let's live in peace!"

Songs:"Friendship is strong ...", "Friends have no days off."

Sedentary game "Let's say hello"

Purpose: relieving muscle tension, switching attention. At the signal of the leader, the children begin to randomly move around the room and greet everyone who meets on their way (and it is possible that one of the children will specifically seek to say hello to the one who usually does not pay attention to him). It is necessary to greet in a certain way: 1 clap - we shake hands; 2 claps - greet with shoulders; 3 claps - greet with backs. A variety of tactile sensations accompanying this game will give a hyperactive child the opportunity to feel his body, relieve muscle tension. Changing partners in the game will help get rid of the feeling of alienation. For completeness of tactile sensations, it is desirable to introduce a ban on conversations during this game.


"Girlfriend" by A. Kuznetsov

We had a fight with a friend
and sat in the corners.
Very boring without each other!

We need to reconcile.

I didn't offend her
I only held Mishka,
Only with Mishka ran away
And she said, "I won't."

I will go and make peace.
I'll give her a Bear, I'm sorry
I'll give her a doll, I'll give her a tram
And I'll say: "Let's play!"

"Girlfriend Masha" G. Borgul

Me and my friend Masha
We go to kindergarten together.
Our group has
Three new guys.

Among them is the boy Vovka,
Very harmful and bad.
He shouted at Masha yesterday,
And then he pushed with his hand!

I wanted to intercede
For a girlfriend - give change,
Only Masha for some reason
I invited him for a walk!

We sculpted together a woman,
He rolled a snowball for us.
Play astronauts
And then they went home.

In the morning Vovka right in the group
He helped us take off our shoes,
Didn't fight and didn't fight
He helped us in every way he could!

And since then we've always been together
Vovka is our good friend.
Why did he change
Somehow quickly, somehow suddenly?

I thought a little
(Well, half an hour in total)
And I decided - just Masha
Used magic!

"What is friendship?"

What is friendship? - We ask together.
Friendship is to be honored
And respect all friends
So that we are always with them
Were not poured water.
'Cause when trouble comes,
There will always be a friend with you.
He will help, calm down,
Give advice, reveal a secret.
After all, friends are family.
Friends cannot be separated.

Didactic game "I want to make friends with you"

Game progress: The leader is selected. He says the words: "I want to make friends with ...". Then he describes the appearance of one of the children. The one who was thought of must recognize himself, quickly run up to the driver and shake his hand, then he becomes the driver.

Didactic game "Laws of Friendship"

you guys help

answer questions

Only YES or only NO,

Give me the answer friends.

If YES you say

Then clap your hands

If NO you say

Then stomp your feet.

- Shall we be friends? D (yes-yes-yes)

- Shall we learn to play? D (yes-yes-yes)

- Shall we help each other? D (yes - yes - d

- Is it worth hurting a friend? D (no no no)

- We will shout loudly (no-no-no)

-We'll tear off the bear's paw (no-no-no)

- Shall we all tear books? (no no no)

– And comrades to push? (no no no)

- Shall we drink tea with friends? D (yes-yes-yes)

- Shall we wash our hands before eating? (Yes Yes Yes)

Will we always be friends? D (yes-yes-yes)

Are you faithful to your comrades? (Yes Yes Yes)


    Say "Watermelon".
    - Watermelon.
    - You are a toddler!

    Say: "Oats"!
    - Oats.
    - Grab your nose! (grabs nose)

    Robin Bobin Barabek
    Ate forty people
    Both cow and bull
    And a crooked butcher.
    And the cart, and the arc;
    And a broom, and a poker.
    Ate the church, ate the house,
    And a forge with a blacksmith,
    And then he says:
    "My stomach hurts."


    Make peace, make peace, make peace
    And fight no more.
    And if you fight
    Then I will bite.
    And we can't bite
    Because we are friends!

    How to swear and tease
    It's better for us to put up with you!
    It is very boring to live in a quarrel,
    Therefore, let's be friends!

"The Tale of the Lonely Puppy".

There was a little puppy. Was unhappy because he had no friends.

He was so tired of walking alone that he no longer hoped to meet a friend.

He sees a puppy under a bush, a poor little bunny is sitting and shaking.

The puppy reassured him with a tal to protect. So he got his first friend! Together they decided to go to the garden for carrots for the bunny. Suddenly, among the beds, they saw a monster - a big scary scarecrow. At first they were very scared, but the puppy boldly approached the scarecrow and politely asked him to treat the bunny with a carrot.

The scarecrow was lonely too. And it gladly treated the bunny.

Suddenly, stupid, nasty crows flew into the garden. They have long ceased to be afraid of the scarecrow, because it stood still all the time and could not disperse the crows. The puppy bravely rushed at these gluttonous birds and drove them away. Scarecrow was very grateful to this brave, brave puppy.

Their friendship was pure and strong, and the puppy realized that only the one who does not help others and thinks only of himself is lonely.

Project in the second junior group "Our younger friends

Explanatory note

Ecological upbringing and education of children is an extremely urgent problem of the present time: only an ecological worldview, an ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now.

Environmental education is also significant from the standpoint of the child's personal development - properly organized, systematically implemented in educational institutions has an intense impact on his mind, feelings, will.

The world of nature is fraught with great opportunities for the comprehensive development of children. The thoughtful organization of training, walks, special observations develops their thinking, the ability to see and feel the colorful diversity of natural phenomena, to notice large and small changes in the world around them. Thinking about nature under the influence of an adult, a preschooler enriches his knowledge, feelings, he develops the right attitude towards living things, the desire to create, not destroy. Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer, awakens the best feelings in him. The role of nature in the upbringing of children is especially great.

In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature, the changes taking place in it at different times of the year. Based on the acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of natural phenomena, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and treat all living things aesthetically are formed. Love for nature, the skills of caring for it, for all living things.

This project is a single system of the system, which includes preliminary work, work with parents, with children. The planned activities with children contribute to the formation of humane feelings, broadening their horizons, developing speech, vocabulary, fostering diligence and a sense of responsibility to a living being.

The project can be used in their work with children by teachers of primary and secondary preschool age. The project is used for the ecological development of preschoolers, instilling care and love for the living.

Project "Our Younger Friends"

"Do no harm!" - one of the commandments of human communication with nature. The upbringing of young preschoolers in the spirit of nature conservation is one of the aspects of environmental education in kindergarten. Love, understanding and care - this is what nature expects from every person. It is expedient to begin to educate these feelings in early childhood, therefore, today environmental education in preschool educational institutions is given due attention.

Project relevance:

Communication with animals, if it occurs uncontrollably, can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the developing personality of the child. The attitude of a child to an animal, its purposeful action may turn out to be wrong for a number of reasons. First of all, the child does not know what can and cannot be done, what is harmful for the animal and what is useful. In addition, with close contact with the animal, the baby will definitely want to satisfy his curiosity and draw him into the game. Without adult supervision and guidance, such communication can be harmful and even dangerous for both the animal and the child.

Project type: research - creative

Project participants: children of the younger group, educators, parents.

Problem: ignorance of the rules of communication between a child and pets.

Target: formation of an interested, caring attitude towards pets, clarification and consolidation of the names of pets, making parents active participants in project activities.


1) To form children's knowledge about pets

2) Give an idea of ​​the needs of animals for their growth and development

3) Cultivate feelings of empathy for all living things, the ability to draw elementary conclusions and conclusions

4) Raise the level of parents' knowledge about caring for animals.

Expected results:

Children's understanding of how to care for pets.

Teach children to love and care for animals.

The desire of parents to have a pet.

Making a photo album "Pets"

Making a wall newspaper "My favorite pet"

Integration of educational areas:

- "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Socialization", "Health".

Interaction with family:

Questioning, individual conversations, creation of the album "Pets", consultation for parents, exhibition of the wall newspaper "Our Lesser Friends".

Preliminary work:

Search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic: "Pets"

Learning poems about pets.

Finger gymnastics "Kitten",

Acquaintance with the literary work of S. Mikhalkov "Puppy", E. Blaginina "Kitten".


Carrying out outdoor and didactic games.

Watching the cartoon "Who said meow"

Project Implementation Plan.

Monday- opening of the project week.

1. "Four-legged friends" - looking at illustrations. Introduce children to pets.

2. "Like our cat" - drawing with fingers. To teach children to receive an image using finger painting, to develop fine motor skills of hands, to cultivate accuracy.

3. Listening to the song "Dog Lucy." Cultivate a friendly attitude towards younger friends, empathize.


1. Reading poems about pets. Teach children to listen to poetry. Learn one simple poem.

2. Watching the cartoon "Who said MEW". Use of TSO. Give children the joy of watching cartoons.

3. Mobile game "Cat and Mice". Continue to teach children to find their place on a signal. Develop dexterity, agility.


1. Morning exercises "Kitty"

2. "Magic pictures" - drawing with a candle. Continue to teach children how to get an image by an unconventional drawing technique.

3. Finger gymnastics "Kitten" - develop fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Didactic lotto game "Pets" - to consolidate the knowledge of children with the most common animals.


1. Thematic conversation "Our younger friends." Continue to acquaint children with pets, develop the horizons of children, cultivate a friendly attitude towards them.

2. Reading fiction S. Mikhalkov "Puppy", E. Blaginina "Kitten"

3. Guessing and guessing riddles. - teach children to listen carefully and understand the riddle, pay attention to the rhymes of the clue.

Friday- closure of project activities

1. Multimedia "Here they are, our younger friends." The presentation provides information about pets, interesting facts from life. - To give children the joy of watching the cartoon, to teach them to share their impressions.

2. Looking at the photo album "Pets"

The results of the project are as follows:

1) Interest of parents to have a pet for their children has increased

2) Pets appeared in 4 more families.

3) Children have become more responsive and attentive to pets (according to the stories of parents). The children have become responsible for the good condition of the animals. who live in their homes. There arose not only the ability, desire, but also the need to do a good deed for the sake of an animal creature: to feed, give water, clean the cage or bowl, and provide assistance in time.

4) Compilation of a photo album for children

5) Making a wall newspaper for children and parents "Our smaller friends."