Happy fire service day in prose. Congratulations on the firefighter's day in prose

From year to year, on April 30, the most courageous and courageous people celebrate their professional holiday. And the name of this holiday is the day of the fire department. And if you have acquaintances, relatives, friends who have chosen this unusually dangerous but prestigious profession, then be sure to congratulate them on this holiday. And beautiful and correct congratulations on the day of fire protection, which are written in prose, will help you with this. Each of your kind words on this day for representatives of this profession is like a stream of water on a fire. They risk their lives every day to save someone else's life. Therefore, do not skimp on flattering words and vivid emotions.

Happy firefighter day! Let your heart burn brighter than any fire. And the smiles of your friends, acquaintances and relatives warms your soul every day and every moment. I want to say thank you for the hundreds and thousands of lives saved. For hundreds and thousands of items of saved property of people who are in trouble. Thank you for choosing this difficult and dangerous profession and being able to master it and not lose face.

Congratulations on the day of the fire department. I wish there were as few fires as possible in real life. And in my heart, so that there is a fire every day, but only from love. So that your heart burns every day, telling everyone - I love. Happy Holidays, your profession is very important to all of us.

The most needed and most important profession in the world is a firefighter. Because firefighters save us all year round from fire, smoke and other disasters. I congratulate you on the day of the fire department, and wish you less work. And more rest. Happy holiday to you, let the fires be with you only from love.

It is a great honor and responsibility to work in the fire brigade. Because firefighters are in charge of other people's lives, they help people who are in trouble. I congratulate you on the day of fire protection and I want to wish you that all people will help you too. Because mutual assistance is a necessary and necessary thing. Live and enjoy life for many more years.

Fire Department Day is a great holiday. And thousands of people who work in this area are involved in it. And they are all heroes in their own way. Because they help people to put out fires. I congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you more smiles, fun and happiness. And fewer fires, jobs and natural disasters.

Your profession is the most dangerous. Your profession is the most necessary for modern society. You are heroes, you are the most courageous people in the world. You are the fire brigade. I congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you to have as few fires as possible in your profession. And in your life there was as much happiness and fun as possible. Happy fire department day, success and good luck to you.

Happy firefighter day! I wish you safe and calm shifts. Reliable comrades, excellent ammunition and special equipment. Be attentive, healthy, ready for exploits and always in a good mood!

Congratulations on the professional holiday of the fire pump and fire extinguisher workers. Let the dangerous fire be subdued, the forests do not catch fire, the children do not play with matches, the risk will be minimal, and the cases are firefighters as rarely as possible. Wealth, prosperity, health and happiness, Happy Fire Day!

Congratulations to everyone on the day of the fire department! We wish you a peaceful and calm service, may harmony of peace and happiness reign in every family. Let all troubles go away and enjoy life more often. Wealth and abundance in life, a successful career in such a difficult business.

I congratulate real men on their professional holiday! Men who are not afraid of danger, who boldly go into the fire to save human lives. Men who rush to help at the first call. You are real heroes and I am proud of you!

I congratulate you on Firefighting Day and sincerely wish you never miss your chance, do your job perfectly, be proud of your difficult service, always be ready to save the world, strive for bright well-being every day and never lose your faith.

I congratulate you on Firefighting Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you never let the fire get the best of you, always stay on guard of order and safety, always confidently carry out your service and have time to enjoy every day.

I congratulate you on Firefighting Day and wish you tireless strength and courage, confidence and vigilance, courage and dexterity. May only the soul sparkle with happiness, may neither the tongues of flame, nor the evil tongues of people be able to spoil your impeccable reputation. Health and good luck, because it is never superfluous.

Happy Firefighter Day. your profession is very important and, of course, necessary! I wish you always the highest level of protection from fires and flames, I wish you absolute confidence in yourself and the safety of other people, I wish that only the lights of your hope and love burn brightly. All the best, order at work and good luck in life.

On this day, let me congratulate and thank the most courageous people on this planet! Real heroes show courage and endurance every day. I wish that self-control never leaves you, and luck will always be on your side!

Today I would like to congratulate those who fearlessly enter the fire every day to save people's lives! To real courageous and strong people doing this dangerous job, I would like to wish vigilance and safety at work, good health and peace of mind in their own home!

[in prose]

Congratulations on the day of the fire department in prose

There is nothing nobler than saving loved ones. Your profession is associated with constant risk, stress, courage. Let as few challenges as possible fall to your lot. Let there be more joy in your life. Let your goals coincide with the desires of others. Be happy, courageous, collected! Never know tiredness and despair. Never back down in the face of trouble. Live honestly and noble! Good luck in this difficult field! Happy Fire Department Day!

Happy Fire Department Day! It is so nice to congratulate you on your professional holiday, knowing how in love you are with the business you have chosen. Nowadays, fewer and fewer boys dream of becoming firefighters, everyone wants to be hackers. And she found her calling, and with faith and truth you stand on the protection of people from the fiery element. Low bow to you for your work!

My friends, I am very glad to have the opportunity to congratulate you on your holiday - the day of the brave and courageous, the day of the responsible and reliable, the day of the sincere and real! At all times, the best were selected for the fire brigade, and it is no coincidence that these days on guard fire safety you are the one standing. Happy Firefighter Day, guys! I wish you happiness, health and, of course, dry sleeves!

Firefighters, three-time "Hurray" for you! How many times have you had to save lives, how many grateful words have you received for your work. Allow me today to express my deep respect, gratitude for the fact that you are always on the alert, that, without hesitation, you enter into the fight with fire! May your spirit, your strength and will always be unshakable. Glory to the fire brigade!

I would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday, on the day of the fire brigade, and wish you to always be attentive, react quickly and do the right thing. Let your professional skills and dexterity never let you down, let the critical situations be as few as possible. I wish you a great mood and happiness in life!

Today is the Day of the Fire Department, a holiday of all heroes, brave and courageous guys! Let no setbacks happen on your dangerous path. I wish you even more strength, courage, endurance and courage, because this is so important in your business. I wish that your reaction never fails and that you never lose heart. Thank you for saving so many lives, for your promptness and for your kindness! Good luck, happiness and prosperity!

Hundreds of heavy shifts, hot shifts, night alarms have to be endured by fire brigade workers. On your professional holiday, I would like to thank you for choosing this profession, feeling responsible for every citizen and doing everything possible to save people in fires. We wish you good equipment, reliable protection of the Guardian Angel (who also does not sleep on especially difficult and dangerous shifts and keeps you), as well as good opportunities for a good rest!

Our dear, beloved firefighters! You have chosen one of the most dangerous professions of all existing ones, so may you be successful in everything! We wish you good nights, dry sleeves and durable helmets! Less work and more rest! Let oxygen never run out in your cylinders, and champagne and vodka are pouring from the hoses today!

I do not know people of greater heroism than firefighters. In moments when everyone is overwhelmed with panic and fear, you enter the burning buildings and, risking your life, save the most precious of them. I wish you health, love, prosperity and luck. So that any task set before you by life is overcome with honor and dignity! Happy fire department day!

[in prose]

More for the Day of Fire Protection on our website:!

Official congratulations to firefighters at the gala evening

Dear fire brigade workers!

On your professional holiday, accept the most sincere and heartfelt congratulations from all those whom you have already helped and who else you will come to help, risking their lives in order to save others. May your courageous hearts always burn brighter than fire, and may warm and bright smiles of your loved ones and loved ones warm your soul every day.

The profession of a firefighter is the most dangerous, which is chosen only by real men and professionals. Therefore, we wish you good luck, quick reaction, courage, endurance and strength in your difficult daily service. You are the real heroes of our days and we are proud of you. After all, every year it is you who save almost hundreds of thousands of people during fires.

So accept our sincere gratitude for the safety of thousands of lives and material values. I wish you good health, prosperity in life and further success in your selfless work!

Happiness and goodness to you and your family!

Dear firefighters!

We sincerely congratulate you on the Firefighter Day! Thank you for your loyalty to your duty, for your combat readiness at any time to fight an uninvited big disaster. We are convinced that you will continue to enrich the best traditions of your profession, faithfully and conscientiously serve your chosen cause.

May in our difficult times you always be accompanied by the desire to help those who most need your help. We wish you happiness, health, goodness, and as few fires and alarming calls as possible.

Happy firefighting day to all employees! I wish you less work, more money, dry sleeves, restful nights. Good health to you, the most durable helmets in the world and so that the oxygen in the cylinders never runs out.

And today let vodka, beer and compote pour from the brusboits instead of water.

Happy holiday, our beloved, dear and dear firefighters!

Happy birthday to you,
Firefighter, rescuer, hero.
With all my heart I wish you
Do not be deprived of fate.

Let the fires burn more often
In the hearts, not in the huts of people.
And they call you to extinguish them,
After all, you are wiser in this matter!

And may all the saved people
They will give you a generous ruble.
And we promise: we will not
Play with real fire!

We respect you for your courage and morals
Happy birthday, our brave firefighter!
You are a strong man, shirt boy
You enter the fire without any fear

We wish you not to lose masculinity
Save people and animals from the fire,
Get out of the fire without injuries
Love and value your life.

Health is the main thing in your work
This is your main concern
Who if not brave you
Save a man from the flame.

There is nothing nobler than saving loved ones. Your profession is associated with constant risk, stress, courage. Let as few challenges as possible fall to your lot. Let there be more joy in your life. Let your goals coincide with the desires of others. Be happy, courageous, collected! Never know tiredness and despair. Never back down in the face of trouble. Live honestly and noble! Good luck in this difficult field! Happy birthday firefighter!

I want to congratulate a brave, kind and honest person on his birthday. What can I wish you on this wonderful holiday? First, know - you are the best in your business! Second, set an example for the young! And thirdly, be a happy fireman!

Fireman! In a risky fate
You can't guess tomorrow.
Happy horseshoe will fall
Meet reliable friends.
Sometimes at the festive table
So many will not remember you ...
But someone's life and someone's home
They entrust you in an unkind hour.
Your work is akin to the art of a magician
Fight the fiery misfortune -
And now she is already foamy mash
Gray-haired slides down the wall.
You do not think of yourself as a hero -
It can be scary and painful for you ...
In newspaper articles, well tailored,
Enough has been written about untruths.
And the truth, no matter how you look,
Do not pour water into the hoses:
After all, only one fire of love
You cannot repay!
Happy birthday, firefighter!

I send you a big hello
My fireman friend
And I wish you
Was always gorgeous!
To body and soul
Would be lovely
So that every day of God
It was clear for you!

I want to wish the firemen
Never lose heart.
People will continue to save you
And always just to win.
With fire to be on you
And only happy destiny!
Happy fire department day!

Happy birthday firefighter! Let your heart burn brighter than any fire. And the smiles of your friends, acquaintances and relatives warms your soul every day and every moment. I want to say thank you for the hundreds and thousands of lives saved. For hundreds and thousands of items of saved property of people who are in trouble. Thank you for choosing this difficult and dangerous profession and being able to master it and not lose face.

Not everyone is capable of fighting the elements of fire. This is a job for real men and real professionals. Accept on this holiday, birthday, my sincere gratitude for what you are doing for people!

And hello. I do not know how it is with YOU, it is customary for the firemen, but since I have some kind of holiday, I always invite relatives of people to celebrate it. So why am I still not invited to the celebration party !? Perhaps this is due to the incident last year, when after a fairly drunk I tried to extinguish the brazier in a pioneer way? Eh, I apologized for that incident and thought that we had settled everything. In general, I'm leaving! Wait!
"In every country there is a place for a feat." With a certain amount of caution, many feats can be accomplished. The profession of a firefighter belongs to one of the most dangerous in the world ... Therefore, from the bottom of our hearts we wish them a quick reaction, a cold head, good luck and a lot of happiness - happy birthday firefighter!