Fundamentals of Security and Life. Cat's house, synopsis of the game - classes in the second group of early age. Summary of fire safety classes in the second group of early age

Social problems modern times especially affect children. Such features of preschool children as susceptibility, gullibility to surrounding adults, openness in communication and curiosity determine behavior in a dangerous situation and contribute to their vulnerability. Preschoolers often have poor development of skills and abilities to analyze the situation, predict the consequences of their actions. Thus, there is a need to protect children from dangers without suppressing their natural curiosity, openness and trust in the world, not to frighten them and prepare them for a fulfilling life. In this regard, it is necessary to search for pedagogical conditions for ensuring the social security of the child.

To solve these problems it is necessary:

To have an educative and educational impact on children in the GCD and in free activity;

Organize problems and game situations providing developmental interaction of children with each other;

Create a developing subject-game environment that encourages the use of familiar rules in an independent and joint activities adults with children.

To begin with, it is necessary to highlight such rules of conduct that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this. These rules should be explained to the children in detail, and then follow their implementation.

But safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in different situations. In addition, children can find themselves in an unpredictable situation on the street, at home, so the main task of adults is to stimulate the development of their independence and responsibility. In this regard, more attention should be paid to the organization of various activities and the acquisition of experience by children. After all, everything that children are taught, they should be able to apply in real life, on practice.

The life safety program includes 5 sections:

I section. The child interacts with other people.

II section. Child and nature.

Section III. Baby at home.

IV section. Child health and emotional well-being.

V section. Child on the streets of the city.

1. "Child and other people", which explains what exactly can be dangerous in communicating with other people; that not always pleasant appearance coincides with good intentions and what behavior should be chosen in a difficult situation.

2. "Child and nature." We're talking about pollution, oh caring attitude to wildlife; about poisonous plants; about contact with animals.

3. "Baby at home"– flammable objects, sharp and heavy objects, a balcony, an open window and other household hazards. Also, the ability to use the telephone in extreme situations. Household items that are sources of potential danger to children are divided into three groups:

Items that are strictly prohibited to use (matches, gas stoves, sockets, switched on electrical appliances);

Items that, depending on the age of the children, you need to learn how to handle correctly (needle, scissors, knife);

Items that adults should keep out of the reach of children (household chemicals, medicines, alcohol, cigarettes, cutting and stabbing tools).

4. "Health and emotional well-being of the child"- studying the structure of the body, strengthening personal hygiene skills, the role of drugs and vitamins, attitude towards a sick person, as well as children's fears, conflicts between children, etc. The most urgent problem today is to improve the health of children. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: taking care of a child’s health is the most important work of an educator.”

It is very important to form in preschool children motives, concepts, beliefs in the need to preserve their health and strengthen it by introducing a healthy lifestyle.

5. "Baby on the street"- rules of the road, rules of conduct in transport, if the child is lost, orientation in the area.

According to statistics, tens of thousands of traffic accidents involving children and adolescents are committed on the roads of our country every year. That is why road traffic injuries remain main problem society, requiring a solution, with the participation of all.

In this direction, it is necessary to pay attention in working with children from junior group, and for children of senior preschool age, it is systematic, purposeful. The purpose of preventive work on safety in kindergarten is to increase the awareness of employees, children and parents about behavior in emergency situations.

With parents, it is planned to hold meetings, consultations, seminars, open viewings, evenings - entertainment and art exhibitions - productive activity children and adults.

For example: memos "Use of electricity for children and adults", "Procedure in case of an accident";

booklets "The basis of the safety of children's lives", "We educate a competent pedestrian", "The basics of the safety of the life of preschool children", "Doctor Aibolit";

consultations "Introducing children to medicinal plants", "The role of the family in reducing road traffic injuries", "pranking children with fire", etc.

Skill work safe behavior in children, it is necessary to begin with identifying the level of their knowledge and interests. Twice a year, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic work to determine the level of cognitive development of each child, based on its results, further individual work is planned.

Use a variety of methodological techniques:

1. It is advisable to play different situations: R baby at home alone; child at home with friends, brothers, sisters; child with adults, etc.

2. Read the literature on child safety.

Great importance is given to reading works of art, namely fairy tales. Fairy tales are a textbook by which a small person begins to learn to live. The content of fairy tales life experience many generations. In fairy tales, we learn the very safety lessons that our children should learn. Listening and "discussing" with you folk tales, playing them, the baby will easily learn some new situation or a problem that a growing little man will have to face in real life.

3. Pay attention to the illustrations.

Children have figurative memory. The child's psyche is "insured" that the baby saw - and will stand before his eyes.

For this section, in our group we have a selection of illustrations, books, children's presentations.

4. Ask questions.

If the child does not yet know how to speak (or still speaks badly), he will understand you anyway. The essence of the question is not even to immediately get the right answer. The question emphasizes the main thing, makes you think. And you (we) just need it.

Encourage the baby to ask you questions (however, they do it without problems, the main thing here is not to deviate from the topic).

React emotionally. Young children are able to ask and answer with gestures, sounds, actions. They react emotionally, and what is lived through emotions remains deeper in us.

5. Walk.

Walk perfect time to talk to the child about his safety. Of course, 5-7-year-olds tend to have a hard time accepting "naked" advice on how to behave in a dangerous situation or how to avoid it. But if you state them, so to speak, "with reference" to specific circumstances ...

6. The game is very important point in the lives of young children.

It is through the game that they get to know the world and get used to it. So play together in the plot - role-playing games, didactic games for the development of cognitive processes in children.

You can use the following didactic games:

Which of these people are your relatives?

"Who is superfluous"

"How can I complete a sentence"

"Guess by sign", etc.

If you become aware that the child did the right thing in difficult circumstances, be sure to praise him. This will help him be more confident in the future. If the child did something wrong, do not scold him - calmly explain the mistake made and talk about the possible consequences.

Work with children must be carried out systematically. Teaching safe behavior is a job for many years. One or two conversations won't accomplish anything here.

The goal of “safe” education is to instill confidence in the child in his abilities, that if he strictly observes certain rules of behavior, he will not get into a dangerous situation, and if this happens, he will find a way out of it.

Each skill of safe behavior is worked out gradually. Check if the child has understood what you have said. Find out what didn't make sense. It has already been emphasized that compliance with safety rules should be brought to automaticity. Only then is the safety of the child guaranteed.

So, we can conclude that in order to conduct a GCD on the “Fundamentals of Life Safety for Preschoolers”, you can use a variety of methodological techniques:





Scenes from life

Works of art,


Drawing on various topics.

Everyone needs to know the rules of behavior in extreme situations and learn on their own, make decisions and then trouble will not happen.

But it must be remembered that the main thing is personal example parents, caregivers and just adults.

educator MBDOU d / s No. 71, Belgorod, Russia.

Zayakina Lyubov Gennadievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MADOU "Yugo-Kama Kindergarten "Planet of Childhood"
Locality: Yugo-Kamsky village, Perm Territory
Material name: Methodical development
Topic: Action plan for safety in the early age group (1.5 - 2 years)
Publication date: 21.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Security Action Plan

in the early age group (1.5 - 2 years)






Kama kindergarten "Planet of childhood"

It's no secret that the life and health of our children is the most valuable thing.

for any parent. Unfortunately, in recent times adults are increasingly






let children go for a walk without adult supervision, do not transfer across the road

explaining how to do it right; remove hazardous items from

field of view of the child, instead of telling why this item

But the best guarantee of safety is the ability of the child himself in each

specific situation to find the safest way out of it. In this way,

we must help each child to acquire the necessary knowledge and

safety skills.

are held


fire fighting



joint and individual activities.



the following


Road safety.

Viewing the album "Transport"

Tasks. To form children's ideas about transport, about parts

car. give children an idea of ​​the importance of special

Pedestrian crossing or how to cross the road.

Tasks. To expand the knowledge of children about transport; introduce children to







"Introducing traffic lights"


traffic light,


color lights.

P / and "Red, yellow, green."

Tasks. To form the habit of behavior in children when moving with

traffic light support.

D / and "Collect a traffic light."

Tasks: consolidate knowledge of color arrangement and meaning

traffic lights

Fire safety.

"The match is small"



fire department

security; To give children an idea of ​​the benefits and dangers of fire.

"Fire engine".


fire department

elementary ideas about the profession of a firefighter.

Drawing "Road for a fire truck."

Tasks. To form ideas about the importance of the work of firefighters,




fire department

cars. Learn to draw straight horizontal lines.

Watching cartoons: "Cat's House", "Smeshariki. ABC

fire safety».



fire department




house”, K.I. Chukovsky "Confusion".




fire brigade


Tasks. To reinforce children's ideas about the importance of compliance

fire safety; develop respect for

adult labor.

Safety at home.

Conversation "Danger at home!"




traumatic situations at home and in kindergarten.

D / and "Dangerous - not dangerous" (paired pictures)

Tasks. Strengthen the ability of children to find dangerous objects.

Reviewing the album "Household appliances"

Game situations “How Masha ironed the dress”, “How Masha had lunch

cooked”, “How Masha was left alone at home”.

Tasks. Introduce children to dangerous household items

(iron, stove, kettle, sockets)




should be done in case of fire?

2. Consultation “Do not leave children unattended! »

3. Folder-slider “Road and children! »

4. Reminders "Fire safety for you and your children"

Using the rules of safe behavior in a kindergarten group with

children in regime moments, requiring

doing them at home and

street - we will be able to convey to children more productively, and therefore

enrich them

life experience on this issue. Besides,





Vera Gavrilova
forward planning on life safety for the second group of early age

Advanced Safety Planning for the Second Infant Group

Theme: "Traffic light"

Goals: Introduce the meaning of the traffic light and its signals; fix the name of red, yellow, green colors.

1. A conversation about a traffic light.

2. Reading the work of M. Druzhinina "Smart traffic light".

3. Consideration of the illustration "Cheerful traffic light".

4. Outdoor game "Red, yellow, green"

Topic: "Road transport"

Goals: To acquaint children with the emergence of various modes of transport; to consolidate knowledge about the profession of a driver, about the need to comply with traffic rules. 1. Examination of pictures on the topic "Transport".

2. Observation of transport on a walk.

3. Reading a poem by K. Chaliev "Drivers".

4. The mobile game "Sparrows and the car."

Topic: "Matches are not a toy for children"

Goals: To introduce children to fire hazardous objects "Match". To form a sense of the danger of fire. Make it clear: you can not use it yourself.

2. Reading the poem "Matches".

3. The game "We stomp, we clap."

Theme: "Roadway"

Goals: To give knowledge about the concepts of "street", "sidewalk", "carriageway", cars move along the carriageway, pedestrians along the sidewalk

2. Outdoor game "Street and pedestrians"

3 Memorizing an excerpt from the poem by N. Migunova "Pedestrians - sidewalk"

Theme: "Fire"

Goals: To give children knowledge about the causes of a fire, its consequences and fire safety rules using the example of the work of S. Ya Marshak "Cat's House"

1. Examination of illustrations on the topic

2. The game "You can't, you can."

3. Reading an excerpt from the poem by S. Ya. Marshak "Cat's House".

4. Viewing cartoons on the topic "Fire".

Theme: "Pedestrian"

Goals: Develop an unconscious habit of playing in a strictly defined place, understanding that you can’t go out on the road; give the concept that cars are transport, that transport can be different; Remind me what a traffic light is for. 1. Dramatization of the poem by N. Dedyaeva "Do not play on the road."

2. The game "Allowed - prohibited."

Topic: "Who are they, firefighters?"

Goals: Give the concept of a fireman, familiarization with the clothes of a firefighter.

1. Examination of illustrations depicting a firefighter and a fire truck.

2. Game "Instruction".

3. Construction games: "Garage for fire trucks."

Theme: "Road signs"

Goals: Introduce road signs, to remind you why you need a traffic light, traffic signals.

1. Conversation on the topic.

2. Reading poems and examining road signs "Children", "Pedestrian crossing", "Bus stop".

3. Watching the cartoon "Uncle Styopa".

4. Mobile game "Colored cars".

Theme: "On good and evil fire"

Goals: Warn children about possible fires, fright burns and other fire-related problems with the help of illustrations.

1. Consideration of illustrations on the topic.

2. Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale "About a match and a good fire."

3. The game "Hide and Seek".

Related publications:

Summary of the lesson "Dunno in the country of Security" (for children of the 2nd group of early age) Know-nothing in the country Safety Purpose: to teach children not to eat any plants, to say hello to Dunno; introduce an unfamiliar subject.

Comprehensive thematic planning of work with young children for September (2 weeks) Comprehensive thematic planning of work with young children for the month of September Theme: "Autumn" Deadline: II week.

Long-term planning for September in the second junior group Theme of the week: "Kindergarten" 21.09.15Musical activity Theme: "Kindergarten". Purpose: to develop the articulatory apparatus, to teach correctly.

Long-term planning for teaching children of the second younger group the technique of origami October I week of GCD Acquaintance with the properties of paper - “Paper and me” Acquaintance of children with the properties of paper: wrinkled, torn; interest.

Long-term planning to familiarize preschoolers of the second younger group with their hometown September 1. "Who are you?" Purpose: To enrich children's understanding of themselves and their peers; learn to distinguish people by gender, age, individual.

Long-term planning for the development of speech and familiarization with the environment in a group of young children September 1. Topic: Introduction to toys. Group tour. Purpose: to acquaint children with surrounding objects; develop the ability to listen.

Long-term planning of work with parents of the second younger group. September Parent meeting "The life of a child in kindergarten." Questioning parents to form a data bank on the families of pupils.

Children are the most vulnerable part of the population. Learning about the world around them, preschoolers often find themselves in situations that threaten their life and health. This dictates the need to start teaching children the rules of safe behavior from preschool age.

The formation of the foundations for the safety and life of children in a preschool educational institution is an urgent and significant problem, since it is due to the objective need to inform children about the rules of safe behavior, to gain experience in safe behavior at home, in nature and on the road. The modern world has changed the approach to the problem of security, and it has included such concepts as environmental disaster and terrorism.

The child enters various life situations, in which he can simply get confused.

First, it is necessary to give children the necessary amount of knowledge of the norms of behavior generally accepted by man.

Secondly, to teach adequately, consciously act in a given situation, to help children master the elementary skills of behavior at home, on the street, in the park, in transport.

Thirdly, to develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

The system of work to familiarize children with safety rules is disclosed in the program.

"From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In the program: The content of psychological and pedagogical work with children aged 2-7 years is carried out in five educational areas.

The formation of the foundations of life safety is defined in the educational field:

"Social and communicative development".

The content of the work is focused on the versatile development of preschoolers, taking into account their age and individual features. The tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved in an integrated way in the course of mastering all educational areas, along with tasks that reflect the specifics of each educational area, with mandatory psychological support.

At the same time, the solution of program educational tasks is provided not only within the framework of the direct educational activities, but also during regime moments - both in the joint activity of an adult and children, and in the independent activity of preschoolers.

Main goals and objectives

Formation of the foundations of security. This is the formation of primary ideas about safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

Raising a conscious attitude to the implementation of safety rules.

Formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to potentially dangerous situations for humans and the natural world.

Formation of ideas about some typical dangerous situations and ways of behavior in them.

Formation of elementary ideas about the rules of road safety;

Raising a conscious attitude to the need to comply with these rules.

In the second junior group: To form ideas about the simplest relationships in animate and inanimate nature.

AT middle group: Continue to acquaint with the diversity of the animal and plant world, phenomena inanimate nature. To form the concept of "edible", "inedible", "medicinal plants".

In the senior group: To form the foundations of ecological culture, and safe behavior in nature, that everything in nature is interconnected, a person should not violate this relationship. To acquaint with the phenomena of inanimate nature (thunderstorm, thunder, lightning, rainbow, hurricane). To acquaint children with the rules of behavior in these conditions. Rules for first aid for bruises, insect bites.

In the preparatory group: To acquaint with the Red Book, with individual representatives of the animal and plant world listed in it.

In the section: "Road safety".

In the second younger group: Expand orientation in the surrounding space, acquaint children with the rules of the road. Learn to distinguish the carriageway, sidewalk, understand the meaning of traffic lights. To form primary ideas about safe behavior on the roads (do not cross the road alone, you must hold the hand of an adult)

In the middle group: Clarify children's knowledge about the work of a policeman. Get acquainted with various types of urban transport, the features of their appearance and purpose ("Ambulance", "Fire", "Ministry of Emergencies", "Police", tram, trolley bus). Introduce traffic signs ("Pedestrian crossing", "Public transport stop").

In the older group: Introduce the names of the streets closest to the kindergarten and the streets where children live. Continue to acquaint with the traffic rules. Rules for the movement of pedestrians and cyclists. Introduce road signs: "First aid station",

“Food point”, “Parking place”, “No entry”, “Road works”, “Bicycle path”.

In the preparatory group: To systematize the knowledge of children about the structure of the street, about traffic. To acquaint with the concepts of "square", "boulevard", "avenue". Continue to acquaint with road signs - warning, prohibition, information and indication. Comply with traffic rules. To expand children's ideas about the work of the traffic police. Develop orientation within the area closest to the kindergarten. To form the ability to find the way from home to kindergarten on the map of the area.

In the Safety section.

In the second younger group: Introduce the sources of danger at home (hot stove, iron, develop safe behavior skills (carefully go down and up the stairs, holding on to the railing, open and close doors, holding on to the doorknob).

In the middle group: Introduce the purpose, work and rules of use household electrical appliances(vacuum cleaner, kettle, electric iron). To consolidate the ability to use cutlery (fork, knife, scissors). Introduce the rules of cycling, the rules of behavior with strangers. Talk about the work of firefighters, the causes of its occurrence and the rules of behavior in case of fire.

In the senior group: To consolidate the foundations of a safe human life. To expand knowledge about the sources of danger in everyday life. To acquaint with the work of the rescue service - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, assigning numbers -01, - 02, - 03, 112. Learn to give your name, surname, age, home address, phone number.

In the preparatory group: To teach children to evaluate their abilities to overcome danger. To form children's behavioral skills in situations of "Home Alone", "Lost", "Lost". Ability to seek help from adults.

When organizing educational process important: drawing up a long-term plan for life safety for the year; analysis of work with children on OBJD for the development of technological maps of the child's development trajectory;

It must be remembered that it is important that all sections of the program are clearly taken into account in working with children, otherwise the children will be unprotected from certain sources of danger presented in it.

Work with children on life safety should be carried out systematically, throughout the school year, with a flexible distribution of program material during the week.

Forms of organization of the educational process and methods of working with children:

Classes, games - classes;

Holidays, entertainment, leisure;


Didactic games, outdoor games, role-playing games;

Observations, excursions, targeted walks,

Memorizing poems on life safety, poems;

Guessing riddles, crossword puzzles;

Reading fiction,

Examination of illustrations on the topic, albums;

Collecting photographic materials, watching video films;

theatrical performances,

Playing situations (correct and incorrect behavior);

Meeting with interesting people(employees of traffic police, Ministry of Emergency Situations,

Participation in competitions of various levels, direct and remote, both for children and teachers,

Multimedia presentations (when you can’t tell, but only show);

Work on projects.

They should be bright and attractive, to interest children. Use real-life observations more often. Use circle and theatrical activities.

Conditions for creating a subject-developing environment (according to GEF DO)

To form the skills of safe behavior of preschoolers, it is necessary to create a subject-developing environment in the group. It includes:

Making a safety corner that contains materials:

(plan-scheme of the area where the kindergarten is located, street layout with road signs, illustrations, etc.).

Selection of didactic games, demonstration aids, methodological literature, children's fiction on life safety and traffic rules,

The creative approach of the teacher to the design of the developing subject-spatial environment plays huge role in the successful solution of educational problems.

Involving parents in joint work also provides an opportunity to achieve success in mastering children necessary rules and the skills of the "Safety" section.

The presented system of work on life safety should effectively contribute to the fulfillment of the tasks of educating children.

Working with parents.

It is necessary to plan work with parents, because the range of problems related to the safety of the child cannot be solved only in within the DOW Therefore, close contact with parents is essential.

It must be remembered that the main thing is the personal example of parents and educators. Everyone needs to know the rules of behavior in extreme situations, and learn on their own, make a decision, and then trouble will not happen.

Adhere to a system of pedagogical conditions, including the phased interaction of three subjects of the educational process (educator - children - parents).

It is important to pay considerable attention to the example of adults. It is necessary that parents realize that it is impossible to demand any rules of behavior from a child if they themselves do not always follow them.

Forms of work with parents:

parent meetings; round tables; consultations; seminars; discussion days open doors; design of visual information (folders-movers, stands, parental corners); joint events with the invitation of: medical workers, a policeman, a firefighter, contests (joint work of children and their parents) work on projects; survey of parents;

Security is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations.

In addition, children may find themselves in an unpredictable situation on the street at home, so the main task of the teacher is to stimulate the development of their independence and responsibility.

In this regard, attention should be paid to the organization of various activities and the acquisition of experience by children.

After all, everything that children are taught, they must apply in real life in practice.

Formation of the basics of life safety of children of senior preschool age

This problem made it possible to determine the goal.

Formation in preschool children of basic ideas, knowledge, skills and abilities about the basics of life safety.

Stimulating the development of semantic formations in children, behavioral skills in matters of safety and life.

1. Mastering knowledge on life safety.

2. Development of personality traits necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, ensuring safe behavior in dangerous situations.

3. Raising a sense of responsibility for personal safety, a value attitude to one's health and life.

4. Mastering the skills to foresee potential dangers and act correctly in case of their occurrence, use personal protective equipment.

5. Contribute to the emotional and successful development of a preschool child.

Having analyzed methodical literature on this topic, we found that the formation of knowledge of life safety in children of preschool age is possible subject to a set of pedagogical conditions:

1. Selection of the content of knowledge and skills of safe behavior in everyday life accessible to children and establishing the sequence of its development.

2. The use of a phased methodology that ensures the unity of the formation of knowledge and skills, as the basis for safe behavior in everyday life, with the active position of the child.

3. Awareness by teachers and parents of the need for purposeful activities in this direction, and its implementation in close cooperation.

Methods and techniques:

In the process of forming ideas about the basics of safety for children of senior preschool age, it is necessary to use a variety of teaching methods: practical, visual, verbal, game. Game: In the formation of ideas about security, the game acts as independent method learning. The most widely used didactic games. Thanks to the learning task, dressed in a game form (a game plan, game actions and rules, the child inadvertently learns certain cognitive content. Visual: Due to the fact that the material for children is presented visually, visual methods are widely used - reliance on visual representations is inevitable, so the use of the visualization method in the formation of representations is essential.

Practical: The practical method involves the organization of game exercises. During the exercises, the child repeatedly repeats practical and mental actions.

I stage. Clarification and systematization of preschoolers' knowledge about the rules of safe behavior of preschoolers in everyday life, mainly through didactic games.

On the this stage leading place occupies learning, mainly represented by a system of didactic games, as well as reading and discussing fiction, using photographs. It should be noted that at this stage, much attention was paid to the motivation of activity. Here a special role is assigned game character, who tells stories that happened to him (due to a violation of safety rules, and “discovers” the rules of conduct with the children, and also makes riddles, brings pictures and different tasks etc. The choice of a specific didactic game is determined by the formation of what ideas about the rules of safe behavior in everyday life it is intended for. Games like “What do we know about things”, “One, two, three, what is dangerous - find”, “Connect by dots” are aimed at consolidating knowledge about the sources of danger. The games “So and not so”, “High-low”, “Put in place”, etc. are devoted to deepening knowledge about threatening situations and safety rules. The games “We are rescuers”, “Hundred troubles " and etc.

Stage II. Assimilation of life safety skills through imitation of actions with household objects and modeling of possible threatening situations of handling them.

Given the complexity of the content offered to children and the difficulty in demonstrating, in our work we used situational simulation modeling (SIM) as an opportunity to simulate actions with potentially dangerous household items and simulate threatening situations, taking into account the active position of the child.

The conditions for the implementation of the SIM method in working with children are determined:

Using layout home furnishings or a specially designed object-game environment;

Preliminary acting out of situations by the educator with the gradual involvement of children;

The introduction of activity motivation that is significant for preschoolers;

- "appearance" of obstacles or special conditions in the process of implementation of gaming activities;

Maintaining an adequate emotional background.

We specially made a model of a kitchen and a room where we played out situations of dangerous and non-dangerous behavior in everyday life. In addition to the layout, furniture, tools, household appliances, etc. were cut out of paper. Here are just a few examples of situational-game modeling:

The kids were left alone in the apartment. Their parents have gone to work. Let's guys tell the kids what items can not be used on their own, so that trouble does not happen. We will place a warning sign next to each item.

X - cannot be used.

! - Use with caution.

Let's remember the safety rules together with the children:

All sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their places. The order in the apartment is not only for beauty, but also for safety.

Never try any medication. Firstly, it is tasteless, and secondly, an incorrectly taken medicine can turn out to be poison.

Do not touch household chemicals: washing powders, dishwashing detergents, soda, bleach, cockroach repellents. So that trouble does not happen.

Or, your friend told you about how he and his parents went to the zoo. You also really want to visit the zoo, see the animals. And it is located very close, on the next street. Your actions? Or, you went shopping with your mom. Looking at a beautiful toy, I did not notice how my mother left. What will you do?

At this stage, we have widely used telephone training to develop the skills to seek help if necessary and to fix preschoolers with their home address.

Stage III. Practicing actions with available potentially dangerous household items.

Dedicated to the formation of skills for the safe handling of available potentially dangerous household items.

widely used problem situations such as "Let's cut bread for dinner", "Let's clean the hamster's carrots", "Let's help the nanny: we wash, iron", etc. Here, children have the opportunity to practice their mastered skills in using potentially dangerous household items and evaluate the skills of other children.

With children, we organized experiments with a microscope, a magnifying glass, filters for a visual demonstration of what is contained in water, on unwashed vegetables and fruits.

Subject-developing environment

We have created a comfortable, favorable microclimate in the group, which contributes to the formation of the foundations of life safety. We have created a space where children can get acquainted with various materials on this topic (in a conspicuous place, stands for children and their parents, booklets, albums on this topic, children's drawings, board games, paintings, sets of illustrations, different types theater, fiction, filmstrips, collections of poems, riddles, proverbs, attributes to role-playing game Young firefighters).

In the group there are “places of solitude” that give the child the opportunity to draw alone, look at a book, and think. But there is also a place for collective games, classes, and experiments.

One of the main tasks is to enrich the playing environment with such elements that could stimulate the cognitive activity of children. We have produced a variety of teaching aids to familiarize children with the basics of safety: the albums “Dangerous objects at home”, “Profession of firefighters”, “Service “101”, “102”, “103”, “Match is small”, “Fires”, “Dangerous situations in children's lives" (child and other people, child at home, child's health).

For development cognitive activity For children, it is important that the information embedded in the environment does not immediately reveal itself completely, but encourages the child to search for it. For this purpose, a place has been allocated in the group where various didactic games “Black Box”, “Clever and clever”, “Good and bad deeds”, “What does a firefighter need? ”, “On - off”, “Objects are sources of fire”, “Put the pictures in order”, “Collect the picture”.

Working with parents

The family plays an important role in this program. The family is the first institution in which the foundations of the future personality are laid, parents and teachers must present the child with uniform, reasonable and understandable requirements.

I also wanted to introduce you to the topics of parent meetings, conversations, folders, folders, workshops that I conducted in my group:

"Do not leave children unattended."

"What to do in the event of a fire"

How to introduce children to the basics of safety.

"Burn in a child" (consultation senior m / s).

How to set up a Christmas tree.

"Don't play pranks with fire."

How to behave during a fire.

"Child and fire: to ensure safety".

"What Causes Fire"

Items requiring careful handling.

"Use and storage of dangerous goods".

"Personal safety".

"Handling Electrical Appliances".

"Rules of conduct in case of fire"

Conclusion: So

In the process of purposeful work to enrich knowledge about the rules of life safety, children gradually become aware of their meaning. Children begin to identify sources of danger in everyday life, ways to handle potentially dangerous household items, understand the need to take precautions.

Having learned to act in a certain way in play conditions that reproduce contact with potentially dangerous household items, preschoolers feel much more confident in real life.

Planned activity on the part of adults aimed at developing the experience of safe behavior in everyday life is an important condition for preparing a child for a safe existence in the environment and is of a propaedeutic, preventive nature.

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Formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age.

Zemlyankina Irina Vladimirovna

teacher MBDOU kindergarten No. 18

g. o. Samara, 2013

A key role in ensuring the national security of any state and the life of an individual and society belongs to education.

Modern life has proved the need to ensure life safety, required the training of employees of preschool educational institutions, parents and children in a safe lifestyle in difficult conditions social, technogenic, natural and ecological troubles.

The concept of life safety in the preschool educational institution previously included the following aspects: protecting the life and health of children, ensuring safe conditions labor of employees of preschool educational institutions. In connection with the modernization of the public education system, new state requirements were formed in the content of the educational area "Safety", which are aimed at achieving the goals of forming the foundations of the safety of one's own life and forming the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world). Observations of the behavior and activities of children senior group Kindergarten No. 18 showed that children have become dependent, lack of initiative, cannot make decisions on their own, do not know who to turn to for help, do not know how to accept the right decision in extreme situations, do not know the rules of behavior for safety. And therefore it is necessary to carry out purposeful work on the "basics of safety for preschool children." The main goal in the formation of safe behavior in children is to give each child the basic concepts of life-threatening situations and the characteristics of behavior in them. Security is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations.

The relevance of this problem is emphasized by the analysis of shortcomings in the results of the educational process:

Children lack the need for a safe and healthy lifestyle;

Not understanding the potential dangers in everyday life;

Lack of independence and responsibility in potentially dangerous situations.

The analysis carried out makes it possible to formulate professional problem, the solution of which will eliminate the shortcomings of the educational process: It is necessary to educate children in the need for a healthy and safe lifestyle, to promote the organization special conditions contributing to the formation of the foundations of security. To do this, it is necessary to make changes in the educational process.

The result should be a new educational result formed by students:

1. Knowledge about situations dangerous for a person and the natural world and ways of behavior in them has been formed.

2. The child knows how to use the rules of behavior that is safe for a person and the environment.

3. In practice, shows a cautious and prudent attitude to situations that are potentially dangerous for humans and the natural world.

4. The child follows the rules of behavior in everyday life.

It is necessary to reinforce in children the idea of ​​objects dangerous to life and health that they encounter in everyday life, about their necessity for a person, about the rules for using them. It is important to warn against accidents in everyday life; to familiarize children with the rules of fire safety, to teach the careful handling of fire; introduce children to the service "02"; form an idea of ​​​​how to behave with strangers if left alone at home; to teach children in case of a serious illness or accident to quickly respond to the situation: not to get lost and call an ambulance or an adult.

Preschoolers should have an idea about medicinal and poisonous plants; children should gain knowledge about the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm. These rules should be explained in detail and then enforced. However, safety and a healthy lifestyle are not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations. In addition, children may find themselves in unexpected situations on the street and at home, so the main task is to stimulate the development of their independence and responsibility. After all, everything that children are taught, they should be able to apply in real life, in practice.

1. Solving situational problems with children;

2. Questioning of parents "Do you observe the basics of safety in everyday life";

3. Meeting with parents on the topic “Prevention child injury at home";

4. Organization of a subject-developing environment, taking into account the basics of security;

5. Thematic classes, dramatization classes on the topic: “When mom is not at home”, “Each dangerous object has its own place”;

6. The use of verbal-visual, desktop-printed, didactic, plot-role-playing, theatrical games;

7. Final lesson on the topic “ An amusing trip into a world of healthy and safe living.

In the means of training and education of the educational process, the following should be used:

1. Reading fiction with subsequent analysis: E. Khorinsky "Match-little", I. Tverabukin "Andreykino duty", B. Zhitkov "Fire in the sea", L. Tolstoy "Fire", "Fire dogs"; S. Marshak "The Story of an Unknown Hero", "Fire"; S. Ya. Marshak "Cat's House", "Kolobok", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", K. Chukovsky "Telephone", "Aibolit", N. Nosov "Telephone".

2. Conversations with children on the topic: “We'll talk about important rules”, “Beware of fire! ", "Alone at home".

3. Create a space where children can get acquainted with different material on the basics of safety (different albums on this topic, children's drawings, board games, paintings, illustration sets, different types of theater, fiction, collections of poems, riddles, proverbs, attributes to the role-playing game "Young firefighters".

4. One of the main tasks should be to enrich the playing environment with such elements that could stimulate the cognitive activity of children. Purchase a variety of teaching aids to familiarize children with the basics of safety: albums “Dangerous objects at home”, “Profession of firefighters”, Services “01”, “02”, “03”, “Little match”, “Fires”, “Dangerous situations in children's lives" (child and other people, child at home, child's health).

Methods for introducing children to the basics of safety


Professional development of teachers by taking courses on the problems of "Life safety in kindergarten", "Formation of the basics of safe behavior of preschoolers."

Use of interactive multimedia in the classroom didactic manual“We learned the rules of life safety, we became well-bred children.”

comparison method. Children can compare: fire is good, or fire is bad. The comparison method helps children complete grouping and classification tasks. In order to group, classify objects, phenomena, the ability to analyze, generalize, highlight essential features is required. All this contributes to the conscious assimilation of the material and arouses interest in it. The classification technique contributes to cognitive activity if it is used not as an end in itself, but in the context of a task that is close and understandable to the child: to select objects for a thematic exhibition, pictures for an album.

Situation modeling method. Children learn to arrange objects in space, correlate them, “read” a map. Tasks like "Let's make a plan - a map of the group room, mark dangerous places with red circles." Simulation of such situations: smoke in a group, smoke from a neighboring house, a water pipe burst, what will you do, give the scissors correctly, found a pill in a group, your actions. Simulation of situations gives the child practical skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and develops thinking, imagination and prepares the child for the ability to get out of extreme situations in life. For the development of imagination and creativity, it is important to put children in a situation of finding solutions to logical and practical problems. The teacher constantly draws the attention of the children to miscellaneous items, causing interest in their structure, function, purpose, and the rules for their safe handling.

Game tricks. They improve the quality of assimilation of cognitive material and contribute to the consolidation of feelings. One of the tricks can be an imaginary situation: an imaginary journey to ancient people, a meeting with imaginary heroes, etc. emotional activity dramatization games that can be included in classes (after reading a work of art, in preparation for a concert) help. Didactic games: “I am a fireman”, “Why are these items dangerous”, “Household items”.

Inventing fairy tales different topics. Let's come up with a fairy tale "How I saved the doll from a fire ... about the house where I live and where there are a lot of electrical appliances ...". Dramatization games that can be included in classes help to increase the activity of children (after reading the work of art "Cat's House", when preparing entertainment). strong impact the senses are affected by a combination of various means in one lesson. For example: reading a work of art, followed by viewing illustrations or paintings; reading and subsequent visual activity. Staged classes: "When mom is not at home."

Cooperation with parents.

The role of the family in the upbringing of children is indisputable. It is important that parents realize that a child cannot be required to follow any rule of conduct if they themselves do not always follow it. Their special parental responsibility is to ensure that there are as few dangerous situations as possible at home. It is necessary to direct the activities of parents in a direction that is consonant with the tasks and content of educational work in the group. This is carried out at the parent meeting in order to inform about joint work and stimulate their active participation in it, during conversations, consultations, using information in the “parents' corners”, reflecting current events that carry specific knowledge, recommendations.

Preschool age is a period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge. The successful fulfillment of this important vital function is favored by the characteristic abilities of children of this age: increased susceptibility, impressionability, a naive-playful attitude to much of what they encounter. And here the role of the teacher is important, who, choosing correct methods and techniques, introduces the child to social world.

Fundamentals of life safety for preschool children (From work experience)

Brief annotation:

Thanks to my interest, I began to study in depth the problem of fire safety for preschool children. In order to update the content of education, I strive to organize the pedagogical process on an innovative basis. The practical significance of the experience lies in the possibility of its application in the daily practice of any educational institution.

Relevance and prospects of experience:

Childhood is a unique period in a person's life, it is at this time that health is formed, the formation of personality takes place. At the beginning of the journey, next to the defenseless and trusting baby, there are parents and caregivers. Thanks to their love and care, the child grows and develops. We must send children with a lot of knowledge, but also prepare children to meet various difficult situations. In order to understand what exactly children know, think, I use conversations, discussions. At the same time, I was able to identify those areas in which it is necessary to conduct special training and choose a methodology (conversation, reading, class, game). The relevance of the experience is also related to the fact that children of this age do not have a protective reaction to a fire situation. It has been calculated: for a thousand fires, a hundred breaks out due to the fault of children who become victims of ignorance and frivolity. To change a person's attitude to this problem, it is necessary to deal with fire safety issues from preschool age. The group has accumulated a visual, methodical material to familiarize preschoolers with fire safety rules. The relevance of the experience lies in solving the problem, maintaining and strengthening the health of preschool children. One of the solutions is A complex approach to the improvement of children through the use of health-saving technologies, without which the pedagogical process of a modern kindergarten is unthinkable.

Development of a conscious attitude towards oneself as an active subject

Clarify, systematize children's knowledge of fire safety rules, form the habits of their observance; teach children to dial the fire department telephone number (clearly know and name your address).

Conditions for the formation of experience:

The experience of working on the topic "Familiarization of preschool children with the basics of life safety" has developed gradually. The experience was formed in a preschool educational institution with a physical education and health improvement priority. I have been working on this problem for 8 years. The system of my work does not aim to achieve high results in a short period of time. The main thing in my work is to help children show their own potential, to introduce them to the basics of life safety.

Theoretical base of experience:

The need to use health-saving technologies is emphasized by studies by V. V. Kolbanova, L. G. Tatarnikova and V. P. Petlenko, confirming that human health is more than 60% dependent on his lifestyle. In the works of V. G. Alyamovskaya, M. L. Lazarev and G. A. Baranchukov, it is noted that the formation of a valueological culture is primarily due to the process of education, pedagogical interaction between an adult and a child, a wide range of pedagogical means and tricks.

I use the methods of L. D. Glazyrina “Physical development of children”, S. Ya. Laizane “Physical education for kids”, guidelines L. V. Yakovleva, R. A. Yudina "Physical development and health of children aged 3-7 years", L. D. Glazyrina "Physical education of a preschooler", the author's program of E. Ya. Stepankova "Physical education in kindergarten", manual T A. Shorygin "Conversations about the basics of safety with children." This experience is based on the scientific and methodological developments and recommendations set forth in the “Green Light of Health” program by M. Yu. Kartushina, which directs the teacher to form the child to his personal health, responsibility for himself; in the program "Safety" the authors are N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, where the problems of a safe existence, on which the health of children depends, are considered. The idea of ​​experience is based on the interdisciplinary scientific and practical direction of V. T. Kudryavtsev - developing pedagogy of health improvement.

Performance analysis: So that children do not have "information neurosis", I identified the level of their interests and knowledge, communication skills with the help of questions: What is your name? Surname? Where do you live? and others.

I made a variety of manuals: albums "Fires", "Dangerous objects at home"; didactic games "Black box", "What a fireman needs", "Collect a picture".

For organization motor activity outdoor games are held with children during the day, physical exercises on a walk. Outdoor games serve as a method of improving motor skills already mastered by children and educating physical qualities. In my work with children, I include outdoor games of different content with rules (plotted and plotless) and sports (elements sports games, as well as games of high, medium and low mobility. We expand our ideas about healthy lifestyles through: role-playing games “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, “Family”, learning riddles about body parts, proverbs about health. I continue to acquaint children with the rules for maintaining their health and taking care of it.

The main thing is to show children the social world "from the inside" and help the child gain social experience. I thought about how using real life, you can introduce children to the basics of safety. The children and I drew a plan-scheme of a group room, an apartment where the children live. Marked dangerous places with red circles. I have selected literary works of different genres. Works with different content: E. Khorinsky "Little match", B. Zhitkov "Fire in the sea", K. Chukovsy "Telephone". and health habits.

The concept of “Health” is considered in a broad social aspect which includes the physical, psychological and social health of the child. One of the prerequisites for raising a culture of child health is the culture of family health. In working with the family to form the need for a healthy lifestyle in children, both traditional and non-traditional forms work with parents, such as thematic exhibitions, a health library, health information corners “Healthy children”, “How I grow up”, consultations, parent meetings, meetings and conversations with firefighters, sports family relay races are held. Parents are regular participants in all competitions held at the preschool educational institution.

The level of development of children in life safety has risen significantly.

The number of children with a high level of ideas about a healthy lifestyle increased by 25% and is 72%.

The kindergarten team in 2010-2011 participated in the republican competition "The Healthiest Kindergarten" and won first place.

Preschool age is a period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge. The successful fulfillment of this important vital function is favored by the characteristic abilities of children: increased susceptibility, impressionability. Based on the results of this work, we can conclude that children of older preschool age are sufficiently prepared to solve problems on this problem if systematic, competent work is carried out by the teacher in close relationship with their parents.

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“A family for a child is a source

social experience. Here he finds

examples to follow here

its social birth takes place.

And if we want to grow morally

healthy generation, then must decide

this problem "by the whole world": kindergarten,

family, community.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

We all live in a society where certain norms and rules of behavior in a traffic situation must be observed. Often, children themselves are responsible for road traffic accidents, playing near roads, crossing the street in the wrong places, entering and exiting vehicles incorrectly.

However, preschool children are a special category of pedestrians and passengers. They cannot be approached with the same yardstick as adults, because for them a literal interpretation of the Rules of the Road is unacceptable, and the normative presentation of the duties of pedestrians and passengers in road vocabulary that is inaccessible to them requires abstract thinking from preschoolers, complicates the process of learning and education.

That is why from a very early age it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and the rules of the road. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, the school and other educational institutions.

Taking into account the special significance of work in this direction, and the fact that kindergarten is the very first step in the system of continuous education, Special attention is devoted to teaching children the rules of the road.

As part of the implementation of work in this direction, a short-term project was created on the topic: “Road alphabet”.

Type of project: leisure - educational.

The purpose of the project: creating conditions for the assimilation and consolidation of children's knowledge of the skills of safe conscious behavior on the streets of the village, and consolidating knowledge about the rules of the road.

Project objectives:

Generalization and expansion of children's knowledge about the rules of the road;

Formation of a conscious attitude to the observance of traffic rules;

To form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment;

Expand the vocabulary of children on road vocabulary;

To cultivate discipline, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

Expected result:

Creation necessary conditions to organize activities for the protection and safety of children's lives;

Formation in children of independence and responsibility in actions on the road;

Instilling sustainable skills of safe behavior in any traffic situation.

Project implementation period: one year.

Project participants: children of the senior group, educator, music director, instructor in physical education, traffic police inspector.

Project summary

The relevance of the project.

The project is dedicated to an urgent problem - the education of safe behavior skills in the streets of the village in preschool children.

The relevance of the project is also related to the fact that children of this age lack a protective psychological reaction to road conditions that are typical for adults. The desire to discover something new, immediacy often put them in front of real dangers especially on the streets.

The formation of safe behavior skills in the streets of the village is realized through the active work of the project participants.

Formulation of the problem

At the stage of preschool childhood, one of the most important tasks for a child is to learn the rules of life in the adult world - the world of hurrying people and cars.

AT modern world there is a secret war going on between man and machine, and its main field is the road.

More than 200,000 accidents occur on the roads of Russia every year. car accident.

If you pay attention to the age of children involved in road accidents, you can see an increase in the number of accidents involving preschool children. The analysis of statistical data, carried out jointly with the traffic police, made it possible to identify the main causes of traffic violations:

Ignorance of elementary rules by preschoolers;

The desire for independence, but the inability to adequately assess their strengths and capabilities;

The indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roads.

Helping a child enter this world with maximum gain and minimum risk is the responsibility of adults. The education of preschoolers of safe behavior on the roads should be carried out in several ways.

First of all, through the direct perception of the surrounding world, during which children actively get acquainted with various traffic situations, perceiving and naming objects, phenomena, people's actions, their relationships with each other, analyzing these relationships and drawing their own conclusions.

The second way is the knowledge of reality through the stories of parents, educators, reading fiction, watching television programs and videos, through outdoor games, using various pictures, illustrations, attributes and the personal example of adults.

And finally, through special work on the formation in children of motor skills and attitudes of perception that are significant for safe behavior.

Knowing and following the rules of the road helps to reduce the percentage of traffic accidents.

The formation of discipline and organization must begin as early as early childhood when the learned rules become the norm of behavior in the future.

Psychological research shows that preschool children have a gap between theoretical knowledge and their practical application.

Children do not know how to control their behavior. However, their early years attracts the diversity of the surrounding world: houses, streets, pedestrians moving along them and vehicles. But observation of the life of the street does not in itself ensure the formation correct ideas about the rules of the road.

Therefore, children left to their own devices have little regard for the real dangers on the road. Unable to determine the distance to the approaching car and its speed, they overestimate their own capabilities, consider themselves fast and agile.

Young children lack the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment.


Every year, hundreds of traffic accidents occur on the roads of cities in our country, as a result of which dozens of children die, hundreds are injured and injured. That is why road traffic injuries remain a priority problem of society that needs to be addressed with the participation of all and in the most effective ways.

The first teacher who can help society solve this problem should be a kindergarten teacher, but, as a rule, educators have little knowledge of the rules of the road and have a vague idea about this problem. In this regard, the training of educators in the rules of the road and the methodology for conducting classes to instill in the child the techniques of his safe behavior on the road is of great importance.

As already mentioned, the rules of the road are the same for children and adults. Unfortunately, they are written in "adult" language without any consideration for children.

Therefore, the main task of educators is to explain the rules to the child in an accessible way, and when choosing a form of education, to convey to the children the meaning, the danger of non-compliance with the rules, while not distorting their content. Only through the joint efforts of educators, parents, traffic police inspector, using their knowledge, patience and tact, it is possible to teach our children the skills of safe communication with complex world crossing streets and roads.

The proposed project is an attempt to show in practice a system for teaching kids the basic rules of movement and educating them in the habits and behavior of skillful and careful pedestrians.

The implementation of this project made it possible to form in children the necessary ideas, skills and habits of safe behavior on the streets and roads.



Fundamentals of life safety of preschool children

The current social and environmental situation causes concern among people all over the planet. Safety and compliance with the rules of conduct is relevant and simply vital in modern society.

The problem of protection from dangers arose simultaneously with the appearance of man on earth. Many safety rules were formulated when people tried to protect themselves from wild animals and natural phenomena. Over time, the rules of life safety have also changed.

Now they are associated with heavy traffic on city streets, a developed network of communications, a large crowd of people, and the technicalization of a home. The behavior of people in dangerous situations is different, and even more so, children still do not know how to adequately control their behavior, so humanity is especially worried about the most defenseless citizens - young children, training and experience to a greater extent depend on people's ability to live safely in the environment.

It is necessary to single out such rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this. These rules should be explained in detail to children, and then they should be followed, so life safety is serious problem modernity and includes, according to scientists, the solution of three problems.

  1. Hazard identification, i.e. recognition of hazards and their sources.
  2. Development of preventive or precautionary measures.
  3. Elimination of possible consequences.

The safety formula for children reads:

It is necessary to see, to foresee, to take into account,

If necessary, call for help.

The goal of the program is to develop the skills of a safe and healthy lifestyle for the child.

Program objectives.

1. To form in children independence and responsibility for their behavior.

2. Teach children to follow the basic rules of safe behavior: anticipate danger, avoid danger if possible, act if necessary.

3. Fix the correct use of spatial terminology (left - right, front - back, side by side, towards, on the opposite side, in the middle, along, opposite, etc.). Children should be well versed in the environment, its changes, and respond correctly to them.

4. Learn to apply the rules in various life situations.

5. In a fun way, convince children to follow basic safety rules.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate self-confidence.

2. Learn to adequately, consciously act in any situation.

3. Form independence and responsibility.

4. Help to master the elementary skills of behavior at home, on the street. 5. To form friendliness, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, to teach mutual understanding.

6. Increase the level of arbitrariness of actions.

Material (senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Parent meeting "Life safety of children of senior preschool age."

Target: pedagogical education parents in terms of safe behavior in various life situations.


To increase the pedagogical competence of parents on the problems of ensuring the safety of life of preschool children. - show the responsibility of parents for creating conditions for safe life child, teaching children to observe the elementary rules of safe behavior.

Bring up conscious relationship to preserve their health and life.

Preliminary work:

1. Preparation of booklets for parents "Safety of the child", "Rules of the road", "Prevention of child injuries", "Home Alone".

2. Drawing up memos for parents “Rules of conduct at a bus stop”, “First aid for burns”.

3. Decoration invitation cards for parents.

4. Selection of proverbs, sayings, statements.

Methods for activating parents: examples, situations for analysis, questions for parents, recommendations.


2. Theoretical part of the meeting "Children's safety is our concern"

(Sergan S.V. - teacher)

2. Practical part of the meeting: Briefing "Child safety in various situations" (Volgina S.A. - educator)

3. Toy for parents "Magic chest",

Meeting progress:

1. Hello dear parents! We are glad to see you in our kindergarten. We are all united by our children, love for them and the desire to make them happy. When are children happy?

First of all, when they are healthy. When are parents happy? When their children are happy. No wonder people say:

You will be healthy - you will get everything.

Health is more valuable than wealth.

Healthy - jumping, ill - crying.

The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends. Whatever a person does, wherever he is, he is always in danger.

Accidents are often caused by our own carelessness or the care of others. Wherever the child is: on the street, in kindergarten, at school, at a party, mother and father cannot be absolutely sure that nothing will happen to him, no one will harm him and nothing threatens his life.

The task of us adults is to guard and protect the child. Correctly prepare him for a meeting with various difficult, and sometimes dangerous life situations.

Tragic statistics make you think; dozens of children, mostly of preschool age, annually fill up the list of victims of fire, traffic accidents. Often the cause of death of children is ignorance of the elementary rules of behavior in case of fire, the culprits of an accident, suffer from communication with strangers, because they do not understand what is safe and what is not. The main task of adults is to help children, starting from preschool age, to establish themselves in this knowledge, to warn against trouble and at the same time not just say "This cannot be done."

We adults think that home is the safest place in the world. But that's not the case at all. It would seem that it could portend trouble under the roof of your house, where everything is arranged conveniently and comfortably, where there are reliable doors with strong locks. Every home is more than just walls and a roof.

To make his home comfortable, a person has equipped it with many different devices and mechanisms. Looking into any apartment, house: we will find household appliances, representing a great danger with inept or careless use.

These are electrical, heating and lighting(tiles, stoves, electric irons, kettles, desk lamp, washing machines, TVs, vacuum cleaners, microwaves and more). Sometimes something breaks in them and this causes an accident, fire or accident. All electrical appliances must be in good working order.

And how many different furniture, which not only burns easily, but also emits poisonous gases during combustion. The gas is specially made so odorous so that people can immediately feel if it comes out somewhere.

It is necessary to teach children not to turn on the gas stove on their own. We cannot do without sharp, piercing, cutting objects. To teach children all sharp, piercing, cutting objects must be put in their places, since the order in the house is not only for beauty, but also for safety.

Sometimes intruders try to get into the apartment. Leaving small children at home alone big risk by the parents. But we have to go to the store, to the pharmacy.

Therefore, if you are forced to leave for a short time for some reason from time to time, then be sure to prepare the child for a safe stay in the apartment without adult supervision. Moreover, maximum term your absence should not exceed 3 hours.

It is very important to find out if the child is afraid of loneliness and emptiness in the apartment, is not afraid of the dark or unexpected sounds. Try not to leave multiple children at home. This is often fraught with consequences: what does not come to one's mind may come to another.

If, in the absence of us adults, someone wants to enter a house, apartment, the child must know exactly to whom he has the right to open the door. Call these people by their names - relatives, neighbors, friends.

Warn your child that you will never send a stranger into the house. Be sure to agree whether he can invite or let one of the comrades into the house during your absence. Attackers are very good at pretending.

Often they change into a special uniform. They change their appearance with a wig, glasses, a glued mustache or beard. Criminals do not want to show their real face, as they are afraid of being recognized. After all, the police are usually looking for them.

That is why it is dangerous to open the door to strangers.

Our duty is to teach the child to use the phone: fire department - 01, police - 02, Ambulance, - 03, gas service - 04. . He can and should memorize his address and the most important telephone numbers: his mother's and father's work, his grandmother, his neighbors. And even better, if you and your baby make a list of the necessary phones and hang it on the wall next to the device.

If you do not have a telephone in your apartment. Try to negotiate with the neighbors, which of them and how to contact in an emergency. Let the conditional signal be a knock on the battery or on the wall.

Well, in the most extreme circumstances, if the attackers are trying to break into the apartment, you need to shout loudly, call for help from the balcony or from the window.

Rules of the road - the law for the streets and roads. Both drivers and pedestrians must follow the rules. Teaching preschoolers the rules of the road requires certain knowledge. In order for you to always be calm for your child, and he felt confident on the road, we advise:

Remind your child of the basic rules of the road every day;

Never violate the traffic rules in the presence of a child;

Teach him to navigate the road, be careful and attentive, never cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle;

Teach him to cross the roadway only along footpaths, on a green traffic light;

Do not let your child play on the road.

Summing up, we can say that the task of us adults, teachers, and you, parents, is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him for a meeting with various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations.

Practical part

“Life is what people strive to preserve most of all and cherish least of all”(J. La Bruyère)

The health of children largely depends on us adults. And first of all - from their parents, as kids are defenseless, gullible, trust adults and sometimes cannot protect themselves, cannot foresee the consequences of illiterate behavior. The task of parents is to prepare the child in advance for a meeting with various difficult and sometimes dangerous situations.

Do you think there are rules that children must follow strictly? What are these rules? Who should teach them to observe? Should it be explained to preschool children why these rules need to be followed or is a ban enough: “It’s impossible and that’s all”? (Discussion)

Of course, it is very important that the child is aware possible consequences of his behavior, knew the rules of safe behavior, knew how to apply them in real life, in practice. And parents should promptly explain why one should act one way or another, and monitor the implementation of these rules. And besides, it is very important for parents to follow these rules themselves, to observe preventive measures - after all, it is easier to prevent than to reap the fruits of their irresponsible behavior. After all, the most important thing depends on compliance with the rules of safe behavior - the life, safety, health of a small person.

Briefing "Child safety in different situations"

one . What types of pedestrian crossings are there and what should preschoolers know? ( Regulated and unregulated, ground, underground and elevated pedestrian crossings.)

2. How should one cross the street if there is no pedestrian crossing? (It is allowed to cross the street at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway in a section where it is clearly visible in both directions. Pedestrians are allowed to enter the carriageway only after they are convinced that the crossing is safe and they will not interfere with vehicles.)

3. What are the rules of conduct in case of detecting the smell of gas in the apartment.

(Do not turn on the lights and electrical appliances, do not light matches, open windows and vents, call the gas service from neighbors by phone -04-, notify other neighbors about what happened)

4. What are the rules of conduct in case of fire in the apartment.

(Do not open windows, do not extinguish fired electrical appliances with water, breathe through a wet cloth, move to the exit, bend down, leave the room, close the door behind you, call fire department by phone 01-, report the fire to the neighbors)

5. How should you hold your child's hand when crossing the street? ( Firmly around the wrist so that the child does not pull out the hand.)

6. Where can preschool children ride bicycles and scooters?

(In specially designated places, parks, squares)

7. How should an adult with a child get on the bus? (The child enters first, the adult behind him.)

8. How should an adult with a child get off the bus? ( The adult comes out first and helps the child out.)

9. Why at bus stops, especially in wet weather, you need to be at some distance from the roadway, watching the approaching transport ? (If the stop area is wet, it is possible to slip and get hit by stopping vehicles. In slippery roadways, vehicles may skid onto the stop area, pavement, and splash people with mud.)

10. Where and how should I expect the bus? ( You need to wait for the bus only at special landing sites, if there are none, then on the sidewalk or on the side of the road.

Children should be held by the hand so that they stand further from the roadway than adults.)

11. What natural phenomena do you know that can lead to devastating consequences? ( flood, hurricane, earthquake, thunderstorm, etc.)

12. What are your actions if an earthquake finds you at home or in any other building? ( I have to go outside.)

13. What does the word "traffic light" mean? (bearer of light)

14. What will you do if a thunderstorm breaks out while walking in the forest?

(You need to go out into the open as soon as possible and lie on the ground, covering your head with your hands.)

Toy for parents

"Magic box"

A magic chest is depicted on the screen. It contains items that must be kept out of the reach of children. Guess what is in it.

Seasoning for dishes, but can cause severe burns.

(vinegar, pepper)

Jewelry for a woman, consisting of beautiful peas.

A sharp-smelling liquid in a beautiful bottle, similar to juice.

What can not be spilled with water! (glue)

Iron hit him hard,

And he was gone, only the cap remained.

(hammer and nail).

Can melt, but not ice

Not a lantern, but gives light.

I'm good, I'm so good

You won't find better than me!

So I will make friends with pieces of wood:


"Life safety of a preschool child". Advice for teachers and parents

Social problems of our time especially affect children. Such features of preschool children as susceptibility, gullibility to surrounding adults, openness in communication and curiosity determine behavior in a dangerous situation and contribute to their vulnerability.

Preschoolers often have poor development of skills and abilities to analyze the situation, predict the consequences of their actions. Thus, there is a need to protect children from dangers without suppressing their natural curiosity, openness and trust in the world, not to frighten them and prepare them for a fulfilling life. In this regard, it is necessary to search for pedagogical conditions for ensuring the social security of the child.

To solve these problems it is necessary:

To have an educative and educational impact on children in the GCD and in free activities;

Organize problem and game situations that ensure the developmental interaction of children with each other;

To create a developing subject-game environment that encourages the use of familiar rules in the independent and joint activities of adults with children.

To begin with, it is necessary to highlight such rules of conduct that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this. These rules should be explained to the children in detail, and then follow their implementation.

But security is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. In addition, children can find themselves in an unpredictable situation on the street, at home, so the main task of adults is to stimulate the development of their independence and responsibility.

In this regard, more attention should be paid to the organization of various activities and the acquisition of experience by children. After all, everything that children are taught, they must be able to apply in real life, in practice.

The life safety program includes 5 sections:

I section. The child interacts with other people.

II section. Child and nature.

Section III. Baby at home.

IV section. Child health and emotional well-being.

V section. Child on the streets of the city.

1. "Child and other people", which explains what exactly can be dangerous in communicating with other people; that not always pleasant appearance coincides with good intentions and what behavior should be chosen in a difficult situation.

2. "Child and nature." We are talking about environmental pollution, respect for wildlife; about poisonous plants; about contact with animals.

3. "Baby at home"– flammable objects, sharp and heavy objects, a balcony, an open window and other household hazards. Also, the ability to use the phone in emergency situations. Household items that are sources of potential danger to children are divided into three groups:

Items that are strictly prohibited to use (matches, gas stoves, sockets, switched on electrical appliances);

Items that, depending on the age of the children, you need to learn how to handle correctly (needle, scissors, knife);

Items that adults should keep out of the reach of children (household chemicals, medicines, alcohol, cigarettes, cutting and stabbing tools).

4. "Health and emotional well-being of the child"- studying the structure of the body, strengthening personal hygiene skills, the role of drugs and vitamins, attitude towards a sick person, as well as children's fears, conflicts between children, etc. The most urgent problem today is to improve the health of children. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: taking care of a child’s health is the most important work of an educator.”

It is very important to form in preschool children motives, concepts, beliefs in the need to preserve their health and strengthen it by introducing a healthy lifestyle.

5. "Baby on the street"- rules of the road, rules of conduct in transport, if the child is lost, orientation in the area.

According to statistics, tens of thousands of traffic accidents involving children and adolescents are committed on the roads of our country every year. That is why road traffic injuries remain a major societal problem that needs to be addressed with the participation of all.

In this direction, it is necessary to pay attention in working with children starting from the younger group, and for children of older preschool age it is systematic, purposeful. The purpose of preventive work on safety in kindergarten is to increase the awareness of employees, children and parents about behavior in emergency situations.

With parents, it is planned to hold meetings, consultations, seminars, open viewings, evenings - entertainment and exhibitions of artistic and productive activities for children and adults.

For example: memos "Use of electricity for children and adults", "Procedure in case of an accident";

booklets "The basis of the safety of children's lives", "We educate a competent pedestrian", "The basics of the safety of the life of preschool children", "Doctor Aibolit";

consultations "Introducing children to medicinal plants", "The role of the family in reducing road traffic injuries", "pranking children with fire", etc.

Work on the education of safe behavior skills in children must begin with the identification of their level of knowledge and interests. Twice a year, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic work to determine the level of cognitive development of each child, based on its results, further individual work is planned.

Use a variety of methodological techniques:

1. It is advisable to play different situations: the child is at home alone; child at home with friends, brothers, sisters; child with adults, etc.

2. Read the literature on child safety.

Great importance is given to reading works of art, namely fairy tales. Fairy tales are a textbook by which a small person begins to learn to live. The content of fairy tales is the life experience of many generations.

In fairy tales, we learn the very safety lessons that our children should learn. Listening and “discussing” folk tales with you, playing them, the baby will easily learn some new situation or problem that the growing little man will have to face in real life.

3. Pay attention to the illustrations.

Children have figurative memory. The child's psyche is "insured" that the baby saw - and will stand before his eyes.

For this section, in our group we have a selection of illustrations, books, children's presentations.

4. Ask questions.

If the child still does not know how to speak (or still speaks badly), he will understand you anyway. The essence of the question is not even to immediately get the right answer. The question emphasizes the main thing, makes you think.

And you (we) just need it.

Encourage the baby to ask you questions (however, they do it without problems, the main thing here is not to deviate from the topic).

React emotionally. Young children are able to ask and answer with gestures, sounds, actions. They react emotionally, and what is lived through emotions remains deeper in us.

5. Walk.

Walking is the perfect time to talk to your child about their safety. Of course, 5-7-year-olds tend to have a hard time accepting "naked" advice on how to behave in a dangerous situation or how to avoid it. But if you state them, so to speak, "with reference" to specific circumstances ...

6. Play is a very important moment in the life of young children.

It is through the game that they get to know the world and get used to it. So play together in plot-role-playing games, didactic games for the development of cognitive processes in children.

You can use the following didactic games:

Which of these people are your relatives?

"Who is superfluous"

"How can I complete a sentence"

"Guess by sign", etc.

If you become aware that the child did the right thing in difficult circumstances, be sure to praise him. This will help him be more confident in the future. If the child did something wrong, there is no need to scold him - calmly explain the mistake made and talk about the possible consequences.

Work with children must be carried out systematically. Teaching safe behavior is a job for many years. One or two conversations won't accomplish anything here.

The purpose of "safe" education is to instill confidence in the child in his abilities, that if he strictly observes certain rules of behavior, he will not get into a dangerous situation, and if this happens, he will find a way out of it.

Each skill of safe behavior is worked out gradually. Check if the child has understood what you have said. Find out what didn't make sense.

It has already been emphasized that compliance with safety rules should be brought to automaticity. Only then is the safety of the child guaranteed.

So, we can conclude that in order to conduct a GCD on the “Fundamentals of Life Safety for Preschoolers”, a variety of methodological techniques can be used.

Elena Shkil
Report on the work on life safety with young children "Play and safety"

Early childhood educator Shkil E. A

Target: the formation of cautious and prudent behavior in children in potentially dangerous situations for humans.

The main task- make the baby's space as safe as possible.

Baby at home.

In joint activities, she conducted conversations with kids about the rules of behavior at home and in kindergarten, examining paintings "In the world of dangerous objects".

puppet show "Chicken Ryaba"; "Cat, rooster and fox"; entertainment "Cat's house". They played with the children in the story games “Visiting the Sun”, “Home”, “My Room”. There were conversations about the family; at entertainment, the children traveled and learned a lot of new things through the game: "Visiting Grandma"; "Visiting Magpie Belobok", "Journey to the Forest". played in finger games: “Lock”, “Where are our pens”, “Hedgehog”, “That's so good”, etc.

Child and safety .

Thematic conversations were held with children about the rules of the road; on the topic “Transport”, looking at illustrations, pictures on safety (fire safety, traffic, entertainment “Fire in the Forest” where children in helmets of a fighter IF independently extinguished a fire lit by disobedient chanterelles from a hose.

Introduced the children to the traffic light, observed the road. D / games: "Red, green", for orientation in space, "Put your car in the garage"; “Run to me”, “Roads and cars”, etc. The children made a traffic light from multi-colored circles (application, as well as on collective application cars go on the road "Cars go on the road."

Entertainment: “Don, don, don. The Cat's house caught fire", after which, at the OD in drawing, the Cat was helped to put out the fire - they decorated the empty buckets with "water" and flooded the impromptu burning Cat's house.

On walks, she talked about the rules of safety in nature; games, observations of insects, natural phenomena, reading fiction.

Expected Result :

Prevention panic fear in children in front of fire, dear, environment.

Changing the attitude of parents to this problem.

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