Happy birthday to a family man in your own words. Happy birthday greetings in prose in your own words to a man. Beautiful words of congratulations on the birthday of a man

On my birthday, I wish everything to be perfect! May the bird of good luck constantly circle around you! So that if a career is successful, if the salary is decent, if friends are true, if the family is strong, if cognac is then with endurance! rating: 45 ↓

Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart! You almost never meet real men, so you are our rarest, most rare specimen. I wish on my way to conquer all career ups, all women's hearts and life peaks! 7 ↓

On your holiday, I wish you to be a real favorite of fortune! Let this capricious girl from many applicants always choose you and help in all matters! 21 ↓ - Congratulations to a man in your own words

Over the years, you become stronger, wiser, more tolerant - and it is these qualities that take life to a different level, at which real values ​​​​become obvious and everyday trifles become indifferent. Today you perfectly understand that the main thing in life is the attention of loved ones and their love! So let this love be over the edge in your life! I want to be infinitely happy! 50 ↓

Happy birthday! Always be happy with what you already have, but at the same time, never stop setting big life goals for yourself. Let the feeling of love always warm you in your bosom, and your loved ones will be a reliable support in life. I wish you to be always cheerful, enjoy life, be happy, healthy and loved! 76 ↓

Dear birthday boy, you have many happy years ahead - may they be filled with new ambitious goals, the love of loved ones and the recognition of others! Health to you, positive and joy around, and most importantly - longevity, in order to have time to enjoy these joys! -1 ↓ - Congratulations in your own words

Happy birthday to a real man! I wish you to take only what you need from life, not to save up too much, not to waste your money on trifles and to be able to appreciate what is easiest to give! I wish you a stable income, peace in the family, harmony in the soul, and most importantly, health - it is never superfluous! 67 ↓

May you have as much money as your wife wants.
May there be as much health as mom wishes!
And if you are late in the evening, then let it be for the reason that your wife thinks about, and not your mother! 25 ↓

With all my heart I wish that every new day of your life be filled with optimism, interesting creative ideas, meetings with friends and like-minded people. Health to you, family happiness and always a great mood! 50 ↓

I wish that you are always surrounded by friends, beautiful women, an interesting and well-paid job, that you have more vacations on the sea coast and that there is always confidence that tomorrow will be even better! 51 ↓

As a real man, I wish you that your nerves and will be steel, your hands and feelings are strong, your look and step are confident, and your family has always been a reliable rear. I wish you to continue to be an example of success and determination, the standard of a real man! 54 ↓

Let life please you with bright happy moments, and troubles bypass. Let the people around you appreciate and respect you. Always remain the same sweet, bright and wonderful person!

What is the most precious thing in life? Material well-being and solvency? Yes. Successful career and personal achievements? Certainly. To keep your family healthy? Undoubtedly. And also - support and understanding of loved ones, relatives, best friends, and family. After all, only with their help we can move mountains and change the world. And our birthday boy has all this! With all my heart I wish that only the closest people who always love and wait for him will continue to surround him.

Happy birthday to you and I sincerely wish you to achieve all your goals! May luck always smile at you on the path of life, may your wallet never be empty, and may your heart always sing! Let your family and friends please and help you in conquering new heights, and your health remains strong! I wish you to meet every day with enthusiasm and excitement, so that later, seeing him off, you will always be satisfied with how you spent it and how your life goes! Good luck!

Happy Birthday! Be healthy, strong, successful person. We wish prosperity, love, happiness, good luck, good mood. May true friends always surround you, colleagues respect you at work, and relatives cherish and protect you at home.

On this bright, sunny day, I am happy to congratulate you on your birthday. You are a wonderful person and always remain so kind and wise. I wish that in life there is always a place for a cherished dream. It's wonderful to dream. And let there be only good people in your life who will respect and understand you. May your family always support and appreciate you.

Good morning my favorite person in the world. I have been dating you for quite some time, and therefore I know you and your habits by heart. For example, I know that you do not like this rainy weather very much. And today, unfortunately, we have exactly such weather. A small, persistent rain knocks on the window. You will probably be in a very bad mood. Because it is on your birthday that there is such bad weather. But, I will try to do my best to make this day a holiday for you. And now I want to say goodbye to you. May everything always be good in your life. Know that my wishes go to you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you good luck in everything you do.

Happy Birthday! I wish you strong strength, great achievements and good income, so that you never need anything. Let care, steel endurance and kindness protect you from all bad weather. Let love be there, loyalty and friendship always behind you, only happy dreams in your hands, and grace and an excellent happy future before your eyes.

What do you want for the person who has everything? After all, you have achieved everything you wanted: you have a great job and a loving family. You are self-sufficient, realized as a professional, and quite successful. I wish that the river of life will continue to carry you evenly and smoothly - without minor anxieties and major problems! So that every day you live brings with it only positive emotions, and all worries would be a joy. And also - I wish you great, immense happiness, many, many sunny days, and good luck in all your endeavors. Happy holiday!

Happy birthday to you, I congratulate you on all the most beautiful things in this life, always be a good faithful boy, so that time is not wasted, so that there is something in life, is proud, and most importantly, do not get too drunk so that tomorrow a beautiful day will start and from Do not swallow tablets!

We want your life to be perfect. So that Mondays are always days off, work always brings pleasure and ends exactly when you want it, the bosses were understanding and loyal, the wife was flexible and wise, and the mother-in-law lived far abroad. I would like to wish that you were accepted like a 100-dollar bill, with delight and joy in any company, but at the same time appreciated only for personal qualities.

So this day has come. The stars are very bright in the sky. The day is already over, which means your birthday is over. The guests have already left. Empty gift boxes lie on the sidelines. You stand so sad and devastated that it makes me very sad to look at you. To my great regret, it is difficult for you to distract from sad thoughts. You probably think that birthday is a sad holiday. I also agree with this. But, this does not mean at all that you need to take it and get upset like that. Everything in life passes at some point. This is how one year after another passes, people get older. Nothing can be done about it. I really hope that everything will always be fine with you. I wish you success in everything you do.

Happy birthday and I want to wish you never lose your masculine charm and strong strength, purposefulness of the soul and courage of the heart. May each of your "today" be filled with happiness and inspiration, may each "tomorrow" prepare its prospects and success.

I wish the most wonderful man that he does not stop dreaming and believing in a fairy tale. May all your dreams and sweetest dreams turn into reality, giving you the most delightful moments of life. I wish you unlimited patience and kindness, success and good luck, love and affection. I wish you to meet the most charming woman in the world and become the father of beautiful babies!

I wish you, my man, to warm us with your love for a hundred years, I wish that there are fewer problems and troubles in your life. May your young soul be filled with love, may sparks shine in your eyes, and dreams come true.

We have been waiting for a bright birthday holiday no less than yours, and simple, everyday words cannot express everything that I would like to say on this magical day! We congratulate you and wish you a life as bright as fireworks, bright as the sun in the morning, fresh as a breeze on the Caribbean Sea and amazing, fulfilling all your cherished and simple desires!

On this wonderful day, let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you successful projects, financial well-being, a calm, quiet home harbor. May your every day be successful, your health be strong as a rock, and your thoughts bright and carefree. May your loved ones delight you and feel your endless care. Happiness to you and light!

Every person is born on a certain day. In honor of this event, many of us annually arrange a festive celebration. This day is significant for a large number of congratulations, among which only a few are remembered. The thing is that often congratulatory messages are banal, and therefore do not hurt the ear and do not leave a response in the soul .. For example, you need to find birthday greetings for a man. What to wish the representative of the strong half of humanity? Of course, financial well-being, a successful career and health. If you believe the generally accepted opinion, then it is difficult for men to “break through” with a word. It is believed that they are weakly receptive to words. However, as life experience shows, in reality everything is exactly the opposite. So, if you yourself are not particularly strong in composing sonorous birthday greetings to a man, feel free to go to the appropriate section of our website. Here you can easily find a prosaic or poetic congratulation, which, combined with a beautiful gift, will certainly touch your father, grandfather, husband, beloved boyfriend or boss.

What to wish a man on his birthday?
More useful business meetings,
And life is sweeter than the best jam
And not to know sexual diseases ...

To have more love in life
Preferably several times a day!
For all women to love you
And warmed the soul and bed!

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On birthdays, it is customary to give the birthday person gifts. All relatives and friends run to the meeting place and one by one present presents. Everyone tries to please the hero of the occasion and buys a more significant, more expensive gift. Such a race for the "mercy" of the birthday man does not always lead to good results, and the favorite is not the one who gave the most expensive gift, but the one who said sincere words of congratulations that touched the birthday man to the core. Therefore, it is worth knowing that congratulations consist not only of the gift itself, words are no less important.

Now people do not bother and buy postcards with ready-made text in stores. When they read it, they stumble, do not convey the proper emotion. Because it's not their word. If a man receives a card and sees that the words are printed on it, then he will not read it. Have a greater effect happy birthday greetings to a man in your own words. Thus, you will show the real significance of a man for you. And here it doesn’t matter anymore that you will stumble, make mistakes, carry nonsense. It is important that it comes from the heart, sincerely. So, you will be able to melt a cold male heart.

Not everyone can write on their own. It's not a problem. The web is full of different templates, based on which you can build your own text. The main thing is to know the main qualities of the birthday man, his hobbies and some interesting stories from life. In this case, your congratulations will surpass all masterpiece poems.

Dear birthday boy! On your birthday, we wish with all our heart... that the green "Mercedes" of your life will easily and happily take you through life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, that the road will go through a flowering garden and that all those you need will be nearby. For your well-being and success!

Today I want to congratulate my real man on his birthday and wish him: let everything that is needed in life, than life happens, be good: love, health, happiness, friendship and an eternally kind soul. With an open heart and love, I wish you happiness and health!

Our dear birthday boy! Happy holiday to you! Let this serious and big date not come on the throat of your cheerful, reckless song, let it not unlearn you to enjoy life and enjoy every day of it! We heartily congratulate you, our young Anniversary!

We wish wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health does not fail. So that the mood is always on top. Let the family be warm and cozy. Success, luck, luck.

With all our hearts we wish you happiness. good health, even greater success in your hard work, long life, well-being in the family and always in a good mood.

Today is our colleague's birthday. The entire team would like to congratulate you on such a wonderful event. We wish you, first of all, good health, patience and endurance. May your work inspire you, and your experience and wisdom help many. All earthly blessings to you and happiness. Let sadness and sadness never visit you. Always be so cheerful with a wonderful sense of humor. May life always be generous with you and long.

There would be much more goodness, love and beauty in the world if there were more people like you, my beloved man. You are my dream, my ideal. You have a wonderful, just an angelic character. You are my strength and hope in everything. Today is your birthday. I sincerely congratulate you on such a wonderful holiday. Let everything turn out the way you want. May you always be lucky in everything. I wish you great success in everything, good health and good mood. May your cherished dream come true.