Self-timers. Winter crafts for children. Master class of making family craft "Winter fairy tale

DIY for the new year with their own hands for kindergarten on the topic of many many asked to bring to the kindergarten. Of course, the kids themselves from the end of autumn begin to create beauty to decorate the group and the garden room. However, homework is usually given. For parents, this is a unique moment when you can spend a lot of useful time with the child, and at the same time learn something new and learn to do something unusual.

As a rule, they make at home and carry them into a kindergarten for traditional since Soviet times the competition "Winter Crafts". It is clear that the most popular craft here will be a paper Christmas tree Christmas tree or just a postcard, but in this material we offer some simple, beautiful and original master classes, so that this year not only note the participation in the competition, but also to take an honorary prize.

Crafts for the new year do it yourself for kindergarten on the topic of winter with a photo

"Winter window"

When in winter behind the window of the snowball, then the house is always warm and cozy. Such a drawing will help create a magic fairytale atmosphere, and the creation of it with a child of kindergarten is also strengthened by the skills of the baby for ownership of scissors. Even if there is no real snow outside the window, this version of the craft will always create the desired mood.

What will be required for work:
* Winter window template, which is easy and free of charge can be printed from the network.
* Cardboard or just high density paper.
* Bag (as for sandwiches).
* Glue and sugar.
* Spoon and felt.

From the bag cut off the part above the zipper, but does not cut off the lightning itself. Cut pattern gently glue with tight paper. On blue leaves make track around and outside the window. The base should be durable as a rectangle. Now in the bag put one and a half large sugar spoons, put pressure on the bag so that all the air will come out of it (if this moment is ignored, then the snow will not wait).

It remains to put sugar into the center of the bag, and put the bag between two sheets of paper. Glue pour on the edges of the bag, as well as in front and rear, also on the top edge of the paper window should be glue. Around the template to make curtains on the window from the felt (if there is no one at hand, then use simply colored paper). All the items of the winter window are glued to the package. When the glue is driving, you can play with the window: turn it to the snow fall.

Christmas tree from Macaron

On any thematic video, you can see that the most popular handicraft for the new year with your own hands for kindergarten on the topic of winter is a Christmas tree. Materials for its manufacture can be different, as an option, consider ordinary pasta!

For the basis of such a Christmas tree, you can take a plastic fuineer of a conical form. If there is no festo on hand, you can easily make a basis from cardboard or plastic, from thick paper. It is important to choose the material for the base durable, so that under the weight of the macaron and glue in the process of creating a unique Christmas tree, he was not deformed. For this option, the crafts of pasta take in the form of small bows. But it's not necessarily! At your request, choose the shape of the macaroni - spirals, horns, even asterisks.

Interesting! Small pasta of any form can be painted by conventional paints and use already on the finished Christmas tree as a decor, like Christmas balls and garlands.

To make pasta well based on, you can use PVA glue. But the ideal option is if it turns out to fix items using a special thermo gun. Green paint Aerosol will help the Christmas tree to make realistic, for staining small pasta as christmas toys can use gold paint.

Fugera, if he was taken as a basis, there is a leg-base. It does not need to be removed until the end of the process of making crafts. Only in the case when pasta is already dried, the paint will be firmly held, the leg can be removed and put the Christmas tree on its natural base from pasta. Mounting pasta to the base must be carefully and close to each other, focusing on the chess order. It is necessary to monitor so that there are no holes between these elements, otherwise, the plastic Fozher will be shifted. If it happens, then this distance also paint green paint.

"Winter Picture"

To make such a picture with a child, you need to prepare blue (you can take gray) cardboard, tight paper and glue, you will also need a pencil, cotton balls and rice, as well as green food dye, water and pouch sealed with zippers.

In the teaspoon of water put a little green dye and send to the bag. There is half a glass of rice and a bag of sealing, mix everything well so that Rice is completely covered. On a piece of paper put the picture so that it is dried. When the rice becomes dry, it can be further used in the cradle. As a rule, it will take about half an hour.

The cardboard of the selected color draw the line of the border of the sky and snow. Also paint trees, a triangular Christmas tree. Glue apply to each tree shape, and then sprinkle on it green rice. Now there are spiny pines in the picture, there are cotton balls under them, cut the sun or a month from bright paper or a month, add stars on the sky.

Hedgehog from cones

Many parents are in search of what to make crafts for the new year with their own hands for kindergarten on the theme of winter from the cones. You can consider this delightful in the end and easy to manufacture the option. On the one hand, this is just an hedgehog, on the other hand, this animal will decorate any New Year's scene.

To make the hedgehog besides the cones, there are still dry pine needles, as well as brown plasticine, black polka dots, also need an acory hat. Dry needles to gather in bundles so that they formed 7-9 pieces, attach some plasticine to the ends and consolidate the big bumps behind the scales. From the ends of the needle can be a little bit.

Brown plasticine to use to make a pointed fruit of winter hedgehog, peppers and spout are made from pepper. Now the muzzle is placed in the beginning of the bump, and on the needles gently put a stomach hat with a small amount of plasticine (this is imitation of mushrooms).

Such a variety of and beautiful can be crafts for the new year with their own hands for kindergarten on the topic of winter. An even greater ideas on their creation with thematic description, step-by-step photos and the video can be found in on our festive site. In no case do not take all the responsibility for the manufacture of such crafts on yourself, bring children and spend a useful and exciting time together. Then the period of preparation for New Year holidays will be remembered by children only from the positive side, they will at any age will want to return to the father's house to revive this feeling and memories.

Parents of children who go to kindergarten often have to break their heads over crafts for the next thematic exhibition. In addition to the fact that work is required for all holidays, seasonal exhibitions are sometimes arranged. Winter crafts in kindergarten are no less popular than the autumn day. Options for using various materials will be less here, but if you connect fantasy, you can make a very interesting composition with your own hands.

What to use for winter crafts to kindergarten?

In the fall, it is somewhat easier to engage in this work. The thing is that the gifts of nature during this period are quite generous. Therefore, it can be used not only what has grown on the garden, but also those materials that are just lying under their feet, namely leaves, acorns and bumps.

In winter, everything is more complicated. In order to draw up an interesting winter composition, you have to take those materials that are at home. Most often, cotton wool, sequins, white paper, cardboard and beads are used to create a miniature craft.

But this is not a complete list of what can be used for winter crafts to kindergarten. For example, the queue is interesting cuts come out of ordinary ear chopsticks. Do not forget about such an interesting material as cotton wheels. They can be taken to make snowmen or snow-covered Christmas trees.

Do not forget about plastic bottles and bushings from toilet paper.

From these materials you can make a lot of interesting crafts, including those that relate to winter topics. For example, it is unnecessary plastic bottles become an excellent basis for cute penguins.

Closer to the new year, many remember such a comfortable material as tinsel. It is also used to create crafts for winter topics.

As for the foundation, then many parents use cardboard in the habit. But recently more interesting options have been on sale. For example, you can mark the Foamiran. This is a convenient material that can be the basis for making various crafts, for example, a beautiful Christmas tree.

Trees for winter crafts in kindergarten

Many parents use quite common topics, namely, "Winter Forest".

The options for its manufacture can be quite a lot, depending on which material will be selected by the Master. But the base is most often performed by the same way. To do this, make several paper cones and place them on the cardboard sheet.

Next, the blanks are the main thing to correctly process. To do this, you can take tinsel, cotton or thread. The cones neatly ward the necessary material. Then they can be sprinkled with sparkles a bit, and after fixing on the cardboard. After that, the pieces of wool are laid out, which can also be chosen. On this exercise "Winter Forest" can be considered completed.

For the manufacture of winter trees, you can take other materials, for example, ear sticks or Foamiran. If the masters have a beadwork skills, you can make a beautiful snow-covered tree. To do this, take beads and wire. As a result, it turns out a very interesting option, which will definitely impress all those present at the exhibition. From the long bead you can collect a wonderful Christmas tree. It can be additionally decorated with large beads that will perform the role of Christmas tree toys.

To diversify the winter forest, you can build a small house. For this, various materials will also be suitable. An interesting solution will be the use of ear chopsticks. They are quite comfortable for work, and the end result looks just fine. Another popular material for the manufacture of houses is the chopsticks from ice cream. If for the summer they accumulated quite a lot, it is worth building a house. Such a drawing is simply performed. Wands need to be glued together, and then construct the roof. The top must be dragged with cotton and sprinkle with sparkles. Such a house in the forest will look just fine.

Snowman from thread

It is difficult to imagine a real winter without such a character like a snowman. It can be the main character for the winter craft in kindergarten. Snowman manufacturers may be several:

  1. The first option provides for the use of cotton discs and threads with a needle. First you need to take 5-6 discs and turn in the middle of the thread. An alternative way will be the use of a stapler. The main thing is that everything keeps in the middle. Next, you should flush the workpiece, but carefully so that it does not fall apart. Then with the help of a scissors, a watched ball is given to the rounded form. Such balls need to make a pair, and after connecting them to each other.

The billet is decorated with a carrot nose from plasticine and eyes. Hands can be made of chopsticks. Also, a snowman can be put on the semblance of a cap, the role of which will perform the cover from the water bottle.

  1. The second option implies the use of threads, small balloons and plow glue. Here one of the most important tasks will be the correct selection of the size of the balls. One of them should be more, and the second is slightly smaller. Additionally, you can take 4 very small balls.

Then the white thread takes, it is soaked in the glue, and after it it is necessary to wind through every ball. Then the blanks are left alone, because the PVA must completely dry. After the threads harden the glue, it is necessary to pierce the ball and take out the rubber residue carefully. It is important that at this time the blank from the thread remained in the same form.

As a result of the work done, 6 balls of different diameters should turn out. The biggest is the body of a snowman. The one that is smaller must be glued on top, it will be head. Next, it will be left to make hands and legs from small balls. The snowman is decorated with a nose and eyes that can be made of plasticine or polymer clay. Additionally, a knitted hat and scarf is put on the toy. It turns out a very interesting handicraft from simple and affordable materials.

New Year's crafts in kindergarten

If the exhibition is timed to the holiday, then there will be a lot of options for creating crafts.

For example, you can make a volumetric ball with colored paper. Making such a craft will not take more than 5 minutes. To do this, you just need to cut a few stripes from colored paper, then bore them in the center so that they formed the sun. Next, the ends of the paper strips are connected in the upper part. Here you should attach the ring for which the ball can be hung on the Christmas tree.

In a more complex embodiment, the christmas ball is made of two plastic bottles. From them it is necessary to leave only bottoms (on 3-4 centimeters above). The billets are combined into a single integer. After that, you can take paints and paint the ball. Additionally it is worth using glue and sparkles to give the product a festive look. At the top you need to attach the rope on which the ball will hold on when they decorate the Christmas tree in kindergarten.

A fairly popular version of the New Year's craft has recently become a wreath. It can be done very quickly, if you prepare a circle of cardboard, and after wrapped it with Mishur. Additionally, the exercise is decorated with cones, small toys, buttons, etc. All work occupies no more than half an hour, therefore it is a great option for busy parents.

Simple winter and New Year's crafts with children 2-3 years

Hello, dear readers!

In the winter, especially New Year's days, I want to immerse yourself with the child in a small fairy tale and do something interesting with your own hands. Today we will consider variants of crafts that are under the power of children 2-3 years of age. Despite its ease of manufacture, these options for creative tasks are distinguished by originality. Such crafts can even be represented in kindergarten at the exhibition.

  1. Snowflake from wool (cotton balls)

Apply on a sheet of paper with the help of a pencil or PVA (with a wide brush) drawing of snowflakes. Tell the baby to apply balls to adhesive stripes. It turns out a volumetric and beautiful snowflake!

  1. Snowman from cotton disks

  1. Crafts from paper plates

Based on paper plates, such work can be made:

And if you push the plate with pieces of napkins or crumpled paper, it turns out a beautiful white bear, whose nose will be a paper cup, and ears - 2 pre-cut circles out of paper.

  1. Figures for wax

On a white sheet of paper with a wax candle, draw snowflakes or another drawing on the winter theme. Invite the baby to color a sheet of paper in a blue blue gamma. And then a miracle happens: the drawing will begin to appear under the crash of the brush, which you were depicted in advance.


This is another interesting drawing technique. Ask a child to paint a cabbage sheet of white paint or toothpaste and attach to paper. In the imprint you will see a wonderful winter tree. And if you try to try a little, then you can thus portray a whole forest. It is better to use a Chinese cabbage.

If your child loves to sculpt, then he is clearly like the creation of Christmas tree decorations from salt dough.

Salted dough without cooking:

1 cup flour

0.5 Salt glasses (preferably "Extra")

0.5 glasses of water (if necessary, add food dye)

1 tbsp. vegetable oil

All ingredients are mixed and mixed well to uniformity.

From such a test, wonderful figures are obtained, which can be dried and painted.

Using molds for modeling (can be replaced with forms for cookies), cut the figures, dried in a warm place (for example, a few days at the battery) and paint the paints. You can also with a modeling product, decorate with croups or seeds.

Surely in each house there seems a bushing from the roll of toilet paper or paper towels. You can also use cylindrical packaging.

Wrap the sleeve in the packaging paper or beautiful fabric, take the edge of the ribbon. Do not forget to hide the surprise inside the cylinder!

Such a candy can be used as a Christmas tree toy.

A tree can become a palm imprint baby. When the drawing dries - spread it with glue and sprinkle with salt. After drying the glue - shake the remnants of the bunt.

The baby can decorate such a Christmas tree with felt balls, or balloon balls that roll himself. To give a festive atmosphere, the bump can be painted in advance in green, apply glue on the edges and spray with glitter or salt.

Cut the front part from the sock (it will be a hat) and set aside. Remove the resulting workpiece and make one free edge with a thread. Tell the baby to the resulting bag pour rice (do it more convenient to a spoon). Tie a free edge. With the help of a thread form the body of a snowman and head. Put on the hat and decorate at your request. The baby can tie a snowman scarf.

Snowman with a cereal is not only home decoration, but also a wonderful tactile toy.

Volumetric paints look very unusual and beautiful. And make it very simple. Just mix the shaving foam with PVA glue in proportion 2 to 1. If necessary, you can add liquid dyes.

You are waiting for penguins, snowmen, snowflakes, tuchs with snow, landscapes and Santa Claus. How to make winter crafts to kindergarten?

If you choose the most relevant, winter, images, then it will work much more interesting, and the winter will seem not so severe and boring time of the year.

You can devote to the creation of winter images and thematic lesson in kindergarten. For him, it will be advisable to choose such crafts that can subsequently compose a single composition.

Winter handling "Mittens" in kindergarten

The simplest version of the execution of the crafts "Modezhka" is the applique. Cut the mitten on the child's handle. Decorating her buttons and edge from the wool.

Applique "Mitten"

Application "Mitten" can be made from felt. If you attach a string for it, then we will have an original Christmas decoration.

Applique "Mitten" from felt

In the form of a mittens, a very beautiful winter greeting card. Let everyone be happiness this winter!

Magic Makeup Santa Claus can be made of salted dough. Detailed master class on video:

In the set of winter mittens necessarily make a warm hat. You can decorate it with cotton balls, pompons or stickers with your favorite characters.

Winter crafts "Tuchka with snow"

As an option to decorate the window, the unusual winter suspension is suitable: for example, in the form of a snow flare and falling large snowflakes. Both tuchka, and snowflakes are made from cotton lumps: pressing pieces of wool, tightly till them in a fist until the fist is filled. Opening it, we get neat cotton balls. The portion is glued to the tuchka cardboard circuit, part we ride on the thread. Fix the threads with snowflakes on Tuchka - ready!

It looks original on the pendants openwork snowflakes of white paper.

The suspension can be placed on the wall at a suitable place - for example, in the corner where the future exhibition of winter exhibits is being prepared.

Look at the video how to make a fabulous craft "Winter window":

Winter handling "Snowman"

The most popular winter exhibit will be, of course. It can be created from a variety of materials. For example, having stuffed with cotton balls half a transparent plastic bottle, we get a snowman's head. We stick to the toy eyes, felt triangular nose-carrot, black circles - with coals, put the contours of the mouth - and now it's already ready to face. We put on the head a hat from a warm white sock, felt scarf - and our snowman is ready to take place at the exhibition.

And as desktop souvenirs are snowing from cardboard bushings from toilet paper. Coloring them in white, stick off buttons, toy eyes and small felt spouts - carrots, wearing scarves from the braid - and now the snowmen acquire a characteristic appearance. The highlight for them will be hats - headphones made of fluffy pumps and slices of cinema (fluffy) wire.

Very interesting, snowmen of cardboard rolls look.

If there are several cups from pop root and disposable plastic spoons, you can make a whole family of snowmen.

You can make snowmen and a more traditional way - for example, in the form of appliqué. A beautiful applique can be made from ordinary cotton discs.

Applique "Snowman" from cotton disks

Use cotton balls and felt pieces to work - and appliqué will be original and interesting.

Application can be supplemented with glue snowflakes.

From the wool and transparent cells under the testicles you can make a beautiful bulky snowman. Cut from a transparent tray from under the testicles of three sections. We make two such blanks. We glue them between themselves, stinging the gap between them. We glue a hat, scarf, buttons and pens-sticks. We will have a very original winter decoration.

If you have unpaired white socks - make a snowman of them. Put the sock rice and tie it up at the top. Tinging the sock in the middle and we close the gum with a ribbon-scarf. From the blue sock make a snowman cap.

Snowman can be made of colored paper and disposable plates.

Charming Christmas decoration "Snowman" is obtained from a conventional light bulb. Color the light bulb, we glue the pens and a bow of the braid on it.

Snowman can be loosened from plasticine.

A real winter picture "Family of Snowmen" is obtained from white gloves. Cut your fingers from the gloves and glue them to the main background - we will have small snowmen. Decorating snowmen with ribbon - scarves. Glit eyes and spouts.

Picture "Snowmen" from gloves

From plastic bottles you can make very beautiful snowmen to decorate the premises of the kindergarten. Lighting luminaires are highlighted with garlands.

Crafts with winter sports. Slices of wool can be put on the basis for any craft - for example, an improvised rink. Add a pair of paper Christmas trees and a paper girl-figure skater to it - and get a full-fledged winter composition.

Very natural rink will turn out of foil and wool.

From paper and wooden sticks from ice cream, charming skates are obtained.

Craft "Skates"

Winter Crafts "Penguin"

No less popular than a snowman, another winter character - Penguin. Penguin can be made from cardboard packaging from eggs.

A cute soft penguin can be made in appliqué techniques using paper and cotton wool.

Winter Applique "Penguin"

From the paper plate, you can make a craft in the form of a sports haze with pompon. Cut half plates, decorate snowflakes and another suitable ornament, and pompon form from cotton balls - ready!

Winter Craft "Polar Bear"

One of your favorite winter crafts is a polar bear. Funny white bear is obtained from threads wound on the cardboard sleeve.

The original way to make a white bear is to make it from pumps.

Skillful needlewomen can sew a beautiful polar bear. How to do this watch on video:

Winter crafts from cones

Interesting winter handicraft - skier from a cone. For its manufacture, we will need painted in the white color of the bump, pieces of felt, from which we will make mittens, scarves and a hat, as well as a felt ball (can be replaced with a foam, wooden or made of any other material).

The glued cardboard cone becomes a good basis for winter beauty - Christmas trees.

Very bright cozy craft - Christmas basket made of cones.

Winter handwriter with her hands

A very beautiful Christmas tree is obtained from Foamyran. In order to make such a Christmas tree, cut the Foamiran on the strips and make cuts on one edge. Heat strips on the iron - they will be slightly curved. Curved strips are glued to a cardboard cone with a glue gun.

New Year's Christmas tree can be made of ribbons or organza. It turns out a very spectacular winter handicraft.

A charming winter Christmas tree can be sewed from felt.

Green macaronins can be glued to the cardboard cone. Tips decorate sequins and glue bells and ribbon bows. We have a very original Christmas tree.

Very beautiful winter souvenir - Topiciary Christmas tree. The basis of this craft is the foam, which we turn around the foil and singe the copper wire. Wrap a cone yarn and decorate beads. We stick to the cone two strips of bilateral scotch - it will fix the string.

Winter Craft "Fir Topiary"

Winter crafts Snowflakes

Very interesting snowflakes are obtained from thin strips of plasticine.

Very beautiful and gentle snowflake can be done with a glue gun. We need a snowflake pattern on paper on which we will apply hot glue. When the glue freeze, we will paint the snowflake into white and sprinkle with sparkles.

Very beautiful New Year's snowflake can be glued from Macaroni. The snowflake is painted in white and sprinkled by a semi.

Amazing Beauty Gentle Winter Crafts is a snowflake-ballerina. Cut out the regular snowflake from the paper and dress on a paper silhouette of the ballerina. We bind to the pile of ballerina a string and hang graceful winter decoration on the chandelier, a Christmas tree or a window.

Look at the video how to make a bulk snowflake from paper:

If you want to make a little magic into your room, then an adorable Christmas pattern is obtained from ordinary paper snowflakes on the window.

Another exercise, which is probably useful to you in the winter - Christmas Angel. This angel can be easily made from openwork napkins or just beautiful white paper. Head made from beads.

Winter snaps "bullfinch"

One of the most beloved winter crafts is a bullfinch bird. The bullfight stays with us during the harsh winter and inspires us with his bright plumage. The easiest way to make a beautiful bullfight can be in the appliqué technique.

Winter Applique "Snegir"

Very spectacular winter craft "Snegir" can be made of colored yarn.

Winter handling "Snegir of threads"

Winter houses and cities

On the subject of winter you can make a very spectacular composition. All elements of the composition are attached on a cardboard basis. The house made boxes from the milk. Figures made of papier mache and wool.

Composition "Winter Tale"

Look at the video how to make a beautiful winter house of plastic bottle:

Winter drawings in kindergarten

The most popular winter drawing is snowflakes.

Winter drawing "Snowflakes"

Drawings in an unusual technique - as it is impossible a more appropriate idea for winter crafts. For example, the children really like to draw pictures with white shames, and then show contours with watercolor paints. Thus, you can create winter landscapes or characters - for example, snowmen. Winter landscapes performed by shallow and manifested watercolor are very beautiful.

Surely many want to draw a magic beautiful winter!

Figure "Winter"

Draw splashes snowfall.

A handsome bullfight can be drawn on the winter landscape or postcard.

Figure "Snegir"

Thoroughly draw all parts of birds and berries rowan.

Improving several listed ideas, it is easy to turn any room to real winter kingdom.

How to make a snowman, New Year's Eve, Blind, Sinets and Snegire, Rowan, Penguin, Grandfather Frost with Snow Maiden and other funny winter crafts, in all details are told in the publications of this section on Maam. The number of artistic art techniques and materials for crafts presented here simply cannot be given any calculation.

Polytend on leisure these pages. We hope that they will become a source of inspiration and new ideas for you for creative studies with children. And step-by-step master classes and stories of colleagues about their finds - useful help in work.

Reflect the winter in artistic work together with Maam!

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