Gorgeous wedding gift. How to choose wedding gifts for newlyweds: ideas for the best wedding presents

"Every gift, even the smallest one, becomes a great gift if you give it with love."
D. Walcot

All of us in our lives had to think, and sometimes more than once, about what gift to choose for a wedding for young people. And in general, to give a gift or money? And often this question most of us, with very rare exceptions, baffles.

True, at first this question causes a very active work of the brain, and only then a little irritation, since we cannot get the desired answer from this work. Young people begin to ask questions, what?, but is this necessary?, or maybe this? Etc.

The newlyweds, in turn, shrug their shoulders, or give the already classic answer: "Money! Better is money!

If you think about it, then you begin to remember that most of the newlyweds at the end of the wedding, most of the money diverges, dissolves, in general, simply disappears without having time to materialize into certain, quite real things. Over time, many newlyweds even forget how much money they were given for the wedding. Although this issue at the time of donation, believe me, is a very important factor, and not only for the bride and groom.

As a result, photos, video frames and, at best, a thing donated by one of the Grandmothers or Aunts remain in memory of the wedding celebration. And believe me, it is this wedding gift from Auntie, Uncle or Grandmother that will just settle in the house of the young, either forever, or for a very long time. And it will even help out the young at some points, although at first glance such things are not considered valuable.

One of the main advantages of a wedding gift for newlyweds will be their personal impressions, and later memories with a touch of nostalgia in their voice. And do not believe that money is more important. Young, they are young for that, so as not to think at that moment. Better think for yourself.

In fact, if you think about it, all this makes up a fairly significant amount of information, and very, very pleasant, and in all respects positive. And if we exclude from the wedding celebration such a moment as the receipt and subsequent “opening” of a huge number of wedding gifts, the bride and groom deprive themselves of another joy from the wedding. After all, how often in childhood we dream that we would simply be overwhelmed with gifts, and we would unpack and unpack them all. In my opinion, it is the wedding that gives young people such a chance, which I think should not be missed.

My friends asked all the invited guests to donate money for the wedding, which the very executive guests did not hesitate at all and did. The young people had a very clear and well-thought-out list of what exactly they wanted to later buy with this money donated to them for the wedding. And everything you wanted, oddly enough, was from the section "everything in the house, everything in the house."

However, after receiving the money in their hands, they miraculously “evaporated” from them, and what was required in the house was never bought. True, then the young people were lucky, at work, in honor of their celebration, they gave out a separate award. And here this money was spent strictly for its intended purpose and everything to the penny. Young people still remember what exactly they bought, although at first glance they bought quite ordinary things, such as dishes, a mattress, because there was nothing to sleep on (they rented an apartment), a camera, a chest of drawers, since they simply had nowhere to sleep fold things.

And there are actually a great many examples of how young people spend the donated money, since often they simply do not know how to properly manage the budget at the beginning of family relations. (Of course, I'm not talking about everyone, there are very, very rational young people who will give odds to our Grandmothers too).

Another friend, having learned that I am writing an article about wedding gifts, with burning eyes, she talked about the impression that the gifts given to them for the wedding made on her. She talked about how after the end of the wedding, having arrived home and, taking off only her shoes and the overskirt from the wedding dress, she unpacked everything received as a gift of midnight, and her newly-minted husband very actively helped her in this. And during this whole process, she was already mentally arranging and laying out the unpacked things. Among the wedding gifts there were also “understudy gifts”, but she was not at all upset, saying that things are not eternal, one will break, the other is in stock and, so to speak, “there is, does not ask.” And although 15 years have already passed since the wedding day, and she already has two grown-up daughters, for her that moment has still remained incomparable, a truly indelible impression for life.

Now, many young couples, adopting the experience of other countries, in order to get what they really need as a gift and not burden relatives and friends, make lists of what they want to see as a wedding gift. The invitees look through the list and check the box next to what they want to give and Voila!

If you want to give something to the newlyweds, but you don’t have a wishlist, and you don’t see where to start “search” for the right gift for the wedding, then before you think about it, you should do a little analysis of the young couple. Such an analysis may well lead you to the fact that you can really give money to the young. Or maybe so, that you decide to give some kind of wedding gift that is useful for this particular couple.

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So, the first item is their current well-being and potential opportunities. In accordance with this, all young couples can be divided into three categories:

- those couples who, after the wedding, will live with their parents, and, as practice shows, they are in the majority. Accordingly, in the near future they will not need some things, so to speak, of common use (pans, a washing machine, a refrigerator, etc.).

- couples who will live in a separate apartment, which is owned or rented by the young. In this case, they need almost everything, down to the smallest detail (grater, ladle, soap dish).

- couples who, in addition to the apartment, also have a complete environment in it, that is, young people who, at the time of the wedding, no longer need anything. Here it is quite difficult to surprise, and indeed to present such a couple with at least some kind of wedding gift they need. But even in this situation, with a little imagination, you can easily come up with a couple of options.

The second point is the interests of the young. You can also use them to cut off and add some types of gifts for the wedding. I mean what they like to do in life, so to speak a hobby. Maybe they like outdoor activities or do some kind of sport.

The third point, it includes the tastes of a young couple. This means that the selection of gifts for the wedding follows the principle of "appreciate, not appreciate." There are people who love something voluminous, big, bright, and for them it is not necessary that this thing be expensive. There are those who, for example, will be presented with an expensive tea pair from England, and they will really be happy with such a wedding gift.

By the way, if you want to give some thing as a gift, but it is very expensive for you, find yourself like-minded people (this can be a group of friends, relatives). Together you will be able to afford to present as a gift a thing more valuable and expensive than if you give wedding gifts separately.

The wedding gifts themselves, which may well be suitable for any young couple, can be conditionally divided into groups:


It is believed that household appliances, like all kitchen utensils, are a gift for a woman. But if you think about it, these things are created not only to facilitate work, but also for entertainment. In fact, everyone enjoys the benefits of these things, and with great pleasure. Below I will give specific examples.

TV. Some of the guests gave a TV to a friend of mine at the wedding, although most of those invited gave money. So, it still stands at their house, and although it is outdated, they are not yet able to buy a new one, and as they themselves say, “there is no special need, because it works.”

Also a good gift for a wedding is a DVD player, in addition to it, you can give discs with romantic films, “karaoke”.

A refrigerator, of course, is an expensive gift, but it is so necessary, and absolutely everyone cannot live without it. As I suggested above, pooling is a perfectly feasible wedding gift.

Microwave oven, the most wonderful invention of mankind, without which almost no house can do without it. It was a gift at the wedding of my friends, bulky, still Soviet-made, not carrying all the functions that current models have. When they turned it on (at that time living in a communal apartment), then all the neighbors ran to her buzz to find out if something had happened. And, nevertheless, she faithfully served them for many years, having already moved from a communal apartment to a separate one, and they threw her out only when she herself broke down.

A washing machine, a vacuum cleaner - these things are simply necessary for those couples who will live separately from their parents.

A coffee maker, coffee grinder, at first glance, not so necessary items for young people, but meanwhile they are very pleasant things, perhaps, for almost every one of us.

Camera. What is not a wonderful wedding gift for a young family, so that they capture all the best moments in their lives, especially if the young are going on a honeymoon trip.

Iron. An acquaintance told me that he gave the young people a good iron for the wedding, so each time they reported how they use it wonderfully, saying that none of the guests had thought of such an elementary, but as it turned out, necessary thing.

Dishes. For most people, things of this kind seem banal and uninteresting, but we can well make sure that they come to the court when they are young, and every time they use it, they remember us. It is not necessary to overwhelm the young with simple dishes, but in huge quantities, they will successfully do this themselves, but if you donate something that the young are unlikely to fork out on their own, and believe me, there are a lot of such things, then I’m sure that your gift will take its rightful place in the house.

Table, tea, coffee sets, no matter how we deny them, but beautiful, stylish items are always nice to see on the table, and not only when guests come to the house.

It can be expensive tea pairs.

Crystal glasses, or from expensive glass, such as Bohemian.

A set of baking utensils, pans, pots, all these items, if of high quality, are quite expensive and good wedding gifts. After all, rarely any of the housewives can afford to buy a frying pan for 2000 tr. (conditional sum), or a set of pots for five thousand.

In the end, if young people are fond of newfangled trends, then a set of dishes for sushi, rolls, or a fondue set may well come up as a gift. Such wedding gifts may be accompanied by additional gifts, such as books on the subject, CDs, etc.

Cutlery is also an integral part of any kitchen, but if you do not want to donate simple knives and forks, you can give, for example, silver teaspoons for young people, or some other beautiful items.

Interior things. With such gifts, the situation is, of course, more complicated, since it is quite difficult to guess, or to assume whether this or that thing will be needed in the house, as is the case with dishes and household appliances. But still, even here you can give no less wonderful gifts that will always come in handy. For example, such as:

A photo album, because after the wedding, young people always need it. But you can give not only a wedding album, but also a simple one, but very beautiful and expensive, which young people are unlikely to be able to afford.

Photo frame.

Today there are a great many of them, which cannot but rejoice, so you can pick up for every taste and for any reason. This is still a fashionable electronic frame that contains a huge number of photos, actually representing a mini-album. And wedding frames, originally and stylishly designed. And family, in which you can insert several photos. Quite interesting is the variety of such a frame in the form of a family tree, where you can insert up to 12 photos, both of yourself and your relatives.

Textile. Just like dishes and household appliances are considered an outdated type of wedding gift. But as I said above, it is not necessary to give simple, ordinary things, which become abundant in every house over time, because a wedding is a very unusual holiday that requires unusual gifts.

For example, good bed linen, silk, or simply quite high quality and expensive. I think that it is unlikely that anyone will refuse this and say that this is a worthless gift for a wedding, and even those who have lived with each other for 20 years.

Blanket, pillows. You can also be original and donate, for example, special orthopedic pillows, or with some unusual filler, such as buckwheat shell, or some kind of grass. The blanket can also be of different composition, price and quality (from camel wool, sheep, newfangled from bamboo fiber).

Carpet. My parents still have a real wool carpet at home, which they gave as a wedding present, and what is most interesting is that its location is not going to change.

A plaid, for example, from llama wool, merino, is also a chic wedding gift, and most importantly, practical.

Wedding gifts for young people who love outdoor activities, or who are going on a trip:

Suitcase for a picnic.

A tent, if you like to go out into nature, you can beat by saying that you are giving a 2-4 room apartment.

A suitcase, or a travel bag with a guidebook inside for the country that young people are going to, or dream of, visiting.

An inflatable mattress is quite a wonderful gift for a wedding for those who will live separately and at first will not be able to purchase a sofa or bed, or if young people really like to receive guests. There is another option for using the mattress - this is, of course, field trips. You can swim on it during the day and sleep at night.

Unusual wedding gifts.

As mentioned above, this kind of gifts are suitable for young people who no longer need anything, or if you want to give young people some interesting, non-standard wedding gift.

It can be diving for two, especially before a trip to the sea.

Pay for a professional photo session for young people, so to speak, to create a family portfolio.

Shared SPA.

A parachute jump for two is, of course, for fans of extreme sports, as I have already said, when choosing a gift, you should think about whether this gift is suitable for this particular couple.

The origin of the surname is now common, written in antique form in the form of an unfolded scroll, or on the skin and inserted into a beautiful frame.

If young people have a good sense of humor, then aprons with a pattern of the torso of Adam and Eve may well be suitable for a gift, on the one hand it’s funny, on the other hand it also has a practical meaning.

Gift certificates.

If you still don’t like anything out of all of the above, or what comes to mind, or you doubt how exactly the “kettle, iron, hair dryer” that young people want to see at home should look like, then in this case there is an amazing option is a Gift Certificate. To date, most stores have introduced this kind of service, which helps out a huge number of people.

These can be certificates for stores such as a furniture store, a hardware store, for those who plan to equip their “nest” after the wedding.

Sports, where young people can buy gifts for two, such as skis, bicycles, skates, roller skates, etc. things.

A certificate to the "Children's Store" will not be superfluous if the young are expecting an addition.

You can simply pay for the subsequent printing of photographs after the wedding in some photo center, which, be sure, will not fail to take advantage of the young.

Wedding gifts are money. If your choice still fell on the monetary form of a gift, then it is simply necessary that it be presented in an unusual form. This is done so that your wedding gift, even though it is money, will be noticed by both young people and guests and arouse no less interest than other gifts.

For example, the entire amount can be invested in a piggy bank and giving, express your wish about what exactly you are giving money for.

You can give money in a rolled-up three-liter jar, saying that you are giving young people your own “bank”.

You can build a money tree with the appropriate pieces of paper instead of leaves, or you can buy a living plant and again screw bills onto it.

I can offer another option - this is a glazed frame, and there, for example, 50 euros (this is a conditional amount) and a signature, which is only in case of emergency to break the glass. I assure you that this wedding gift will be kept by the young for at least a short period of time.

Maybe, after reading all of the above, you will get even more confused when choosing a gift, or maybe vice versa, you will choose “exactly the same”. And perhaps, based on the article, you will come up with your own, incomparable option, which may well become a good example for other guests at other weddings. Everything can be, but the main thing when choosing a gift for a wedding is the mood and desire with which you do it. Indeed, sometimes we are given things that seem to be good and necessary, but either they quickly break down, or the “soul” does not belong to them, because they were most likely acquired hastily, according to the principle “just to get rid of it”. But if you are in a completely different mood and really want to make a gift that is pleasant in all respects to the young, then the most inexpensive, but from a practical point of view, valuable gift presented by you will serve the young faithfully, because it is made, as they say in people, with all my heart.

Create, do, do! Irina Kravchuk.

A wedding for a couple is an ocean of tenderness, a sea of ​​passion and magical dreams that never end! And you can't argue with that. But for parents, relatives, friends and invitees, this day is an opportunity to express their feelings, emotions and with the help of a gift. But what to give to the newlyweds for the wedding? So I want to move away from the classics and customs, to present something important, meaningful, necessary and, of course, creative. Here are the options, and they are endless!

Gift ideas from parents

Parents are the closest people in the world. They know their adult child very well and wish him only the best. More precisely, both of them, the resulting pair. And therefore, they are not only worried about the marriage being held at the level, making the dreams of the young come true, but also about a special gift.

A great idea performed by dad and mom, other relatives can be an inexpensive gift, presented from the heart. And the most important thing here is the feelings of the young, who know and understand how parents try to conquer, charm and delight their couple!

Relatives can present:
In a word, parents do not stint on a useful and expensive gift. But the original and, at the same time, a fantasy wedding gift can be expected from relatives and friends. On this day, not only the groom's younger sister, but also the best bridesmaid will want to present an interesting mini-gift. Your wedding day is the best day for it!

Gifts from friends and relatives

Thinking about what gift to present to a friend for a wedding, many want to split in two, so that "both smart and beautiful." Probably, important wedding gifts are still the prerogative of parents, and something kind, cheerful, bright can be presented to the witness and the whole company of friends. The main thing is memorable! And then the ordeals begin, it is impossible to fork.

A great way out is to get your best friends together and discuss the delivery, having studied the list of alleged gifts. In this case, everyone will be able to choose the gift that he likes. And in the aggregate, young people will receive a significant monetary surprise, comic symbolic gifts, and those that will represent a dream come true. Cool, isn't it?!

Cute gifts for conservatives who keep up with the times

Attention! When choosing a gift for the young, preference should be given to trusted TMs, brands, and companies. So everyone can buy not only a quality item as a gift, but also get a guarantee. There will be nothing to worry about, and the newlyweds will definitely be satisfied!

This is how you can congratulate the young to those who do not recognize funny gifts or expensive trifles.

A little humor and soul - as an addition to the main present

And innovative friends can take a different path and make sure that their gifts leave an eternal and good memory. Non-standard and cool will look:

Gifts intended purely for him or her will look cool and funny.

In addition to the main gift, young people are given an “auxiliary kit” for family life.


  • a seedling of any tree (for better effect, you can give out a weed with a root);
  • constructor or brick (as building materials for the house);
  • a head of cabbage (as a hint that babies are found in cabbage).
And for the young wife:
  • the first present is a watering can (she will have to take care of her husband's seedling until he grows up);
  • the second - a set of rags (to clean the house that the husband will stand);
  • the third - sliders and a nipple (to feed and nurse a baby).

Money as a classic of the genre with an unusual presentation

Gift money is the most common option. And all because it has a number of undeniable advantages. This is also an opportunity to acquire what a young family needs, and afford the vacation that they dreamed of, and postpone it in order to fulfill the dream of the whole family in the future.

At the same time, both a friend and a brother will make sure that the money is presented in a unique way, and not just in an envelope or in a chocolate box.

Funding can be:

  1. present in a chest like a treasure. At the same time, banknotes must be placed at the very bottom, and the packaging should be filled with chocolate candies-coins, beads, dry flowers;
  2. packed in a special candy. You can buy it in a souvenir shop or make it yourself. And a dear person, having unfolded it, will see a solid amount !;
  3. bury somewhere near the location of the celebration. And let the young go through a whole quest in search of their gift.
At the time of donating money, you can voice such positive parting words: Of course, happiness is not about money!
And what it is - no one knows ...
But if the money is in hand,
Then this “tone” raises!
I wish that in the family
The wallet was shared
To have money in himself
Collected more.

Let them not buy happiness
But I want to wish you
To be able to spend money
And they were able to multiply!

To the kind white stork
I brought you a child,
We give what is in the envelope,
For pacifiers and diapers!
There are many adventures in life
Both funny and sad.
Let there be no life without money
And rustling cabbage!
We give you a gift
From longing and boredom.
Let these finances warm
Young hands!

And video ideas:

When choosing a symbolic, practical or creative gift, you should think carefully about what idea and meaning you want to convey with it. Think and ... listen to your own heart! More is not needed!

Briefly about the important, or without forgetting about the packaging

It's good to get a cool gift! But it is even better to receive a unique gift in the original packaging, which itself will be a fabulous miracle.

The best idea is to have a professional help you select a box, basket or other item to pack. But cardboard isn't everything. It is important to pay attention to:

  • design paper. Monochrome or multicolored colors - everything will depend on your personal preference, as well as the style and color scheme of the celebration;
  • decorative elements. It can be an inscription, chipboards and cuttings symbolizing a special day;
  • decorations in the form of ribbons, fresh flowers.

In a word, packaging should fascinate and attract attention, arouse interest. This is how you can charm the young, who will open your gift, presented from the bottom of their hearts, with trepidation and tenderness.

A wedding is a beautiful and exciting event. What holiday is complete without gifts?

A wedding gift should be relevant and memorable. Usually for a wedding they give something that is useful in life together - money, household appliances, household items, dishes. But in order to surprise the newlyweds, you can present an unusual gift that will bring a storm of emotions, and which they will remember for a long time to come.

Here are original ideas that can be an independent gift or an addition to the main one.

What to give for a wedding?

1. A bouquet of money

Money is the best and most common wedding gift. If you don’t want to present them in the classic way in an envelope or postcard, then you should make a bouquet of money. Flowers from beautifully twisted banknotes will make a splash and delight the heroes of the occasion.

2. What to give for a wedding - something that remains in memory for a lifetime - Impression!

Horseback riding, hot air ballooning, tickets to a concert of your favorite band, joint painting lessons and much more - knowing about the interests of the couple, you can give exactly what they like for the wedding.

3. Travel

Abroad or an excursion to a beautiful place that is a few hours drive from home - this is determined only by the budget that the guest can allocate for a gift. Such a surprise will undoubtedly be the most striking and unforgettable.

4. Portrait of the young

A hand-drawn picture, a friendly cartoon, or a large canvas with a photo of the newlyweds is a wonderful gift for a wedding. This present will decorate your home and cause a storm of positive emotions.

5. Photo shoot for a couple

A great idea for a wedding gift, especially if the newlyweds love to be photographed. Spouses will remember such a gift for a long time, looking through wonderful photos.

6. Wedding photo album

A necessary thing, because after the wedding there will be a lot of pictures. And if it is also made or decorated by hand, with the names of the bride and groom and the date of the wedding, then there is no price for it.

7. Cast of hands

An interesting idea for a wedding gift is a set of special plaster and a mold that allows you to make a cast of two hands. It looks very touching and romantic. And the resulting own masterpiece will become an individual home decor.

8. Romantic figurine

A wonderful addition to a monetary gift is an unusual romantic figurine, symbolizing two figures or a bride and groom. It will become a reminder of the wedding and of who gave it.

9. Wedding dress box

A good gift idea for a bride is a large wedding dress box. So that after the holiday it is stored in a decent place, and not gathering dust on a hanger. True beauty should be packaged in a beautiful box. The bride will appreciate such a practical and unusual approach.

Paired t-shirts, pillows, sets of towels, bathrobes, a double umbrella, mittens for lovers - will be a cute reminder of your feelings for each other. Such a present can be made unique by ordering an embroidered monogram of the first letters of the names of the bride and groom or their common surname.

11. Dolls of the bride and groom

You can order miniature copies of the bride and groom from puppeteers - they will be exactly like the heroes of the celebration and will make an indelible impression.

12. Pedigree book

A great gift idea, especially if the newlyweds are interested in the history of their family. Such books can be filled in together, pasted photographs and learn new things about the history of your kind and the family of your soul mate. When the newlyweds fill them, they will tell about the past of the family and become a real value for their children.

13. Personal gifts

A magazine about a couple, a glass heart with a photo, a lock with an engraving and the names of the bride and groom - personalized gifts are always highly appreciated, because they were not just bought, but efforts were made to make them unique or made just for you.

14. Creative gift

An option for talented and creative guests. A gift in the form of a song, a verse specially designed for the couple or a painted picture will be a warm and unforgettable reminder of the solemn day. Such a gift will be a very pleasant surprise for a young couple.

15. Barrel of honey

To make the gift memorable, you can present a small barrel of honey or a barrel with a cash gift. And at the same time to wish for a honeymoon to eat all the honey and spend all the money. All guests and, of course, the bride and groom will appreciate the originality and sense of humor.

What to give for a wedding is a matter of taste and when going to a celebration, you should think about what to give and how to arrange it. But the main thing in the gift is the sincerity of the giver and the wish of happiness and long years to the married couple.

To date, money is a universal gift that is presented to newlyweds. But to make everything look beautiful, it is worth choosing a special way, how to give money for the wedding in an original way. This may seem like a rather difficult task, because there are many different options. We will share great ideas that you can use when preparing a gift for the newlyweds.

Method number 1 - Collage of money for newlyweds travelers

For newlyweds who love to travel, you can prepare a special surprise. Create a kind of collage of the currencies of different countries of the world, the more there are, the better. It is not at all necessary to have only large bills (you can use several solid ones, for example, 100 euros or 100 dollars), the main thing for a collage is variety.

With such an original gift, you will definitely surprise the newlyweds. In addition, read the congratulations in poetic form, because the poems for the gift (wedding money) will be the perfect complement. Mention that young people now need to visit all the countries of the world whose banknotes are in your gift.

Method number 2 - Present under glass

You can present cash gifts for a wedding in another, no less interesting way - in a frame, for this you need a photo frame. You need to hand it over with the words: “Now you have such a glass, breaking it, you will instantly solve material problems and find happiness again.” We wanted to give you a picture,
But they thought - suddenly there is?
Then there were arguments about the car ...
And the offers of all do not count!

Decided - enough questions from us,
Tired of thinking
And we give this money simply,
So that you can choose everything!

Method number 3 - Humorous surprise "Careless guest"

Presenting a gift is better to play it interesting so that everyone remembers it. Take a large box, decorate it festively using bows and ribbons, and place glass jars in the middle. Heading towards the newlyweds, the guest must, as it were, accidentally stumble and fall so that the box effectively flies out of his hands, and its contents break with a characteristic ringing.

The donor quickly rises, apologizes for the incident and says that the box has instructions (an envelope with a cash gift), which he hands to the couple. A similar surprise prepared for the wedding of the newlyweds will be remembered by everyone without exception.

Method number 4 - Money composition

Approach the preparation of the gift creatively, be able to beautifully and correctly present a wedding gift with money.

An excellent option would be a money picture. Take a large photo frame, place banknotes under the glass (preferably randomly). Above each bill, sign the destination, for example, “for a diaper for a baby”, “for a gift to his wife”, “for a fifteenth wedding anniversary”, “for a beer for her husband”.

Method number 5 - Unusual umbrella

Another way to give money is to give an umbrella with money. Use an ordinary umbrella, put inside banknotes that are tied on threads. As a musical arrangement, the refrain of a song about the weather in the house can act. At the end, open an umbrella over the newlyweds, thus symbolizing a simple solution to financial problems.

Method number 6 - Money balls

Of the proposed methods, you have not yet chosen the option of how beautifully to give money for a wedding? We will offer you a few more ideas - a gift within a gift. How to make it? Yes, it's very simple: cover a large box with gift paper, then pack balloons with helium and money into it. When the present is opened, the packed balloons fly out, each of them has a tied surprise for the newlyweds - banknotes. This is how you can give money in an original way.

Method number 7 - Decorative cake

Everything is not right? Then see how else it is unusual to give money for a wedding. Then, by the day of the wedding, make a money cake, young people will definitely like it.

How to do:

  • Prepare a round cardboard base.
  • Now carefully roll the bills into a tube, then lay them out in three rows.
  • Next, the “layers” need to be tied with a ribbon, and decorate the cake with flowers (think about the design in advance). The donated craft will undoubtedly surprise and delight. Do not forget to say congratulatory words when handing over. You can prepare such a surprise for your sister, girlfriend or friends.
On a note: In the same way, you can make a ship.

A detailed description of the creation of a wedding decorative cake is presented in the video tutorial.

Or give a “money cake with wishes”!

  1. Journey to the sea (you can additionally put small seashells in a piece of cake);
  2. Prosperity and abundance (here we put the most important gift - money);
  3. sweet daughter (you can put tiny baby booties, socks or a pink pacifier);
  4. Four sons (here you can place 4 key chains depicting: a soccer ball, a basketball ball, a tennis ball, an American football ball);
  5. Good luck (you can put lottery tickets here);
  6. love (candle in the shape of a heart);
  7. health (vitamins from the pharmacy);
  8. Sweet life (sweets, you can fill the whole box with M&M's);
  9. Many true friends (write phone numbers of mutual friends and laminate; or make a paper garland of people);
  10. Lots of energy and vivacity (put energizer batteries in);
  11. Merry family holidays (pipe with a spinning tube, balloons, confetti, serpentine);
  12. Golden wedding (50 years) Diamond wedding (60 years) (image of an ingot or Swarovski stones).

When all the pieces of the cake are filled, put them on a tray or wooden plate (sold in Ikea) and tie with a satin ribbon so that they do not move apart. Place the plate itself in a transparent gift bag and tie it with a huge bow.

Method number 8 - Money in the bank

Various gifts are presented at the wedding, but there are very few funny presents. If the newlyweds have a good sense of humor, prepare them money in the bank. It's best to do everything yourself. The procedure is very simple:
  • Roll each bill into a tube, then tie a thread around the banknote, tie it.
  • Put everything in a jar, you can add large coins.
  • Now cover the jar with a beautiful piece of fabric with embossed edges, tie it with a rope. You can decorate such a surprise with an original label with a cut out heart. It seems that this is the most original option among the many ideas that involve a cash gift.
  • At the end, decorate the jar with a cabbage sticker. Presenting a jar, in addition to the banal “congratulations”, you can say a beautiful poem. Give it special significance with solemn intonation.
We invite you to choose from any of the options below.

I give you a bank!
It's for storage
Or maybe jam!

Let your household
She'll come in handy.
And won't break
And it won't get dusty!

Accept a present
Such a modest one.
Just a jar
But this is from the heart!

Of course, happiness is not about money!
And what it is - no one knows ...
But if the money is in hand,
Then this “tone” raises!
This gift is perfect.
And it is universal for everyone,
Take money as a gift
And buy what you want.

Or save carefully
And multiply them a hundredfold
Maybe even 1000 times
We will be happy only for you!

Method number 9 - Gift passbook

Here is another option for how fun it is to give money for a wedding: make a passbook.
How to create:
  • To do this, you need to take envelopes, place a bill inside each, and then seal it.
  • Now, on the front of each envelope, make an inscription - the purpose of the contribution.
  • After that, create a cover from cardboard and sign: “Savings book”.
  • Place the envelope inside the cover and sew. This is a great wedding gift from parents.
To make the gift more vivid and original, write humorous rhymes on each “leaf” of the passbook, something like the ones below.

1. Although your happiness is not in money,
But you can't live without them
We decided to start
Give you a passbook.

2. An account has been opened for you in Sberbank,
the interest on the contribution will go big!
We will invest a lot of money, a little,
But in the bank your money will turn into capital!

And each envelope has its own text:

Don't waste money in vain
Buy furniture wisely
To stand for hundreds of years
Never wear out.

Take it to the passbook
What's up for the kids
For diapers, panties
And for other needs.

To you, (name of the bride), for outfits,
For sweets, for lipsticks.
Spend money wisely
Only my husband no gu-gu.

You to dance, to the cinema,
On the button accordion and on the background
We also provided
You have not spared money.

Buy a car later
We think you'll be lucky
To not lose her
We put it forward in the garage.

On Hawaiian cigars
For good wine...
Even though they put it in an envelope,
Sorry for the money anyway.

If a dark day has come
That's for this case
Open the envelope last
And don't torture yourself.

(Name of the groom), on love cupids
And on the broads on the side
You do not expect banknotes from us,
Instead of money - figs to you!

Leave the last envelope blank!

Method number 10 - Money carpet

It is not at all difficult to make such a gift yourself. We offer a good idea that can be easily implemented - make a wedding money carpet.

How to do:

  • Place the banknotes inside the transparent files, fasten them all together to make a large square.
  • In the middle, you can place several photos that are included in the couple's joint photo album (choose cool photos for the wedding).
  • Sew a ribbon around the perimeter of the carpet, its design will become much more interesting.
We were thinking, guessing,
The microwave oven was chosen for you,
Then the food processor
To have a great design
And then they decided: no!
Let them go on a cruise
Wherever they like
We would be happy to send them
To Turkey or to the Emirates.
Let them walk in the open
Only the money needs the sea!
But we're safe here.
Fabulous gin was contacted!

He was asked for help
And now we received the package (get the box)
We don't know what the genie sent
With everyone, we open the parcel (get the carpet and unfold it).
Ah, what a fashionable gift,
The carpet of money is excellent!
If spread over the shoulders
He will warm your soul (depict).
And if you take a camera,
You won’t find a better nature (staging a photo shoot in front of the carpet).
Against the background of this carpet
You can shoot until the morning!

Our gift is very beautiful
We give you this exclusive.
Only a mole so as not to eat
Let's spray it quickly
Young, glasses in hand
For a gift on this day!

Method number 11 - Brick

Take a brick, then attach a banknote to it. If desired, you can decorate the brick with ribbons. It must be presented with the words:

"Brick is an excellent harmonizer of your relationship!",
“A good brick is an excellent tool for resolving conflict situations!”,
“Whoever has a brick in his hands is right!”

Such a present looks unusual and interesting.

Method number 12 - Well-wrapped gift

Put the bills inside a beautiful envelope, put it in a bag, then in a small box, then in a larger box, and so on. Give a present in a box, a small chest can also be used. Attach a note containing the following words:

“Money is not easy to get in our life, but you can definitely handle it!”.

Method number 13 - Present "Help"

As you know, every man must complete three important things in his life, help in these endeavors. To raise a son, for example, put a dummy to build your own house - a brick with a ribbon, to plant a tree - an ornamental tree.

Such a present is symbolic, the newlyweds will appreciate it.

Method number 14 - "Ten" or "Sotochka"

You can give banknotes not one at a time, but, for example, a dozen or a hundred, while pronouncing certain words. Presenting a gift in a playful way with poems, you will definitely be sure that the newlyweds will remember it.

Read an example verse here...

We give you a hundred for free,
Sotka for kindly letting me in.
We put a hundred on a transparent stocking,
Sotochku from us in income tax,
A hundred for a glass
Weave - for two (let it make a little noise in my head),
We'll give you a hundred as a surprise.

Weave you on linen from Versace,
And we will give this hundred to the dacha -
There you will walk in underwear from Versace,
And look like Cleopatra herself.

Take a hundred for a cream from "Max Factor"
Sotka for clarity in the housing issue,
A hundred to go to a restaurant
And this one to put in your pocket.

A hundred for our joint friendship
One hundred for something you really need to drink!

Method number 15 - "Bablomet"

To donate money for a wedding with a joke, take note of the next option - “bablomet”. For manufacturing, you will need a shovel or a broom, attach banknotes and coins to them and hand them over with the following poetic words:

Such a shovel can become a symbol of the financial well-being of a young family.

Bablomet - The unit is multifunctional!

If rubbish lives in the house
And the dust lurks in the corners -
The ubiquitous "loot thrower"
This is where you will need it!

If on the street in the morning
unbearable heat
And the sweat is pouring down
Your salvation is Bablomet!

Kohl in the house "roll the ball",
And there's no gas in the car
Get on the "bablomet"
And rush to the store!

And when Saturday comes
flood the bathhouse
And in the steam room "loot thrower",
Of course, grab it.
He is sick of any and infection
It will drive away from the body immediately!

Method number 16 - Money house

For its "construction" you will need to take a beautiful box, which will act as a foundation. Roll the bills into a tube, then fasten them with paper clips, two banknotes will need to be folded into a triangular attic. The wall will be supported by chopsticks for sushi. Assemble the whole structure - you get a wonderful house.

Method number 17 - Chocolate with a surprise

If the newlyweds have a sweet tooth, then give them chocolate with a surprise. Remove the packaging from a regular tile, leaving the foil. Make a festive decoration of a treat with the names of the newlyweds and the date of marriage, wrap the tile. Place banknotes under the package.

Method number 18 - Thermos

Get a metal thermos and engrave the couple's names on it, it's best if it comes with cups made of the same metal. Place your cash gift under the lid and give it to the young.

Although, at first glance, such a present may seem simple, it looks quite original. Do not hesitate, the thermos will be used for its intended purpose and every time you drink hot tea or coffee, it will remind the couple of the solemn day and, in fact, of the donor himself.

Video bonuses

The video instruction below will help you create a great gift - candy with money inside.

Another video will show how to pack money in cabbage. Take note of these gift making options, because everything is done very simply.

A wedding is a solemn and exciting event, so prepare a bright and memorable gift for the newlyweds, with which you will maintain a special cheerful atmosphere, and the holiday will go off with a bang.

Dream up, take into account the preferences of the couple and create your own present that will amaze with originality and a special appearance. Unusual jokes and extraordinary ideas will amuse not only the newlyweds, but also the guests. Give your excellent mood, spend the holiday bright and unforgettable!

A wedding is a significant event for young people and an exciting mini-journey for invited guests into the world of love and, of course, gifts. After all, it is with the choice of a gift for the bride and groom that the preparation of the guest for this great celebration begins. What to give for a wedding to young people, original and inexpensive? We give 13 cool ideas!

1. Wall clock in the shape of a heart

They say lovers don't watch the clock. This is especially true for couples who have just united in marriage. But already from the first days of living together, I want to create a family corner with a special interior. The original heart-shaped watch will be an appropriate and interesting inexpensive gift for young people. The hands will count down the days until the next anniversary, and the shape of the watch will always remind you of the love that filled the couple's hearts on their wedding day.

The cost of such watches is on average from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

At first glance, such a gift may seem too simple. However, its originality and unusualness will impress even the most modern newlyweds. The calendar is designed for 365 days, each of them is presented in the form of a heart covered with a protective layer - every day the couple has to remove it with a coin and perform the action that is hidden there. For example, it could be a kiss or a hug. In addition to positive emotions and excitement received from such a “lottery”, lovers will be able to get even closer and feel happiness from the first year of marriage. By the way, such a calendar can be given at least for every wedding anniversary - may the passion of your friends never subside!

The price is only 700 rubles.

Marriage is an opportunity to forever unite the hearts of loving people, for whom true happiness is falling asleep and waking up together. And a special joy is a surprise in the form of breakfast in bed. To do this, the newlyweds will need a special table that will allow you to maintain a romantic mood and please your loved one with a delicious treat. Pleasant wishes and words of love depicted on such a present will be another reason for joy. You can also develop an individual design that will make the gift special.

The cost of such a presentation is within 2,000 rubles.

4. Cozy housekeeper

This accessory will not only competently complement the interior of any hallway, but will also bring a special cozy atmosphere into it, with its design daily reminding the couple of the feelings that reign in their home. By the way, the hooks can be used for both keys and outerwear.

A nice housekeeper will cost from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles.

Who does not dream of discovering the boundless expanses of the world around them? This is especially true for young couples who are just starting their life together and want to fill it with emotions and impressions. The “Travel” piggy bank is a kind of symbol that all roads are open to the newlyweds. The original look of this interior detail cannot but please - it will perfectly fit into any style.

The price is only 800 rubles.

6. Love mugs

When lovers get married, they kind of become one. Small details that testify to such unity are always pleasant and bring only positive emotions. A delightful gift for a wedding will be a set of cute mugs - the same lovers as the bride and groom. This paired set with lids, spoons and dispensers will be a daily reminder of a significant event. The present will not only make the house more comfortable, but will also be very useful.

A set of two mugs with lids and spoons in the kit will cost about 1,000 rubles.

When choosing a gift for a wedding, it is always important to be guided by the benefits of one or another option. After all, it is the things that are suitable for frequent use that will cause the greatest gratitude, regardless of their cost. A modern electric crepe maker is just such a gift - very original and useful, and also a little symbolic. This present will please the young for many years.

The cost is about 2,000 rubles.

By entering into marriage, the couple does not just create a “new cell in society” - from that moment on, the lovers form the roots of a family tree that will have many branches and its own history. Therefore, the newlyweds will definitely be delighted with the family chronicle, stylized as a medieval book. There they will be able to paste their photos and describe the most important stages of their life together. This gift will be a wonderful memory for many decades.

The cost of such books starts from 1,500 rubles and can reach several tens of thousands for an exclusive version, for example, in a cover made of precious wood.

9. Sushi set for two

One of the most enjoyable moments of family life is a delicious joint dinner, and many couples love to experiment with cuisines from around the world. A sushi set is a universal gift option, because Japanese culture has long won the hearts of millions of Russians. Such a gift will give the newlyweds the opportunity to spend many pleasant evenings. Elegant design and high functionality make this a perfect gift.

The cost of a sushi set for two varies from 1,200 to 2,000 rubles.

10. Wooden folder for marriage certificate

A marriage certificate is one of the main symbols of the wedding, and any couple wants to keep it carefully. Therefore, the newlyweds will definitely be delighted with the original wooden folder for the certificate. A personalized cover with the date of the wedding is a gift that will demonstrate care for loved ones. Needless to say about the benefits of such a presentation. By the way, you can vary the engraving by choosing different fonts for names and drawings to your taste or in the style of the wedding.

The original cover for a marriage certificate will cost from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles and more, depending on the design.

11. Animal pillow

Choosing a gift for the young, you always want to find something original, special. And even if your present is purely decorative, the main thing is that it brings joy to the couple and is a wonderful memory. An animal pillow or just a cute pillow with an embroidered face will be a wonderful addition to any interior. An important point: if you decide to present such a gift to the young for a wedding, buy two pillows in the same style at once - let everyone have their own pillow for hugging when you want warmth, and the other half is not around.

The price will depend on the size and design - from 500 rubles and above.

12. Light 3D

The lamp is always a very special and symbolic gift, because it clearly demonstrates the desire to add light to the happy married life of the newlyweds. There are many variations of this presentation. One of the most modern and creative is the 3D lamp. Made in the shape of a heart or in the form of swans, such a gift will always please the eye and immerse any room in pleasant subdued lighting. Ideal for creating a romantic mood!

Price - on average from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.