Terms of payment of a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child. What documents need to be prepared? Analyzes at discharge from the hospital. Why apply to the chest in the delivery room

The probability of conception after childbirth is of interest mainly to those who are in no hurry to immediately acquire the next after the birth of one child. However, there are (although much less often) other situations: parents want the difference between children to be as small as possible; unfortunately, tragic circumstances occur (for example, artificially induced premature birth due to severe fetal deformity or a high risk to the life of the mother). Regardless of the reasons for which you are interested in the likelihood of conception after childbirth, it is useful first of all to understand what happens to the ovarian-menstrual cycle of a woman in the postpartum period.

Even during pregnancy, the pituitary gland of a woman begins to actively produce the hormone prolactin, which prepares the mammary glands for lactation, stimulates lactation and at the same time suppresses ovulation. At the moment when the baby suckles the breast, the secretion of prolactin intensifies, and as the time between feedings increases, it falls. As a rule, while a woman is breastfeeding only, prolactin completely suppresses ovulation - lactational amenorrhea occurs (absence of menstruation during breastfeeding). However, there are, and often, cases when, with quite sufficient lactation, the menstrual cycle is restored relatively quickly.

Concerning the probability of conception, the following can be stated.

When can you get pregnant after giving birth?

Firstly, it is almost impossible to establish any patterns in the timing of the restoration of the ability to conceive. That is, of course, it is known that breastfeeding causes a delay in ovulation, but it is impossible to accurately predict the time of the first postpartum ovulation. The timing of the resumption of ovulation after childbirth is very individual. Moreover, they can be different in the same woman after different births, so you should not rely on your previous experience in this matter. The main indicator of ovulation recovery is the first postpartum menstruation. Non-breastfeeding women begin menstruation earlier than breastfeeding women. It is known that the earliest ovulation was registered on the fourth week after childbirth in non-lactating women and on the seventh week in lactating women. In order not to miss the first postpartum ovulation, it is recommended to use a temperature test1. Start measuring basal temperature for lactating women from the 6th week after childbirth, and for non-nursing women from the 4th: in order not to miss the moment of its increase, indicating ovulation.

Second, anovulatory cycles (i.e. menstruation without ovulation) may occur after the return of menses.

Thirdly, the absence of menstruation does not mean at all that a woman cannot conceive a child. The fact is that the moment of conception may fall just in the middle of a newly restored cycle.

It is noticed that at the onset of the next pregnancy, the child often refuses mother's milk. It is assumed that one of the mechanisms of the child's refusal to breastfeed in this situation is the following. At the moment when the baby begins to breastfeed, the mother reflexively releases the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates the contraction of smooth muscles. This leads to a reduction in the terminal ducts of the mammary gland (milk is, as it were, "injected" into the child's mouth). At the same time, the muscles of the uterus also contract. This is very useful after childbirth, but in the case of a new pregnancy, an increase in the tone of the uterus can lead to a miscarriage. Therefore, apparently, at the onset of the next pregnancy, the secretion of oxytocin is suppressed, and it becomes unusually difficult for the child to suckle. In addition, under the influence of hormonal changes in the body that accompany the onset of pregnancy, the taste of milk may change. However, there is no natural connection between the refusal of the child to breastfeed and re-pregnancy.

How long does it take to recover after childbirth

Modern medicine claims that for the complete recovery of the female body after childbirth, the interval between childbirth and the next pregnancy should be at least two years, although, of course, this should be considered more of a recommendation than an immutable rule: many women have safely given birth and give birth to children of the same age.

Mom, don't rush. How long should I wait before planning my next pregnancy?

Agree, if there are certain WHO medical recommendations on the interval between births, then it was not without reason that they were developed and written? In addition, unfortunately, not all women who want to have a bunch of children can be called practically healthy. For them, a certain period of break between children is far from the last thing.

Why is the term measured: what should be the interval between pregnancies?

From the point of view of physiology, nothing prevents a healthy woman from becoming pregnant again literally immediately after childbirth (as you know, lactation does not prevent this at all). Often this is how it happens, and weathers are born - brothers and sisters with a difference of only a year or so. If the mother is healthy, the previous pregnancy went well, then everything will most likely go smoothly this time.

Although, probably, there are very few parents who consciously plan exactly the weather. Because, having barely given life to one baby, immediately carrying the next one is far from being a lifting burden for all modern women (and their husbands). And the reasons do not always lie in the fatigue of the body after a recent birth. The fact is that both physically and psychologically the female body at this time is not yet fully adapted to external life. A woman who has given birth, together with a child, has been in a rather closed system "mother - child" for a long time. All the forces and feelings of a woman are directed to the baby, for whom, in turn, the whole world is concentrated for a long time in one single person - mother. This relationship continues as long as the baby is breastfed, which means at least a year or two.

Officially, doctors believe that the optimal interval between births should be at least two years. Note that this is the period between childbirth, that is, before the next conception and pregnancy, the body needs to rest for a little more than a year. A number of anatomical, biochemical, hormonal and other studies served as the basis for such medical recommendations. According to doctors, the body must be given at least a year and a half (before conception) in order to finally restore the work of all organs, the vascular system, blood flow, and return to normal hormonal levels.

All the will of God?

It is quite natural that women who intend to endure a certain period of time and how to recover properly need to be protected. However, there are many in Russia who do not do this for fundamental, most often religious, reasons. Some of these women are already experiencing their sixth or seventh birth by the age of 25. Unfortunately, almost all of them are at risk. In practice, this means the threat of bleeding during childbirth and the postpartum period, the development of diseases such as anemia, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis of the lower extremities and external genital organs (since the veins that are at the same level with the inferior vena cava experience constant compression syndrome).

Due to the short break between pregnancies, the uterus does not have time to build up the necessary basal layer, to which the placenta should normally attach. As a result, fetoplacental insufficiency, or impaired blood flow between the placenta and the baby, is formed. Children born to such mothers are often prone to malnutrition (growth retardation in the womb and low birth weight).

And all these problems are caused by one thing - insufficiently sustained period between births. After all, even if an absolutely healthy body is not given rest, at some point it will not be possible to avoid violations. Someone may object that earlier children were born one after another, without thinking about the timing. In general, it was believed: if a woman is able to become pregnant immediately after childbirth, this is normal. Let it be. However, it is also known that not all children survived, and many were born weakened. It would seem that in our days certain hopes are inspired by the progress of medicine. But on the other hand, the ecological situation and living conditions leave much to be desired. All this does not make a person healthier.

What questions need to be addressed before re-pregnancy

Of course, plans to expand the family are a purely personal matter. And yet, the recommendations of doctors should not be neglected. They are usually based on how your first pregnancy went. When making predictions for the future, doctors always take into account the difficulties that a woman faced the previous time. Perhaps the patient suffers from a general disease. In this case, they need to be eliminated and only then think about a new pregnancy. If serious anomalies have affected labor activity, it is necessary to carefully understand the reasons. Women who have undergone surgery during childbirth are automatically at risk. For them, there is a certain order of mandatory examinations. It also applies to those who suffer from chronic somatic diseases, blood diseases (clotting disorders, chronic anemia). Patients with nephropathy require special attention. Against the background of this disease, in the last trimester of pregnancy, pressure rises significantly, edema and adverse changes in the urine appear. If a woman is not cured, or at least has not undergone the necessary examination, her new pregnancy will be more difficult than the previous time. Old sores inevitably pile up on the problems of the new. And of course, it is better to get rid of them before the onset of the next pregnancy.

When to wait before planning another pregnancy

When preparing to become a mother again, a woman with a Rh-negative affiliation should be especially careful. It is not uncommon for the first child to be born with a positive Rh factor. And doctors do not conduct the necessary examinations, in the first 24 hours after childbirth they do not administer the anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin necessary in this situation. The consequences of such mistakes are quite serious. Firstly, antibodies that enter the child's body through mother's milk can cause serious changes in the nervous system, up to nuclear jaundice. Secondly, if antibodies are detected already during the next pregnancy, it is necessary to induce artificial labor ahead of time so as not to aggravate the situation.

With a caesarean section, doctors recommend keeping at least 2-2.5 years, in order to then conceive and carry the next child normally. Whether the mother will be able to give birth naturally this time depends on the reason for which the caesarean was performed. It's one thing if a woman had a large fetus, foot presentation, or the weight of the fetus did not match the size of the mother's pelvis. In this case, after passing the necessary examinations, she can give birth herself. If we are talking about diseases in which it is impossible to independently endure such a load as childbirth (indications of a neurologist, traumatologist or ophthalmologist), then it will not be possible to avoid a second operation. It is clear that chronic diseases of the spine, an obliquely displaced pelvis or a fracture of the spine will not get better for the next birth.

Extensive ruptures of the cervix that occur during childbirth also limit a woman's desire to become pregnant again as soon as possible. In this situation, cervical plastic surgery and an appropriate adaptation period are necessary. In addition, in this case, natural childbirth is impossible. The only thing left is a caesarean section.

With multiple pregnancy, the uterus of a healthy woman returns to normal at the same time as during normal childbirth. However, according to the observations of doctors, mothers of twins do not soon decide on a second birth. They have a lot of workload.

If a woman has suffered diseases such as syphilis and hepatitis, then several years should pass between the present and future births.

The golden mean: the optimal break between pregnancies

The break between births should not be too long. After all, when a woman decides to have a baby 15-20 years after the first birth, it is hard for both doctors and her. Over time, as a rule, sores appear in the form of an infection, inflammatory processes in the appendages, often fibroids, and mastopathy. Often, abortions are added to this. Age cannot be discounted. The woman has become older, which means that in addition to medical problems, psychological ones also arise.

After so much time, they decide on a second baby, as a rule, for the sake of a new husband. It is fair to assume that a woman is tormented by questions throughout her pregnancy: how will the stepfather treat the first child, and the eldest child - to the newborn, etc. A woman is often forced to resort to the help of a psychologist.

Of course, it is better to stick to the golden mean. However, it is quite obvious that you need to prepare and plan for a new pregnancy in the same way as the previous one. Again, you will have to take the same tests and undergo all the necessary examinations.

By the way, in schools for future parents you can often meet experienced mothers who decided to have another baby in our difficult time. They want to do well this time as well.

Elena Petrovna Ozimkovskaya, chief physician of the maternity hospital

Usually, the message of a new pregnancy literally a few months after the birth takes place for a woman a real shock. As a rule, a second pregnancy almost immediately after the previous one is unplanned, young mothers are often absolutely sure that such a “development of events” option is simply excluded. Moreover, for a long time it was believed that supposedly a new pregnancy in a short time after childbirth is impossible if the mother is breastfeeding the baby and she does not have menstruation in this regard. This is partly true, moreover, new studies by modern scientists show that conception can occur literally 3-4 weeks after childbirth, even against the background of the absence of menstruation and during the lactation period. Therefore, young parents need to approach the issue of resuming sexual life very responsibly - after childbirth, a woman simply needs to recover, and the newborn baby now needs care and attention as much as possible, which means that it is better to postpone the next pregnancy before the due date.

The answer is stunning - in less than a month: doctors officially declare that a new pregnancy may well overtake a "newly made" woman in labor as early as 3-4 weeks after the birth of a child. On average, the first two weeks after childbirth, a woman continues postpartum discharge from the vagina: the process of self-cleaning of the uterus takes place. And for this period, and for some time after the end of the discharge, experts recommend generally refraining from sexual contact - the woman's body needs recovery: now the reproductive system of the woman in labor is very vulnerable to infections. According to and in the case of thoughts about the resumption of sexual life, doctors strongly advise you to first be examined by a gynecologist - the doctor will assess the degree of restoration of the reproductive system and advise the most appropriate method of contraception.

The opinion that a new pregnancy is impossible against the background of the absence of menstruation is erroneous: the first ovulation after childbirth can occur long before the onset of menstruation. Thus, a second pregnancy becomes a reality, in addition, a woman may not even know about its onset for some time due to the absence of “classic” pregnancy symptoms.

Nor does such an “alternative” method of protection as breastfeeding give a guarantee. From many young ladies, one can hear the opinion that the lactation period and the amenorrhea associated with it (lack of menstruation) is an obstacle to a new conception. This is partly true, but only partly. The fact is that the method of "lactational amenorrhea" only works if the mother feeds the child according to a certain pattern and does not give the baby supplementary feeding. This method works only if the woman in labor puts the baby to the breast regularly and every feeding - once every 3 hours and once at night, with a break between day and night feeding no more than 6 hours. The effectiveness of the "lactational amenorrhea" method is estimated at about 97% - and only if all the necessary conditions are met. Otherwise, even a nursing mother, if she gives the baby supplementary feeding and feeds him on schedule, and not on demand, without additional contraception, risks being pregnant again during the lactation period.

When to plan a new pregnancy?

According to the recommendations of doctors, the interval between the previous and subsequent pregnancy should be at least 1.5-2 years. Even after 6-8 months, and even a year after giving birth, a new pregnancy poses a certain danger. During the time of bearing a child, the body experienced tremendous stress, and if pregnancy occurs soon after childbirth, the risk of miscarriage, the development of various diseases in a woman, and the risk of premature birth are significantly increased. If the delivery was carried out by caesarean section, then the interval between pregnancies increases even more - the next child should be planned no earlier than in 2-2.5 years: the scar on the uterus should fully heal, and the female body should fully recover.

Some women are able to breastfeed a child for quite a long time - even when he is a year old or more. You should not rush into pregnancy while the lactation process lasts: against the background of the onset of conception, milk usually either disappears or its amount decreases significantly. Another option is possible - breast milk, under the influence of hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, changes its taste so much that the child simply refuses to breastfeed. But, if, nevertheless, pregnancy occurred during the lactation period, the baby does not refuse breastfeeding, doctors advise nevertheless to wean him from the breast. And because new pregnancy is associated with new burdens on the body, and in connection with the development of exposure to the nipple, which causes uterine contractions and increases the risk of abortion.

New pregnancy - it's better not to rush

A small child during the first year of life is in dire need of mother's affection, parental care and care. After the birth of the baby, a strong bond is established between the baby and the mother, a certain system of interaction "mother-child" is developed. A new pregnancy in a short time immediately after childbirth is not only an incredible burden on the female body that has not yet grown stronger, but also a factor that can disrupt the optimal system of interaction between mother and baby. Now he needs full-fledged care and every minute attention, and mom needs time to recover and fully understand motherhood and the responsibility associated with it.

It is not for nothing that people say: "Who is in a hurry - he makes people laugh." And in the case of a second pregnancy almost immediately after childbirth, this laughter, most likely, will not be joyful at all, but bitter. Therefore, do not neglect the advice of specialists, and upon completion of postpartum discharge, on the eve of the resumption of intimate life, it is better to visit a doctor. Together with a gynecologist, a woman will be able to choose the best contraceptive option, which will prevent an unwanted pregnancy at this stage and allow her to return to her husband's arms. Fortunately, the choice of contraceptives that can be used after the birth of a child is very large: from “traditional” condoms to the uterine spiral.

Especially for Tatyana Agamakova

Pregnancy is the ideal time for the flowering of the feminine in any woman. A pregnant woman is always beautiful. Personally, I am against abortion, but for family planning. It allows you to foresee a lot, and avoid unpleasant moments during the bearing of a child and in the first time after his birth.

Planning allows you to carefully prepare for replenishment in the family. If it already has one child, most spouses sooner or later have the question of when to go for the second. Society demands one thing, one's own inner voice suggests the second, doctors' opinions express the third. How to navigate a woman? First of all, the psychological and physiological factors of the spouses' readiness for the birth of another baby are important. Let's weigh everything together.

Medical factors

The reproductive function of a woman, as you know, is restored immediately after the end of breastfeeding, and it happens that before (hence the considerable number of unplanned pregnancies!). World Health Organization experts have calculated that A woman needs at least 30 months to fully recover from a normal birth. During this time, the muscular tissue of the walls of the uterus and the hormonal background are restored. Pregnancy, which occurred after 12 months after childbirth, according to doctors, is too early, because the woman's body is still fairly exhausted.

Pregnancy that occurs at this time can be problematic, and the consequences for the health of the baby can be negative. If the uterine tissues have not fully recovered, miscarriage is possible, and the risk of miscarriages in the early stages increases. Uteroplacental blood flow can be seriously affected, which means that the risk of fetal hypoxia increases significantly. During pregnancy, which occurred before the woman's body has recovered, there may be problems with the attachment of the location of the placenta. There is a high risk of giving birth to a small fetus and the occurrence of anemia in pregnant women.

If the first child was born by caesarean section, the doctor recommends a three-year break. Pregnancy that occurs earlier than this period can lead to uterine rupture along the scar, and this is a direct threat to the woman's life and an almost one hundred percent probability of fetal death against the background of uterine divergence along the scar and internal bleeding.

When planning a second pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination for the viability of the scar. It should not have niches, refinements. The parameters are determined by ultrasound. The thickness of the scar itself does not mean anything. As doctors assure, scars - both thick and thin, are torn equally quickly.

I carried my youngest son with a uterine scar only 6 mm thick. Initially, not a single doctor believed in the success of this event in the early stages. All 9 months I was supported by the understanding of the main thing - the scar was wealthy. It is also difficult to judge the number of caesarean sections. Official medicine assures that it is safe to endure and give birth surgically to two babies.

Optimistic doctors calmly look at the third pregnancy after two caesarean. My personal experience is four caesarean sections. Without complications. With big and healthy kids. I read somewhere that doctors can perform up to seven operations, but this was practiced only in Western clinics. Russian maternity hospitals treat the third caesarean with caution. What can we say about the next!

A second pregnancy will require special attention if the first birth was by caesarean section.

If a lot of time has passed after the first birth, it is difficult for a woman to decide on a second pregnancy. And given that the first birth now often occurs at 30 years old, the second often falls on 35-40 years. At this age, the main difficulty lies not even in the difficulty of bearing a child, but in the ability to simply conceive it, since the reproductive function of a woman (fertility level), starting from the age of 35, is rapidly fading away. A woman's ovaries develop their resource gradually, there are less and less eggs in them, and not every cycle is already accompanied by ovulation. In addition, at this age, the lady has already acquired chronic diseases that can have a negative impact on the bearing of the fetus and the process of childbirth.

However, the modern level of medicine allows a woman to endure and give birth to a completely healthy child even at the age of 45. And screening studies conducted by all pregnant women make it possible to establish with a very high degree of probability the risks of giving birth to a child with genetic pathologies. Methods of invasive diagnostics only refine this result up to 99.9%.

In late pregnancy, believe me, there are many advantages. A woman is more calm, she is confident in her future and already knows how to deal with babies. It is difficult to knock her out of her usual rhythm with life's difficulties, and, as a rule, she already knows exactly what she wants from life.

The general rule: if a woman is healthy, feels good, then problems with conceiving and bearing a child should not arise either at 30 or at 45 years old.

If a woman after 30 feels full of strength, energy and health, then there can be no contraindications for a second pregnancy.

Psychological aspects

Consider the age difference between children. The optimal difference is 5-6 years.

A number of psychologists believe that the weather is easier to find a common language, and there is a great deal of truth in this. But the one-year-old baby is still in dire need of knowledge of the world, and he intends to do this through a familiar communication channel - constant contact with his mother. He needs to show and tell everything, explain and interpret. Everything that happens around, he associates primarily with his mother. It can be difficult for a parent to give the right amount of attention and time to both the first child - the explorer of the world, and the second - the baby, who physiologically needs the constant presence of the mother.

The weather usually does not make a difference between themselves, they have the same daily routine, the same toys. Often they, like twins, say "we" instead of "I". On the one hand, it is easier for a mother, on the other hand, it is much more difficult, because each of the babies can get sick, and then it will be almost impossible to share personal time between the crumbs.

Two year olds are extremely jealous, and can very painfully accept the fact that a brother or sister is born in their life. Reasonable arguments of adults about a future family member in their 2 years old are not yet able to fully accept and realize. He has emotions that are still hard to put into words. Therefore, the strong stress that the baby will receive when a brother or sister appears accumulates inside the baby and can cause serious psychological disorders.

Three-year-olds, and this is the age of the first age crisis, are generally quite irreconcilable. They already know how to compete uncompromisingly and fiercely for the attention of their mother and father. If grandmothers come to help in care and upbringing, this only complicates the situation - the first baby - the three-year-old begins to clearly feel like the second. This is unacceptable for him.

Children at the age of 4 can already adequately understand the significance of a significant event that happened in the family. They are already able to take care and the issue of mother's belonging to someone is already closed for them - they know for sure that their parents love and appreciate them.

From the age of five and older, children perfectly understand causal relationships, and are able to correctly understand your explanations about the imminent appearance of a second child in the family. However, the greater the difference, the stronger the younger baby will perceive a brother or sister as another parent. Yes, and joint leisure for children, if it is, it will by no means become interesting for both. The guys have very different interests.

My opinion on this matter is unequivocal - you can’t turn an older child into a nanny for a baby. It is one thing to provide one-time assistance: to give powder or bring a pacifier, it is another thing to instruct the child to occupy almost all the leisure time of the youngest.

The older child should have his own life. He has a right to it. Consider his interests when planning the birth of a second or subsequent baby.

In the following video, you will hear about the most common mistakes parents make when they decide to have a second child.

How to inform an older child about pregnancy?

In any case, it is necessary to inform the first child about the upcoming appearance of a brother or sister. It is criminal to keep silent about the reasons why the mother's belly has noticeably rounded. The kid, regardless of age, is already a full member of the family, and must remain so, no matter what happens. In a conversation, the child needs to present information about the upcoming replenishment in an extremely positive way. Emphasize how great it is to be the elder and take care of the baby!

How to help an older child accept a second baby?

  • Combine two things. While feeding the younger child, you can tell fairy tales to the older one. You can ask an older child to help with the housework: load diapers into the washing machine, for example. My son (3 years old) loves to wash diapers with me, and is happy to serve baby cream and clean diapers. The older toddler feels needed and important, almost an adult man. Don't let him get older!
  • Don't shame your older child if for some reason he allows open manifestations of jealousy towards the baby. Do not appeal to his conscience - it is useless.
  • Do not force the elder to show love and care towards the younger. Brotherly and sisterly feelings always come. But not always exactly at the time when you need it. Understand that everything happens in a timely manner.

In the next video, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky considers questions about the first child's jealousy of the newborn.

When is the second child to be born?

There is no exact timeline for the birth of a second child. It's up to you to decide. If you feel your physical and psychological readiness for the birth of another baby, go ahead and with a song! Consider your financial options. Create a "safety cushion" as much as possible. And remember, if God gave a child, He will give a child too! I never understood how this truth "works", but it really works, and there are always funds for a crumb.

The decision to have a second child should be made taking into account the psychological climate in the family.

Remember that never a child strengthened marriages that are on the verge of collapse. The opinion that another child will unite the family is wrong from the very beginning. If you really want a second child, and there are conflicts and difficulties in the family, go for it, because a woman's biological clock is ticking every year! But be prepared that you will have to educate him alone.

Be sure to watch the next program, in which psychologist Natalia Kholodenko, using examples, tells how to behave in a given situation with two children.

And about what mistakes parents often make, as a result of which children become enemies, see the next video.

How long does it take to transfer maternity capital?

According to Federal Law No. 256, funds are transferred within 30 days after receiving approval for the disposal of state money.

However, verification of documents also lasts 30 days. Another rather complicated process is the submission of documents to the FIU.

If you do not prepare in advance, you can lose a lot of time at this stage.

Considering that an appointment with a specialist is made in 2-3 weeks, you can spend several months on submitting documents.

Depending on the type of use of maternity capital, you will need different documents. Considering that each branch of the Pension Fund has its own requirements for documents, it is recommended to obtain a sample in advance from the branch of the Pension Fund of interest,

Samples typically include statements from the bank on the balance of the mortgage debt and a commitment to allocate children a share in the acquired residential property. You also need to complete the application correctly.

Given that it is filled directly in the specialist's office, it is quite difficult to make a mistake. If you have questions, you can immediately ask what exactly should be written in the column that makes you doubt.

How long does maternity capital take to form?

How long does it take to get maternity capital?

Initially, after receiving the first documents for the second child, you will need to submit documents to the FIU for a certificate.

The queue for obtaining a certificate is small, so you can easily get to a specialist on the same day without an online appointment.

After the submission of documents, which include the mother's and father's passports, marriage certificate, birth certificates of children, mother's SNILS, application, 30 days must pass. Then you can pick up the certificate.

To manage money, you need to contact online service y, since there are quite a lot of people who want to order. You can spend a lot of time and not get to a specialist on the day of treatment without an appointment.

Today, registration is carried out 2-3 weeks before the date of admission.

After submitting the documents, the verification takes 30 days. If you receive a positive result on the disposal of public money, you can count on the transfer to the specified details in the near future.

How long does the transfer take?

If you have received consent to the disposal of federal money, then it is worth checking the availability of maternity capital money on the specified account within a week after receiving the consent.

The maximum term for a transaction, prescribed in Federal Law No. 256, is 30 calendar days.

How long does it take to receive maternity capital? However, money is usually transferred much earlier.

In most cases, the transfer of payment is carried out on the 15-18th day.

In rare cases, they give already in the first week after receiving consent from the FIU for the disposal of mat capital.

How long does it take from the birth of a child to the receipt of funds?

When can maternity capital be used? Today, the law does not spell out the minimum period for the possibility of its use, but the maximum is spelled out. Budget money must be disposed of before the second child reaches 18 years of age. An exception is the use of federal funds for training. In this case, the maximum age is 21 years.

When can maternity capital be used after the birth of a child? You can start collecting documents immediately after the children receive birth certificates and SNILS. This is possible the very next day after discharge from the hospital.

When can you use mat. capital?

Maternity capital - when can you use it?

In most cases, it is possible to dispose of budget money only when the child reaches the age of three.

However, there is an exception. In particular, this money can be used immediately if it is used to pay off a mortgage loan. In this case, children need to allocate shares in the home.

It is important to note that it is possible to use public money only for the needs prescribed in Federal Law No. 256.

If you misuse money, you will be held criminally liable and will be required to return the money to the state in full.

Use it to buy a home

This money can be used to buy a home only when the child is three years old. The exception is mortgage repayment. When can maternity capital be used? Thus, you can get a mortgage and buy a home on a common basis, and then use the state money. In this case, you can either completely pay off the debt, or partially.

It is important to clarify whether the bank where you want to apply for a mortgage loan works with maternity capital. If not, then you will not be able to use it for early redemption.

However, most Russian banks work with the state and allow clients to use maternity capital to close the loan early.

How long to wait before being able to use the mat. capital?

How long does it take to use maternity capital?

It needs to be at least three years old. If you need to buy a home, then you can not wait for this time.

In this case, you need to apply for a mortgage on a common basis and submit the necessary documents to the FIU.

After their verification, which lasts 30 days, the amount will be transferred to the specified details.

After what time can the maternity capital be used? Thus, you can use mat capital immediately after the birth of a child, if you managed to issue a birth certificate and receive SNILS. How long does it take to receive maternity capital?

However, in most cases, you will have to wait at least three years to receive payments from maternity capital and use this money for one of the possible purposes.

The arrival of a baby completely changes the life of a family. Expectant mothers worry about how the birth will go, but you should also think about what will happen after the birth of the baby - how will you care for the child when there are no doctors and nurses around. When it is important to understand what your life will be like in the first days after the birth of the crumbs.

In order not to worry once again, mom should know what to expect. These truths will help you not to panic and "survive" in the first week after childbirth.



  • Even if you feel exhausted, it's important to connect with your child right away.
  • Many doctors immediately after childbirth put the newborn on the mother’s chest so that she can see the baby before she starts to make contact.
  • Start breastfeeding your baby as soon as possible. While you are in the hospital, gain experience in this matter. If something does not work out for you or, you can ask the nurses for help,
  • If you have chosen , you will notice that in the first week of life, the child spends most of the time in your arms. Newborns tend to eat slowly and sometimes take naps between meals.
  • Even if you decide to immediately switch to, it is important to maintain close contact with the baby. When the baby eats from the bottle, hold him in your arms so that he feels safe.
  • Physical contact is very important. Put the baby on your chest, let him listen to the heartbeat. This will make it even better for you to bond with your baby. Especially close contact with the mother is recommended for premature babies or babies with small weight.


  • Get ready for your prenatal routine to be completely changed. In the first week after your baby is born, your life will consist of night feedings, occasional naps, and constant diaper changes.
  • Newborns sleep most of the time, but they can be awake at any time of the day - and even at night. True, some parents manage to do so.
  • A breastfed baby wants to eat every 1.5-2 hours. And crumbs on artificial feeding - every 3-4 hours.
  • The most difficult thing in the first days of a baby's life is to understand his signals. Is he crying because he wants to eat or sleep? What to do when the baby needs to burp? Try to understand these questions.
  • Do not try to create a "correct" and feeding. What mothers and grandmothers advise may not be suitable for your child at all. And trying to force "to behave" "as it should" will only lead to stress. Breastfed babies are best fed on demand.
  • Learn to anticipate your baby's needs and you'll quickly be able to set up a routine that's comfortable for you and your baby.


  • Give yourself time for. Rest more and communicate with the baby. Focus on this, and not on a pile of laundry and lunches and dinners. And delegate household chores to someone from the family.
  • Learn to accept help from others. When friends and family offer help, accept it. But at the same time, feel free to tell people you want to be without prying eyes and ears and let them know when you are ready to receive guests again. It is important for young parents to be alone with the baby, without grandparents. This will give you the opportunity to get used to the fact that you are now a family and learn how to take care of each other.