Become an oriental girl. Oriental men - oriental love

The woman of the East has always been an attractive mystery for our men. She beckoned with her natural beauty, generously emphasized by natural cosmetics, lush and well-groomed body, and ... patience and humility. It is humility that distinguishes our businesslike and sometimes excessively active contemporaries from moon-faced beauties. It is the ability to tacitly agree in everything with your husband that causes our second halves to quietly envy the padishahs and sheikhs. What is she, a woman of the East?

In order to become a real Scheherazade, it turns out that it is important not only to have luxurious long hair, beautiful and delicate skin, but also to have other virtues that are far from being as easily accessible as external beauty. Inner qualities, often hidden from prying eyes, are what we women of the 21st century lack.


An oriental woman willingly and joyfully fulfills all the wishes of her husband. And it should be noted that the whims of a husband are not limited to access to his wife's body 24 hours a day. Husband wants a foot massage - please dear! Demands to talk at 3 o'clock in the morning about something uninteresting to every normal woman - yes, honey, all night long she dreamed about it. What is striking is that the women of the East rejoice at such attention, and their husbands do not demand too much.

If you suggest that a European woman behave this way, then she will most likely look at you with eyes wide open in surprise. It is not customary for us to dissolve our husband like that. Our women have been fighting for equality with men for too long to become servants again. Such a fate, almost every young lady will say, you would not wish even for a slave.


The Eastern woman herself does all the housework, the husband should not participate in this in any way. The husband is the breadwinner and maintainer of the whole family. Therefore, he is very tired - whether he is a shepherd or a sheikh - and in no case is it appropriate to pester him with stupid requests, for example, to take out the trash or vacuum. There is a rational grain in this rule - women do not work in the East, so devoting oneself to home and family is the most logical thing to do.

A modern woman in Europe cannot afford to do housework exclusively. We work exactly the same hours a day as our halves, and earn the same (sometimes more). This order of things is no longer new. I personally know many families where the husband is in charge of the household, and the wife is the “earner”. At the same time, neither he nor she feels any discomfort.


The most important mission of an Eastern woman is the task of giving birth to a son. It is for the sake of the birth of a male successor of the family that marriages are made. The mother takes care of the baby until the age of three, after which the father decides what will be the upbringing of the boy in the future. Girls are not interested in the head of the family, and they remain near their mother until they are married off. In any case, demanding that a husband feed a child, change his diaper, or simply rock him in a cradle is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

Alas, many of our men, following the traditions of the Eastern padishahs, have no idea what their newborn offspring looks like. For them, the baby will become interesting when it will be possible to play football with him, or at least he will be able to say something “human”. But, fortunately, there are daddies who are not afraid to leave with a child for a couple of hours. They say that there are unique fathers who even stay with their children, letting a tired mother go to her friends, or to a beauty salon.


An Eastern woman, going out into the street, carefully hides her beauty so as not to seduce other people's men. She belongs exclusively to her husband, so she is afraid of the attention of others like fire. At home, the wife dresses in beautiful clothes, puts on jewelry, and greets her husband with a joyful smile.

Alas, we forget about this rule. No, of course, I am not campaigning to go to work in a veil! But let's think, do we always look as beautiful at home as at work? As one Eastern woman said: “Why should I seduce other people's men if I have a husband at home?” Perhaps we get tired of high heels all day long, we get tired of office suits and dresses, and our face needs to remove a layer of makeup and give it some air. But this is not a reason to walk around the house in curlers, a dressing gown, or, even worse, in an old tracksuit!


Every self-respecting oriental man leaves a little time for his favorite pastime. His wife should admire her beloved, praise his ability to ride a horse, play football, or shoot monsters on a computer. Hinting that spending four hours in a row on a hobby, and not on a beloved wife, is too much. Such remarks will most likely lead to divorce. And divorce in the East is a delicate matter. It is enough for a husband to shout three times in the square “You are no longer my wife” and the beauty can go to all four directions, and in what she is wearing.

I don’t know how other wives cope, but personally I can’t endure the eternal nirvana of the Internet, into which my husband periodically plunges. Although I myself, in addition to my favorite work, have a hobby, and more than one. No matter how I try to look without irritation at how the only one turns off for several hours, forgetting about sleep, food and other needs, nothing sensible comes out of it. I repent, yell and swear.

What is the result? Probably to each his own. If your chosen one has an enterprising, imperious character, then it will not be difficult to become an oriental meek beauty. But, if your loved one is soft, driven and requires constant guidance, then most likely, Scheherazade will not suit him.

I was, to put it mildly, surprised. But exactly until the moment he brought her to meet. After half an hour of conversation, I myself was ready to marry her, once again refreshing my memory of what they are - oriental women!

Neither my diploma in psychology, nor the experience of family life gave me this ability to “talk” with one smile, and when setting the topic with a couple of phrases, quietly transfer the initiative in a conversation to a man: “Anton will tell now, he tells interestingly! ..” Of course, anyone will become an excellent orator when he is listened to in the way that only the daughters of the East can!

Nothing to do with the stereotype: "Be quiet, woman!" this is not. Asian girls actively participate in conversations - with an interested look, not just one, as it might seem at first, but with some incredible amount of smiles, “correct” questions. They seem to be naturally given all these skills of active listening, which cannot but endear them.

What they're saying

It is interesting not only to take a closer look, but also to listen to how Asian women interact with their husbands in public. It is not clear with whom Eastern women talk about family troubles, but you will not hear complaints about men from their lips. If a partner is nearby, any conversation in general magically turns into praise of a wonderful owner, a caring spouse, a sensitive father (if the couple has children).

With oriental cunning, "in between times" Asian women create a positive image for their man. They are silent, perhaps, only that the best of them go to the best women, right?

The husband is pleased and filled with self-esteem. One gets the impression that in this pair everything is really fine, mostly thanks to him. And if, face to face, these proud, seemingly domineering guys didn’t give out “in secret”: “You won’t spoil with Gulya!” or “Our mother - wow, what a strict!” - we would not have guessed that one eastern humility and desire to please a man is not enough here.

They don't want to take over

The secret of the consent of couples where a woman has oriental roots is to put a thought into a man's head so that he takes it for his own. And then approve his (read, your own!) Intentions and statements. Maybe at one time this was due to the fact that a woman did not have the right to vote. But it is still working so well that it is foolish to abandon tactics just because we have equality here.

What difference does it make how the idea came to him? The main thing is the result that pleases both. And everything works out, because the man got caught - gold. So smart, just think a little out loud, and he has already gone further, he decided, he did everything ... in general, read point number two.

“We all do it! - the women of the Earth will exclaim. “Otherwise, you won’t expect anything from these men!” Shout louder so everyone can hear. And the Asians will keep silent, as if it has nothing to do with them.

They are understandably dressed for men

Asian fashionistas have to balance at the junction of rather strict and patriarchal oriental traditions and European trends.

Questions: "Is this a skirt or a belt?" or “Are you dressed, or have you already undressed?” - definitely excluded, minus one more reason for jealousy and suspicion - exhale, man. And be proud of your woman, who knows how to reveal her beauty, covering, it seems, everything that is possible!

Their hospitality knows no bounds

What? Do aunts with their husbands, children and grandchildren come to visit for a couple of weeks? "Hey, well done!" - the oriental beauty will exclaim. Whereas her European sister, having received such a message, is likely to grab her heart with conflicting emotions.

For Asian housewives, the appearance of a large number of guests in the house is a common thing. Relatives are sacred, friends of the husband are honored guests, a rich table is the honor of the family.

In order to perceive these postulates so naturally, it seems that one must be born and raised in the East, with which I personally, I think, was lucky. Or not to me, but to my husband? Yes, a true Asian would never say that, but I'm just learning.

After all, the listed oriental trends are worthy of being introduced into the rules of a happy family life. For example, I am already experimenting with it with might and main within my family, and a lot is working out, it works.

Of course, I was just lucky with the man. Clever got it, just think a little out loud ...

The beauty of the women of the East from ancient times aroused universal admiration and was sung by poets of all times and peoples. These girls are endowed with a characteristic appearance: expressive large eyes, peach skin tone, flowing black hair. Passionate and tender women are equally beautiful with external beauty and are special in their cultural and social manifestations in accordance with their historical homeland.


Israeli women are rightly considered the most attractive of the Eastern women. The magnetic gaze of brown or green eyes invariably attracts men. Bright even more enhances the impression of feminine charms. Shoes with high heels or soft over the knee boots emphasize the slenderness and grace of women's legs. Representatives of the Jewish people are endowed with courage and a strong character. It is these qualities that help young Israeli women to adequately perform military service in the ranks of the army.

Oriental girls are distinguished by modesty and restraint. In accordance with religious prescriptions, the female body must be hidden from prying eyes by clothing - a hijab. Only a beautiful face remains open, and Oriental beautiful girls are distinguished by chastity and purity, which is emphasized by their attire.

Notable women

A bright representative who dared to challenge society can be considered the German actress Sila Sahin. Turkish by birth, Muslim by religion, Sila took part in a photo shoot for the American Playboy magazine. Photos of a naked beauty caused a mixed reaction from people around the world. But in one opinion, everyone was unanimous: the women of the East rightfully occupy the first place in the lists of world beauties.

A number of well-known names can be attributed to the bright representatives of the Eastern world. Lebanese actress and singer Haifa Wehbe, who was born into a Shia Muslim family, is very popular in the Middle East. Lebanese Dolly Shahin became famous as an actress, singer, dancer, makeup artist and fashion designer. Egyptian singer, actress and model Ruby has become widely known for her participation in erotic films.

Beauties from India

Oriental girls from beautiful India are filled with special charm and femininity. Attract the attention of those around national outfits - saris, characterized by an unusual cut and special lightness. Bright make-up, a lot of jewelry emphasize the beauty, tenderness and originality of Indian women. The eyes of an oriental girl express humility and chastity.

This is how Indian cinema presents its compatriots to the world audience. In real life, they are indeed unusually beautiful, but they do not attach much importance to this circumstance. Difficult living conditions force Indian women to work hard and hard.

"Miss World"

Thanks to the national film studio "Bollywood", many oriental girls-artists glorified their country to the whole world. Actress and fashion model Aishwarya Rai became world famous after winning the Miss World contest in 1994. She has been repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful and sexy girl in the world. Bollywood actress Rekha has become a true legend of modern cinema thanks to many screen roles. Dia Mirza, an Indian with German blood, starred in a number of popular Indian films and won the honorary title of Vice Miss in the Miss India 2000 pageant.


The beauty and mystery of the women of the East are strongly emphasized in cultural manifestations. The dances of oriental girls are filled with a special content based on the folk traditions of a thousand years ago. It was then that the first ritual belly dance appeared, which was dedicated to fertility and sang new life. Girls from a young age were taught this art, pursuing physiological goals. Strong abdominal muscles helped women carry their pregnancies better and eased labor pains.

For many centuries, such dances have undergone many changes, absorbing numerous cultural elements of various dances. The legendary dancer Mata Hari made a great contribution to the cultural development of such dances. Her performances had a pronounced connotation of Indian culture. perform a belly dance that brings together all the best, feminine and graceful movements from dozens of dances of bright oriental cultures.

Folklore costumes differ in their national characteristics. Thanks to Hollywood films, over the past century, oriental dance has gained wide popularity around the world. The design of the dancers' costumes was based on the classical elements of the national attire of various peoples of the East. In general, this is a mix of all kinds of patterns, colors and accessories.

Girls in oriental costumes

Now we will tell you how they dress up before the performance. Oriental girls first put on a bodice, tight-fitting bust and emphasizing the roundness of the forms. Then the belt, which is attached to the femoral part, emphasizing the graceful curve of the hip line.

Instead of this accessory, a patterned scarf can be used. A wide long skirt with high slits on the sides is also worn, which falls down in soft folds. Instead, you can wear bloomers made of bright satin fabric. The costume must be decorated in ethnic style with multi-colored beads, shiny sequins and fringes.

Such an outfit is designed to attract the attention of the audience, to fascinate them and excite them. Oriental dance makes an indelible impression on men, distracting them from everyday life and routine.

The image of an oriental woman is associated with mystery and restraint, as well as with beautiful dark hair, velvety skin and strong nails.

Beauty secrets of oriental women

Oriental beauty is based on ancient recipes, the relevance of which does not weaken: wise oriental women learned all the most important things about self-care a thousand years ago!

Of course, various oils and natural products, spicy aromas and, of course, bath culture are used.

Argan oil

Valuable argan oil is the number one beauty product for Arab women. It has been used since ancient times, but to this day, argan oil does not give up its position.

Girls use it in its pure form without cosmetic additives and not only for hair (we have all heard about this method), but also as a remedy for the face and body. Argan oil is rubbed into the skin not only for smoothness and elasticity, but also for the sake of aroma: the product has a very pleasant spicy smell.

amla extract

Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is very popular in the Middle East and India as a miracle hair remedy. Amla extract can be in powder or in the form of oil (by the way, it can also be found in Russia): the product is simply applied as a mask.

Amla is especially good for the scalp, perhaps Oriental beauties have such thick hair not only due to genetics, but also due to proper care!

If we are talking about amla powder, then it can be added to shampoo and balm to enhance the effect.

Pink water

Rose water is a wonderful facial tonic with a mesmerizing aroma. Women used to use it as their main care, but today this remedy can replace micellar water for you.

In addition, rose water has a calming effect, reduces redness and inflammation. And another secret of oriental beauty - it is best to keep rose water in the refrigerator to refresh the skin even more.


Turmeric powder masks are ingrained in Indian and Pakistani traditions as part of the bride's wedding preparation ritual. Fortunately, you can buy turmeric in any market, which means that you can easily make an Indian bride's mask at home yourself!

To do this, you need 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of rose water and the same amount of milk. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Here is such a beauty secret of oriental women in facial care.


You have probably heard about the coloring properties of henna powder and, perhaps, even experienced it in your own experience. For example, mehendi, henna tattoos, have long gone beyond the Middle East, India and Africa.

Unlike artificial dyes, henna is completely harmless and even useful. We do not call for dyeing hair (however, colorless henna is suitable as a strengthening mask) or getting a tattoo, but henna is just perfect for eyebrow dye!


Citric acid is a natural skin whitener, which is also very refreshing. We most often strive for a tan, but oriental girls, on the contrary, try to whiten their skin by rubbing their faces with lemon juice.

Yes, life is unfair! By the way, there is another common beauty trick of Oriental women: the soft side of the lemon peel can be an excellent scrub if you wipe your face with it.

Mustard seed oil

The history of mustard seed oil is quite controversial: until 2012, food was cooked with this oil in India and the Middle East, but then it was banned in food products due to the high content of harmful erucic acid. But hair is a completely different matter!

For centuries, girls have rubbed in mustard seed oil for growth, conditioning and shine. And it really works! If you want to quickly grow a "braid to the waist", then this tool will definitely come in handy for you.

Natural Wax Halawa

Halawa wax is incredibly popular in Eastern countries. It consists of a mixture of natural oils, paraffin and beeswax, and smells like sandalwood.

This tool is universal: for example, wax can be rubbed into the nails to make them strong and shiny, and can even be used as a deodorant!

Yes, yes, the girls of the East guessed a very, very long time ago that it is possible to fight with sweat in this way. What is most interesting, natural wax is beginning to gain popularity in other countries, replacing the products we are used to.


It is difficult to imagine Eastern culture without a hammam or, as it is also called, a Turkish bath. In fact, hammams originated from Roman baths and are common to this day in the Middle East.

Doctors are sure that these wet baths are really very good for health, and beauties do not miss the opportunity to take a steam bath once again.

Thanks to this, all excess “dirt” leaves the body through the pores, sorry for the frankness, and the skin becomes perfectly smooth. In addition, they always take a natural body scrub with them to the bath, so there is no question of any cellulite!

natural perfumery

Of course, Arab women have access to all perfumes, even the most expensive ones, but natural perfumes based on essential oils with pronounced oriental spicy aromas do not give up their positions.

Jasmine, musk, vanilla, rose, sandalwood - well, how else can you charm an oriental prince, if not with such a flair? Arabic perfumery is oil-based without the use of alcohol, so it is very persistent.

Eastern Nights (Arabian Peninsula)
Harem and aphrodisiacs

In the period from the 10th to the 16th century, various Arabic teachings about love arose: these are the "Book of the Flower" by Ibn Dashud al Zaira, the "Arena for Lovers" by Abu Nasr al Saradi and the "Fragrant Garden" by Sheik al Nafsawi, or, for example, the teachings of Ibn Hazma al Andalusi "The collar of the dove" (the collar is a metaphorical name for the vulva, and the dove for the penis). In the Muslim world, there was no such distinction between soul and flesh as in the Christian one, and the joy of sexual intercourse was closely associated with the pleasure received from food. We will share with you the most exciting recipes:

  • The art of calligraphy The prophets of feelings claim that love and sex caress the soul. And the soul is the body. Fingers speak, and the skin hears - let your lover write with his fingers and lips, dipping the "brush" in rose water or honey, what he wants to do with you.
  • Plucking roses Let your loved one rub the head of his penis against your pubis, and then, when you expose your “purple rose” with your fingers, walk over your labia until you yourself rush towards him.
  • Gift in a box Harem ladies knew: the more clothes a man takes off from them, the longer he will be in anticipation of the upcoming caresses (and at the same time his dignity will increase). To stretch the process of undressing, some women wrapped their bodies with a light transparent cloth, under which a clean-shaven pubis smeared with almond oil was visible.
  • Hair whip Wet hair was driven all over the body of a man or wrapped around his penis. And some craftsmen beat their hair, soaked in rose oil, like rods, on the buttocks and back of their lover.
  • Endurance Exam Ibn Dashud said: "If the beloved loses patience, he will reveal all his secrets." He advised all women to play for time: spend a little on a kiss, then on excruciatingly pleasant caresses without touching the penis, then advised them to tie up their beloved and continue until he groans with pleasure.
  • Hammering nails He sits on the bed with his legs spread wide, and you sit on top of him, connecting your feet behind his back and wrapping your arms around his neck. He holds your buttocks, and you move back and forth at the same time. Thus, it turns out that the excited clitoris is constantly rubbing against his pubic area. The stronger his hands, the longer he will “drive in a nail”.
  • Dinner is served! This advice is taken from the Fragrant Garden teaching: “Your “flower” or its “dove” should be savored like a fruit: a date is savored for a long time before reaching the bone (head). If you try "figs", then caress its end with the tip of your tongue - he will not mind!
Ananga Ranga (North India)
Foreplay and seduction

Anaga Ranga, or "The Boat in the Sea of ​​Love", is the most thorough treatise describing various love techniques, was compiled in 1172 by the Indian poet Kalyan Mala. This detailed sex manual passed from one male hand to another and carried invaluable knowledge that will be useful to your lover!
  • TO chinese bath To increase the sensitivity of your vulva, before foreplay, he immerses his "hero" in warm water with oils (use coconut or ylang-ylang). Add oil to water and mix until a thin oily layer forms on the surface. First, he dips his erect cock in the warming solution, and then pushes it between your labia, constantly touching the clitoris.
  • Wake up the dragon The poet Mala was known as an experienced lover. To awaken the "dragon" in a woman, he advised using the Bhujangavallik technique: in a lying or sitting position, you hold each other by the hair at the back of the head in the place where the spine passes into the head, and pull rhythmically. It has now been scientifically proven that pulling hair on the head has a direct effect on the nerve endings in the hypogastric region.
  • double source This technique will drive you crazy: he touches your vulva and sucks on your nipples at the same time - everything must be done very rhythmically! It is most convenient if he lies down, turning to face you, and starts playing with his tongue with your nipples, and with his fingers, pressing, stimulate your clitoris.

Coca Shastra (India)
Refined and sensual

In the 12th century, when the art of love was a science, the Indian scholar Pandit Kokkoka compiled Koki's Theory of Love. His work in India is as popular as the Kama Sutra, because it contains techniques that are not mentioned in the famous treatise on love. The basis of Koki's teachings was sincere, sensual love and the pleasure derived from trusting humility.

  • Exciting kiss The partner closes the man's eyes with her palm, wanders her tongue over his teeth and sucks his lips.
  • Fivefold Variation Before describing the Limit of Five technique, Koka said: “Pleasure should be like a surging sea”: you need to captivate your lover by kissing every corner of his body, lightly touching him with your lips, like butterfly wings, stroking with the tip of your tongue and lightly sucking. This method is being replaced by a tougher demeanor: exciting biting. Then we soothe the skin again with gentle stroking with the fingertips. As a fourth variation, Koka suggests scratching the buttocks, breasts and thighs, and the final fifth stage is the “twisting” of the head and clitoris.
  • Indrani The goddess of the god of war, Indra, took possession of her lovers by force. When he lies down on you, stretch your legs, squeeze your knees tightly between his thighs and squeeze them. The more he interferes, the tighter you will squeeze him until he repays you in kind, Koka argued.
  • Merging souls Coca suggested "training to walk the path to orgasm in unity with each other." You need to have sex regularly in order to learn how to read the desires of a partner in the eyes. Ask your man to look at you as often as possible and look back without a twinge of conscience. If necessary, take a mirror. Look into his eyes when you give a blowjob and when you finish. This is the pinnacle of reunion!
  • devoted Passionately and with a share of humility: Koka believed that a woman should only substitute her lips, and the man himself moves in her at will. Modern version: squat down with your back to the wall. He rests his hands and slowly, enjoying every movement, introduces his penis into your mouth. So that he does not overdo it, you can control him by holding the cock with your hand. And if you caress his "Jadeite Pearls" (testicles), he will cum, cum and ...
  • After sex - before sex What will be the final moment in the love game, so will the subsequent sex, Koka argued. The virtuoso of love recommended to beat the moment after sex in the form of foreplay: eat food rich in aphrodisiacs, read some erotic story or take a bath together. Koka knew: the man would immediately turn on and be ready for the second time!

Kamasutra (India)
Unknown Practices

The Indian school of love is the basis of all erotic movements. "Lines of passion" (kama: desire, lust, sutra: verse, line) - a collection of works by various authors on the topics of seduction, sex and marriage. Around the year 250, Mallanaga Vatsyan collected all the advice in one textbook. Due to inaccuracies in the translation from Sanskrit, some of the poses are reminiscent of Chinese circus acrobatic numbers. And yet, "Kama Sutra" - something more than a reference book of poses.

  • Scratch me! Run your nails eight times over his body - this will awaken the fire of desire in him and leave on the skin a "gift" of the night of love. Don't get carried away. Deep scratches are taboo, marks should be made by applying pressure to the skin. Grasp the tip of his tongue with your lips, and run your nails along his buttocks, back - and so on to the back of the head, only slightly pressing on the skin. Leave a moon-shaped mark on his chest (press with your thumbnail) - let this sign remind him of your passion.
  • Hit me! Only gently. Confident slaps with a handful or palm, back of hand or fist increase passion. Vatsyayana emphasizes: partners should know each other well. In most cases, posture helps with difficult choices. While you're sitting on it, it can pat you on the back, slap your butt or bottom of your chest. In the missionary position, you can hit his buttocks with your palm, and hit his hips or shoulders with your fist (hitting the energy lines stimulates his prostate)
  • Make me scream! There are some poses that are aimed exclusively at female pleasure, which humility will help achieve. For example, the “Worship” pose: you sit on your knees, squeezing your legs, lowering your head and resting your hands on the wall or headboard. He, standing behind, enters you with slow jerks, but not completely, but only with his head. And so on, until one of you capitulates!
  • Take me! The “Cow and Bull” pose is recommended for “indomitable women”: while you are kneeling in front of him, raising your pelvis, lowering your face to the sheet and squeezing your legs, he crouches and, spreading his legs, adjusts from behind. So it moves from top to bottom, not horizontally. Real virtuosos sit on a woman's buttocks, pressing her shoulders into the sheet - at this angle, the head of his penis hits clearly against the back of her clitoris! You will be turned on like never before, and additional stimulation and self-massage guarantee a unique orgasm.

Dao (China)
Pressure and numbers

Along with Confucianism and Buddhism, Taoism is China's most important religion. Unlike Western beliefs, in the Tao (The Way) sex is not a sin, but a source of life energy. Taoist love games are focused on maintaining a balance between male and female satisfaction, it is their harmony that gives rise to the erotic energy of Ching Shi. Deep breathing, acupressure and ninefold variation of one love technique realize all sexual desires:

  • Wake up the dragon "Hi Yuyin" has found its way into the American lexicon as the most important point on the human body. It is located between the testicles ("dragon pearls") and the anus, and under it is the sensitive prostate. Caressing, pressing (9 seconds!) or kissing with the tongue will impress you with a “hard” result.
  • hot hands Rub your palms together and take a deep breath before touching his "jade scepter" with your fingers - your warm hands will pleasantly arouse.
  • Peacock in the Jade Palace Give your partner a brush dipped in aromatic oil in your hand. This is a peacock that roams the garden of the Jade Palace - on your chest, thighs, popliteal cavities ... Its goal is to get to the palace itself (clitoris, labia and pubis).
  • return visit (a tassel on the penis) is called "a butterfly teases a scarlet bird."
  • Fast start Massage the base at the thumb of his hand, lick the transition area from the hand to the fingers (both on the back and on the inner surface), gently scratch his palm from the bottom up - such a massage affects the erection.
  • With the speed of a tiger This pose originated from the Taoist ritual of the Mysterious Lady: get on all fours, legs together, and he penetrates you from behind, putting his knee forward. In this position, his “jade hammer” touches the “black pearl” located in the vagina area - this is the same position in which the penis slides along the back of the clitoris. Stretching your hands between your legs, you can gently fiddle with his "treasure" or stroke his crotch with wet fingers, thereby stimulating the prostate.
  • All nines According to Taoist philosophy, nine positions should be used during sex - starting with the position in which the woman takes an active position. This is followed by a pose in which the male dominates. Then you again take the initiative in your own hands. The game ends with position #9, where you sit on top of him, and he arches so that his pubic bone touches your clitoris.

Chunga (Japan)
From the diaries of maiko and geisha

The task of geishas is to entertain the guests of Japanese courtesans. They set the man up for the upcoming love game. Sex is not included in their duties, nevertheless they are considered
ideal mistresses who bring lightness to sexual relations. Future geisha (maiko) learn this art from "shunga" ("spring books" with pornographic pictures) or from the diaries of their teachers. Here are some excerpts from these texts:

  • Geisha massage Spin, stroke, press from head to toe - in this sequence, the Japanese temptress touched the body of a man. If he is still tense, geisha proceed to erotic touching: first scratching (inner forearm, buttocks), and then pinching (nipples, thighs) and spanking
  • Voluptuous little shrubs So geisha call the method of curbing a partner with premature ejaculation. Take the head of his penis in your hand, play with it, moving it along the labia and clitoris. From time to time he can enter you. Use the "harikata" (dildo) that you have to keep in your vagina when you caress the clitoris with his head, and do this until you come.
  • extragenital orgasm Caress him with your vulva, fingers and mouth until he reaches the peak of pleasure. After that, continue caresses in a different position. Repeat this as often as you can - he will come, despite the fact that you do not move on to more decisive actions.
  • Venue “Three places attack” means, for example, that you simultaneously suck on his tongue or lower lip, with one hand you rub his nipples, and with the other you caress his crotch. He can "capture" "four places": moving in you, he stimulates your clitoris with his thumb, massages one of your nipples with the other hand, and caresses your tongue with the other. Initiate him into this martial art.
  • Euphoria You sit on it with your legs bent and clenched, and you rotate your pelvis and hips. All this bears the poetic name "tea stupa". It is good to blindfold your partner at the same time.
Joy magazine, May 2010