At what age can you give away German Shepherd puppies? Which kindergarten to choose: private or public

Do you like cats very much and decided to adopt a small kitten? Then, before doing this, ask when the breeder can give kittens without harming their health. Some believe that the sooner a kitten is taken away from its mother cat, the sooner it will get used to its owners. This is a big misconception.

There are certain skills that a cat must teach a kitten. The kid must learn to eat, use, monitor his hygiene on his own. In addition, the social adaptation of the kitten is very important. This means that he should be raised by his mother, not a man.

From the age of one and a half months, the cat begins to raise its cubs, which at first fight and play with sisters and brothers. Then it's time for the kitten to sort things out with her mother. And then the cat can, sometimes very harshly, in our opinion, stop the presumptuous child. In the process of upbringing, the cat sometimes bites the kitten's whiskers so that it is worse oriented in space. She can drive the baby away by hitting him with her paw, thereby indicating his place in the cat's hierarchy. This introduction of a kitten into society ends by about two months. And already at this time, you can give the kittens to a new home.

There is another reason why it is not worth giving up a kitten early - this is vaccination. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will vaccinate a purebred kitten, but thoroughbred babies need to be vaccinated in two months. By this age, they lose their innate immunity to various diseases, which they received with milk from a vaccinated mother. At eight weeks of age, the kitten is vaccinated, and at about twelve weeks of age, a re-vaccination is given. How long after vaccination can kittens be given away? At this time, the kitten's body is very vulnerable, and moving to a new home is a big stress for him. Therefore, within two weeks after the re-vaccination, the kitten should still live next to its mother.

How many months do kittens give away?

The minimum age for transferring a kitten to a new family is two months, but it is better if this is done after fifteen weeks, when the baby is already fully adapted to life without a mother. So, if you want to adopt a healthy kitten and not have problems with him in the future, it is up to you to decide at what age kittens are given or taken.

Future owners of fluffy creatures, having chosen their pet, often ask breeders a question: when can I take a kitten from a cat? On the one hand, I really want to quickly settle a mischievous cub in my house. On the other hand, they are concerned about the health and socialization of the future tenant. Experienced breeders are advised to responsibly approach this problem.

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Kitten life stages

To have an idea of ​​when it is possible to wean kittens from a cat, it is necessary to know the features of the physiological development and behavior of the cubs from birth to the moment of independent life of the young. There are the following periods:

Development periods Characteristic Photo
Newborn (from birth to 10 days) When born, the weight of babies ranges from 70 to 120 grams. This is the most defenseless period of life. Kittens are blind, hard of hearing, practically do not move. Only the sense of smell is well developed. Immunity is provided by mother's milk. They don’t go to the toilet on their own, they are licked by a caring cat. Newborns are very sensitive to temperature conditions, hypothermia is dangerous for their life and health.
Dairy (from 10 to 21 days) By this period, the kittens have grown stronger, their weight is approaching 400 grams. Babies have eyes that open, they are able to see, but they are poorly oriented in space. By the end of the third week, they begin to lean on all four limbs, the first teeth erupt. However, the main source of nutrition is breast milk.
Complementary feeding period (from 21 days to 1.5 months) Babies actively move within the nest. During this period, complementary foods begin with solid food, since milk no longer provides all the nutritional needs of the growing body. This stage is very responsible in terms of adaptation of the digestive system to solid food. Approximately at the age of one month, there are already 26 teeth. On their own, cubs can find a bowl of food. Many future owners mistakenly believe that this is the right time to take kittens from the cat. From the point of view of physiology, young animals at this age are already independent, well developed. But full socialization for an adequate existence in a new home, the right relationship with people and other animals has not yet been formed.
Stage of socialization (from 1.5 to 3 months) Many breeders rightly believe that this period is the best time to separate kittens from a cat. By the 2nd month of life, babies almost completely switch to solid food, all their teeth grow. The immunity built up by mother's milk by this period is weakening, so the young must be vaccinated. At the same time, the kittens are very active, they love games and communication, they are well oriented in space, they easily find a bowl of food. They begin to care for their fur, learn to use the tray
The period of formation of young animals (from 3 months and older) By this time, the animals have full immunity, a formed character. Toddlers received basic knowledge about the world from their mother, learned habits and survival skills.

Thus, the optimal age when kittens can be weaned from a cat is 2.5 - 3 months. During this period, the animal is fully socialized, the character traits of the future new resident are clearly manifested. By the age of 3 months, responsible breeders carry out the necessary course of deworming (treatment against worms) and vaccination according to the vaccination schedule. The animal is insured against dangerous infections, has a strong immunity to viral diseases.

The consequences of an early separation

Owners of future fluffy pets are often impatient and rush to take a small creature into the house immediately after the start of complementary foods, at the age of 1 - 1.5 months. Undoubtedly, kids are very interesting, touching, cause a lot of positive emotions. However, early weaning from the mother leads to negative health consequences and affects the behavior of the future adult animal. Among the unpleasant moments that owners often have to face when the kitten is not separated from the cat in time, the following should be noted:

  • Digestive problems. An undeveloped enzyme system still poorly digests solid food. Cubs deprived of mother's milk do not digest adult food well, they develop diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, which often leads to death.
  • Weak immunity. Mother's milk during this period, although it does not provide the growing body with nutrients, still contains a high level of protective substances. Untimely weaning leads to a weakened immune system, kittens become vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections.
  • Early weaning is accompanied by a strong stress response of the fragile organism. The connection between the cub and the mother at the age of 1 - 1.5 months is still very strong, and the animals have a hard time parting. Against the background of stress and a weak immune system, the risk of developing diseases increases.
  • Taking into the house a baby who has not passed the stage of socialization, the owners often face inappropriate behavior of the future pet. The kitten shows aggression towards the household, does not make contact, does not know how to play. An early weaned baby cannot get along with other animals, reacts incorrectly to dangers. An unpleasant moment for the owner may be the fact that the fluffy lump does not fawn, but attacks, tears up furniture and. This behavior is due to the fact that weaning occurred too early, and the cat did not have time to teach its offspring the rules of good manners and adequate behavior in society.

Experienced and responsible breeders advise future owners on what time it is possible to pick up a kitten from a cat, guided by knowledge of physiology and developmental characteristics. Most of them agree that the best age for weaning and starting an independent life in a new home is 2.5 - 3 months. By this moment, all body systems are fully developed, the animal has strong immunity, character traits and temperament are traced. The kitten is adapted to the environment, understands how to behave in the family and other animals.

Cat behavior after weaning

The period when the time has come to give away kittens from a cat is difficult and sometimes painful for both the baby and the caring mother. To minimize separation stress, knowledgeable breeders prepare pets for separation well in advance. Kittens begin to be left in a separate room from their mother, gradually reducing the time that animals spend together. As a rule, young animals quickly get used to such a situation, and if weaning occurs in a timely manner, then the babies adapt perfectly to the new environment.

This survey is relevant for responsible people who soon want to become owners of young animals and are afraid to make a mistake with the optimal age when they can be separated from their mothers. After all, it is mothers in the first weeks of life, along with antibodies, that give puppies their protection - maternal immunity, which is the basis of the health and normal adaptation of babies to life outside the womb. So, when is the best time to separate puppies from bitches and give the young to a permanent owner?

Age and independence of dogs

There are several aspects that you need to focus on when buying a puppy from a breeder, taking it from the owner. If we talk about the legal, then the rules of the Russian Kennel Federation say that breeding dogs receive their documents at the age of 45 days. This means that when the dog is 6 weeks old, you can come to the kennel and choose the one that you like, get documents for it. However, the physiological aspect of growing up puppies is different from the legal one. From the age of one month, a young pet can eat on its own, not depend on the mother in this regard. But it is better not to rush to give the puppy to the owner at the age of one month, because it is still too early. As with breastfeeding children, it is also better for puppies that this period lasts longer. Breeders and veterinarians recommend waiting until at least 8 weeks before weaning a dog from its mother. He needs to be given time to adapt to regular food, gradually reducing the feeding of mother's milk. Such a transition in nutrition will be more prudent. The puppy's stomach will take it easier.

And yet, taking the dog from his mother after 8 weeks, you will not violate his natural development and socialization. The puppy during its adaptation to life outside the mother's womb is protected by antibodies that come with the bitch's milk. These important substances for a young organism do not allow the dog to get sick, make it possible to grow up physically healthy: gain weight, strengthen muscles, develop hearing organs, eyes, and the gastrointestinal tract to function normally. That is why puppies should not be separated from their mother early.

About the socialization of puppies

The mother is also the main educator for them, because she shows an example of how to lick yourself, to lead with acquaintances and strangers who come to the house. Puppies imitate her at an early age, they copy the behavior of the mother in literally everything. This is the socialization of the puppy, his psychological maturity, which provides for the ability to communicate with his own kind, the owner and other people, eat independently, regulate the force of the bite.

Until the age of eight weeks, breeders from time to time take the babies in their arms, communicate with them, check their eyes, ears and teeth, the condition of the limbs, joints. Such actions give the young an invaluable experience of communicating with people. When the breeders take the puppies in their arms for the first time, they get a little scared and experience a kind of stress that helps to form immunity to emotional upheavals in the future.

If a young pet lives a period of socialization next to his mother, his adaptation to a new life with the owner will be much easier and faster. Such a puppy will grow up bold, healthy and active.

By the way, experts call the period of psychological adaptation and socialization of young animals up to 8 weeks imprinting. At this time, young pets develop an openness to the world around them and a perception of themselves.

When is the best time for owners to pick up puppies?

So, it is recommended to separate the baby from his mother after 8 weeks. But ideally, this should happen closer to 12 weeks. After all, by three months the young will already be vaccinated, the period of formation of immunity after vaccination will pass. And the dog will become more independent, curious, his activity will increase, the desire to learn about the world around him. This is very important for the owner, because it is difficult to raise a puppy who does not know how to eat yet, is unfamiliar with different types of food, which is fraught with digestive disorders, which means additional trouble for the owner. It is better to take a three-month-old puppy even if the owner is working, he is absent for at least 8 hours. At this age, the dog can be at home for a long time by himself, amusing himself with toys. In addition, he also sleeps a lot at this age period.

If we are talking about a breeding dog, then at the age of eight weeks, the properties of the exterior are still not fully formed. So it's hard to see the flaws. In order not to be mistaken, taking a puppy to a new home is still closer to 12 weeks old.

The question about the age at which to give the baby to kindergarten arises before all parents. Traditionally, adults have a certain view on this issue long before the baby is born. But reality constantly has a great influence on the intentions of all people. Therefore, often parents think about giving the baby to a nursery.

At what age can a child be sent to kindergarten according to the law? In accordance with the Law, nursery-type institutions are designed for children from 2 months to 3 years. Article 68 of the law establishes the right of a preschool institution and its founder to refuse admission to children when there are no free places in it. Naturally, it is quite difficult to find a nursery for infants, although, to our great joy, they are of little use. Progressive mom and dad will try to stay with the baby until 2.5 - 3 years old, and most experts recognize that this is actually the right age to start visiting a preschool.

There are parents who send their children to a nursery as early as 1.5 years old. The root causes are different: the need to return to the previous place of work and financially support the family at the right level, difficulties with the health of the mother, the rapid appearance of 2 babies. Although, in addition to impartial moments, personal, mostly psycho-emotional characteristics of the baby and his relationship with relatives play an important role. So, for example, with too serene parents, the child may be too energetic and sociable, and he will simply be bored at home.

Whatever the prerequisites for an early exit into the garden, it is necessary to prepare for too much, to take into account almost everything. It is especially worth paying attention to the fact that, so that the baby has good health, immunity. Almost all children, regardless of age, do not easily perceive the transition to new conditions and activities. Adaptation can last several months and be accompanied by whims, tears, and even hostility. In addition to all this, the extraneous microflora of new premises and narrow contact with other children are considered severe tests for immunity - and most likely you will need to stay with the baby for some more time, often suffering from viral "colds" diseases.

In addition, it is not a fact that there is a favorable garden near your home. A large part of kindergartens is designed for children from 2.5 or 3 years old, and you need to look for nurseries. The local education department (district) comes to the rescue - they are required to issue a referral to the appropriate institution.

Contrary to all difficulties, the presence in the children's team in almost all cases does not harm the child, including at the most sensitive age.

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In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 67 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, a child can be sent to school at the age of 6 years and 6 months. However, the extreme limit is 8 years. But, in the presence of certain deviations in the physical or psychological state. For example, if your child does not speak well, and he still needs to work with specialists. You take a special certificate from the medical center and write a statement to the local government that your child is not ready to start studying at a general education institution.

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At what age can a child legally go to school?

  1. The law provides that the age at which a child can go to school is 6 years and 6 months;
  2. A child may be admitted to school earlier if he or she is 6 years and 5 months old at the time of September 1st;
  3. If there are any medical contraindications, the child can go to school at the age of 8 years.
Thus, in our state, rather stringent requirements are established for the age of the child, regarding his admission to school. Many psychologists are sure that all mental processes in a child develop at the age of 7-8 years, so it is best not to rush to enter school. Other experts claim that a child from the age of six is ​​much easier to adapt to the school environment than children from the age of eight. In principle, you need to think for yourself whether it is worth sending your child to school at such a young age. If you decide that your child needs to grow up a little more, then you need to write an application that your child will start attending school, for example, in a year, or at the age of eight years.

Relationship between law and child development

The letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On the organization of education in the first grade of a four-year elementary school” determines that a general educational institution may refuse to admit children to parents if, at the time of September 1, the child is not 6 years and six months old. Many lawyers say that if your child is 6.5 years old, then you can go to school from October. After all, most often at this age, the child is asked to be picked up from kindergarten, since there are sorely not enough places for kids. Before you enroll in school, visit one or another educational institution and find out if your child can be accepted earlier than the specified date.

Another important aspect of admission to study at a general education institution is the passage of diagnostics of intellectual and psychological development. This test allows you to determine whether the child is ready to attend an educational institution. As a rule, this diagnosis comes down to the simplest questions that the child should answer without difficulty. If your child has not passed such a diagnosis, then no one has the right to expel you from kindergarten, since it is believed that the baby is not yet ready to study at school.

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