Hair is very dry and frizzy. Procedures in beauty salons. Honey hair mask to prevent frizz

Don't know what to do if your hair is frizzy? First of all, we advise you to forget about all kinds of styling devices: curling irons, curlers, irons and even a hair dryer. They gradually weaken our hair, make it brittle, naughty and fluffy. As a result, we can no longer live without a hair dryer and ironing, and the hair continues to suffer further. Break this vicious circle!

Avoid synthetics

Quite often, hair is fluffy in girls who love clothes made of synthetic fabrics. Synthetics contribute to the fact that the hair begins to electrify and fluff, do not obey at all and look, to put it mildly, not very good. Try to choose clothes made from natural fabrics to avoid the unpleasant dandelion effect.

Use conditioner

We tell you how to make your hair not frizzy. Every time after washing your hair, apply conditioner to slightly damp hair, retreating from the roots of approximately 7-10 centimeters. Leave the product on the curls for 3-4 minutes, so that the composition has time to act and close the hair scales. After that, rinse the conditioner with warm water.

Read also

Use oils

To prevent frizzy hair, use oils regularly. It is best to use them as masks before washing your hair. It is enough to hold them on your hair for about 30 minutes, then rinse, use shampoo and balm. Oils nourish our curls, lightly weight them, prevent cross-section and fluffiness. Burdock oil, almond, coconut or castor oil is perfect, and it is enough to use them twice a week.

Get rid of some beauty products

Firstly, you should not use shampoos that add volume - they dry out the hair and scalp. Secondly, give up the styling gel - it will only aggravate the situation. Also, avoid using clay and some hair dyes, such as pure henna, which also cause dryness.

Curly hair that fluffs and sticks out in different directions is a real nightmare for their owners. Instead of a smooth haircut, something incomprehensible is happening on the head. The fight against increased fluffiness requires a certain amount of time and patience. And only by experience, each girl is able to find the ideal remedy for her. But we will give you recommendations and useful tips for caring for curly hair.

Why does hair get frizzy?

Hair is made up of keratin, a protein. A protein is a series of amino acids that include, but are not limited to, hydrogen. Most often, hair is frizzy when there is moisture in the air. Then there is a large concentration of hydrogen compounds in the atmosphere, which react with the hydrogen in the hair. This is what makes them fluff.

How to care for curly hair?

There are several rules that owners of fluffy hair must follow:

  • After washing, do not dry your hair with a towel. This not only destroys the fine structure of the hair, but also causes them to become electrified. Instead of a towel, it is better to take a thick cotton fabric.
  • Do not sleep on a pillow with a silk pillowcase.
  • Dry your hair with a cold stream of air and not for very long, always from the base to the tips, so that the scales close. It is advisable to leave them damp so that they dry naturally. A diffuser should be used that prevents excessive scattering of them on the sides.

  • Trim split ends regularly, use oils for them.
  • Use special care products designed for unruly hair. You should choose those that contain silicone - it makes the curls heavier, does not allow them to curl much.
  • Apply moisturizing masks. Strongly frizzy hair, as a rule, is very dry, and therefore needs regular moisturizing. They are an excellent option. They will not only moisturize the hair, but also strengthen it, make it smoother and less brittle, and remove split ends.
  • Remember to use special styling products that make it easier to comb your hair and help you style it.
  • Choose a comb with natural bristles. It is this comb that will prevent damage to the hair during combing, smooth them and close the scales.
  • Don't drink alcohol as it will dry out your hair.

Proper daily care is the solution to the problem with curls. Use special shampoos, balms, conditioners and gels designed for unruly hair, regularly make moisturizing and nourishing masks, do not forget about special styling products.

It often happens that the cause of the problem lies in the wrong selection of cosmetic care products. Do not buy those that contain a lot of protein, and those that are designed for normal to oily hair.

If you follow all the above recommendations, then the results will not be long in coming. Your hair will become less frizzy, look better and healthier, and be easier to style.

What cosmetics should be used

Curly hair needs proper care, especially if it is very thin and constantly frizzy. They tend to break, split and fall out, and their styling causes a lot of inconvenience - the strands are extremely naughty. To put them in order and get rid of the problem will help cosmetics with the presence of silicones in the composition. Foams and gels are ideal for styling, but wax makes hair heavier and can cause hair to fall out.

It will be useful to apply a few drops of oil, such as almond or coconut oil. It contains useful micro and macro elements, has a nutritional and therapeutic effect. Instead of oil, you can use hand cream, which is great for strengthening the ends. It is an excellent remedy for frizzy hair - it moisturizes well, closes scales, and prevents electrification.

After washing, use conditioner without rinsing. It contains useful substances and envelops the hair with a thin layer that protects them from the harmful effects of external factors.

How to subdue curls and waves?

Curly hair is not easy to style, especially if it tends to frizz. Therefore, they require much more attention than direct ones. There are several rules for styling curls:

  • After washing, be sure to rinse your hair with cool water to close the scales.
  • Do not blow-dry your hair when the tips are dry. This makes them fluffy.
  • Dry curly curls with a diffuser nozzle and only with cold air. This should be done from the root to the ends to close the scales.
  • Use a conditioner - it will make your hair easier to style and make it more manageable.
  • Do not forget about cosmetic preparations containing "light" silicones - they prevent excessive curliness.

The way hair is styled is an individual matter. First of all, you must develop your own method of caring for them, guided by the basic principles, as well as choose cosmetic products that suit you best and turn out to be the most effective. It is important to protect the hair as it tends to be thin and very sensitive to external factors. Through trial and error, you will succeed in solving the problem of unruly curls, you can make them smooth and shiny.

Voluminous hair is, of course, good. But when you spent the whole morning with styling, and your hair is fluffy and sticks out in all directions and does not think to take on a more decent look, that is, something to be upset about. The problem is familiar to many of the fair sex and does not lose its relevance at all times. So what is the reason for such rebelliousness, hair fluffy - what to do? Let's figure it out.

Why hair is frizzy and what to do

Experts call one of the reasons for this condition of the hair - the loss of moisture and its improper circulation in the body of the hair. There are a number of other factors that negatively affect the structure of the hair.
Among them:
  1. Improper nutrition, overwork, lack of vitamins, including micro and macro elements
  2. The water balance in the body is disturbed, which happens from insufficient fluid intake per day - less than 1.5 liters
  3. Frequent exposure to hair with aggressive chemicals - perms, dyes, strong fixation varnishes, etc.)
  4. Exposure to hair with hot appliances - straightening iron, hair dryer, styler
  5. The habit of using plastic combs.
In addition, the hair is highly electrified and fluffy from wearing hats, especially from synthetics. In summer, curls suffer from aggressive ultraviolet radiation. To avoid the dandelion effect on your head, use purified water for washing - bottled or filtered. Wash your hair with a moisturizing shampoo and related products that contain silicone.

Attention! Silicones need to be used wisely. A lot of controversial information in various beauty sources about silicones. Some talk about their irreparable harm to the skin, that they accumulate and give only the visual effect of healthy silk hair, and under the film, in fact, depleted lifeless hair.

Others say the opposite, that the film is necessary to protect the hair from harmful environmental factors, to protect it from mechanical damage from the comb.

Still others write that it is necessary that silicones do not get on the scalp and do not form a film on it. A film on the hair itself is good and beautiful, but on the scalp it is harmful.

First of all, you decide. Of course, if you want a quick effect of smoothed hair, then silicones will help you. If you want really healthy, beautiful and not frizzy hair "from nature", then here you need to spend time on masks, preparing natural shampoos, limit yourself in something and make efforts to achieve the effect.

If you do use silicones, then to keep your hair from looking dirty, rinse it well after applying the silicone product. Next, let your hair dry naturally. Be sure to apply a little protective product before styling with a styler. It is recommended to use wax instead of varnish.

Swap out your comb for a natural bristle brush

You will be surprised, but drying, brittleness and general unsatisfactory condition of the hair is provoked not only by chemical or thermal damage. It is very important, especially if you have long hair, to use a comb with natural bristles. It costs more than regular combs, but it's worth it.

  1. Firstly, it is natural bristles that are designed to separate each hair, unraveling the curls without damage, breaking, tearing.

  2. Secondly, the brush removes static electricity from the hair, straightens the hair. The appearance of the hair is noticeably different, the hair looks well-groomed, shiny, even, smooth.
Of course, when choosing such a comb, pay attention to the reviews, as not all of them justify the declared qualities.
Brittle and dry hair that needs extra care is usually electrified. Use for these purposes special cosmetics that strengthen the hair structure and nourish the scalp. If professional products do not suit you for one reason or another, you can use homemade masks. They are recommended to be used at least 2 times a week.

Spray with burdock oil for the lazy

This tool is quite suitable for daily care. The effect is almost instant. In addition, this spray prevents hair loss, facilitates combing, strengthens hair roots, activates hair growth. It spreads easily through the hair. You don't need a lot of money, so it's very economical. Therefore, cook it quite a bit, for a week of use and store it in the refrigerator.

  1. What you need: a spray bottle, water and burdock oil.
  2. How to use: mix the components in a 1:1 ratio and apply evenly with a spray bottle to problem areas (shaking occasionally). Comb the curls with a comb or massage brush.
  3. Result: the oil nourishes and slightly weights the strands, smoothing them and preventing them from frizz.

Mask with egg and mayonnaise

Tired of constantly electrified hair? A mask with an egg and mayonnaise will perfectly cope with the problem! Mask for moisturizing and nourishing hair, if desired, you can add 3-5 drops of D-Panthenol (provitamin B5) to this mask, which restores damaged hair structure, smoothes its surface, nourishes and strengthens roots. Absorbed by hair better than other vitamins. Protects from harmful effects of moisture and wind. Panthenol penetrates the hair shaft, enveloping it with an elastic film inside and out. This promotes flexibility and elasticity "inside" the hair and adds shine to the "outside". Panthenol can thicken the hair body up to 10%. There is also evidence that it is able to repair damaged hair.

  1. What you need: 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise, 2 yolks, 1 tsp. linseed oil.
  2. How to use: Mix the components, warm them up a little in a water bath. Cool slightly and distribute evenly over the strands. Warm up your head. Leave for at least 30 minutes, ideally 2 hours. Rinse with shampoo.
  3. Result: smooth and elastic hair without the effect of fluffiness.
If you have oily scalp, this mask is not recommended.
We also recommend moisturizing hair masks.

lemon rinse

Do you want to get rid of constantly frizzy hair? Then after each wash, be sure to rinse them with water and lemon juice. It is even better if instead of water there is a herbal decoction. A decoction of nettle, hop cones, burdock root will help improve the condition of overdried strands. Chamomile decoction is ideal for fair hair.

  1. What you need: 500 ml of herbal decoction (water), juice of 1 lemon.
  2. How to use: Rinse hair after washing. You can apply a balm afterwards. The remedy is applied every other day.
  3. The result: shiny and manageable hair with a pleasant citrus scent.
We also recommend hair rinse.

aroma combing

Aroma combing is also great for frizzy hair. The components of essential oils improve their structure, stimulate their growth, activate the nutrition of the roots and help solve many problems of the hair and scalp.

  1. Aroma combing must be carried out on clean and dry hair. Do not forget to wash the comb after each use. Aroma combing sessions should be arranged 1-2 times a week.
  2. It is desirable to comb the hair itself, without affecting the scalp. This will save the regrown part of the hair from excessive greasiness.
  3. Be sure to choose an essential oil, the aroma of which is pleasant to you, since essential oil is, after all, a concentrated liquid and hair retains its aroma for a long time (4-6 hours minimum).
  4. How to comb? Apply 3-5 drops of oil to a comb, preferably a natural bristle brush (it will distribute the oil better through the hair) and simply brush your hair thoroughly. After the first time, the hair will become beautiful, elastic and fragrant. And in a month you will notice the active growth of new hairs. Aroma combing is one of the easiest remedies if you have frizzy hair. Bonuses: healthy shine of your hair, manageability, well-groomed appearance, pleasant aroma, fast growth, healthy hair ends.
To decide on the oil - we recommend the article? Before using a new essential oil, make sure you are not allergic to it. Do not forget about the sufficient intake of fluid in the body, eat a balanced diet. Include in the diet and intake of vitamin and mineral complexes. And, of course, take good care of your hair and be beautiful! We hope you now know what to do if your hair is frizzy.

Hair problems are different. Some girls are worried about the increased greasiness of the strands, others are not satisfied with the weak growth of hairs. It is not uncommon to hear complaints about frizzy hair.

What to do in this case? How to deal with an unpleasant phenomenon? Cosmetics, hairdressing treatments and homemade masks will help make your hair smooth and shiny. For you - the rules for caring for "naughty" hairs, recipes for folk remedies, advice from trichologists.


It is not difficult to notice the problem of "fluffy" hair. After washing the hair or drying it with a hairdryer, the curls cannot be laid, they get confused, stick out in different directions, look overdried, unhealthy.

Why does hair get frizzy? Why is the structure of the hair shafts disturbed? Provoking factors:

  • frequent blow-drying, application, or;
  • lack of good hair care (you rarely apply ready-made and homemade masks, do not rinse strands with herbal decoctions, use poor-quality shampoo);
  • combing wet curls, which violates the structure of the hairs (a novelty is suitable for this purpose - comb-brush);
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays while on the beach;
  • the use of a metal brush or comb;
  • strong friction of the strands with a towel during drying after washing;
  • insufficient fluid intake to actively saturate the skin with moisture;
  • vitamin deficiency, poor diet, lack of seafood, oils, nuts, cottage cheese in the menu;
  • constant washing of the hair upside down (you clean the strands against the growth of hairs).

General rules of treatment

What can I do to keep my hair from getting frizzy? How to get rid of the "dandelion effect"? Only an integrated approach will help restore health to curls.

There are several ways to restore a broken structure.

Gives a good effect:

  • proper hair care (suitable shampoos, balms, masks);
  • minimal use of hairdressing tools for hot styling;
  • regular use of rinse-off and leave-in cosmetics (fluids, elixirs, gels, lotions);
  • aroma combing with valuable oils (4-5 times a week) will saturate damaged, overdried strands with vitamins, soften, add shine. Along the way, the “dandelion effect” will disappear;
  • regular moisturizing of curls from the inside (enough liquid) and outside (using a special spray);
  • refusal to use metal and plastic combs;
  • combing completely dried strands;
  • cosmetic procedures to make strands smooth and shiny.

Note! Poor hair condition is a signal of malfunctions in the body. Visit a trichologist, clarify why the “dandelion effect” has arisen. Without the treatment of diseases of the internal organs, it is impossible to fully restore the health of the curls.

Detailed information about effective methods of treating “fluffiness” of hairs will help you choose the right scheme for improving your hair. Remember - only an integrated approach will help.

In this section you will find answers to questions related to the care of damaged hairs. Consider not only the type of hair, but also the condition of the scalp (excessive greasiness or dryness, irritation, pustules, no problems on the surface of the epidermis).

How to properly wash your hair:

  • do not think that this is a stupid question, and you will not learn anything new;
  • in addition to advice on buying high-quality shampoo and the recommendation to wash your hair with warm, not hot water, there is another secret;
  • if your hairs are “fluffy”, do not tilt your head during the procedure. Constant washing of curls against hair growth enhances the “dandelion effect”, tangles the strands even more. Wash your hair while taking a shower, directing the jet from above;
  • treat clean, damp strands with a moisturizing balm, rinse the curls after 3-5 minutes. The strands will become soft, will be easy to comb.

Important! Half an hour before washing your hair, apply a nourishing or moisturizing mask for overdried, weakened strands with a “dandelion effect”. Use masks from the Natura Siberica series with sea buckthorn. Avoid using volumizing shampoos.

How to dry strands:

  • use a hairdryer in exceptional cases (when you are in a hurry to work), set the minimum temperature;
  • gently blot the curls with a towel, do not rub hard;
  • with a strong “fluffiness” of the hairs, apply an indelible composition to wet curls, for example, a gentle fluid or Super Skinny Serium Serum from Paul Mitchell to moisturize the hairs;
  • refuse to comb wet strands;
  • remove the “turban” from the towel in time, while the strands are not completely dry. Air dry your hair;
  • wait 10 minutes after the curls have completely dried, only then comb the hair;
  • use a rare comb. The ideal option is a wooden comb with rare teeth. A soft brush made of natural bristles will protect the strands from static electricity.

How to do styling:

  • use an iron, curling iron or styler as little as possible;
  • perform styling with boomerang curlers that do not damage the structure of the hair shafts;
  • before using hairdressing appliances for hot styling, be sure to apply protective compounds to the strands: gels, mousses, foams, fluids for smoothness and shine;
  • use a round brush-brushing to achieve volume as soon as possible;
  • treat the styled strands with special products that add shine to dry hair. Suitable cream mousse, moisturizing elixir, gloss spray;
  • use the minimum amount of hairspray. The composition dries the hairs, breaks the structure when the fixing composition is removed from the strands.

Folk recipes for fluffy hair

Homemade hair masks so that they don’t fluff up are an excellent tool for healing hair, pacifying naughty strands. Carry out the procedures a couple of times a week. In combination with proper care, formulations based on natural ingredients will get rid of the "fluffiness" of the hair.

Oil mask

Make a mask in the evening (until morning) or wash the strands after 3-4 hours. After the procedure, rinse with chamomile decoction. (On the benefits of chamomile decoction, read the page).

Mask with burdock oil

You will need slightly warmed burdock oil - 3-4 tbsp. l. Rub the nutrient composition into the scalp, gently distribute over the curls. Put on an insulating cap. After an hour or two, wash your hair in the usual way. A decoction of nettle, hop cones, burdock root will help improve the condition of overdried strands.

Honey wrap

You will need sparse honey of any variety. Quantity - from 3 to 6 tablespoons, depending on the length and density of the strands. In the evening, slightly warm the valuable product, spread from roots to ends, wrap with cellophane and a terry towel. It is most convenient to apply a honey mask with a Tangle Teaser comb (for wet hair) or a comb with rare teeth.

The best effect will be if you keep the mixture on your hair for 7-8 hours. In the morning, rinse the curls with running water with shampoo, rinse with acidified water (per liter of warm water - a teaspoon of lemon or lime juice).

Avocado Hydrating Blend

Take a large fruit, prepare, mash. Add the crushed yolk, a tablespoon of burdock or sea buckthorn oil. Apply a moisturizing composition to all parts of the hair, treat the root zone well. Warming in the usual way will increase the activity of the components. (Egg masks are described; read the address about sea buckthorn oil).

The duration of the useful mask against the “fluffiness” of the hair is 40 minutes. After washing the curls, nourish the hair with a decoction of nettle or hop cones. Chamomile decoction is recommended for blondes to maintain a pleasant color of the strands. (Read articles about the benefits and use of nettle for hair).

Important! With the "dandelion effect", a strong tangle of strands, refuse to use homemade masks with henna and cosmetic clay. These natural remedies dry out the scalp and strands.

Proper nutrition and vitamins

Without a sufficient intake of nutrients, it is impossible to get rid of the "fluffiness" of the hairs. It is necessary to reanimate the structure of the hair shafts not only with compounds for external use.

Listen to the advice of trichologists:

  • be sure to include in the diet of marine oily fish, seafood, bran, wholemeal bread, cottage cheese, kefir, eggs, fresh herbs. You get a complex of vitamins from olive oil, fruits, vegetables, bee products, nuts;
  • to restore the quality of the hair, take dietary supplements with useful ones. The natural product is rich in B vitamins, indispensable for hair shafts. Many dietary supplements are enriched with minerals for hair growth and strengthening;
  • on the recommendation of a doctor, take one of the vitamin complexes - Revalid, Vitrum Beauty, Perfectil, Pantovigar. The condition of not only hair will improve, but also nails and scalp. (Read about Pantovigar; about Vitrum Beauty - page).

Salon procedures

Popular ways to straighten strands will help to give perfect smoothness, seal split ends, disheveled scales of hairs. During the procedure, to a greater or lesser extent, the structure of the hair shafts is restored, a protective “cocoon” is created around each hair.


  • the hair looks perfect;
  • hair is smooth, shiny, healthy;
  • curls are not confused, easy to comb;
  • depending on the method of processing, the effect lasts from a month to six months or more.

Popular procedures:

  • - sealing hairs with a vitamin-mineral complex. Surface treatment of each hair;
  • – creating a protective screen on the hair using a special complex based on exotic argan oil. The greatest therapeutic effect, deep penetration into the hair shafts;
  • - processing of hairs with a special glaze, which includes ceramides. One of the most popular types is silk glazing with a complex of natural ingredients.

Note! Procedures can be carried out in the salon or handle the strands yourself. Natural formulations prepared at home do not give such a lasting effect, but they nourish, moisturize the hairs more, and restore the destroyed cuticle. For procedures, cosmetic oils, eggs, gelatin, fruits, coconut milk are needed.

There are many ways to get rid of frizzy hair. Comprehensive hair care gives the greatest effect. Use ready-made cosmetic formulations and home remedies prepared by yourself. In case of severe damage to the strands, contact the salon for procedures that give perfect smoothness to the strands and, at the same time, restore health to weakened hairs. With proper care and treatment, you will certainly get rid of the “dandelion effect”.

How to make frizzy hair more manageable? The answer is in the next video:

Thanks to special hair cosmetics or folk methods, you can get a beautiful, smooth, healthy and shiny hairstyle.

We select cosmetics

If the hair is dry and fluffy, you first need to deal with the causes of this phenomenon. This can happen due to a genetic predisposition or certain health problems. There are other reasons why hair can be very frizzy, for example, this happens if they lack hydration and nutrition. In addition, if the air in the room is dry, then this can also cause fluffiness.

Appropriate cosmetic preparations are widely presented in various salons and stores. This kind of makeup may or may not wash off. Those products that do not need to be washed off are applied to clean hair, and then they are moistened during the day. Anti-frizz products provide active protection against ultraviolet rays and other external irritants. These drugs include:

  • gels;
  • different serums;
  • masks that do not wash off;
  • sprays.

Rinses include shampoos, conditioners, masks and conditioners. Care cosmetics are selected depending on the type of hair and the condition of the scalp. Experts advise avoiding products that give volume, because this will only cause more shaggy. In order to style curls, it is best to use preparations that smooth them and make them heavier. Jojoba oil is great for this problem. It is necessary to apply a few drops in the palm of your hand, and then run your hands through your hair. To improve the effect, this procedure is carried out every day.

If the hair is fluffy, then hairdressers recommend avoiding procedures that dry it out. It is better not to overdo it with coloring, curling and drying with a hot stream of air. It is important to remember that the selection of shampoo is carried out individually, depending on the type of scalp.

How salons can help

Very often, girls come to the salon and are interested in what to do if their hair is too fluffy. Stylists will be able to offer procedures that will be able to restore and tighten the structure of curls. As a result of such care, the scalp will become healthier and more elastic.

Keratin straightening is considered a popular method - this is the name of the procedure by which hair is straightened and restored. The difference between this method and others is that it will not lead to a change in the structure. The main component that is used to combat frizzy hair is liquid synthesized keratin. Technology of the procedure: first, thoroughly wash the head, then get rid of moisture and comb. After that, a straightening agent is applied - each hair is smeared from roots to tips. This process will take 15-20 minutes, and then the hair should be well dried with a hairdryer. Only after that it is necessary to work out each strand with an iron, the temperature should be 230 ° C. This is necessary so that liquid keratin penetrates into each hair. This will take another 15-20 minutes, and then the keratin residues are washed off, but only without using shampoo. At the end of the procedure, the curls are dried again.

The advantages of the presented product are that it is completely safe for health, keratin allows the hair to "breathe", and their appearance will be brilliant.

Another option for getting rid of fluffy hair is lamination. This procedure consists in applying a special product that will create a protective film on the hair, it will reliably protect them from external negative influences. The mask will strengthen the hair structure, make the curls obedient, shiny and get rid of such a problem as “dryness”. The procedure is carried out in this way: first, the master evaluates the condition of the hair, then rids them of impurities and proceeds to nutrition with hydration. Next, lamination is carried out directly - processing the strands with a special composition and filling all the strands with the agent. After all the manipulations, the head is kept under the cap for 20 minutes.

Help of folk remedies

An effective remedy for fluffiness can be prepared at home. Traditional preparations are distinguished by simple preparation and effectiveness. The honey mask is very popular; it is prepared from 3 tbsp. l. honey and 50 g of burdock oil. All components are mixed and heated in a steam bath, then applied to curls, put on a bath cap or insulated with a towel and left for 2-3 hours. Then the mask is washed off with warm water.

Another version of the mask is from eggs and mayonnaise, for its preparation you will need 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and the same amount of mayonnaise. All components are mixed to obtain a creamy consistency, it is applied to the strands and held for at least 20 minutes.

Excellent fluffiness and removes the mask of lemons. This will require 1 lemon and water, lemon juice is squeezed into a glass, and then ordinary water is added there. This remedy is used after washing the head and does not wash it off.

Perform at home and straightening gelatin. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. any hair balm, the same amount of gelatin and 3 tbsp. l. boiled water. Gelatin is stirred in water to get a uniform consistency, and then wait until the mass swells. At this time, they wash their hair, and then add gelatin to the mask, apply the mixture, cover with a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes. This procedure will give the curls a beautiful and healthy look, they become shiny and obedient.

Hair care rules

If you take good care of your curls, they will always be smooth and beautiful. The first thing to do is to give up brushes with metal teeth, it is better to give preference to wooden combs. Washed hair should not be rubbed with a towel, but only gently blotted, in addition, one should try to dry the curls without a hair dryer. It is necessary to pay attention to the headdress, it is better if it is made from natural materials.

If you monitor the condition of your hair, select high-quality care products, then they will not be problematic.